RYZE Magazine Vol. 23 - Bryann Trejo Edition

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Season One!

Features interviews with BIZZLE, Bryann Trejo, Jered Sanders, Jus Murray, Corey Goss, and more!

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Contents VOLUME 23

INCOMING 20 LEÒN 24 Nu Tone Artists on the RYZE 30 CJ Emulous 36 Myammee 40 Paige Sinead Cover Story 46 Bryann Trejo Feature Stories 59 Kingdom Choice Awards 65 TBL Dance Team Winners The Charts 17 RYZE New Music Playlist 73 Internet CHH Charts 75 Hot CHH Single Charts

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EDITORIAL Review Editors: Jay & Chris Brooks Editor-At-Large: David Quinones Managing Editor: Emcee N.I.C.E. Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Naé Thompson Publisher: Dr. Corey Thompson

READER SERVICES: Issuu - Digital Publishing Platform MagCloud - DPP/ Print on Demand Subscriptions/Back Issues To never miss an issue visit www.ryzemagazine.com/subscribe For subscription or back issue queries please contact ELEV8 Media Group at (678) 779-3460


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ELEV8 Media/Entertainment Group: nae@elev8mediagroup.com

PR/MARKETING: NTPR | Management Group nae@naethompsonpr.com

SUITS: Publishers/EIC Drs. Corey & Enaysha Thompson RYZE Co-Founder Roy “King” Jackson 12 RYZE JUNE/JULY 2021

If you haven't noticed, it's a celebratory space over here; I've lived another year around the sun, and I'm grateful! It's with great joy that I sit to share my thoughts about this new RYZE edition. For a while, Emcee NICE and I have shared the fantastic task of conveying CHH insight and news, along with some of the hottest newcomers to bless the mic. Still, this edition seems a bit closer to my heart in that we're talking to a Davidic leader, a man after God's heart. A man with extremely humble beginnings, chasing after HIM and HIM alone. Pastor Bryann Trejo is the definition of a Servant Leader. He stopped by to chop it up with us, and believe me when I say his is a story of complete surrendering. While making this issue, I learned a lot about Bryann, mainly that quitting is never an option for him, and discipleship is his love language. As usual, this is the most challenging edition of the year because everyone is vying for consideration— be it the Stellars, Doves, Kingdom Choice Awards, The Spin Awards, really the list could go on and on, and Covid has really placed a demand on our attention as well with travels and self-care. We also had to juggle many other tasks, visits, and meetings simultaneously while making the issue and website changes; it's been a bit overwhelming, but to GOD be the Glory, it's here. Special thanks to our Managing Editor and contributing staff for their hard work. I appreciate you all. Yes, another edition is coming out. It feels like we've bumped elbows with and sat on a zillion StreamYard interviews during the pandemic. Still, we're excited there's undoubtedly more to come with the new additions to the magazine. Blessings!

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NEW TO INCOMING... We chat with LEÒN about his music journey and tap in with Nor Cal’s own Nu Tone of Stockton, CA.

LEÒN scores big with modern music for your listening pleasure collaborating with some of RYZE Magazine’s favorite artists like (MikeTeezy, Red Tips, and OnBeatMusic) while surpassing 100K streams on Spotify with All I Know... we caught up with him to learn more about his music journey. RYZE: Did you grow up wanting to be a rapper? I was always a lyricist; I began with poetry— fascinated with words, I regularly expressing myself through stories, and music was a massive part of my life. I remember writing for attention from the ladies and friends screaming my lyrics through the hallways. It took me 11 years to learn. I loved singing and rapping, but 17 years to find out I can make music that's meaningful. So many things changed in my life throughout those years, but my love for music kept growing. RYZE: How do you balance life? Honestly, finding balance has been difficult. It took me years to learn how to multi-task and make the best of the 24 hours I got. But I basically jump from one thing to another, rest, then attack the next thing after that. RYZE: What can we look forward to this year from you? Tons of music. Most tracks will be released 3 weeks apart with collabs from familiar artists. Last year, I spent a lot of time going through artist development and giving my best, learning not to bury the talent God has blessed me with.

