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a group exhibition by

April 6 - 30, 2013

a group exhibition by


Guest Writer & Guest of Honor

En. Rahman Amin Fine Art Lecturer, Faculty of Art & Design, UiTM

English Translation

Claire T. Skelchy Editor

S. Jamal Al-Idrus Photography

Intuitive Art Group Design

S. Jamal Al-Idrus Published by

National Visual Art Gallery No. 2 Jalan Temerloh, Off Jalan Tun Razak, 53200 Kuala Lumpur T : +603 4026 7000 F : +603 4025 4987

Printed by

Minda Cetak Sdn Bhd

ISBN: 978-983-3497-81-2

Š 2013 National Visual Art Gallery & Artemis Corporation Sdn Bhd All Rights Reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval or transmitted in any form or any means, electrical, mechanical or others, without first seeking written permission from the Director General of National Art Gallery Malaysia.

Contents A prologue for Prologue..............................................................6 Acknowledgment..........................................................................7 “Prologue”: Pernyataan Karya yang Jujur, Jelas dan Berani.............8 “Prologue”: An Honest, Bold and True Expression.......................10 Prologue: the Artists & their Artworks Azimuddin Abd Manaf..............................................................12 Mohd Hanif Hafiz.....................................................................18 Nik Mohd Hazri........................................................................22 Nur Fiqah Mohd Qari................................................................28 Zaimuddin Aziz........................................................................32 Zharif Hazwan Badrudin...........................................................38 Cover Art Notes...........................................................................44 Intuitive Art Group......................................................................45 Guest Writer: Rahman Amin.........................................................46 About Artemis Art.......................................................................49 Notes..........................................................................................50

A prologue for


For any young artist about to embark on his or her career in the world of art, getting the opportunity for their works to be exhibited becomes an important factor. Granted, the Malaysian art scene is becoming more vibrant, but that vibrancy doesn’t necessarily, nor automatically, translate to an increase in opportunity. Despite the growth in the number of art galleries in recent years, the constraints of space and time, quite understandably, play a big role as to whether or not young and emerging artists manage to exhibit their works. From its inception, Artemis Art has recognized the need to nurture young and emerging artists, regardless of whether they are formally schooled in art, or not. What’s more important to us is their desire and potential to excel as artists. We have made it an important part of our mission, therefore, to help these young and emerging artists by providing them the opportunity and space so that their talents can be appreciated by a wider audience. The Intuitive art group - six young talented artists in their final year at UiTM: Azimuddin Abd Manaf, Mohd Hafiz Hanif, Nik Mohd Hazri, Nur Fiqah Mohd Qari, Zaimuddin Aziz, and Zharif Hazwan Badrudin - is certainly one artist grouping whose collective talents deserve as wide a recognition as possible. It is our pleasure and honor, therefore, to have been entrusted by the group to hold this exhibition, showcasing a repertoire of their works. Despite having access to an institutional environment well known for producing many renowned artists of our time, the group decided to venture out of their comfort zone. Such courage is certainly admirable and laudable. In this exhibition, however, it is not their courage that is being showcased, but their collective talent and skill as artists. Prologue sets the stage for them, allowing them to embark on their exciting journey into the art world. Artemis Art congratulates the Intuitive Art Group and wishes the six artists all the success that they deserve. Without a doubt, each of them has the potential to one day become a familiar name in the Malaysian art scene. Prologue is merely the beginning. The best, we’re certain, is yet to come. S. Jamal Al-Idrus & U.C. Loh Artemis Art


Acknowledgment Artemis Art would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the following individuals and organizations for their help and support during the planning and execution stages of this exhibition: ∙ Balai Seni Visual Negara (BSVN) for including this exhibition in their “Satu Pameran Untuk Semua” catalog project ∙ En. Rahman Amin for being the guest writer for this exhibition, and for providing a superb introduction write-up for the group ∙ Azimuddin Abd Manaf, of the Intuitive Art Group for his help with the coordination between the gallery, the artists, and UiTM ∙ map @ Publika and LabDNA for their continued support


“Prologue”: Pernyataan Karya yang Jujur, Jelas, dan Berani Segunung Tahniah kepada Intuitive, Galeri Artemis Art dan Penghayat Seni sempena pameran ini. Prologue dapat didefinisikan sebagai permulaan kepada sesuatu yang lebih besar atau pun tindakan awalan kepada satu acara yang penting. Penamaan pameran ini dapat dilihat sebagai usaha sebuah kumpulan pengkarya untuk memulakan sesuatu dan kumpulan tersebut dinamakan “Intuitive”. Dari segi karya yang dipamerkan pula adalah gabungan karya catan yang mempunyai perbincangan isu-isu yang berbeza dengan latarwaktu yang berbeza. “Intuitive” pula boleh saja didefinisikan sebagai ilmu yang terhasil daripada reaksi intuisi yang kadangkala tidak perlu didasarkan oleh sebab ataupun persepsi. Tetapi dalam kumpulan ini penulis dapat menggambarkan maksud intuitif ini lebih kepada reaksi dan refleksi daripada pemerhatian kepada isu dan pengalaman di sekeliling kumpulan ini. Walaupun demikian reaksi ini terkawal kerana sebagai seorang mahasiswa, mereka masih bergelumang dengan tugasan dan keperluan untuk melengkapi kurikulum yang memerlukan mereka memenuhi markah markah tertentu untuk melahirkan kecemerlangan pengkaryaan. Daripada kedua-dua gabungan makna tadi dapat dijelaskan bahawa kumpulan Intuitive mahu mengenengahkan diri mereka dikancah pentas seni tanahair dengan menjadikan pameran Prologue sebagai satu permulaan kepada usaha tersebut. Kumpulan “Intuitive”, terdiri daripada Azimuddin Abd Manaf, Mohamad Hanif Hafiz MD. Shamlan, Nik Mohd Hazri Nik Sharozi, Nur Fiqah Mohd Qari, Tuan Ahmad Zaimuddin Jamee Tuan Aziz dan Zharif Hazwan Badruddin. Daripada karya-karya yang dipamerkan, kumpulan “Intuitive” mengenengahkan karya jujur dengan menceritakan keadaan sekeliling mereka sama ada menyentuh peristiwa, sejarah dan perkembangan budaya. Isu yang dibincangkan amat jelas. Benarlah bahawa pengkarya itu mendokumentasi dan mengkritik pengalaman yang mereka lalui. Ditambah pula isu itu dibawakan berdasarkan perkara semasa


