There bound to be drama.

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there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama . there is bound to be drama .

there is bound to be drama .

for you,

Language is the foundation of civilization. It is the glue that holds a people together. It is the first weapon drawn in a conflict. Arrival (2017)


there is bound to be drama .

there is bound to be drama .

there is bound to be drama. There is bound to be drama. Like theatrical players dance on the stage. Like actresses cry in the movie. Like any other example given by the majestic. There is bound to be drama. Between us and them, Between he and she, Between you and I. There is bound to be drama? There is, bound to be drama. About planets in the solar system. About art propaganda and their explosion and feeling. About the majestic being floating in the sky. There will be drama, There is bound to be drama.



there is bound to be drama .

there is bound to be drama .

pagi Setiap malam, aku berbincang dengan pagi. Pagi selalu tidur menemaniku di gelapnya malam. Aku berbincang dengan pagi, hingga fajar datang menjemput. Fajar selalu menjemputnya. Tidak. Bukan menjemput, fajar merampas pagi dariku, setiap hari. Malam hanya diam, bersunyi, menatap dari kejauhan, Seperti tahu derita hilangnya pagi di kala malam. Semalam aku berbincang dengan pagi tentang kita. Pagi menyapa lemabran sutra yang tercipta dari suwung hati. Sutra rindu, sutra perindu yang tidak habisnya membuatku rindu, akan dirimu yang bercahayakan mentari. Kamu dan pagi adalah satu, bagiku pagi dan kamu, tidak lah jauh berbeda. Sebab kamu adalah pagiku, bangunku dan terangku. Selamat pagi.


there is bound to be drama .

there is bound to be drama .

hi there! Adrenaline, Pumping. Blood, Rushing. Heart, Beating. Palm, Sweating. To say A simple hi, A short hello. Under the dim light, You are out of sight. Time, Ticking Mind, Thinking Hand, Reaching Hi there.


there is bound to be drama .

there is bound to be drama .

begin. There is always a little hint of nostalgia Towards the moon and the earth The surreal and the real The moon and cross Towards me and you Lets fly to the beginning


there is bound to be drama .

there is bound to be drama .


.u I have trouble growing up,

You have trouble opening up,

I can’t make up my mind,

You can’t make up your mind,

Which one is important to pursue

Which one is important to fear

Which one to choose Everything is interesting, Except those boring nine to five From the language of green monkey, To the conflicting truth of Darwinism

Which one to choose Everything is interesting, Except those pretentious creature From the language of stars, To the conflicting truth of Religion

Everything catches my eyes,

Everything catches your eyes,

I don’t know where to look

You don’t know where to seek

Where to stop, What I know is, Everything catches my eyes, Except those boring nine to five.

Where to dance, What you know is, Everything catches your eyes, Except those pretentious creature.


there is bound to be drama .

there is bound to be drama .

shade of red. Your blood is pink, mine is red. They dance in the ice rink, While we talk all day long about the

expanding space that create

our history.

Your tounge is pink, mine is red, They dont dance in the ice rink, They join our parallel conversation about

the little space that we create

for ourselves.

Your heart is pink, maybe a little shade

of red.

I believe mine too, so does his and hers, They and we. You and i. But yours so much different, It is softer then others, More comfortable than my pillow. Soft, tenderly spoken. In me you are pink, and i’m alone. Your soft, tender, pink fire warms my mars. Although you are not the sun, you are still

warmer than the earth.

Until the ice age come, and chill them all.



there is bound to be drama .

there is bound to be drama .

sepia. A Fresh new start does not mean a fresh new heart Reality struck as a series of repeated monochrome films The sun goes down and the moon goes up Memory revolves around my mind, complicating desires to be static Aching to dream of the sepia photograph in my wallet Passing through my unconsciousness dock of nostalgic moments A Fresh new start does not mean a fresh new heart, neither a fresh new moon nor a fresh new sun. The moon will always be there. The sun will always shine And you will always be around, In another dimension In another time In another place Crawling below your blanket, Watching the sun shine in the afternoon, and bathe in moonlight, Before you dream about the sepia photograph in my wallet.


there is bound to be drama .

there is bound to be drama .

