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Earning Curve, LLC offers the top performing EC500 newsletter
Communication Director Earning Curve, LLC Austin, TX (412) 440-8690 Contact Email Visit Our Website
PressReleasePing - August 23, 2017 -Austin, TX - The EC500 Formula signals when to buy and sell ETFs to optimize investment results. The EC500 Computing Platform can securely communicate between direct-access brokerage services and an investor's investments to implement the strategy in real time. The EC500 Strategy provides diversification through S&P 500 ETFs; it does not use individual company stocks. Earning Curve, LLC values the trust of our sub scrib ers. We b elieve that with passion and drive one can improve their fortunes. Our passion is discovering and profiting from trending. We are driven to earn respect and trust as one of the b est financial newsletters in the world. On average, it exchanges in and out of an ETF twelve to fourteen times per year. EC500 is correct approximately 80% of the time, in which it correctly identified an opportunity to take advantage of a market situation. ETFs are sold and the value is stored in cash. When the price of the ETF drops, more shares are repurchased, thus increasing the value for the investor. A subscription to EC500 permits a subscriber to link to an investment account with a participating broker/dealer. Buy and Sell transactions may happen automatically through the broker/dealer. Subscribers do not have to feel tied down
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to transact according to the EC500 newsletter service. In b acktesting results, EC500 outperforms a "Buy and Hold" strategy b y 183%. At the b eginning of 2006, if $10,000 was invested in SPY and it was then sold and repurchased b ased on the EC500 Formula, on Decemb er 30, 2016, it would have grown to $32,312. If a "Buy and Hold" strategy was followed (invested and never sold), the investment would have grown to $17,642. The amount gained is $32,312 versus $17,642. Advantage = $14,670 or 183%. Invest. Trend. Succeed. ### If you would like more information about this topic, please contact (communication director) at (412) 440-8690 or email at communications@ec500.com.
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(meta-keywords): Earning Curve, EC500,
EC500 Investment Newsletter,
Platform, EC500 Formula
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EC500 Computing