Danish Faraz | Internship Portfolio 2019-2020 | Measi Academy of Architecture

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Gl obal eT Ăźr me Mi nds capeS chool ofAdvancedS t udi es Mal di vesCul t ur al Ex change Vi kr am Rukmi ni Res i dence S hr i s ht i Of f i ceS t udi o S t udi oAas ar y T r avel Unr avel Rur al s Rur al s Ar t Wor ks& F r eel ance

Academi cS t udi oWor ks

Economi cal S ui t eL ayout

T ypi cal F l oorpl an

I nt er i orVi ew Oft heEconomi cS ui t e

T woPoi ntVi ew F r om t heMai nRoad

T ypi cal F l oorPL anA

T ypi cal F l oorPL anB

Ex pl odedI s omet r i cS howi ngs t r uct ur e,s ki n& r oof

T woPoi ntPer s pect i veVi ew F r om t heMai nRoad

Gr oundF l oorPl an( Ci vi l Bl ock)

Cr i t i cal 3Di mens i onal S ect i onS howi ngt heL ab& cl as sr ooms

F i r s tF l oorPl an( Ci vi l Bl ock)

S ect i onoft heCi vi l Bl ock

Hol i s t i cVi ew oft heCi vi l Bl ockS howi ngS emi -openS pacesAndS t ai r cas e

F i r s tF l oorPl an

Gr oundF l oorPl an

Ex pl odedI s omet r i c( F l oor& Roof )

3Di mens i onal S ect i ont hr oughCour t yar d& Audi t or i um

S ummerI nt er ns hi pWor ks

r avelUnr avel|DesignCompetetion(NationalLevel-Rank72) 08 T

Dani s hf ar az,S ar ahRaf r eci a& T i l akJ ai n

Dani s hf ar az,S ar ahRaf r eci a& T i l akJ ai n

al s-Sunndapur , Oos i mal ai |Introduction 09 Rur

I nt r oduct i onT oHous i ngT ypol ogy

al s-Sunndapur , Oos i mal ai |Constructiontechnology&Other 10Rur

r eeL anci ng&Ar tWor ks |Renders,Portraits&Classics 11F

Phys i cal Model s

L ogoDes i gni ng& Pos t erMaki ng

F r eeL anci ngRender s

S ect i ons

Por t r ai t s

HandS ket ches

Ar tS t udi oWor ks

F acadePr opos al

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