Indiana students lead the way into a new era of journalism
FORWARD what’s inside
on the cover Cover photo taken by Grady Farris of Plainfield High School and won the Harvey in division 2 for yearbook feature photography.
2009 Executive Board reports.... pgs. 3-10 Indiana Highlights... pgs. 11-23 Stuff to steal... 24-30
Indiana High School Press Association ADVISER BOARD
President: Carrie Wadycki, Lake Central HS, cwadycki@lakecentral.k12.in.us
President: Jessica Wray, Franklin HS, wray91@aol.com
President Elect: Chad Tuley, Scecina HS, catuley@gmail.com
Vice President Jon Ferguson, Floyd Central HS, jferguson@fcbagpiper.com
Vice President: Rachel McCarver, Columbus North HS, mccarverr@bcsc.k12.in.us
At Large: Carrie Gavit, Fishers HS, karebare910@hotmail.com Michael Majchrowicz, Lake Central HS, mmajchrowicz1993@gmail.com Macey Moreland, Greenwood Community HS, mamoreland@gmail.com
Secretary: Nicole Wilson, Carmel HS, nwilson@ccs.k12.in.us Past President: Sarah Verpooten, Lake Central HS, sverpoot@lakcentral.k12.in.us At Large: Robin Bilinski, NorthWood HS, rbiliksk@wanee.org Melissa Deavers, Portage HS, meldeavers@portage.k12.in.us Julie Elston, Crown Point HS, jelston@cps.k12.in.us Jim Lang, Floyd Central HS, jlang@nafcs.k12.in.us
IHSPA STAFF Diana Hadley, IHSPA Executive Director, dhadley@franklincollege.edu Dennis Cripe, IHSPA Adviser, dcripe@franklincollege.edu
MAGAZINE CORDINATOR Ryan Gunterman, Bloomington HS North, prgunter@mccsc.edu All IHSPA photos by Clark Hadley
Executive board members reflect upon a eventful term with IHSPA
DISCLOSURE Don’t wait to get involved Diana Hadley IHSPA Director
A group photo of the 1925 Indiana High School Press Association fall convention appears in a recently published book that celebrates the 175th anniversary of Franklin College. It is interesting to note that IHSPA was founded in 1922 by two college stu-dents who realized that journalistic projects were difficult, and it might be beneficial for publication staffs to get together to share their challenges and celebrate their successes. Much has changed in 87 years, but there are still challenges and successes and important reasons to stay connected as a group of schools and individuals with much to share. The elation we felt with the adoption of state journalism standards in 2007 seems like a long time ago as we work on new certification and Core 40 issues at the same time schools try to survive budget cuts and other academic changes. The good news for the 2009 version of IHSPA includes great support from media professionals and universities to provide a variety of workshops and special events throughout the year and the students and advisers
throughout Indiana who provide positive leadership for the organization as officers. Judges who evaluate Indiana high school publications with Hoosier Star critiques marvel at the many outstanding publications from one state, and an impressive number of staffs and individuals bring honor to the state through national competitions. As we look toward 2010, I hope students and advisers will explore the ways they can participate in IHSPA activities. In addition to the annual convention, last year’s events included the third First Amendment Symposium at the Indiana Statehouse and regional workshops at Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, Crown Point, and New Albany. In addition to those opportunities, schools are encouraged to suggest ideas for social events for advisers and students in an increased effort to create bonds between people who have similar interests and concerns.
Keep in touch with IHSPA Executive Director Diana Hadley Office... 317.738.8199 Cell... 317.341.4360 E-mail... dhadley@franklincollege.edu
On the Net Association Website... http://ihspa.franklincollege.edu Director’s Blog... http://dhadley.wordpress.com Facebook Page... http://www.facebook.com/IHSPA
Save the dates! Contest Deadlines Yearbook Hoosier Star... Nov. 15 Newspaper Hoosier Star... Jan. 21 Student Journalist of the Year... Feb. 15 Newspaper Harvey Awards... June 1
Association Events State Convention... Oct. 21 & 22 Franklin College First Amendment Symposium... March 2 Indiana Statehouse
Sarah Verpooten receives a hug from her Lake Central High School and IHSPA colleague Carrie Wadycki while speaking with Kande McKay of Madison Consolidated High School. Verpooten served as IHSPA president until October 2009 when Wadycki took over the role of leading the association’s executive board.