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Nu Tone A name suggests the nature of a thing; Nu Tone, formerly known as Filthy Tone made a vow to change his life, influence, and the perception of Christian Hip Hop music more than 10 years ago; and he’s not looking back. With new music releasing bi-weekly featuring some of the hottest collaborations, NuTone has made good on his promises. We caught up with the Northern California native to learn more about his music and his spiritual journey... 24 RYZE JUNE/JULY 2021

Start from the beginning, who is Nu Tone? I’m a Husband, father of three, a Pastor, and a Kingdom business entrepreneur. What is the process behind writing your songs? It depends on my mood and how life’s going at the time; finding the right beat and creating the hook by getting a feature or doing it myself. After the beat and hook are done, the verses flow easily. Tell us how you keep your world spinning. Talk about the team and your support system. My wife is my prominent supporter. She’s had my back since day one. She holds me down, and I’m so thankful for her. I do the marketing and promotions. My wife is the person who records me. Shout out to my producers 100 Graham, Liam Bushey, Mikebbeats. They always elevate my sound. I work with 3 engineers. They are more than my engineers. They are brothers and family. Shout out to 350, JXHN PVUl, and Dee from Hallway Productions. I work on so much music, so it’s essential to have a great team. What goes through your mind when you perform/minister on stage? I always want to do it in excellence unto the Lord. I give it all I have. I always want to make sure I’m bringing praise, honor, and glory to Jesus. It’s ministry to me; I don’t approach it as a show. What is your prayer for the Church today? I pray we unite as the body of Christ. We are supposed to be one. One Church in the name of Jesus. There is too much division. We are fighting over politics, building names and ministries. We can be more effective at reaching the lost and changing our cities if we unite like the disciples in the book of Acts. Vol. 23 RYZEMagazine.com 25


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iscipleship means everything to Bryann Trejo. Every space occupied and shared with viewers and participants alike solidifies the heart of this man-ofGod. Make no mistake, he's got one mission alone, to share the love of God and the message of Jesus Christ with everyone he meets. Pastor Trejo is undoubt-


edly one of the most regarded emcees in Christian Hip Hop today, with a catalog of music to prove it; he's made his election sure. We had a chance to sit down with him and learn more about his journey in life and music; trust me when I say it's been a tumultuous ride. Bryann experienced significant loss and tremendous pain, yet, he boldly walks out the

road paved for him in what I like to call a Damascus experience. We all have a route to travel— husband, pastor, entrepreneur, label exec., the list could indeed go on and on for Trejo, garnering outstanding musical opportunities and brand partnerships along the way. One of the most influential and humble emcees in CHH history reflects on his journey with the managing editors.

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RYZE: Hey Pastor Bryann, it's an honor and pleasure to meet you. We've heard so much about you. Take us to the beginning; let's talk about the evolution of Bryann Trejo. Bryann Trejo: I got saved at 19, fresh out of juvenile prison. I was deep in sin and darkness... I had an identical twin brother. To make a long story short— I asked God to come into my heart after doing something extremely terrible. And, something happened inside of me. I started to feel conviction; feeling out of place even in the streets. Something inside of me was like this can't be IT! but I didn't get discipled. I wasn't connected. For some reason, I walked in a circle for like 10-12 years. And then my twin brother got murdered at 32 years old. I ended up in prison again; and really started trying to figure out like God is this real? Are you mad at me? Did I do something so terrible... I didn't understand discipleship— it was hard for me to plug in and really surrender my all. But, when my brother died, I found myself at the crossroads between forgiveness and retaliation; and I chose forgiveness. I asked God to give me a heart to forgive the murderers, and that set me free. I was making music back then, but the music was for the streets. The music was "my music." I never imagined God writing new songs on my heart, using them as tools for ministry. Soon after, I started letting go of the strongholds; they were breaking one by one. I let go of everything I was addicted to— marijuana, street music, pride, the image I built for myself...everything. I had to come to the end of myself. I started doing songs on FB LIVE, glorying the name of Jesus, thinking if my brother was alive, he would have done like 32 RIP in Heaven songs for me, so let me get on here and represent for Jesus. Next thing you know, they started going viral. I was on World Star Hip Hop like eight times, and I was like man

this is crazy. The next thing I knew people started putting two and two together; they started asking me to share my testimony. They'd ask me what you call yourself ? And, I could hear my brother saying this is Kingdom Music. We make music for the Kingdom. Because he was saved, right... I was working on roofs at the time, flying out every weekend to give my testimony, and my boss was like, "Aye, you gotta pick between this or your so called ministry." And I was like, man, this dude's about to fire me (LOL). Now, I'm a convicted felon; this is the only job I could get. So, I told God, "if this is of You, and You want me to travel and do this, You gotta make a way for my family cause I have six kids, my brother just left six, I've got all these responsibilities, help me!" And, man, it's been seven years straight. We've been trailblazing through America. We have a prison ministry; and discipleship training with 700 men and women. My wife oversees the women. We have a ministry for widows now; and Service With a Purpose— where we go and feed the less fortunate; we're just committed to being the hands and feet of Jesus. And, we use the music to draw. Everything that I chased is now chasing me. I look at this music game strategically; it's totally different now. It's not about the likes and follows. I'm intentionalin my dealings— the music brings people there, and we open up the Bible and let the anointing break the yoke. God's blessed us every step of the way, and I'm just grateful that He'll decided to use somebody like me— He cleaned me up and chose someone like me to be part of His plan (even if it's just a tiny part). I'm so grateful cause I caused a lot of trouble and chaos, when I was younger; and for God to be willing to us me the right way feels good... feels real good! RYZE: That's encouraging... for one you

