North Ogden Connection March 2023

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NO RTH OGDEN CONNECTION PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID Ogden UT 84404 PERMIT NO. 418 POSTAL CUSTOMER ECRWSS MARCH 2023 OFFICIAL CITY MAGAZINE NORTHOGDENCONNECTION.COM 2022 Winners! READERS' FAVORITE AWARDS SPECIAL SECTION The votes have been counted! See which businesses won the community favorites. Also in this issue: Best o’the Irish Recipes Done for you Dinner Menus

North Ogden is published monthly by Connection Publishing © | 801-624-9652


Ryan Spelts


Robert Dodd


Councilmember Phillip Swanson

Crystal Polson

Katie Gerard

Ann Park

Ryan Spelts

Kendal Rae Jensen

Cindy Jones

Sabrina Lee

Janee Stover

Melissa Spelts


Robert Dodd

Abigail Rigby

Crystal Rappleye

Hyrum Rappleye

Sarah Bodiker


Carolyn White

Savanna Clark

Nathaniel Loomis


News, contests, photos from readers and lots more! We love hearing from you!


Connection Publishing

If you'd like to advertise in our publications that reach over 10,000 homes in North Ogden, please contact Diane at 801-814-3040 or, for ad rates and to receive a media kit.

Disclaimer: The paid advertisements contained within the North Ogden Connection magazine are not endorsed or recommended by Connection Publishing or North Ogden City. Therefore, neither party may be held liable for the business practices of these companies. The city mentioned is also not responsible for any content in the magazines except for that which they directly submit for print.

Special Message from the City Council

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?

–Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Our lives are filled with competing strains and stresses. Work, children to chauffeur hither and yon, plays and sports events, religious commitments, personal time, dates with our significant others, and much more clamor for our attention and time. Life becomes exhaustingly “filled to the brim” causing our vision to narrow and our awareness to shrink.

The call of Dr. King’s question is readily answered as our vision widens and our awareness broadens in our own neighborhoods.

Neighborliness = Community

Neighborliness is an integral part of North Ogden’s history and is deeply ingrained in its culture. Good relationships with our neighbors bring many benefits to us as individuals, and to North Ogden as a community. It provides a sense of security and comfort knowing that there are people who are willing to help in times of need. It leads to new friendships and provides a sense of community, belonging, and strength. Sharing experiences, ideas, and resources with neighbors builds a stronger community spirit and a sense of unity.

As North Ogden continues to grow, the importance of unity – One North Ogden –also grows. As we strive to strengthen and focus on our individual neighborhoods, we will simultaneously lift the entire community. The unity of the past will permeate into our current times.

Spring is just around the corner. We’ll all be outside more and the opportunities to be neighborly will abound. Here are some ideas to help get the neighborly ball rolling:

• Look Up and Look Around: Make it a habit to be aware of your neighborhood when you’re outside. Lift your vision and you’ll see many opportunities to be neighborly.

• Learn the Names of Your Neighbors: four doors to the right and four doors to the left, on both sides of the street. Once you know those names, expand your reach.

• Be Friendly: say hello and have a small talk when you see your neighbors. A simple gesture of kindness can go a long way in building relationships. Make a point to reach out to neighbors who are not in your usual societal, religious, or social circles.

• Offer Help: if you see a neighbor in need, help them. Whether it’s helping them carry groceries, offering to pick up their mail when they are away, dragging their trash cans off the street, or shoveling their walk, small acts of kindness will break down barriers and build a sense of community.

• When You See a Neighbor: Smile, beep your horn, or wave.

Mark Twain once made the statement “Good exercise for the heart: Reach out and help your neighbor.”

Councilmember Phillip Swanson

+ FROM THE CITY COUNCIL March 2023 | 3
Good relationships with our neighbors bring many benefits to us as individuals, and to North Ogden as a community.

Abigail Rigby

Sarah Bodiker

Ann Park

Kendal Rae Jensen

Diane Liberator Sales Danielle Arana Sales

Hailey Minton Writer Abraham Tinklepaugh

Blankman Writer Cindy Jones

Kim Crook

Paul Photographer

Savana Clark

Nathaniel Loomis

Carolyn White

in this issue MARCH Learning the Skill of Organizing–Step One: Declutter! 5 CITY NEWS 10 COMMUNITY Weber CTC Calendar of Events Weber CTC Advocates for Prevention in Washington D.C 35 A LOOK BACK Hometown Staple–Kirt’s Drive-In 42 RECIPES Best o' the Irish Recipes 46 WHATTOEAT4DINNER.COM March Menu Calendar Special Advertisement Pages Brent Taylor Foundation Heiner's Insurance Goldbacks CONNECT ON SOCIAL MEDIA: @northogdenconnection CONTENTS Questions or Comments? Ryan Spelts / | 801-624-9652 Advertising: Diane Liberator / | 801-814-3040 Website: The Connection Publishing Team ON OUR COVER 16 Readers' Favorite Awards 2022 Winners! 42 Best o' the Irish Recipes 46 Ryan Spelts Publisher
Senior Magazine Designer
Graphic Design
Melissa Spelts
Robert Dodd
Hyrum Rappleye
Design Crystal Rappleye
& Operations Mgr.
Writer Kris
Media Mgr. Dawn
Proofreader 2022 Winners! READERS' FAVORITE AWARDS 4 | March 2023

City of North Ogden


• Representative Kyle, Representative Wilcox, and Senator Johnson updated the council on the hot topics being discussed during this year’s legislative session.

• A Budget Amendment Public Hearing was set for February 7, 2023, at 6 p.m. for the General, Enterprise, and RDA Funds.

• An Ordinance was passed approving the 2022 version of the North Ogden Public Works Standards and Drawings.

• An extension Agreement was approved for Family Promise.

• An Agreement was postponed with Pleasant View City for use of the North View Senior Center.

• A petition for Annexation of the property was accepted - located at 2117 North Washington Blvd.

• Presentation of Master Municipal Clerk (MMC) award to Susan Nance, City Recorder.

• An Ordinance was passed for proposed Budget Amendments for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for both North Ogden City and the Redevelopment Agency (RDA).

• Nissa Green was appointed as the newest member of the Planning Commission.

March Reminders

Public notice is hereby given

to inform residents of North Ogden City that there will be a municipal General Election on November 7, 2023, for the following offices:

Three (3) At-Large City Council positions (4-year term)

If a primary election is needed, it will be held on August 15, 2023.

The constitutional and statutory qualification requirements for municipal office are:

1. The person is a registered voter in the municipality.

2. The person will be at least 18 years old at the time of the next election.

3. The person is a legal resident of the municipality for 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the date of the election.

4. The person has not been convicted of a felony.

DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY SUBMISSION: JUNE 1- 7, 2023 (excluding Saturday and Sunday) 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Thursday and Friday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. in City Recorder's Office, 505 East 2600 North in North Ogden.

Emergency Preparedness

Come learn about Personal Health in an Emergency: Food, Water and Emergency Sanitation. March 30, 2023 @ 6:30 p.m. Presented by Stephanie Peterson at the USU Extension.

Flood Zones

Questions regarding flood zones should be directed to Public Works, at 801-782-7211. FEMA flood maps are available for your review at the city offices. We also have elevation certificates.

City Council Meetings

The mayor and council welcome your input and attendance at the council meetings held the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month, starting at 6 p.m.

Work sessions are held as needed on the first Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. Visit our website at meetings for changes.

Questions, Comments, Accolades?

