Parish Leadership Team Meeting to Plan for Year II Model Agenda Since each parish is unique, each parish will have a different experience of Year I of DM. The specific agenda for the meeting to plan for Year II will be determined by the parish experience of Year I. A model agenda is presented below. The PLTC can modify it as needed. 1. Welcome and overview of meeting 2. Opening prayer 3. Review the outcomes of Year I a) The meeting with the pastor and other parish leaders b) The Yearly Report for Year I c) The Parish Evangelizing Profile for Year I d) Using the Parish Evangelizing Profile to foster the parish’s evangelizing mission 4. Reflect on the evangelization experience in Year I a) What were the major accomplishments of DM in Year I? b) What were the major hurdles and challenges? c) What positive experiences can we reinforce in Year II? d) What do we need to do differently in order to overcome the challenges and obstacles of Year I and achieve more positive outcomes in Year II? e) What are the conclusions of our discussion? f ) What decisions can we make based on these conclusions? g) Who has the responsibility to implement the team’s decisions? 5. Prepare for Year II of DM a) What type of ongoing formation is needed for the Parish Leadership Team for Year II? (See page 60 for suggestions for ongoing formation, and number 8, Parish Leadership Team Formation, on page 186.) b) How will we conduct our DM pre-Lent and Lenten activities in Year II? (See Chapters 10-18, and the suggestions for Year II contained in numbers 10-18 on pages 186-188.) c) How will we conduct the DM activities during the Easter season and beyond in Year II? (See Chapters 19-22 and the suggestions for Year II contained in numbers 19 and 21 on pages 188-191.) d) How will the parish blend DM into the overall experience of parish life? (See pages 191-192.) 6. Prepare the calendar for Year II of DM a) Choose a date for meeting with the pastor and other parish leaders (see page 78).
b) Choose the dates for the Parish Leadership Team business and formation meetings (see page 12). c) Identify the dates for the Pre-Lenten Timeline (see page 83). d) Identify the dates for the Lenten Timeline (see page 84). e) Choose the date for the Parish Reflection Day (see page 133). 7. Other? (What other items are important for the agenda to plan for Year II of DM?) 8. Closing prayer