Hello fellow ranchers. We are excited to bring you all another edition of the L83 Ranch Annual Production Sale. As this is being written during the 40 degree BELOW zero, historical weather in February, we come to you in a year that has already been full of life changing events, brutal weather, but unmeasurable amounts of excitement. The Future Lodoen’s; Ben and Lacey are taking the lead in family announcements, because they are FINALLY ENGAGED!!! This brings us the utmost joy to be adding Lacey to this L83 family officially. They will be hosting their Wedding day in Westhope at the ranch. The Marthaler’s; Rylee, Tony “Teebz”, Dusty and Millie have moved out onto the ranch. They get daily visits during lunch, supper, and for the big time sporting games on TV. The Meier’s; Molly, Chandler, Creed and Blair are as busy as ever. They make frequent trips up to help with chores and anything else around the farm during the summer months. The Westby’s; Maddy, Ryan, and Ajla fill our days with joy as Ajla has the most bubbly personality and loves her FaceTime phone calls! She keeps Maddy and Ryan very busy! Wyatt has been busy working on remodeling his home, also on the ranch. Taking the leap and finally buying some cows of his own as well! Zane “Zed” has completed his high school career back in May of 2024. He chose to dedicate his life to the farm and ranch.
Now, the bulls! The best ever set of our gentle giants is built with many different characteristics, but with the same goal. Commercial oriented bulls built by the combination of the best genetics from the US and Canada. High limits of environmental adaptability requires a set of bulls that can withstand temperatures ranging from upwards of 110 Degrees all the way down to -60 Degrees. Developed on a high fiber, low energy ration, these bulls are developed in a comfortable and meaningful way. The culling process has remained as tedious as every year. Foot structure, docility, performance, and fertility are the culling categories.
In a market that provides a comfortable livestyle in the cattle industry, we are providing you bulls to take this opportunity, and increase your herds efficiency. Build up that top end, increase your end result, and buy with confidence from L83 Ranch.
-The Brand You Can Trust- -The Brand You Can Trust-
What a time to be alive! The beef cattle industry has experienced some of the most incredible times in history. Never before has the producer been on the receiving end of such a significant payday, and the return on investment in growth oriented beef genetics been so valuable. As the national cow herd numbers continue to diminish, there has never been a time better to consider retaining a larger number of replacement females. The bulls that are being offered by L83 Ranch are just what the industry is demanding. The Lodoen family has brought an incredible set of bulls to town for your appraisal that have the growth, real world performance, and carcass merit potential to add significant value to the producer’s bottomline.
In addition to the new sire groups that are represented throughout the covers of this sale catalog, you will also notice the diversified offering that allows producers more options when selecting their next herd sire or sires. The Red Angus division is what the L83 Ranch is known or, producing and procuring some of the most elite genetics in North America. The cattle that carry the prefix have influenced both commercial and seedstock programs across the country!
The Lodoen family is extremely committed to the success of their customer base, therefore over the last several years they have focused on diversifying their offering in order to provide their valued customers with a variety of bulls that meet their needs and the demands of today’s constantly evolving industry. This year, the offering is comprised of Red Angus, Angus, SimGenetic, and Polled Hereford Bulls that share a common denominator, offering real world performance, substance, and genuine skeletal integrity. These bulls have been developed with precision in order to preserve longevity, fertility, and return on investment potential for YOU.
We look forward to visiting with you about the bull offering, and of course hosting you at Kist Livestock on the afternoon of March 25, 2025. Videos of the bulls will be available if you cannot make it to the ranch or the auction barn to inspect the offering, you can trust the quality and authenticity of the video playlist that can be found on both the DV Auction or Innovation AgMarketing websites. It would be more than worthwhile to visit with Ben about the offering, he knows no stranger, and is eager to discuss the bull offering that he and his family have worked tirelessly to breed, calve, raise, and develop for your appraisal. We thank each of you for your interest and consideration of this top shelf multi-breed offering from one of the nation’s great family owned and operated firms. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to the Innovation AgMarketing team for assistance on sale day.