For information, community, and city department contacts visit

$5500 Spring Bike Tune-Up R egularly $8000 Must have coupon for redemption. E xpires 4/30/2023 801-394-7700 834 Washington Blvd., Ogden March 2023 | 5 + CITY NEWS

Employee Spotlight

Joyce Pierson

Joyce joined North Ogden City as a Department Assistant in the front office in 2016 and quickly moved to our Recorder’s Office as a Deputy Recorder. She is an indispensable member of the city, making sure we are complying with state and federal laws by managing city records including Agreements, Ordinances, and Resolutions. She stays busy assisting our City Recorder by posting City Council and Planning Commission meeting agendas and minutes, completing GRAMA requests, helping with elections, and recording new subdivisions at the county office. Her responsibilities are critical in making sure the Recorder’s Office runs smoothly.

Joyce, along with Susan, our City Recorder, are a dynamic duo, who complement each other’s expertise and strengths and make for one organized, detailed, and structured department. Joyce is “proud of the way that Susan and I, as part-time workers, manage our schedules, talents, and time to run the City Recorder’s Office.”

When Joyce isn’t staying up to date with ever-changing rules and regulations, she loves to travel with her husband. Together, they have combined their hobby of running with their love of travel and have set a goal of running a half marathon in every state. Currently, they have accomplished this goal in 46 states! Way to go, Joyce! She’s a proud mom to four children, and an adoring grandma to ten grandchildren.

Joyce is one of the kindest people you’ll meet. She’s funny and cares about her co-workers. Her favorite thing about working for North Ogden City is the “great people I work with.” We couldn’t agree more, Joyce, you’re one of those GREAT people!

Let’s Connect! City Contact Information

Over the past several years, the city phone system has undergone several changes. The recent phone tree was set up to help residents get their needs taken care of by connecting all phone lines by calling any city number; but have you ever wondered if you were selecting the right option? To help answer that question, here is a quick cliff note version to help you navigate the phone tree like a pro. City Hall and Public Works Phone Numbers 801-782-7211 or 801-782-8111

Option 1: Police Department (see below)

Option 2: Xpressbillpay–City utility payments until 6 p.m.

Option 3: Public Works–Utility bill questions, trash collection, streets, right of way questions, and water concerns.

Option 4: Building & Planning–City Hall, voting questions, human resources, building permits/questions, planning, building inspection scheduling, the city recorder, and council meeting questions.

Option 5: General Questions

Police Department 801-782-7219

Option 1: Non-Emergency Dispatch–Register code. enforcement or animal control complaint

Option 2: Court–Court questions or ticket questions.

Option 3: Dog licensing, paying a fine, or following up on a previously reported complaint.

We’ve made it to another employee Spotlight Month—and a chance for us to express how grateful we are for your first-rate work!
Thank You for Your Support CELEBRATING 40 YEARS! 2606 N. Washington Blvd. 801-782-2034 Anniversary 6 | March 2023

Public Safety Building Communication Has Begun KeepingYou Posted

The backfilling on both sides of the foundation continues, the fight has been with the severe weather changes. The storm drain system including the underground stormtech (detention) systems has been installed between City Hall and the Public Safety Building. The process of providing the necessary conduits to tie the communications of the two buildings together has started.

March 2023 | 7

Your Donation Counts!

North Ogden City has recently launched a new and easier way for residents wishing to donate to current city projects to do so. Introducing, our new Square account!

Making a donation through Square is secure and will potentially help reduce a tax burden on residents in the city. Projects accepting donations will change as new ones are implemented, so don’t miss your opportunity to donate to a project near and dear to your heart while it’s available.

Currently, you will see the option to donate to pickleball courts, amphitheater technologies (i.e. sound and lighting equipment), a drone for our public safety department, park equipment, and the planting of new trees to keep our green and open space beautiful! Your donation, no matter the amount, will help North Ogden City by enhancing the efforts of projects we are already working to complete.

To donate, scan the QR code or visit


Key Community Contacts


Neal Berube: 801-686-0688,


Phillip Swanson: 801-940-2111,

Charlotte Ekstrom: 801-920-6987,

Blake Cevering: 801-549-8202,

Ryan Barker: 801-814-4306,

Jay D. Dalpias: 385-405-6061,


City Hall




Scott Hess:

City Recorder


Susan Nance:

Human Resources Manager


Katie Gerard-Nelson:

Building 801-737-9831

Bruce Higley:

Police Business 801-782-7219

Non-Emergency Dispatch 801-395-8221

Emergency 911

Chief Dirk Quinney:

Lieutenant Jeremy Hindes:

Public Works


David Espinoza:

Parks & Recreation


Becca Godfrey:

Justin Rasmussen:

City Manager/City Attorney


Jon Call:

Senior Center

801-782-6211: Zella Richards

326 Washington Blvd. Ogden, UT 801•399•2838 Selenite • Tote Bags • Key Chains 20% OFF Aura Quartz 10% OFF Dream Catchers • Windchimes • Bells BOGO ½ Off March Traditional Birthstone These deals are exclusive through March 2023 Some restrictions may apply. 20% OFF Thanks for voting us Weber County’s Favorite Jewelry Store! Reminder: Layaway Available March 2023 | 9


Students of the Month

A Bright Future Begins Here

Elisabeth Fife is the agriculture department's choice for student of the month. Libby has been taking agriculture classes and has been involved in the Weber FFA program since her sophomore year. Libby has taken every single AG class we offer at Weber High and has been a teacher's assistant for several others.

We are happy to have her and will miss her greatly when she graduates.

Evelyn Stephens

Evelyn is Student of the Month for February. Evelyn is such a delight to have in class. She is a student who has inner motivation and self-expectation. Not only does Evelyn have a passion for Chinese and learning, but also works hard. She comes to class, gets busy working on her assignments, participates in class, and follows instructions. She always gets her assignments done fast and with high quality.

On top of being a great student, Evelyn is a great person, she is friendly and kind, always willing to help others in need. We have no doubt she will be very successful in the future.

Daniela Ruiz

Daniela is described as “smart, kind, and artistic.” She is a hardworking student with fantastic attendance. Her favorite hobbies are drawing and writing. Her favorite classes in school are history and German. She loves history because it’s, “interesting and crazy to see what people did in the past,” and she loves German because it’s so fun to learn another language. She also says, “Just take German!” She looks up to all of her teachers because “they put up with so much stuff.”

Her future goals are to attend college and earn a degree in psychology so she can be a therapist and a researcher Congratulations, Daniela!

Adalyn Bailey

Adalyn is always willing to help in class. She is a natural caregiver with a heart full of empathy. She is also eager to learn, ask for help, and to help others. Adalyn is always very prompt and responsible with turning in her assignments and with great effort, she truly values her schoolwork and her hard efforts.   Adalyn models the leadership that Maria Montessori strived for in all students. She has a unique and kind leadership style that is extremely valuable within our community.

Adalyn Bailey is nominated as the March student of the month for being an outstanding student and person in the life whom all should have the pleasure to meet.


Thank You to our Students of the Month sponsors Students of the Month receive
in cash
10 | March 2023

Weber CTC Advocates for Prevention in Washington D.C

Members of Weber CTC went to the United States Capitol in Washington D.C. to advocate for our community prevention efforts. We had a great time speaking with Representative Blake Moore, and Senators Mike Lee and Mitt Romney. We had members from all throughout the TriCity area and from Ogden Valley join us for this trip and we were able to provide our collective perspectives on what challenges we are facing in our communities.

We focused our conversations on the importance of funding community-level efforts. When we can get funding to the local level (to a coalition like Weber CTC, a city/town, or a community-based organization), that can be used for preventive efforts, that’s when the magic of prevention truly takes place. We also took some time to thank our legislators for supporting the 988 number (the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline) and for supporting the Drug-Free Communities program. As a recipient of the Drug-Free Communities award, Weber CTC can have better prevention in our community. We also participated in wonderful and informative discussions on the circumstances youth are facing today as it relates to

substance use and mental health, and what we are trying to do about it as prevention coalitions in Utah.