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there is bound to be drama .

there is bound to be drama .

petak umpet. Bagaimana bisa kamu menerka teka-teki raut wajah ini. Emosi yang terbalutkan keceriaan tertembus habis oleh mu. Luluh lantas ku bersembunyi, dari mekarnya bunga di unjung pandang. Mengapa kamu tidak seperti mereka? Melihat bulat sabit di raut mukaku. Aku tidak ingin telanjang, berenang dalam kenyataan perasaan. Namun kamu tidak mengindahkan itu. Kamu memilih terjun kedalam lubang ini, Lubang yang aku pun tidak tahu cara menutupnya. Tanpa parasut, tanpa tali. Kamu menutup mata, seaakan percaya bahwa didasar lubang, Mungkin, Ada sesuatu yang akan menangkapmu. Aku malu, aku tidak tahu. Bagaimana membuka tangan ini. Aku hanya bisa bernyanyi dari dasar lubang, Menyambut lompatanmu, Sehingga kamu dapat mengenal diriku, Yang tidak seindah matahari terbit di ufuk barat. Atau bumi yang berotasi pada saturnus. Aku hanya pintar petak umpet. Dan aku bertemu dirimu yang tidak habis mengalahkanku pada keahlianku Keahlian petak umpet. 24

there is bound to be drama .

angel of death

snake of eden

there is bound to be drama .

malaikat. Angels, Malaikat. They fly away from this world, Not to get away, but to keep the safety of mankind. Malaikat, Bermandikan air telaga tujuh warna, Mereka tetap putih, bersih ku menangis. Seperti pantulan cahaya kasat mata. I thought people never seen an angel before. But I have, oh I’m telling you the truth. So grab your seat, prepare for this heat, The story of angels, no one can beat. Pagi itu sendu, hujan turun seperti petuah tuhan di jaman nabi. Seperti biasa, hiruk pikuk kota, kendaraan layaknya parkir bebas berbaris di belakang lampu merah. Bill evans pun menemani di tengah matinya kelancaran jalanan. I died. I devastated by the shine of her natural Naturally I passed out, but she lift my soul in tact with my body I tried to follow the natural, yet she is the natural Aku hanya ikut, mengikut belayan tangan mengelus jiwaku Aku kembali duduk, menurunkan mahkota, yang menghalang ketulusan I put it down. 26

there is bound to be drama .

there is bound to be drama .

colour washed? He:

How come colourful being like you fail to find a niche in this beautiful painting?


Well, maybe sometimes, excess will be excess. That’s why they called it excess.


Like what?


For example, after you finish “this


beautiful painting”, you wanted to


wash your paintbrush, so you can use it again right?


Righhtt.. and then?


Then, of course you wash it in the sink, and watch the colour drain little by little.






Yes, still, it is colour, and they are born to be colourful, and I hope colourful soul like you, would not mind if I take her for some coffee.


there is bound to be drama .

there is bound to be drama .

izin. Saya cuma mau minta izin, Tapi bukan cuma numpang lewat, Kalo gitu mah saya bisa kaya‌ hmm.. permisi. Atau nuwun sewu. Atau excuse me, Gitu Tapi saya mau minta izin untuk, Belajar, Belajar mencintai mu. Sebab saya baru sadar, Bahwa saya sudah lupa rasa ini, Dan anda menuntun saya kembali, Kepada rasa kasih Yang tidak berujung. Jadi nih ya. Izin kan saya, Belajar bersama mu, Rasa cinta kasih yang sudah lenyap.


there is bound to be drama .

there is bound to be drama .

an interview. Interviewer:

Hello Ryoga, good evening.


Good evening.


Thank you for being here, let’s start the interview. You are still university student, correct?




And you are currently taking architecture major in Newcastle University?


Yes, and this is my 3rd year, which is my last year.


You are in relationship?


Yup, with a beautiful woman, inside and outside. She understand me fully, sometimes it’s quite terrifying, *chuckle* like, she could somehow see my soul you know. She is my light in the dark.


Wow, *chuckle* that is exactly my next question, but, you need to describe her like an architect.


*chuckle* Are you serious?


Yeah, this interview is conducted in your brain; of course I’m serious. *chuckle*

Ryoga: Okay let’s try this. She is definitely not Guggenheim Museum, she is modest like Ando’s work, yet show care, love and passion. She is definitely not La Tourrete, she is messier, more hectic, crazy, and adventurous and fun yet subtle, source of comfort and calming like MVRD’s architecture. Her interior would be Soane’s, the attention to detail of every corner oh her complexity is the mixture of all ingredients around the world; it is Soane’s house yet her museum. She is the architecture that I could call home.


there is bound to be drama .

there is bound to be drama .

