37 minute read
March Calendar of Events
Weber High Mar 2: Winter Sports Banquet 3:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. Mar 3: Boys Soccer @ Weber 3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. | Warriorette Parent Meeting 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. | Mar 4: Jazz Festival at SHS | Keys to Success Assembly 9 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Mar 6: Basketball - Red and Black Game 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Boys Soccer @ Weber 3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Mar 9: Spring Band Concert 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. Mar 10: Boys Soccer @ Weber 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Mar 11: Instrumental Solo Ensemble Recital 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. | Track @ Weber 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. Mar 12: Girls Golf @ Schneiter’s Bluff Golf Course 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. Boys Soccer @ Roy 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Mar 13: Baseball @ Snow Canyon 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. Mar 16: Zero Fatalities - Drivers Ed. 6:15 p.m. - 8:15 p.m. Mar 17: Warriorette Tryouts 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. | Baseball @ Weber 3:30 p.m. - 6 p.m. | Boys Soccer @ Davis 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Softball @ Weber 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Mar 18: Warriorette Tryouts 3 p.m. - 6 p.m | Vocal Piano Solo Ensemble @LHS | Girls Track @ Davis 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. Mar 19: Warriorette Tryouts 3 p.m. - 6 p.m | Girls Golf @ Remuda Golf Course 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. | Boys Track @ Davis 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. | Boys Soccer @ Weber 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Softball @ Weber 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Mar 20: Region Theater Competition | Baseball @ Box Elder 3:30 p.m. - 6 p.m. Mar 21: Region Theater Competition Mar 23: Warrior of the month Brunch 7:30 a.m. - 8:15 a.m. | Baseball @ West Jordan 3:30 p.m. - 6 p.m. | Warriorette Showcase 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. Mar 24: Cheer Tryouts 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. | Boys Soccer @ Layton 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Softball @ Fremont 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Mar 25: Cheer Tryouts 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. | SBO Voting | Track-City County Meet @ Roy 3 p.m. - 7 p.m. | Band Large Group Festival at CHS | SBO Assembly 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. Mar 26: Cheer Tryouts 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. | SBO Voting | Track-City County Meet @ Roy 3 p.m. - 7 p.m. | Girls Golf @ Glen Eagle Golf Course 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. | Baseball @ Syracuse 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Boys Soccer @ Syracuse 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Softball @ Weber 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Best Buddies Talent Show 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Mar 27: State Jazz Festival | SBO Announcement | Basketball @ Weber 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Mar 30 - Apr 3: Spring Break - No School Mar 31: Baseball @ Weber 3:30 p.m. - 6 p.m. North Ogden Jr. High: Mar 2: Frozen Jr. Musical 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Mar 3: Girls Basketball @ NOJH 3 p.m. | Weber District Honor Choir Concert @ WSU 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Mar 4: State Math Contest @ WSU | Sophomore Office Mandatory Meeting 3 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Mar 5: SBO mandatory Info Meeting 3 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Mar 6: Girls Basketball @ Sand Ridge 3 p.m. | Frozen Jr. Musical 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Mar 7: Frozen Jr. Musical 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. & 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Mar 9: Band Concert @ Weber High 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. Mar 10: Girls Basketball @ NOJH 3 p.m. Mar 11: NOJH Festival Concert Mar 12: State Band Festival @ U of U | Weber District Int/Adv Festival @ Weber High | Girls Basketball @ Rocky Man 3 p.m. Mar 17: Voice & Piano Solo Ensemble 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. | Boys Baseball @ NOJH 3 p.m. | Girls Basketball Playoffs 3 p.m. Mar 19: Officer Primary Elections | Boys Baseball BYE Mar 20: Girls Basketball Championship | Spring Dance 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Mar 24-26: Cheer Clinics Mar 24: Boys Baseball @ Wahlquist 3 p.m. Mar 25: Voice & Piano Solo Ensemble @ SOJH 4 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Mar 26: Officer Final Elections | Int/Adv Band Festival @ Bonneville 9 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. | Boys Baseball @ NOJH 3 p.m. Mar 27: Cheer Tryouts 3 p.m. | Track @ WHS 3 p.m. Mar 30 - Apr 3: Spring Break - No School SCHOOL EVENTS Happy St. Patrick's Day!
