Saathee Magazine October 2011 Charlotte

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October 2011

Kayavarohan Temple, Gujarat

In this issue: Census Data: Number of South Asians Gender Selection in India

Hello Readers! As India booms, the troubling aspect of gender selection is expanding. Millions of female fetuses have been aborted over the last couple of decades in search of sons. This has led to around 7 million fewer girls than boys currently aged seven in India. Read about it in the article on pg. 8. Can e-commerce succeed in India? As Amazon prepares to enter the Indian market, a local company is already doing business selling goods online. Go to pg. 12 for the story. Aprofessor has embarked on cataloguing all the languages spoken in India, in an effort to identify languages that maybe close to dying out. Read the interesting article on pg. 16. How many South Asians are there in the Carolinas? We’ve got the numbers from the Census 2010 count on pg. 32. Fall is here. Find some tasty recipes for pumpkins in our food article on pg. 78. Find the predictions for October in our monthly column AstroScope on pg. 120. Festivals and holidays are listed on pg. 118. Catch up on all the local and regional community news and events on pg. 92 and keep up to the minute updates at our regularly updated website:

A features magazine for the South Asian Community of the Carolinas

Quote: “Nothing is so good as it seems beforehand.” - George Eliot

October 2011 – Issue # 162 Editor: Samir Shukla ( Publisher: Divakar Shukla ( Community News Editor: Rajesh Ganatra Ad Design / Layout: Nate “Nageshwar” Andrews Consultant: Himanshu Desai Executive Assistant: Suzie Tanis Contributors: Pradip Bulsara, Kirit Shukla, Rajesh Ganatra, Judith L. Bergman, Chandan Sen, Gail Z. Martin, Smitha Prasad, Arun K. Aggarwal, Dr. Maha Gingrich, Amanda Sodhi, Krutika Chheda, Anjana Agarwal, RP Videography, Anita Kulkarni, Jay Cohen, Roshan Attrey, Jay Desai, and Jalendu Vaidya.

In This Issue

All contents © 2011 Shukla Entertainment, Inc. Gender Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 08 E-Commerce in India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 12 Documenting Dying Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 16 Saathee Entertainment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 18 Film Clips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 22 Sangeet, Popular Music of India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 24 Evergreen Film Lyrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 26 Indian Classical Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 28 Dances of India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 30 Census 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 32 Selling the the Poor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 36 Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 38 Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 40 Children’s Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 44 Mastering Meaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 46 Astride three Continents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 48 Yoga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 50 Healthwise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 52 Stock Tickers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 56 Immigration Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 60 Marketing Turnaround . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 62 Business Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 66 Personal Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 70 Cricket Forum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 74 The Chai Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 76 Recipes of the Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 78 Community Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 84 Community News & Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 92 Pop’s Puzzles and Jokes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 116 Festivals and Holidays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 118 AstroScope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 120 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 122 Puzzle Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 124 Index of Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 124


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Saathee is published monthly. Deadlines for advertisement, submissions and events information is 20th of the previous month. Mission: Our goal is to be a valuable source of information for the South Asian community and to be a vital advertising tool for businesses.

- Founded 1998 Saathee Magazine P.O. Box 11468 Charlotte, NC 28220 Phone: (704) 527-7570 Fax: (704) 527-7590 E-mail: Cover: Kayavarohan Temple Kayavarohan is a village in the Vadodara district in Gujarat. Kayavarohan is the birth place of Lakulish, the 2nd Century C.E. Shaivite revivalist, reformer and propounder of the pashupata doctrine. The temple is an important religious place.

Photo: Kirit Shukla

Saathee Magazine, USPS 021-116, is a free subscription magazine published monthly by Shukla Entertainment Inc. POSTMASTER: Send address corrections to Saathee, P.O. Box 11468, Charlotte, NC 28220-1468. Postage paid at Charlotte, NC. (ISSN: 1543-8147) October 2011

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Gender Selection

As India faces a growing gender disparity, some activists feel that the government isn’t doing enough to tackle the issue. Some organize sting operations on clinics to help identify doctors who are breaking the rules. Sex-selective abortions represent “the dark side of social and economic development,” French demographer and sexselection expert Christophe Guilmoto told GlobalPost. “You empower women, but at the same time old tradition comes back to the fore, and gender preferences are implemented in a much more effective way because of access to technology, information, [and] knowledge.” The practice of sex selection has begun to have dire effects on communities in India. In some parts of the country, like in the relatively wealthy states of Haryana and Punjab, families have been known to buy brides from poorer states.

Millions of abortions have occurred in India as a result of sex selection.

By Hanna Ingber Win – MOHOPADA, India — The arrival of Anu and Sanjay’s first daughter brought happiness to the family. When the second daughter came along, they were still content — they could always have another. But after the third child — another girl — they decided to take action. During Anu’s fourth pregnancy she and Sanjay went to a radiologist, who had been recommended by their gynecologist, in a town outside their village in Maharashtra in western India. For 600 rupees or about $14, the radiologist told the couple the bad news: a girl. Anu returned to her gynecologist and aborted the fetus. “My husband used to insist that he wants a son, that’s why I decided myself that I wanted to wait for a boy,” Anu said in Marathi through a translator during a recent interview. “So I aborted.” Anu and Sanjay, whose names have been changed due to the sensitivity of the story, tried again and again to have a son. By the end, Anu got pregnant eight times. She gave birth to four daughters and had four abortions. As India develops and its middle class grows, the aborting of female fetuses is becoming more common. India’s 2011 census showed that the country’s child sex ratio, the number of girls to boys under age 7, is the worst it has been since India gained independence in 1947. A natural sex ratio is 105 boys born for every 100 girls. This is to adjust for girls’ slightly higher likelihood of surviving than boys. However, India’s 2011 census showed that the sex ratio for children under age seven is 109 to 100. While not ostensibly a large difference, that ratio equates to 7 million fewer girls than boys under the age of 7 in India, which has 1.2 billion people. Public health experts say the drastically skewed ratio is a result of couples having ultrasounds to determine the sex of their fetus and then aborting girls. A recent study published in the British medical journal The Lancet stated that sex-selective abortions are up sharply While not ostensibly a during the last two decades, large difference, that and most of the Indian ratio equates to 7 million population now lives in fewer girls than boys states where sex selection is common. It estimates that under the age of 7 in between 4 and 12 million India. abortions have occurred in the last three decades in India as a result of sex selection. The study said that women from wealthier and more educated families are more likely to have a sex-selective abortion than women from poorer families, presumably because they can afford to use the technology. “Recent increases in literacy and Indian per-person income might have thus contributed to increased selective abortion of girls,” it said. Gender discrimination is largely behind sex-selective abortions, but the phenomenon has also been exacerbated by a growth in organized crime among doctors who collude to evade restrictions against revealing the sex of fetuses to expectant parents.

The trafficking of brides across the country puts these women at risk because they become isolated and more vulnerable to abuse, said women’s-rights activist Ranjana Kumari. The women also come from different cultural backgrounds and therefore struggle to adapt to their new village’s dietary habits and customs, she said. Pressure to have a son There have long been religious, social and economic pressures on Indian families to have a son. Once daughters grow up, they will traditionally get married and go live with their in-laws. Sons, on the other hand, stay home and take care of the parents as they grow old. Anu says she would have stopped having children after the first two daughters, but her husband and mother-in-law kept insisting the family needed a son. In many communities, Indian women who have a son are given more respect and status. “Your security is your son,” Anu said as she sat upstairs from her physician’s clinic in Mohopada village, about 40 miles outside Mumbai. Daughters are also more expensive. Sanjay earns 20,000 rupees, or about $450 a month, working at a chemical company in town, and that should be enough to provide the family with a decent middle-class life. However, he said that he has spent all his money on the daughters’ education, daily expenses and now on marrying the girls off. Sanjay said that when his first daughter got married, he did not have to pay a dowry because she is well-educated. But he did have to cover the majority of the wedding expenses — and Indian weddings do not come cheap. He wanted to give his daughter a proper wedding, including new jewelry for the bride, gifts for every relative and a large reception. He spent 4 lakhs on the wedding, about $9,000. That is Sanjay’s salary for 20 months. He said that he wants to provide each of his daughter’s proper Indian weddings, and will take out loans to pay for the others. Sanjay has no savings left for retirement and does not get a pension or social security. Gender discrimination Some argue that sex selection is less a result of families disliking girls, and more about them feeling a need for a son. Statistics bolster this argument, as they have shown that Indian families like Anu and Sanjay are often content having the first child be a girl. The Lancet study published in June continued on page 34 8

October 2011

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With credit-card penetration low, and the postal service and couriers notorious for lost and delayed shipments, the company pioneered a cash-on-delivery payment system and an in-house courier system that covers almost one-fourth of the country. Now selling music, movies, games and software, mobile phones and electronics, as well as books, the company reportedly does $6 million in sales per month. Flipkart’s market cap is only about a hundredth of Amazon’s. But with the upstart’s growing sales, the Bansals’ former employer will need more than a slick web interface to knock them off the mountain. But is Flipkart worth $1 billion? According to a July report by, that’s the value set by a pending $150 million stake sale to private equity firm General Atlantic Partners. Vohra refused to confirm or deny that valuation. But according to data collected by Venture Intelligence, rising prices have not deterred investors from placing ever larger bets on India’s e-commerce companies — even though none of them has yet turned a profit. Investment firms have pumped $140 million into e-commerce startups over the past six months, compared with just $48 million in 2010 — while the valuations of some startups soared upto six times, according to a recent article in Forbes India. “The valuations … do look a bit stretched to me, even though there is strong consumer growth and adoption,” said Alok Mittal, managing director of venture capital firm Canaan Partners. Currently, equity stakes in many startups are going for prices that value them at more than 10 times their gross sales. And even if those sales take off, the business model that Flipkart and others have pioneered to cope with India’s supply chain challenges and wary consumers — free shipping, cash-ondelivery and deep discounts — suggests that at least some players may be boosting their losses with every new sale. Factoring in the whack for shipping, discounts, COD and returns, for instance, Forbes India estimated that a typical book might sell for almost 15 percent less than it costs the e-retailer to deliver it. Of course, that’s exactly the sort of thing people said about Amazon — which is set to begin operations in India by the beginning of next year. And some local booksellers say that Flipkart’s numbers do add up. “Discounts in the book business are very complicated to understand from outside. But there is a logic to it which Flipkart does understand,” said a Mumbai-based executive in the bookdistribution business, who explained that most retailers only offer deep discounts on certain titles, where the price cut can be passed on to the publisher. “At worst, they are only as vulnerable as large-format retailers.”

Has Indian

e-commerce Really Arrived? Homegrown Flipkart aims to give Amazon a run for its money. By Jason Overdorf – When rumors of’s pending entrance into the Indian market began circulating earlier this summer, insiders from India’s e-commerce industry weren’t surprised. Since the disastrous dot-com bust of 2000 shuttered as many as 1,000 Indian e-commerce sites, the business has quietly clawed its way back to prominence, with Indians expected to spend as much as $10 billion online this year, according to the Internet and Mobile Association of India. And even though the bulk of that money goes to travel sites like and the Indian railways’ booking portal, venture capitalists have already pegged the value of the country’s most successful e-retailer,, at a whopping $1 billion, according to reports. So has Indian e-commerce really arrived? Is Flipkart an Amazon slayer? Or does the investor feeding frenzy signal nothing more than the beginning of yet another Indian Internet bubble? “E-commerce in India is in a very nascent stage, so while there is a big chunk of demand, it hasn’t been fulfilled in the manner it should have been by now,” said Ravi Vohra, Flipkart’s vice president of marketing. “We think Amazon’s entry will give further boost to the momentum. We see the pie expanding with the entry of more players.” The e-commerce business is indeed growing rapidly — with the size of the market increasing nearly 50 percent this year, from around $7 billion in 2010 to an estimated $10 billion by the end of 2011. But the retailing of manufactured goods from books to cosmetics, which so far only accounts for around $450 million, according to Vohra, may well be poised for an even steeper growth curve. The reasons are simple. Plane and train tickets have already assuaged customer anxiety about buying online. Flipkart and its leading competitors have licked the problems with delivery that plagued the first wave of Indian e-retailers. And even as shopping malls mushroom across the country, India’s smalltown consumers are gaining in wealth and sophistication at a much faster rate than physical stores can expand to reach them. The book business is already feeling the heat. According to an executive who has worked with publishers and distributors, e-retailers like Flipkart can offer deeper discounts on books than the stores located in high-rent areas like malls and airports — though low-margin Mom-and-Pop retailers can still compete. Already, the executive says, many customers are just browsing in the mall or airport, and then going home to buy the title online. “I prefer buying from Flipkart because their library is extensive, website efficient and delivery process prompt and painless,” said Tushar Burman, a Mumbai resident. “I do not buy books offline anymore, unless I happen upon an interesting one, on one of the rare visits to the bookstore.” Founded in 2007 by Sachin and Binny Bansal, two Indians formerly employed at Amazon, Flipkart has succeeded by adjusting the e-commerce model to fit local conditions.

