PRSRTSTD US 84404POSTAGEPAIDOgdenUTPERMITNO.418 POSTALCUSTOMERECRWSS September 2022 OFFICIAL CITY MAGAZINE! Happy 6th ConnectionBirthdayPublishing Get some excellent cake tips & recipes from the pros ENTER / VOTE Details On Page 24 ART CONTEST Recognizing Local COMMUNITY INFLUENCERS

DUSTIN PETERSON Realtor 801-528-9500 LANCE PETERSON Loan Officer NMLS # 253142 801-388-5888 Corporate NMLS #248240 Regulated by The Division of Real Estate “If you’ve been sitting on the fence about selling or buying that new home, now is thetime. Maximize your equity,give us a call for full service real estate and to be treated like family!”“Now is the time!”

September 2022 | 3 CONNECT WITH US! News, contests, photos from readers and lots more! We love hearing from you!
If you'd like to advertise in our publications that reach over 14,000 homes in Roy, please contact Kendal at 801-603-6216 or, for ad rates and to receive a media kit. Stay connected!
Disclaimer: The paid advertisements contained within the Roy Connection magazine are not endorsed or recommended by Connection Publishing or Roy City. Therefore, neither party may be held liable for the business practices of these companies. The City is also not responsible for any content in the magazines except for that which they directly submit for print. Spelts
5600 South Construction Update
UDOT’s 5600 South Road project is progressing. The project will include a new I-15 interchange, the widening of 5600 South to five lanes, intersection improvements, and a new trail system. Currently, right-of-way property acquisition is underway, primarily on the south side of 5600 south. Construction is expected to begin in the summer of 2023, with a completion in the fall of 2025. If you suspect your property is being impacted, please reach out to the project team at 385-383-6576 or You will find more information on the city’s website under COMMUNITY. If you have lived in Roy City for even just a few years, you already know of the Roy Day’s celebration. From the Miss Roy Pageant in July to the first weekend in August, the city helps sponsor and/ or provides a variety of activities that culminate into a wonderful fireworks display. Thousands of hours go into planning and execution of all this summer of fun. This year’s Miss Roy Pageant and Roy Days, like so many past years, was a delightful and successful series of events. I would like to personally say thank you to city employees and volunteers who worked tirelessly to create another incredible sequence of experiences. Each of you brought moments of joy into the lives of so many. Well done! With school now back in session and children filling the sidewalks and streets, I would ask that you keep a close eye on them as you drive. Our dedicated crossing guards will be there doing their part to keep children safe, but they need all of us to stay focused and not let distractions create a dangerous situation.
AD DESIGN Robert Dodd Abigail Rigby Crystal Rappleye Hyrum Rappleye
Robert Dandoy Roy City Mayor “ With school now back in session and children filling the sidewalks and streets, I would ask that you keep a close eye on them as you drive.”
Roy Connection is published monthly by Connection Publishing© 801-624-9652
Brittany Carroll Kassie Baker
The city's website has information on every department in the city, and the Facebook page has fun updates on events and other local interests. @royconnection@royconnectionutah
RECYCLEPLEASE Connection www.connectionpub.comPublishing
Robert Dodd WRITERS Mayor Robert Dandoy Hailey Minton Cindy A. Jones Kim KaylaKendalLenhartRaeJensenRasmussen

4 | September 2022 5 CITY NEWS 10 COMMUNITY Calendar of Events Roys Above and Beyond 14 A LOOK BACK Flora Ogan Writer, Community Influencer, and Trailblazer for Women 21 BUSINESS Bryson's Rock Shop 22 RECIPES Birthday Cake Recipes and Pro Tips 26 EDUCATION Education Goes Beyond the Classroom and Textbooks Special Advertisement Pages Bank of Utah CONTENTS in this issue SEPTEMBER 18 Community Influencers 24 Sixth Annual Art Contest 28 Birthday Cake Recipes and Pro Tips ON OUR COVER Connect with us on Social Media! @royconnectionutah@royconnection 22 We offer some fantastic Birthday Cake Recipes as well as Pro Tips. 18 Artists, unite! Send us your finest work for this year's Art Contest. Photo by Melissa Spelts Questions or comments? or 801-624-9652 Advertising Kendal Rae Jensen: | 801-603-6216 Website: The PublishingConnectionTeam We asked the CP team this question: “What is the best thing about Fall?” “The thebreezecoolandbeautifulfallleaves!” Melissa Spelts Photographer “I timeoftheforwardlooktochangepaceandathomewithmyfamily!” Kendal Rae Jensen Sales/Writer Connection PublishingSIXTH ANNUAL WINVOTEPRIZES!CASHFORYOURFAVORITE Ryan Spelts Publisher Robert Dodd Graphic Design Hyrum Rappleye Ad Design Crystal Rappleye Ad Design Abigail Rigby Ad Design Ann Park Sales & ManagerOperation Diane Liberator Sales Kim Crook Digital ManagerMedia Hailey Minton Writer Kris Blankman Writer Jaycee Gray Writer Cindy Jones Writer Brittany Carroll Editor Kassie Baker Editor “I love theair!”crisp Danielle Arana Sales

Ann Jackson: Diane Wilson:
Justice Court: 801-774-1051 Parks & Rec: 801-774-1048 Recreation Complex: 801-774-1050 Public Works: 801-774-1090
Just Serve has three volunteer opportunities available for Roy City for the 9/11 Food Drive. 1. 2. 3.
Sophie Paul: Roy Offices & Utilities: 801-774-1000
City Council: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m.
Planning Commission: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays at 6 p.m. New Hours are now
Joe Paul: Randy Scadden:
Monday - Thursday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Key Community Contacts
Police: Emergency - 911 Non-Emergency Dispatch - 801-395-8221 Records: 801-774-1046
Development:Community 801-774-1040
The city is also participating in Just Serve’s 9/11 food drive. You can drop your donations off at the city building until September 8th.
Council Members:
Roy City Updates
Opportunities to serve and give are available all year long at the two Blessing Boxes located at Memorial Park and Public Works. We should strive to live by the motto of “Service before Self.” Anne Frank said, “No one has ever become poor by giving.”
Mayor Robert Dandoy: 801-774-1028
Joe Paul Roy City Council
Roy City Fire will host a tribute for the fallen and heroes of 9/11, alongside Roy City Police Department. It will be held in front of Roy Fire Station 31, next to the city offices, beginning at 6:30 a.m. At 6:45 a.m., all present will pause and remember the events of that day and honor the fallen and first responders.
Please keep in mind, emails are not monitored 24/7. If your matter is urgent, please call.
Remembering September 11th
Roy City Municipal Building Hours of Operation
You may also visit our Facebook & Instagram for city updates.
September 2022 | 5
City Council Meetings
September 11th is now known as “Patriot Day” in the United States and is observed as the National Day of Service and Remembrance of the fallen of the 9/11 Attacks.
Fire: 801-774-1080
City Council and Planning Commission meetings are held at the Roy Municipal Building. The public is invited to attend.
We have had some successful service opportunities the past few weeks as our community gathers and works together to make our town a better place. Please take some time to serve your family, friends, neighbors, or even a stranger.