We are very grateful for the amazing people we have represented in our community on both the state and the national level; they didn’t have to, but they all made time for prevention during this legislative session.

+ COMMUNITY To Learn more about what Weber CTC is up to, visit our website at or find us on social media
March 2023 | 11




All Elementary, Jr. High, and High Schools

Mar 10: No School

Mar 22: Early Out 12:15 p.m.


Mar 1: Region Jazz Band Festival Fremont 4 p.m.

Mar 2: Boys Basketball Semi Finals WSU (Time TBA)

Mar 3: Debate Competition 3 p.m.



Mon: Tai Chi 10:30 a.m.

Yoga for Families 4 p.m.

Tues: Youth Game Club 4 p.m.

Wed: STEAM Club 2 p.m.

Thurs: Discovery Time 10:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m.

Mar 2: Pokemon Club Grades 1-6 4 p.m.

Mar 6: Teen Scene

Dungeons & Dragons 7 p.m.

Mar 7: Adult Craft- Make a Lucky Gnome 7 p.m. Call to register

Mar 14: Celebrate Pie Day Learn to bake the perfect pie crust 6 p.m. Call to register

Mar 31: Boys Soccer 3:30 p.m.


Mar 2: Int/Advanced Band Festival

Mar 3: Girls Basketball TH Bell 3 p.m.

Mar 7: Girls Basketball Snowcrest 3 p.m.

Mar 9: Girls Basketball Roy Jr 3 p.m.

Girls Basketball 3 p.m.

Mar 15: Choir Concert 7 p.m.

Mar 17: Girls Basketball 3 p.m.

Mar 21: Girls Basketball Orion 3 p.m.

Mar 23: Baseball 3 p.m.

Mar 28: Baseball 3 p.m.

Mar 30: Baseball TH Bell 3 p.m.


Mar 2: District Band Festival

Roy High 8:30 a.m.–2 p.m.

Mar 3: Girls Basketball Sandridge 3 p.m.

Mar 7: District Orchestra Festival

Roy High 8:30 a.m.–2 p.m.

Girls Basketball 3 p.m.

Choir Concert 7 p.m.

Mar 8: Band Concert 7 p.m.

Girls Basketball 3 p.m.

Mar 13: Orchestra Concert 10 a.m.

Mar 14: District Choir Festival 8:30 a.m.

Girls Basketball TH Bell 3 p.m.

District Honor Choir 7 p.m.

All Library Events are FREE!

Mar 21: Book Discussion "The Midnight Library" by Matt Haig 7 p.m.

Mar 23: Adult Art Class – Painting

Landscapes 7 p.m. Call to register

Mar 27: Teen Scene – Make Miniature Garden Homes 7 p.m.

4: Boys Basketball Finals WSU (Time TBA)
7 a.m.
Softball Bonneville 3
Mar 6:
Training Choir Festival Layton 2 p.m.
8: Track Meet Farmington 2:30 p.m. Softball 3 p.m. Girls Golf Schneiter’s Bluff 12 p.m. Mar 11: Softball 2:30 p.m. Mar 14: Lacrosse Roy 3:30 p.m. Boys Soccer 3:30 p.m. Softball 3:30 p.m. Track Meet Syracuse 3:30 p.m. Mar 16: Girls Golf Remuda 12 p.m. Boys Lacrosse 3:30 p.m. Boys Tennis Clearfield 3:30 p.m. Girls Lacrosse Syracuse 3:30 p.m. Mar 17: Boys Soccer Clearfield 3:30 p.m. Softball Bear River 3:30 p.m. Mar 18: Prom Davis Conference Center 8 p.m. Mar 20: City - County Track Meet 3:30 p.m. Mar 21: Solo & Ensemble Fremont 2 p.m Boys Lacrosse 3:30 p.m. Boys Tennis 3:30 p.m. City/County Track Meet 3:30 p.m. Girls Lacrosse Fremont 3:30 p.m. Softball Clearfield 3:30 p.m. Mar 22: Baseball Layton 3:30 p.m. Boys Soccer Fremont 3:30 p.m. City-County Track Meet 3:30 p.m. Mar 23: Girls Golf Davis Park 11:30 a.m. Boys Tennis 3:30 p.m. City - County Track Meet 3:30 p.m. Softball 3:30 p.m. Mar 24: Baseball 3:30 p.m. City/County Track Meet 3:30 p.m. Softball Bingham 3:30 p.m. Mar 28: Boys Lacrosse Farmington 3:30 p.m. Boys Tennis 3:30 p.m. Girls Lacrosse 3:30 p.m. Softball Farmington 3:30 p.m. Mar 29: Boys Soccer Layton 3:30 p.m. Track Meet Weber 3:30 p.m. Mar 30: Girls Golf Glen Eagle 12 p.m. Boys
3:30 p.m. Girls
Layton 3:30 p.m. Boys
3:30 p.m. Softball 3:30 p.m.
475 E 2600 N • North Ogden • 801-337-2650
Mar 8:
Tennis Davis
North Branch
12 | March 2023

Mar 17: Girls Basketball Roy Jr 3 p.m.

Mar 21: Baseball Wahlquist 3 p.m.

Girls Basketball 3 p.m.

Mar 23–27: School Musical 7 p.m.

Baseball 3 p.m.

Mar 24: Girls Basketball 3 p.m.

Mar 25: Volleyball Tournament 9 a.m.

Mar 28: Baseball 3 p.m.

Mar 29: Girls Basketball 3:30 p.m.


Mar 24: No School

Mar 29 & 30: Early Out 1:45 p.m.



Mar 2: NOPD Drug Demo 5:30 p.m.

Mar 6: Haircuts ($5) 10:15 a.m.

Second Generation Band 11 a.m.

Mar 8: Weber County Tax Relief 11 a.m.

Mar 9: Bingo 5:30 p.m.

Mar 11: Gary Romer 7 p.m.

Mar 16: G. Dave Anderson 5:30 p.m.

Mar 23: J. Moffitt Ballet School 5:30 p.m.

March 30: Sing-A-Long 5:30 p.m.


Lunch is served 11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.

Monday Ceramics 8:30 a.m.

Beginner Line Dance 9 a.m.

Computer Class 1 p.m.

Tap Dance Class 2 p.m.


Billards 9 a.m. Art 9:30 a.m.

Intermediate Line Dancing 10 a.m.


Wood Carving/ Billards/ Bridge 9 a.m.

Intermediate Line Dancing 10 a.m.

Games (chess, pinochle, etc.) 12:30 p.m.

Beginners line dancing 1 p.m.

Tai Chi 2 p.m. Zumba 3:15 p.m.


Billards & Tap Dancing 1 p.m.


Ceramics 8:30 a.m.

Bridge 9 a.m.

Yoga 10 a.m.


Mar 3: First Friday Art Stroll

Historic 25th Street 6 p.m.

Mar 3–5: Hostler Model Railroad

Festival Ogden Union Station

Mar 6: David Park Peery’s Egyptian Theater 7:30 p.m. David Park and his quintet bring Tango, French Cabaret, Cinema, Rock and Classical music to the Egyptian Stage. FREE

Mar 8: Jazz at the Station

Union Station 7 p.m. FREE

Mar 11: Second Saturday Market – Get Your Green On The Monarch 12 p.m.