dan dipengaruhi dengan kaedah penterjemahan karya yang popular. Seperti yang dapat dilihat dalam karya mereka terdapat teknik menggambar dan komik yang amat kuat. Nik Mohd Hazri Nik Sharozi, menggambarkan isu penderaan kanak-kanak, Nur Fiqah Mohd Qari, mengisukan alam semesta dan dikaitkan dengan pencemaran, Azimuddin Abd Manaf, menjadikan isu budaya yang dilupakan dan Tuan Ahmad Zaimuddin Jamee Tuan Aziz, melihat pencemaran alam sebagai asas karya mereka. Keempat-empat pengkarya ini lebih gemar menggambar. Manakala Mohamad Hanif Hafiz MD. Shamlan, dengan naga Sungai Pahang, serta Zharif Hazwan Badruddin yang menceritakan sejarah Melaka menunjukkan pengaruh komik yang kuat. Ternyata mereka menggunakan kaedah pengkaryaan asas, namun demikian mereka berjaya membawa karya mereka ini kepada penghayatan yang tinggi. Pemerhati akan dapat melihat sapuan-sapuan cat yang kemas seperti bait-bait puisi yang menunjukkan usaha mereka yang fokus untuk memenuhi tiap ruang dalam karya ini dengan imajan yang dihalusi bentuknya dan tidak dibiarkan terlepas daripada sapuan berus. Pemilihan isu yang jelas dan komposisi yang tepat memberikan peluang untuk pengkarya mengggunakan ilmu membancuh dan memberus ke tahap yang maksimum. Inilah yang dikatakan kadangkala yang biasa itu adalah luarbiasa Kesannya, keenam-enam pengkarya berjaya menggambar secara jelas dan ini membantu untuk mencapai objektif pengkaryaan dan isu yang mahu disampaikan dengan mudah. Hati pemerhati akan tercalar dengan raut wajah kanak kanak di dalam karya, Nik Mohd Hazri Nik Sharozi. Azimuddin pula menyebabkan pemerhati memperbaharui kembali keinginan memiliki artifak yang sudah dipanggil tradisi. Tuan Ahmad Zainudin dan Nur Fiqah, membawa pemerhati jauh ke masa hadapan dan ke alam bintang untuk mengerti kesan pencemaran. Manakala Hanif dan Zharif pula mengingatkan kembali tentang sejarah dan gambaran peristiwa yang berlaku dalam imaginasi mereka.


Pensyarah Seni Halus, FSSR, UiTM

Sogokan pemilihan teknik dan komposisi karya yang mudah dan jelas tanpa mengada-adakan sesuatu yang menjadi tanda tanya kepada pemerhatinya menjadikan pemerhati tidak perlu mencelup sehingga dasar estetika untuk menghayatinya kerana persoalan yang dibincangkan secara terus amat jujur dan jelas. Secara terus, pemerhati akan dapat bercerita tentang kandungan karya dan mengaitkannya dengan pengalaman diri dan pengalaman estetik masing masing. Keberanian mereka mempamerkan karya dan mengadakan pameran di luar lingkup institusi (pelajar tahun Akhir, Jabatan Seni Halus, Fakulti Seni Lukis dan Seni Reka, UiTM) adalah keberanian yang patut dicontohi. Pengalaman akademik hanya akan menjadi angan-angan kosong jika tidak dipraktikkan dan dihayati serta percaya bahawa bidang yang diceburi ini harus diperjuangkan bukannya sekadar sehelai sijil. Ternyata “Intuitive� memilih kaedah yang betul dengan bergerak secara berkumpulan. Segala pengalaman serta pahit manis dapat dinikmati dan dikongsi bersama sebelum benar-benar bersedia untuk bergerak secara bersendiri. Malah, fenomena pengkarya bergerak secara berkumpulan adalah fenomena yang berterusan. Dimulakan dengan sekumpulan pengkarya yang dikenal sebagai Anak Alam yang ahlinya terdiri daripada graduan dan self-taught artist, mereka berjaya memahatkan kumpulan ini dalam sejarah seni tanah air, sebagai sekumpulan pengkarya yang mewarnai pentas seni rupa. Kumpulan begini menyediakan platform dan ruang perbincangan seni yang semua ahlinya bantu membantu untuk dikenal sebagai anak seni. Susah senang, diharungi sebagai kesannya terhasil kekentalan jiwa sebagai seorang manusia yang yakin untuk hidup dengan pengkaryaan seni.