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used two of our favorite words, intentional and strategic... We believe God to be intentional and strategic in everything He does (right); we'd do good to learn how to be that as well. And it's no secret within this music game that people generally are flying by the seat of their pants, doing whatever it is they feel is going to work primarily on this side, so we connect tremendously with what you're saying— in that, there should be way more encouragement, support, and undergirding... the how can I help your movement, etc. We're excited to see what God's doing in your life because you're like a Paul— in that you were doing your thing and God was like— Damascus for you. Bryann Trejo: You know it's crazy you say that because when people see the fruit of my life, they're like, man, you're touring, you've got everything you wanted, and I'm like, but you don't know what it took. Man, I've been crushed... it didn't come overnight; it's been a process— of stretching, breaking, watering, strengthening, re-breaking, and breaking some more. I minister from a place of brokenness. That's why the anointing flows. My twin was the closest person to me, and I'll never see him again. Not here on Earth, that keeps me humble, that keeps me grounded. The one I want to share my success with is not here... to me, the victories are places of high-fives versus all-out celebrations. We realize the next day is another assignment, and it's an incredible journey with God. RYZE: So you left the workforce and went to work for God. When did you realize your decision was fruitful for your family? Bryann Trejo: I left Texas at like 12 or 13. I never thought I'd move back— but while doing ministry, Pastor Ray (he's my Pastor for seven years now) actually called me and told me God put it on his heart, and he wanted me to pray about coming back to Texas. He wanted to be my covering. Now the ministry hadn't yet taken off. And, I was like, okay, what's a covering? Why would I need a covering? And God began to show me why. I needed to be held accountable to somebody. Not only that, but I needed structure— so I told God if she (my wife) wants to go back to Texas, I know this is of You... one day after praying, my wife walked in the room and said, "we need t ogo to Texas," and I asked why, and she said, "so we can grow spiritually." And we stepped out in faith and moved to Texas. No family, nothing... we came out and got 50 RYZE JUNE/JUL 2021

underneath Pastor Ray's ministr for The Dream Center. I was a b I began to learn about structure of servant leadership, and honor Once we gained an understandi off. It's something about order t es what's in order. There are no believe it was another level of hu somebody because I come from the rules nor authority. For me t and the man-of-God, and say ok What do you want me to do? W or clean the bathrooms, I would posture that God was looking at with the right attitude? And, I b ann out of the picture and went inside of me. The Jesus inside m unforgiveness; I was just growin what I was learning. My music w intentional and strategic... it wa that I do on Earth, the last time want me to speak about? And G them I can set them free." And b God would have me literally wa RYZE: Now you're wife's train (LOL)! Bryann Trejo: She's incredible worship! And, she's an excellent ful mother. She always prayed to was working on the job, she was to just be "Mom" and woman-of too to a lot of women. It's pretty her prayer, and she gets to do th do. RYZE: That's dope that you gu let's talk Kingdom Musiz Minist Bryann Trejo: Initially, I didn And, at first, I took some L's bec dustry's business side. All I knew first time they asked how much rarium? I'd say I'll come for free family, some people would just h just take it and be like, thank yo

ry. I became a board member board member for four years. e, accountability, another level r; my wife also started to grow. ng of order, the ministry took that God blesses. He blessshortcuts with God. And, I umility for me to submit to a place where we don't follow to submit to the Spirit of God kay, Pastor, I'm here to serve. Whether he told me to sit down d have done it. It was my heart t, like are you going to submit believe every time I took Brylower, God exalted Himself me stood up over the pride and ng in that. And, now, I preach was changing. I was becoming as like if this is the last song that I rap Lord, what do you God said, "Deliverance." "Tell before I'd release the song, lk it out. ning for the Olympics...

e... she sings too. Powerful t mother. My wife's a wondero be an at-home Mom. When I s working two jobs, so for her f-God... she's a spiritual Mom y cool to see God answered he things she's been wanting to

uys evolved together. So, now tries. n't want to sign to nobody. cause I didn't know the inw was Jesus— I remember the my CDs were and your honoe... well, coming for free with a hand me $40-$60, and I would ou.

