1 minute read
Janet Wilkinson uses poetry and the written word as a way of relaxing
Words: Jan Wilkinson
Shortly before the coronation of King Charles III I was sent the poem on the following page by Janet Wilkinson, it was a bit too close to my copy dates so I had to put things on hold. Below are Janet's words, and her bio. Thanks for sending these in Janet and fingers crossed for that 'Poetry Slam'.
My connection to poetry started in the pandemic when I wrote a poem called The Sounds Of Spring for a competition run by the tinnitus group in Chesterfield. Then I just carried on writing to stave off the boredom of being home alone. I also typed up all my late husbands hand written poems.
Despite losing the sight in my right eye at the age of three months, I shared a happy and carefree childhood with my seven siblings. My education was severely curtailed aged eleven when a thrown stone broke my spectacles damaging my left eye, resulting in me leaving school with no qualifications.
I trained as a cook and worked in the catering industry for sixteen years. I studied English language, typing and social studies at night school and worked for Leicester City Council as a Local Government Officer until a detached retina put paid my career in 2009.
Between 30 April 2001 and 1 July 2018
I was the sole carer for my husband who suffered pancreatic cancer and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia.
I began writing poetry and children’s stories during the pandemic lockdowns.
Ten of the stories were published under the title ‘Candlelight Tales’ in November 2021, these illustrated stories were aimed at five to seven year old children.
I have since written eighteen more stories and numerous poems which I am currently sharing with a number of children’s hospices.
The Anderson Family’s Big Circus Adventure is about an ordinary family who spend a summer living and working in a circus.
It is suitable for seven to eleven year old children. Terribly Tall Theresa and other tall tales is a compilation of seven of my other stories.
Janet was originally approached with regards to a Poetry Slam we were involved in organising, her response was "I have never been to a poetry slam but would like to.
"There is a small theatre in Hasland that would be ideal to hold one. There are about one hundred seats and a stage. Someone just needs to persuade the Hasland Theatre Company?"
Over to you guys!