8 minute read

Meet the New Board

Advisor Steven Jacoby

My name is Mr. Jacoby and this will be my 12th year as advisor of the best Key Club in New York, the Bayside High School Key Club. Over the past 10 years, I have had the opportunity to participate in hundreds of community service events all over the city with the most amazing Key Club members!


Every year we attend charity walks including the Light the Night Walk to help raise money in the fight against Leukemia and Lymphoma. We also attend the Juvenile Diabetes Walk, the Breast Cancer Walk, and the AIDS Walk every year. Every October we raise money for UNICEF (in 2008 the Bayside High School Key raised $4006.83 which was the most in the entire country!) In April we collect money to donate to the March of Dimes. Once a month, 10 members visit the Ronald McDonald House of Long Island to cook meals for families with seriously ill children in the hospital. Another really fun event we participate in every year is New York Cares Day. At this event Key Club members help beautify our parks and schools by painting and planting flowers and plants.

If you have been a Key Club member in the past, I hope you join again this year and continue to dedicate yourself to your home, school and community. If you have never been a member of Key Club before, I hope you decide to join this year so you can be part of the largest student run community service organization in the world. If you ever have any questions please feel free to ask me, my office is located in the S.O office in room 131. I look forward to meeting all of you during a future meeting or event.

President Asia Lin

Hey Key Clubbers! I am Asia Lin your 2019-2020 President. It is my pleasure to work with the board to help exceed our club for this service year. Thinking back I can’t believe I been part of Key Club for almost 3 1/2 years. Key Club is partially my High School experience and without it, I can’t imagine how different High School will be for me. My entire journey can be described with one word “rollercoaster”. Many of you know me as the Lieutenant Governor for 2018-2019 but most of you probably don’t know I was also the Editor for BHSKC back in 2017. When I was part of the board during my freshman year my goal was always to run for President but that took a turn when I geared up my fear and ran for Lieutenant Governor. This being my last year I know I wanted to give back to my home club and leave no regret before I graduate. Not only is Key Club my passion but it also allowed me to grow as a person and learned how being a leader is not an easy task. For this service year, I have a tremendous number of service events and plans in store for our club. As always, If you were to ask me what Key Club meant to me, I will say family. If you were to ask me why I stayed in Key Club I will say because of all of you! Let's work together to make this year remarkable!!

Vice-President Kelly Yang

Hey Key-ooties! My name is Kelly Yang and it is my honor to serve you as your 2019-2020 Key Club Vice-President. I joined Key Club in my freshman year although it may sound like it was a long time ago, I still remember entering the crowded auditorium during the first meeting. I was quite intimidated by my surroundings, but that meeting was the start of my Key Club journey. Along the way, I have met all of my closest friends that I currently have. After all, I did not expect Key Club to have such a drastic impact on my life. Ever since I became a Key Clubber, I began to spend my weekends more efficiently by serving others in need. One of the most memorable events that I attended as a Key Clubber was Japan Day because we received complimentary Japanese cuisines such as bento boxes and gyoza. There were also Japanese cultural activities like dressing up in Kimono and face painting! To be honest, there were so many memories that I am unable to recall all of them in this short introduction. This year I am aiming to create unforgettable memories with all of you! If you ever need any support, feel free to hit me up with a text and you can always simply approach me in the halls if you just want to say “hi”. I would love to meet every one of my lovely Key Clubbers. ��

Co-Secretary Jingjie Ren

Hey guys! I’m Jingjie Ren, one of your 2019-2020 Secretary! My job is to simply record all of Key Club’s data such as your hours as efficient and organized as possible. As for myself, besides my passion in Key Club, I enjoy listening to music, golfing, traveling and eating food. (I sound like a typical Asian girl). I would like to get to know more of you guys and see new faces as we go along our new service year. If you have any questions or just want someone to talk to, feel free to message me or talk to me after meetings!

Co-Secretary Jessica Li

Hey Key Clubbers! My name is Jessica Li and I will be serving as one of your secretaries for the 2019-2020 service year. After three long years, I am happy to say that because of Key Club, I found a passion in helping others by just spending a small portion of my time. The amount of time volunteered does not matter; instead, it is your level of commitment to make a difference that does. I joined Key Club to change the lives of others, but ironically, it has changed mine and my view of my surroundings. I have many wonderful people, but I don’t expect the list to end because my chapter is not over yet. As your secretary, I will guide you along your chapter to find your place in the club and experience what it has given me.

Treasurer Hana Ho

Hello, my name is Hana, and I am your 2019 to 2020 Key Club treasurer. My interests include volleyball, music, traveling, and photography. Often times, you may find me reading, eating or both. I joined Key Club in freshman year to provide service to our community, develop leadership and gain experience. After joining Key Club, I was able to participate in many different activities and special events. As the treasurer, I will be responsible for dues and funds to make sure the club’s budget is well managed. On another note, I am told that I have a mean look on my face most of the time; so if you ever have any fundraising ideas or you just need someone to talk to, don’t be afraid to come up to me. I look forward to meeting and working with all of you as your treasurer.

Bulletin Editor Cathy Yang

Hey Key Clubbers! I’m Cathy Yang, and I am your 2019-2020 bulletin editor. I joined Key Club in my freshmen year and I’ve had quite a fun experience. When I first joined, I was really shy and was not able to talk to anyone. However, I still went to meeting and events where I was able to meet many new people and make memories that are unforgettable. As time progressed, I became more open with others and started to talk more. By having Key Club in my life I was able to step out of my comfort zone, from being a girl who didn’t speak much and was scared to interact with others to a girl who is able to make more friends and speak in front of a lot of people without being so scared (but still a little bit nervous). This is why I wanted to be your editor. I wish that more people can know about Key Club, and how it can change someone in a positive way and bring them many unforgettable experiences. As your editor, I will create newsletters and agendas to keep everyone updated of all the important dates and events. Finally, I’m looking forward to seeing and working with everyone!

Webmistress Jingwen Ren

Hello Key Clubbers! My name is Jingwen Ren, however, you can also call me Helen. It is my pleasure to serve you guys as your 2019-2020 webmistress this school year. With the role of a webmistress, I’ll ensure that the website will be updated on time along with social media. In addition to this, I will attend as many events as possible. Although this is my third year in Key Club, Key Club has a significant impact and changed my life in numerous ways. Overall, no words can describe what Key Club means to me because Key Club is more than just a family that brings endless help and support for each other. It really warms my heart seeing every one of you all coming together to make a difference. I can't wait to work with the board members and meeting every one of you all in this long journey ahead and hope to see you guys soon!

Yours in service, Jing

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