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Fight to Preserve Dying Languages

A new survey of India’s hundreds of languages could have far-reaching political implications. poems and stories. And based on preliminary findings, the official number of Indian languages will likely rise from the Rajera figure of 179 — of which a paltry 22 are officially recognized by the constitution — to nearly 900. However, it’s the main reason for the expected increase that makes the project revolutionary. When British linguist George Abraham Grierson conducted his Linguistic Survey of India in 1894, he ignored the languages of many nomadic tribes. He classified as dialects many other tongues that local people used to define their ethnicities. And he neglected a large part of South India because the Nizam of Hyderabad in what is today the state of Andhra Pradesh refused to cooperate. At least partly as a result, when first the British and then Indian authorities divided the country into language-based states, many sizable groups found themselves split by separate administrations and robbed of political influence in keeping with their numbers. For instance, planners deemed the Gond tribe insignificant because the Gond language had no written literature or written script (until 1928) — so the group was scattered across five different states. “These states were formed irrespective of the number of speakers of languages,” said Devy. “To give you an example, the Munda group, the Santhal group, the Bhil group – they did not get their states.” These linguistic boundaries have already proven controversial. Since 1960, when language-based agitations forced the Bombay State into today’s Gujarat and Maharashtra states, nearly a dozen new states have been carved out on linguistic or ethnic grounds, and the troubles aren’t over. Ethnic rebellions still simmer across the country, demanding separate states, or even nationhood, for the speakers of Nepali, Bodo and other languages that borders — and, too often, government budgets — have ignored. At the same time, Grierson’s language survey, and independent India’s subsequent propagation of its inherent prejudices, has had a disastrous impact on India’s many indigenous tribes. “The marginalized people are speaking marginalized languages,” said the University of London’s Abbi. In the most dramatic instances, languages — and sometimes the people who speak them — have simply ceased to exist. Last year, for example, when an 85-year-old Andaman islander named Boa Sr gasped her final breath, the Bo tribe and the Bo language were irrevocably lost. “With the death of Boa Sr and the extinction of the Bo language, a unique part of human society is now just a memory,” Survival International’s Stephen Corry remarked at the time. “Boa’s loss is a bleak reminder that we must not allow this to happen to the other tribes of the Andaman Islands.” But even where tribal communities remain robust in numbers, the low status afforded to their languages has helped to keep them isolated and excluded from India’s snowballing economic development. “Only around 15,000 people in India speak Sanskrit, while some 80 million speak various tribal languages in central India alone,” said Shubhranshu Choudhary, founder of CG Net Swara, a mobile-phone based news platform for Indian tribal peoples. “Yet All India Radio, the only source of news for many

By Jason Overdorf – This fall, a plucky Indian professor of English will fire the first shot in a battle to revolutionize how this large, diverse country perceives itself. The key to his project: an army of some 2,000 volunteer linguists, translators and typists. For the first time since the British Raj, Ganesh Devy’s People’s Linguistic Survey of India will catalog the nation’s myriad tongues. The enormous exercise will call into question colonial definitions of civilization and ethnicity that have persisted through the 60-year history of independent India. “This is one of our heritage treasures that we have not been overtly aware of,” said Anvita Abbi, a professor of linguistics at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at the University of London. “It’s very important to conduct these surveys and catalog [these languages], because it will help us formulate the appropriate language policy. We do not have an appropriate language policy [in India] because we don’t have an idea of the breadth and length of linguistic diversity.” Reminiscent of Sir James Murray’s Oxford English Dictionary project — which drew on the knowledge of hundreds of volunteers, including a prolific murderer, for information about the origins of English words — the People’s Linguistic Survey promises to be a remarkable resource for academic researchers and a vital aid in the struggle to preserve dying tongues. But the growing stack of tomes may have broader implications, too, for India’s education system, and even the political organization of its 28 states and seven union territories. “This will provide good material for fresh thinking about cognitive categories in every walk of life,” said Devy, who is a professor at the the Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology in Gujarat. “If I may say so, in all modesty, perhaps this will come to be seen as one of the more important linguistic projects during the last 100 years in India,” he said. It is indeed a huge endeavor. The original British language survey took some 30 years to complete. More recently, India’s registrar general, who conducts the census, has taken 15 years to survey just four states. But Devy’s army of volunteers has already finished work in nine states. Progress is underway in seven more. The first results are slated, from Jharkhand, to be published in November — with Gujarat and Maharashtra ready for the World Languages Meeting in Gujarat in January. Devy expects the entire project — including a series of books in English — to be finished by the end of 2014. “I have been working with the languages of the tribal communities of India for the last 20 years, working with the tribal communities, so I have been able to set up quite a large network of individuals interested in looking at language identity, language loss, language empowerment, and issues like that,” said Devy. It was through that network that the professor recruited an army of volunteers whose efforts have already put the government to shame. “These volunteers include professional linguists, teachers, cultural activists, farmers and villagers. It is a cross-section of Indian society,” Devy said. “Of course, my list is deficient: I don’t have any criminals or black marketeers.” To aid researchers, each language will be detailed with a 1,000-word history, a brief glossary and some examples of

continued on page 118 16

October 2011

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Upcoming Movie Releases

Top Five Movies - Oct 2011

(Bollywood films slated to be released in the next 4-6 weeks) 1. Mere Brother Ki Dulhan Imran Khan, Katrina Kaif, Ali Zafar, John Abraham, and Tara D’Souza

Rascals (Dir: David Dhawan) Cast: Sanjay Dutt, Ajay Devgn, Arjun Rampal, Kangna Ranaut, Chunky Pandey, Satish Kaushik, Lisa Haydon, and Hiten Paintal

2. Bodyguard Salman Khan, Kareena Kapoor, Mahesh Manjrekar, Shatrughan Sinha, and Hazel

Love Breakups Zindagi (Director: Sahil Sangha) Cast: Zayed Khan, Dia Mirza, Cyrus Sahukar, Tisca Chopra, Satyadeep Mishra, Vaibhav Talwar, Auritra Ghosh, and Farida Jalal

3. Bol Atif Aslam, Iman Ali, Mahira Khan, Humainma Malick & Shafqat Cheema

Mod (Dir: Nagesh Kukunoor) Cast: Rannvijay Singh, Ayesha Takia Azmi, Raghuveer Yadav, Tanvi Azmi, Anant Mahadevan, and Nikhil Ratnaparkhi

4. Force Cast: John Abraham, Genelia Dsouza, Raj Babbar, and Mohnish Bahl

My Friend Pinto (Director: Raghav Dar) Cast: Prateik Babbar, Kalki Koechlin, Manisha Koirala, Naseruddin Shah, Divya Dutta, and Makrand Deshpande

5. Aarakshan Amitabh Bachchan, Saif Ali Khan, Manoj Bajpayee, Deepika Padukone, Prateik Babbar, Shabana Azmi & Tanvi Azmi

Aazaan (Dir: Prashant Chadha) Cast: Sachiin Joshi, Dalip Tahil, Candice Boucher, Aarya Babbar, Alyy Khan, Ravi Kissen, and Sachin Khedeka

Top Five Songs - Oct 2011 1. R. One “Chammak Challo” Music: Vishal Dadlani , Shekar Ravjiani Singers: Akon & Hamsika Iyer

Mujhse Fraaandship Karoge (Director: Nupur Ashtana) Cast: Saqib Saleem, Saba Azad, Nishant Dahiya, and Tara D’Souza

2. Aazaan “Afreen” Music: Salim Merchant, Sulaiman Merchant Singer: Salim Merchant

Happi (Director: Bhavna Talwar) Cast: Pankaj Kapoor, Hrishita Bhatt, Nakul Vaid, Supriya Pathak, Raj Saluja, and Farroukh Mehta

3. Love Breakups Zindagi “Rab Rakha” Music: Salim & Sulaiman Merchant Singers: Shraddha Pandit, Salim Merchant, Shreya Ghoshal & Sonu Nigam

Jo Dooba So Paar - It’s Love In Bihar! (Director: Praveen Kumar) Cast: Vinay Pathak, Anand Tiwari, Rajat Kapoor, Sadia Siddiqui, Pitobash Tripathy, Dadhi Raj, and Uttam Haldar

4. Force “Dil Ki Hai Tamanna” Music: Harris Jayaraj Singers: Vijay Prakash, Shalini Singh and Neha Bhasin

Be-Careful (Dir: Chandrakant Singh) Cast: Rajneesh Duggall, Tanisha Mukherjee, Tulip Joshi, Rajpal Yadav, Asrani, Tiku Talsania, and Dinesh Hingoo

5. Bodyguard “Teri Meri” Music: Himesh Reshammiya Singers: Rahat Fateh Ali Khan & Shreya Ghosal (Note: This top five is based on the following non-scientific research: your feedback, video rental, box office from India and United States, internet opinions & our opinion)


October 2011

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October 2011


Upcoming Movie Releases Continued (Bollywood films slated to be released in the next 4-6 weeks) Ra.One (Dir: Anubhav Sinha) Cast: Shahrukh Khan, Arjun Rampal, Kareena Kapoor, Armaan Verma, Sanjay Dutt, and Priyanka Chopra

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Damadamm! (Director: Swapna Waghmare) Cast: Himesh Reshammiya, Sonal Sehgal, Purbi Joshi, and Rajesh Khattar Gangs Of Wasseypur (Dir: Anurag Kashyap) Cast: Manoj Bajpayee, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Piyush Mishra, Shabana Azmi, and Reema Sen

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Tell Me O Kkhuda (Director: Hema Malini) Cast: Esha Deol, Vinod Khanna, Rishi Kapoor, Arjan Bajwa, Chandan Roy Sanyal, Sudhanshu Pandey, Dharmendra, and Farooq Sheikh

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Miley Naa Miley Hum (Dir: Tanveer Khan) Cast: Chirag Paswan, Kangna Ranaut, Kabir Bedi, Poonam Dhillon, Sagarika Ghatge, and Neeru Singh

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For Bookings or Inquires Contact

Rockstar (Director: Imtiaz Ali) Cast: Ranbir Kapoor, Nargis Fakhri, and Shammi Kapoor


Shakal Pe Mat Ja (Dir: Shubh) Cast: Shubh, Pratik Katare, Saurabh Shukla, Aamna Shariff, Raghuveer Yadav & Zakir Hussain (Movie release dates subject to change)


October 2011

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Rajinikanth to do Cameo in Ra.One

Film Clips

Superstar Rajinikanth will share screen space with Shah Rukh Khan in Ra.One. SRK had earlier mentioned that the film pays a tribute Rajinikanth, but now Rajini will play cameo in the film. His last release was last the blockbuster hit Robot. Apart from Rajinikanth, Sanjay Dutt and Priyanka Chopra have also made guest appearances in the film. The villain Ra.One is played by Arjun Rampal. The film releases this Diwali on Oct. 26, 2011.

Mumbai Film Festival Announces Jury

The 13th Mumbai Film Festival, a Reliance Entertainment initiative and organized by Mumbai Academy of Moving Image (MAMI) will be held from October 13 – 20, 2011. This year’s festival boasts of a lineup of cinematic masterpieces and an esteemed panel of jurors. The jury members for the international competition section include director- Hugh Hudson (Jury President, International competition), Roger Spottiswoode (director of James Bond film Tomorrow Never Dies and the Arnold Schwarzenegger starrer The 6th Day), acclaimed Polish director-Jerzy Skolimowski and young Korean directorNa Hong-Jin who received numerous awards and acclaim for his films The Chaser and The Yellow Sea. The festival will be held across multiple venues in the city and aims at showcasing cinematic works of filmmakers from across the globe. “Mumbai Film Festival is committed to showcase the best in cinematic talent. It has been a long and extremely fruitful journey. We are happy to welcome the eminent jury members and play host to them. We are also happy that the Indian entertainment industry has shown us tremendous support,” said Shyam Benegal (Chairman of the festival) in an interview with Bollywood Hungama. A list of jurors for the Dimensions Mumbai section of the festival include Kiran Rao (Dhobi Ghat), Vikramaditya Motwane (Udaan), Nishikant Kamat (Mumbai Meri Jaan), Onir (My Brother Nikhil) and actor Renuka Shahane. Dimensions Mumbai is a short film competition open to Mumbaikars below the age of 25 years, where a short film depicting any aspect of life in Mumbai can be submitted. For further details visit

Amitabh Bachchan in Hollywood debut with The Great Gatsby The upcoming Hollywood film The Great Gatsby marks Amitabh Bachchan’s first mainstream Hollywood movie and it will be directed by Buz Luhrmann (Moulin Rouge). Bachchan is slated play Meyer Wolfsheim - a Jewish man. The film is a new big screen adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel. Leonardo DiCaprio stars in the title role and the film also features Tobey Maguire, Carey Mulligan, and Joel Edgerton. The Great Gatsby has been adapted for the screen no less than four times. This version is being shot in Luhrmann’s native Australia.

Popular TV series Ghar Jamai Comes to the Big Screen Ghar Jamai, a hit TV series that aired in 1997 about an unreasonable Punjabi father-in-law and his Tamil Ghar Jamai, will now be made into a feature film. Satish Shah played the father-in-law and R. Madhavan played his son-in-law. Filmmaker and actor Ananth Mahadevan, who directed the sitcom, will direct the film. Apparently Madhavan was excited when Mahadevan told him about making a film on Ghar Jamai and immediately agreed to do it. The rest of the cast is yet to be finalized. The shooting will start in mid 2012 and will be shot in Toronto. – Courtesy of IndiaFm.

South Asian International Film Festival The 8th annual South Asian International Film Festival (SAIFF) will run from November 9 – 15, 2011 in New York City. The festival exhibits films from South Asia (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Nepal) and within the Indian Diaspora. With a focus on dynamic, visionary cinema, SAIFF annually creates exposure for filmmakers. The festival over the years has become the largest South Asian Film Festival in North America. For seven film lovers, filmmakers, industry professionals and media will attend and watch the very best in new cinema from new talent and acclaimed masters. With several screening locations, a team of high-profile supporters, red carpet premieres, and a slate of top-notch films, the festival gives audiences a chance to discover new South Asian voices and celebrate established ones. Kicking off with a feature film premiere and opening night gala, the Festival will present films, shorts, and documentaries in a variety of genres. The festival is hosted by key influential South Asian leaders and community members, and will mix in entertainment, social and professional mixers, and exclusive industry events with its slate of programming. For further details visit

Jackie Shroff Returns in Life Is Good Jackie Shroff is getting into shape for his comeback performance, where he will play the role of a 40-year old father in a film called Life Is Good. The film will be directed by Anant Mahadevan. The role requires Shroff to play a father to a daughter in three different stages of her life. The director is in search of three different girls from different age groups to play Shroff’s daughter in different phases of his character’s life. The filming will begin when the cast is finalized.

