switch 2014
JO B QVCMJD DPOUFYU JO B QVCMJD DPOUFYU edited editedby byTriona TrionaRyan, Ryan,Harald HaraldTurek Turek
switch 2014 4th - 10th February 2014, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary
Since 2008, the switch project is a continuing investigation into place, locating art in public space in a contextually focused way. International film and video artworks are back projected for one week onto the windows of shops and other spaces throughout the town. This years invited artist is Santtu Koivu.
switch locates itself outside of the big city and applies itself to the rhythm of smaller places. The film events initiate conversations between artists and audiences, artworks and their sites. Now in its 6th year, switch is an artist-led project funded & supported by the North Tipperary Arts Office. switch is a project by Triona Ryan and Harald Turek.
Santtu Koivu is a Finnish visual artist who lives and works in Helsinki. Born in 1980 in Vehkalahti, Southern Finland she graduated from Lahti Polytechnic, Institute of Fine Arts in 2005. In 2010 she became a mother. Koivu works mainly with experimental video. Her work often focuses on a person, telling a story through hands or body movement, and her videos convey a sense of carefree playfulness. Koivu’s work has been displayed in Finland, Ireland, Germany and Greece. In 2009, Koivu’s video “Iris” won the Best Video Art international category in the International Film Festival of Patras City in Greece. Her work is also represented in the Finnish State Art Collection and Helsinki City Art Museum.
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.“ Mahatma Gandhi
A Foreword
In the springtime the evenings tend to stretch. Perhaps we feel this more out of expectation than in calculable measures of time as something within us begins to stir. Here is a quickening. The Winter, wet, windy and wilful is slowly being brought to heed by a different tempo. Rumour can become reality like when Eddie Vedder, the lead singer of Pearl Jam, stopped his car while driving through Nenagh and popped into what used to be Harry’s shop on Banaba Square and bought some sweets! cola bottles! milk teeth! some liquorice too! It doesn’t really matter whether he did or not. What matters is that the story became fact for some people and formed an impression of a place... a happening... a little piece of awesomeness. Vedder’s ukulele songs are dreamily reminiscent and beat out a gentle rhythm. A rhythmical journeying through time and space. Both a celebration and a call to happiness.
For this year’s switch event we invite the Finnish artist Santtu Koivu into our town and onto our streets. We ask her to weave unfamiliar rhythms into the fabric of a small Irish town - one with it’s own beat, pulse, intimacies and truths. We welcome an artist who will bring to Nenagh a new perspective, a new altered and re-animating tempo for a week long session that will not happen again. Triona Ryan Triona Ryan is a visual artist from North Tipperary. Holding a degree from the Glasgow School of Art and a masters degree in Art In Public from the University of Ulster, her work has been shown in Germany, Singapore, Uk and Ireland.
Memory Trace Muistijälki
Grandma and grandpa are playing a game from their childhood. After a moment of practise they find the rhythm. Mummo ja pappa leikkivät lapsuudesta tuttua leikkiä. Hetken harjoittelun jälkeen löytyy yhteinen rytmi. Original: Canon 60D Picture Ratio: 16:9 Duration: 2min 45sec Audio: silent Year: 2011
Flyers Lentäjiä
Wings are beating the sky as the bird is trying to fly. Flyers is a story of short flying performances. Siivet iskevät ilmaa ja lintu yrittää nousta lentoon. Lentäjiä koostuu erilaisista lentosuorituksista. Original: Super 8 Picture Ratio: 4:3 Duration: 2min 20sec Audio: stereo Year: 2005
Freestyle Swimming Vapaauinti
Cloudy sky and a low horizon in the background. A boy’s hands are moving faster and faster. At full speed for as long as he can. Taustalla pilvinen taivas ja matala horisontti. Poika kauhoo käsillä kiihtyvään tahtiin. Täysillä niin kauan kuin jaksaa -henkinen urheilusuoritus. Original: Super 8 Picture Ratio: 4:3 Duration: 1min 17sec Audio: silent Year: 2006
Wild Huima
Depiction of a peaceful summer day and little boy’s eager attempt to spin around without falling down. Infectious carefree spirit makes everything else disappear. Hyväntuulinen kuvaus kiireettömästä kesäpäivästä, pienen pojan innostuneesta yrityksestä pyöriä ympäri kaatumatta. Huolettomuus tarttuu ja kadottaa kaiken turhan ympäriltä. Original: Super 8 Picture Ratio: 4:3 Duration: 1min 2sec Audio: silent Year: 2007
Iris Iris
Strong spring light fills the mind with joy. A Woman peaks from behind a dandelion bouquet and begins a game of hide and seek. Come and join the game. Voimakas kev채inen valo t채ytt채채 mielen ilolla. Nainen kurkistelee voikukkakimpun takaa ja aloittaa kuurupiiloleikin. Tule mukaan leikkiin.
Original: Super 8 Picture Ratio: 4:3 Duration: 1min 52sec Audio: silent Year: 2008
Adrift Tuuliajolla
Adrift takes the viewer through a scenery. The peaceful journey proceeds in lapses, revealing the tranquil shades of winter. Tuuliajolla vie katsojan halki maiseman. Matka etenee näyttäen häivähdyksiä talvisesta rauhallisuudesta. Original: Super 8 Picture Ratio: 4:3 Duration: 4min 35sec Audio: stereo / Sound by Matias Hakala Year: 2008
Imagination Mielikuvitus
Closing your eyes allows you to see more. The boy’s world is painted by his imagination. Sulkemalla silmät voi nähdä enemmän. Pojan mielikuvitus värittää hänen maailmaansa.
Original: Canon 60D Picture Ratio: 16:9 Duration: 1min 34sec Audio: silent Year: 2013
Untitled Nimetรถn
Original: digital still image Picture Ratio: Duration: Audio: Year: 2005
edited by Triona Ryan & Harald Turek, © 2014 switch, Santtu Koivu & the authors, published by switch 2014, www.s-w-i-t-c-h.org Triona Ryan is a visual artist from Nenagh, Co.Tipperary. Her art practice has included performance, sculpture, photography, video & curation. The exploration of familiar & unfamiliar places is a key part of her practice. www.trionaryan.com Harald Turek is an artist, designer, curator and cultural DIY specialist. He is the founder of the artist books publishing house ‘A Shoal of Mackerel’, and co-organiser of the biennial ‘Glasgow International Artists‘ Bookfair’. www.haraldturek.com
switch pays a special thanks to local shop owners who have supported the project by loaning the premises for the duration. the switch event is funded by
the switch event received further support by
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