Mar 14: Utah Youth Rodeo Golden

Spike Event Center 4:30 p.m. FREE

Mar 24: Weber State Rodeo Golden

Spike Event Center 7 p.m. $6

Happy St. Patrick's Day

RESULTS HAPPEN WHEN YOU TAKE ACTION Personal Trainers In-Home or Virtual visits Call Holly @ 801-391-3704 SENDMEATRAINER.COM/NORTHOGDEN One HOur SeSSiOnS Starting at $59 1st session free Schedule Today March 2023 | 13
TIMELESSMEDSPA.COM | (801) 475-4300 | Weight Loss Have you tried to lose weight on your own? Come see us for help! Individualized weight loss plans Weekly body composition Medical provider visits Energy shots Meal planning One-on-one nutrition counseling & education WEIGHT LOSS INJECTIONS AVAILABLE! SEMAGLUTIDE 14 | March 2023

Saluting Our Service Members: Military Spotlight

Joshua Burnett

Joshua Burnett joined the Marine Reserves in February 2018. He went to boot camp in San Diego. “It was a hard experience,” Josh remembers. “But the best thing about it was the people and the relationships we made. Everyone there was young, and no one knew anyone else. When you’re all going through the same things, you get really close to everyone.”

After scoring well on the tests, Josh was able to choose any military occupational specialty that he wanted. He decided to become an air traffic controller and received his training in Pensacola, FL. “It was the coolest thing I did during my service. Where else would you get to work with the same kinds of aircraft and technology?”

Josh’s mom, Jennifer, is proud of her son’s service. “One of his greatest accomplishments was receiving an expert qualification on the rifle range, and he always enjoyed physical fitness, so he did really well on all the fitness tests. He was the one to reach out to other soldiers and make sure they didn’t sit around the barracks playing video games during their down time.” Josh enjoyed bringing people together. “Serving in the Marines, our duty stations were always near the ocean. We’d gather everyone and take a cab to the beach for the day, playing football and having fun together.” Asked if he could tell the rest of us one thing about his time in the Marines, he said,

When you first get in, it’s a difficult adjustment, boot camp is challenging and the marines go through Marine Combat Training as well. Some things seem really hard when you’re looking at them, but if you just put one foot in front of the other, you get through it. Then you can look back and say, “I did that."

“Serving in the military is one of the most selfless things you can do. You’re giving up everything you know in order to serve, and you do what they tell you to do. But there are benefits that make it worth it, especially for young men just starting out. I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do. But it helped me a lot to prepare for the next steps in my life. In the Marines, I did a lot of things that I wouldn’t have otherwise done, like hiking ten miles through the mountains with an 80lb pack and all my gear. The training gives you confidence. “Once a marine, always a marine.” And I feel like that’s true.”

Josh received an honorable discharge in Feb 2022, with the rank of Corporal. Thank you for your service.

HELP US HONOR A MILITARY MEMBER! Are you a military member in the North Ogden area? Do you know one? Submit nominations to be featured here at or SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENT
majorbrenttaylorfoundation FOLLOW US:
Marines on leave having fun at Pensacola Beach
March 2023 | 15


North Ogden 2022 Favorites RESULTS ISSUE

The voting results for your Connection Publishing Favorites Readers Poll 2022 are in!

This year is our biggest Favorites’ Poll yet! What a great year. More of you voted for your favorite places and business than ever before. We love this issue every year and are grateful for the support of the community and our amazing advertisers. The magazines wouldn’t be possible without them. Congratulations to all of the winners and runners up for the 2022 season. We hope you enjoy, as much as we do, reading about which businesses were your and your neighbor’s Favorites in 2022. Thanks to everyone who participated!

We hope you enjoy, as much as we do, reading about which businesses were your and your neighbors Favorite businesses in 2022. Thanks for all who participated.

The Favorites Winners!

Thank you for voting in our Readers’ Favorites Polls.


Kids Entertainment

#1 Treehouse Museum

NorthShore Aquatic Center

Family Fun Center

#1 Toad’s Fun Zone

Fat Cats

Rush Funplex


#1 Toad’s Fun Zone

Movie Theater

#1 Megaplex at the Junction

Cinemark Tinseltown-Newgate

Entertainment Venue

#1 Ziegfeld Theater

Peery’s Egyptian Theater

Weber High Theater

Fat Cats

Arcade Galactic



#1 Ogden Pioneer Days

Days of 47


Tire Store

#1 Big O Tires

Discount Tires

Jack's Tire

New Car Dealership

#1 Tony Divino

John Watson

Ken Garff Honda

Used Car Dealership

#1 Tony Divino


March 2023 | 17
Jaque Price AD The Favorites Winners! Thank you for voting in our Readers’ Favorites Polls. Jacque Price, Agent 801-627-0590 860 W Riverdale Rd, Suite A-1 Riverdale, Utah 84405 Providing Insurance and Financial Services Auto - Home - Life - & More UTC/ATV Dealer #1 Young Motorsports Trailer Dealer #1 Sierra RV Big Bubba’s Auto Repair Shop #1 Midas #1 Griff’s Garage Franks Auto A.B. Hadley Body Shop #1 Anderson Auto Body Dusenberry Auto Body Old School Body Shop Car Wash #1 Ultimate Express Quick Quack Quick Clean BEAUTY & FITNESS Nail Salon #1 Shine Beauty Nail Salon Artistic Hair and Nails Jumy’s Nails 18 | March 2023
The Favorites Winners! Thank you for voting in our Readers’ Favorites Polls. THANK YOU FOR VOTING US YOUR FAVORITE! 1871 W 5300 S Roy, UT 1136 W 2700 N Pleasant View, UT Limit one per customer. Discount cannot be combined with any other offer. Offer excludes any pre-packaged beverages sold in cans, bottles, or cartons. Valid only at 1871 W 5300 S, Roy, UT & 1136 W 2700 N, Pleasant View, UT locations. Expires 04/20/2023 FREE SMALL DRINK OR HALF OFF A MEDIUM/LARGE WITH THE PURCHASE OF A BREAKFAST SANDWICH Day Spa #1 Advanced Electrolysis Permanent Makeup Ogden Medical Spa/Weight Loss #1 Advanced Electrolysis Regeneration Massage #1 Ogden Massage #1 Healing House Hair Salon #1 Artistic Hair Salon Rox Gym/Personal Trainers #1 Vasa EOS Snap Fitness Tanning Salon #1 Sun Touched Sun Catchers Toes in the Sand BUSINESS & FINANCIAL Lawyer/Attorney #1 Kris Greenwood Real Estate Agent #1 Blake Cevering #1 Melinda Hortin Liz Sears March 2023 | 19
Melinda Hortin AD Real Estate Brokerage #1 Blake Cevering My Utah Agent Mortgage Broker/ Loan Officer #1 Fidelity First Funding - Cory Baggs Academy Mortgage–Logan Wood SWBC Mortgage–Jennifer Nollner Home/Auto Insurance #1 Sessions Insurance #1 State Farm - Jaque Price Farm Bureau–Tate Secrist Bank #1 Wells Fargo Bank of Utah Credit Union #1 America First Credit Union GoldenWest Credit Union Mountain America Credit Union Financial Planner #1 Edward Jones–Pleasant View Jon Hooiman Kirk Johnson Tax Advisor #1 Pack Tax My Tax Expert–Jennifer Brown H&R Block Health Insurance #1 Switch Insurance Melinda Hortin (801)645-5054 If you’re buying or selling a home, I’d love to help! Thanks for voting me North Ogden’s Favorite Real Estate Agent! Share this ad on your social media and tag me for a chance to WIN $50! 20 | March 2023

The Favorites Winners!

Thank you for voting in our Readers’ Favorites Polls.