Vinay Pathak to Play Lead in Film Inspired by R.D. Burman’s Life Soumik Sen’s next film will be based on the life of legendary music composer R.D.Burman. The makers of the film have already registered the title R.D. with the Association of Motion Pictures. Vinay Pathak will play the lead role and the character’s name will be Rahul Dev Dutta. The film will feature Burman’s songs and the story follows the ups and downs of the music composer’s life, including his trials and tribulations. 22

October 2011

Chawpaty Food

By Kirit Shukla

Catering for all occasions

Tribute to past Bollywood and Pop Singers Nazia Hassan (1965-2000) Nazia Hassan, known as the “Sweetheart of Pakistan” was born on April 3, 1965 in Karachi. She was the daughter of businessman Basir Hassan and Mrs. Munizeh Basir, an active social worker. She won the Filmfare award for Best female playback singer for the song “Āp jaisā koi“ (Film: Qurbani) in 1981, when she was just 15. This song made her a sought-after pop singer in South Asia. When the world was singing this song, she was quietly studying in a corner of her house. She later became an iconic Pakistani pop singer and hosted “Music 89,” a TV music show and appeared on many TV shows in the 1980s and 90s. She received her education in London, got a law degree and then worked in the United Nations in the Security Council. She lived a simple and noble life where music was just her hobby. Besides creating music, she belonged to many charity organizations like “Inner Wheel Club” of India and helped raise funds for children in Rajasthan. Another organization she worked with was “BAN” to fight against narcotics in Pakistan, and she diligently worked in the low income areas of Karachi to help the needy and sick. She went to number of schools to collect toys for poor children and gave talks on the subject of social awareness for the underprivileged. All the money she earned from music was spent on charities. Her marriage with businessman Mirza Ishtiaq Baig in 1995 ended in divorce. She died of lung cancer at the age 35, on August 13, 2000, in London. She was posthumously awarded the highest civilian award “Pride of Performance” in March 2002 by the Government of Pakistan. Her mother accepted the award.

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Some of her hit albums: 1981—Disco Deewane (First Mega Hit.) 1982— Star/Boom Boom 1983—Hazan 1984— Young Tarang 1987—Hotline 1988—Saffron 1992—Camera Camera (Ban against narcotics)

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One of her popular classic song’s lyrics: “Āp jaisā koi “ is given in this issue of Saathee magazine in Evergreen Classic Film Lyrics on page 26.

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(Note: The contents for this article are compiled from books, internet and my knowledge & love for Indian music. Same is applicable for the past articles I have written.)

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October 2011

By Kirit Shukla Song: Āp jaisā koi... Film: Qurbani Year: 1980 Music: Biddu and Kalyanji Anandaji Singer: Nazia Hassan Lyrics: Biddu Tāl/Rhythm: Light Pop Starring: Feroz Khan, Vinod Khanna, Zeenat Amman Āp jaisā koi.. Āp jaisā koi meri zindagi mein āye To bāt ban jāye, hān hān bāt ban jāye ... Phool ko bahār, bahār ko chaman, dil ko dil, badan ko badan Har kisiko chāhiye tan-man kā milan Kāsh mujha par aisā dil āpkā bhi āye To bāt ban jāye, hān hān bāt ban jāye ... Main insāna hoon, farishtā nahin, dar hai behak, na jāun kahin Tanhā dil na sambhlegā pyār binā yeh tadpegā Āpa sā kahān hai dil āpko hi Pāye To bāt ban jāye, hān hān bāt ban jāye ...

Meaning (Summary): If anyone like you could come into my life; yes, it would be OK. Flowers want freshness, freshness wants a garden; the heart wants heart and arms want arms. Everyone wants the physical attachment. I wish your heart may also feel something like this for me. Alas, (I wish) if anyone like you could come into my life. I am a human being, not a fairy; I fear that I may not lose my control. Lonely heart may not remain in control, without love it will become restless. I want to find someone like you. My heart loves you only. If anyone like you could come into my life; yes, it would be OK.

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See this song on Nazar Television in October. Visit for Nazar Television local listings.

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October 2011

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October 2011

Musical Instruments in Hindustani Classical Music By Anita Kulkarni

Evolution of Carnatic music - a series By Smitha K. Prasad Dear readers, over the past few columns, we have looked at the influence of royal patronage on Carnatic music. Last month, we looked at the contributions of the Mysore kings to Carnatic music; this month, I would like to discuss the contribution of the famous composer king Maharajah Swathi Thirunal. Sri Swathi Thirunal (1813-1846) was the ruler of the state of Travancore, now a part of Kerala state. He came from a family well versed in music and started his formal education at a young age. Sri Swathi Thirunal was adept in multiple languages such as Malayalam, Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu and even English and Persian. He had a deep love for music right from the beginning and showed keen interest and insight in both music and literature. It was this reputation as a great patron of the arts that led a number of musicians, dancers and writers from all over to take residence at his court. The court musician Eraimman Thampi was a great composer and he composed what is perhaps the most famous Malayalam lullaby Omanathingal Kidavo. The Tanjore quartet, consisting of four brothers, were experts in multiple areas of music and dance were also part of Sri Swathi Thirunal’s court. One of the four brothers was Vadivelu. Many readers may remember that he is one of the people credited with the introduction of the violin into Carnatic music. (Refer Saathee magazine issue May 2011) It was the patronage and support that musicians received from rulers such as Sri Swathi Thirunal that made possible multiple advances in Carnatic music. The Maharaja also had great appreciation for Hindustani music and many Hindustani artists received patronage at his court. As a composer, Sri Swathi Thirunal composed over 400 compositions in multiple languages. Some of his famous compositions include Deva deva Kalayami te in the Raga Mayamalavagowla and Sarasaksha Paripalaya Mamayi in Raga Pantuvarali. The famous thillana Gita dhuniku taka dhim in Raga Dhanashri is a popular presentation not only on the concert platform but also for classical dance (Bharatanatyam) presentations. He used the ankita (signature) Padmanabha (and other variations of this signature) in his compositions. Till we meet next time, do listen to the composition Bhavayaami Raghuramam. Originally composed in the Raga Saveri, it has been tuned to a Ragamalika (multiple ragas) by the legendary musician Semmangudi Sreenivasa Iyer- this is now the most popular way of presenting this composition. You can listen to a beautiful rendition by M.S. Subbulakshmi on the Internet.

The most prominent instruments of Hindustani music are: Sitar - Sitar is one of the most popular music instruments of North India. The sitar has a long neck with twenty metal frets and six to seven main cords. Below the frets of sitar are thirteen sympathetic strings that are tuned to the notes of the raga. A gourd, which acts as a resonator for the strings, is at the lower end of the neck of the Sitar. The frets are moved up and down to adjust the notes. Some famous sitar players are Ustad Vilayat Khan, Pt. Ravi Shankar, Ustad Imrat Khan, Ustad Abdul Halim Zaffar Khan, Ustad Rais Khan and Pt Debu Chowdhury. Sarod - Sarod has a small wooden body covered with skin and a fingerboard that is covered with steel. Sarod does not have frets and has twenty-five strings of which fifteen are sympathetic strings. A metal gourd acts as a resonator. The strings are plucked with a triangular plectrum. Some notable exponents of Sarod are Ustad Ali Akbar Khan, Ustad Amjad Ali Khan, Pt. Buddhadev Das Gupta, Zarin Daruwalla and Brij Narayan. Santur - The present day name of this instrument, santur, can be roughly described as mountain sound. Santur is an instrument indigenous to Kashmir, but now is played throughout North India. It is a hammered dulcimer that is struck with light wooden mallets. The number of strings may be as few as 24 or more than 100. Typical sizes tend to be around 80. It has a vibrant tone and has become very popular in the last 20 years. Pt Shivkumar Sharma is a very famous classical musician who has acquired international fame by playing the santur. Flute - Flute is a simple cylindrical tube of uniform bore and associated with Indian music since time immemorial. Flutes vary in size. Flute is held horizontally and is inclined downwards when it is played. To produce sound or melody one has to cover the finger holes with the fingers of the left and right hand. Altering the effective length of the air column produces variations in pitch. Notable flute exponents are Pt Pannalal Ghosh and Pt Hari Prashad Chaurasia. Tabla - The most popular musical instrument used in North India is the tabla. The tabla consists of a pair of drums, the tabla and the bayan. The tabla is made of wood and its head is made of stretched animal skin. Fine-tuning of tabla is done by striking the rim of the tabla with a small hammer. The bayan is the bass drum and is usually made of metal with a stretched skinhead. Both drums have a black spot in the center made of manganese or iron dust. Popularly known as tabla Maestro, Ustad Zakir Hussain is the son of the renowned tabla player Ustad Allah Rakha. Pakhawaj - It is believed that the tabla was derived from Pakhawaj. It is the standard percussion instrument that continued on page 90

Smitha Prasad

Anita Kulkarni

is a Carnatic vocalist based in Cary, NC Email:


October 2011


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By Dr. Maha Gingrich


Garba Dances It is that time of the year again. It is Garba time! Garba dance has originated in Surashatra, in the state of Gujarat in Western India. It is believed that they can trace the origin of Garba back to the time of Lord Krishna, who has ruled in this part of the country for nearly 100 years. In the month of October, villagers express their gratitude at the end of the monsoon rains with song and dance in which women, men, girls and boys join in the joyfulness. Village girls carry decorated pitchers and pots of clay and they go from house to house, dancing “Garbi.� The ornamented pot containing offerings is hung at the doorways. It looks beautiful, when seen in its proper setting in the open, where the women worship Amba Mata, giver of plenty and prosperity, singing and swaying in their wide sweeping ghagras (skirts), and brightly decorated cholis (blouses) and odhnis (scarves). As they dance in a circle, the gorgeous silver jewelry flashes in the sunlight, while the men, equally colorful in their frilled coats and turbans, watch enthusiastically. The Garba songs are light and filled with joy. The dance steps are simple, graceful and are done by a group of dancers going round in circles. They bend to the right, left and forward, stamping the feet in a rhythm of four counts, and clapping their hands in sweeping gestures. Usually in the villages, one of the girls with a good voice leads the first line and the others follow in chorus. This popular folk dance has been introduced to the cities, and is a favorite item at Guajarati gatherings, engagements, weddings, and many other special events. Now there are pre-recorded songs of Garba by famous musicians sold in the stores. In the cities, the themes of the dances are little more sophisticated and songs are composed to tell stories of the modern young girl, her fancies and her dreams. In spite of all the modernization, however, the most popular of all the songs are still the Krishna legend themes. These songs sing the glory of Lord Krishna, his childish mischief, his beauty, and his love stories. The colorful costumes, lovely old textile prints, the sweetest of melodies, the grace and freedom of movement, are redolent of a charming Old World atmosphere. In October, we celebrate the festival called Dasera, preceded by a nine-day celebration called Navaratri. You probably have seen Garba being performed by hundreds of people from the Carolinas at their temples and other locations as published. I am also featuring a few dances on Nazar Television this month in preparation for this exciting festival.

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October 2011

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October 2011

Gender Selection continued from page 8

showed that sex-selective abortions rarely occurred with firstborns. The abortions occur in the second or third pregnancy when the first child is a girl, and the family wants to have at least one son. However, others, like demographer Guilmoto, say the argument that families have nothing against girls is just rhetoric, given that many aren’t just trying again to have a son, but are actually getting rid of unwanted girls. “It’s all very nice to say that people have nothing against girls,” Guilmoto said. “But if they really want a son, there’s no better way than to try again.” Women’s rights activists say sex selection represents another example of India’s pervasive discrimination against women. In some communities, daughters are more likely to be malnourished and less likely to be educated and taken to the doctor. Mothers face high rates of domestic violence and maternal mortality. And widows, no longer needed to support a husband or produce sons, face abandonment. With sex selection, said public-health activist Sabu George, “We’re dealing with an extreme form of discrimination where women are not allowed to be born.” In many cases, a woman aborts her female fetus in response to societal pressure, but there are also instances when the woman herself makes the decision. In order to better understand the phenomenon of sex selection, it is crucial that these cases also be taken into account, according to Mara Hvistendahl, who recently wrote a book on the issue, “Unnatural Selection.” “Yes, gender discrimination is there,” she told GlobalPost. “But we also need to talk about the personal decisions that are being made.” “We have to confront the fact that there are women who are making these choices,” she said. Government efforts In an attempt to prevent sex-selective abortions, India has banned doctors from using ultrasounds or other technology to tell women the sex of their fetus, and gynecologists are not allowed to perform abortions for the purpose of sex selection. Abortion is only legal in India up to week 12, with the exception of extreme cases, and a fetus must be at least 14 weeks before an ultrasound can detect its sex. There have been a string of other government efforts to crack down on this practice, particularly after the release of the 2011 census data triggered countless reports in the local media on sex selection. The national and state governments have suggested requiring the registration of ultrasounds, monitoring doctors, making abortions subject to checks, and providing incentives to families to have girls. Maharashtra’s state public health minister, Suresh Shetty, proposed using spy-cams to catch doctors. However, like most issues in India, the law is not the problem — enforcement is. Few violators of the law have been prosecuted, and regulation of private clinics is limited. “Actually, you can have an abortion whenever you want,” said public health activist Sabu George, who has been working on the issue of sex selection for 25 years. “There’s no regulation.” George says the law has not been enforced because of a lack of political and social will. Furthermore, most people are not ashamed of breaking the law, and corruption enables many

doctors to avoid getting caught or facing penalties. “Doctors are highly organized, and they are doing everything to spread the promotion of the practice,” he said. “What you are seeing is organized medical crime.” In April, after the discouraging census figures, the health ministry drafted new personnel for the central supervisory board tasked with ensuring that the laws against using ultrasounds for sex selection were strictly implemented. Though the board is supposed to meet every six months, the previous members had not met since 2007. Parliamentarian Mabel Rebello, one of the new members, is not convinced that this time will be all that much different. “For a short while [the country will focus on this], after that they will forget,” she said in an interview with GlobalPost. “Our rules are not strict enough to punish them. If we have to punish a few doctors and put them behind bars, they would be scared,” Rebello said. “In all the district hospitals, the government should tell all the 28 state governments and seven union territories that they should oversee things very strictly, and all the 600 district collectors should be instructed, and wherever there is a skewed sex ratio, the collectors should be punished,” she added. However, the limitations of federalism prevent that kind of strong action. “The central government can only start schemes and give money,” Rebello said. “Implementation has to be done by the respective state governments.”

