Clues Down: 1. The twelfth month of the calendar year. 2. To consume entirely; Use up. 3. Steamer. (*) 4. The evergreen African plants of the heath family. 5. The nation. (Hindi ) 6. The second month of the later ancient Egyptian civil calendar and Coptic calendar. 7. Institute of Company Secretaries of India. (*) 8. Getting rid oneself of (something not wanted). 9. Average Order Value. (*) 10. The objective aspect of or the content within an intentional experience. 12. To pardon officially often before a trial or conviction. 14. Tellurium. (*) (Chemical element symbol) 18. Those which cause deterioration. 21. Gigantic; Huge. 24. Of, relating to, or causing death. 26. Marked by compassion for people and animals. 29. A sarcastic challenge or insult. 31. Nonpersonal liability. (*) 32. A town located in eastern Bulgaria some 30 kilometers from the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast. 33. Network Device Enrollment Service. (*) 34. A source of harm or ruin. 36. The religion of the Yoruba people near Niger river. 37. Islamic astronomical book that tabulates parameters used for astronomical calculations of the positions of the Sun, Moon, stars, and planets. 38. Intensive Care Unit. (*)
By Kirit Shukla
Note: * denotes abbreviation of the word or phrase Clues Across: 1. Dry barren land; To abandon a person or cause. 6. Resident of a western city in Italy near the Arno River. 11. More than is due, usual, or necessary. 12. Used to represent the sound of a sneeze. 13. The day before that commemorates the birth of Christ. 15. Each. (*) 16. Related to a fish scale resembling the tooth of a comb. 17. East Indian shrubs whose fine fiber resembles flax. 19. Extended play. (*) 20. Drug Enforcement Administration. (*) 22. Bombay Stock Exchange. (*) 23 A subgiant yellow main star in the constellation Aquila. 25. To produce a pattern or design on a hard material by eating into the material's surface (acid or laser beam). 27. Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. (*) 28. In no way; to no degree. 30. Uncle’s wife. 32. A city in India where Taj Mahal is located. 33. Beautiful maiden dwelling in the mountains. (Myth). 34. In proximity to. 35. The 12th letter of the Greek alphabet. (μ) 36. Attribution to ideal characteristics. 39. Flowerless spore-producing vascular plants; Greenery. 40. A print made from a design cut into a mounted piece of linoleum. 41. The entire property of a person, association, corporation, or estate applicable or subject to the payment of debts. 42. __ Christ. Saathee.com
(solution on page 88)
Hee Hee
Jokes & Riddles From Around The World
Wife: “Why did you come home so early today?” Husband: “My boss got angry. Told me to leave the office at once and go to hell, so I came straight here.” ********* You’ll find me in Mercury, Earth, Mars and Jupiter, but not in Venus or Neptune. What am I? Answer: The letter “R.” What goes away as soon as you talk about it? Answer: Silence. If I have it, I don’t share it. If I share it, I don’t have it. What is it? Answer: A secret.
December 2021