Favorite New Business

#1 Shine Beauty

#1 Nana’s Sugar Shack

North Ogden Yogurt

Print Shop

#1 Quality Quick Print

Ogden Blue

Custom Framing

#1 Michael’s Four Sister’s Furniture

Photography Store

#1 Farr’s


Fabric Store

#1 JOANN Fabrics and Crafts

Bertha and Beulahs

Craft Store

#1 Hobby Lobby


Photographer #1 La Bella Sole–Shae Gines Patty Franklin Photography



#1 Lee’s Marketplace Mountain Donut

Coffee Shop

#1 Scooter’s Coffee Starbucks

Dutch Bros

Steak House

#1 Timbermine Texas Roadhouse

Mexican Food #1 Bella’s Javier’s

Local Glass Experts Since 1956 • Replacement Windows
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Healthwise Solutions AD IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR: 5582 SOUTH 1750 EAST, OGDEN HEALTHWIS E Thank you for voting me North Ogden's Favorite Holistic Health Practitioner! Schedule a FREE 15-minute consultation (209) 580-7557 Lori Nielsen Natural Health Specialist & Iridologist Answers to Unresolved Health Issues Natural Methods that are Safe, Drug-Free, and Non-Invasive
Thank you for voting in our Readers’ Favorites Polls. Taco #1 Taco Time Bella’s Taco Bell Pizza #1 Ogden Pizzeria Pizza Man Hamburger #1 Kirt’s Drive-in Burley Burger Fries #1 Kirt’s Drive-in Hug Hes Cafe Freddy’s Barbeque #1 Lost Texan Goodwood Appetizer #1 Chili’s 22 | March 2023
The Favorites Winners!
3689 S Washington Blvd South Ogden 801.392.9595 Thanks for voting us #1! Locally owned family business The Favorites Winners! Thank you for voting in our Readers’ Favorites Polls. Breakfast #1 Jeremiah’s Slop Shop Food Truck Moore’s Ramblin Roads Lunch #1 Hug Hes Cafe Chick-fil-A Dinner #1 Hug Hes Cafe Chili’s Dessert #1 Zeppe’s Italian Ice-Riverdale Cannery Creamery Ice Cream & Frozen Yogurt #1 Farr Better Ice Cream Riverdale Zeppe’s Italian Ice North Ogden Yogurt Company Chicken #1 Chick-fil-A Cane’s Chicken Order online! Dinners - Burgers - Salads - Sandwiches Thanks for voting us #1! March 2023 | 23

The Favorites Winners!

Thank you for voting in our Readers’ Favorites Polls.

Food Truck

#1 Riverdale Zeppe’s

Italian Ice

Slop Shop Food Truck

Italian #1 Olive Garden

La Ferrovia


#1 Rooster’s

Soda Shop

#1 The Pop Stop



#1 Ohana Sushi

Tona Sushi Bar


#1 Hug Hes Cafe Ogden Pizzeria


#1 Jamba Juice

Scooter’s Coffee


#1 Pizza Pie Cafe




#1 North Ogden

Smith’s Pharmacy

Lee’s Pharmacy



#1 Wasatch OBGYN

Scott Rynearson, Utah OB/GYN

Pobanz AD
Thanks for Voting Us Your Favorite Orthodontist!
Match Discount New Patient Special 801-627-0500 1508 Skyline Dr., Ste. 200, South Ogden 2717 US-89, Ste. 300, Pleasant View Schedule Your FREE Consultation Today 24 | March 2023

The Favorites Winners!

Thank you for voting in our Readers’ Favorites Polls.


#1 Dr. Jason Church

Marcus Buchanan–Farr West Pediatrics


#1 Intermountain-McKay Dee Ogden Regional Medical Ctr.


#1 Mountain Springs Dental North View Dental


#1 Pobanz Orthodontics

Dr. Allred Dr. Broadbent

Holistic Health Provider

#1 Lori Nielsen–Healthwise Solutions

My Mind and Body Collective

Shelly Jo Hypno Aminos

March 2023 | 25

Thank you

trusting us to be your provider of choice. We promise to continue working hard to exceed your expectations and provide the quality care your family deserves!

Almost Anything Ogden Clinic AD Health Store #1 Natural Grocers #1 Good Earth Healthy Me Physical Therapy #1 Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Chiropractic #1 North Ogden Chiropractic Favero Chiropractic Pain Management #1 Interventional Spine & Pain Management Utah Pain and Rehab Dermatologist #1 Dr. Lori Ramirez #1 Allen-Taintor Dermatology Northern Utah Dermatology Optometrist #1 Rockwood Optometry Dr. Humphreys Hearing #1 Hearing Improvement HOBBIES & LEISURE Golf Course #1 The Barn Golf Course El Monte Golf Course Mulligan Golf Course
Thank you for voting in our Readers’ Favorites Polls. Remodeling SERVICE AND QUALITY YOU CAN COUNT ON 801.686.4111 Roy, UT Thank You for Voting Us Your Favorite Remodeling and Painting company! #1 Pediatrician Dr. Jason Church #1 Dermatologist Dr. Lori Ramirez 1100 West 2700 North Pleasant View 801.475.3600 + Dermatology + Family Medicine + Pediatrics + Physical Therapy + Urgent Care
The Favorites Winners!
THANKS for voting us OGDEN CLINIC | MOUNTAIN VIEW Follow us! @OgdenClinic 26 | March 2023

The Favorites Winners!

Thank you for voting in our

#1 Fleet Feet Ogden Running Utah Running Shop
Tub/Jacuzzi Store #1 BullFrog Spas Leisure Pool & Spa
Studio #1 Jenny’s Jazz Dazzle
#1 Smith & Edwards X-Tek Firearms The Bike Shoppe Ski Resort #1 Snowbasin Powder Mountain Bike Shop #1 Skyline Cyclery HOME & GARDEN Appliance #1 Boyle’s RC Willey’s Furniture #1 RC Willey’s Sparrow’s HVAC #1 JBF Heating Master Home Services Smedley’s Electrician #1 Master Electrical Services Roofing #1 Rand’s Roofing Authority Roofing
Running Shoe Store
Favorites Polls. Q • Re-Roof • Tear-Offs • New Construction • Roof Repair • Stucco Repair • Gutters With coupon at time of service. Expires 6/30/2022 Complete Roof Replacement $750 OFF Licensed • Insured • Guaranteed Locally-Owned and Operated | 28 Years Experience | 801-782-1829 Gary Rands Owner March 2023 | 27

The Favorites Winners!

Thank you for voting in our Readers’ Favorites Polls.


#1 Briskey Plumbing Specialists

Bachman Plumbing

Wright’s Plumbing


#1 Lomond View Landscaping

Big League Lawn Care

Garden Center/Nursery

#1 Lomond View Nursery

J&J Nursery

Tree Pruning

#1 Nye’s Tree Services

Pest Control

#1 Hawx Pest Control

All Seasons Pest Control

Hardware Store

#1 Ace Hardware


Carpet and Flooring

#1 Janz Designs

RnR Flooring and Design

Locksmith #1 A1 Key & Security

Dee’s Keys

Window Replacement

#1 Moyes Glass

Valley Glass

Door Replacement

#1 Moyes Glass

Wheelwright Lumber

Remodeling Service

#1 Janz Designs

Almost Anything Remodeling

Painter #1 Almost Anything Remodeling

T hank y o u, North Ogden, for your suppor t ! Achieve your dreams. 28 | March 2023

The Favorites Winners!

Thank you for voting in our Readers’ Favorites Polls.