Sting operations Civil-society groups, seeing what they consider a lax effort on behalf of the government, have also stepped in to help enforce the law and change mindsets. A lawyer and women’s-rights activist in Maharashtra, Varsha Deshpande, has organized dozens of sting operations on clinics to try to catch doctors who tell women the sex of their fetus. Deshpande and activists like her enlist a pregnant woman to collaborate and then send her into a clinic to ask for information on the sex of her fetus. Once the doctor tells the pregnant woman the sex — either outright or by using a trick like pointing to something blue or pink — the group announces the sting and catches the doctor. Deshpande says the sting operations are widely publicized and serve to scare other doctors in the community. But they have only had limited success, since some activists say they do little more than advertise to the community the doctors who provide gender information. Waiting for the transition Demographers like Guilmoto say that India will reach a transition point in which the child sex ratio begins to stabilize and then work its way back to equilibrium. The question is how long that will take, and how badly society will be affected in the meantime.


continued on page 90 October 2011

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Want to grow rich in India?


Economic crisis has turned the attention of India’s corporate honchos to some of the country’s biggest challenges. By Jason Overdorf – In India, the economic crisis may actually be good news. During the salad days of the past decade, India’s entrepreneurs grew fat selling gas guzzlers and palatial homes to the country’s new rich, while ignoring the needs of the biggest segment of Indian consumers: the poor. It was an expatriate Indian, the University of Michigan’s C.K. Prahalad, who first posited that there were millions to be made selling to the “bottom of the pyramid.” Now that’s starting to happen. The rich aren’t buying, and Indian businessmen are finally starting to look at the teeming masses as something more than cheap labor. The result could be the solution of some of India’s most persistent problems — an abysmal housing shortage, chronic underemployment and an unsustainable rate of ruralurban migration, for instance. “The slowdown was a great thing to happen to India,” affirmed management consultant Harish Bijoor, who said the downturn has encouraged companies to look beyond the “lowhanging fruit” in the urban market to the vast multitude of consumers in India’s rural heartland — which still accounts for more than two-thirds of the country’s population and some 60 percent of its gross domestic product. “There are a whole slew of energy products, both solar and thermal, and cook stoves and all types of things, all of which are aimed at reducing fuel consumption or replacing traditional fuels,” said Vijay Mahajan, founder of BASIX, a microfinance company that provides credit to more than a million poor customers. “And there’s a whole slew of clean drinking water products. These have both health and economic benefits.” The best example of the upside of the downturn, so far, comes from the real estate sector. Throughout the boom years, posh high rises were the name of the game in Indian real estate. But as the buyers for $200,000 to $1 million apartments have dried up and falling property values have left builders scrambling to finance the completion of existing projects, a dozen-odd companies have begun to take interest in building housing for the nearly endless market represented by the urban poor. Led by Tata Housing’s so-called “Nano homes,” which will go for as little as $8,000, these ventures represent the entrance of respected business leaders into the low-income housing market, including figures like Jaithirth Rao (founder of outsourcing heavyweight Mphasis), Ramesh Ramanathan (founder of the citizen’s action group Janaagraha) and established companies like CSC Constructions. The trust factor that these players bring gives this sector new viability, according to Subir Gokarn, chief economist at Crisil, the Indian arm of Standard & Poor’s. “The focus on the base of the pyramid to create scale businesses was overdue,” Jaithirth (Jerry) Rao said. “You can sell millions of homes in this category, whereas in the upscale category you can only sell tens of thousands.” But real estate isn’t the only sector where the financial crisis has had an unexpected upside for India’s future. Almost every type of business — from refrigerators to motorcycles to computers to mobile phones — is now looking to the vast market represented by India’s urban poor and the legions living in its villages. By increasing competition, this expansion lowers prices, connects the dispossessed to the broader economy and makes new, income-generating products affordable.


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October 2011

Vanished Author: Sheela Chari (Hyperion Books)

By Swapna Krishna The Full Moon Bride Author: Shobhan Bantwal (Kensington) As an Indian who was born and raised in America, Soorya Giri has always looked down on the concept of arranged marriages. But now that she’s in her thirties, she can’t help but agree to her parents’ requests to set up meetings with prospective husbands; after all, she has never even been kissed before. Through her parents, Soorya meets Roger Vadepelli, a handsome, charming man, but she is sure he won’t be interested in her. But she gets more than she bargained for when, all of a sudden, she has more than one man vying for her affections, and she doesn’t know how to handle her newfound charms. I’ve enjoyed Shobhan Bantwal’s previous novels (“The Forbidden Daughter,” “The Sari Shop Widow,” and “The Unexpected Son”) so I was excited to see she had tackled an entirely new subject in “The Full Moon Bride” - the experience of the first generation Americans, the children of immigrants. Soorya was a very unique character. She was smart and capable, as evidenced by her job at a top New York City law firm for environmental law. But what surprised me about her was that she was over 30 and still living at home with her parents and no real explanation was given for that. Of course, it could be the incredibly high rent prices in New York, or that she didn’t feel like she had a need to move out - I just found that strange, though in the grand scheme of things, it’s not important. What really struck me about Soorya, though, were her self esteem and body image issues. Being over 30 and never having been kissed properly, I understand how those nagging doubts could creep up on her, thinking something is wrong with her as a result. But she perceived herself as unattractive, and as a result, she could not imagine how anyone could possibly be attracted to her. When Soorya finds herself with the attention of more than one man, it’s really interesting to see how she deals with it, as well as how, even in the face of such obvious attention, she still can’t see the beauty that others perceive. I also enjoyed the discussion of arranged marriages in “The Full Moon Bride.” Being raised in the United States, Soorya’s immediate reaction is confusion and revulsion. But as she matures, she begins to consider it a possibility - after all, it worked out really well for her own parents. Can anyone really be happy, marrying someone they barely know? Will love eventually come, as her parents assure her it will? These are interesting questions that no one really has the answers for, and Soorya isn’t sure she wants to take the risks in order to discover if arranged marriage might work for her. I enjoyed this book, it had all the heart and wisdom I’ve come to expect from Shobhan Bantwal’s books, as well as the discussion of contemporary issues facing Indians today. I thought Soorya was an excellent character, frustrating at times, but I so enjoyed watching her grow and learn so much about herself and the world around her. This was a light, quick novel that fans of multicultural and women’s fiction definitely should pick up.

Eleven year old Neela loves playing the veena, an Indian musical instrument, though she has a lot of trouble playing in front of people. She is convinced that the veena her grandmother recently sent her from India has helped her with her stage fright and has actually made her a better player. But when her veena goes missing, Neela must delve into the history of veenas and make unlikely allies in order to find her beloved veena. “Vanished” is a novel aimed at middle grade readers with many relevant themes running through its center. Neela is caught between two cultures. Her parents are Indian, but she has been raised in America. She understands her parents’ desires for her, but she also has ambitions of her own. Neela struggles to reconcile the two, to find a way to be herself while also satisfying her parents. When the veena goes missing, Neela feels that she can’t trust her parents with the secrets she uncovers, and though her choice to remain quiet can be frustrating, it’s understandable. Neela also is passionate about her veena and is determined to discover what has happened to it. Though her parents offer to buy her a new veena, Neela is determined to find the thief of her veena and get the instrument back. Along the way, Neela discovers interesting tidbits about the history of her veena, which is a wonderful opportunity for readers to learn something about this popular and ancient Indian instrument. The search for Neela’s veena mirrors the cultural conflict within Neela, and it’s great to see her embrace both sides of her heritage. The mystery in “Vanished” is satisfying. As an adult reader, it was unrealistic at times, but I was able to let go of those doubts and just enjoy the story. Chari did a wonderful job keeping readers guessing while not making the plot overly complicated. This was a sweet, enjoyable, and completely surprising novel, and I recommend it to middle grade readers. Adult readers, however, will also enjoy this novel, especially if you are looking for a quick and easy read that incorporates cultural differences and an engaging mystery. Swapna Krishna Read more book reviews on her blog at

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Although it would have been nice if Ae Dosheeza had more songs since two of the tracks happen to be remixes, the album is still worth a listen for some really impressive renditions by Kshitij Tarey in “Yaad Piya Ki Aaye,” “Bulle Nu Samjhavan Aaiyaan,” and “Saanware.” By Amanda Sodhi Ae Dosheeza Original Soundtrack Kshitij Tarey’s debut album Ae Dosheeza has finally released under the Times Music label, which is quite exciting since the talented singer has lent his voice to several soulful compositions in the past including “Aye Khuda,” “Madno,” “Tose Naina,” “Dhol Yaara Dhol,” and “Mushkil Khushaa.” The album was recently launched by Salim Merchant, and several well-known names from the music industry were present including Raghav Sachar, Shilpa Rao, Aditi Singh Sharma, Sachin Gupta, Sumedha, Pandit Bhabdeep Jaipurwaley and Pandit Rattan Mohan Sharma. Ae Dosheeza contains seven songs and brings together the team of lyricist Sayeed Quadri and composer Gaurav Dagaonkar. Let’s see what the album has in store. “O Meri Jaane Jaan” is an upbeat and romantic soft-rock song that takes an optimistic and positive approach to falling in love. The music video is quite cute and innovative, too, showcasing video clips in a digital collage. The Remix version is actually a very pleasant surprise. Usually remixes suck, but this one is even better than the original version and captures the carefree spirit of the song very well and enhances the song further. “Ae Dosheeza” begins on a somber note with the piano for 25 seconds and then picks up pace taking the rock flavor route. The lyrics focus on heart break and separation, “Teri yaad mein aksar raat raat bhar jag kar rote hum rahe baarha, Kaate they jo tere sang lamhey woh sabhi aakar dil ko kar gaye gamzadhaa, Kabhi kar tu idhar ka rukh phir zaraa, Kabhi le tu humaari sudh phir zaraa.” The Remix version is not very appropriate for a song like this though. “Bulle Nu Samjhavan Aayiaan” is a lovely composition and an interesting, catchy adaptation of this folk song. The musical arrangement is pretty chilled out with a blend of genres ranging from rock and middle-eastern influences coming into play here. Tarey’s vocals are stunning and his Punjabi rendition is great. This song is definitely worth plenty of repeat listens. “Yaad Piya Ki Aaye,” is the most memorable composition in this album. It’s absolutely gorgeous, soul-stirring and magical. Tarey’s voice is the emphasis in this composition, which blends classical Hindustani with blues. He has excellent command over his vocals starting in this song, beginning with the very first opening alaap, and sings beautiful lyrics such as “Yaad piyaa ki aaye, Yeh dukh sahaa naa jaaye, Haaye raam, Yeh dukh sahaa naa jaaye,” in a meaningful way. The melody is beautiful and the finale at the end is really nice. There is also a cover version of “Saanware” which was originally composed by Harpreet and sung by Roop Kumar Rathod. Tarey’s version is a more simplified and a charming take on the song, and is an interesting alternate rendition than the original.

Love Breakups Zindagi Original Soundtrack One can always expect the Salim-Sulaiman duo to come up with fairly decent, foot-tapping music. Remember Band Baaja Baaraat, Aashayein, Rocket Singh, Luck, Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi, Fashion, Aaja Nachle, Dor, Iqbal and Kaal? Yup, the SalimSuaiman duo worked their magic with those OSTs, and once again they provide a melodious, chilled out musical offering for director Sahil Sangha’s upcoming film Love Breakups Zindagi which stars Dia Mirza, Zayed Khan, Cyrus Sahukar and Tisca Chopra. “Rozaana” is an instant winner thanks to Salim Merchant’s breezy vocals and some kick-ass acoustic guitar riffs coupled with techno beats. The song takes a really positive approach to life with loads of sunshine imagery—“jahaan hain hum wahaan koi gham nahin hai,” “jaagi si zindaggi hai,” “rangon ki baarishein hain,” “subaah leke aati hai roshani.” There is a Remix version, too, by DJ A-Myth. “Rab Rakha” is a simple yet charming romantic composition sung by Sonu Nigam, Shreya Ghoshal, Shradha Pandit and Salim Merchant which relies mainly on the catchy repetition of the phrase “rab raakhaa.” The percussion arrangements are steady and the Punjabi twist is pretty neat. “Love Love Love” is the only weak song in this soundtrack mainly because it tries too hard to sound cool and youthful. Benny Dayal and Shradha Pandit’s vocals are wasted because they really don’t have anything memorable to sing. Time to move on to the next song in the soundtrack! “Chhayee Hai Tanhayee” is a gorgeous qawaali sung by Shafqat Amanat Ali, Salim Merchant, and Shruti Pathak. It bears a very strong resemblance to “Tujhe Bhulaa Diyaa” from Anjaana Anjaani, though. Although some of the lines are clichéd, there are also some interesting phrases such as “jis ko hai kho jaanaa woh miltaa hi kyun hain? dil ko hai murjhaanaa tho khiltaa hi kyun hai?” Amanda Sodhi is a Bollywood journalist, lyricist, screenwriter, and PR/marketing practitioner based in Los Angeles.