The purpose of the Five-Year Review is to evaluate treatment systems and ongoing studies to ensure they are protective of human health and the environment and to determine if the cleanup goals are being met at each site. The Five-Year Review project is an independent review being completed by a contractor that is not involved in the cleanup effort.
CENTRAL WEBER SEWER FEE $ 31.57 $ 34.25 Roy City Utilities Update
RECYCLE FEES Recycling (opt out option annually in June) $ 6.50 $ 7.21 Add for Extra Recycle Can (per can) $ 6.36 $ 7.05
GARBAGE FEES Garbage Collection and Disposal (in recycle) $ 12.04 $ 13.36 Garbage Collection and Disposal (out recycle) $ 13.29 $ 14.75 Extra Garbage Can (six month minimum) $ 7.77 $ 8.62
WATER BASE FEES Old Rate New Rate Monthly Base Water Fee $ 13.38 $ 15.38 WATER USAGE
First 9,000 gallons (per 1,000) $ 0.88 $ 0.90 Next 6,000 gallons (per 1,000) $ 1.58 $ 1.62 Next 5,000 gallons (per 1,000) $ 1.81 $ 1.87 All gallons over 20,000 (per 1,000) $ 2.08 $ 2.16
As part of the Five-Year Review process, interviews are done with community members, especially those living near or most affected by the Operable Units, to get their view about
6 | September 2022 + COMMUNITY Hill AFB has 16 Operable Units (OUs), or collections of sites, where soil, groundwater, or indoor air contamination has been found on the base and in the communities of Clearfield, Clinton, Layton, Riverdale, Roy, South Weber, and Sunset. The Operable Units and sites have various cleanup remedies in place on the base, in the above cities, and in resident homes, or they are being assessed for future cleanup.
The Air Force is Conducting a Five-Year Review of the Environmental Cleanup Sites at Hill Air Force Base treatment systems, site conditions, and related concerns. This Five-Year Review effort covers the period between October 2017 and September 2022. If you are interested in being interviewed or if you have questions, please contact Ms. Barbara Fisher, the Environmental Public Affairs Coordinator, at 801-775-3652. Results of the Five-Year Review will be reviewed by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Utah Department of Environmental Quality. The final report, which will include all public interviews, will be completed in December 2023.
As of July 1, 2022: Roy City has implemented the following rate increases that have been brought on by the service providers. The increases are for water, garbage/recycling, and Central Weber Sewer (mostly customers east of 1900 West). These increases will be reflected on the August bill.

The Roy City storm water system runs through the Meadow Creek fish pond. This water is vital to the pond and wild life and must be kept clean. 4815 S. 3500 W., Roy • 801-985-7011 • Monday-Friday 9am-7pm • Saturday 9am-5pm • Closed Sunday 4 81 5 S 35 0 0 W R oy, Utah 8 4 0 6 7 and- phar macy. com 4 81 5 S 35 0 0 W R oy, Utah 8 4 0 6 7 and- phar macy. com 4 81 5 S 35 0 0 W • R o 8 01 - 9 8 5 - 7 0 1 1 • mi dla 4 81 5 S 35 0 0 W • R o 8 01 - 9 8 5 - 7 0 1 1 • mi dlan • Immunizations • Mobile Refills • Compression Socks • Free Drug Disposal • Easy TransfersPrescription • Rapid COVID-19, Strep, and Flu Testing • Home Health Care Supplies • Greeting Cards and Unique Gifts Medicare?Questionsabout Let us help you get youanswerstheneed! Our fast and friendly staff has been serving the Roy community for over 20 years! FREE DELIVERY and Convenient DRIVE-THRU AVAILABLE
These water
Water quality is an important aspect of Roy City’s efforts to improve the Howard Slough. Water quality concerns are based primarily upon the goal of maintaining recreational opportunities, especially the community fishery. Additional concerns are related to minimizing the contaminants that are typically in storm water runoff from urban areas. Biologists from the Utah Department of Natural Resources have indicated to Roy City staff that maintaining adequate oxygen levels and proper pH levels are the primary factors for the health of the Howard Slough and the community fishery. quality concerns are primarily impacted
by the following potential pollutants: • Nutrients (fertilizers, detergents, etc.) • Yard waste and trash (lawn clipping, leaves, animal waste, etc.) • Sediment Additional water quality concerns include toxic and hazardous substances: • Fuel, oils, and lubricants • Household hazardous waste • Solvents • Pesticides/herbicides • Paints and paint products • Cement, mortar, stucco
September 2022 | 7 + COMMUNITY
Pour waste oil into an unbreakable container (plastic milk jug), seal, and label. Do not mix other materials with oil. Call 801399-8803 or 801-726-8212 for disposal or visit Weber County Transfer Station, 867 W. Wilson Lane, Ogden, Utah 84401. Please contact Roy City Public Works Department to report violations at (801) 774-1090. If it is after hours, please call Weber County Dispatch at 801-629-8221. current storm water ordinance is on our website at
Roy City Stormwater

MaryLyne Jones said, “He is truly the best. I've never seen him lose his temper or be unkind to anyone.
+ COMMUNITY Mont Stevenson grew up playing football and basketball at Layton High school. After graduating, he and other alumni got together for tournaments. He wanted to add some fun to these games, so he grabbed a microphone and started announcing the games with humor and enthusiasm. Formal training wasn’t necessary for Mont. Eventually, he was asked to announce Layton High games. When his kids started attending Roy High in 2002, he started announcing there as well. Today, he sticks with announcing Roy High games, and he announces basically every sport except chess. Mont said, “My real work is pretty flexible as a salaried employee.” There have been games he hasn’t been able to attend, but it has been few in terms of the total number of events at the school. He also really appreciates the support of the administration and everyone who helps him in the booth and at the table. Not only does Mont announce the games, he is the game DJ. He began with a boombox, and now, he has a laptop with plenty of music and sound effects. He will play the players’ favorite songs when they’re announced and play other music during warmups, breaks, or halftime. Most high schools don’t have microphones for the refs, and this is true for Roy High as well. Mont has fooled visiting teams into thinking they did by animating his voice and announcing as if he was the ref. He has announced dance competitions, emceed Miss Snow College, and he also announces the Weber State Volleyball team. Of Roy High School, he said, “Till they find someone else, I’ll keep doing it.”
We are always looking for individuals who go Above and Beyond! We want to hear from you!
Mike Puzey, Roy High School Athletic Director, said he is “definitely the ‘voice of the Royals’… He's truly one of the most loyal Royals ever!” Email your story on
The music he plays at all sporting events is carefully and with a choice sense of humor. He is never disagreeable. We just love his devotion to Roy High. Thank you, thank you, Mont. No one is better.”
Kristy Westover Boatright said, “Mont Stevenson is so fun to have at games! He makes all of the student athletes feel so good while they're playing. The games just aren't the same when he's not there announcing.”
8 | September 2022
Melissa Beyer said, “[He has] personality, enthusiasm, [and] his voice sounds like he smiles all the time. I personally do not know him (so I can't verify the smile), but I can tell you that he announces with his heart. My son played football for Roy High. Even coming back for football games all these years later, his voice has a welcoming and ‘coming home’ feeling.”
Janette Jackson said he is a great neighbor and has a heart of gold. “We moved here about five-plus years ago, and he and his wife were quick to welcome us. I kept my son and daughter attending Roy High instead of them going to a different high school with our move. Seriously, the kindest family I have ever met and know.”
or submit
Comments from just a few of the many who Thank Mont for going "Above and Beyond"
Jennifer Mark Johnson said, “My daughter plays softball, and he does an amazing job!! He announces the batting lineup before the game with music and then announces them as they come up to bat with their walk-up song. He announces the great plays and then does silly things too. Like, if a foul ball was hit, he would play glass shattering or ducks quacking (get it? a “fowl” ball). Just makes it super fun!” She has been to many away games that didn’t have announcers, let alone someone who comes close to bringing what Mont brings to Roy High games.
Roy's Above and Beyond - Mont Stevenson