#1 Janz Designs

Bedrock Quartz

Garage Door Repair

#1 A Plus Northern Utah Doors

Christmas Lights

#1 Bright Lights


Charter Private Elementary

#1 Maria Montessory

Charter Private High School

#1 Venture Academy



#1 Weber State University

Utah State University

Continued Education Trade

#1 Ogden/Weber

Technical College

Davis Technical College


#1 Smarty Pants Preschool

#1 Tractors and Tiaras

Favorite Employer

#1 Shawn MaynardBullFrog Spas

Felice Gant–Shine Beauty



#1 Mandy’s Pet Chalet

#1 Poochie Paws

#1 Pet Pit Stop

Pet Store

#1 Petco



Grocery Store

#1 Smith’s Marketplace

Lee’s Marketplace

Butcher Shop

#1 Don’s Meats

Maria Montessori
Thank You for Voting us #1 March 2023 | 29

The Favorites Winners!

Thank you for voting in our Readers’ Favorites Polls.

Jewelry Store

#1 Farr’s Jewelry

The Diamond Room

Fred Meyer Jewelry

Morgan Jewelers


#1 Bella Me Boutique

My Happy Viking

Real Deals Farr West

Mattress Store

#1 Neway Mattress

RC Willey’s

Floral Shop

#1 Jimmy’s Flowers

Jensen Floral

Lee’s Marketplace

Online Shopping

#1 Smith’s Marketplace


Feed Store

#1 IFA Cal Ranch

Tack Store

#1 Cal Ranch Smith & Edwards

Western Clothing #1 Smith & Edwards

Livestock Equipment

#1 IFA Cal Ranch

Implement Dealer #1 Sunset Kubota

Leather Shop

#1 Tandy Leather



#1 Myer’s Mortuary

Lindquist Mortuary

Since 1941, our group of compassionate, serviceminded professionals have been guiding and supporting families through the experience of arranging a funeral or cremation. Whether you are planning for a loved one’s services or pre-planning your own, the funeral directors at Myers can help you create a unique, meaningful tribute that ensures a lasting legacy.

At Myers Mortuary & Cremation Services, we view every family we serve as a member of our own. OGDEN 845 Washington Blvd 801.399.5613 ROY 5865 S 1900 W 801.825.2239 LAYTON 250 N Fairfield Rd 801.544.0994 BRIGHAM CITY 205 S 100 E 435.723.8484 Thank you for voting us as your Reader’s Choice Funeral Home
Funeral Directors That Feel Like Family
Shaun & Christina Myers We are here to help. 30 | March 2023
Federally insured by NCUA. Equal Housing Opportunity Lender. WE’RE THE IN NORTH OGDEN TOP CREDIT UNION 1-800-999-3961 | Since 1939, America First has helped members achieve their money-management goals with the best in financial products and services, including mobile & online banking, low-rate personal and business loans, and so much more. Set up your free account to use our easy shopping list and keep track of your favorite recipes Meal Plans Shopping List Dinner time just got EASY! FREE MEMBERSHIP

Connection Publishing Tribute to

Jaycelin Gray Trivino

April 9, 1995 - November 19, 2022

When I first met Jaycee, I was captured by her light. She and I had communicated via email because she had participated in our art contest but then we met when she applied for a part-time job with us. She was very busy at the time, and we made the decision to hire someone else because of the experience they had, but I sincerely told Jaycee that once an opening popped up I wanted to hire her. As it goes with a small business, that opportunity came up about six months later and I called Jaycee. She agreed to take on the role even though she was clearly overqualified for the work of gathering our calendar of events. As we got to know Jaycee, Melissa and I fell in love with her. She was incredibly talented and so loving. My wife even tried to play matchmaker with her because she was just so bright and wonderful. She was an artist, a performing artist, a teacher, a lover of all people, and a truly incredible example to all. As she and her new husband were planning on moving from Utah, she was going to take on a new role of writing for us in the coming months because she would be able to work virtually and stay connected to our community while she was away. We were excited about that possibility.

When I read a post early Monday morning, November 21, on Facebook by Mayor Berube announcing her death by accidental shooting, I was stunned in disbelief. That disbelief quickly turned into overwhelming sadness and I cried for two days. Here we are three months later and I am still crying. I cannot imagine how those who knew Jaycee even better are feeling. She left a hole in this world that simply cannot be filled. She is sincerely missed and though my personal beliefs are that she lives on and lived the type of life to be rewarded in the afterlife, she is still sincerely missed in this life. Farewell for now Jaycee

Jaycee’s full obituary will be posted at if you would like to read it, unfortunately it would not fit here.

Jaycee’s Father, Steve, was kind enough to provide us with her obituary and photos. He also asked this of me, “It would be very meaningful to us, and a wonderful tribute to Jaycee if we could include this QR code and link with a mention of this opportunity where others can contribute to the Jaycee Gray Trivino Art/Dance Memorial Scholarship at WSU. The scholarship will provide a tangible, meaningful remembrance of our daughter into perpetuity.

March 2023 | 33
DUSTIN PETERSON Realtor 801-528-9500 LANCE PETERSON Loan Officer NMLS # 253142 801-388-5888 Corporate NMLS #248240 Regulated by The Division of Real Estate “I would not could not change my rate, it is too low to let it go!” “That is no problem you can still get cash with a HELOC or a SECOnd loan!” “Call my brother Lance to see if a Second Mortgage or HELOC would be a good fit for you!” 34 | March 2023


The growth of a community will often change the types of businesses and architectural features within a community, but Kirt’s Drive-In has withstood time.

Asthe popularity of the automobile grew, the traditional diner evolved. The first carhops appeared in Texas in the early 1920s and they have become an icon of American culture. Most people associate them with the 1950’s, poodle skirts, rock ‘n roll music, hot rods, and the classic American hamburger.

This popular icon of American culture sits right here in our own community. For the last 60 years, as you enter North Ogden from Washington Blvd. Kirt’s Drive-In greets you. Opened in 1963, Pinky’s as it was originally called, was a second location. The first being in Ogden on 36th St. Both locations served classic hamburgers, fries and shakes. Orders were placed from a pink phone and brought out to your car in pink cups and dishes. And on ice cream treats, a little plastic animal was placed on top. Over the years, the name has changed, but the menu has relatively stayed the same. It was Warrens Drive-In from 1970 to 1973. In late 1973 the name

was changed to Kirt’s Drive-In, and although the business has seen changes of ownership over the last 60 years, the name has remained the same.

In 1998, neon lights were added to the building for the filming of Drive Me Crazy. The late 90’s/early 2000’s showed some love to this hometown icon. It can also be seen in the television series Promised Land and Everwood. The growth of a community will often change the types of businesses and architectural features within a community, but Kirt’s Drive-In has withstood time, and we hope to see it here for many more years to come!

Email with your stories, and we might feature them in the magazine.
Kirt’s Carhop 1974 Kirt’s Drive-In during the 70's Orders were placed from a pink phone and brought out to your car in pink cups and dishes.
March 2023 | 35
Pinky’s back in the Fall of 1963


The Decluttering of

Spring is almost here! Maybe your spring fever includes wanting to declutter and organize your space. Especially if you didn’t get to it as the month of January flew by.

Decluttering is the vital first step to organizing. The purging process is the first thing to do, and also the hardest and most time-consuming. After moving twenty-five times in my forty-five years of marriage, I have purging down pat. And that doesn’t include the several moves before, including a cross-country move as a young teenager with only our personal belongings in a small trailer made by my dad.

Moving is a great time to purge, because who wants to move things you don’t need or want, or pay to move them? But even if we aren’t moving, we still need to clean out. There are so many people who have storage units, paying a premium for that space without even knowing what’s in there.