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October 2011


October 2011


October 2011

Riddles How did the sailors know there was a man in the moon? They went to sea.

Word World

Why are movie stars always cool? Because they have many fans.

By Kirit Shukla




When is a ring a square? When it is a boxing ring.


What do you call a disastrous cat? A catastrophe.


Which animal needs oiling? A mouse, because it squeaks. What can you serve but not eat? A tennis ball.

Make words using 4 or more letters. The central letter must be used in each word. Use all letters for the subject word. 36 + words = Excellent; 30 to 35 words = Good; 29 or less needs to improve. (Solution at bottom of page)

What is the difference between an engine driver and a school master? One minds the train, the other trains the mind. Which is the highest building in Delhi? The public library. It has the largest number of stories.

Dadaji’s Story #7 A poor man made caps and sold them as a way to make a living. Once he took the caps in a big basket and was walking to the nearby town to sell them. He got tired of walking and decided to take a little rest. He walked to the roadside tree, put the basket by his side and slept under the huge tree. There were about fifty monkeys on that tree. You know that monkeys are curious, just like children. They saw a basket full of caps under the tree. One by one all the monkeys came down from the tree. Each grabbed a cap and jumped back to the treetop. Meanwhile the man woke up and saw that all the caps had disappeared and the basket was empty. He heard the shouting of the monkeys. He looked up and found that all the monkeys had caps. He was smart and thought about how he would get the caps back. He had his own cap left with him. He held the cap in his hand and started waving it. The monkeys saw that. Monkeys always try to imitate because it is their nature. All the monkeys held the caps in their hands and waved, just like the man did. Next, the man put on the cap on his head. All the monkeys also put the caps on their heads. They were copycats. Then he took the cap off his head and threw it on the ground. You know what? All the monkeys did the same thing. They took the caps off their heads and threw them on the ground. The man quickly grabbed and collected all the caps lying on the ground and put them in the basket. He then covered his basket and left to go the next town to sell the caps. Question: What do you do if an unforeseen situation presents itself to you? Moral: Be smart, think how to solve the problem. Act quickly.

If you were to throw a white stone into the red sea what would it become? Wet. What is too much for one; enough for two; nothing for three? A secret. What has three feet but cannot walk? A yard stick. Word World (Solution): ANTE, ARES, ARETE, ARSE, ASTER, EARN, EARS, EASE, EAST, EATS, ERASE, NARE, NARES, NATES, NEAR, NEAREST, NEAT, NEST, RATE, RENT, REST, SEAR, SEAT, SEEN, SEER, SENT, SERE, SNARE, SNEER, STARE, STEER, STERN, TEARS, TEASE, TEEN, TENSE, TENT, TREE

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October 2011

10. __The library acquired the complete works of Shakespeare. a. Fit you into the schedule b. The internal mechanism c. Arrived at that condition through gradual, repeated movement d. With everything possible e. Has a successful outcome f. Function or operate g. The collected artistic output h. Influenced or skillfully manipulated i. A building complex carrying on a specific type of industry j. Progressed slowly towards a solution

Mastering Meaning By Judith L. Bergman M.A. CCC “Work” is a word and an idea “loaded” with many conflicting emotions these days. “Work” evokes a positive response in those lucky enough (1) to have found their “calling” i.e. life purpose and have found a way to make a living following this “calling” and lucky enough (2) to be working in an environment where they feel appreciated, supported and sufficiently in control. The reality may be very different! The “meaning is in the music.” As an acoustic pattern i.e. as it is spoken, “work” is very difficult, often impossible for native speakers of any of the many languages of India to pronounce correctly. First there is the reversal of /w/ and /v/ and secondly there is the distortion of the “er” vowel that doesn’t exist in those languages. Typically, a speaker thinks he or she is saying “work” but what the American listener hears is “vook” rhyming with “book.” or else “vuck” rhyming with “luck.” Unless your statement includes many context clues and unless you are speaking much more slowly than normal, there will be a “communication breakdown” in which you will not be understood. (1) The /w/ consonant in American English is a “glide” and that means that you will start with a rounded “oo” lip posture and glide into the vowel that follows. This is easier to do when the vowel is “uh.” Glide without stopping your voice from “oo” to “uh” and then finish with /n/ and you have said, “One.” Try this for “what,” “when” “which” and “why.” Always deliberately round your lips into an exaggerated “oo” and glide into the rest of the word. (2) The “er” sound is very challenging. Most of my accent modification clients from India need to practice a series of movement exercises for two months to activate sets of muscles that are totally normal but are simply dormant. The task is to move the lateral margins (sides) of the tongue back so that each side touches the inside of the upper back teeth (molars) which retracts the tongue in a horizontal plane without curling up the tip. We also assign related exercises for strength and stabilization. If you can already say “er” as clearly as your American colleagues, you have the “building blocks” but would still need weeks of slow, systematic practice to use “er” as an interior vowel in words, sentences, reading, and in careful conversation. Spelling doesn’t equal pronunciation! All of these words contain the identical vowel “er” sound: work, her, shirt and curtain. We are writing about the sound, not the spelling! As a noun, “work” has 15 different meanings and even more as a verb.1 Since this is a fairly common word, we will construct our quiz using a few of the less common ways “work” is used. Match the sentences (1-10) with the list of meanings (a - j) below: 1. __ He always orders pizza with the works. 2.__The speaker worked his audience into a state of agitation. 3. __The doctor is very busy but we’ll try to work you in. 4. __Some nails on my deck have worked loose. 5. __ She worked through her problems with some good counseling. 6. __How does this gadget work? 7. __Our relationship works best when we take time to listen to each other. 8. __ The steelworks factory is closing. 9. __The works of fine, old watches are really amazing and intricate.

References: 1 Answers: 1-d, 2-h, 3-a, 4-c, 5-j, 6-f, 7-e, 8-i, 9-b, 10-g.

Suggested strategies to increase your word power this month: We have just “skimmed the surface” of the many ways work is used. Look for examples in newspaper headlines, business reports and memos. Using your smart phone, you can record yourself saying work and trying other words that begin with /w/ but have vowels that are easier to pronounce.

Judith L. Bergman M.A CCC is the director of Triangle speech services specializing in foreign accent modification. Contact: or 919-489-5464


October 2011


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October 2011

Junior Sen Starts a Business

By Chanden Sen

Sen Babu Makes the Grade Five years had passed since that fateful day when Sen Babu opened the doors of his factory, INTEC, at Tiljala on the outskirts of Calcutta. They had been eventful years and now the hard work was paying off. As Sen Babu settled down in his new role of entrepreneur, his friend and mentor of sorts, Naresh Kaku, looked on approvingly. One fine day the latter invited Sen Babu to a meeting of the Association of Small Scale Industries of West Bengal. Sen Babu ended up joining the Association and became the natural choice when it came to pick a representative of the Association at the annual meeting of the CMERI Scientific Subcommittee at Durgapur, the industrial town 60 miles from Calcutta. Being a good speaker, Sen Babu had no trouble impressing the sub-committee with his work. I remember the Chairman of the sub-committee, Deb Mukherjee, coming to dinner once at our house in Jodhpur Park. After dinner, Sen Babu drove Deb Mukherjee to Howrah Station for his train back to Durgapur. Mr. Mukherjee was affiliated with the CMERI, or Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute. On his official letterhead, Sen Babu had the designation of Consultant and Chartered Engineer. His qualifications said AMI Plant E and AMI Brit F. these stood, respectively, for Associate Member of the institute of plant engineers and associate member of the institute of British foundrymen. He had, initially, included the word (London) behind the designations, but discontinued the practice when the Institute wrote to him saying that it was against their rules. Sen Babu was never one to bend the rules to suit his convenience. Doordarshan TV had a program which they aired once a week, called “Bikeler Baithak” or Evening Talks, featuring retired people reminiscing about the life they had led, and of years gone by. One day Sen Babu had the idea of contacting Doordarshan to tell his tale of the First Indian Naval Mutiny, in 1940, in which he had taken a leading role. Also, at about this time, the Government of India started paying Sen Babu a pension for his part in World War II. In his later years, after running INTEC for about 25 years, Sen Babu decided that it was time to retire. He used to describe himself as a “moralist.” It’s worth mentioning here that he gave jobs to many young men, both in his factory and in other places through his numerous contacts. His was almost a rags-to-riches story. Who else had achieved so much in one lifetime? From playing first division soccer for East Bengal, Mohan Bagan and other leading clubs of India, to winning the first prize in esraj at the All Bengal Music Conference, to being a ring leader in the Indian Naval Mutiny, and then taking his small family to England in those days, 1961-62, Sen Babu was a pioneer and trail blazer in many ways. He was the founder/ chief engineer of Premier Irrigation, a Goenka concern, and the first person to get the State Bank of India loan under their entrepreneurship program. But most of all, he was a loving husband, devoted father, and respected pillar of society.

Armed with inherited knowledge, practical experience, and theoretical wisdom gleaned from reading many, many business books, Junior Sen decides to get into business all on his own. First and foremost he has to decide on the structure and form of his business—- sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, or a C or S corporation. Each form has its own merits and demerits, advantages and disadvantages. Next, his accounting system must be one of these, either cash or accrual. Cash accounting is done when the transaction is recorded only when the cash changes hands; in accrual accounting the actual transaction date is of importance. Most small businesses operate on a modified cash basis. Even the accounting year can vary—-either he has to use the calendar year, Jan 1 to Dec 31, or some other 12-month cycle, like Sep 1 to Aug —this is the preferred form for educational institutions. With these important issues out of the way, it still remained for Junior Sen to find a small business idea. Was his business going to sell products, or services, or both? Should he leverage his own strengths in IT, Math and Marketing, or should he identify a strong market need and try to fill it? As far as accounting was concerned, Junior Sen decided to go in for computerized accounting, using Quickbooks 2011 Pro. He loaded the software, bought used on Amazon, onto his Toshiba Satellite laptop, and started the process of setting up the system, answering the few simple questions that the S/W asked him at the outset. By reading Dummies books on Quickbooks 2011, Junior Sen learned how to cut a check, prepare invoices, (which is just another name for bills), and do online banking, which is integrated into QB 2011. His business credit card information was also conveniently entered into QB. Now he was all set to record transactions, pay for goods and services, and collect payment from clients. He had to deal with three classes of people – customers, vendors and employees. At present, he had no employees, so he need not bother about whether to have them fill out W-2 forms, or treat them as independent consultants and fill out I1099 forms. Thank goodness! Likewise, the payroll feature of QB 2011 need not be used at first. Now, coming to think about customers, it’s a different story altogether. He had to seek out customers and strive to fill their needs by delighting them. He had to find a niche market, segment his market, target his chosen market and advertise his products and services. He had to cater for returned goods, dissatisfied customers, and customer checks that bounced. He had to have policies and practices in place for all eventualities. Junior Sen also went about setting up his company website, using the $4.99/month deal for designing and hosting websites that INTUIT was offering. He thought of doing some guerilla marketing using the services of the PR Store, and even real-time marketing using Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. The face of marketing has changed a lot, and modern continued on page 118

Chandan Sen Contact:


October 2011


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some sugar-free gums has additional protective effects against mouth acids. Saliva is vital element in dental health, in addition to lubricating; it helps absorb calcium and other minerals that strengthen teeth. It also promotes antibacterial activity. See a registered dietitian for nutrition counseling. Many insurance companies now pay for the nutrition consults. Reference & recommended reading: and

By Anjana Agarwal Healthwise Facts:

Anjana Agarwal, MS, RD, LDN, CNSD, CDE Registered Dietitian Phone: 704-890-3162 Carolina Nutrition (Adult & Pediatric)

• The death rate from colon cancer has been falling with the greatest drop since 2002. If current trends continue, by 2020 the death rate from colon cancer will drop by 36 percent according to estimates in the government’s latest “Annual report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer.” Most of the drop has been due to the screening and lifestyle changes-notably quitting smoking, and improved treatment have also played role.



• Coffee drinkers are at lower risk for diabetes confirms a recent review of 18 studies involving more than 450,000 people, reported in the Archive of Internal Medicine. People who drink 3-4 cups of coffee a day were found to have a 25 percent lower risk of type 2 diabetes, compare to those who drink no coffee. Decaffeinated coffee also reduces the risk, tea was also associated with reduce risk.

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• To consume more vitamin C, think beyond the orange – one cup of strawberries, one bell pepper (red and yellow ones have the most), one kiwifruit, one cup of broccoli, cup of Brussels sprouts, or half a small papaya. These foods supply at least the daily recommended allowances for vitamin C. Get vitamins from foods, since foods come with many other healthful compounds, some of which work together.

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• Are potato skins Nutritious? Ounce per ounce, the skin is the most nutritious part of the potato, with lots of fiber (2gm per ounce), plus iron, potassium, calcium, B vitamins and other photochemical. You should wash the potato well and pare away any green areas and gouge out any spouts, and trim visible blemishes. If the potato is green below the skin, has gone soft, bruised or is excessively sprouted, then throw it out.

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• Add Chia seeds to cereal, oatmeal, yogurt, baked goods for nutty nutritious boost. These small gray seeds from Mexico are one of the best sources of alpha linolenic acid- a healthy omega3 fat. An ounce serving (about 3 tablespoons) also provides 11 grams of fiber, with some protein, calcium, iron, zinc and other minerals. Chia seeds are high in soluble fiber similar to the fiber supplements such as Metamucil, may slow absorption of sugar, help eliminate cholesterol and make you feel full.