Enjoy the cattle and God bless this great nation that we call home.
Tim Anderson, Graham Blagg & Jered Shipman
Donnie Leddy, Cattle Business Weekly - (605) 695-0113
Jory Boote, Cattle Business Weekly - (701) 789-7047
Scott Ressler, ND Stockman’s Association - (701) 391-7310
If you are coming from out of town and would like a hotel room in Bismarck or Mandan, give Jennie a call at (701) 263-1016 and we will get a room reserved in your name.
Any bidding disputes will be settled by the auctioneer. Announcements made from the sale block on sale day take precedence over the catalog. EPDs were pulled 2/24/2025.
All bulls sold will be guaranteed sound breeder. All bulls will be semen tested prior to delivery, but it is highly recommended that you test the bulls before turning them out for the breeding season. If a bull tests as a non-breeder, the seller has 180 days to make an adjustment. If the bull is returned to the seller and declared a sound breeder by a competent veterinarian, he will be returned to the buyer at the buyers’ expense. In case the bull is declared a non-breeder, the bull will be replaced with one of similar quality if possible or the purchase price will be refunded if the bull was returned in the same body condition as on sale day. This breeding guarantee is valid through Oct. 15, 2025.
On sale day, you will be provided with a sale order and supplement sheet that will include scrotal measurements, current weight, and ultrasound data. Feel free to call any of us with any questions prior to sale day, or better yet, stop in at the ranch and see the cattle first hand and get your name put in the drawing that will be held on sale day!
Vet care is provided by Carin Frenchick, DVM - Minot Vet Clinic - Minot, ND
JJ Hovde - High Plains Vet - (406) 433-1413
Lacey Schmitz - Hubbard Feeds - (701) 678-4484
We will reserve the right for In-Herd Semen Use on all the bulls, unless otherwise stated.
Our Bulk Buy program is applied to those who have met these certain requirements:
- The price of each bull purchased by an individual must meet or exceed $4,000 per bull. Any bull sold for less than $4,000 will not qualify for discounts.
- All purchases must be purchased by the same individual or ranch, but partnership purchases across 2 or more ranches will not be allowed.
- L83 Ranch reserves the right to refuse any discounts to believed wrongful doings or bending of these rules.
- 3 Bulls - 3% Discount
- 4 Bulls – 4% Discount
- 5+ Bulls – 5% Discount
Any bull taken home by his new owner on sale day will receive $150 CASH!! Free bull delivery for customers with an accumulated purchase price of $6,000 or more on sale day. All other bulls must be picked up at the ranch or trucking fees will apply. Bulls will be fed at L83 at no cost until May 1st. A $5/day feeding charge will take into affect after this date. Bulls still at L83 after May 1, must be picked up at the ranch, due to the overwhelming spring workload that our farming business requires.
As soon as an animal is purchased, it becomes the responsibility of the buyer. We do recommend buying insurance for any bull not taken home by the buyer sale day as we will not be responsible for sickness or injury after sale day.
Online bidding will be available through DVAuction. Please register early to ensure you are an approved bidder.
Guide to Genetic Data
ProS - Profitability and Sustainability is an all-purpose index that predicts average economic differences in all segments in the beef supply chain. This index is a combination of the breeding objectives modeled in the HerdBuilder and GridMaster selection indexes. In this index, replacement heifers are retained from within the herd and all remaining progeny are fed out to slaughter and sold on a quality-based grid. Traits included in this index include calving ease, growth, HPG, STAY, Mature Weight, Dry Matter Intake and carcass traits. The resulting index is expressed in dollars per head born (Index/High Value).
HB - HerdBuilder is a maternal selection index that predicts the economic differences of animals for traits that are important from conception through weaning. Expressed as dollars per head born, HB is calculated based on the scenario that bulls are mated to heifers and cows, replacement heifers are retained and all remaining progeny are marketed at weaning. Traits included in the HB index include Calving Ease Direct, Calving Ease Maternal, Weaning Weight, Milk, Mature Weight, Heifer Pregnancy and Stayability (Index/High Value).