Dan kini, muncullah studio Cili Padi, di Kalajingga, Warna, dan beberapa kumpulan yang hidup bernafaskan pengkaryaan seni. Menjadi tugas kepada galeri-galeri untuk menyokong kumpulan-kumpulan yang sebegini. Secara jujurnya, mereka memerlukan ruang untuk mengetengahkan perkara yang berputar dalam fikiran mereka pada waktu yang sama mereka memerlukan kewangan untuk melangsaikan kos harian dan modal untuk meneruskan kehidupan sebagai seorang pengkarya. Keadaan ini agak kritikal terutama kepada kumpulan-kumpulan baru yang mencari arah dalam meneruskan kerjaya seni, kerana kadangkala agak sukar untuk mendapatkan ruang dan peluang untuk mengetengahkan diri mereka terutama dalam keadaan hidup yang mencabar dan amat kompetitif ini. Penulis membuat kesimpulan bahawa pameran “Prologue� bukan sebuah pengenalan kepada pengkaryaan secara berpameran tetapi sebagai satu titik permulaan untuk menghadapi dunia pengkaryaan yang mencabar. Tidak ada perkataan menoleh ke belakang lagi tetapi disusuli dengan satu usaha untuk terus berjaya dalam seni dan menghadapi segala rintangan dihadapan. Manakala kesediaan Galeri Artemis untuk mempamer adalah kesediaan yang amat disanjung tinggi dan harus diteruskan di masa-masa mendatang. Tahniah Intuitive dan Artemis Art.

Selepas Anak Alam, kumpulan Matahati pula muncul sebagai satu tenaga yang menggerakkan dan mengasak kumpulan baru muncul dan mempercayai bahawa bekerja berkumpulan adalah kaedah yang terbaik untuk memenuhi keperluan sebagai pengkarya.


“Prologue”: Expression



Congratulations to the Intuitive Group, Artemis Art Gallery and All Art Enthusiast. Prologue may be defined as an introductory point or initial actions towards a larger cause. Titling this exhibition as such could be seen as an effort by an artist grouping to start something, and that group is called “Intuitive”. The works displayed are a collection of paintings dealing with a variety of issues and over differing timeframes. “Intuitive”, on the other hand, can be defined as the knowledge of what one feels to be true even without concious reasoning. However, in the case of this group, the writer is more prone to describe the meaning of intuitive as the reaction and reflective observation about issues and experiences surrounding this group. Being students, these reactions seem controlled as they are still mired in assignments that require their full attention in order to maintain certain academic standards in visual excellence. From the combination of both meanings, it is clear that the Intuitive group intends to present themselves to the national art scene by making Prologue their debut towards this larger cause. The “Intuitive” group consists of Azimuddin Bin Abd Manaf, Mohamad Hanif Hafiz Bin MD. Shamlan, Nik Mohd Hazri Nik Sharozi, Nur Fiqah Mohd Qari, Tuan Ahmad Zaimuddin Jamee Bin Tuan Aziz and Zharif Hazwan Bin Badruddin. From the paintings displayed, the group features honest artworks about their surroundings and circumstances, be it current events, history or cultural development. The issues presented are quite obvious. It is true, after all, that artists document and critique what they experience. Additionally, the issues highlighted are of current relevance, and influenced by popular interpretative methods. Evident in their





individual works are distinct drawing and comic book techniques. Nik Mohd Hazri Nik Sharozi touches on the issue of child abuse, Nur Fiqah Mohd Qari uses the universe as her subject and links it to the issue of pollution, Azimuddin Bin Abd Manaf highlights the forsaken cultural heritage, while Tuan Ahmad Zaimuddin Jamee Bin Tuan Aziz highlights matters pertaining to environmental pollution. These four artists show a preference for drawing and realism. On the other hand, Mohamad Hanif Hafiz Bin MD. Shamlan, with his “naga Sungai Pahang”, and Zharif Hazwan Bin Badruddin, who depicts Malacca History, convey in their works strong comic book influences. It is evident that the artists in this group utilize fairly basic artistic methods, and yet succeed in taking their works to a higher level. The observer will notice neat artistic brush strokes like lines of poetry, demonstrating the artists’ focus in filling every bit of space on the canvas with refined imagery. Clearly defined topics and distinct composition allows the artist to use their mixing and brush techniques to the maximum. This is a case where, as it’s sometimes said, the ordinary becomes extraordinary. The result is that all six artists succeed in clear artistic visualization, which in turn helps achieve their objective in conveying each message with ease. The emotions of the observer will certainly be tugged by the many children’s facial expressions in the works of Nik Mohd Hazri Nik Sharozi. Azimuddin will renew the desire of the observer to own the artifacts now labeled as tradition. Through Tuan Ahmad Zainudin and Nur Fiqah’s works, the observer will be taken on a journey to the future and amongst the stars in order to understand the effects of pollution. Hanif’s and Zharif’s works will reacquaint us with