British American School of Charlotte

• Should you throw away the food that has mold on it? Some molds are safe and some are harmful. The molds that are essential part of blue cheese are safe. Fuzzy mold on grains, bread, meats, nuts, soft cheeses, yogurt, syrup, leftovers and fruit is bad and toxic. Throw them away. It is ok to cut mold off the hard cheese, which has less moisture. Cut at least an inch away from the mold. It is okay to cut a small area of mold out of large, hard fruit and vegetables-such as an apple, potato, onion and cauliflower, but cut widely. Discard small fruits if moldy, if few berries are moldy, it’s okay to eat the rest, but look over them carefully.

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• Sugar-free gum can help prevent tooth decay. Sugar-free gum promotes saliva production. Xylitol, a sweetener used in

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Sample of our menu Clay Oven Specials Jhinga Dilruba succulent jumbo shrimp marinated in robust spices and yogurt, then cooked in the tandoori oven 17 Tandoori Chicken chicken marinated in homemade special tandoori spices and cooked to perfection in tandoori oven 15 Kasturi Murg Tikka morsels of chicken flavored with sun-dried fenugreek then cooked in tandoori oven 16 Khaas Seekh Kebab tender lamb minced with hints of ginger, garlic and onion skewered and cooked to perfection in clay oven 19 Spice South Tandoori Sampler a delicious assortment of our chef's exquisite chicken, lamb and seafood kebabs from clay oven 22

Chicken Specials Murg Lababdar Tender pieces of chicken cooked in tomato & onion sauce with hint of cilantro 14 Chicken Tikka Masala An indian classic. Bite sized boneless chicken pieces cooked in light creamy tomato sauce 15 Chicken Vindaloo Chicken simmered in vinegar blend of fiery hot aromatic spices, cooked with diced potatoes 14 Butter Chicken Cubes of chicken in the creamy butter curry sauce 15 Chicken Hariyali Tender chicken pieces cooked in the paste of cilantro mint chili and spinach with spices 15 Andhra Chicken Curry Marinated chicken cooked with blended onion, ginger, cumin, coco with tomatoes 14 Kadai Chicken Curry Chicken cooked with pepper, onions, tomatoes with chef's special sauce 14 Chicken Korma chicken cooked in the vegetable stew with flavored creamy coconut sauce 14

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about the economy, especially the fracas about the debt ceiling, the lack of job creation and fears of a double-dip recession. The unemployment rate continues to be above 9 percent and many unemployed Americans are still not able to find work and some of them that do are “underemployed”: alongside with the issue of job quantity is job quality. The findings of a U.S. Census Report show that in 2010, 15.1 percent of Americans were living in poverty - the second straight year of significant increase. Also, the USA’s national debt currently stands at $14.3 trillion and the yearly budget deficits are enormous - S&P downgraded the USA’s credit rating from AAA to AA+ on August 5, 2011 and placed the outlook on “negative” which signaled that another downgrade could be coming in the next year. The downgrade indeed had broad repercussions for the markets throughout the globe and there was tremendous volatility in markets following the week after the downgrade was issued. The Dow hovered around 11,000, the NASDAQ Composite managed to remain above 2,500 and the S&P traded around 1,180. The housing market continues to be extremely soft throughout many areas of the country in terms of real estate values, foreclosures and lack of new sales. During midSeptember 2011, Crude Oil was trading around $90 per barrel and Brent Crude was trading at $110 per barrel. Greece’s financial condition remained quite precarious and the nation was on the verge of defaulting on its debt. Greece’s troubles have been putting a lot of pressures on equity markets within the Euro Zone and as a result, the U.S. Dollar gained ground against the Euro during August 2011 - early September 2011 and the greenback remained relatively stable against the British Pound, trading in a band of $1.57-$1.61 to the £. The US$ still stood below the “parity level” against the Swiss Franc, Canadian Dollar and Australian Dollar. So far this year, the Federal Reserve has met on January 25-26, March 15, April 2627, June 21-22 and August 9. Interest rates were held unchanged at all of those events and the remaining meetings for CY2011 are November 1-2 and December 13.

By Rajesh T. Ganatra Over the course of July-September 2011, the Sensex lost significant ground, falling from a trading band of the “mid to high 18,000s” down to a trading band of the “mid to high 16,000s.” Global markets had a very difficult summer given the downgrade of the USA’s credit rating, coupled with the Eurozone debt problems and the Sensex was not spared from the bearish brunt. Inflation continues to be a problem for the overall economy, especially foodstuffs and as a result, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has enacted a series of 12 interest rate increases since March 2010 to try and counter the inflation - however, the problem continues to persist and the overall inflation rate registered a reading of 9.78 percent in August 2011, which represents a 13-month high. Many economists argue that the interest rate increases have discouraged investments into India and dampened economic growth, and the economy did indeed slow down a notch: India’s economic growth during the first quarter of the 20112012 fiscal year (April-June 2011) was 7.7 percent compared to 8.8 percent in the corresponding prior year period. The inflationary pressures have impacted the Indian Rupee, which has weakened significantly against the US$ since July 2011 - it fell to INR 47.50 to the US$ compared with INR 44.25 to the US$ that was seen a couple of months prior. This drop in the Rupee is expected to be short-term, but is expected to help exporters of IT services; large IT firms garner a significant portion of revenues in US$ so the weakening Rupee does help their results. As a part of the global sell-off during August 2011, the Pakistani market surrendered approximately 9 percent, falling from the 12,000s down to the 11,000 level and there was political violence in Karachi which compounded the tensions in the marketplace as well. The markets managed to form a base around 11,000 and by mid-September, the KSE-100 recovered to the 11,300 level. Pakistan’s 2011-2012 fiscal year commenced on July 1, 2011 and Pakistan’s exports during the first two months of the new fiscal year (July-August 2011) totaled US $4.167 billion, which represented a 20 percent increase over the US $3.465 billion of exports registered during the corresponding previous year period. In addition, overseas Pakistanis sent US $2.406 billion home in the first two months of the new fiscal year, a 39.58 percent increase over the US $1.724 billion during the same prior year period; overseas Pakistanis have been sending in excess of US $1 billion home for six consecutive months (March 2011September 2011). Despite the strong inflows over the past few months, the Pakistani Rupee weakened a bit during September 2011 - it traded at PKR 87.50 to the US$ compared with PKR 85.50 to the US$ during the early part of August. Sir Thomas Harris, who is the Vice-Chairman of the PakistanBritain Trade Investment Forum, led a 19-member delegation on a visit to Karachi, Pakistan during mid-September 2011. The delegation also liaised with the Overseas Investment Chambers of Commerce and Industry (OICCI) to explore business opportunities and investments in Pakistan - the prime areas of interests were the mining, oil and gas and financial sectors. Wall Street had an extremely volatile summer due to concerns

Special Note: This article contains the ideas and thoughts of its author and it does not necessarily imply the viewpoints of “Saathee” magazine, this website or its principals.

Rajesh T. Ganatra Contact him at

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New Price- Callaway Forest Don't miss this cute home with brand new carpet, laminated floor & fresh paint. Open floor plan w/ lg Great Room; convenient kitchen & dining room; sliding door to patio & good size backyd. Spacious master bedroom & master bath. 2 good size guest bedrooms & main full bath. Great Location. Community amenities incl. pool, tennis & playground. SOLD ASIS $89,900

New Price - Weston Glen Pristine Weston Glen Home Offers Location, Location Location! Walk to Top Schools in Hot Ballantyne Area. Swim Club Neighborhood w/ Nearby Y. Perfect Plan w/ 5 Bedrooms & 3 Baths! Guest Bedroom Downstairs with Full Bath! Double Sided Fireplace for those Cold Winter Nights! Don't Miss This One! $284,900

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documents electronically. This new Web-based system will greatly simplify the process of applying for immigration benefits. It will assign new customers a unique account which will enable them to access case status information, respond to USCIS requests for additional information, update certain personal information, and receive timely decisions and other communications from USCIS. The new regulation revises more than 50 parts of DHS regulations contained in Title 8 of the Code of Federal Regulations. The regulation eliminates references to outdated USCIS benefit request forms and descriptions of paper-based procedures. In addition, the regulation removes numerous obsolete provisions of the regulations. The public is invited to comment on this regulation and offer suggestions on further improvements. Comments must be received by Oct. 28, 2011. The new regulation will become effective on Nov. 28, 2011. VUSCIS Transformation to learn more about the agency’s work in this area at the website

Relief Provided to Thousands of Victims of Crimes U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), marking a milestone in its efforts to provide relief to victims of crimes, has for the second straight year approved 10,000 petitions for U nonimmigrant status, also referred to as the U-visa. On an annual basis, 10,000 U-visas are set aside for victims of crime who have suffered substantial mental or physical abuse and are willing to help law enforcement authorities investigate or prosecute crime. “Providing immigration protection to victims of crime and their families while aiding law enforcement efforts to bring criminals to justice is of the utmost importance to the Agency and the public we serve,” said USCIS Director Alejandro Mayorkas. Due in large part to public education and partnerships forged with law enforcement agencies and service providers, USCIS reached the statutory maximum of 10,000 U-visas per fiscal year for the second year in a row since it began approving petitions for them in 2008. It is a significant milestone for the program created by Congress to strengthen law enforcement’s ability to investigate and prosecute cases of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, and other crimes while at the same time offering protection to victims of such crimes. More than 45,000 victims and their immediate family members have received U-visas since the implementation of this program. As part of this effort, USCIS adjudications officers have traveled to 30 cities, including Boston, Philadelphia, Seattle and Los Angeles to train federal, state and local law enforcement and immigrant-serving organizations on immigration protections available to immigrants who are victims of human trafficking, domestic violence and other crimes. USCIS will continue to accept and adjudicate new U-visa petitions, and will resume issuing U-visas on Oct. 1, 2011, the first day of fiscal year 2012. For more information about the U-visa, see the Victims of Criminal Activity web page at From there, you will find a link on the right side of the page to Questions and Answers. For more information on USCIS and its programs, visit or follow on Twitter (@uscisExit), YouTube (/uscisExit) and the USCIS blog The Beacon. For more information about DHS efforts to combat human trafficking, visit and

USCIS Announces FY 2011 Grant Recipients During Constitution Week U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) today announced the award of $9 million in grants to expand citizenship preparation programs for permanent residents. Forty-two organizations from 27 states and the District of Columbia will receive funding. The agency’s Citizenship and Integration Grant Program has assisted more than 19,000 permanent residents since its launch in October 2009. “This important announcement embodies USCIS’s ongoing commitment to promote civic integration and citizenship among eligible permanent residents,” said USCIS Director Alejandro Mayorkas. “Recognizing the demand for high-quality citizenship preparation programs, this funding will provide greatly needed services to approximately 20,000 permanent residents striving to become U.S. citizens.” Awards were granted through three competitive funding opportunities. The first provides funding for local citizenship instruction to prepare permanent residents for the civics and English (reading, writing and speaking) components of the naturalization test. The second supports citizenship instruction and naturalization application services within the scope of the authorized practice of immigration law. The third increases the capacity of members or affiliates of national organizations to provide citizenship preparation services in communities across the country. The Citizenship and Integration Grant Program is part of a multifaceted effort to provide citizenship preparation resources, support, and information to immigrants and immigrant-serving organizations. USCIS complements this program with its Citizenship Resource Center, a Web-based portal that centralizes resources for immigrants, educators and organizations, and the Citizenship Public Education and Awareness Initiative, which was launched in May 2011. This year’s announcement was made as part of USCIS’s celebration of Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, celebrated every Sept. 17 in honor of the signing of the U.S. Constitution in 1787. In 1952, President Harry Truman signed a bill formalizing the celebration of Citizenship Day. In 2004, Congress established Sept. 17 as Constitution Day and Citizenship Day. For additional information on the Citizenship and Integration Grant Program, visit

DHS Publishes Business Transformation Regulation The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) today published the first in a series of regulations intended to promote the migration of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) benefit filings from a paper-based environment to an electronic one. The regulation is an important step toward modernizing how USCIS handles the more than 6 million benefit applications submitted annually. Over the next several years, USCIS will roll out a secure, customer-friendly online account system that will enable and encourage customers to submit benefit requests and supporting


October 2011

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October 2011

By Gail Z. Martin

The magic of multi-media releases and online ads

comments from attendees about how much they love the program. The trick is to keep video and audio snippets short and relevant so that they add to your release without bogging it down or delaying your reader. Embedded links to audio, video and photos are especially important since most reporters won’t open attachments from sources they don’t know. If you send your release as an email, embed the text of the release in the email itself, don’t attach it as a Word document. When you have live hyperlinks in the body of your press release text, you are able to share a wealth of multi-media information without sending large attachments. Many people, especially reporters who receive large amounts of email on a daily basis, refuse to open attachments from unknown senders, and computer security programs may screen out attachments as spam. Get creative in your thinking when it comes to using audio, video and photos as links in your online press releases. Imagine the power of a 30 second video demonstration for your new product. Take the reader on a one-minute video tour of your new facility. Use video to give your reader a 360° look at your product. Photos can provide striking “before” and “after” views that make your point more eloquently than words. If your product or service creates a visual change, you’re overlooking a powerful PR tool if you’re not using Web video and digital photos to augment your releases. Realize that online PR remains accessible through search results long after your news is no longer new. If you have used good keywords to make your releases come to the top of search results, they can continue to educate and inform reporters and prospects for weeks, months or even years after your event or launch is over. That’s another reason to use video, audio and photos to tell your story, because your online release becomes a mini-web site to introduce a reporter or prospect to your company as well as to the news of the release itself. If you plan to use photos or videos of event attendees or clients, make sure that you have the person’s permission. This can involve having the person sign a simple release form that allows you to use the video or audio for promotional purposes without compensation. You can also include a general release as a condition of purchasing a ticket to your event (most theme parks do this). Always make sure you show people in a flattering light in your photos and videos, and avoid any candid shots that might not look professional, such as pictures of people holding cocktails or acting silly. What was totally understandable in the moment may not look good out of context on the Web. If a photo is one where “you had to be there,” don’t post it!