GM - GridMaster is a selection index that predicts the average economic difference of non-replacement calves through the postweaning phase of production. GM places selection pressure on growth, feedyard performance and carcass traits. Expressed as dollars per head born, GM is calculated based on the scenario that progeny are fed out to slaughter and marketed on a quality-based carcass grid. Traits included in GM include Average Daily Gain, Carcass Weight, Dry Matter Intake, Marbling, Back Fat and Rib Eye Area (Index/High Value).
Calving Ease Direct predicts differences in the percent of calves born unassisted out of 2-year-old dams. (Percent/High Value)
Birth Weight predicts differences in actual birth weight of progeny. (Pounds/Low Value)
Weaning Weight predicts differences in 205-day weaning weight. (Pounds/High Value)
Yearling Weight predicts differences in 365-day yearling weight. (Pounds/High Value)
Milk predicts differences in weaning weight attributed to the milking ability of the animal’s daughters. (Pounds/High Value)
Stayability predicts differences in the ability of an animals’ retained daughters to remain productive in the herd – calve every year –through 6 years of age. (Percent/High Value)
Marbling predicts differences in marbling score – amount of intramuscular fat measured at the 13th rib. (Marbling Score Units/High Value)
Ribeye Area predicts differences in square inches of ribeye area measured at the 13th rib.(Square Inches/High Value)
L83 Richburg 2M has always been a leader of the pack, and on sale day you will find him to keep true to this with his stout features, dimensional build and gentle giant nature. Built wide from the ground up, he is sure to quickly add dollars to your bottom line with the opportunity for hybrid vigor he brings to many cowherds. If your marketing program consists of selling cattle at weaning time, then lot 1 presents himself as a prime candidate for inspection. This recommendation comes with validity from both his 785lbs. adj. WW that went on to ratio a 118 and the genomically enhanced growth predictions that he delivers, that include top 2% WW, top 5% YW and top 1% CW & REA rankings. His grandmother, L83 Miss Mulberry 947 has built a strong reputation of generating quality, with 11 natural born progeny, with all bull progeny being marketed and the female progeny being retained.
This second crop of Red Wilbar Intuition 832J sons continue to prove that they are all we could have hoped for from a design and build standpoint. They are cattle that come round bodied, heavy muscled and still functional in their structural kind. Lot 2 is a long sided beast that is built to inject extra growth potential, so if you’re searching for a super complete and balanced herd bull that will add pounds when it comes to weaning time then mark him for inspection. From a genomics standpoint he certainly comes with an impressive set of predictions, ranking him very highly among the cohort for his ability to increase scale pressure and growth potential.
L83 Maintain 9M is a herd sire that comes with not only the extra length and frame needed to sire heavy weaning feeder cattle and the maternal support to sire elite replacement females that will add value to the herd, but comes with the cow power of one of the most dominating matrons of the past couple of seasons. 9M has maternal brothers working for Twedt Red Angus & Lonnie Wolff, and continues the trend of upper end quality progeny that seem to come from the L83 Minola 731E female every year! Notice that he comes with high predictions of adding pounds at weaning and yearling time, along with very positive Milk, ME and Marb figures.
A trio of brothers that present themselves as candidates for the next generation of Red Angus breeders that place their selection criteria around cattle that are built with incredible phenotype and versatility, and not just stock that are fancy enough for the show ring, but have high quality beef characteristics to exceed in the pasture. These full brothers stem from the rising star of the L83 Ranch donor pen L83 Tink 627D that has become the most synonymous source of high sellers and winners to come through the program’s donor pen in some time. Maternal siblings include, L83 Red Viper 50K who was the high selling bull of 2022 Stockyard City Reds Sale commanding $28,500 and selling to our friends at Moose Creek Angus. The next calf of 627D was L83 Jetta 121J, she was the high selling female in the 2022 L83 Ranch Fall Female Sale that sold to Rowe Show cattle for $26,000 and saw success all over the Midwest while a member of their show string. 2024 saw L83 Tink 493M debut as the high selling female in the L83 Fall Female Sale, selling to Lee Red Angus for $23,500. This heritability of quality comes honestly, as a quick peer into the maternal pedigree that builds the family tree here reveals that they are just the freshest branch on a very fruitful tree of Red Angus cow power. You can trust in the future of your cowherd, and the business by tying in here, as these bulls carry the quality and the aptitude of one of the most successful cow families to work for the multigenerational Red Angus program that calls, Westhope, North Dakota home.