10 CONNECTIONPUBLISHING | March 2020 Orion Jr. High Mar 2: Mandatory SBO Meeting 7:30 a.m. - 8 a.m. Mar 3: District Choir Festival @ WSU 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. | Girls Basketball @ Orion 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. | District Choir Performance @ WSU 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Mar 4: Baseball / Track Tryouts 2:35 p.m. - 4:35 p.m. Mar 5: Beginning Band and Percussion Concert @ Orion Cafeteria 7p.m. - 8 p.m. Mar 6: Girls Basketball @ Roy 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. Mar 9: Advance Band Concert @ Weber High 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. Mar 10: Girls Basketball @ Orion 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. Mar 11: SBO Primary Election | Concert / Encore Choir at Grizzlies Game 3:30 p.m. - 10 p.m. Mar 12: Orchestra Festival Int/Adv @ Weber High 12 p.m. - 3 p.m. | Girls Basketball Bye Mar 17: Baseball @ NOJH 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. | Girls Basketball Playoff Game TBA Mar 18: Final SBO Assembly / Elections | School Musical 7 p.m. Mar 19: Ritchey Science Fair | School Musical 7 p.m. | Baseball Game @ Orion 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. | SBO Final Elections Mar 20: Ritchey Science Fair | School Musical 7 p.m. | 9th Grade Panoramic Pictures | Girls Basketball Championship Game TBA Mar 24: Baseball @ T.H. Bell 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. | Choir Solo & Ensemble @ Rocky Mt. Jr. 3:30 p.m. - 7 p.m. Mar 26: WSD Advanced Band Festival @ Bonneville 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. | Baseball @ Orion 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. Mar 27: Track Meet @ Weber High 3 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. | SBO Election Winners Posted Mar. 30 - Apr 3: Spring Break - No School
Maria Montessori Academy Mar 13: No School Mar 30 - Apr 3: Spring Break - No School Bates Elementary Mar 13: Early Out @ 1:05 p.m. | Spring Pictures Mar 30 - Apr 3: Spring Break - No School
North Ogden Elementary Mar 13: Early Out Mar 30 - Apr 3: Spring Break - No School
Majestic Elementary Mar 6: Class Pictures Mar 13: Early Out @ 1:15 p.m. Mar 30 - Apr 3: Spring Break - No School
Green Acres Elementary Mar 13: Early Out 1:15 p.m. Mar 25: Kindergarten Roundup Mar 30 - Apr 3: Spring Break - No School
SENIOR EVENTS North View Senior Center 485 E. 2550 N. • North Ogden, Utah 801-782-6211 Lunch: 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues, Wed, & Fri. Dinner: 5 p.m. Thurs. (Opens at 1 p.m.) Seniors over age 60 - $3.00 Seniors under age 60 - $6.00 *Meals include a main dish, fruit, vegetable, and dessert Hours: Mon. Tues. Wed. 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Thurs. 1 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Fri. 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Monday 8:30 a.m. Ceramics 8:30 a.m. Tai Chi 9:30 a.m. Meditation Class 10:00 a.m. Line Dancing 1:00 p.m. Computer Class 2:00 p.m. Tap Dancing Tuesday 8:30 a.m. Zumba 9:30 a.m. Art 10:00 a.m. Intermediate Line Dancing 12:30 p.m. Weight Lifting (Strength Exercises) 12:30 p.m. MahJong Wednesday 9:00 a.m. Wood Carving 9:00 a.m. Bridge 10:00 a.m. Line Dancing 12:30 p.m. Pinochle Thursday 1:00 p.m. Center Opens 1:00 p.m. Tap Dancing 5:00 p.m. Dinner 5:30 p.m. Entertainment Friday 8:30 a.m. Zumba 8:30 a.m. Ceramics 9:30 a.m. Bridge
Special Activities and Events Mar 2. Second Generation Band at 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. | Hair Cuts at 11 a.m. $5 Mar 5. Bingo at 5:30 p.m. Mar 8. Daylight Savings Mar 7. Game Day at 10 a.m. Mar 9. AARP Driving Class at 10 a.m. Mar 10. Blood Pressure at 11 a.m. Mar 11. Foot Clinic at 10 a.m. Mar 12. Legal Advice- call for appointment | Amy Alvord at 5:30 p.m. Mar 18. Foot Clinic at 10 a.m. Mar 19. Casino Night at 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. call and sign up limited seating Mar 21. Gary Romer Dance at 7 p.m. Mar 26. Grief Class at 2:30 p.m. | Blood Pressure at 4 p.m. | Sam Payne at 5:30 p.m. REMINDER! Daylight savings starts March 8th!