Don’t take it for granted Too many times I take this organization for granted. IHSPA seems to have always been there for me – when I was in high school, when I student taught, when I had 1st Amendment issues and even when I just needed someone to understand what I was going through. It’s a great testament to the steadfastness of this group of dedicated advisers. IHSPA has been in my career exactly what I needed it to be at all different stages. And now I think it’s time to start giving back. If I have learned anything in my tenure on the Executive Board, especially in this last year as president, it’s that we have to be a united force and draw in advisers that aren’t associated with IHSPA – both for our own sake and for theirs. We have fought battles for our kids and our programs and we will continue to fight them. How much stronger could we be if our fellow advisers at non-member schools were on our side? How much stronger could our programs be if we reached out to
them in an open exchange of ideas? It’s just not an option anymore to let advisers be an island in their school. They need to know that IHSPA exists and, more importantly, that we care about them and their students. When I think of how much IHSPA has affected my career and my students, I can’t imagine not wanting to share that with a new or struggling adviser. Can you? Partner with IHSPA this year. Mentor a new adviser or just invite someone out for coffee. The relationships and strength in numbers will be good for all of us. Don’t take what you’ve got to offer for granted. Don’t take IHSPA for granted. I definitely don’t anymore.
Sarah Verpooten Lake Central HS 2008-2009 President
Advisers, students make connections with IHSPA Carrie Wadycki Lake Central HS 2008-2009 President-Elect
Driving two and a half hours to and from Franklin with IHSPA President Sarah Verpooten five to six times a year is one of my favorite parts about this organization. It’s not enough that I work side by side with her every single day at Lake Central High School…I also have to spend extra Saturdays with her too. Working with the IHSPA board this year has been a lesson in connecting. Verpooten’s goals were to seek out Indiana schools that do not belong to this organization and to invite them to join. After plotting every high school in the state on a large map of Indiana, it was surprising to me how many schools are
missing from this supportive group. During the fall of 2008, I was contacted by a small charter school in Gary. The yearbook staff and advisers of the 21st Century Charter School invited us to their newsroom to see their progress on their very first yearbook. We shared teaching materials, explored cameras and talked about staff organization. It was a nice feeling to connect
with a school in need and to share our knowledge with a young staff. In the upcoming year I hope that IHSPA can continue their efforts to reach out and connect with those lost and young journalism programs. With the ever changing teaching license standards, I hope IHSPA will be there to help advisers gain certification and grow to build the best journalism programs for their students.
Journalism initiatives evolve Rachel McCarver Columbus North HS 2008-2009 Secretary
One focus of our association is to continue to spread the knowledge of the First Amendment. In addition to this convention, IHSPA also hosts a First Amendment Symposium at the Indiana State House each spring. Not only is the venue beautiful, the feeling of making a difference is too. The symposium is a great opportunity to get together with other high schools from around the state and compare ideas. While you are there, you’ll hear from some inspiring students, advisers, and special guests. Another focus of our association is coming up with new and inventive ideas to make advisers jobs easier. We provide regional workshops and also a wide network of experienced advisers if you ever need a helping hand. We can offer workshops about a variety of topics. My experience, thus far with IHSPA has been eyeopening. Seeing some of the unfortunate censorship of publications and other first amendment issues is what keeps me motivated to educate. This was my first year on the executive board and it
was a blast. I should have been intimidated joining as a second year teacher--but I couldn’t be. The rest of the board welcomed all the newbies with open arms and lots of insight. The term started off with a wonderful retreat in Indianapolis and the fun didn’t stop there. Throughout the year, we met at Franklin College and discussed any scholastic journalism news or problems from around Indiana. It’s interesting to hear about the small programs just starting out as well as the huge programs that have been around for decades. If you have any interest in joining IHSPA, do it. It is a great opportunity to get involved. If you have any suggestions or ideas, let us know.