(444) (555 666 888 33) (999 666 88) (444) (555 666 888 33) (999 666 88) (3 666) (999 666 88, 55 66 666 9) (8 44 2 8) (7777 666 6 33 8 444 6 33 7777) (999 666 88) (333 666 777 4 33 8) (8 44 2 8) (444) (5 88 7777 8) (9 2 66 8 33 3, 8 666) (7777 2 999) (444 8) (444) (44 666 7 33) (999 666 88) (88 66 3 33 777 7777 8 2 66 3) (8 44 444 7777) (444) (44 666 7 33) (999 666 88) (222 2 66) (3 33 222 444 7 44 33 777) (8 44 444 7777 (8 44 33) (6 33 7777 7777 2 4 33) (5 88 7777 8) (333 666 777) (88 7777) (444) (555 666 888 33) (999 666 88)


there is bound to be drama .

there is bound to be drama .

help! I am sick. Help. I am sick. I have the prince syndrome, I think I have the prince syndrome, I might, I begin to develop it, The prince syndrome, I need help, I do not want this to happen, Actually, this feels great. What am I saying? This is a sickness, The prince syndrome, But who I able to blame? I already found my princess.


there is bound to be drama .



l al u n e

there is bound to be drama .

dissolve. My self, Yourself, Swallowed by the world Entering, the, Melancholic dimension. Let us, Be drifted, By the sea and the wind. I want, To see, Your face Smiling upon my joke. I want, To feel, Your skin brawling against my skin.

Maybe, just maybe, The desire, Is far away from today. Maybe, just maybe, I’m not so close, To reality. But please, Oh Please, Let me dream for once, In my thoughts, My idealism, My imagination.



there is bound to be drama .

yo u



there is bound to be drama .

am i too much? Am I too much, Of a hassle? Am I exaggerating? The dance I perform? Abundance? Of endorphins? Or with no sorrow, Seems so hollow, I am not an Angel with Halo Deep inside I am that mellow, Maybe my language, Fail to understand, Just a hello. Am I too much? I feel too much, Of a hassle. I am exaggerating, To the performance of masks. With abundance of borrowed endorphins. I waltz around life. Look like no sorrow, I am so hollow, As I am a devil with no Halo. Deep inside I am that mellow.


there is bound to be drama .

there is bound to be drama .

venus and mars. You are Venus, I am Mars, They said. Spilt by the, High and Mighty, Superior Earth With her Dogma, Their Status, His teaching. Tenderly, Softly, Ripped. Forsaken by Saturn, He put, Ring on it. Cowardly run, Escape the scene, The Pluto. You are Venus, Mars wish, He was mercury, No boundary, No fence, No earth. But, I am Mars, Split by earth.


there is bound to be drama .

there is bound to be drama .

asa. Janganlah berputus asa Walau derita datang mendera Kau hebat kau luar biasa Kau pasti bisa


there is bound to be drama .

there is bound to be drama .

clown. “What’s make clowning powerful is the human heart. What’s make clowning powerful is that basically the fundamental groundwork or the fundamental foundation. The German have the great word, the ursprünglich. The primal, the primal foundation of clowning is human suffering. Clowning is about being able to laugh about the things that hurt or being able to laugh about the things that you doesn’t feel that great about. The embarrassing moment, the feeling of humiliated, the loneliness, the despair, all of it, the human conditions. Clowning is powerful because it is deal with the human condition. It is transforming pain into laughter.” -David Shiner (Clown)


there is bound to be drama .

there is bound to be drama .

stainful. Is stain that bad? I mean, we always stain the plain white canvas with abundance of colour strokes. Some say it is not a stain, but somewhat a combination of stains. The stains from coffee on their white shirt are seen as clumsiness rather than hard work. The stain tells more stories than the definition of clean. Coffee stains, wine stains, paint stains, they all have moments; they all create history, repeating in our memories, the quality time together bound by stains. Is stain that bad? Human has never been a clean white sheet of canvas. Our existence is not stainless. We are stainful, acting as the purest being alive. Stain is not that bad. The colours, which the stains gave me, would paint this white canvas with an abundance of stain. Stain from you, stain from life.



there is bound to be drama .

there is bound to be drama .

there will be hope. There will be hope. As long as we hug, As long as we grow, As long as we understand. There will be hope. Along the way to the cinema, Along the distance we acquire, Along the requirement for kitchen appliances. Along the rocky mountain in the vast sea. There will be hope? There will be hope. Inside of self, Inside others, Inside you and I. There is bound to be hope. There will be hope.


there will be hope .

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