Farmhouse at Saccos will continue to sell fresh produce grown locally - much of it grown on their own farm. But there is much more than produce, all with an emphasis on “local.”
Have you ever wondered why O’Reilly and AutoZone auto parts stores built near each other? (Check out the four locations in Roy, four in Ogden, two in North Ogden, and two in South Ogden.) Per a store manager, the two stores “are in competition for commercial business and almost always are built within a few blocks of each other, if possible. The major difference is customer service.” You’ll have to decide for yourself which store’s manager said that.
September 2022 | 9
Look for products such as heavenly caramels, locally produced honey, packets of seeds, Gossner’s cheese, Andy’s Club Greek dressing, Storey’s pickles, Stone Ground Bakery pita bread, Beaverton horseradish, Redmond salt, local jams, jellies, nuts, and spices, Farr Better ice cream, Pioneer chips, Rogers eggs, jerky, several varieties of salsa, and local beer. They also have their own brand of bottled products: farmhouse pickles, beets, pickled asparagus, queso blanco, garlic olives, blackberry syrup, candied jalapeño, and pickled eggs, to name just a few. They plan to have gift baskets to pre-order and, someday, meats. Is your mouth watering yet??
O’Reilly and AutoZone Auto Parts
SHOP ROY–Buy Local Farmhouse at Saccos (6050 S. 1900 W.)
As a phoenix rises out of the ashes, Farmhouse at Saccos has given new life to Roy City’s iconic 53-yearold produce stand. In April 2022, the Saccos retired and Brandy Fowers walked inside. For weeks, she was hands-and-knees on the floor, patiently painting a vibrant pattern on the cement. Family members installed new lighting, painted walls and ceilings, brought in farmhouse décor, contacted suppliers, and replaced windows. A few short weeks later, they flung open the doors to a vibrant, updated building that is bright, clean, cheerful, homey, and comfortable.

10 | September 2022 + COMMUNITY Follow Us on Social Media! @royrecreationcomplex@roycityrecreation@royrecreationcomplex@roy_recreation@royrecreation Parks & Recreation Department Lots of fun programs to join! CLASSES ARE INCLUDED WITH ENTRANCE FEE OR WITH PASS! Get Fit • Have Fun • Make Friends WOMEN’S STRENGTH TRAINING Boost your metabolism and tone your muscles with resistance training. When: Monday, Wednesday, & Friday Time: 8.45 a.m. YOGA CLASSES Yoga offers physical and mental health benefits for people of all ages. When: Tuesday & Thursday Time: 9 a.m. SENIOR EXERCISES If you’re looking for the right exercises, we invite you to join our workouts, ranging in all varieties and skill levels. Classic: Monday & Wednesday Cardio: Friday Times: 10 a.m. PICKLEBALL A fun sport that combines many elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. When: Monday – Friday Time: 5 a.m. - 12 p.m.

The 6th Annual Art Show was recently held in conjunction with Roy Days. The theme was “The Simple Things in Life”. Winners were awarded ribbons and cash prizes on August 6th, with the Best of Show winning $200. The winners are as follows:
Art Professional 1st - Mark McCrutchen 2nd - Keith Dagley 3rd - Ashley Moore Honorable Mention - Janet Rohwer Art Amateur 1st - Kelly Taylor 2nd - Connie Brand 3rd - Topher Gardner Art Seniors 1st - Shannon Cruchele 2nd - Lamar Taylor 3rd - Denise Thurston Honorable Mention - Josie Spring Art Youth 1st - Ash Hill 2nd - Kenley Orton 3rd - Mitchell Mallinak Honorable Mention - Yva Gale Art Junior 1st - Olivia Brown 2nd - Jeni Poulson Photography Natural 1st - George Pandoff 2nd - Jill Savoie 3rd - Valerie Schnek Honorable Mention - Louis Odenwalder Photography Enhanced 1st - Gordon Doxey 2nd - Ashley Moore 3rd - Mitchell Millinak Quilting Machine Stitched 1st - Karen Glass 2nd - Lori Foote 3rd - Megan Coleman Honorable Mention - Bonnie Bash 3-D 1st - Charles Richards 2nd - Kevin Fuit + COMMUNITY
Best of Show Arts Council Award Roy Mayor & Council Award - Mona Moses - Shannon Farnsworth - Keith Dagley
September 2022 | 11 SUMMERSUMMER ROY CITY CONCERT SERIESROY CITY CONCERT SERIES September 9th Weber County Library Amphitheater 2039 W 4000 S Roy, UT 84067 Riverdale City Band Make sure to bring your own blanket or chair 7:00PM START7:00PM START Want to be a Roy City Event Sponsor? Contact Roy Recreation at 801-774-1048 or Halloween Christmas Tree Lighting Easter Roy Days 2023

