The Paulist Fathers – Paulist Evangelization Ministries –
Copyright © 2013 Paulist Evangelization Ministries. All Rights Reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner. Scripture references are taken from the New American Bible, Revised Edition ©2011, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC. Used with permission. All Rights Reserved. Psalm references are taken from The Revised Grail Psalms Copyright © 2010, Conception Abbey/The Grail, admin. by GIA Publications, Inc., Used with permission. All rights reserved. The Revised Grail Psalms were confirmed by decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments on March 19, 2010 (Prot. N. 172/09/L). ISBN: 978-0-918951-14-4 Published by Paulist Evangelization Ministries 3031 Fourth Street, NE, Washington, DC 20017
aith is all about a personal encounter with Jesus, and the God he shows us. Prayer is an essential way to involve ourselves in this dialogue with God through Jesus. Prayer opens us up to the deeper dimensions of our human existence. We compiled this prayer book to help Catholics pray every day, in a regular fashion, so God may permeate their lives. We also published this so that Catholics could invite others to prayer as well—to get prayer books for others to help them relate to God! We’ve tried to make these available so that every Catholic can touch another’s heart through prayer. This Book of Catholic Prayer for Every Day offers four weeks—or one month—of daily prayer. Users can follow the Sunday-Saturday cycle which mirrors the wider fourweek cycle of prayer used in the Liturgy of the Hours. Or, alternatively, users can employ the simple numbers given for each day to line up with the day of the month. So this prayer book gives both twenty eight prayer days in the four week cycle, or, alternatively, thirty-one total days of prayer (a month might have less than thirty-one days, of course).
PREVIEW ONLY - COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL An environment of reflection is essential to the prayer experience. Those using this prayer should always pause for a while beforehand until the “heart quiets.” This opens us to God, and to a deeper dimension of our human existence. Prayer should always have this sense of deep openness to God. Individuals, several people in a group, and, most especially, families can use these prayers. Families should use these prayers in accord with the ages of children. As children grow older, they can appreciate God’s presence more, perhaps, than when they are toddlers or in younger grades. Even with toddlers, however, families should make efforts to include them in as much of the prayer as possible, especially the Sign of the Cross and the doxologies (e.g., the “Glory Be”). Users of this Book of Catholic Prayer for Every Day should adopt a flexible approach, freely adding any other prayer that seems suitable. Circumstances will dictate how much time one spends in silence, in meditation, in examination of one’s actions, etc. A group might recite the psalms alternating from side to side. The translation, from the Revised Grail Edition, will become more and more familiar to Catholics as they will regularly hear these words at Mass and other times. This means that disciples who pray regularly can begin to memorize the most frequently heard psalms, and pray them by heart in a variety of settings. Users of this prayer book should try to get as many others as possible to use it as well. Getting others to pray regularly is an excellent way to open them up to the power of faith in daily life today. It’s a way to spread the Good News of Jesus and involve others in Jesus’ Kingdom.
The Paulist Community, which brings you this book, works to share faith in an open, accepting, and ecumenical way in modern culture. What we each have received, we each have a responsibility to give in turn.
day of the month
Week 1
Morning Prayer Quiet. In silence recall God’s presence. Sign of the Cross Scripture: Amen. Blessing and glory, wisdom and thanksgiving,
honor, power, and might be to our God forever and ever. Amen. (Rev. 7:12)
Psalm 63:2-9 2 O God, you are my God;
at dawn I seek you; for you my soul is thirsting. For you my flesh is pining, like a dry, weary land without water.
6 My soul shall be filled
as with a banquet; with joyful lips, my mouth shall praise you.
7 When I remember you
upon my bed, I muse on you through the watches of the night.
3 I have come before you
in the sanctuary, to behold your strength and your glory.
4 Your loving mercy is
better than life; my lips will speak your praise.
5 I will bless you all my life;
8 For you have been my
strength; in the shadow of your wings I rejoice.
9 My soul clings fast to you;
in your name I will lift up my hands.
your right hand upholds me.
Intentions: Pray for the universal Church, the world, the intentions of our Holy Father, the sick, those recently departed, the growth of the faith, and other intentions in your heart.
Prayer: The Our Father, followed by one of the morning offerings, p. 67, or a spontaneous prayer.
Glory Be, p. 64. Midday The Angelus, p. 65. Meditation: How have I been attentive to the presence of God this day?
Prayer to the Holy Spirit, p. 65.
PREVIEW ONLY - COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL Evening Prayer Quiet. In silence recall God’s presence. Sign of the Cross Scripture: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ, the Father of compassion and God of all encouragement, who encourages us in our every affliction, so that we may be able to encourage those who are in any affliction with the encouragement with which we ourselves are encouraged by God. (2 Cor. 1:3-7)
Psalm 110:1-7 1 The LORD’s revelation to
my LORD: “Sit at my right hand, until I make your foes your footstool.”