These are available for your use: Library, Television, Billiards, Exercise Equipment, Air Hockey, Ping Pong Table
Mar 2: Registration Opens for the Great Salt Lake Bird Festival. Buy Your tickets to field trips, workshops, and the annual Dutch Oven Dinner. There are free workshops and programs, but those that cost and require registration start at $5 and go up to $80. For more information, visit www.daviscountyutah.gov/greatsaltlakebirdfest (the festival is May 14-17) Mar 11: Signs of Spring @ Ogden Nature Center 3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Join us as we hit the trails looking for signs of spring. Meet in the Visitor’s Center | Jazz at the Station @ Ogden Union Station 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. free Mar 16-21: Birdhouse Competition submissions @ Ogden Nature Center. An outdoor exhibit of handcrafted and whimsical birdhouses. No Entry fee. All ages are encouraged to enter Mar 18: Going Green (for St. Patrick’s Day) @ Ogden Nature Center 3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Why are so many things green in nature? Go on a scavenger hunt searching for all things green. Meet in the visitor’s center. Mar 21: Winter Race Circuit 10 Miler @ Ogden Ice Sheet 8 a.m. visit Ogdenmarathon.com/p/winterracecircut for details | Women in Music by NEXT Ensemble @ Eccles Community Art Center 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. An all-woman ensemble playing music written by women. Cost $10. Students and children under 17 FREE. Mar 25: Marvelous Mushrooms and Fantastic Fungi @ Ogden Nature Center 3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. From parasitic and symbiotic relationships, to its use as biological indicator of air quality, funguses are fun to learn about. Join us as we search for and learn about the most widely distributed organism on earth!
CITY EVENTS Mar 3: City Council Meeting 6 p.m. Mar 5, 12, 19, 26: Rehearse with the North Ogden Community Band @ the Northview Senior Citizens Center 7:30 p.m. & Jazz Band @ 9 p.m. For details see www.northogdencity.com/parksrec/ page/community-band. Mar 10: City Council Meeting 6 p.m. Mar 11: North Ogden Parks, Trails and Open Lands Committee Meeting 5:30 p.m. Mar 24: City Council Meeting 6 p.m.
Mar 7: Dr. Seuss’ Birthday @ 3 p.m. Learn about this children’s author’s life and celebrate with story time, activities, and crafts Mar 10: Coding Crew @ 4 p.m. ages 12- 18. Learn basic JavaScript, Web Mar 11: Sashiko Stitching @ 6:30 p.m. for adults. Learn the traditional Japanese art of Sashiko stitching Mar 17: Gel Pen Mandalas @ 7 p.m. for adults. Draw mandalas on black paper with colorful and vibrant gel pens. You can frame them or use them to make your own greeting cards. Mar 21: Sensory Story Hour @ 10:30 a.m. Designed for children with special needs | Teen Gaming @ 3 p.m. Challenge your friends Mar 26: Square Foot Gardening @ 7 p.m., ages 16 and up. Gardening by the square
Happy foot saves money, time, and water. Beuna Tomalino from Square Foot Gardening will share tips and tricks of this sustainable method. All supplies provided. Registration required (801) 337-2650 Mar 31: National Crayon Day @ 4 p.m. Ages 12 and under. Learn how crayons are made and participate in different crayon-themed activities and crafts
Students of the Month Congratulations to our hardworking student's who are recognized by teachers and faculty at their schools. Good job!
Kambrie Dahlin Weber High School Kambrie is a great example of being balanced. She keeps up on her grades, has a job at Nordic, and played a lead in the school musical. I also appreciate Kambrie’s thoughtful, in-depth responses to questions I pose. Kambrie is a great student, and I appreciate having her in my class.