Traditional press releases focused on words because releases were static paper documents. A big PR roll out might include pocket folders stuffed with photos, CDs or DVDs, but those extras were expensive to produce and mail in bulk, especially when reporters weren’t guaranteed to use them—or even look at them. Many businesses new to online PR and marketing make the mistake of thinking “text” when they should be thinking “interactive.” Words on a screen no longer pack the same punch they did before consumers, and reporters, became accustomed to the multi-media world online. You can add more impact to your releases for very little cost by thinking sight-sound-motion when you create your PR plans. In the old days, the only way to share video, audio and photos with a press release was through a bulky, expensive press kit package. Today, all of those elements can be easily (and inexpensively) embedded into an online press release, giving the reader, and reporter, a wealth of information in an appealing sensory format. Programs like provide an affordable way to record and share Web audio without requiring equipment more exotic than your regular phone. Whether the audio is a greeting, an interview with a CEO or community leader, or In the old days, the a customer testimonial, the only way to share video, ability to add relevant sound audio, and photos with to your release makes the content much richer and a press release was more interesting. through a bulky, expensive You can easily include the press kit package. link to your Web audio recording in the body of the press release, and when your release is posted online, that link becomes live, making it easy for the reader to listen right away. Photos also create interest and enhance your PR story. Sites like Flickr, Shutterfly and Google’s Picasa Web all make it possible to upload digital photos from your latest event, awards program or tradeshow and share the photos through a link embedded in your press release. If you want to provide photos for reporters to publish or upload, consider having a page on your Web site just for the Excerpted from 30 Days To Online Marketing And PR Success, media where you upload photos in a variety of resolutions and coming in November from Career Press. formats. Web video is also an easy to add attention-getter. Small digital video cameras are widely available for less than $200. Smart phones, tablets like the iPad and laptop computers make it easy to create Web-ready video, edit it and release it online. You can upload your video to YouTube or to your own Website, and then include the link in your press release, giving readers Gail Z. Martin the choice to read on or view your video. owns DreamSpinner Communications. Get creative in using the multi-media options that are Contact her at available to you. Consider including an audio or video testimonial from a satisfied client in your release, or a short audio clip from your president’s speech. You can include video from your public event, but don’t forget to get on-the-scene


October 2011


Hindu Center Diwali Celebration 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. after bhajans

6:30 to 8 p.m.

Morning aarti - 8 a.m. Noon aarti - 12 noon Evening aarti - 8 p.m.

7 to 8 p.m.

Tickets: $50 Golden sponsors tables $751 each (10 seats - Only 8 available)

Contacts: • Decoration & Annakut – Rashmika Patel 980-322-3505, Prerna Amin 704-548-8454, Binta Patel 704-724-8356, Prathmesh Shah – 704-763-3059, Bharti Patel 704-678-9991,Varsha and Subodh Patel – 704-264-5949.

Please bring Prasad for the Annakut on Wednesday October 26th • Fireworks – Nimish Bhatt 704-491-1186, Dinesh Shah 704-502-9094 • Volunteer for Traffic control- Vijay Patel 704-277-2468, Prathmesh Shah 704-763-3059 • Help in the Kitchen/Food- Surendra Patel 704-564-9436, Pravin Shah 704-307-8336 • Diwali Dinner Tickets- Rajni Patel 704-488-8145, Bharat Patel 704-459-1954,Vijay Patel 704-277-2486, Hemant Amin 704-258-3588, Ravi Patel 704-201-7358 • Sounds and Lights – Nayan Patel 704-201-7010 • For more information or to participate in the Puja- Call Temple 704-535-3440

DASerA: oct. 6th, kID’S GArBA: oct. 9th; SHArAD PUrNIMA: oct. 14th & 15th Date / Day


AARTI       Garba @ Mandir

Location & Artists

Oct. 4th, Tues. Oct. 5th, Wed.

ASTHAMI HAVAN 6:00-8:00 pm Puja 7:00-8:00 pm Visarjan 8:30 pm DASERA/VIJYADASMI Ravan Dahan: 7:30 –9:30 pm Children Sharad Purnima

8:00 pm 8:00 pm

8:30- 10:00 pm 8:30- 10:00 pm

Mandir - Local Artists 8:30 to 10 Vihar Hall Local Artists

7:00 pm



8:00 pm 8:00 pm

5:00-8:00 pm No

Vihar Hall: Children Garba, Local Artist @ HC Grady Cole: 9:00pm-1:00am, Indian Group – Abheysinh Rathod & Minaben Patel

Oct. 6th, Thurs. Oct. 9th, Sun. Oct. 14th Fri. & Oct 15th Sat

Grady Cole Entrance: Members are free. Membership is $101/year (Seniors - $31) for Calendar Year 2011.

Non-members 18 yrs and above: $10/ person. Student with ID $5.

OF CHARLOTTE Support Hindu Center Expansion

Sponsor a BRICK; Leave a Lasting Memory on HC Wall.

$1000 from 1000 familes

Diwali Dinner Saturday, Nov. 05, 2011 (6 PM - Mid) Vihar Hall - Hindu Center Entertainment: Bombay Masti (A Band from India) Food: Catered By RajBhog from N.J

Tickets: 1. Sponsorship Tables (Front Row): $ 751 for Family / Friends (10 Seating) 2. Special Seating: $ 50 / Person 3. At door based on availability: Special Seating - $ 65/person, Sponsorship Seating - $ 100/person

NoTE: Tickets required for everyone occupying a seat Reserve your Seats (First Come First Served) - Available to Members until Oct 15, 2011 - Members & non-members, if available, Oct 16 till event

NoTE: All Tickets must be picked up & paid for before the event.

Ball Gupta (704 996-1418) Bharati Patel (704 678-9991) Von Patel (704 992-6353) Ravi Patel (704 201-7358)

For Tickets Contact: Hemant Amin (704 258-3588) Bharat Patel (704-549-1954) Rajni Patel (704 488-8145) Vijay Patel (704 277-2468) Jayaben Shah (704 543-1981) Prathmesh Shah (704 763-3059) Vivekanand Vemunoori (704 307-9772)

HINDU CENTER OF CHARLOTTE 7400 City View Drive, Charlotte, NC 28212 Ph. 704.535.3440 Fax. 704.535.6923 email:

By Krutika Chheda What to do with your Cash It was an eventful summer this year with the volatile stock market and the political drama unfolding at home in the US and across Europe. With the unemployment rate above nine percent in the US, there are many families still struggling to make ends meet and this continues to put pressure on US consumer spending and the global economy. However, this is only one half of the story. There is the other half of the story about the rest of the Americans that are still employed or in business and continue to earn a paycheck every month. But, most of those employed also seem to have cut back on spending their disposal incomes on new homes, new cars, and exotic vacations, resulting in accumulation of cash every month. Small businesses seem to have cut back on their expenses and stopped making new business investments in recent months, and are holding on to their cash. Large Corporate balance sheets indicate record cash holdings in more than a decade. Large companies are generating profits but have stopped making new investments in business expansion and hiring new employees. The average balance on CDs, Money Market Funds and other cash equivalents has been rising to an all time high. So, with the businesses and individuals both cutting back on expenses and investments in recent months, cash balances have sky rocketed. Cash has been sitting idle for a while without earning any return. For the past few months, individuals and businesses have had to contend with paltry yields on CDs, money market funds, and other cash investments. With interest rates so low, you wonder if one should just stuff the cash under a mattress! The question on several fortunate folks’ minds this fall is going to be what to do with the cash. That’s a good problem to have! Confronting Risk for Additional Income It is challenging, but not impossible to find a higher rate of return or yield for your cash. This means you will have to confront with risk as you look at options for deploying your cash in search of additional income or higher yields. Here are some tips for small business owners and individual professionals on evaluating the risks of deploying their cash in today’s environment. Remember there is no single formula that will fit all. Each business has its own set of challenges and risks associated with the industry, local economy, management etc. However, you will benefit if you consider these as basic guidelines for further risk analysis of your individual and business situation. Liquidity Risk: Most businesses go under because they become illiquid. They simply do not have the cash to pay for their bills and loan re-payments. It does not necessarily mean that the business is making a loss. Profitable businesses can also undergo a liquidity crisis. If you owned a business during 2009 credit crisis you probably felt a liquidity crunch in your business, as banks withdrew credit. Several businesses and investors were forced to liquidate their long-term assets at throwaway prices in order to stay liquid and pay their bills. Before you decide what to do with your hard earned cash, mitigate this risk diligently. Small businesses need to review their fixed and variable expenses over a period of time and assess if they have enough cash to cover their future fixed expenses in case

the economy goes into a 2009 like recession. For example, if you own a motel, you may want to consider various occupancy rate scenarios and determine what your minimum cash flow is likely to be in case of a recession. An accountant can help clients determine their cash flow under various scenarios and mitigate liquidity risks. Once you have determined your cash flow needs under the best and worst case scenario, you may decide to maintain cash at a minimum level to sustain your expenses for the foreseeable future in case of a recession. Individuals need to make a similar determination considering personal expenses and any key lifeevents such as college tuitions or retirement expenses coming up in the foreseeable future. Capital Risk: Whenever you deploy cash into a business or an investment, there is a risk that you may lose part of your capital or in some cases the whole investment. Small Businesses and individuals must evaluate their Capital Loss Tolerance before making an investment. For example if you are planning to expand your business by buying an additional retail location, you need to evaluate how much of your capital you can afford to lose without affecting your existing business or household cash flow. If your assessment suggests that you can afford to lose a substantial part of the capital required for the new location, without affecting your existing cash flow, it may be worth taking that plunge. Credit Risk: Most businesses and individuals have access to business and personal bank loans. Be careful as you invest your capital and take on additional loans or personal guarantees on business loans. Lower interest rates are lucrative right now, but access to credit may not be guaranteed in a downward spiraling economy as was evident in 2009. Missing or defaulting on loan payments may affect your ability to invest in future. For example if you are trying to invest in an additional rental property using bank loans, you may want to evaluate the credit terms and the risk associated with it as interest rates change over time and your ability to repay the loan in case of a stagnant real estate and rental market. Opportunity Risk: As a business owner, you are always looking for new opportunities to make that additional income. But if you are sitting on a pile of cash endlessly pondering over the risks of investment, you may just miss out on the investment opportunity of a lifetime! Work closely with your financial accountants so you can confront the risks intelligently and at the right opportunity you can confidently take a mitigated risk. Cash may be king for a while, but there may be no reward without risk.

This column is only meant to provide you with information about taxes and in no way should you consider this as tax advice. I hope this helps in getting you thinking about saving more of your hard earned money, paying less to the IRS and at the same time reduce your audit risks as you brave through the economic recession. Consult your Tax Advisor regarding your individual tax situation.This Article provides only an overview to the complex Tax Laws. It is not a substitute for Independent Tax Advice provided by a Tax Accountant or a Tax Attorney familiar with your case. Krutika Chheda K&M Accounting and Tax Services You can Contact her at (704) 502 3960 66

October 2011

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October 2011

Srishti’s Sarbojonin Durgotsav and Kali Puja 2011 Srishti, the vibrant, energetic, enthusiastic community of Indians of Charlotte, is all set to celebrate Sarbojonin Durgotsav and Kali Puja with great pomp and hue. As in every year, Durga Puja will be performed per procedure stated in Devi Purana by Sri Manmatha Chakravarty on Oct 15th & 16th at Hindu Temple, 7400 City View Drive, Charlotte. NC 28212

Date Saturday, Oct 15th

Event Durga Pujo

Sunday, Oct 16th

Laxmi Pujo

Venue Hindu Center, 7400 City View Drive, Charlotte. NC 28212.

(All Pujo timings are given on our website:

Kali Puja will be celebrated on Saturday, Oct 22nd at Sanctuary Lodge on Lake Wylie Date Saturday, Oct 22nd

Event Kali Pujo

Venue Sanctuary Lodge on Lake Wylie 11235 Wildlife Road Charlotte, NC 28278

On behalf of Srishti, we welcome everyone in Carolinas to come and join us in our celebrations! Donation : Family: $75 both days OR $40 per day, Individual: $25 both days OR $15 per day Student - $20 both days OR $10 per day, Includes Prasad, lunch and dinner Or Contact: Samiksha Bose at 704-968-3261

Srishti Presents:

A Sensational Musical Bonanza at Charlotte Sarbojonin Durgotsav 2011 inviting all Charlottians to sing, sway and boogie the night away on Saturday, Oct 15th to the tunes of popular Bollywood music sung by the well known singers rathijit Bhattacharjee and Pratibha Singh Baghel plus Suvajit ray on Key Board / piano programmer.

The event is being organized by Charlotte’s


rathijit Bhattacharjee “Gaaner raja” Zee Bangla

Saturday, Oct 15th, 2011 (Evening) Hindu Center - Charlotte  7400 City View Dr, Charlotte, NC 28212

Pratibha Singh Baghel “Sa re Ga Ma Pa” finalist

Ticket Price: $15  Children 5 - 18 yrs: $10 Under 5 yrs free For ticket booking, venue details and other event related information, please contact: Samiksha Bose: 704-968-3261 • Ritu Mukherjee: 704-840-5495 • Shoma Sengupta: 803.802.7803


October 2011

Roth: To Convert or Not to Convert By Arun K. Aggarwal The retirement savings you are working hard to build now will one day become your retirement income, helping to fund the lifestyle you envision. But have you considered the impact that taxes may have on your retirement goals? One approach to managing taxes in retirement is to include a tax-free account— such as a Roth IRA—in your portfolio. Roth IRAs offer several benefits. Rather than paying taxes when you withdraw the funds in retirement, you pay taxes on the assets when you invest in a Roth IRA. If you have a Traditional IRA or an employer-sponsored retirement plan, now may be a good time to consider converting those assets to a Roth IRA. There are a number of reasons listed below why and depending on your personal financial situation, converting an existing retirement plan to a Roth IRA could help you meet your financial goals.

