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City of North Ogden
Service Requests Did you know you are a few clicks away from service? If you have a request for service (pothole, sign down, garbage can repairs, etc.) visit www.northogdencity.com and click on “Report Concern.” Fill in the blanks and your request is on its way to us.
Question: Are there any rules regarding tree maintenance in the city? Answer: The city code distinguishes between two types of trees: those on public property (8-5-5) and those on private property (8-5-6). For public trees, including those in the parking strip next to the curb of a street, it is the responsibility of the abutting property owner to properly trim the tree to keep all limbs nine (9) feet above the curb and roadway. This helps to protect the snow plow truck windshields and mirrors from damage during the busy plowing season. Please check the trees on your property to make sure they are not overhanging the street in a way that will interfere with our snow plow trucks. The city has not planted any of the trees in the parking strips along the city streets. This means that the neighboring property owner or previous property owner has planted the trees to increase the beauty of their homes and businesses. This also means that the homeowner has an increased maintenance burden, should the trees begin to push up the sidewalks and curbs. North Ogden Code 8-5-5(A) states that tree damage to curbs and sidewalks are the homeowner’s responsibility, so please keep your trees trimmed and planted in appropriate locations. If you have questions about proper procedures, city code, building permits, community events, how-to's, or other city-related questions, please send an email to jcall@nogden.org.
Employee of the Month Jason Reney has 15 years of experience with the city. He is the Water Systems Superintendent and holds a Level IV Water Distribution Certification, the highest level possible. Jason has a strong knowledge of the city’s water system and directs a crew of five through day-to-day operations. Jason is educated, dedicated, and careful in providing top-quality culinary water to our nearly 20,000 residents. There are many state and federal regulations that must be strictly followed, and Jason does an excellent job meeting those requirements. In his spare time, he enjoys raising horses and camping with his family.
Expires 3/31/20

FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM northogdenconnection
Business Spotlight Cozy Salon Open Monday – Friday (call for appt. times) Phone: 385-294-7577 Address:1949 N. Washington Blvd. Amy Mayhew has over 20 years of experience in a salon, and along with her daughters – Madison Bishoff and Kenzie Mayhew –dreamed of one day opening their own salon; that dream came true in June of 2019. They named it Cozy Salon, and it is all that and more. The décor welcomes you into a fun and relaxing place where you can get your personal services done. They have two stylists, a nail tech, and an esthetician. They provide all the pampering you would expect, including the following: color, perms, lashes, facials, nails, and pedicures. They also have gift certificates to give to those who you want to spoil! Shellie Murdock is a nail tech at the salon and would love to do your nails or toes! The salon carries products (Matrix and Amika) and also some really cute jewelry for sale.
Mention this “North Ogden Connection” magazine article and get $5 OFF OF ANY SERVICE in the month of March! LOOK!

Above: Amy Mayhew and her daughters Madison and Kenzie.

Short ER Wait Times Board Certified Physicians Open 24/7 EMERGENCY CARE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY

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Text “ER” to 32222 for average wait times. pleasantviewemergency.com
Green Waste Facility
The Green Waste Facility is opening for the 2020 season on April 1, 2020. The hours of operation are: Mondays and Wednesday: 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. Saturdays: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. It will be closed during all government holidays. You will need a Green Waste punch pass to enter. Passes will be sold to residents only at the Public Works facility, which is located at 165 E Lomond View Drive. Passes may be obtained for $25 during the business hours of 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday. The facility will be closed during holidays. The passes are good for 10 entries.
Wood Chips will be charged as defined in the consolidated fee schedule. You may pick those items up during the mentioned operating hours. You must load it yourself. No heavy equipment is permitted. Please obey all signage at compost facility to assure proper placement of items and assist in keeping the facility clean and organized.
If you have any questions, please contact Brian Galvez at 801-782-8111.

ACCEPTED MATERIALS: • Woody Materials: vines, bushes, twigs, limbs, fitzers and logs up to 8” in diameter. Stumps are not accepted. • Compost Materials: soft (nonwoody), unbagged vegetative material (i.e. grass clippings, leaves, pine needles, sawdust and shavings and weeds). • Fill Materials: soil, rock, sod, brick (prior approval needed). Materials not specifically listed above will not be accepted. The woody tree material will be chipped, ground, or burned.

Flood Zones Questions regarding flood zones should be directed to Lorin Gardner, City Engineer, at 801-782-8111. FEMA flood maps are available for your review at the city offices. We also have elevation certificates.
Questions, comments, accolades? Go to www.northogdencity.com/i-want-to/contact-us or see community contacts, right, for information.
City Council Meetings The Mayor and Council welcome your input and attendance at the council meetings held the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month starting at 6 p.m. Work sessions are held as needed on the first Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. Check www.northogdencity.com for changes.
www.northogdencity.com For more news

•Mowing •Aerating •Bush & Tree Trimming •Full Yard Maintenance

Isaac Ward (801)745-5044 black.rock.landscaping
CITY NEWS Key Community Contacts FOOD
Neal Berube: 801-686-0688 nberube@nogden.org
Council Members: Cheryl Stoker: 801-782-9302 cstoker@nogden.org
Phillip Swanson: 801-940-2111 pswanson@nogden.org
Blake Cevering: 801-549-8202 bcevering@nogden.com Ryan Barker: 801-814-4306 rbarker@nogden.org
City Hall: 801-782-7211
Planning: 801-737-2220 Rob Scott - rscott@nogden.org
City Recorder/ H.R.: 801-737-9830 Annette Spendlove - aspend@nogden.org
Building: 801-737-9831 Bruce Higley - bhigley@nogden.org
Police: Business 801-782-7219 Dispatch 801-629-8221 Emergency 911 Chief Dirk Quinney dquinney@nogden.org Paul Rhoades - prhoades@nogden.org
Public Works:
Parks & Recreation: 801-782-8111 David Espinoza - despinoza@nogden.org Shelly Robison - srobison@nogden.org
801-737-0587 Tiffany Staheli - tstaheli@nogden.org Becca Godfrey - bgodfrey@nogden.org Jesse Felter - jfelter@nogden.org Justin Rasmussen - jrasmussen@nogden.org Nik Brown - n.brown@nogden.org
City Manager/ City Attorney: Jon Call - jcall@nogden.org 801-737-9846