2 The LORD will send
from Sion your scepter of power: rule in the midst of your foes.
3 With you is princely rule
on the day of your power. In holy splendor, from the womb before the dawn, I have begotten you.
5 The LORD, standing at
your right, shatters kings in the day of his wrath.
6 He brings a judgment
among the nations, and heaps the bodies high; he shatters heads throughout the wide earth.
7 He shall drink from the
stream by the wayside, and therefore he shall lift up his head.
4 The LORD has sworn an
oath he will not change: “You are a priest forever, in the line of Melchizedek.”
Intentions: Pray for the universal Church, the world, the
intentions of our Holy Father, the sick, those recently departed, the sustainability of our planet and environment, and other intentions in your heart.
Prayer: The Our Father, followed by one of the common prayers on pp. 64-76.
Night Prayer Review your day, reflect on any resolutions you wish to make for tomorrow, pray for those closest to you and those most in need, and recite the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and the Glory Be.
Hail Holy Queen, p. 66.
day of the month
Week 1
Morning Prayer Quiet. In silence recall God’s presence. Sign of the Cross Scripture: But you, brothers [and sisters], do not be remiss in
doing good. (2 Thes.3:13)
Psalm 1:1-6 1 Blessed indeed is the man
who follows not the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the path with sinners, nor abides in the company of scorners,
4 Not so are the wicked,
not so! For they, like winnowed chaff, shall be driven away by the wind.
5 When the wicked are
judged they shall not rise, nor shall sinners in the council of the just;
2 but whose delight is the
law of the LORD, and who ponders his law day and night.
6 for the LORD knows the
3 He is like a tree that is
planted beside the flowing waters, that yields its fruit in due season, and whose leaves shall never fade; and all that he does shall prosper.
way of the just, But the way of the wicked will perish.
Intentions: Pray for the universal Church, the world, the in-
tentions of our Holy Father, the sick, those recently departed, Christian unity, and other intentions in your heart.
Prayer: The Our Father, followed by one of the morning offerings, p. 67, or a spontaneous prayer.
Glory Be, p. 64. Midday Hail Mary, p. 64 – recite slowly one or more times Meditation: How have I been attentive to the needs of others this day?
Prayer to the Holy Spirit, p. 65.
PREVIEW ONLY - COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL Evening Prayer Quiet. In silence recall God’s presence. Sign of the Cross Scripture: [God the Father] delivered us from the power of
darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son. (Col. 1:13)
Psalm 16:8-11 8 I keep the LORD before
me always; with him at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
9 And so, my heart rejoices,
my soul is glad; even my flesh shall rest in hope.
10 For you will not abandon
my soul to hell, nor let your holy one see corruption.
11 You will show me the path
of life, the fullness of joy in your presence, at your right hand, bliss forever.
Intentions: Pray for the needs of the universal Church, for world peace, for the poor and homeless, for the sick and recently departed, catechists and religion teachers, Catholics returning to the practice of their faith. Add your own petitions.
Prayer: The Our Father, followed by one of the common prayers on pp. 64-76.
Night Prayer Review your day, reflect on any resolutions you wish to make for tomorrow, pray for those closest to you and those most in need, and recite the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and the Glory Be.
Hail Holy Queen, p. 66.
day of the month
Week 1
Morning Prayer Quiet. In silence recall God’s presence. Sign of the Cross Scripture: . . . [Y]ou know the time; it is the hour now for you to
awake from sleep. For our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed . . . (Rom. 13:11)
Psalm 34:2-9 2 I will bless the LORD
at all times; praise of him is always in my mouth.
3 In the LORD my soul shall
make its boast; the humble shall hear and be glad.
7 This lowly one called;
the LORD heard, and rescued him from all his distress.
8 The angel of the LORD
is encamped around those who fear him, to rescue them.
4 Glorify the LORD with me;
together let us praise his name.
9 Taste and see that
5 I sought the LORD, and
he answered me; from all my terrors he set me free.
the LORD is good. Blessed the man who seeks refuge in him.
6 Look toward him and
be radiant; let your faces not be abashed.
Intentions: Pray for the universal Church, the world, the in-
tentions of our Holy Father, the sick, those recently departed, bishops and pastors, and other intentions in your heart.
Prayer: The Our Father, followed by one of the morning offerings, p. 67, or a spontaneous prayer.
Glory Be, p. 64. Midday Sub Tuum, p. 68. Meditation: How can I become more prayerful in my everyday life?
Prayer to the Holy Spirit, p. 65.
