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"Technology is a Great Enabler of
Amit Hooja, the CEO of NetGraph, speaks about how tech is driving the recovery of our economy
Which products and solutions do you offer for today's workplace?
We are aimed at making workplaces safer, by monitoring and averting any attack surfaces a hacker may potentially try to gain. Our endpoint manager-managed by our security experts monitors all the devices in organizations. We are able to lock the infection to specific devices and not let them propagate across the network to cause further damage.
How do you think technology today helps businesses grow?
Technology is a great enabler that allows us to not only do tasks efficiently, effectively, and at a much higher speed than any human would do. We are able to reduce human intervention in many tasks and improve on processes.
Some of the things which were quite impossible to tackle, technology has enabled us to do those things and helped businesses do things at a larger scale and are able to expand and cater to a larger global market, scale-up and cater to a, larger audience.
Besides, technology also helps in finding growth opportunities as well as audiences. This is also especially relevant when the products or solutions being offered are created to problem solve more efficiently and effectively. In fact, technology is creating opportunities for greater competition to be able to do things better and solve problems in much more creative ways. There are numerous ecosystems available to do that.
How is tech driving our economic recovery?
Before a recovery stage, technology has enabled businesses to keep afloat during the pandemic where human interaction was not possible. From the work requirements to online services, and staying in touch with family and friends, technology has played a very significant role. And in a way, this helped in keeping the economy going at scale.
Given the pandemic situation, technology enabled the detection of the infection zones, segment them and keep them from spreading. In fact, it is the technology that has spearheaded the speed at which the vaccines were created and tested at a greater speed which would otherwise have been an impossible task. This is the single biggest breakthrough in many ways because it gives hope that once everybody is vaccinated, and we are back in business.
How is tech shaping the infrastructure of tomorrow?
Technology is playing a very critical part in shaping the future world, from the way power is generated in more sustainable ways, to them its distribution. In other areas of infrastructure concerning mobility, technology is playing a huge part in the way people are able to move around in air-borne transport such as air taxis. Drones are being used for deliveries or even 3D technology to map out construction. Technology such as 5G networks, Robotics, Machine Learning, IoT, etc is leading the way into the future.
How is your company investing in the workforce of tomorrow?
At NetGraph we aim to make the world safer from digital threats. In fact, technology is advancing at such a fast pace and the attack vectors are also moving at a similar pace. A lot of what we do is focused on R&D and keeping pace with technological advancements that our customers are involved with. We are now also concentrating on developing devices and technology which our clients are adopting that can be used safely and will not pose any future dangers.
How do you think tech will shape the 2021 landscape?
A lot of what 2020 has done has accelerated the adaption of technology where people are now more inclined to doing things digitally. Be it payments, work requirements, day-to-day necessities, etc. 2020 has created a huge customer base for technology to become more innovative. And what this means is that there is a race to ensure that technology is not just an enabler, but also highlights the way customer expectations are increasing with their need to be able to do things better at all levels. In fact, what we are seeing is a huge splurge by organizations to keep customers engaged and happy.