Sept 7 & 21: BINGO! 12:45 p.m. Sept 13: Paint with Trish 11 a.m. Sept 14: Robin Arnold 11:30 a.m. Sept 15: Second GenerationCome Out & Dance! 11:30 a.m. FOOT CLINIC 12 p.m. Sept 20: Linda Hammer on Piano 11:30 a.m.
WEBER COUNTY LIBRARY EVENTS Weber County Southwest Branch • 2039 W. 4000 S., Roy, UT • 801-337-2670
ROY COMPLEX Sept 5: Closed for Labor Day ROY JR. HIGH Sept 2: Opening Assembly Roy Jr. (Time TBD) Sept 5: Hooper Days Student Govt Parade Roy Jr. 8:30 a.m. Sept 8: Author Event Roy Jr. 5 p.m. Sept 9, 16, & 30: Football Roy Jr. 3 p.m. Sept 14: Early Out 12:15 p.m. Sept 20, 22, & 27: Softball Roy Jr. 3 p.m. SAND RIDGE JR. HIGH Sept 30: Make Up Picture Day Sand Ridge 8:30 a.m. Sept 28: Garr Ashby 11:30 a.m. Ongoing Activities (Monday - Friday) Lunch is Served 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Monday Oil Painting 9 a.m. Zumba 10 a.m. Coffee w/ Friends 10 a.m. 30-Minute Zumba 10:30 a.m. Cards 12 p.m. Line Dancing 12:30 p.m. Out to Eat Bunch 4 p.m. Tuesday Ceramics 8:30 a.m. Tai Chi for Arthritis 9 a.m. Quilting 9 a.m. Coffee w/ Friends 10 a.m. Pinochle 12:30 p.m. Wednesday Ceramics 8:30 a.m. Thursday Oil Painting 8:30 a.m. Floor Yoga 8:30 a.m. Blood Pressure Clinic 8:30 a.m. Chair Yoga 9:30 a.m. Crochet Class 9:30 a.m. Tea Time w/ Friends 10:30 a.m. Cards 12 p.m. Friday Arthritis Excercise 10 a.m. Coffee w/ Friends 10 a.m. ROY COMMUNITY Sept: 7, 14, 21, & 28: Farmers Market 4059 S 1900 W Roy, UT 5 - 8 p.m.
SENIOR CENTER Activities & Entertainment
SCHOOL EVENTS All Elementary, Jr. High, and High Schools Sept 5: Labor Day - No School All Jr. High, and High Schools Sept 14: Early Out 12:15 p.m. Sept 28: ConferencesParent–Teacher 1 p.m. ROY HIGH Sept 1: Orchestra Sticker Night Band Room RHS 5 p.m. Sept 1, 22, & 29: Girls Soccer RHS 5:30 p.m. Sept 2 & 9: Football RHS 7 p.m. Sept 5: Labor Day - No School Sept 10: ACT Exam RHS 8 a.m. Sept 14: Early Out 12:15 p.m. Sept 20: Homecoming Song Auditions RHS (after school) Sept 21: Carnival RHS parking lot 6 p.m. Sept 24: Royal Run RHS 7 a.m. Cross Country Meet Royal Run Invitational RHS 8 a.m. Sept 27: Sidewalk Painting (after school) Sept 28: Super Candidate Assembly RHS football field (Time TBD)
Homecoming Parade RHS 6 p.m. Sept 30: Homecoming Football Game RHS 7 p.m. Oct 1: Homecoming Dance RHS football field 8 p.m. Enter to WIN A TELESCOPE Entries will be accepted until November 30. Winners will be contacted on December 7.
Sept 7: Fall Plant Swap 6:30 p.m. Sept 10: Teddy Bear Picnic Stories, crafts, games, & a picnic! 3:30 p.m. Sept 12: Empowering Financial Wellness: Budgeting Tips & Tricks 6:30 p.m. Sept 15: Teen Scene: The Making of Marvel (Part One) 6 p.m. For a complete listing of all activites, please visit
12 | September 2022

First Friday Art Stroll 25th St. 6 - 9 p.m.
We have finally secured a venue and are happy to announce your TWELVE-YEAR REUNION will be held at The Union Grill in Ogden. September 24th
Sept 3: Photo Scavenger Hunt Contest Ogden Nature Center 9:30 a.m. Layton Advance Auto Car Show Advance Auto Parts 10 a.m. Hooper Tomato Days Fireworks Hooper Park 9:30 p.m. Sept 3 & 10: Farmer’s Market Historic 25th Street 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Sept 9: Concerts in the ParkRiverdale City Band Southwest Branch Library Amphitheater 7 p.m. Sept 15: Ballet West ll - FREE performance Layton Ed Kenley Amphitheater 8 p.m. Sept 17: Drivin’ for Autism Charity Event Schneiter’s Riverside Golf Course 7 a.m. Sept 17 & 24: Farmers Fall Market Historic 25th Street 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Sept 24: Fall Market Show Liberty Hall 10 a.m. Sept 28: Cruise Night - FREE Classic Car Show The Burger Stop 6 p.m. Gandy Dancer Mercantile's Friday Night Music Series Bring your friends, make yourself at home, and treat yourself to some of the BEST musicians in town! Sept 2: Korene Greenwood Sept 3: Bill-N-Diane Sept 9: Wood Carver Sept 10: Pick-N-Stix Sept 16: Ashberry Jam Sept 17: Soul Shine Sept 23: Ophir Creek Sept 24: Dixon Haze Sept 30: TBD FREE ADMISSION / All Ages / 7 - 9 p.m. 3920 Washington Blvd., Ogden 6-9
Sept 2: 2022 Weber State Block Party Food Trucks, Swag, Games & Fun! WSU 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. (Purple Pancake Breakfast starts at 8 a.m.)
September 2022 | 13 + COMMUNITY

As Flora retired in 1996, she published a farewell in the Standard Examiner. In the article, Flora is examining some of the artifacts she had collected in her career, now packed in boxes.
Flora passed away in 2015, after a 40-year career in journalism and a lifetime of trailblazing the journalism scene for women everywhere.
In November 1969, Flora was appointed City Editor of the Ogden Standard Examiner, having actively filled the role since May of the same year. Well into the 1980s, Flora was the only female city editor of a daily newspaper in the Intermountain region. Flora utilized the newspaper’s editorials to promote causes like the Ogden City and Weber County government reform, construction of the Weber County Fairgrounds, and the Union Station and 25th Street restoration. As a leader in the newspaper industry, Flora was one of only seven journalists-the only woman in the group- chosen to accompany the 388th Tactical Fighter Wing on a training mission to Germany in 1977. In 1982, Flora stepped into the role of associate editor for the Standard Examiner, eventually assuming the role of editorial page editor, a position rarely occupied by a woman at any major daily newspaper at the time.
She reflects on a plaque gifted to her from a friend when she accepted the role of city editor, with the inscription A man of equality is not threatened by a woman of equality.
Flora Ogan at the time, the only female city editor of a daily newspaper in the intermountain region working at the Ogden Standard Examiner.
In November 1969, Flora was appointed City Editor of the Ogden Standard... the only female city editor of a daily newspaper in Intermountaintheregion.
We are always looking for great community influencer stories We want to hear from you! Email melissa@connectionpub. com or submit your story on
During WWII, Flora worked for Mountain Bell and was assigned to Wendover as a PBX operator. When the war ended, she came back to Ogden and moved to Roy in 1952, working as a secretary and bookkeeper at her family’s furniture store. In 1953, with a penchant for writing, Flora took a correspondent position with the Ogden Standard Examiner, covering news in the rapidly growing city. With an efficient but evocative writing style, Flora increasingly took on more significant stories as a correspondent and was promoted to a reporter position in 1960. She filled a variety of assignments in this role, ranging from reporting on the Ogden City and Weber County school boards, covering notes from several cities’ city council meetings, and community church editor.
Flora was quietly intimidated at taking on this new role. “I was timid -yes many find that difficult to believenot yet comfortable with writing opinion or facing up to the powerful movers and shakers, all male, of that era…The gift held great meaning to a fledgling editorial writer and fed her desire to mentor other women climbing the career ladder.”
Flora Ogan, a longtime Roy resident, was the second woman ever to hold the position of city editor for a daily newspaper west of the Mississippi. Flora was born in 1928 in Ogden. Daughter of H.D. Sparrow, owner of Roy’s prominent furniture business, Flora was the only daughter in her household, no doubt learning early on how to make her voice heard in a family full of brothers.
Flora Ogan – Writer, Community Influencer, and Trailblazer for Women
14 | September 2022 + A LOOK BACK Since we’re focusing on community influencers in this issue, let’s also look to the past for inspiration.
Throughout her career, Flora served on many boards and committees, including a task force to save the Defense Depot Ogden and the Base Realignment and Closure committee that helped save Hill Air Force Base. She was also one of the founders of Women in Business, bringing the national Women in Business conference to Ogden in 1985.