Time on board was well spent Kande McKay Madison Cons. HS 2008-2009 Past President
It has been an amazing year to be on the IHSPA board. We continually are reaching out to high school journalism programs across the state while bringing some quality programs to our student journalists and teachers. We’ve had the opportunity to conduct regional workshops, help IPS schools create better experiences for their students, and be a model for the country with our First Amendment Symposium and other First Amendment initiatives. Not only that, I got to meet two of my personal journalism heroes, Mary Beth Tinker and Tom French. None of this could happen without the involvement of our high school journalism programs across the state. In an effort to be more inclusive, we’ve asked all member schools to reach out to a non-member school and encourage them to join IHSPA. Area schools can become their own support network, working with staff across school lines and collaborating on issues that face our student journalists today. With regional workshops, these schools can form tight journalism communities which can give our students the tools they need to be successful in their future endeavors, in and out of journalism. I encourage everyone to reach out to non-member and member schools alike in your area to form these learning communities. As I move off the board, I will miss seeing my fellow board members. However, the IHSPA is in great hands. We have motivated and confident leaders on this board who have amazing ideas to make this organization reach maximum potential. I look forward to seeing everything they accomplish this year. Good luck!
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Efforts show true dedication I served as an at-large member of the Indiana High School Press Association’s 20082009 executive board, and I’m looking forward to serving as secretary for 2009-2010. As a member of the board, I was excited to see the passion of Indiana high school students and advisers, and enjoyed working more closely with colleagues toward advancing scholastic journalism. Efforts of the year’s board included collaborating on methods to increase membership, discussing legal and ethical concerns Indiana advisers and students faced, promoting and implementing mini-workshops for publications staffs statewide and, of course, attempting to plan the best state convention yet. IHSPA also worked hard for the annual First Amendment Symposium, which brought together some of the state’s brightest and most dedicated student journalists. Mary Beth Tinker, a student rights advocate who is
well known to those involved with scholastic journalism, was the keynote speaker at this event, and IHSPA was honored to have her as our guest. Her experiences have impacted all students in the United States, and being able to hear them first-hand was a treat for everyonee. Beyond that, the event brought out state government leaders like Gov. Mitch Daniels, who spoke about the importance of celebrating our most important guarantee of freedom – the First Amendment. I encourage anyone who is not currently involved with IHSPA to get involved because the camaraderie and the dedication of those involved is a true inspiration.
Floyd Central HS 2008-2009 At-Large
I’ve been honored once again to serve as an atlarge member of the IHSPA board. My focus has continued to be reaching out to promote scholastic journalism and educate government officials about its value. Now that Indiana has adopted rigorous standards for journalism, much of our work has centered on using them to educate administrators, counselors, and government officials about journalism’s essential place in any curriculum. Additional academic credit for journalism and media classes continues to be a goal of mine. Now is the time, I believe, to build upon our work with the Indiana Department of Education to forge closer relationships with administrators and guidance counselors. Also, IHSPA should take pride in the continued success of the First Amendment Symposium and outreach programs. I was honored to be a part of both programs again this year. As always, I am grateful for the privilege of serving advisers, students, and the IHSPA in any way that I can. Thank you for another wonderful year.
Carmel HS 2008-2009 At-Large
Enjoying the work
Helping the cause Jim Lang
Nicole Wilson
Robin Bilinski NorthWood HS 2008-2009 At-Large
Taking my involvement with IHSPA to a new level has been both fun and rewarding. I’ve had the opportunity to work with a great group of advisers and student board members who are committed to reaching out to other advisers and staffs across Indiana in order to improve the quality of scholastic journalism. From the Duck Pin bowling at the retreat last winter to hearing Mary Beth Tinker speak at the First Amendment Symposium in the spring, from learning about challenges faced by student publications in our state to offering input on policies and practices of the board and determining actions to take with the state Board of Education, this year has been one that I have enjoyed. After all, the outlet mall is just a few minutes down the highway! Seriously, for those of you who fear that being more involved with IHSPA would be overwhelming, fear no more. Diana and the other board members make this process painless.
