Newspaper Policies Editorial Leadership The editorial board is a deicison-making body for the Bloomington High School North North Star newspaper. Members of the board include the editor in chief(s), managing editor(s), and all section editors. The board meets the day after slash during the newspaper period to discuss the next issue’s content including its staff editorial. All board members are required to attend meetings and can be dismissed from his/her editorial positon on staff by a majority vote from the board if it is deemed the member in question is not fulfilling his/her duties. Members may also be dismissed from his/her position by the editor in chief(s) or staff adviser without the board’s approval. The editorial board will recommend a candidate to replace the vacant position, and the adviser must approve the replacement. All policy will be decided by the editorial board by a majority vote, and controversial issues facing the publication will be discussed and decided upon at these meetings. All publication staff members, school faculty and administration, and the publication’s adviser may attend and participate in meetings but do not have a deciding vote.
Staff Editorials A staff editorial will appear in every issue of the North Star newspaper. The editorial will be discussed and voted on by the publication’s editorial board. The editorial will take a position on a relevant subject reported on in that issue of the paper. An unsigned editorial will be written by one staff member on the editorial board and published in the issue’s opinion section. Those staff members not on the editorial board are encouraged to participate in the discussion of that issue’s editorial topics, and will be allowed to vote on the topic the editorial board discusses. A dissent with the author’s byline may be published below the staff’s editorial if deemed relevant by the editor in chief.
Letters to the Editor Because the North Star student newspaper serves the Bloomington High School North community as a limited public forum, letters to the editor are encouraged and will be published. However, all letters must be signed and the author’s identification must be verified. Letters must be free of libelous statements and may be edited for space considerations as well as grammar, spelling, and style.
Corrections If any member of the staff or a source discovers a major mistake in an issue of the paper, a correction noting the mistake and where it appeared will be printed in the previous issue.
Advertising Staff members will be required to attempt to sell advertising to fund the publication’s printing for every grading period. Rates will be determined on a yearly basis. Advertising must go through the same examination journalistic content does to be printed. Items that are illegal for those under 18 to use cannot be advertised.
Obituaries Should a student or staff member die during the school year, the newspaper will publish a small obituary. Information about the person and a small mug set to the publication’s style will be produced for the news section. Details about how the individual died will not be given in the obit but can be used for a separate news story if deemed newsworthy by the staff and is in line with the Publications Department’s Code of Ethics. The size of the obituary will remain consistent for all to remain respectful for all who may die.
Yearbook Policies Editorial Policy The Bloomington High School North Nikean yearbook is a student-produced, journalistic publication that serves as a limited public forum to the school community. The content, sales, and distribution of the book are determined only by student editors enrolled in the yearbook course. All content is produced with the sole purpose of accurately representing the issues and events that affected the Bloomington High School North community. The yearbook follows all journalistic principles set forth by the Bloomington High School North Publications Department’s Code of Ethics, and practices the right of free expression granted by the First Amendment of the Indiana State Constitution and the MCCSC Publications Policy. No material that is not protected by the First Amendment (libel, advocating illegal activity, etc.) will be printed in the publication.
Portraits All students and staff of Bloomington High School North must have their school portraits taken by the official school photographer to have a school pictured included in the album section of the yearbook. School ID photos are taken simultaneously and are provided free of charge to all who have his or her photo taken by the school photographer. Seniors must have their yearbook photos taken free of charge at a separate time and place during the summer as designated by the yearbook staff and the official school photographer. Due to the sheer number of students attending Bloomington High School North, portraits from outside photo companies cannot be accepted for publication in the yearbook. Students and staff will be given several opportunities to have pictures taken, and retaken, throughout the school year.
Book Sales The Bloomington High School North yearbook is sold to the school community and general public from August to April every year. There are three different tiers of pricing available. Book prices are determined by the staff. Those who purchase the book from registration forms receive an “early bird” discount. Books not purchased with the registration forms will be sold at the regular price until winter break. Those books purchased from school after winter break will be sold at a raised price until all extra copies are sold in the fall. Extra books sold upon their arrival in the fall are on a first-come, first-serve basis. Books are also sold by the printing company through mail, phone, and Internet with prices varying depending on additional features requested by the consumer.
Advertising Staff members will be required to attempt to sell advertising to fund the publication’s printing for every grading period.Rates will be determined on a yearly basis. Advertising must go through the same examination content does to be printed.Items that are illegal for those under 18 to use cannot be advertised.
Obituaries Should a student or staff member die during the school year, the yearbook will publish a small obituary. Information about the person and a small mug set to the publication’s style will be produced in the index or album sections. The size of the obituary will remain consistent for all to remain respectful for all who may die. Details about how the individual died will not be given in the obit, but spreads concerning the effect of the individual’s death can be created if deemed newsworthy by the staff and adheres to the Publications Department’s Code of Ethics.
source: Taking Issue: A Student Guide to Press Law (Jostens)