RAHMAN AMIN Fine Art Lecturer, FSSR, UiTM

history and present us with events of the period, as seen through their imagination. The selection of techniques, plus the simple, unexaggerated and unambiguous compositions facilitate the understanding of the various topics focused on, without the observer having to resort to deep aesthetics, as these works are presented in a manner that is direct, honest, and clear cut. The observer can immediately relate to the subject matter presented, through his or her own personal experience and aesthetics. The courage in showing their works beyond the purview of the institution is exemplary (all six are final year students in the Department of Fine Arts, Faculty of Art and Design, UiTM). Academic experience carries no meaning if it is not put into practice and embraced; it just becomes mere paper qualification. “Intuitive” has clearly chosen the correct path, to advance as a group. This allows them to share a collective experience together, both bitter and sweet, in lieu of being truly ready to move ahead as individual artists. In fact, the phenomenon of artist groupings is one that has a long tradition. It began with a group of artists known as Anak Alam, whose members consisted of graduates and self-taught artists, which succeeded in cementing it’s place in Malaysia’s art history. Such groups provide a platform and a space for artistic discourse, where all members lend a hand in the quest for recognition. The bitter and sweet are endured, resulting in the emergence of individuals with the strength and confidence to live life as artists.

too, have emerged such as the Cili Padi studio, di Kalajingga, Warna, and several others that live and breathe art. It is the duty of the galleries to support such groups. In honesty, these groups need the space to realize the thoughts revolving in their minds, and at the same taking care of the financial aspects of living and pursuing the life of an artist. The situation is quite critical especially for new young groups seeking direction to pursue a career in the arts, as it is difficult to acquire a venue or to be given the opportunity, especially in this challenging and highly competitive world. This writer concludes that the exhibition "Prologue" is not merely an introductory group exhibition but is a starting point to face the challenges of the artistic world. This is a point of no turning back, an attempt to further succeed in the arts, and to face the multitude of challenges ahead. Artemis Art’s willingness to promote and exhibit such a group is highly lauded and is something that hopefully will continue in the foreseeable future. Congratulations to both the Intuitive Group and Artemis Art.

Following Anak Alam, the Matahati group emerged as a force to drive new and emerging groups, fostering the belief that working in groups was he best approach to fulfill the need of artists. And now, others,


Azimuddin Abd Manaf Born 1990 Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Art degree, majoring in Drawing, with a minor in Graphic Design

Experience (Selected) 2013 •Open Show - Urban Art 2, Galeri Pelita Hati

2012 ∙ Emergence, Artemis Art ∙ ‘Members Only’, Balai Seni Visual Negara ∙ ‘Sehaluan’, Kedai Objek, Publika ∙ Pameran Terbuka Shah Alam ∙ Nando’s ‘Conectivity’, NN Gallery ∙ Rubanization (Taman Negara), Galeri Tuanku Nur Zahirah ∙ Painting exhibition & demonstration, UMNO Pembela Rakyat event, Bukit Jalil

2011 ∙ GGCR Water Colour Exhibition, Lim Kok Wing University ∙ Hibiscus Water Colour Exhibition, Balai Seni Visual Negara ∙ ‘Cultural’ Diploma Show, UiTM Sri Iskandar, Perak ∙ Poster Exhibition, Program Gerak Gempur Anti Dadah, UKM ∙ Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Exhibition

Awards (Selected) 2012 ∙ 1st place (Painting) and Consolation Award (Printmaking), Tanjong Heritage 2012 ∙ Top 10 Finalists (Consolation Award) Nando’s Art Competition

2011 ∙ 1st place Creative Competition, GGCR Water Colour Exhibition, Lim Kok Wing University ∙ 1st place Hibiscus Water Colour Exhibition, Balai Seni Visual Negara ∙ Ikon Seni Halus Award, Fine Art Department, UiTM Sri Iskandar

2010 ∙ Excellence in Fine Art, FSSR, UiTM Sri Iskandar ∙ Dean’s Award, Fine Art, UiTM

2008 ∙ 3rd place, UKM Poster Competition & Program Gerak Gempur Anti Dadah UKM 2007 ∙ 1st place, UKM Painting Competition


Broken Family - oil & acrylic on canvas - 122 x 153 cm (4 x 5 ft) - 2013

Karya ini merupakan apresiasi seni kraftangan melayu iaitu tepak sirih yang kian dilupakan. Kain songket digunakan sebagai alas bagi tepak sirih sebenarnya bertujuan untuk mengangkat martabat kesenian kebudayaan orang melayu. Jika diperhatikan secara terperinci pula, tepak sirih ini kelihatan retak pada bahagian tengah dan ia saling berkait dengan tulisan yang terpapar pada keratan akbar dalam karya ini iaitu “cinta tak direstui punca kes cerai pasangan muda�, petikan daripada akhbar Berita Harian. Menurut falsafah melayu, tepak atau puan sebenarnya merupakan simbolik pada kekuatan sesebuah keluarga dan bangsa melayu. Retak yang kelihatan pada tepak sirih itu merupakan metafora kepada institusi kekeluargan di negara kita yang semakin rapuh. Lebih membimbangkan apabila kumpulan usia terbesar pasangan yang bercerai dari ke sehari ke sehari terdiri daripada golongan muda. Seterusnya tepak sirih yang retak juga sebenarnya melambangkan kekuatan bangsa melayu kita tidak kukuh sehingga retak kerana masyarakat melayu sendiri yang mengabaikan kesenian budaya ini sehingga sukar untuk melihat penggunaan tepak sirih dalam kehidupan seharian.