PREVIEW ONLY - COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL Evening Prayer Quiet. In silence recall God’s presence. Sign of the Cross Scripture: See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God. Yet so we are. (1 John 3:1)
Psalm 34:16-23 16 The LORD turns his eyes
20 Many are the trials of the
17 The LORD turns his face
21 He will keep guard over all
to the just, and his ears are open to their cry.
against the wicked to destroy their remembrance from the earth.
18 When the just cry out,
the LORD hears, and rescues them in all their distress.
19 The LORD is close to
the brokenhearted; those whose spirit is crushed he will save.
just man, but from them all the LORD will rescue him. his bones; not one of his bones shall be broken.
22 Evil brings death to the
wicked; those who hate the just man are doomed.
23 The LORD ransoms the
souls of his servants. All who trust in him shall not be condemned.
Intentions: Pray for the needs of the universal Church, for
world peace, for the poor and homeless, for the sick and those who care for them, for the recently departed, for those seeking true faith. Add your own petitions.
Prayer: The Our Father, followed by one of the common prayers on pp. 64-76.
Night Prayer Review your day, reflect on any resolutions you wish to make for tomorrow, pray for those closest to you and those most in need, and recite the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and the Glory Be.
Hail Holy Queen, p. 66.
day of the month
Week 1
Morning Prayer Quiet. In silence recall God’s presence. Sign of the Cross Scripture: Give to the hungry some of your food, and to the
naked some of your clothing. Whatever you have left over, give away as alms; and do not let your eye begrudge the alms that you give. (Tob.4:15-16)
Psalm 9:2-9 2 I will praise you, LORD,
with all my heart; all your wonders I will confess.
3 I will rejoice in you and be
glad, and sing psalms to your name, O Most High.
4 See how my enemies turn
back, how they stumble and perish before you.
7 The foe is destroyed, eter-
nally ruined. You uprooted their cities; their memory has perished.
8 But the LORD sits enthroned
forever; he has set up his throne for judgment.
9 He will judge the world
5 You upheld the justice of my
with justice; he will govern the peoples with equity.
cause; you sat enthroned, an upright judge.
6 You have rebuked the
nations, destroyed the wicked; you have wiped out their name forever and ever.
Intentions: Pray for the universal Church, the world, the in-
tentions of our Holy Father, the sick, those recently departed, greater justice for the poor, and other intentions in your heart.
Prayer: The Our Father, followed by one of the morning offerings, p. 67, or a spontaneous prayer.
Glory Be, p. 64. Midday Hail Holy Queen, p. 66. Meditation: What is the virtue I need to develop most in my life?
Prayer to the Holy Spirit, p. 65. 8
PREVIEW ONLY - COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL Evening Prayer Quiet. In silence recall God’s presence. Sign of the Cross Scripture: Know this, my dear brothers: everyone should be
quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath, for the wrath of a man does not accomplish the righteousness of God. (James 1:19-20)
Psalm 19:2-7 2 The heavens declare
the glory of God, and the firmament proclaims the work of his hands.
3 Day unto day conveys
the message, and night unto night imparts the knowledge.
4 No speech, no word, whose
voice goes unheeded;
5 their sound goes forth
through all the earth, their message to the utmost bounds of the world.
6 There he has placed a tent
for the sun; it comes forth like a bridegroom coming from his tent, rejoices like a champion to run his course.
7 At one end of the heavens
is the rising of the sun; to its furthest end it runs its course. There is nothing concealed from its burning heat.
Intentions: Pray for the needs of the universal Church, for
world peace, for the poor and homeless, for the sick and recently departed. Add your own petitions.
Prayer: The Our Father, followed by one of the common prayers on pp. 64-76.
Night Prayer Review your day, reflect on any resolutions you wish to make for tomorrow, pray for those closest to you and those most in need, and recite the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and the Glory Be.
Hail Holy Queen, p. 66.
Common Prayers The Apostles’ Creed I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.
The Our Father Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed by thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
The Hail Mary
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Glory Be Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
PREVIEW ONLY - COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL The Angelus V. The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary. R. And she conceived of the Holy Spirit. [Recite the “Hail Mary.”] V. Behold the handmaid of the Lord. R. Be it done unto me according to thy word. [Recite the “Hail Mary.”] V. And the Word was made Flesh. R. And dwelt among us. [Recite the “Hail Mary.”] V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let Us Pray Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts, that we to whom the Incarnation of Christ Thy Son was made known by the message of an angel, may by His Passion and Cross be brought to the glory of His Resurrection. Through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Prayer to the Holy Spirit Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful. And enkindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And you shall renew the face of the earth.
Let Us Pray O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, instructed the hearts of your faithful, grant by that same Spirit we too may know what is right and always rejoice in his consolation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.