Harrison Fonnesbeck Maria Montessori Academy
Harrison Fonnesbeck is a 7th-grader at Maria Montessori Academy. He does really well academically, not only by earning good grades, but also by helping his peers who are struggling with school work. He works well with all, and especially takes time to make those with special needs feel included. His teachers can often ask him to help with various tasks in the classroom. Harrison is punctual and reliable and just an overall fantastic person!
Makai Melo North Ogden Jr. High School
Makai is an incredibly responsible young man. He always seems to choose to do the right thing, even when he doesn’t realize people are watching. This is a very admirable quality for someone to have in life. His presence makes running a PE class much more enjoyable because I know that if I asked him to do something, he would do it. Whether it’s jumping in with a group of kids he doesn’t know well, or helping to pick up equipment, I always know that Makai is willing to lend a hand. Regardless of the sport or activity, Makai is always willing to put his best effort into it. Last but not least, Makai is always kind to those around him. I have never heard him talk negatively to a classmate. Having a kind, welcoming attitude helps to create a positive classroom atmosphere, and I am extremely grateful for Makai and others like him who help create that environment.
Maddison Espinoza Orion Jr. High School
Maddison is a 7th-grade student at Orion Jr. High. Her favorite class is Spanish, and one of her goals is to keep good grades. Maddison is planning to attend Weber State University and wants to work with babies in the NICU in the future. She loves to dance and play baseball with her cousins. Maddison is a loving, trustworthy, fun, and caring person. Her school counselor, Mr. Roche says, “Maddison is a great kid!” Congratulations, Maddi!
Students of the Month get a $25 gift card from Ogden Regional Pleasant View Emergency Center!

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A History of History in North Ogden Journals, photos, diaries...they all tell stories for the future to understand life in the past.
Benjamin Franklin Blaylock, Henry Holmes, and John W. Gibson were early North Ogden historians. They kept journals, diaries, minutes for meetings, church records, and more. Today, the city, volunteers, and residents all work together to preserve North Ogden’s ongoing history! The city keeps records of city council meetings, museum volunteers clip news articles and obituaries of North Ogden, and residents submit their histories to the North Ogden Museum. This information is kept in files at the museum. The volunteers at the North Ogden Historical Museum encourage citizens to bring their family stories, histories, genealogy, and photos to be scanned, or they can be sent via email. There have also been five North Ogden history books published over the years. The North Ogden Historical Museum first began when a museum committee of five was appointed in about 2005 by Mayor Gary Harrop. Meetings were held at the city offices, then moved to a room above the old public works building on Pleasant View Drive. The museum became a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization in 2006, with 15 volunteers on the board of directors. After a few years, the museum volunteers were allowed by the city to move to the current location at 545 East 2750 North. Many artifacts, family histories, photos, and stories have been donated, and the museum has become a fun and informative place to visit. People come in and find information and photos of their family that they didn’t know about before. There are quite a few things we wouldn’t know about North Ogden if someone didn’t take the time to record it. For example, we’d never know about the early schoolhouse stories about snakes coming up through the knots in the floor and the chaos that ensued! We wouldn’t know about Mary Wilson Montgomery who named Ben Lomond after her beloved hometown mountain in Scotland; her photo and story are at the museum. The museum also has a silk hat on display that was made from silk harvested in North Ogden. The Relief Society was encouraged to raise silkworms, which was a huge undertaking. Before the eggs hatched, the women had to wear

them in a bag around their neck to keep them warm. When the eggs started wiggling, the women had to hurry home. The silkworms had to be fed mulberry leaves 3 times a day, and the silk harvesting process was long and difficult for very little silk. There are thousands of more stories that have been written and have yet to be written! Recording history is important because memories fade, people die, stories and facts are lost without records and journals.
Get involved! Reach out to NOHistoricalM@gmail.com to share your history or what life is like today for you in North Ogden.