Dulu Disanjung Kini Dilupai - oil & acrylic on canvas - 122 x 153 cm (4 x 5 ft) - 2013

Subjek tepak sireh dalam karya ini dikaitkan dengan makna dan simbol yang tersirat pada 3 kelopak bunga kemboja dalam karya ini. Bunga kemboja ini biasanya terdapat di tanah perkuburan. Makna bunga kemboja merujuk kepada kematian serta kesedihan dan dalam masa yang sama wujud perasaan sayang kepada sesuatu atau seseorang. Ini dapat dikaitkan dengan keadaan sekarang yang berlaku dengan kesenian budaya tradisi orang melayu iaitu tepak sireh yang dahulunya disanjung tetapi kini dilupakan seolah-oleh telah mati. Namun dalam masa yang sama masih terdapat individu yang masih sedar dan menyayangi akan kepentingan warisan kesenian ini. Dahulu tepak sirih ini menjadi komponen penting dalam budaya dan kehidupan seharian orang melayu kini semakin terpinggir. Ia hanya dugunakan semasa adat perkahwinan mahupun sebagai hiasan semata-mata tanpa didalami makna dan falsafah di sebalik tepak sirih itu.


Dulu Disanjung Kini Dilupai 2 - oil & acrylic on canvas - 122 x 153 cm (4 x 5 ft) - 2013


Three Pears & Five Water Apples On Batik Cloth - oil on canvas - 75 x 100 cm - 2013


Kitchen Still Life (Still Life Series) - oil on canvas - 75 x 100 cm - 2013


Mohd Hanif Hafiz Born 1990 Currently pursuing a Bachelor Degree in Fine Art

Experience (Selected) 2012 ∙ Pameran Terbuka Galeri Shah Alam ∙ Rubanization, Galeri Tuanku Nur Zahirah

2011 ∙ Plus Minus Diploma Artshow, Kuantan, Pahang

2010 ∙ Fantastic Art Show, Galeri Seni IKIP, Kuantan, Pahang ∙ Pukul Keliling, Galeri Seni IKIP, Kuantan, Pahang

Artist’s statement: Naga Seri Pahang series This project is an attemp to provide a solution to the problem faced by Hikayat Naga Seri Pahang as a verbal tradition, to came up with new ways of depicting the story other than its original form of delevery which is verbal. In this particular project, the painter tries to combine the Malay traditional method of developing makara with new and contemporary methods and media. The artwork focuses on the character and plots presented in Cerita Asal Usul Pulau Tioman and “Juara yang Tewas” by Aripin Said. The frame for this artwork is both cultural and structural, involving the mixing of several Malay traditional arts and also symbols in the process of depicting the folktales . The chracters, such as Naga Seri Pahang in the Cerita Asal Usul Pulau Tioman, were developed using other malay traditional visual arts such as awan larat, batik and makara as references. The symbols which can be found in these other malay traditional visual art were used accordingly to create meaning in the artworks.


Naga Seri Pahang - oil & bitumen on canvas - 122 x 153 cm (4 x 5 ft) - 2012


Seri Pahang and Seri Komboja Study 2 - oil, bitumen, charcoal & oil pastel on paper 95 x 125 cm (37 x 49 in) - 2012


Seri Pahang and Seri Komboja Study 1 - charcoal on paper 70 x 126 cm (28 x 49 in) - 2012

Yang Memayungi 1 - bitumen, charcoal and watercolor 78 x 106 cm (31 x 42 in) - 2012


Nik Mohd Hazri Born 1988 Currently pursuing an honours Bachelor of Fine Art degree, majoring in Painting with a minor in photography

Experience (Selected) 2011 •Diploma Show, UiTM Kelantan

2010 ∙ “Seni dan Warisan”, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan

2007 ∙ “Terengganu”, Muzium Terengganu

Awards (Selected) 2007 ∙ Champion, ∙ Champion, ∙ Champion, ∙ Champion, ∙ Champion,

Teacher’s Day Greeting Card Competition (School Level) Painting Competition, Karnival Seni & Cerna Bakat, Kuala Krai Youth Painting Competition, Kuala Krai Karnival Seni Pendidikan Pencegahan Dadah Painting Competition (Kelantan state level) Karnival Seni Pendidikan Pencegahan Dadah Painting Competition (national level)

2006 ∙ Champion, Schools Health Clubs Convention (Kuala Krai district) Painting Competition

2005 ∙ Champion, Schools Health Clubs Convention (Kuala Krai district) Painting Competition

2003 ∙ Champion, Merdeka Poster Painting Competition, Kuala Krai District level 2002 ∙ Champion, Merdeka Poster Painting Competition, School level, SMK Kuala Krai


Expression Series - Head of a Child #3 - acrylic, oil & soot on canvas 92 x 76 cm (3 x 2.5 ft) - 2011


HOPE - acrylic on canvas - 183 x 427 cm (6 x 14 ft) - 3 PANELS - 2012



Expression Series - Head of a Child #5 Acrylic, oil & soot on canvas 92 x 76 cm (3 x 2.5 ft) 2011