Shape and power influence this herd bull from both sides of his lineage. Being a direct son of the WEBR Beartooth 2138 sire, it makes sense as to why he packs quite the punch from a standpoint of phenotype and shear dimension. This comes with the further support of a MCKY ‘Josey Wales’ 8731 ET daughter maternally that comes from the legendary influences of the L83 All Girl 20A female that has been a standout breeding piece in the history of the L83 Ranch. 20A has reached six digits in lifetime earnings, of that over $100,000 is accounted for in daughters alone. Generations of cow power are stacked into the pedigree here, and when it comes to injecting a reliable pedigree, it is hard to compete with the consistency and hereditability that comes all-inclusive here. We love how square and uniform this stud comes, he is rugged featured, big ended and super dense. *CALVING EASE QUALIFIED*
L83 MICK 29M
The second son of WEBR Beartooth 2138, L83 Might As Well 42M comes with a very impressive set of growth promoting predications, that slingshot him right towards the front of the offering when it comes to suppling scale pressure. This is a sire line that has been used extensively across the land with very similar and equal results across multiple programs, they are cattle that work, plain and simple. It will be easy to find where the promises of pounds come from when you find this brute on sale day, as long only does he come with some added length of spine, but he is wide ended and extra masculine in his muscle pattern. As time has gone on, he only pushed himself towards the front end of the cohort, gaining momentum with every day of development. *CALVING EASE QUALIFIED*
Legends never die, and L83 Mac Miller 23M could certainly be one that becomes legendary in the storyline of the cowherd that secures him on March 25 th ! This impressive stud is all that and then some with his bar raising phenotype and very intriguing genetic profile. He comes as the complete package in our mind, as this stout ended, dense built, early maturing stud comes with all the pieces of a herd changer, and this statement is backed up through the science just as readily, with an impressive ledger of traits across the board. He positively checks boxes for lowering birthweight, increasing calving ease, adding weaning and yearling weight, and returning profits into the wallets of the ranchman. He is sired by a new addition to the herdsire battery that we think will become a favored sire of progressive stockmen once they find this rookie set of sons at Kist Livestock.*CALVING EASE QUALIFIED*
We came across the OHRR Complement 155D 5K sire when on the search for a herd bull that would supply a perfect balance of traits that offer value to stockmen in the real world, ones that have generally have access to low inputs, require high outputs, and all while still running their cowherd with a smaller workforce. Not only was he one that we found to fit the bill onfoot, but we knew we needed to add him to the battery when we looked into the genomic package he came with. L83 Moomba 36M
offers similar credentials, a good blend of calving and growth, carcass traits and phenotype. His dam was one we purchased from the JK Red Angus program and stems back to their productive Haycow Cutting Edge 055 sired, 816D matron.
| Dam Age: 11
L83 Contingent 21M comes to you with all of the basics covered. He has a very sensible actual birth weight of 73lbs. with a scale pounding weaning weight of 711lbs. to ratio 108 and followed that up with a 1326lbs. yearling measurement to ratio 108 once again. His Six Mile Game Face 164Y sired dam is a very experienced producer bringing 8 head to the weaning pen that always help to raise the median of the cohort. There’s no question that this calf has all the measurable good especially when you take into note the wide range of traits that he will positively contribute towards.*CALVING EASE QUALIFIED*
L83 BINDY 122B - DAM OF LOT 12
If you are seeking balance in your next bull acquisition, then this one here needs to be of consideration without question. The OHRR Complement 155D 5K cattle are some of the favorites in the bull pen as they offer a very set of dynamic qualities and predictions. This dark featured stud offers quality all the way across his ledger, with a set of curve bending, calving ease to performance traits and a super powerful and explosive phenotype. This prospect offers perfect blend of pedigree balance, with the inclusion of the ever mighty, Six Mile King Ranch 721W sire with a S A V Bismarck 5682 daughter that originated at Express Ranches from the Blackbird tribe.