Women in Business
We have the unique opportunity to spotlight some powerful women this month in our Women in Business issue. In my professional career, I have noticed something very valuable: if you put a woman in charge, things work out better. In every company I have worked for, women have been the glue who held things together; they were usually the standard by which other employees were judged. I have always been inspired by amazing women. I had an entrepreneur grandmother who had a hair salon and beauty school. My mother is an entrepreneur who is a wedding planner and florist. And so, I was delighted and felt privileged to spend time getting to know the women entrepreneurs and leaders who make up North Ogden Connection's Women in Business Special issue. I was, at times, even moved by their stories. One woman said, “I don’t know what to say about myself, I haven’t accomplished anything!” I couldn’t believe my ears. She is an inspiring woman who runs a successful business and is someone who I look up to. I asked her to still be part of this feature because she could inspire the next generation of aspiring women entrepreneurs and leaders. The cover photo you see, and the individual pictures of each of these women, were taken by Jason Hadley of Masterpiece Images. He was great to work with, and the photos are stunning. I was looking for a way to make this photo shoot special and went to JCPenny on
Riverdale to speak with the store manager, Allyson Pettingill. I told her about the upcoming issue and asked if she would consider hosting our women guests for a fun night of beauty and photographs. Allyson was excited about the event and loved the idea of honoring these great ladies. She said the timing was perfect because, for the first time in its 117-year history, JCPenny had recently appointed their first female CEO. She also mentioned that most of the staff and leadership in her store are female. They were the most gracious hosts. Allyson brought in makeup artists from the in-store Sephora and included hair stylists from the JCPenny salon in the festivities. They even brought in snacks for everyone to enjoy. A good time was certainly had by all that night! Vy, one of our employees who previously worked as a stylist, used her expertise to consult on the outfit details for the photos. We would like to thank each of these women for being willing to be spotlighted and give a big thank you to Allyson and her staff for being such fabulous hosts. Over the next several pages, you will find the bios of each woman featured. Most of them are your neighbors, and you may know some of them. These women are leaders and examples of the best that we have, and we are honored to have them highlighted within the pages of this magazine.
Fashion, makeup and hairstyles provided by JCPenny's on Riverdale Rd.
Women in Business Anna Jensen
Better Homes and Garden Real Estate
AAnna Jensen of Pleasant View is a Real Estate Agent committed to helping people fulfil their dreams of home ownership. But she’s also a wife, a mom, and a cancer survivor. In 2016, while she was still working through her cancer treatment, Anna began her real estate business. It was something she’d always wanted to do, but life happened, and her income was helping to support the family. But her husband Mike, who’s been with her for twenty-five years said, “Now is the time to do what you’ve always wanted to do.” Some things you never forget, and Anna still remembers the date of her diagnosis, the date that her whole life was turned upside down. “It was September 2, 2014, the day before my daughter’s sixteenth birthday.” Anna was diagnosed with Stage 3B Breast Cancer. In spite of everything, she wanted to keep life as normal as possible. She continued to work and to care for her kids. Treatment for cancer is very involved. Anna went through 6 surgeries, 18 weeks of chemotherapy, a year of Herceptin, 28 days of radiation treatment that left her with thirddegree burns. And through it all she managed to keep getting things done. “I scheduled my chemo therapy sessions on Fridays, so I could be back to work by Tuesday and finish out the week. Anna was drawn to the real estate market because she’d bought and sold several homes. She’d seen other agents not providing the kind of service and caring that she wanted for her family members, and she wanted to do better.
Now is the time to do what you've always wanted to do. She is deeply committed to caring for her clients, and making sure that she goes the extra mile to understand their needs. “Different buyers have unique personal and cultural needs in a home. It’s important to take time to understand that.” Anna is very passionate about volunteering in her community, and she is teaching her children to follow in her footsteps. She works with some great organizations including Days for Girls, The Ronald McDonald House, and Image Reborn, which provides retreats for cancer patients, to give them a break from their treatment and their family responsibilities, and gives them time to connect with other women going through the same thing. Anna hopes to pass on her legacy of giving back.

Anna Jensen REALTOR
968 Chambers, St#1, South Ogden, UT 84403
Call me Today! 801-564-3727
Strive not
to be a
success, but
rather to be
a value. -Albert Einstein

We offer a variety of Skin Care and Hair Removal services!
Hair Removal
Women in Business Anna Bravard
Advanced Electrolysis
lectrolysis (permanent hair removal) aser air emoval (permanent reduction) axing (temporary hair removal)
Facials ustomized ack xpress entleman
Advanced Facials
icrodermabrasion ift acial hemical eel ’lis ontour ody rap ight herapy 2
Cosmetic and
Medical Treatments
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uvederm illers atisse ye ash nhancer ybella R R R
Laser Skin Treatments
ascular kin reatment igmented kin reatment kin ejuvenation
AAnna Bravard runs her business, Advanced Electrolysis, LLC & Day Spa, with the thought and belief that everyone deserves to feel beautiful. It is what has guided and grounded her throughout the years of growing her business.