Free Photo Scanning Event March 17 th , May 12 th , August 11 th & October 13 th Lindquist North Ogden Mortuary | 2140 N. Washington Blvd R.S.V.P. – 801-782 6666 or – Limited Space Available Light refreshments will be served Bring up to 1000 photos to have scanned, digitized, and given back to you on a personalized jump drive for free. Bring in your totes and shoe boxes of pictures ready to scan in our special high speed photo scanners. OGDEN ~ NORTH OGDEN ~ ROY ~ SYRACUSE ~ CLEARFIELD ~ LAYTON ~ KAYSVILLE ~ BOUNTIFUL LIFE’SPreserveMEMORIES

• DON’T go to the store hungry. • DO order groceries online, so you don’t give into impulse purchases.
Eating at home costs quite a bit more today than it did a year ago — almost 12 percent more, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s food-at-home index. The rising cost of food is a big burden and can leave people feeling overwhelmed and defeated in the grocery store checkout stand. While, as customers, we can’t control the price of groceries, we can control our habits, working to avoid bad ones and add good ones. Here are four good habits to make grocery bills more manageable.
4. Use a credit card — with care If a cash-only budget isn’t appealing, use a credit card that earns points or rewards for grocery purchases. Then, put those rewards back toward your budget.
1. Understand how much you’re spending on groceries each month It’s easy to overspend at the grocery store, from giving in to delicious smells to grabbing higher-priced namebrand items to buying more-expensive pre-cut fruits and vegetables. Tracking and reviewing your purchases is the first step to identifying habits and discovering where to cut back.
Take note: These cards usually have a higher annual percentage rate (APR). Be sure to pay off the balance in full every month, to avoid incurring interest.
SomeShoppingGroceryFinal DONT’SDO’S& Fun & Affordable
• DON’T grab a cart when a basket will do (more room to put items).unnecessary
2. Make a budget After determining spending habits, create a grocery budget. Many online banking platforms and mobile apps make it easy to generate custom budgets, set spending limits, and get alerted to overspending.
3. Spend cash A cash-only grocery budget makes it difficult to overspend at the supermarket and leads to better decision-making, such as swapping out a name-brand case of soup for a store brand.
Supermarket Shock? Get 4 Tips for Managing the Rising Costs of Food
• DON’T forget to check what you already have in your pantry. • DO make sure you’ve got your beforecouponsyougo.
16 | September 2022
BY KIM LENHART, BANK OF UTAH BRANCH MANAGER Go com/newsbankofutah.totogetmorefinancialtipsandadvice.Meals Kids Can Make
• DO make a meal plan and bring a list of needed items to the store.

September 2022 | 17 OsteoADStrong OSTEOSTRONG is a once a week, natural nonpharmaceutical, skeletal strengthening system that can help you: • Build Bone Density • Reduce Joint & Back Pain • Increase Strength • Improve Balance & Posture Scan QR code to sign up for you free session! OSTEOSTRONG SYRACUSE 801.895.2143 1013 W 2700 S, Suite 2 | Syracuse, Utah 84075 300%216% 216% Strength +9% Bone Density in the Spine #DIANESTRONG 207% 207% Strength From Osteopenia to Normal Bone Density #JUDYSTRONG 101% 101% Strength 3.5 Point Drop in A1C #DEESTRONG 101% 101% ImprovementDramaticStrengthBalance #JANSTRONG Kendal is your connection to local advertising in the Connection magazines. Call her to find out how you can get involved: 801-603-6216

You are an influencer in your own world, I have always told my kids, people are watching what you do and what you say. Make sure you are doing the things you say you will do, that is integrity.
An influencer in my life is a man named Howard who owns an HVAC company locally. We got to know him through our worship services and for whatever reason, he seemed to like our family. He hired our son to mow his lawn, he taught him how to do a good job and then eventually asked him to come and mow the grass covered areas at his companies building. This helped our son start a small mowing business while he was in high school. Then when he was old enough, Howard hired our son to start apprenticing at the HVAC company and paid him well for the work he did. My son is an adult now and has different pursuits and yet Howard is still a good friend and mentor to him. In our life, Howard is an influencer. He has an impact in our life still today. We have asked our team to ask for nominees for people who are community influencers. These are this years nominees. Congratulations and thank you for being a positive contributor.
18 | September 2022 2022 NOMINEES Ethelyn Bradshaw Bradshaw Tutoring Shawn Iverson The Insurance Center Dan Vance Advanced Local Hailey Minton Connection Publishing Chad Russon Russon Mortuary Dr. Brett Burtenshaw Tanner Clinic Wendy Vinhage Habitat for Humanity Brandon Barber Invision Computers Mike Tobin Tobin’s Elite
Jesse Western Hearing Improvement Center Sky Rands SLR Roofing Karen Wright RealtyPath Summit Julie Johnson United Way Steve Reich R Marketing Department Tylor Norton Tight Lines HVAC Mark Miller Brilliant Lighting Center Brandon Barber Invision Computers Sharee Harrison For the Birds and the Bees Jodi Orgill-Brown Global Leader Group Pam Grounds for Coffee - Clearfield Lee Brasher Wasatch Prints Janelle and Leo Vettori Rocky Mtn. Tumbling & Cheer Manuel Gallegos El Burrito Ryan Rentmeister Rentmeister Total Home Service Jose Palacios Argentine Corner John Ekstrom Xtek Firearms Kayla Peterson Clean Steam Carpet Cleaning Sheli Latimer Sheli’s Massage Angi RachelKellettHansen Bitton Lisa Hadlock LT SherryWeeseClawson PhiladelphiaGrifols Sub Shop Home Helpers Dirty Bird -Clearfield JTE Home Solutions

Russon Mortuary prides itself on the presentation of loved ones. They take their time to make sure that the makeup, hair, and clothing is just the way the family wants it. It is important for them to supply comfort. They try to have local directors so that, when you walk in their doors, you see a familiar face. Russon Mortuary can now provide cremation services on site. Russon’s feels that it is important that the directors have as much time as they need to spend with the family.
David Milius
David Milius is one of the funeral directors for the Syracuse location of Russon Mortuary. As a young man in Southern California, David witnessed a member of his LDS ward exhibit kindness and compassion as an embalmer to a close family friend when they lost a loved one. That example and experience stayed with him. When the time came for him to choose a career, he knew what he wanted to spend his life doing and graduated from mortuary school in Southern California. He said that to be able to take care of someone in their time of need is very fulfilling and a rewarding way to give back to the community.
Local Feature
September 2022 | 19
Russon Mortuary & Crematory
(801) 825-3655 •
Russon Mortuary was founded in 1955. There are now three locations in Utah: one in Farmington, one in Bountiful, and since 2019, one in Syracuse. Russon’s appreciates being a member of the community, where they try to give back by sponsoring sports, theatre, and other school programs at Syracuse High School. With all the growth happening in these areas, Russon Mortuary feels the importance of staying close to the community. They want folks to know they are there for them in their time of need and that they will be there in the future. They can accommodate funerals that are proper within a wide variety of religious and nondenominational beliefs and have worked hard to create a place where everything can be taken care of on site to make it easier on the families during a time of loss. Russon’s feels that it is important that the directors have as much time as they need to spend with the family.