Student board meets its goals I enjoyed participating as the vice president on the adviser board this year. My main role was to work with the student board members, and they were phenomenal! They helped us revamp the First Amendment Symposium format to make it more student focused, and I think that was received well by all who attended. They each spoke and did a great job of facilitating the events. As a group, they represent the best of scholastic journalism in Indiana, and that was evident at the symposium. They also made some impressive changes to the student election format for the 2009 convention. The most important change was making sure a junior was elected to the vice president position to ensure we would have some carry-over in the following year. Jessica Wray returns this year with a new group of enthusiastic students, so I believe
they will only grow stronger as the year progresses. Last year’s group also laid the groundwork for a new and improved student website, which offers a lot of exciting possibilities. My hope is that this year’s group can take the ideas from the past year and make the dynamic student website they envisioned a reality. I also enjoyed leading the broadcast workshop at the convention again this year. Although the technology didn’t cooperate completely, we made due and still got the students who attended excited about improving their programs. Sarah Cornell spoke on behalf of
RTV 6 and showed some examples of how to use better transitions from one segment to the next in packages or in the overall show. This year, my goal is to plan out the hands-on technology part of the workshop with Franklin College’s technology people so I can ensure all will go smoothly. The members of the adviser board make every meeting entertaining and productive (in that order), and I know we are all committed to our jobs as advisers. I’ve really enjoyed my experience on the board and look forward to continuing the improvements we’re making.
Chad Tuley Scecina Memorial HS 2008-2009 Vice President
First year adventures give guidance for second term As a student board member and acting vice president, I was excited at the prospect of planning student activities and holding new student officer elections for this year’s fall convention. My first year on the student board was a mini-adventure. Being able to meet and work with high school journalists from other schools across Indiana was an amazing experience, and one I’m looking forward to repeating. Being a student board member provided me with the opportunity to sit in on discussions about changes in high school journalism curriculums, First Amendment problems and teacher licensing. It has given me opportunity to have another outlet for my voice to be heard. From the First Amendment Symposium to the fall convention, IHSPA is a leading figure for scholastic journalism support and innovation. I hope that for 09-10, the student board can be more active on the Internet, creating and designing a Web site specifically for students, and a way to stay in touch and connected to peers who have the same interest and passion for high school journalism.
Jessica Wray Franklin Comm. HS 2008-2009 Student Board Member
All students have a chance Aliya Mood 2009 High School Journalist of the Year
The editor in chief before me was amazing. Not only was she selected for the position as a junior, but she also wrote incredible, in-depth feature stories. She was also a record-breaking member of the swim team, had one of the highest GPA’s in the school and accepted to the Ivy League school of Columbia University. She was also runner up for Indiana High School Press Association’s Journalist of the Year competition. So a few weeks after I was given an application, my adviser mentioned something about applying. I said to him, “Do you even think I have a chance?” I spent the next couple of weeks preparing examples of my work for the portfolio, gathering my resume and writing a self-statement. These activities were great for two reasons. First, anyone who is planning on having any type of career needs this material and, especially journalists, can thrive with a complete, professional portfolio. Second, it was also a great way of calculating my progress as a journalist throughout the past few years. On the night of the First Amendment Symposium as I was listening to other student journalists talk about their work, one student talked about how he had spent a night in jail, been a vegetarian for a month, and had done many other things all for the sake of writing a column. I leaned over to a friend next to me and said, “And that’s why I’m not going to win, I’ve never been to jail.” But later in the night as IHSPA Executive Director Diana Hadley began describing the next High School Journalist of the Year, I noticed that they were reading my class standing, my GPA, my extracurriculars, and finally my name. Winning that award was totally unexpected and surprising, and it has opened a lot of doors for me as I have entered college. I encourage anyone who considers completing the application process to do so because even the most unsuspecting person, like me, has a chance.
Moments after being named Indiana’s journalist of the year, former Bloomington High School North student Aliya Mood (left) meets with freedom of speech activist Mary Beth Tinker at the 2009 First Amendment symposium in Indianapolis. Mood’s portfolio was submitted to the national competition where she was named one of the national runners up, earning a $2,000 scholarship.
Lawrence Central senior and 2010 Indiana High School Journalist of the Year Sean Jordan chats with 2010 First Amendment Symposium keynote speaker Nick Clooney.