How do we declutter? The first step is purging. Always begin with a small space; a drawer, a shelf, or even a corner can be a great first step. Start small so you can feel success from the beginning. Just thinking about cleaning out the whole house is an overwhelming thought, nevermind actually doing it. No one can eat a whole elephant in one sitting, but by working one bite at a time, all of the sudden, the job is done. 15–20 minute cleaning sessions are a great way to get started. They allow you to feel successful and avoid distractions and you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish in that time.

As you go through your belongings, ask yourself questions: Do I need this? When was the last time I used it? Do I have a plan

for the item or know when I will use it again? These questions give you perspective.

Continue asking questions: Do I have the space for this item? Consider your space and how you want to use it. People frequently resort to extra storage because they don’t know what to do with Aunty Sally’s boxes of things or keepsakes from childhood. Once you’ve asked yourself these questions it’s time to make a decision. Let it go, or keep it.

Now it’s time to organize. How much space do you have? How much space do you want to devote to these items? For example, you may not need a dozen wooden spoons but you could keep 4-5 of your favorites. You may not need every kitchen tool ever made but just the ones you use all the time. These

36 | March 2023
Tickets At the door $10 or 2 GoldBacks Early Bird $8 Familiy of 4 At the door $25 or 5 GoldBacks Early Bird $20 Legacy Event Center June 2nd-3rd 151 S. 1100 W. Farmington, Ut 84025
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March 2023 | 37
Provo Alpine Ogden
trailer from Darren Bideaux RV!
*Picture for display only

items might have cost good money but letting the extras go will give you freedom and peace of mind.

Nearly every mom has that box or boxes of school papers for her kids. I can guarantee when those kids grow up, they are not going to want it all! Pick out a handful of awesome pieces to remind them of younger days.

Another important step in organizing is to plan storage containers. What size do you need? What kind? Using what you already have will save money if it works in the space and for what you are organizing. And if you need new storage containers, be sure to measure the space you want them in as well as the items you are storing. Always group like things together. It makes finding them later so much easier and helps keep track of whether you need more of something. I love vertical storage because it takes up a lot less floor space. There are organizing holders that hang on the backs of doors or in closets to lift things off the floor. Any vertical space can potentially be used for storage to save floor space and bring you more living space.

Joy comes through the process of organizing and taking it a bit at a time. It’s not about looking at the whole picture or space, but taking a closet,

Benefits of decluttering

» Reducing clutter around living spaces helps us feel more calm and confident

» Organizing our spaces frees up cognitive resources in our brain, which can help improve memory

» Less clutter around the home means fewer items to dust, and fewer contaminants floating in the air

» Organization reduces stress and can increase productivity by 40%

shelf, or drawer and focusing only on that small area to start. Giving yourself a scheduled time allows for more work to be done without distractions, and you can compete with yourself to see how much you can get done. Extra stuff isn’t just messy, but could be holding you back from living your best life. Best of luck tidying up! Start small, be consistent, and remember you are doing this to enjoy your space and your life.

About our contributor...

Janee is a professional organizer and the owner of Janee’s Joyful Spaces. She loves helping people declutter and organize the things that bring them joy, and get rid of the things that don’t. Janee aims to help her clients feel empowered in organizing their own spaces with gentle coaching and guidance. Connect with Janee on Facebook at Janee’s Joyful Spaces or instagram @janeesjoyfulspaces.

» Organization in the kitchen can make cooking and planning healthy meals easier

» An organized home can help save money, saving us from buying items we already have and just can’t find!

» Living in an organized home gives us more time to do the things we love

38 | March 2023
801.823.5092 IT'S LIKE MAGIC! THINK YOU NEED A NEW ROOF? THINK AGAIN! Roof Maxx Roof Rejuvenation treatment add the oils back in that evaporate over time, making your asphalt shingles perform and look like new. Yes, it really works. Call for a free assessment to see if your roof qualifies. "It works so well, we offer a 5 year warranty, ensuring that your shingles will perform like new for 5 years. You can treat up to 3 times, giving yourself a 15 year extension on your existing roof. Saving yourself thousands! TREATED UNTREATED Disclaimer: After the product fully absorbs, most roofs do not show a long term color difference, some are slightly darker while others don't change at all.
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These days, going to the grocery store can create a bit of sticker shock! Inflation has driven up the price of filling everyone’s shopping list. Here are a few moneysaving tips you can use to help keep costs under control.

3. Go Old School

Despite the popularity of online shopping, paper coupons can produce some serious savings. Get the weekend newspaper to peruse what’s available in your area and be sure to check out any free “shopper” papers.

4. Consider Curbside Shopping

In-store shopping can cause you to impulse buy products you don’t need. It’s easier to stick to a shopping list when you’re filling an online shopping cart for curbside pickup.

5. Understand Sale Cycles

1. Be a “Shopper Hopper”

Comparing prices on products at different stores can net you some serious savings. Be sure to check out different types of stores, including ones you might not think of for groceries, such as big-box stores, dollarstore chains, and wholesale clubs.

2. Get Generic

Gone are the days when generic or storelabel brands were considered inferior knockoffs. Stores have worked to produce high-quality alternatives to name brands, and many generic products are made by a name-brand manufacturer but packaged under a different label.

Stores stock up on specialty food and candy for holidays, potentially leaving large overstock later. Shop the clearance section after the holidays are over.

6. Buy in Bulk

Bulk purchases can produce big savings–just be sure not to purchase more than you can use. If you don’t want to buy a membership to a wholesale club, shop around for online retailers that offer bulk options.

7. Don’t Shop When You’re Hungry

It’s easier to resist picking up tasty but highpriced snacks and prepackaged items if you shop on a full stomach.

INSURANCE CARRIERS Acuity Auto-Owners Insurance Bear River Mutual Blue Cross Blue Shield Central Insurance Companies Germantown Mutual Insurance Company Markel Insurance Company Mutual of Enumclaw Insurance Progressive Safeco Insurance Select Health The Cincinnati Insurance Companies Travelers USLI WCF Insurance Call for a FREE QUOTE TODAY!
March 2023 | 41

Irish Best o’ The

Four of our favorite recipes for St. Patrick’s Day

March is the best reason to celebrate all things green, and Irish food is at the top o’ our list!

Irish food is hearty and comforting, with a familiarity and simplicity that makes preparing and eating it so very satisfying. Try some of our Irish favorites and see if you don’t leave the table feeling lucky!

Irish Potato Bites

12 red potatoes small

1 cup corn beef

½ cup cheddar cheese

1 Tbsp. melted butter

Salt & pepper to taste

Sour Cream

Green Onion - one bunch diced

• Preheat oven to 400 degrees

• On the stove cook your red potatoes in a big pot of boiling hot water until cooked. Our potatoes were done in about 15 minutes. If you poke the potatoes with a fork and it goes in easily, they are done. Pull from hot water and let cool.

• Cut cooled potatoes in half and dig out the middles, savethem in a bowl.

• Add cheese, corn beef and butter to your bowl of potato filling and mix together.

• Salt and pepper your mixture to taste and scoop into the potato halves.

• Place on a baking sheet and stick in the oven for 10 minutes.Remove from oven, serve with a dollop of sour cream and diced green onions.

Makes 22 Irish Potato Bites

Easy Irish Soda Bread

4 Cups flour

1 egg

4 Tbsp White Sugar

1 1/4 cup buttermilk

1/2 cup margarin, softened

1/4 cup butter, melted

1 tsp baking soda

1 Tbsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

• Preheat oven to 375 degrees, and lightly grease a large baking sheet

• Combine dry ingredients and margarine in a bowl

• Stir in 1 cup of buttermilk and egg

• Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead slightly

• Form dough into a round loaf and place on prepared baking sheet

42 | March 2023

10 Reasons to Have GOLDBACKS!


They are 24 carat .9999 pure Gold


They are legal voluntary currency, accepted at more than 350 businesses in Utah.