The leading son of L83 Kreedance 2K, L83 Makers Mark 3M comes with the most secure and advantageous promises of adding payweight and performance from all of the paternal brothers! Maternally he stems from a female that we see leading the next generation of the cowherd who stems from the proven female making sire, Six Mile Wind Chill 828W. A maternal sister to lot 15’s dam, raised the high selling, L83 Linton 28L that sold to Lonnie Wolff last year. There’s no question why this stud is as good as he is with so much to offer any program. He will keep a program in the top third of the contemporaries and the daughter retention should be of high consideration.
L83 Orthodox 18M is a L83 Kreedance son with conversion, efficiency, maternal value bred in as his young dam stems from a cow family that is glittered in gold, she stems from the potent linage that supplied the business with the legendary TLC Alaynah 329. The TLC Alaynah 329 female has multiple sons and daughters that have been National Champions, donors of distinction or high sellers. The female retention should prove to be significant from this sire with inputs minimized throughout.
This son of L83 Kreedance 2K is from an evidently very productive daughter of the herd bull, Red T-K Raptor 26E. Whole herd profitability, longevity and productivity will not be in short supply with this powerhouse stud. He sports a set of real-world data that suggest he will be quite the impressive curve bender, and this is mimicked by where he ranks amongst his contemporaries as well. When it comes to highlights on paper, you will find he ranks top 5% HerdBuilder, top 11% DMI, and top 2% Stay. There is no question that he can offer nearly all of it on any set of mature females. *CALVING
L83 Main Event 16M is a dark hided, wide ended, powerful son of L83 Kreedance 2K that impresses with just about every angle of inspection. Note his almost 700lbs. WW that ratioed a 104, was impressive coming off his first calving Red T-K Raptor 26E sired dam. Another maternal generation back he stems back to a female that we purchased from the Frey Angus dispersal, that has certainly proved to be a wise investment during her time in Westhope.
L83 Vipe 37M leads off the pair of L83 Red Viper 50K sons to sell in 2025, and he comes with impressive symmetry and balance. Maternally he goes back to a Red T-K Raptor 26E sired dam that stems from the no miss, L83 Bindy 122B matron so you can trust that there is power in the blood. From a genomics standpoint, he tabulates for top third of the breed of better, GM, YW, WW, ADG, DMI, ME, YG, CW, REA and Fat. He backs up the science in person too with his impressive 726lbs WW. He offers the most quality to a stockman that is looking to maximize profits when marketing over the scale at weaning time, or one that retains ownership to the rail.
L83 Vipe 34M tabulates impressive across the board and is expressively shaped, square hipped and well balanced. The brute is impressive in the flesh, and dimensional from every angle, we think his opportunity to inject a potent shot of hybrid vigor is high and he carries the backing of a beautiful daughter of Red Allison High Falutin’ 28 that we purchased from Johnson Red Angus with Six Mile. Keep in mind that he would be one of the youngest bulls in the offering, yet he has had his foot on the gas with every day of development to gain strides on the cohort.
This second son of Red Ter-Ron Riddler 57F offers even more growth and pay weight. He projects to be a source of big additions of performance into his progeny, and for those who have followed the program realize that we are serious about the performance goals we set, and what that can mean for the bottom line of your program, this would be one of those specimens that turns goals into reality. L83 Mysterio 41M will add his growth through length of spine, added frame and powerful muscle design. Gather around here if you’re ready to add to your calf crops weight gains and in turn, dollars in your wallet.