2010 IHSPA Student Journalist of the Year Finalists (starting at left): Christina Kladis, Portage High School; Jordan Steiger, Portage High School; Andrew Perrin, North Central High School; Nick Clooney, First Amendment Symposium speaker; Dr. Tony Bennet, Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction; Robby Howard, Munster High School; Deanna Sheafer, Crown Point High School, and Sean Jordan, Lawrence Central High School. (Not shown: Michelle Hu, Carmel High School). All finalists were editors of at least one publication at their school. The average GPA of the group was 4.15. Indiana students who wish to apply for the 2011 award must submit completed portfolios to IHSPA before Feb. 15.
Students must value responsibility Student press is a powerful tool in public schools. One that I feel should be celebrated rather than restricted. I am fortunate to work in a district that holds the same beliefs. In fact our school board approved a policy supporting Jeffry Henderson Bloomington
2008 Co-Administrator of the Year
the Ideals of a Free Press for our student publications way back in 1978. Our corporation policy is based on the Journalistic Standards of the American Society of Newspaper Editors that contains a statement of principles which include: Responsibility, Freedom of the Press, Independence, Truth and Accuracy, Impartiality and Fair Play. These principles, coupled with the curriculum offered in Journalism classes create the perfect opportunity for teachable moments for our students. It also provides the foundation for preparation for life as a journalist after completion of high school. I am also fortunate to work with a Journalism Teacher like Mr. Ryan Gunterman, who takes these principles to heart and takes the responsibility of teaching them to his students very seriously. It is my firm belief that having a student press that adheres to these principles adds great value to our high school. Our students clearly understand the level of responsibility they have and work diligently to live up to these standards. As you all practice and hone your skills as journalists, I encourage you to accept this responsibility and adhere to the principles outlined by the American Society of Newspaper Editors in all of your work.
Bloomington HIgh School North Principal Jeffry Henderson addresses the crowd at the 2009 IHSPA First Amendment Symposium.
Lawrence North High School principal Steve Geoglein speaks at the 2008 IHSPA state convention after being named co-administrator of the year.
POWERFUL PRAISE Words of support from the school’s student journalists earned Munster High School Principal Stephen Tripenfeldas (right) the 2009 Administrator of the Year Award. “Many public school newspapers start out at a disadvantage just because of what the administration puts in place in terms of prior review and censorship. At Munster, we do not have this problem. Mr. Tripenfeldas lets us make our own decisions and allows us to publish whatever we want without questioning. He trusts our judgement.” -Robby Howard “I don’t think I could ask for a better principal to practice high school journalism under. Mr. Tripenfeldas’s hands-off approach and his willingness to talk makes him ideal.” -Gail Oesterle
YOUR principal could be the best...
so, recognize them for it!
The Indiana High School Press Association recognizes outstanding high school administrators who support scholastic journalism and the right for students to operate free of censorship and prior review.
HOW TO NOMINATE Send a cover letter with your name, nominee’s name and school, and why he or she is deserving of the award along with supporting materials to: Diana Hadley - IHSPA Shirk Hall - Franklin College 101 Branigin Blvd. Franklin, IN 46131
RFECT The 2009 IHSPA State Convention provided multiple opportunities for
Indiana student journalists to develop the skills needed for their high school publications - and beyond
Thursday night’s
Convention’s opening night featured contests and social activities that brought everyone together
2009 On-Site Contests Winners
Photo Portfolio Jeff Nottingham, Lake Central
Editorial Cartooning Emily Philips, Portage
Kelleigh Romba, Lake Central
Editorial Writing Robbie Howard, Munster Carrie Gavit, Fishers Eugene Hinderer, Floyd Central News Writing Patrick Schaefer, Portage Brooke Matthews, Fishers Heather Smith, Fishers
Danielle Giosioa, Lake Central Photo News Feat. Brooke Shoopman, Fishers Matt Crytzer, Lake Central Cesar Pulido, Lake Central Photo Sports Lauren Brewer, Fishers Megan Lynch, Lake Central Ariele Morris, Lake Central
Feature Writing Deirde Capriglione, Munster
Yearbook Cover/Endsheets Jessica Moore, Lake Central
Emily Watson, Columbus North,
Kristen Miller, Lincoln
Hannah Harper, Fishers
Emily DeMario, Lake Central
Sports Writing Hannah Troyer, Fishers
Yearbook Student Life Leah Beauchamp, Fishers
Kevin Sopoci, Fishers
Laura Hubrich, Floyd Central
Infographic Design Katie kutsko, Columbus North Jon Ferguson, Floyd Central Allie Mender, Lake Central Newspaper P1 Design Irina Miralda, Floyd Central Trisha Shanahan, Lake Central Newspaper Feat. Deisgn Emili Hetler, Columbus North Kelsey Green, Fishers Grace Calderone, Lake Central Photo Illustration Sarah Stedt, Lake Central
Nikki Prestel, Columbus North Ethics & Leadership Mike Majchrowicz, Lake Central Lauren Pennington, Columbus North Gail Oesterle, Munster Yearbook Theme Katey Burns, Fishers Elizabeth Richards, Lincoln Brittany King, Fishers Copy Editing Amanda Heinzman, Fishers Jenny Dieckmann, Columbus North Rebecca Kimberly, Lake Central
Festivities provideFUN for
FRIDAY Sessions, seminars, and a Pulitizer Prize winner giving the keynote made for a full second day on the Franklin College campus
Your 2009-2010 IHSPA Student Board: Jessica Wray, president, Franklin Community High School; Michael Majchrowicz, Lake Central High School; Carrie Gavit, Fishers High School; Macey Moreland, Greenwood High School and Jon Ferguson, vice president from Floyd Central High School.
