ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair

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戴狄 苏非阿迪

Dedy Sufriadi

1976 年出生于印度尼西亚 巴伦邦

b. 1976 in Palembang, Indonesia

戴狄・苏非阿迪 (Dedy Sufriadi) 是印度尼西亚最杰出的当代艺术家之 一。他的作品中经常发现文字、纹理、朴素的形象和手势笔触,通过 这些视觉元素,回应他周围不断变化的世界提供了另一种洞察力。 尽管戴狄经常通过复杂的过程实现多层次的展示,但在他的艺术作品 中可以找到一种哲学上的简单的光环。在某种程度上,这可以归因于 艺术家在其职业生涯的早期沉浸在存在主义哲学中近十年之久。这是 他从严格的逻辑应用组合技巧到直觉领先的转变过渡;也是艺术家逐 渐融入艺术实践的过程。这种让直觉随心所欲的创作方法,是今年 ART021 入选的白版系列 (Tabula Rasa) 作品的基础。

Dedy Sufriadi is one of Indonesia’s leading contemporary artists of his generation. His artworks provide insights to the changing world around him through the use of visual elements frequently found in his artworks, among others, text, textures, naïve figurations, and gestural strokes. There is an aura of philosophical simplicity to be found in Dedy’s artworks, despite the multi-layered presentation often achieved through complex processes. In part, this could be attributed to the artist’s almost decade-long immersion in existential philosophy early on in his career. There is also the transition from strict logical application of compositional techniques to Dedy allowing his intuition to fully take charge; it is a process that the artist has progressively been infusing into his artistic practice. This method of creation, allowing his intuition free rein, is the basis of the Tabula Rasa series of works selected for this year’s edition of ART021.

不卖就不是好艺术 Not Good Art Until Sold (2020) Acrylic and Marker on Canvas 250 x 150 cm

白板系列:思想与行动 Tabula Rasa: Mind & Move (2019) Acrylic on Canvas 150 x 150 cm

白板 #25.20 Tabularasa #25.20 (2020)

Acrylic, Marker, Oil Stick and Pencil on Canvas 150 x 150 cm

白板系列:表面 Tabula Rasa: Superficial (2021) Acrylic, Marker and Pastel on Canvas 150 x 150 cm

剪贴画 Clip Art (2021)

Acrylic, Marker and Oil Stick on Canvas 150 x 150 cm

白板 #22.20 Tabularasa #22.20 (2020)

Acrylic, Marker, Oil Stick and Pencil on Canvas 120 x 100 cm

戴狄 苏非阿迪

Dedy Sufriadi

1976 年出生于印度尼西亚 巴伦邦

b. 1976 in Palembang, Indonesia

Masters of Fine Art, Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI), Yogyakarta, Indonesia Bachelor of Fine Art, Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI), Yogyakarta Awards 2018 2015 2015 2012 2009 2008 2006 2004 2000 1999 1998 1997 1995

Finalist, UOB Art Award 2018 Finalist, UOB Art Award Young Art Award (First Prize), Young Art Taipei 2015, Taipei, Taiwan Finalist, UOB Art Award 2012 Finalist, Tujuh Bintang Art Award 2009 Best 5 Works, Setelah 20 Mei Visual Art Competition, Jogja Galery Third Place, Graffitti Competition, Yogyakarta Third Place, Graffitti Competition, AMPTA Yogyakarta Finalist, Philip Morris Indonesia Art Award Finalist, Nokia Art Award Finalist, Winsor and Newton Art Competition Best Painting, Feksiminas IV Yogyakarta Best Sketch, Fine Art Faculty, Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Yogyakarta Best Painting (Watercolor and Acrylic), Fine Art Faculty, Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Yogyakarta

Solo Exhibitions 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2007 2007 2003

Perceptive Intuition, ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair, Shanghai, China (with Artemis Art) Tabula Rasa, Cao Changdi International Art District, Beijing, China Tabula Rasa, Monochrome, Art Serpong Galley x Artemis Art, Breeze Art Space, Tangerang, Indonesia HYPERTEXT REQUIEM, Art Fair Philippines 2019, The Link, Makati, Philippines (with Artemis Art) Tabula Rasa, (mini solo, Peaceful Seeker #2 project), Bale Banjar, Sankring Art Space, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Memorandum, Redsea Gallery, Singapore Re-Texs Ture, Nalarroepa Ruang Seni, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Borderless Series, Bank Art Fair 2015, Pan Pacific Hotel, Singapore Hypertext, interpr8 art space/Artemis Art, Kuala Lumpur Between Intelligence and Intuition, Ode To Art, Singapore Hypertext, Galeri Biasa, Yogyakarta The World Of Words, Philo Art Space, Jakarta The Body Of Text, Shyang Art Space, Magelang Hypertext Discrepancy, Philo Art Space, Jakarta Hypertext, Tembi Contemporary, Yogyakarta Re-READING, Melia Purosani Hotel, Yogyakarta UN-Logical, Jamaican Bar, Yogyakarta EKSISTENSIALISME, Fine Art Faculty, Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI), Yogyakarta

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