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Storm Drain
As debris, grime, and dirt get onto our parking lots and driveways, one good way to prevent these pollutants from getting into the storm drain system is to sweep it up and discard it into the garbage can. If we each do our part, this will help prevent pollutants from clogging storm drainpipes and keep our waterways cleaner while having our parking lots and driveways looking more appealing.
Road Construction
To stay up to date on current and ongoing road closures, please visit the website at syracuseut.gov/232/Streets or www.udot.utah.gov.
We would like to thank you for your patience and continued support during our road closures and construction projects. As always, please drive safely and cautiously.
Secondary Water
We appreciate all who are observing the watering conservation guidelines of watering only three days per week until Labor Day and then only two days per week after Labor Day. These limits are being enforced until the secondary water season ends on October 1, 2023. More information can be found on the city website at www.syracuseut.gov.
The violation penalties are as follows:
• 1st time: Warning
• 2nd time: $200 Fine
• 3rd time: $500 Fine
• 4th time: $1000 Fine and water terminated for the season