Originally, Anna was born and raised in a suburb of Columbus, Ohio (Go Bucks!). She decided to attend Weber State University, where she met a North Ogden native. After graduating with a Bachelor of Science, she married and followed her husband who had joined the military. Five states and four kids later, she settled with her family in North Ogden, Utah.
Permanent Cosmetics eathered 3 rows
Call Today!! chedule a free consultation with one of our team members and we will find the treatment plan that is right for you!
Electrolysis A LLC
your solution for permanent hair removal and skin care
801.782.5868 1690 N Washington Blvd. Ste 3 North Ogden, UT 84404 www.adv-electrolysis.com
Follow us for monthly specials!
Throughout Anna’s life, she struggled with unwanted hair. Every move she made, she had to find another electrologist to treat and remove the hair permanently. Shortly after arriving to North Ogden, her local electrologist shared with her that she was going to need to medically retire and had not found a replacement. This announcement peaked Anna’s interest, as she has a love of serving, understands the embarrassment of unwanted hair, and has a keen eye for detail and quality. She decided to further her education and studied electrology. Anna purchased the business and received additional training from her predecessor. At first, she worked out of her home office but quickly recognized the need the community had for permanent hair removal. By 2017, her practice had grown to the point that a move was needing to be made, and she
opened a clinic in a medical office building, preferring to stay within her community. The clients began to recognize her high standards. If fact, Anna’s quality standards are so great that she requires new electrologists to work alongside her for 4-6 months before they can treat a client on their own. This attention to detail is what she is known for. Her clients started to mention to her that they were desiring to receive other services and to have a one-stop shop of similar high-quality treatments. Anna listened and expanded the range of services as a spa. She introduced skin care treatments like facials, chemical peels, and micro-dermabrasion, along with advanced treatments such as laser hair removal, pigment and vein treatments, skin rejuvenation, specialized microblading, and cosmetic/ medical injections. Anna is a leader in the community. She not only serves those through her business by providing opportunity and treatments for those with unwanted hair and skin care needs but her community as a whole through her many service-oriented organizations she is affiliated with. She loves caring for those around her and ensures that all are welcome to her clinic for treatments, no matter who they are - male, female, or transgender - for everyone deserves to feel beautiful and respected.
Anna is a leader in her community and is affliated with many service-oriented organizations.
Women in Business Rachael Killgore
Honeycomb Hair Studio
RRachael Killgore never anticipated her interest in hair would lead her to where she is today. She attended the Paul Mitchel Cosmetology School intending to use the skills she learned there to help pay her way through college. As she pursued her path in college, she realized what she actually wanted was already in front of her. Rachael had been working at North Ogden Family Haircuts, which was then under the ownership of Brett Hadley and Steve Lin. She loved the atmosphere, the girls she worked with, and how she served the people in the area. As she worked there, she visualized what the place would be if touched by her style and influenced by her ideas. Rachel explained that the two owners had good hearts and had bought the business to help a woman who worked there. A passion for hair was not the motivating factor behind their decision to buy the business. They had thought about selling before, but it never felt right. Rachael mentioned this to her parents. Her mother Kay called the owners, and in a matter of weeks, Rachel and her parents were the new owners of the salon. The transfer of ownership happened so quickly due to the combination of Rachael, who was fueled by the passion of the business, and her parents, who enjoy the success and experience of running a business they built from nothing. Rachael’s mother, Kay, has been a business owner for most of her life, alongside her entrepreneurial spirited husband. “I’ve always loved owning a business,” said Kay. She values being in control of her life and destiny. There was a learning curve with learning retail, since their previous business was commercial janitorial supply. They had all the elements of running a business; they just

needed to learn how to play a different ball game with their skills. Rachael works in the salon and does the social media and marketing for the business. Also, the new style and feel of the salon is because of her. Kay does the books for the salon. She and her husband sold their previous business to their two oldest sons, and she also works part time for them doing their books. Sometimes that means staying up until 2 a.m. to get the job done. “I do what I have to do,” she said. At Honey Comb Hair Studio, their goal is to provide a really nice environment for their clients where they feel pampered. “One of our rules is we don’t let anyone walk out with wet hair unless they absolutely insist,” said Kay. They have done a lot of improvements with their space, and they try to make it a family friendly environment. At Honeycomb Hair Studio, their goal is to provide a really nice environment for their clients where they feel pampered.