Six Mile GSF Jolt 452J has proven himself as the source of high performance sons over the past three years, as sons have been the choice of stockmen that demand a leading source of growth. This Six Mile GSF Jolt 452J son has impressed when it came time to run across the scale, both with his 111 WWR and 108 WWR, and there appears to be no slowing down or lack of gas in the tank because he continues to impress with maturity. While his young dam has impressed with her two bull calves to date, he stems back another generation to the steadfast supplier of high growth cattle, L83 Miss Bronte 021 that records 103 and 106 AWWR & AYWR’s on 6 progeny she has raised. Power and performance are exactly what you will get here.
L83 Monumental 13M leads off a large group of Red Wilbar Intuition 832J sons, a sire group that offers options for both high growth and calving ease. Lot 22 comes with impressive predictions for adding calving ease, and lowering birthweights, along with high profitability indexes and impressive carcass quality. 13M continues the standard of real world quality, that has been set by his father, all while adding phenotypic features that seem to be sired in an automatic fashion. He exhibits impeccable foot structure, is smooth jointed and has some added moderation to his frame size.
A bigger scaled, very masculine featured herd bull prospect that is really heavy muscled, dense bodied and impressive statured. With the support of his highly functional Collier Top Jeans R417 dam that we purchased from Diamond C, L83 Motto 28M was able to push down the scale to 712 lbs. at weaning time to ratio a 106. His EPD package reads with impressive traits for adding growth and profitability, with top 22% WW, top 22% Milk, top 11% Marb and top third CW. The indexes read similarly impressive, including top third ProS, and top 23% GM.
L83 Larry Bird 33M is super long sided for his sire group, and yet maintains the density of muscle and robust shape that the Red Wilbar Intuition 832J sons are accustomed to providing. Here is proof in the pudding that length equals weight, and we predict him to sire that same kind of body type and length in his progeny. We like his type and kind, and feel like he has a build to last a lifetime. Growth predictions are very obvious on the paper here, and were backed up by his above average weaning and yearling weights.
L83 Merle 27M is a stout cowman’s bull that is extra wide and burly in his muscle shape, he is masculine headed, wide based and big footed. He is the type that will make a quick and potent influence to the profit margins of your calf crop through injecting additions of pounds and carcass yield in the first generation. The Red Wilbar Intuition 832J son stems back to the tenured PIE The Cowboy Kind 343 daughter that we purchased from Wasem Red Angus who has been an incredible herd bull generator, with her three sons born prior to 27M working for Wasem Red Angus, Kevin Aho, and Jerry Olson. He continues the family tradition and is certainly the kind who will find friends in the sale pens.
The Red Wilbar Intuition 832J mating on a derivative of the legendary Six Mile Lassie female has produced an extra heavy muscled, round centered, thick ended and big growth stud that is destined to inject massive growth and quality. An in person evaluation of L83 Mojave 15M will reveal that he will inject loads of horsepower to his stock. Check out what he offers from a growth and performance standpoint genomically!
L83 Marshall 24M is the next chapter of the impressive story that L83 Renee 926G has wrote. She is the dam of both, L83 Lark 30L and L83 Josi 130J that have been features of past Bull and Female Sales that were purchased by Mason Krey. This is a potent cow family that is headed towards stardom for our program if she keeps on the impressive path she has already started. L83 Marshall 24M comes super balanced in his build, with a rich red hide color and running gear that will help him cover cows in big spreads.
The dark hide color of L83 Mindful 12M caps off the very versatile and production orientated herd bull prospect that you find with tag 29. We think he is a perfect combination of length of spine, roundness of ribcage and width of skeleton. The signature Intuition 832J look of quality is evident with this good looker, and numerically he offers strength for traits that result in dollars.
L83 Intuitive 8M adds some more maternal power to the scenario coming with a different twist to his pedigree. His maternal granddam was purchased from Frey’s Angus Ranch and his dam has been very productive for the L83, generating the L83 Kylee 205K female that sold to Justin Hergenreder and another daughter that has been retained. This first son of 041H comes with an impressive set of growth promoting expectancies, that rank top quarter of the breed or better WW, ME and Marb.