Expression Series - Head of a Child #2 Acrylic, oil & soot on canvas 92 x 76 cm (3 x 2.5 ft) 2011 26

Expression Series - Head of a Child #4 - Acrylic, oil & soot on canvas 92 x 76 cm (3 x 2.5 ft) - 2011 27

Nur Fiqah Mohd Qari Born 1990 Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Art degree, majoring in Painting, with a minor in Liberal Studies

Experience (Selected) 2013 - International Fine Art Student Conference (IFASC 2013), Maltepe University, Istanbul, Turkey

2012 ∙

Shah Alam Open Rubinization, Galeri Tuanku Nur Zahirah Art and Design International Conference (AnDIC 2012) Art Expo Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Meru, Klang

2011 ∙ Tunas Ilham Exhibition, Melaka

2010 ∙ MAHA International

Awards (Selected) 2012 ∙ Vice Chancellor’s Award (Degree Semester 3 - 5), UiTM Shah Alam

2011 ∙ Best Student Award, Fine Art Department, UiTM Melaka


The Expending Light II - oil, aluminium sheet, reflective sticker and glitter on canvas 153 x 180 cm (5 x 6 ft) - 2012


Artist’s statement: “The Expending Light” Blinded. That is what we are, in so many ways. With a thick veil covering our eyes unabling us from from viewing the world mindfully. Like how the world has become - thick pollution clouds the skies preventing us from experiencing the beauty that was once created for us to behold, we too are often clouded by the negativity that surrounds us, blinding us and creating a gap between us and our ultimate goal. The purpose of my artwork is to evoke the feeling of Greatness of Allah’s creation within the viewers through my painting - the creation that can’t be seen with where we are right now, yet it’s existance can never be denied. In order to stir this aesthetical feeling, the form of the painting is designed by identifying the attributes needed to be present in the painting. Those attributes are the element of unity, contrast and a feeling of greatness, beauty and mysteriousness. Whi1e painting this, I was constantly reminded of my own life experiences. Being a flawed human being, I have often commited mistakes that I am not so proud of. Yet, there are a lot of moments in my life that I have felt forgiven, aided and loved. That is the ever Expending Light. One that will never cease to grow until the end of time, boundless and infinite. To promote dynamism in the painting, I used fresh, contrasting colors that kept the painting alive and interesting. The element of contrast gave a feeling of power, and the vibrant colors beautifully represented what the galaxy stands for. The color scheme resembles that of a colorful rainbow. The reason being rainbows are relevant to the human life, including muslims. Rainbows symbolize hope, and happiness after hardship. The color of the rainbow also represents the everlasting happiness of the hereafter if one prostrates the Almighty in this materialistic world.


The Expending Light - oil, aluminium sheet, reflective sticker and glitter on canvas - 183 x 150 cm (6 x 5 ft) - 2012


Zaimuddin Aziz full name:

Tuan Ahmad Zaimuddin Jamee Tuan Aziz Born 1990 Currently pursuing a Bachelor in Fine Art degree, majoring in Drawing, with a minor in Photography

Experience (Selected) 2012 ∙ Rubanization (Taman Negara), Galeri Tengku Nur Zahirah ∙ Painting exhibition & demonstration, UMNO Pembela Rakyat event, Bukit Jalil

2011 ∙ Diploma Show, UiTM Machang, Kelantan


Run of Wildlife - acrylic on canvas - 122 x 153 cm (4 x 5 ft) - 2013


Selirat Rimba 1 Acrylic on canvas 122 x 92 cm (4 x 3 ft) 2013


Selirat Rimba 3 Acrylic on canvas 137 x 92 cm (4.5 x 3 ft) 2013

Run of Wildlife II - acrylic on canvas - 153 x 183 cm (5 x 6 ft) - 2013



End Of Conflict ‘I Am Innocent’ - acrylic on canvas 153 x 244 cm (5 x 8 ft) - 2013


Zharif Hazwan Badrudin Born 1990 Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Art degree

Experience (Selected) 2012 ∙ Art in YOUTH, Putrajaya ∙ Wacana Ilmu Memartabatkan Kembali Kegemilangan Tamadun Melayu, Melaka ∙ Rubanization (Taman Negara), Galeri Tengku Nur Zahirah

2010 ∙ Art gathering, LakarRasa, Kuantan ∙ Plus Minus Diploma Art Show, Kuantan, Pahang

2009 ∙ Art gathering, Semuji, Pahang

2008 ∙ Fantastic Art Show, Kuantan, Pahang ∙ Pukul Keliling Art Show, Kuantan, Pahang

Awards (Selected) 2012 ∙ Malaysian New Comikers Award


Bravery Over Hostile Lands - acrylic on impra board - 92 x 122 cm (3 x 4 ft) - 2012

Artist’s statement: This work explores Hang Tuah’s virtues of bravery, loyalty and strength, as well as how he first got the infamous Taming Sari keris before becoming the Sultan’s most favoured knight. It represents an event narrated in the Hikayat where even though Hang Tuah was constantly targeted by his enemies for assassination, he dared to go over to their lands to protect his Sultan from his enemies for the sake of negotiating peace. The painting shows where Hang Tuah was challenged by Majapahit’s most revered knight, Taming Sari who had run amok in the Majapahit Palace and killed a lot of people to gain Hang Tuah’s attention for a duel he had long wished for. The symbol on the palace floor is the ‘Sun of Majapahit’. It is the official symbol of Majapahit and is used in this painting to convey the location of the battle. This gives the impression that the event took place outside of any Malay-cultured location. Thus, showing that globalisation happened during this time and even Hang Tuah himself used to travel far and wide to countries around South-East Asia.



