TV Production Profile Project You need to find someone in this building that has an interesting story, is willing to sit down with you for 10 questions, and doesn't mind being filmed while doing normal, everyday activities. The primary goal for this project is to incorporate candid footage with a filmed interview much like the one you conducted for the previous assignment. You will also be filming intros and exits for your content and editing it together with your group. Your candid footage of your subject must take place in at least two different settings. For example, if you're interviewing a football player, one situation where you could get candid footage would be your subject at lunch and the other would be at practice. Just make sure your subject isn't doing the exact same thing in both situations (like, say, sitting at a desk in two different classes) and is completely ignoring the camera. You should be following this schedule to complete the project: Today: Submit subject's name, why they're interesting, and 10 questions. Next Class: Go speak with your subject to schedule SPECIFIC times to film. Wednesday, Oct. 14: Have everything filmed and ready for upload. Tuesday, Oct. 20: Complete all editing and burn DVDs.