Jisc RSC Eastern Service Offer booklet

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Service Offer


Jisc Regional Support Centres (RSCs) work with more than 2,000 UK learning providers helping them to improve performance and efficiency through the use of technology. We provide advice and support, share good practice and facilitate collaboration to help solve your everyday challenges and achieve your strategic objectives. Whether your role is in management, learning or business support, don’t miss out on benefiting from our services. Find out more at www.jiscrsc.ac.uk. You can find out more about our service offer by watching interviews with our Eastern region providers. Just download the Aurasma Augmented Reality RSCEAuras app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play store; look for the logo pictured left. Once downloaded open the app, and point your smartphone or tablet device at any of the interviewees to watch them come alive. Double tap the video to make it go full screen. Alternatively, you can download a QR Code reader, and scan any of the QR Codes to watch the providers. You can also use the bit.ly links.

Focused clearly on the needs of its users, RSC Eastern is committed to providing core and complementary services to ensure that we can meet the emerging technology challenges across the education sector. Our events include: National,

regional and online

bit.ly/ rsceventsoffer

University Campus Suffolk’s Andy Ramsden explains how RSC Eastern and his institution have worked together to organise a series of popular events. Scan the image with your RSCEAuras AR app, scan the QR Code or use the bit.ly link.




RSC Eastern aim to schedule forums throughout the year for our supported providers: e-Learning Forum - The issues covered will include both those concerning e-learning staff development and the full ILT agenda. This forum facilitates networking, staff development and information exchange between members of our learning provider community who have an interest in improving learning through the use of technology. VLE Forum - Topics covered include platform development, course development and staff training, which will give an insight into future learning platform developments. Technical Managers Forum - The forum offers the opportunity for round table discussions and networking with other like-minded colleagues from around the region. Learning Resources Managers Forum - The subjects covered will include the latest developments in technology related to learning resources services.

Every forum provides opportunities to share and learn from the experiences of others.

bit.ly/ rsccommunity

Charlie Williams of Oaklands College discusses the importance of RSC Eastern’s wide selection of forums, which help bind together the educational community. Scan the image with your RSCEAuras AR app, scan the QR Code or use the bit.ly link.




RSCs work at a strategic level with those responsible for developing the use of technology in their organisations. RSCs equip managers to take informed decisions about how best to deploy technology in their organisations to improve learning, teaching and organisational effectiveness. We offer consultations that can assist:

Assessment Digital Literacy e-Safety Inclusion Learning Space Design Technology for Learning

Consultations are available face-to-face and online. RSCs provide strategic consultations on a number of topics relating to the use of technology in teaching and learning and organisational effectiveness.

bit.ly/ rscconsultations

Hilary Bond, formerly of West Herts College, discusses the impact that RSC Eastern’s consultation process has had on the college. Scan the image with your RSCEAuras AR app, scan the QR Code or use the bit.ly link.




As an integral aspect of Jisc, the UK’s expert on digital technologies for education and research, the RSC holds a unique position in signposting our clients to a wealth of information and resources. Jisc - is a registered charity and champions the use of digital technologies in UK education and research. Your RSC is part of the wide ranging advisory services arm of Jisc. Together we provide: • • • • • • •

Bespoke advice and guidance on planning, managing and using technologies; A wealth of online resources, tools and techniques; Seminars, workshops, discussion forums and training; Expert support for procurement, compliance, legal issues and staff development; Help with the creation and use of images, sound and video; The means to use technology to support accessibility and inclusion; Inspiration and support to harness innovative technology.

Partner Agencies - We work with partner agencies to obtain synergy between our services, producing an effective and efficient use of our resources.


Jamie Mortimer of Suffolk ACL provider, Realise Futures discusses the importance of the signposting role played by RSC Eastern. Scan the image with your RSCEAuras AR app, scan the QR Code or use the bit.ly link.


Provider Intelligence - Being based in the region means that we are well placed to acquire and disseminate regional current and future developments within our supported organisations.


You can view event and educational resources on our VLE, and the latest videos and podcasts on our Media Centre. We produce educational screencasts to full video case studies, exclusive podcast interviews to event presentations. We also offer a free subscription e-newsletter ‘e-Bytes’, which includes all of the latest news, events, resources and tools that can enable providers to stay up to date with the latest educational technologies. You can also subscribe to our RSS feeds and follow us on Twitter and Facebook. RSC Eastern VLE - For the latest event and educational resources. Media Centre - For video case studies, event presentations and screencasts. e-Bytes - Fortnightly e-bulletin full of news, events, resources and tools. e-Learning case studies - Showcasing best practice from the region. RSCEAuras Augmented Reality app - Bringing traditional print media to life with rich and immersive video and animation.

A wealth of resources are available from our website and our team of Advisors.


Broadland Council Training Services and staff from Peterborough Regional College explain how RSC Eastern’s wide range of resources have helped them. Scan the image with your RSCEAuras AR app, scan the QR Code or use the bit.ly link.



Support in your role

Support from the multi-disciplinary and friendly RSC team is only an email or phone call away. We are your first point of call for advice and guidance on the use of technologies in your organisation.

Jisc bid writing support - We offer a critical friend service to providers who are submitting Jisc bids. This does not guarantee success, but does offer objective advice and guidance. Brokerage - With our regional knowledge and contacts we facilitate putting colleagues in contact with each other. Equipment advice - Jisc RSC Eastern offers supported learning providers across the region advice and guidance on equipment for accessibility and mobile learning.

We receive a wide variety of support requests including strategic development, advice on purchasing technologies, and best practice in teaching and learning.


Hertford Regional College’s Sam Kennedy, Geoff Rebbeck from the Institute for Learning and Zip-E Consultancy’s Elaine Szpytma explain how RSC Eastern have supported them in their roles. Scan the image with your RSCEAuras AR app, scan the QR Code or use the bit.ly link

Support in your role

Support in your role

Staff development & training

The RSC Team are available to help you with your staff development strategy and implementation. To support this we provide a range of services for Managers, Staff Development Managers, Practitioners, Learning Technologists and any colleague who has an interest in improving e-learning skills. Brokerage - We advise on sources of independent and appropriate trainers or broker training on your behalf. Resources - RSC Eastern has access to a range of staff development resources, which they can advise you on. Teacher Training - Our team can advise on relevant e-learning resources covering essential skills and knowledge to support initial teacher training and continuing professional development. eSkills for e-Learning - eSkills provides a framework which can be adapted and updated to support teaching staff develop skills to enable them to use technology effectively for learning and teaching.

The adaptable eSkills for e-Learning resources are delivered by your organisation with initial support from the RSC.


Phil Ackroyd of City College Norwich discusses how staff development introduced by RSC Eastern has made a massive impact on his college. Scan the image with your RSCEAuras AR app, scan the QR Code or use the bit.ly link

Staff development & training

Staff development & training

Jisc Regional Support Centre Eastern, Anglia Ruskin University, IT Services, Bishop Hall Lane, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 1SQ 01245 684090 support@rsc-eastern.ac.uk www.jiscrsc.ac.uk/eastern

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