Have you ever been hiking out away from civilization and had the eerie feeling that your being watched? You may just be in "big foot" territory.There have been many local sightings of this strange creature (see page 19). Are you a believer?
Halloween is full of candy, witches and spooky haunted houses. But, have you ever wondered where Halloween originated? Page 20 will explain it all.
From aliens to Big Foot, and ghosts to supernatural findings, each state has their own share of myths and legends. Utah is no exception. Check out some of the mysterious stories of The Great Salt Lake on page 21.
You can't go wrong with burgers and fries. If your looking for a mouth watering meal to sink your teeth in to, look no further. The Burger Bus is the place to go (see page 25).
Looking for a very inexpensive and fun way to add personality to your home decor? Check out page 17 to find this months activity that will be sure to take your DIY skills to a whole new level.