Lord. Then, I'd be like God, "How am I gonna pay my bills?" (LOL), and then a man-of God prophecied over me and asked about my honorarium, and I shared I come for free, for a love offering. He was like, no, no, no, I want you to go home and pray and ask God for a certain number for you, and God's going to bless that man-of-God. Everything this man said came to pass. The gift has truly made room for me. I got a chance to make music with True Breed and Capital. Then the next one was with OVA and Empire. But then God asked me, "Why go build somebody else's vision when I've given you the vision here?" To be honest, some were like, man, you don't have to read Scriptures before the songs. More playlists will pick you up. And I was like, "What, I want to read Scriptures... I don't want you to change the format. This is why we're Kingdom." I don't want you to structure me like you think I should be structured. If the Holy Spirit tells me to read a Scripture at the beginning and the end, that's what I'm going to do... it works for us. I really didn't care about the "playlist." God was like, start what I've given you. And we kicked off Kingdom Musiz Records (KMR). We haven't announced the line-up, but the guys are plugged in locally and under accountability. I'm not going to just promote talent. I want to promote character. Our artists are people I can vouch for— like, "I know his fruit is good." You know what I mean? Now, I don't know what the label's going to do just yet. I'm just glad that nobody will be able to change our structure. I want us to be what God called us to be. At the same time, when the music goes off, I want our lifestyles to match our message. RYZE: Is there a Church on the horizon? Bryann Trejo: I'm so blessed with my Pastor; he understands the calling on my life. Anyone else would have probably tried to box me in, but we're effective going out and with our discipleship training. It's a great fit where I'm at; we're a fist... our home Church is multicultural and generational. God hasn't called me to start a Church. I'm good where I am. We're blessed. I feel like we're mega right now; we just don't have the building yet. And, with KMR, we also started a coffee brand— Kingdom Coffee (a coffee bus) coffee with a purpose of helping enslaved farmers in other countries... and we have Kingdom Print & Media. We're creating more streams to sustain the Vol. 23 RYZEMagazine.com 51

RYZE: What's your heart towards the industry and your music ministry currently? Bryann Trejo: I just want to keep edifying Him! Some people chase it (fame and fortune)... and that's their choice; with me, I use my influence like a tool belt, and God keeps multiplying me. I want to pass down a mantle that can be carried on the way after I'm done. I know this though, I will always have a song of praise on my heart. No matter how it ends for me, I will keep a song in my heart. And hopefully, the Joshua generation steps up and commits to carrying the vision forward the right way. This is about more than music for me, this is a way to glorify God, and if He blesses us, He blesses us. If it's financial, it's financial, spiritual, whatever the increase God has for your life except it. If God doesn't give you the Toby Mac stage, be okay with that; if He doesn't give you the Lecrae stage, be OK with that! We're effective. I don't have to have a coliseum filled for me to know that— hey, we're in the trenches, prison ministry, people are being set free, we've made it. People be like, "you're going to make it one day;" bruh, I've already made it! RYZE: What's your message to artists who desire a platform? Bryann Trejo: Definitely create contentment in your character; this is important for artists. Don't compete or compare yourself because one of two things will happen, either you won't think you're good enough because you don't have that following, or you think you're better and you become prideful. It's cool to be content where God has you. Imagine the artist who has set specific goals, and God's like you've gone where I want you to, you've achieved what I wish for you. And they don't get to where they desire. Imagine the discouragement. The enemy can use that to say you failed! And you didn't fail; we're all on the same team making touchdowns. I don't care who got the ball. If it's your season to run it back, handle that! I'll be on the sideline rooting for you; long as we keep winning, I'm happy. It all boils down to people's hearts. Do you want to succeed as a team? To see the complete interview with Bryann Trejo, stop by the RYZE Magazine YouTube Channel. You can find Bryann Trejo on all SM platforms @kingdommusizministries. 52 52 RYZE JUNE/JULY 2021 RYZE JUNE/JULY 2021




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Congratulations Ladies

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On behalf of RYZE Magazine, we’d like to express our sincere appreciation to all of the dance teams of the Basketball League and your support of the 2021 theme song “THIS IS TBL” featuring Lamontt Blackshire, Emcee N.I.C.E., and DaLomonze. Congratulation to the Ladies of the San Diego Guardian Angels Squad on a job well done and being chosen the “Most Liked” Dance Team of the entire league by your fans and supporters!

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