How Trade Shapes the World - acrylic on impra board - 97 x 110 x 5 cm - 2012


Artist’s statement: The painting represents a chapter taken from the Hikayat Hang Tuah, where Hang Tuah was ordered by the Sultan of Malacca to go to the Ottoman Empire to procure guns. Hang Tuah, who is the person on the right dressed in Malay clothes, greets them with respect while the other characters on the left (monochromatic) represent the Turkish society in the bazaar. The bazaar and the merchants themselves display a lot of weapons - sabers and guns - showing that this was no ordinary bazaar, and that the Ottoman Empire during Hang Tuah’s visit was very well advanced technologically. “How Trade Shapes the World” represents, in a way, how the relationship between the Ottoman Empire and the Malaccan Sultanate had long been forged since as early as the 15th century through trade, diplomatic relations and culture. The painting wishes to expose how the Malays have experienced their share of globalisation at a very early time as much as any other huge and strong Empire during the same period. This is also reflected by how normal the Turkish merchants react to Hang Tuah’s presence, and in fact, are happy with it. This shows how even the Turkish society had already been well aware and accepted their relationship with the Malays in terms of trade, diplomatic and culture.


Artist’s statement: The painting depicts a chapter taken from the Hikayat Hang Tuah epic where Hang Tuah was ordered by the Sultan of Malacca to procure a number of elephants for breeding from the Siamese Ayuttaya Empire. After dealing for the elephants with the King of Siam, Phra Cau, Hang Tuah was ordered by him to do battle with the hired Japanese warriors as entertainment and to test the strength of the Malays. Hang Tuah, who is the person dressed in Malay clothes and coloured in red is contrasted by the surrounding monochromatic Japanese warriors. The painting shows the moment the warriors are about to clash. The painting wishes to show how loyal and brave Hang Tuah was after been given a mission by the Sultan of Malacca and then unexpectedly having to enter a tournament by order of the King of Siam. The painting not only exposes Hang Tuah’s bravery in treading on other lands but to also alludes to how such magnificent achievements and values of bravery no longer exist today. Such obvious show of loyalty and strength of the Malay warrior shows how we actually are capable of doing things that our society today lacks interest in, and takes lightly.


An Unexpected Conflict - Acrylic on impra board - 170 x 120 x 9 cm - 2012 43

Cover Art Notes The artwork used for the cover of this catalog is “Expression Series Head of a Child #3� by Nik Mohd Hazri. Artwork details can be found on page 23 of this catalog. This particular artwork was selected because of the mood aluded to by the young girl pictured; a guarded anticipation of things to come, hopeful that what is to come will be positive, yet pensive, reflecting an uncertainty of what the future holds. The artwork quite certainly is representative of Prologue: a platform for this group of six young artists to embark on their respective journeys into the world of art. No one can foretell what the future will hold for them, but they certainly have demonstrated that they have the potential to excel. For them, the future is whatever they wish to achieve.


Intuitive Art Group It is Artemis Art’s distinct pleasure that our gallery was selected by the Intuitive Art Group to host their debut exhibition. That these six young artists have taken the bold step to venture beyond the comfort zone of their academic institution is exemplary, demonstrating their desire to make it in the Malaysian art arena. All six artists are in the final year of their Fine Art bachelor degree program at UiTM Shah Alam. Without a doubt, these are names to look out for in years to come...

Azimuddin Abd Manaf

Mohd Hanif Hafiz

Nik Mohd Hazri

Nur Fiqah Mohd Qari

Zaimuddin Aziz

Zharif Hazwan Badrudin


Rahman Amin Guest Writer / Penulis Jemputan

Rahman Amin teaches Fine Art at the Faculty of Art and Design (FSSR), UiTM, where he has taught since 2001. Among the subjects he teaches are “Form and Soul” and “Time Based Media”. As a faculty member, Rahman is well acquainted with all six of the artists in the Intuitive Art Group. An active academician, he has published a number of academic and research papers, and has presented at a number of conferences. At present, Rahman is also pursuing a PhD in Art and Design. In addition, Rahman Amin is an artist, known for his mild steel sculptural works, based on Kufic script renditions of the words “Allah” and “Muhammad”. He has participated in a number of exhibitions in recent years, his most recent participation being the Urban Art 2 exhibition held at Pelita Hati Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, earlier this year. Rahman Amin adalah salah seorang dari pensyarah seni halus di Fakulti Seni dan Seni Reka (FSSR), UiTM, di mana beliau telah mengajar semenjak tahun 2001. Antara subjek yang diajarnya termasuk “Rupa dan Jiwa” dan “Time Based Media” (Media Berasaskan Masa). Sebagai ahli fakulti FSSR, beliau memang mengenali kesemua enam pelukis yang terlibat dengan kumpulan Intuitive ini. Sebagai seorang ahli akademik yang aktif, beliau telah menulis beberapa kertas kerja dan penerbitan penyelidikan, serta membentangkan penulisan beliau di beberapa persidangan. Pada masa ini, beliau juga seorang pelajar pasca siswazah PhD dalam bidang Seni dan Seni Rekabentuk. Rahman Amin juga seorang karyawan seni yang terkenal dengan karya arca keluli berdasarkan representasi khat Kufi perkataan-perkataan “Allah” dan “Muhammad”. Dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, beliau telah mengambil bahagian dalam beberapa pameran, termasuk pameran Urban Art 2 yang berlangsung di Galeri Pelita Hati, Kuala Lumpur pada awal tahun ini. 46