Nothing but the
Students, advisers, adminsitrators, and friends all received a moment in the spotlight to be recognized for their tireless efforts
merit awards
Hoosier Star
Hoosier Star
Yearbook Division 1 Logue - NorthWood HS The Key - Hanover Central HS Division 2 Nikean - Bloomington HS North Tiger Tracks - Fishers HS Division 3 Magician - Muncie Central HS Pinnacle - Carmel HS
Newspaper Division 1 The Booster - Scottsburg HS Division 2 Fused - Bloomington HS North The Munsonian - Muncie Central HS Crier - Munster HS Division 3 HiLite - Carmel HS Cub Reporter - Lawrence Central HS North Star - Lawrence North HS
ALL 2009 HONOREES Yearbook Totem - Scottburg HS Paw Prints - LaCrosse HS Woodman - Greenwood HS Paragon - Munster HS Silhouettes - Plainfield HS Log - Columbus North HS Quiver - Lake Central HS Newspaper Paolite - Paoli HS The Bagpiper - Floyd Central HS The Journal - Southport HS Harbinger - Zionsville Community HS Inklings - Crown Point HS Mill Stream - Noblesville HS Owl - Warren Central HS
Go ahead, take it Every form you, and your
publication, will ever need
Deadline is Sept. 15!
IHSPA ADVISER/STUDENT OFFICER ADVISER/STUDENT OFFICER INFO INFORMATION Any member of the IHSPA may apply to serve as an officer on the Executive Board. The Board serves the membership through activities beneficial to scholastic journalism. The term of office is one year (fall convention to fall convention) with the membership voting on this year’s candidates during the Adviser Business Meeting on Oct. Oct. 23, 2010. 2009. 22, A nominating committee will A NOMINATING present a slate of officers at the fall convention based on applications received. If slated, members of the current Board move up to the next position while new officers round-out positions and responsibilities. Officers meet 4four to 8 times a year, usually at Shirk Hall on the Franklin College campus. Attendance is extremely important. TOTo BEbe ELIGIBLE eligible for a position on the Board, an adviser must teach journalism or be involved with student publications at an IHSPA member school. Each member school may nominate one candidate for the adviser board. There are two ways to serve as an officer on the adviser board: Officer Track: The officer track is a five-year commitment that begins with secretary and follows a line of suc-
cession that includes: Vice President of Student Activities, President -Elect, President, and Past President. At-Large: The At-Large position is a one-year term. The At-Large officers also attend board meetings and participate in IHSPA activities and projects. STUDENT WHO Students who wish to contribute to Indiana scholastic journalism are encouraged to apply to be officers of the student division of the IHSPA Executive Board. Student officers attend Board meetings, participate in program and convention planning, oversee student entertainment and conduct the student meeting during the convention. To be eligible, a student must be a member in good standing of a student publications staff at an IHSPA member school. Each member school may nominate one candidate. Students in grades 10-12 may run for the Board. Since a primary activity of the student officers is to help plan the next year’s convention, any senior who runs must make a commitment to be available and involved in the next year’s convention. TO ToAPPLY, apply, complete the student officer application form below and send it along with an adviser’s letter of
recommendation and a 100-word essay explaining your qualifications and reasons for seeking the position. The application deadline is Sept. 15, 15, 2009. 2010. Each publication and other school medium shall select one person to act as a voting delegate at the convention. These students will meet at the Student Business Meeting on Oct. 2009 to Oct. 23, 22, 2010 elect their officers. The student division will have five officers who may vote at IHSPA Executive Board meetings. TheFIVE five candidates receiving the THE most votes from the student association membership at the state convention in October will serve on the Board. The organization of officers on the student board will be at the discretion of the five-member board. Student officers must remain members in good standing of a publications staff at an IHSPA member school. They must attend at least 50 percent of the total meetings of the Executive Board and/or Student Board. New board members will be announced at the end of the business meeting. New board members will October 2010 serve terms from October 2009toto October 2010. October 2011.