You may already know Hailey Minton as one of our writers. She’s also a talented editor. She loves to watch her daughter, Ila, discover new things. Hailey and her husband, Bradley, have a secret love of Kookslams on Instagram. The Minton family are expecting a new baby in September. “Hailey has been such an amazing writer for us. She was just out of college when we first met, and she was so eager and excited to write stories for the magazines,” said Connection Publishing’s owner, Ryan Spelts.” It has been fun to see her progress and mature while still keeping that excitement for the story. She is like family to us, and we are so glad we crossed paths five years ago.” While studying business management and marketing at BYU Hawaii, she knew friends who had worked at the campus magazine, which she thought would be a good experience to explore in her last semester. “It was always super fun to do something that interested me,” said Hailey. “I feel like if you listen with the intent to share with others, it helps things to sink in a lot more.” After graduating six months later, she was invited to return to the magazine to complete an internship as an editor.
At a media conference in Manhattan, Hailey discovered how different hyper-local news could be from the norm, which really resonated with her. After graduating, she later met Ryan and came to Connection Publishing through a series of networking events. Hailey has since been an integral part of Connection Publishing as writer and editor. “It has engaged my mind, while also giving me an excuse to reach out and connect with people in my community,” said Hailey. “I would love to live in any of the communities we cover, where there are so many awesome people who have great stories and give back to their own communities. We really live in an amazing place. It makes me happy when I hear about people trying something new because of something I’ve written.” After interviewing so many of the different and interesting people in our communities, Hailey says, she would likely need three lifetimes to pursue all the things she’s interested in. But, for the time being, she’ll just keep being a writer.
“There’s so much to learn, and from so many people, if you're genuinely curious,” said Hailey.
20 | September 2022 Hailey Minton Connection Publishing Local Feature Your City Magazine!

BY ANN PARK Bryson’s Rock Shop is one of the most popular and unique shops in the Ogden area. All kinds of people flock to the store: rock and mineral enthusiasts, jewelry makers, those looking for crystals and gems, or shoppers looking for spectacular jewelry or unusual gifts.
Of course, we know Dave loves rocks, but I wanted to find out some of his favorites. “Opal is my numberone favorite,” he says, “but I also love dinosaur bones and amethyst.”
Utah is a great place to look for minerals. Going out to find interesting rocks is a great activity for kids (or adults). In our area, you might find geodes, trilobites, petrified wood, or quartz and selenite crystals.
Bryson’s is a shopping experience like no other. Make sure you allow plenty of time to explore their giant inventory.
Bryson's Rock Shop is a family owned shop that opened it's doors 37 years ago in May of 1984. Through continuous support from the local community and many improvements made over the years, Bryson's has grown exponentially!
One of the best things about Bryson’s is the range of items. You can find something interesting for less than a dollar or you can shop for heirloom statement pieces. And there are tons of options everywhere in between. You can discover beautiful pieces at any budget. If you are a serious art collector, Bryson’s carries some breathtaking museum pieces. Make sure to take a peek into the back room, where they have some of the largest pieces. Next month, Bryson’s will celebrate their 38th anniversary. They’ll be hosting a month-long “Rocktober” event. This annual event offers prizes and sales all month. The last week of October will include raffles, crazy sales, and a grand prize giveaway. Reserve time on your calendar to help Bryson’s celebrate their birthday! We’ll see you there.
Jewelry and Lapidary
The shop is owned and run by full-time treasure hunter, Dave Wonderly, who took over the shop from his father in 2004. He travels frequently to bring back rare and beautiful items for the shop. In fact, he just got back with a huge haul of new inventory. People love to shop for minerals. Some of the most popular items right now are rose quartz, which can be linked to positive self-image and feeling good, carnelian, prized for combating negative energy, and malachite, a popular healing stone. Creating your own jewelry is a popular hobby. If you are thinking about getting started, Bryson’s has all the supplies, as well as knowledgeable staff who can advise you. They carry craft wire, supplies, and findings, as well as everything you need to start out as a silver smith and make your own sterling and gemstone jewelry.
326 Washington Blvd. Ogden, www.brysonsrock.com801-399-2838UT
Dave picked up the love for crystals from his father, Bryson Wonderly.
September 2022 | 21 + BUSINESS
Bryson's Rock Shop – Best Rock Shop in Utah!

The Ogden Association of the Blind, also known as OAB, is a membership organization of blind, visually impaired, and sighted individuals who seek to improve the lives of people with various degrees of vision loss in Ogden, Utah, and the surrounding region. They provide social, educational, and recreational activities, along with classes to promote independent living skills on an asneeded basis in a classroom environment. Their main objective is to support and connect the seriously sight impaired with resources, activities, and a welcoming and warm environment for connecting with those who face the same challenges while supporting their family and friends.
Derrick Streets has been connected with the OAB for three years and found them through Weber Human Services. He was born in SouthCentral Los Angeles and grew up in a rough neighborhood where most youth chose a life of gang activity. Derrick took a different path, attended a private catholic high school, and was awarded a football scholarship to Tulane University that eventually led to a master’s degree program at Pepperdine University and a position in the NFL for the New Orlean Saints. His storied career also included being a high school teacher and champion football coach to offshore drilling and even to Disneyland before finding a longtime passion for law enforcement. He worked in the California Department of Corrections as a correctional and probation officer for many years and was exceptional at what he did. It was during this time, while trying to save an inmate in a prison riot, that he received an injury that started the decline of his vision. At the age of 57, a combination of this injury and hereditary illness led to a diagnosis of open angle glaucoma and macular degeneration. He has since endured eight surgeries and has completely lost his sight. Not without trials, he decided that he was not going to be a victim and made a plan to relearn the skills he needed to be an independent and productive member of society. He says his favorite things about the OAB are the warm and welcoming environment that he was immediately accepted into and the classes and activities that he gets to attend with his doting wife, Pamela.
INFORMATIONMOREONOURWEBSITE Meetings are held the second Saturday of each month at the Hope Center 5051 S. 2000 W. in Roy
An AFB (American Foundation for the Blind) study in 2016 found that more than 55,000 Utahns are blind. The OAB’s goal is to reach as many of those individuals through family and friends that they can.
22 | September 2022
Bill and Sandy Gibson have been long-time members of the OAB. Bill, who is visually impaired, was connected with the association by his parents and Jessie Anderson, a friend and mentor. They have both worked in many capacities in the organization and with others who serve the visually impaired since 1975. Bill shares that some of his favorite things about the OAB have been the support his wife, Sandy, has received from connecting with other spouses and caretakers in the group and the role modeling that happens within the group, especially with members like Dr. Lee Robinson, who has had a successful career and family and has served members of the group since 1988.
OAB President Kathy Stilwell raves about the activities and says that her favorites are the annual Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas dinner, and programs and outings like the aquarium, BBQs, cooking classes, exercise classes, and plays. These activities are scheduled once a month, with more frequency in the future. If you know anyone who is visually impaired, please tell them about the OAB. You can find more information at or, to volunteer, call Kathy at (801) 479-9019. Meetings are on the second Saturday of each month at the Hope Center at 5051 S. 2000 W. in Roy. Visitors and friends are welcome.

