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Gift To Help
Words: Paul Chapman
Image: The Cheese Factor
The Cheese Factor join a simple scheme to help out those less fortunate.

At times things can feel a little depressing, but a little bit of kindness can go a long way.
Earlier this year Leanne, partner of Simon Davidson from The Cheese Factor in the marketplace, saw a facebook post as she scrolled. It was about a pay forward initiative that allowed people to 'gift' a hot drink or sandwich to someone in need, and it struck a chord with the pair of them. They sprang into action and 'Gift To Help' was born, it allows people to easily 'gift' a coffee or sandwich etc and people in need can call in to The Cheese Factor when they need a warm drink or food and pick up one for free - no questions. It was during the recent cold spell, and Simon and the team loved the idea and started thinking about a soft launch and gentle roll out… until market neighbour Ed Fordham posted that he donated food and drink to those in need on a particularly cold night.

The Cheese Factor decided to put plans in motion immediately and created a simple flyer and set about their launch. Destination Chesterfield and the Derbyshire Times got hold of the story and things escalated very quickly.
“Gift to Help has been so well received,” says Simon. “People can buy a voucher which we put behind the counter for anyone to come in and claim a warm drink or a sandwich, they can also take a voucher or token and hand it to someone they know who might benefit. The tokens have no monetary value, they can only be exchanged in store for food and drinks.”
“Response has been fantastic, and we’re pleased to offer a simple scheme that can help those less fortunate than ourselves. I know Monkey Park in Brampton offer a similar scheme and it’s something that has crossed the Atlantic, starting in the coffee shops of the Canada and the USA.”
In addition, Simon has been chatting to freelance videographers Shreya Jha and Brandan Lansbury, who have made a short film which highlights some of the issues faced by homeless people in Chesterfield. Scan the QR code below to see the film.
Thanks from the team at S40 Local to The Cheese Factor for helping make a difference and also to Shreya and Brandan for their informative film.