Unlike gold coins, which can only be liquidated at coin stores, Goldbacks are liquidable wherever they are accepted.


This means the values are interchangeable (you can exchange a 1:25 GB for 5: 5GB or 25:1GB).


For as little as $4.00, you can start to own gold. This is far less than the 100s or 1000s that it costs to get gold coins.

6. GOLD BACKS WILL ALWAYS HAVE VALUE Gold has been used as money for over 5,000 years; it will always be money and have value. Fiat dollars will always go down in value.


They have security measures included like layered gold, a negative image of the front on the back, individual serial numbers, a government-grade border, background inscription, and more.



If you had 100 dollars and 25 Goldbacks in January 2022, by December 2022, the buying power of the fiat $100 dollars would be about 85.00, whereas the buying power of the 25 GoldBacks would be about $105.00 dollars. This buying power difference is over 20 percent.


You can get GoldBacks locally for the Best Price at GunsAmmoPreparedness, located at the Weber County Sports Shooting Complex. We are inside the 50yard range building. 2446 Rulon White Blvd. Ogden or call us at 801-695-1920.

Whether you are interested in buying gold in case the worst should happen or just want to have gold in reserve that is spendable, Goldbacks are an amazing currency that can be used today and in the future. It is actual gold. Each Goldback denomination has a unique artist's rendering tied into the state of origin, in our case, Utah. They are beautiful and unique.

The Goldback® is the world’s first physical, interchangeable, gold money that is designed to accommodate even small transactions.
Call Us to get your Goldbacks Today! 801-648-4380
March 2023 | 43

• Combine melted butter and ¼ cup of buttermilk, brush onto loaf

• Cut an X in the top of the loaf

• Bake until a toothpick comes out clean, check for doneness after 30 minutes, bake time is between 45 to 50 minutes. For added darker crust, you can continue to brush the butter/ buttermilk mixture on the loaf as it is baking.

Bangers & Colcannon Mash

2, 12 oz packages pork large link sausages

2 lbs Yukon gold potatoes, chopped into 2” cubes

4 Tbsp butter

1 red onion, sliced

4 cloves garlic, minced

½ head of green cabbage, chopped

2 green onions, thinly sliced

2-3 Tbsp minced chives

¾ cup milk

7 oz block of Irish cheddar, grated (You can find Irish cheddar in the Smith’s or Lee’s deli)


Black pepper

Olive oil

• Place the chopped potatoes in a large cooking pot full of cold water. Season with a dash of salt and bring the water to a boil over high heat. Once boiling, reduce the heat to medium and simmer about 30 minutes.

• Pour 2 Tbsp of Olive oil to coat the bottom of a large skillet. Cook sausages about 5 minutes on each side, until brown. Add ½ cup of water to the skillet, reduce heat to medium and cook an additional 15-20 minutes/. When sausage is no longer pink,, remove from pan, cover with foil and keep warm in a low temperature oven.

• Add 2 tablespoons of butter to the skillet (no need to rinse it- you want the sausage flavoring left in the pan!) Meld & add red onion. Saute for 5 minutes until tender. Stir in the garlic and cook for another minute.

• Stir in the cabbage and season with salt and black pepper. Cover the skillet with a lid and cook for 5 minutes. Remove the lid and add the green onions.

• Drain the potatoes and set awside. Use the large cooking pot to melt 2 tablespoons of butter over medium-low heat. Add ½ tsp of salt and the milk and bring to a simmer. Add the cooked potatoes and use a masher to mash.

• Stir in the grated Irish cheddar. Once melted, stir in the cabbage mixture. Season with salt and pepper to taste.Serve the sausages with the Colcannon on the side, sprinkle with chives and black pepper. Serve with a side salad or steamed cabbage.

Kendal’s Shepherd’s Pie

1½ pounds ground lamb (or beef)

2½ pounds russet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1-inch chunks

1 egg yolk

8 Tbsp Irish butter (1 stick)

1/2 cup heavy cream (or milk)

2 medium yellow onions, diced

2 carrots, diced

3 cloves garlic, minced

2 cups red wine or beef broth

2 Tbsp all-purpose flour

3 Tbsp tomato paste

1 tsp Worcestershire sauce

1 Tbsp thyme

½ tsp black pepper

½ cup frozen peas

1 cup shredded white cheddar cheese

2 Tbsp chives

• Preheat the oven to 375°F.

• Boil potatoes until fork tender and drain. Add cream (or milk), butter and egg yolk and mash or blend with a hand mixer. Taste and adjust seasoning, if necessary. Set the mashed potatoes aside.

• Brown ground meat and season with salt and pepper. Add the onions, carrots and garlic and cook until tender. Add flour and sauté for one minute. Deglaze with the wine or beef broth and increase the heat to high; bring to a boil, scraping any brown bits from the bottom of the pan, until the liquid is reduced by about half. Add the tomato paste, and Worcestershire sauce. Bring to a simmer, reduce the heat to low, and cook until thickened, about 2 minutes. Stir in the thyme, pepper, peas, and cook until the peas are warmed through. Taste and adjust seasoning, if necessary.

• Dollop the mashed potatoes evenly over the filling. Spread the potatoes evenly over the stew and all the way to the edges of the skillet. Sprinkle cheese on top. Place the skillet on a baking sheet or large sheet of foil to catch any drips and bake until the filling is hot, the topping is lightly browned, and the edges are bubbly, about 30 minutes. (For more color, turn on the broiler and broil for the last 5 minutes, or until the top is golden.) Sprinkle with chives and serve.

44 | March 2023
Catering for all occasions OGDEN FSU 801-394-1992 ©2021 CFA Properties, Inc. All trademarks shown are the property of CFA Properties, Inc. Chilled, Reheatable Nugget Tray Catering Follow the Podcast Scan to WATCH Or LISTEN on your favorite podcast provider March 2023 | 45

Gather Round the Dinner Table! WHATTOEAT4DINNER.COM

Yogurt Marinated

Chicken & Lemony

Couscous w/side of roasted carrots

Biscuits and Gravy

Steak Bites and Gnocchi w/side of green beans and dinner rolls

Cinnamon French Toast w/berries & whipped cream



Bangers and Mash w/side of sauteed green cabbage

Egg, Bacon, & Tater Tot



Dinner Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs,





Greek Chicken Salad

Chicken Enchiladas w/side of Spanish rice

Baked Creamy

Chicken Taquitos w/side of seasoned black beans & cotija cheese Chicken Nachos

Lasagna Soup

BLT’s w/side of Irish potato bites

Parmesan Crusted

Tilapia served on rice w/side of asparagus

Poppy Seed Chicken

Cheesesteak Sandwiches

Creamy Chicken and Noodle

Casserole w/side of broccoli

eat Out eat Out eat Out eat Out eat Out eat Out eat Out eat Out

Momma Miller’s Spaghetti with side of garlic bread

Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup

+ WHAT TO EAT 4 DINNER SUN MON TUES WED THUR FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Menu Plan Curated by Melissa Spelts and Cindy Jones Orange Chicken served on rice w/side of broccoli Sloppy Joes w/side of fruit salad Shepard's Pie Side of Irish Soda Bread
breakfast 4
breakfast 4
breakfast 4 DInner breakfast 4 DInner breakfast 4 DInner breakfast 4 DInner breakfast 4 DInner breakfast 4 DInner
Leftover Night Leftover Night Leftover Night Leftover Night 46 | March 2023



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