IHSPA ADVISER/STUDENT OFFICER APPLICATION Available on the Web at: http://ihspa.franklincollege.edu/ Postmark Deadline: Sept. 15,2010 2009 Sept. 15,
q Adult Officer Applicatiion q Student Officer Application
School Phone
School Address
City, State, Zip
Home Address
City, State, Zip
Application Signature
Home Phone
Remember to explain your qualifications, goals and reasons for applying in an attached 100-word essay. Make sure to check the appropriate box above to indicate if you are running as an adviser or student. Advisers, please specify if you are running for the officer track or an at-large position. Remember, being an officer is a committment to the IHSPA. Send completed applications to: Diana Hadley Officer Application / IHSPA Shirk Hall / Franklin College 101 Branigin Boulevard Franklin, IN 46131
Questions? Call 1-800-852-0232 Or: 317-738-8199
REGISTRATION FORM Registration deadline is Sept. 15!
Postmark Deadline: September 25, 2009 STATE CONVENTION REGISTRATION Name of School Street Address City
Zip Code
First Time Attendee? YES
Adviser E-mail *NOTE, the $25 registration fee includes lunch Business Meeting (student participation) One delegate per publication staff. (example: 1 YB, 1 NP, 1 other): __________________________________________________________________________ pub ______________ __________________________________________________________________________ pub ______________ __________________________________________________________________________ pub ______________ Number of students attending convention
x $25 =
Number of advisers attending convention
x $25 =
We will be attending;
_____ Both days
x $40 after Oct. 9
$ $
_____ Friday only
Special guests (administrators) attending convention: Names of Students Attending (no cap, attach extra paper for additional names) _________________________
Convention Total =
OFFICE USE ONLY A check/P.O. must accompany this form. Check/P.O. # ________Date___________ Membership Exp. Date ______ Conduct and Adviser Responsibility Form Please keep in mind that IHSPA convention attendees will not be the only hotel guests. Remind students that they are representing their schools and the state association, and that they should behave accordingly. A midnight curfew will be in effect Thursday night and will be enforced by security. Advisers should remember they are responsible for their students at all times at the hotel and while on the convention site. They should not be left unsupervised after Thursday’s activities, and advisers should always know where their students are during convention-related activities. Excessive noise in all hotel areas, destruction of property, and other inappropriate behavior is not acceptable and can result in eviction. Students and their schools will be held accountable for damaged property. Remember, advisers must provide transportation for their own students the entire convention. IHSPA will provide no transportation. Drinking or possessing alcoholic beverages or the possession/use of illegal drugs is prohibited and will result in immediate dismissal from convention activities.
II accept fullresponsibility/liability responsibility for attending the Oct.22-23, 21-22, 2010 at hotel the hotel and during events on campus. accept full formy my students students while attending theconvention convention Oct. 2009 at the and during events on campus. Adviser Signature _____________________________________________________________________________ Date ________________________________
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JEA Membership Form Send this form to JEA now and qualify for lower member rates immediately!
❑ Teacher/Adviser $50
Deadline: paid before contest Send form and fee to: JEA Membership Kansas State University, 103 Kedzie Hall Manhattan, KS 66506-1505 Fax: 785-532-5563
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Adviser must be a JEA member for students to enter Write-off competition.