L83 Mojo 6M is an early maturing, older aged prospect that comes with impressive symmetry and should be ready early to get to work. Maternally he goes back to a Red T-K Raptor 26E sired dam so you can trust that there is power in the blood. Of his paternal brothers he sports the lowest actual birthweight at a very appropriate 71lbs. and reveals his heifer bull candidacy with his top 29% CE, and top 36% BW, top 1% DMI & top 15% ME.
The three calving ease sons of LEM Stockyard 2001 ET that sell offer a trustworthy promise of a stress-free calving season along with their service. 401M is built for the long haul, with a set of perfectly shaped feet and legs, smoothly laid shoulder and joints. The paperwork matches his phenotype just as well, with rankings of top quarter of the breed CED, yet notice that he ranks among the top third of the breed for YW, and CW. Additional to these profit bound traits he ranks among top quarter of the breed of better for CE, Marb, ADG, and GM. *CALVING EASE QUALIFIED*
This calving ease specialist comes with extra muscle shape and expression, a quality we think that he will transmit to his progeny, and in turn cause them to stand out from the cohort. A very impressive set of curve bending predictions accompanies this LEM Stockyard 2001 ET son, and he is the kind that allows you to select for calving ease without sacrificing pounds come marketing time. This stud reigns from a PIE Cinch 4126 sired daughter that has a strong presence with three productive daughters in the cowherd for the Bohrer Ranch. *CALVING EASE QUALIFIED*
Here you will find the highest weaning, and growth promoting son of LEM Stockyard 2001 ET to sell on March 25th! Recording a 106 WWR, and still predicting with top 21% CED, he meets in the middle of both ideals in the business. How often will you find a sire that combines rankings in the top 25% of the registry for CED, CEM, WW, YW and ADG. Have your cake and eat it too with this curve bending stud, that offers futuristic predictions for profitability. *CALVING EASE QUALIFIED*
We are excited to offer a black hided option to our Angus enthusiasts with this ultra impressive son of the $40,000 LT Stillwater 2241. Schmitz Stillwater 2139 stems from a bred heifer purchased from the Raml outfit of South Dakota. RAML Peg 2139 is one of the most impressive purebred Angus females you may lay your eyes on, combining a rugged designed and powerful build with all the fancy pieces that turn heads. Maternally she is powered by some of the most prevalent maternal genetics at Chestnut Angus. This heavy weaning, bold centered stud will sire heavy weaning feeder cattle and replacement females to build a herd around.
Simmental buyers gather round, as we introduce four Simgenetic studs to the offering that come with quality that can be appreciated by stockmen from all walks of life. Schmitz Dynamo 152M leads off the group, and stems from a sire line that is gaining serious momentum in the Simmental circles. The sire of lot 33, the $120,000, 4/B Dynamo sired the $280,000 BOWJ Manifest 985M in his rookie season, and there looks to be no slowing this linage going forward. This homozygous black and homozygous polled, ¾ blood is built with extra stoutness and density, and still moves with extra flexibility and comfort. He came to the weaning pen with extra pounds on the cohort, and continues to motor, with over 1400lbs. at a year!
A big outlined and extra heavy beast that has been ahead of the pack from early on. He weaned off his PVF Insight 0129 sired dam at almost 700 lbs. and has continued to motor towards yearling time, now impressively recording a 1505lbs. Adj YW that puts him well in front of his classmates. He is one of the longest sided, densest built bulls we will sell of any breed. There should be no doubts about this stud’s ability to sire power and pounds in a very potent fashion, and with that, we think his progeny will be built with extra balance and longevity from a structural design standpoint.
Schmitz Dynamo 35M is the purebred son of the $120,000 4/B Dynamo that offers a phenotype that includes being massive ended, barrel bodied, rugged boned and still balanced in his proportions. Even though he is a brute, we love his eye appealing composition and the way he carries his mass in motion. He stems from a maternal pedigree that is spangled with some of the most decorated and richest valued Simmental females in modern history, as his maternal granddam, Bailey’s Ms Dreamy 946W has well and truly reached legendary status in the business. Tie into a timetested cow family here that has been approved by several of the best stock evaluators in the business.