Selected Awards / Anugerah Terpilih 2013 2010 2008

Bronze Award IIDex Gold Award IIDse Anugerah Insentif (Ilham IV) 2010 Bronze Award IID

Selected Conference Publications & Presentations / Penulisan dan Pembentangan Konfrensi Terpilih 2012 Tulisan Jawi Dalam Seni Visual: Satu Tinjauan Di Malaysia In Proceedings of Seminar Penyelidikan Jawi dan Manuskrip Melayu June 4 & 5 ISBN: 978-983-3386-02-4

Halal dan Seni Visual Satu Hubungan dan Pemasalahan di Malaysia In Proceedings of International Halal conference (INHAC 2012) September 4 & 5 ISBN: 978-983-3386-03-1

The Development of Guidelines in Printmaking In Proceedings of 2012 IEEE Colloqium on Humanities Science & Engineering Research CHUSER 2012 December 3 & 4 ISBN: 978-1-4673-4616-0

2011 Analysing Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Transpiration in Integrated Learning Approach in Science 10th WSEAS International Conference on Education and Educational Technology (EDU’11) under ISI listed journals (Contribution Number: 329) October 3 to 5 ISBN: 978-161-8040-40-4

Minilai Karya Seni Menggunakan Teori Takmilah: Satu Pengenalan International Conference on Islam in Malay World ICON-IMAD 2011 November 20 to 22 ISBN: 978-602-19337-1-8

Titik Pertemuan Seni Geometrik dan Seni Ukir Melayu Seminar Warisan Nusantara, Universiti Malaysia Sabah 2011 December 3 & 4 ISBN: 978-983-2641-85-8

Sosial-Realisme dalam Seni Visual di Malaysia Seminar Warisan Nusantara, Universiti Malaysia Sabah 2011 December 3 & 4 ISBN: 978-983-2641-85-8


Recent Exhibitions / Pameran Terkini 2013

Spice, Pace Gallery, Kuala Lumpur Sekaki, Segaris Gallery, Kuala Lumpur Urban Art 2, Pelita Hati Gallery, Kuala Lumpur


Spice, Pace Gallery, Kuala Lumpur Art from Nature Exhibition, D’Puncak Gallery, Bukit Jelutong. Shah Alam Tanpa Nama, Galeri Bank Negara, Kuala Lumpur Artistic Bench “Sampan”, Perbadanan Putrajaya, Putrajaya Metal Mania, Segaris Gallery, Kuala Lumpur


Ilham IV, Galeri Pelita Hati, Kuala Lumpur Spice, Pace Gallery, Kuala Lumpur New Painting and Sculpture Exhibition, Pace Gallery, Kuala Lumpur Alam Impian Exhibition, Alam Impian Gallery, Shah Alam Sinkretisme dan Gumbat, D’ Puncak, Bukit Jelutong, Shah Alam Anniversary 2011 Exhibition, Pace Gallery Kuala Lumpur Al-Aqsa Exhibition: Forms of the Doa, Pelita Hati, Kuala Lumpur



Generate, Pace Gallery, Kuala Lumpur

About Artemis Art Established in November 2011, Artemis Art started with a modest personal collection of young art, comprising primarily of artworks from emerging artists based in Yogyakarta. There are a few reasons why we started this gallery, but one of the key motivations was to help young and struggling artists. The inspiration to do this came from our agent (and friend) in Yogyakarta, a gallery owner who has helped many young artists find their footing in their art career, thus allowing them to continue with their chosen vocation. It is through him that we managed to assist a few artists there by purchasing their works, and it is our agent’s noble efforts that we are in part trying to emulate. Although we still maintain our collection of emerging Indonesian art, our focus has shifted somewhat compared to when we first began. Certainly, Malaysia has no shortage of young artistic talent. What is still somewhat lacking, however, is the space and opportunity for them to display their works so that a wider audience may appreciate them. It is these works that have become the core of what Artemis Art is all about. Our gauge is not the experience or the pedigree of the artist, but rather the quality of work, and the potential, determination and commitment that the artist demonstrates. Over the last year and a half since we began, Artemis Art has organized several exhibitions showcasing works by young, up and coming artists, a number of whom have never participated in a formal exhibition. By sharing art works from these young and aspiring artists with the public, we hope to inspire more young artists to express themselves freely through their art, which in turn will allow them to further develop as artists.


Notes / Nota


Lot 21 & 22 Level G4 Publika@Dutamas Block C5 Solaris Dutamas, No. 1 Jalan Dutamas 1, 50480 Kuala Lumpur T : +603 6211 1891 M : +6012 308 8270 (Claire) +6019 664 7088 (Jamal) +6012 373 2188 (UC) ArtemisArt.KL


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