Women in Business Debbie Williams
Timeless Med Spa
DDebbie Williams was born and raised in Ogden, Utah, but was pretty sure she did not want to live here when she grew up. She wanted a bigger city with more excitement and activities. She married Brent right after graduation from high school and got a job to support her new husband through school. Upon graduation, Brent and Debbie moved to Provo, where Debbie worked at and attended Brigham Young University. She loved Provo and BYU, but Brent surprised her when he got transferred to Rock Springs, Wyoming, another small town. Debbie worked for a defense attorney and made a lot of very unusual new friends. After nine long, long months, Brent was accepted to the University of Utah Medical School and they took up residency in Salt Lake City. Debbie continued to work and also attended some classes at the U, loving every minute and enjoying the big city! Four years later, Brent graduated, and they were accepted to a residency program back in Ogden. They wanted to start their family, so Debbie quit full-time work and became a mom; however, she missed the association with adults and the challenges of work, so she began volunteering for non-profits and working on her own terms. She served on several boards, including the American Medical Association Alliance, McKay-Dee Hospital Women’s Center, Child Abuse Prevention Center, Christmas Village, Junior League of Ogden, Weber County Medical Society Alliance, Utah Medical Society Alliance, PTAs, and numerous church callings. Debbie continues to be involved in many volunteer capacities, including Wasatch International Adoption Agency and NuHope Suicide Prevention. She is involved in politically serving with the Weber County Republican Women and believes 6112 S. 1550 E. Ste. 103, S. Ogden TimeLessMedSpa.com Call for a FREE Consultation (801)475-4300 SPA SERVICES Microblading Facial Treatments Chemical Peels Acne Treatment Microdermabrasion Massage Skin Care Products ADVANCED PROCEDURES Profound RF Botox & Dermal Filler Skin Resurfacing Skin Tightening Body Sculpting Vascular Lesions Discoloration Laser Hair Removal Tattoo Removal MEDICAL WEIGHT LOSS Weight Loss Products Weight Management Fitness & Yoga
that if you want change, you must put in your time. Debbie is also very involved in the Ogden-Weber Chamber of Commerce, where she was recently nominated as the Volunteer of the Year. Today, she credits most of what she has learned in her volunteer experiences for helping her know how to run a business. She learned marketing, finance, people skills, and how to pull off a great event. Debbie graduated from Weber State University with a BIS in Communication, Psychology, and Nutrition. Debbie has four wonderful children who have four wonderful spouses and is the proud grandmother of 12. They all live around Ogden, and Debbie wouldn't want to live anywhere else. A little over a decade ago, Brent and Debbie opened TimeLess Medical Spa & Weight Loss Clinic. They felt it would be a great way to keep busy and involved after Brent retired. Debbie’s dream job was to counsel people on how to lose weight and live a healthy life, and the clinic provided her that opportunity. They have a full service medical spa overseen by Brent Williams, MD. You can tell that TimeLess Medical Spa is run with care and love because the staff is kind and helpful. The atmosphere is welcoming and calming, which makes TimeLess a great place to create your own TimeLess look.
Debbie credits most of what she's learned in her volunteer experiences for helping her know how run a business.