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NSPA Membership & Critique Form
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Junior High/Middle School Membership
NEW: Web Site Critique (add-on to Level Two)
Level Two: Membership + Critique
$69 __________
$99 __________
$59 __________
$80 __________
$189 __________
$109 __________
Jr Hi/Middle School Membership + Critique
$35 __________
Exp. Date
❏ American Express
Phone: 612-625-8335 Fax: 612-626-0720 E-mail: info@studentpress.org
❏ Mastercard
#_____ @ $.25 __________
$20 __________
#_____ @ $20 __________
Broadcast Membership
Card No.
❏ Visa
Total Enclosed
Additional Press ID Card(s)
❏ Send me 10 free press ID cards
Overseas Postage
Extra Award Certificates (w/critique only) #_____ @ $3
Wood Plaque(s) (w/critique only)
Supercritique (w/critique only)
Level One: NSPA Membership
Photocopy this form for your records. Use one form per publication membership. Print neatly.
❏ Newsmagazine
Office Fax
NSPA Membership ❏ Literary Magazine
Type of publication: ❏ Yearbook
Name of Publication/Program
❏ Newspaper
School Name
School Address
Office Phone
❏ Check enclosed
Publication Web Site URL
Staff/Adviser E-Mail Address
❏ P.O. enclosed
NSPA Membership 2221 University Ave SE; Suite 121 Minneapolis, MN 55414
Send forms and payment to:
NSPA won’t sell your name and contact info, but we will send you official communications about our events and programs.
Complete Applicable Information:
School type: ❏ Junior high, in grades ________ ❏ Senior high, in grades _____________ School enrollment __________________________ Number of students on staff __________ Frequency of publication/broadcast _______________________________________________
No. of students on staff: ______________ ❏ for credit, academic class ❏ noncredit, volunteer/extracurricular
________% Photography (not portraits)
________% Writing & Reporting
________% Cover/Endsheet (Mag, YB)
________% Art/Graphics
________% Editing
Month of delivery:
Publishing Company
Did the staff meet the final copy deadlines? ______
How many preliminary deadlines were met? ______
Select six issues of your newspaper/newsmagazine (three published before Jan. 31 and three published after Jan. 31). Do not include April Fool’s issues.
Newspaper/newsmagazine only:
If you publish more than once a year, you may select up to two issues of your magazine. Send the magazine(s) along with this form and payment. Magazines will not be returned.
Magazine only:
Send a copy of your book along with this entry form and payment. Yearbooks will not be returned. Failure to include any of this information will result in a loss of points.
Yearbook only:
________% Pre-press Production (desktop publishing/paste-up)
________% Layout/Design
Estimate percent of work done by students. This information will be used in determining the score for your publication. Failure to include any of this information will result in a loss of points. Attach a letter describing the concept/mission/theme of your publication (yearbooks/magazines only) and any special circumstances that will assist the judge in giving you a fair and helpful evaluation.
Student work record:
Check one:
About your staff:
Complete this section if you plan to submit a critique. Select “membership + critique” and any other critique options (supercritique, wood plaque or award certificates) in the Payment section above. Critiques are not available for broadcast programs. Web site critiques require a unique entry form, available at http://nspa.studentpress.org
Send both sections of this form to NSPA. Do not separate.
NSPA Publication Critique Service Form Name of Publication
Type of critique: ❏ Newspaper ❏ Newsmagazine ❏ Yearbook ❏ Magazine
School Name
School Address
Office Phone
Instructions for a critique service entry:
If you are paying for a membership plus critique before your critique entry is ready, please photocopy this form and send it with your publication when it is ready for evaluation. 2008-2009 critique entries must be received by Dec. 4, 2009. 2009-2010 critique entries must be received by Dec. 4, 2010. Use a carrier which provides a tracking number for your materials, such as UPS or Fed Ex, to send your entry to NSPA. If you would like your critique sent to an address other than the school, include that information with your entry. Please allow 10-12 weeks for an evaluation. A Supercritique (in which the judge writes comments directly on the publication as well as in the guidebook) is available for an additional $35—select it in the Payment section above. If you order this service, please submit two copies of your entry. NSPA reserves the right to reprint in NSPA publications and promotions, in print or online, any portion of publications entered in this critique service.