HR Partnerships, Inc Corporate Identity Guide

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This is our corporate identity guide.

HRPartnerships, Inc.

Cultivate The Soul As a human resources agency, we seek to find the best possible personel solution for businesses while stressing the care and consideration of the individual.

...but don’t display it like this. HRPartnerships, Inc.

HRPartnerships, Inc.



HRPartnerships, Inc.


HRPartnerships, Inc. Stretch/Condense



ersh Tilt



These are our colors. cmyk: 0,23,83,0 rgb: 255,199, 70 pantone: P 10-7 C

cmyk: 100,0,35,0 rgb: 0,170, 181 pantone: P 10-7 C

cmyk: 0,88,100,0 rgb: 239,70, 35 pantone: P 10-7 C

cmyk: 0,0,0,90 rgb: 65,64, 66 pantone: P 10-7 C cmyk: 8,8,15,0 rgb: 232,226,213 pantone: P 10-7 C

maize. Teal. Indian Orange. Charcoal. Plastocine.

This is our logo. It’s the flag we rally under. 20%

It can be displayed in just one way.


HRPartnerships, Inc. 1%


The logo must be spaced no less than one sixth of the length of the logo from any other graphic, image, type or page edge. 1/6–

HRPartnerships, Inc.

This is Avenir, our corporate typeface. Avenir Medium AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz

This is Helvetica Neue Light. We use it for large bodies of text. This is 12 pt font with kerning of 20 pts. Kerning is just a fancy way to refer to the space between letters.

Helvetica Neue Light AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz All type, including body copy is to be displayedno closer than one inch from the edge of the page.

This is how we use


When using images, be sure and use those depicting employees in action.

All together, it looks like this. HRPartnerships, Inc.

About Us


How we help

Hello! How can we help?

Here at HR Partnerships, we are dedicated to positively affecting yourwork place environment by providing you with the the people you need while also providing said people with a job that will enrich their lives and cultivate their souls.

HRPartnerships, Inc.

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