A purebred Simmental herd bull that has an injection of maternal and longevity, and is a perfect option for a commercial cattleman that is looking for an option to power up a set of British based cows. This stout featured, red hided stud will perfectly compliment a group of cows that needs the power and shape that Simmental cattle are chosen for and will also deliver a potent shot of hybrid vigor. We like how wide based, expressive muscled and masculine this dark hided beast is!
I’m Julia Dean, my husband Adam and I started our Hereford herd North of Granville ND in 2021. I’m originally from Hazlet Saskatchewan, Canada, where I grew up on Hills Galore Stock Farm. My grandfather Harold Pawlitza started the Hereford herd in 1960. I have always had a passion for this breed! They’re easy feeding cattle, the females have serious longevity and their docility is unmatched. I am fortunate to have the support of my dad to continue the family legacy with this set of cows, and I am excited to have these two yearling bulls up for offering. The cow that started it all for me is Hills Galore 605 Glena 11z, I showed her as a heifer in the fall of 2013 and she went home to make a fantastic cow. To further exemplify her reputation with us as a “foundation female” she goes back to one of my grandpa’s very first cows in 1960. She was very prolific, and always made 20 + embryos when we flushed her. She outproduced herself year after year, and she gave me the opportunity to bank up a lot of her genetics. These two bulls are a product of her first flush, and I have retained a full sister to them that is in production now – who I can attest has impeccable udder structure and teat size, and milks like a bandit. We are just getting started with this set of cows and we look forward to the opportunity to raising more bulls like these. We are building a foundation of females that are pedigree backed to stand the test of time. I am honored to continue my family’s legacy, and we really appreciate L83 for being kind enough to let us sell with them this spring!
For more questions please give Julia Dean a call 1(307) 462-1072
How to Enroll in FCCP and AA
1. The producer contacts the Red Angus Association of America at (940) 226-4762 and answers a short supplier enrollment questionnaire over the phone. RAAA staff will ask general management, animal identification and breeding questions. If needed, the producer may be asked to supply additional documentation on breeding such as semen receipt, lease agreements or information on purchased females.
2. After all documentation is recorded, staff will ship the tags directly to the producer who must tag the calves before they leave the ranch of origin – birth, branding, preconditioning, weaning or before loading on the semi.
3. The producer will receive a customer enrollment agreement to fill out and return to RAAA with a copy of their calving records.
4. Staff will issue the USDAapproved Certificate of Compliance upon receiving the customer enrollment agreement and calving record.
99¢ each
Allied Access Tags
99¢ each
EID Combo Sets
$3 each
The Red Angus Feeder Calf Certification Program is the first step in differentiating your cattle to buyers, feedlots and packers.
Experience industry-leading return on investment for just the cost of an ear tag – with no enrollment fees. The Red Angus Association of America Marketing Team offers assistance to Red Angus bull customers at no charge.
Visit RedAngus.org for contact information.
Red Angus Marketing
• FCCP (Yellow Tag)
• Allied Access (Green Tag)
• Premium Red Baldy (White Tag)
• American Red (Blue Tag)
• Tyson’s Choice+ Grid
• Greater Omaha’s G.O. Red Grid
• Stockyard
• Feedlot Partners
• Red Angus FeederFax
• Red Angus FeMail
• Calendar of Events
Plaza-Makoti Elevator offers Hubbard Feeds and CRYSTALYX® Products, including the NEW Blueprint® Nutrition Program, which uses Alltech technologies.
Visit with Kip Erickson at Plaza Makoti Elevator at 701-898-8898 or Hubbard Feeds Representative Aaron Galbreath at 701-595-6004 for all your livestock feed needs.
1421 104th St NW
Westhope, ND 58793
The Tradition
Some folks just don’t get it. They think owning cattle makes no sense. It takes too much time, too much equipment, not to mention the expense. But the fondest memories of my life -they might think sound funnywere made possible by Mom and Dad, ‘cause they spent the time and spend the money. You see, the most important lessons helping values grow so strong, come from loving cattle and passing the tradition on.