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Ryan Meashaw
Born and raised in Upstate NY, which has its fair share of history and bumps in the night, Ryan has been independently studying the paranormal and unexplained from a very early age. He sought out and devoured any books that delved into the more esoteric layers of life. From Pyramids to Poltergeists, Ryan has always sought to learn more about the unseen world around him. An avid genealogist and amateur historian, Ryan draws much spiritual inspiration from his Native American, Celtic, French Canadian and Scandinavian lineage. He considers himself a sensitive with Empathic and Clairvoyant/Clairsentient tendencies. A brief stint in Savannah, GA, one of the most haunted cities in the United States, led Ryan to pursue the paranormal on a level beyond that of a hobby. He worked with individuals from across various disciplines to build a fledgling paranormal group that investigated historic sites such as Fort Pulaski and Oatland Island. Since those humble beginnings he has been involved with numerous paranormal grou