+92 334 3827 825 • S A A D I A H S K I L L S AutoCAD SketchUp Enscape Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Photography Affordable Zero Energy House Competition Honorary Mention in the competition organized by Cardiff University & NEDUET C E R T I F I C A T E 2022 Bachelor's in Architecture NED University of Engineering and Technology E D U C A T I O N 2023 A Level Generation's School 2017 O Level Generation's School 2015 Internship at Arshad Shahid Abdullah Commercial Architecture physical model making, parking design, and research work E X P E R I E N C E 2022 KDA Bridge Competition Honorary Mention in Pedestrian Bridge design competition organized by KDA 2021

Adaptive reuse of Muhamad Ali building as a Museum of Poetry Alice in Wonderland inspired residential interior Contemporary mosque in a residential neighborhood
1 2 3 A R T M U S E U M R E S I D E N T I A L I N T E R I O R M O S Q U E
5 A R C H I T E C T U R A L P H O T O G R A P H Y Photographs taken from mobile and DSLR edited on Adobe Photoshop 4 L O W I N C O M E H O U S I N G Chaura and masterplan design for low income communities in Thar

The Museum of Poetry plays with the tangible and intangible forms of poetry. Architecture can be considered a tangible form. The colonial sandstone building evokes a nostalgia that can also be elicited by poetry. The museum consists of six halls for six of the most reputed poets of Urdu language arranged in a chronological order Wrapping around the amphitheater is a staircase that leads to the upper floor The arches signify the concept that in poetry the idea remains the same Vocabulary, however evolves The material change also speaks of the technological advancement since the construction of the Muhammad Ali Building Railings and more balconies were added as a design intervention on the elevation The weathered copper stands out against the yellow sandstone


Front Elevation

20' 0" 18' 0" Opening to Parveen Shakir Hall

20' 0" 18' 0"
Library/Reading hall on the first floor

Site is located in Thar, near the Mitthi bypass The population is majorly cattle herders by profession The house is designed to be low cost as well climatically and culturally sensitive Thari community live in mud houses called "Chaura". Clusters of chuara developed organically are called Ahata The masterplan design reflects the organic clustered organization. The design takes the traditional Chaura a step forward Two models of Chaura were proposed They prefer to have their kitchens outdoor. Yasmin Lari's kitchen design was incorporated Moreover, in each Ahata there is a communal restroom as in the practice in their community. It also houses an animal shade
Three identical circles overlapping to create a 16, 510 sq ft large ahata Three different sized circles overlapping to create a 30,547 sq ft large ahata Four different sized circles overlapping to create a 32,588 sq ft large ahata Communal Restrooms Animal Shade Chaura Central Open Space LEGEND 1 2 3 4 AHATA ORGANISATION

MASTER PLAN Ahata School Community Centre Temple Marketplace Green Patches Open Land LEGEND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 4 5 3 2 6 7

CHAURA DESIGN 1 A chaura module for a family of 7 to 8, where two traditional chaura are connected via a shaded patio, where any daytime activities can take place Additional spaces are kitchen, washing area, changing room, and a balcony

CHAURA DESIGN 2 A chaura design for a family of 4 to 5, where two traditional chaura are interlocked Additional spaces are changing room, kitchen, washing area, and a balcony

Render of the entire neighborhood showing ahata, chaura and the temple


3' 6" 8' 6" 10' 6" COMMUNAL RESTROOM PLAN & SECTION Render of the entire neighborhood showing ahata, chaura and the temple

The client is a family of three avid book readers, and the one tale that has stayed with all three of them and has become a big part of their lives is "Alice in the Wonderland" From Alice's confusion to the Mad hatter's obsession, from the White Rabbit's anxiety to the Blue Caterpillar's laziness; are all characteristics that the family strongly relates to Therefore the home that they want for themselves is a reflection of a fever dream like setting in the tale

Render of the lounge opening up to the dining area and kitchen


2 1 4 3 5 6 7 8 Foyer Lounge Dining Kitchen Office Bedroom Washroom Staircase 1 2 3 4. 5 6 7 8. FLOOR PLAN @ 5'

6' 0" 11' 0" The inspiration for the lounge was taken 3' 6" 3" 2' 0"

The kitchen is designed to portray the tea party in a muted manner The green bushes in the background are reflected in cabinets and the back splash 11' 8" 24' 8" KITCHEN PLAN @ 5'

The office takes shape from Mad Hatter's obsession The deep hue of mauve connects his passion with the author who will use this space as an office 3' 6" 4"

The bathroom is inspired by the Cheshire cat scene The pendant light hanging beside the vanity mirror takes its form from the stripes on the cat

0' 5" 0' 8" 2' 0" 6' 0" 4'6" 1' 6" The bedroom has a dominant deep teal colour that stands opposite to the dominant mauve in the office This is to further highlight the different mood and function of the two spaces BEDROOM ELAVATION 10' 0"

The staircase carries forward the theme of a lush forest with mushrooms and low towering plants The steps are designed to look like mushrooms growing from a tree trunk

The mosque is located in a residential area of Clifton The concept arrives from Bhulle Shah's verse "Ik nuqte vich gal mukdi ae" , meaning it is all in One contained and that at this one Point all talk ends
The mosque design aims to provide a space where the worshipper can forget all except the One. The prayer area faces a lush green area. The views can be enjoyed through the large glass windows Nature connects one to God while also create a micro climate where one can comfortably let go of the burdens of the worldly life and meditate



A A' B ' B BASEMENT PLAN @ 1' 6"



The jali on the rood lets in natural light into the mosque The light paly makes the space dynamic. Light coming from above enhances the spirituality of the interior space
The concrete jali wall acts as a curtain wall behind which there is a green space. The large windows on the Mehrab wall provide direct view of the lush trees This connects the worshipper to nature, encouraging them to ponder over God's creation

The tree in the courtyard is planted as if it is standing in saf behind all the worshippers It creates a pleasant micro climate, offering the worshippers a space where they can meditate or connect with the community



+92 334 3827 825 • saadiahvohra@gmail com