September 2022 | 23 closedSat.Mon-Fri10-610-4sundays 3 Full BarbersTime Joe Amber Alex Regular Cuts Kids under 13 $25 $15 HaircutsSenior 3462 W 4800 S Roy • 385.393.8955 ( next to Winegar’s) Discount for all military,10% law enforcement, and first responders $20 Women’s IntimateWellness Kickoff Event Peptide Power Facial $80 801-782-58681690 N Washington BLVD STE 3 North Ogden, Utah 84404 www.adv-electrolysis.comScan me! Can’t make it? Call and secure event pricing! Firm, tighten, and hydrate with 5 potent peptides that enhance collagen-peptide synthesis. Great alternative for those not desiring Botox or looking to extend their Botox treatments. 10% off all skincare products with O or peptide. R R 2 Thursday September 8, 2022 @ 6:00 pm The Beauty of Womanhood! Celebrate ADVANCED ELECTROLYSIS ANDMEDSPA 20% Off Event Pricing Door Prizes GRAND PRIZE: $750 Towards Treatment! RSVP Today @ 801.782.5868. Space is Limited! Treat common feminine concerns such as: dryness & pain, laxity, urinary incontinence, decreased sensation, and much more. EMPOWER by INMODE

Look for the
24 | September 2022 Connection Publishing SIXTH ANNUAL
Two Winners will be announced in the upcoming issue of the Connection magazines.prizes
Submissions and votes must be submitted before midnight on the 15th. This contest will run from Sept. 1, 2022 to Sept. 15, 2022. One entry per artist. See website for official contest rules. Your art can be a drawing, painting, digital art, or sculpture. Take a photo and upload it to the website. Then share it via email or social media to have your family vote. People can vote once per day for the duration of the contest.
We are excited to announce Connection Publishing's sixth annual community art contest. We are so excited to see the artwork produced by our community! We anticipate this being a great contest and hope you will join us in celebrating our community creatives. Submit your personally created artwork and tell your friends and family to vote for you. winners in our October publication!
The piece of art most appreciated by our Publisher - Ryan Speltswill win a $100 cash prize.
The piece of art receiving the most votes overall will receive a $100 cash prize.
Photo quality is very important since the photo of your work will be voted on by the community and your peers. All digital files submitted need to be at 300 dpi resolution. submit
PAINTING • DRAWING • SCULPTURE • CREATION CASHWIN$100PRIZES! FAVORITEVOTEFORYOUR WITH CarameliciousColdPumpkinFoamPumpkin MUFFIN CarameliciousPumpkin $1 OFF ANY DRINK 1871 W 5300 S | ROY, UT 1136 W 2700 N | PLEASANT VIEW, UT Limit one per customer. Discount cannot be combined with any other offer. Offer excludes any pre-packaged beverages sold in cans, bottles, or cartons. Valid at participating locations only. Offer expires October 31, 2022. Ad_Sep22_3.5x4.5_PumpkinCaramelicious_FINAL.indd 1 8/12/22 9:22 AM
To enter the contest visit

September 2022 | 25 On My Way Daycare AD SERVICECURBSIDE&DELIVERYFREERECEIVEroypharmacy.com801-732-02023460W4800SRoy,UT84067$10 off your next purchase with any new or prescriptionstransferred Discount valid only on over-the-counter or gift purchases. Some resitrictions may apply, excluding if you have Medicaid or Medicare. See pharmacy employee for more details. $10.00COVIDOFF Steve Carlson, RPH • HAND SANITIZER IN STOCK • DISPOSABLE & REUSABLE MASKS AVAILABLE • WELLNESS SCREENINGS • GREETING CARDS & GIFT IDEAS • SE HABLA ESPANOL • DRUG DISPOSAL • EASY REFILLS ON WEBSITE OR MOBILE APP • STREP & FLU TESTING AVAILABLEVACCINATIONSCOVID-19HERE. ˜ Visit our Website for scheduling availablity. TESTING 5971S 1900W Roy 801.776.3880 1387W 1800N Clinton 801.499.2675 Where Fun Is Learning KIDS CHRONICLES - FUNNY EDITIONWhat kind of Hair cuts do bees get? A buzz cut! - Josie (8) what does a cloud wear under Thunder-wear!raincoat?his-James(10) FUN FACT: It is impossible to lick your own elbow - Brexton (8) How much do pirates pay for corn? A buck-an-ear!-Olivia(7)

One of the best ways to learn is through hands-on experiences via studying abroad. I am a Weber State University student, and I think that getting out and experiencing the world firsthand is a great way to enhance academia. Whether you are a high school student looking at beginning your educational future or a seasoned professional in a graduatelevel program, you can gain invaluable experiences from studying abroad. Participating in a study abroad program can allow you to build skills such as communication between cultures, critical thinking, and adaptability. Taking a trip abroad can also help one to network within their industry or to show prospective employers that they're open minded and have experience working with other cultures. Experiencing other cultures can have a positive impact on your education by helping you understand other perspectives and ways of thinking. Weber State University offers many study abroad experiences. These range from week-long trips to full exchange programs. Their 2022 trips include Peacekeeping in Rwanda, International Business Tours in Italy, Food and Language in France, and Interior Design in Sweden, Denmark, Ireland, and Scotland. Each trip is carefully put together by educators to enhance the learning for many different majors and classes.
I encourage you to take the opportunities to travel that are available to you. Traveling develops you in so many ways and enhances your worldly views.
I am currently enrolled in the MBA program at Weber State and am looking forward to another trip abroad to Italy.
Although I have visited Italy as a tourist, I am looking forward to visiting Italian companies and learning how they conduct business. My business education will flourish with getting first-hand experience and understanding how their culture impacts their practices.
If you are interested in learning more about the Weber State Study Abroad program, please visit their website
26 | September 2022
I have personally seen the benefits of study abroad programs by traveling to many countries over the last 12 years. My first trip was a week-long study abroad in Japan in high school. I also spent four years living in Europe and experiencing many different cultures.
Education Goes Beyond the Classroom and Textbooks

September 2022 | 27 AD These deals are exclusive through August 2022. Some restrictions may apply. 326 Washington Blvd. Ogden, UT 801•399•2838 September Birthstones 10% OFF Lapis Lazuli & Fluorite 15% OFF Stone / Crystal Towers Free Forms / Top Polish Specimen BOGO 25% OFF Water Bottles w/ Crystal & Herbs 25% OFF Busy? TO DO✓Scrub bathrooms✓Dust ✓Vacuum carpets✓Mop floors GotDirtHouseCleaning@gmail.com255W.2675N.4B,Layton,84041Beeninbusinessfor21yearsTamiJoEsplinSaltLakeArea 801.425.8414 Melissa Weber-DavisHicksArea 801.645.0258 Licensed, Insured, and Bonded doghairfoodappt.soccer6: We offoffcheckcanitemsyourlist!Wecancheckitemsyourlist!