Women in Business Kristy Pack
KKristy Pack loves doing taxes. Really and truly. “No one loves doing taxes as much as I do. It’s like putting together a puzzle every day. I just love it!” She is in the right business. And the rest of us, who don’t enjoy the process as much as she does, are happy to have her help. Kristy graduated first in her class from Weber High School and earned a scholarship to Brigham Young University. She did her graduate work at the University of Utah. Her training is in teaching and business. She never thought she would end up doing accounting work, but that was how she paid for college, and she loved it so much that it became a career. Kristy is very passionate about business, especially women in business. She speaks regularly, teaching business owners how to run the finances for their companies. Opening her own business had never crossed Kristy’s mind until she had her first child. She wanted to work and still be a mom, so she opened her own practice. Now, she has a family room attached to the office so her kids can be there while she is working. Kristy strives to lead by example. She really cares about relationships with people. “It’s
Pack Tax
those relationships that matter. We want clients to be so happy with us, that they come to us every year for the rest of their lives, and refer all their friends and family to us.” Her goal is to help the ordinary, everyday person, someone who could file their taxes themselves, but doesn’t really want to, or someone who doesn’t want to pay a huge price to have some help. She wants everyone to be comfortable asking questions, and she promises, “We won’t make you feel stupid as you ask your accounting questions.” The Packs have a busy life. “We have five kids and two mortgages. It’s tricky to keep up with everything.” Kristy’s husband, Jared, works with her full time. And they love working together. One of the biggest lessons Kristy has learned is that, as long as you’re willing to work hard and find a way to help people, you’re going to be successful. “Find a way to help people. That’s the foundation of business.” She lives every day with that attitude. She wants her kids to learn to focus on serving and helping others. “When you treat people the right way, things are going to work out for you.”
Utah's Love of Skiing
January 2020 Start your day with a warm BREAKFAST! see recipes pg 32 POSTAL CUSTOMER
Business Melissa
Connection Publishing
Fun-due with Fondue Chocolate, cheese & caramel recipes on page 28
Fun with Chocolate, cheese & caramel recipes on page 28 Fondue
MMelissa Spelts began gathering her experience with entrepreneurship as a child. Her parents started a business when she was eleven, so she and her siblings experienced the ups and downs of a new business. Melissa’s parents have been very supportive, and they have been a great source of advice. Melissa’s dad, who passed away in 2018 said, “There’s plenty of room at the top. You just have to be willing to work for it.” Growing up and watching her parents work so hard was not easy. Her father often worked two jobs in order to make ends meet. But this experience gave Melissa an idea of what to expect from starting a business. Melissa was a full-time mom for 16 years before she and Ryan founded Connection Publishing. She told the story of them coming up with the idea. “We were on a road trip to Lake Powell with our family and we drove all night talking about plans for the business, and it just felt right.” They planned to use Ryan's sales and writing skills and Melissa's skills with photography, content creation, and ability to connect with readers. Melissa loves to brainstorm and come up with ideas. As they began to publish magazines, Melissa focused on listening to what people said about their interests and what was important to them. “I wanted the magazine to be about things that everyone could relate to. I wanted to create something that was awesome and beautiful.” Some of her favorite things about her job is connecting with members of the community, talking to business owners, and learning about the local history.
Ryan and Melissa have big plans for Connection Publishing. “Our goal and dream is to have this be a business that will uplift people and help them feel like they belong to something special. We want the community and our team members to feel like they’re making a positive impact.” Running a business and being a mom at the same time is always a challenge. Melissa says it can be hard to make sure you give enough time to your children to nurture them and make them feel loved. However, magazines have deadlines, and it can be tricky to keep track of everything. “My hope is that my family will see their mom and dad running a business and know that it's good to pursue your dreams. They should know that it's a lot of work, but that’s okay too.” One of her favorite things about her job is connecting with members of the community. OFFICIAL CITY MAGAZINE! POSTAL CUSTOMER PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID Homedale, ID PERMIT NO. 11 www.northogdenconnection.com RECYCLE ME! February 2020 Fun with Chocolate, cheese & caramel recipes on page 32 Fondue OFFICIAL ROY CITY MAGAZINE! www.royconnection. com POSTAL CUSTOMER PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID Ogden, UT PERMIT NO. 418 January 2020 Utah's Love of Skiing A Winter to Remember Trains were at a standstill Cuddle up to a Warm BREAKFAST! see recipes Pg 28 OFFICIAL ROY CITY MAGAZINE! www.royconnection. com POSTAL CUSTOMER PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID Ogden, UT PERMIT NO. 418 February 2020 FEATURE: SHOWING LOVE Through Giving & Service OFFICIAL SYRACUSE CITY MAGAZINE! www.syracuseconnection.com POSTAL CUSTOMER PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID Permit 418 Ogden, UT February 2020 FEATURE: SHOWING LOVE THROUGH GIVING AND SERVICE




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