Press Release Short text
Frankfurt am Main, 11. Dezember 2011
Occupy:Frankfurt presents a scenario analysis of the Euro crisis Occupy:Frankfurt is part of a global movement to curb the power of the financial markets and banks. Having taken its queue from the protests on New York’s Wall Street, the banking city of Frankfurt has also become a center for peaceful demonstrations. To illustrate the central problem of the current economic crisis, activists from Occupy:Frankfurt have submitted an analysis of the various scenarios under the title »Let’s Talk About Our Future. Now!«. The pdf document is available at the address below for downloading and may be reproduced free of charge.
Long text
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Occupy:Frankfurt presents a scenario analysis of the Euro crisis Occupy:Frankfurt is part of a global movement to curb the power of the financial markets and banks. Having taken its queue from the protests on New York’s Wall Street, the banking city of Frankfurt has also become a center for peaceful demonstrations.
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A central problem of the current economic crisis is the complexity of the issues and the general ignorance about their relationships. This starts with the ordinary citizen who has long since begun to disregard day-to-day politics, and reaches all the way up to parliamentarians who, after voting on the bailout, admit that they do not understand precisely what consequences are involved. To illustrate the multiple interactions, activists from Occupy:Frankfurt have submitted an analysis of the various scenarios under the title »Let’s Talk About Our Future. Now!«. This working paper provides an overview of proposed solutions for the Euro crisis, of possible scenarios for the future and an associated analysis of the European banking system. The Occupy movement hopes this document will contribute to a more active public debate about a common vision for the future of Europe and about the financial system. The pdf document is available at the address below for downloading and may be reproduced free of charge. Type Title
Scenario analysis of the Euro crisis Let’s Talk About Our Future. Now!
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pdf Document (, MByte)
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