Birthday Cakes
● If you’re making a layered cake, slice off the top rounded portion to make it level. Have the top layer be one of the cakes flipped upside down so it gives the top edge a nice finished edge.
28 | September 2022
TIP: You can serve more people with less mess using this method.
from Melanie Archuletta and Janelle Schuler from Sweet Sister’s Bakery Cake Decorating
Cutting the Cake
See recipes on page 30 PRO
Normally, people cut round cakes into wedges, but with a layered cake, those pieces can be quite large; Instead, cut the cake like a grid instead of a pie.
● Frosting your cake, then refrigerating it, helps the frosting to set, which is very important if you plan on transferring it.
Grab a cutting board and stand it up next to the side of the cake. Slice the cake into a slab, tip it towards the board, and slowly lower the cutting board and the cake slab level with the table. At that point, cut the slab into the desired sizes and serve onto plates. Repeat this process with the rest of the cake.
A six-inch, three-layer cake can comfortably serve 16 people, but it can serve as many as 30 for a kid’s birthday.
Freezing the cakes makes it easier to decorate, and it also keeps the cake moist and delicious.
● If you're going to bake and decorate your own birthday cake, give yourself ample time. You can’t decorate a warm cake.
● It takes a lot of practice to get a cake to look like how you visualize it. Be patient with yourself and give yourself ample time to frost and decorate. Melanie recommends doing it a day or two prior to when you plan to serve it. She bakes her cakes, freezes them, then frosts and decorates them.

September 2022 | 29 GunsammoCaricoAD LET ME SHOW YOU CLEAN! ULTRA TECH™ CLEAN MACHINE AndUpholsteryGroutMuchMore Call Chris AuthorizedTurpinDealer801-648-4380 WE CLEANWILLYOURSHOWERFORFREE

1. In a large mixing bowl, mix together flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda, baking powder, and salt in a stand mixer using a low speed until combined.
1 box vanilla cake mix (I prefer Betty Crocker)
3. Beat in powdered sugar, 1 cup at a time. Add milk as necessary to make a spreadable consistency. The frosting should be very thick and will thicken even more once refrigerated.
I like this cake recipe a lot because it’s easy but still tastes homemade. The recipe is great for wedding cakes. The cake stacks really well; it’s dense and moist. It’s just a great recipe and can be used with any cake flavor.
4. Fold in the dry ingredients
Swiss Meringue Buttercream
1 1/2 cups butter softened 8 oz cream cheese softened 1 1/2 cups unsweetened cocoa powder 3 tsp. vanilla extract 7 cups powdered sugar about 1/4 cup milk as needed
1 cup sour cream 1 cup water 3 whole eggs 2 tsp. vanilla extract 1/2 Tbsp. butter flavoring 1 tsp. almond flavoring
5. Bake at 325 degrees Fahrenheit for 40-45 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Allow the cake to cool in the pans for 10 minutes before turning out onto wire racks to cool completely.
1 Tbsp. baking soda
4 cups sugar 2 cups of egg whites 6 cups of butter 2 Tbsp. vanilla 1 1/2 tsp. of salt
French Vanilla Cake Mix
1 1/2 cups unsweetened cocoa powder
1. Measure sugar and egg whites in a metal bowl. Place over a double boiler on high heat.
3 cups granulated sugar
6. Frost with your favorite frosting and enjoy!
3 cups all-purpose flour
30 | September 2022
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
4. Bake for 30-35 minutes in a 350-degree oven until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
2. Add in cocoa powder and vanilla extract. Beat until just combined, about 30 seconds.
1 cup all-purpose flour 1 cup granulated sugar Generous dash of salt
4. Add room temperature butter slowly and cream together. This recipe will work well with a 6-quart KitchenAid bowl. This recipe yields approximately 3 liters, so feel free to adjust to your needs. Add a small amount of purple food color gel to turn buttercream white. This type of butter cream is not as sweet as American buttercream. You can add a few cups of sifted powdered sugar to sweeten it up. This!
2. Mix together the cake mix, flour, salt, and sugar; set aside.
1/2 cup vegetable oil 2 tsp. vanilla extract
1. In a large bowl, use a hand mixer or stand mixer to beat together butter and cream cheese until fluffy, about 3 minutes.
5. Cool on wire racks for 15 minutes and then remove the cakes from the pan and place on the wire rack to cool completely.
3. Add salt and whisk on high speed until the mixture has completely cooled and medium to high peaks have formed.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Lightly butter three 9-inch cake rounds. Dust with flour or cocoa powder and tap out the excess. Alternatively, you can lightly grease the pans and line with parchment paper.
Chocolate Cake with Cream Cheese Chocolate Frosting
1 1/2 tsp. salt 4 large eggs 1 1/2 cups buttermilk 1 1/2 cups warm water (or brewed coffee)
3. Divide batter evenly amongst the three prepared pans, about 3 cups of batter per pan. Tap the cake pans gently on the counter to allow any bubbles to rise to the top and escape.
1. Grease and flour 3 six-inch round cake pans.
4. Use frosting to frost and assemble cake or transfer to a piping bag for decorating. Once frosted, this cake should be refrigerated but can remain at room temperature for up to 4 hours.
2. Add eggs, buttermilk, warm water, oil, and vanilla. Beat on a low speed until smooth. This should take just a couple of minutes. Be sure to scrape the sides and bottom of the bowl so that everything gets mixed in.
3. In the bowl of an electric mixer, beat together the sour cream, water, eggs, vanilla, butter, and almond flavoring.
2. Whisk until temperature reaches 60-70 degrees Celsius. Remove from heat.

September 2022 | 31 Master Home Services AD GENERATOR SERVICE & INSTALLATION Comfort and Security for the Life You Live Call 801-543-2222Today HOME ELECTRICAL SERVICE Get the Best Residential Service & Repair INSTALLATIONHVACSERVICES Don’t Leave Such an Essential Part of Your Home Up to Chance. Stay Cool In The Summer and Warm In The Winter. 3COVEREDWAYSWEHAVEYOU

John ADWatson EXPERIENCE GUARANTEED TO MAKE YOU SMILE 3535 Wall Avenue | Ogden YOUR 5 STAR CHEVY DEALER D e a l e r # 1 1 0 7 The way I was treated throughout the whole process was second-tonone! By far the best car buying experience I've ever had! Google Review 801.394.2611