You’re concerned about taxes. You are aware that diversifying your portfolio by investing in multiple asset classes, including stocks, bonds and cash, can be a way to mitigate risk. The same logic applies to tax diversification: by spreading your retirement assets across different types of accounts provides diversification. A tax-free Roth account combined with a taxable account, like a brokerage account or mutual funds account, and a tax-deferred account, like a 401(k) or Traditional IRA, can give you the flexibility to potentially keep taxes low in retirement. This is especially important if you’re concerned about future tax increases or you think that your tax liabilities may be higher in retirement. Converting some of your Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA can be an effective strategy that allows you to take income from different sources to potentially keep taxes low in retirement.

You think that you might need some of the money before you retire. If you withdraw funds from a Traditional IRA before age 59½, not only will you be taxed on the value of the funds withdrawn, you will also be subject to a 10% early-withdrawal penalty unless an exception applies. With a Roth IRA, you can withdraw the original contribution at any time, without penalty. You can even withdraw earnings, but if you do not meet the requirements listed above regarding the length of time held, age and other considerations, you will be taxed on the You don’t expect to need all of the funds when you retire. With a Traditional IRA, you must stop contributing and start earnings when you withdraw the funds. taking minimum distributions from your account at age 70½. The Facts: Roth IRA vs. Traditional IRA Roth IRAs have no such age restrictions: there’s no contribution cutoff, provided income requirements are met, and no rule that you must begin tapping your account at age 70½. Your funds have the potential to grow tax-deferred as long as you want and you gain greater control over your income in retirement. You can tailor withdrawal amounts to your actual income needs— or eliminate them altogether in any given year. So if you are past age 70½ and would like to quit taking those required minimum distributions, you may still have the option to convert some or all of your IRA into a Roth, allowing those funds to have the potential to grow tax-free for your own needs later in life or for your heirs. Note that you will need to pay taxes on the taxable amount of the IRA at the time of the * Contributions can be withdrawn tax-free at any time, and earnings conversion, so you should review this option carefully with can be withdrawn without income tax if the account has been in effect your tax advisor before electing to convert to a Roth IRA. Also, for five years and the owner is over age 59½, has died, is disabled or is the funds may only be converted after any current year a qualified first-time home purchaser (maximum $10,000). required minimum distributions have been withdrawn. A few additional points to consider: You want to leave a lasting financial legacy to your heirs. • When you convert from a Traditional IRA or employerIf you won’t need your IRA to fund your retirement income, sponsored plan to a Roth IRA, you will incur certain tax a Roth IRA can be an effective wealth planning tool, since heirs liabilities. These include taxes on any pretax contributions can enjoy continued asset growth potential without paying plus taxes on any earnings or growth. taxes when they withdraw assets. By using a “stretch IRA” strategy, you can extend the tax-deferred growth potential and • If you have pre-tax and after-tax funds in a Traditional IRA, tax-free income benefits of your Roth IRA across multiple there are certain rules that determine how these funds can generations. This works by taking advantage of the fact that, be converted. Your tax advisor can help you determine while the beneficiaries of your Roth IRA (other than your which funds can be converted and the amount of taxes due spouse) will be required to take minimum distributions on a conversion. annually after your death, those distribution amounts will be • It’s important to identify funds outside the IRA that can be calculated using a life-expectancy factor based on their own used to pay the taxes due on the conversion to a Roth IRA. age, not your age. This allows more of the funds to remain in Tapping into the amount converted from a Traditional IRA the account longer, continually reaping the benefits of taxor employer-sponsored retirement plan to pay taxes will deferred growth potential, and if your beneficiary outlives the reduce the amount available in the Roth IRA to earn tax account, it can similarly be passed on to the next generation, continued on page 90 and so on.


October 2011

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October 2011

Sun Nov 20 - 4th ODI - Pakistan v Sri Lanka - Sharjah Cricket Association Stadium Wed Nov 23 - 5th ODI - Pakistan v Sri Lanka - Sheikh Zayed Stadium, Abu Dhabi

By Rajesh T. Ganatra Hello cricket fans! There’s a lot happing in the world of cricket these days so check out the action coming up below. England visits India Fri Oct 14 - 1st ODI - India v England - Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium, Uppal, Hyderabad Mon Oct 17 - 2nd ODI - India v England - Feroz Shah Kotla, Delhi Thu Oct 20 - 3rd ODI - India v England - Punjab Cricket Association Stadium, Mohali, Chandigarh Sun Oct 23 - 4th ODI - India v England - Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai Tue Oct 25 - 5th ODI - India v England - Eden Gardens, Kolkata Sat Oct 29 - 20 over match - India v England - Eden Gardens, Kolkata

FYI - India Domestic Cricket: The Ranji Trophy The Ranji Trophy was founded as "The Cricket Championship of India" in July 1934. The Ranji Trophy is composed of teams representing Indian states. And as the political states have multiplied, so have cricket teams, but not every state has a team. Some states have more than one cricket team, e.g. Maharashtra and Gujarat. There are also non-state teams like Railways and Services (representing the armed forces). The various teams used to be grouped into zones - North, West, East, Central and South - and the initial matches were played on a league basis within the zones. The top two (until 1991-92) and then top three teams (subsequent years) from each zone then played in a national knock-out competition. Starting with the 2002-03 season, the zonal system has been abandoned and a twodivision structure has been adopted with two teams being promoted from the plate league and two relegated from the elite league. If the knockout matches are not finished they are decided on the first-innings lead.

West Indies visit Bangladesh Rajesh T. Ganatra Contact him at

Tue Oct 11 - 20 over match - Bangladesh v West Indies - Shere Bangla National Stadium, Mirpur Thu Oct 13 - 1st ODI - Bangladesh v West Indies - Shere Bangla National Stadium, Mirpur Sat Oct 15 - 2nd ODI - Bangladesh v West Indies - Shere Bangla National Stadium, Mirpur Tue Oct 18 - 3rd ODI - Bangladesh v West Indies - Zahur Ahmed Chowdhury Stadium, Chittagong Fri Oct 21 - Tue Oct 25 - 1st Test - Bangladesh v West Indies Zahur Ahmed Chowdhury Stadium, Chittagong Sat Oct 29 - Wed Nov 2 - 2nd Test - Bangladesh v West Indies Shere Bangla National Stadium, Mirpur Australia visits South Africa 1st 20 over match: South Africa v Australia at Cape Town - Oct 13, 2011 2nd 20 over match: South Africa v Australia at Johannesburg Oct 16, 2011 1st ODI: South Africa v Australia at Centurion - Oct 19, 2011 2nd ODI: South Africa v Australia at Port Elizabeth - Oct 23 3rd ODI: South Africa v Australia at Durban - Oct 28, 2011 1st Test: South Africa v Australia at Cape Town - Nov 9-13, 2011 2nd Test: South Africa v Australia at Johannesburg - Nov 17-21 Pakistan vs. Sri Lanka at UAE Tue Oct 18 - Sat Oct 22 - 1st Test - Pakistan v Sri Lanka - Sheikh Zayed Stadium, Abu Dhabi Wed Oct 26 - Sun Oct 30 - 2nd Test - Pakistan v Sri Lanka Dubai International Cricket Stadium Thu Nov 3 - Mon Nov 7 - 3rd Test - Pakistan v Sri Lanka Sharjah Cricket Association Stadium Fri Nov 11 - 1st ODI - Pakistan v Sri Lanka - Dubai International Cricket Stadium Mon Nov 14 - 2nd ODI - Pakistan v Sri Lanka - Dubai International Cricket Stadium Fri Nov 18 - 3rd ODI - Pakistan v Sri Lanka - Dubai International Cricket Stadium


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from other countries, such as Fiji, Kenya, Uganda, Malaysia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Surinam, and others. These groups represent a huge diversity, meaning numerous differences in language, food habits, ways of dressing, religious and social practices, and in other aspects. At the Hindu Center I feel they have satisfied in some measure their need or desire to connect to other Hindus and in so doing softened and modified their original edges and angularities so that their children would find a bigger pool of Hindu children to connect to and draw upon. Sometimes when a certain section of society reaches a critical mass in terms of its population and resources, they tend to exercise their right to a separate temple of their own, especially if supported by distinct traditions and belief systems. I believe, however, that if they can function together in one temple, or under one religious umbrella even when separate, they should do so – knowing that deep religious affinities hold them together. When the various religious groups accept and accommodate one another harmoniously, they cumulatively enrich and empower all children emotionally, intellectually, and religiously. If, for instance, my son can associate only with a small group of 25 children of my religious denomination, he will become exposed only to that small group. Conversely, if he can be part of a group of 100 children, he will have the opportunity to be part of a much larger number, from which to draw upon and to broaden his horizons and enlarge his mental-spiritual landscape. Moreover, I might argue, the Hindu community is relatively small and politically not strong, and if it becomes divided into smaller groups, its power and resources become divided. So it is important for us as a community to know what can unite us and realize the power in “unity in diversity” to best serve the interests of our children and grandchildren. While I do understand the advantages of smaller groups (warmth, autonomy, etc.), our children would be better off connecting also to larger and diverse groups of Indians. Some of you might disagree with me, but I feel our children would find it advantageous to learn: how their religious heritage is panIndian/pan-Hindu, how it is relevant to their American lives, how their heritage – and they – should relate to other people living in this country and on the planet, and how it – and they – can improve the lot of humanity. I hope you would find some food for thought in these reflections. If you please, think over the issues that matter to us and our children in the years to come. Let us find creative ways to pool our resources for a better future for our community or communities. On the whole, the Hindu Center has made the various Hindu denominations feel at home, which minimized their differences and valued common ground as Hindus and Indians. As long as the Hindu Center keeps its focus on its longterm vision, continues to evolve with the changing times, and remains relevant to its members, it will continue to effectively serve most Indians, particularly Hindus and those closely associated with them.

Saathee Readers Forum Reflections on the Charlotte Indian Community and the Hindu Center By Roshan Attrey The Hindu Center was only two years old when I came to Charlotte. The Charlotte Indian community was quite small then – small enough that you could hail a stranger walking on a street because he or she looked Indian. That was before the mideighties. The Hindu Center catered to the religious, cultural, and social needs of most Indians then, particularly the Hindus and those closely affiliated with them. A decade passed – Charlotte grew larger and became more diverse, and with that grew the Indian community and the Hindu Center. In 1993 the Hindu Center hosted its biggest weeklong religious event at the Oasis Temple – The Rama Katha. The administration marked the occasion by bringing out the 1993 special publication titled The Ram Katha. Of many significant letters and articles included in it, the one on page 5 still inspires me. It is a statement of the Hindu Center’s vision, which reads as follows: The Hindu Center Dreams of a Future in which Indian heritage becomes part of America: —In which Indian children feel accepted by their American peers; —In which they cherish their Indian names; —In which they choose to worship according to their Indian religions; —In which they cherish the best of their Indian culture; —In which they speak at least one Indian language; —In which they keep their ties with India; —and in which they pass the Indian heritage on to future generations and keep the torch lit. Does this statement inspire you despite some distinctions in your belief system? If so, you might find it worthwhile to think deeply over the issues that matter to us and our children in the years to come. We are at a juncture when Charlotte’s Hindu population, which has reached a peak in diversity and in numbers, should find creative ways to pool its resources for a more vibrant future of the community. Now, almost thirty years later, the second generation is beginning to step in to take charge of many things at the Hindu Center, and even the third generation, enrolled in local daycare centers and schools, is getting exposed to its activities and happily playing on its premises. This religious-cultural center is steadily growing and improving as it responds to its members’ religious, social, and cultural needs. Periodically, as indicated by the temple’s ongoing activities and developments, the Center reviews current and future needs of the Charlotte Metro Hindu community and actively seeks input from its members. Thus far the Hindu Center has been a place of worship for Hindus of all stripes and a sort of cultural center for Indians in general, including north Indians, south Indians, Gujaratis, Sindhis, Maharashtrians, Bengalis, and Punjabis, to name a few. And the picture becomes quite colorful when you add Hindus

Satyameva Jayate By Jay Desai What could be more exciting? The Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger chanting “satyameva jayate” alongside Oscarwinner A R Rahman and three other international artists, Dave Stewart, Joss Stone and Damian Marley. This is exciting indeed, that Jagger is truly singing in Sanskrit! continued on page 82 76

October 2011

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October 2011

Method: Cut pumpkin in half and remove seeds. Place cut side down on a cookie sheet lined with lightly oiled aluminum foil. Bake at 325° for 30 to 40 minutes, or until the flesh is tender when poked with a fork. Cool until just warm. Scrape the pumpkin flesh from the peel. Either mash, or puree in small batches in a blender. Increase oven temperature to 450°. In a large bowl, slightly beat eggs. Add brown sugar, flour, salt, two cups of the pumpkin puree, pumpkin pie spice, and evaporated milk. Stir well after each addition. Pour mixture into the unbaked pastry shell. Place a strip of aluminum foil around the edge of the crust to prevent over browning. Bake 10 minutes at 450°, and then reduce the oven temperature to 350°. Bake an additional 40 to 50 minutes, or until a fork inserted near the center comes out clean. Remove the strip of foil about 20 minutes before the pie is done so that the edge of the crust will be a light golden brown. Cool pie, and refrigerate overnight for best flavor.

Summer is gone. Now, as the cool, crisp days of fall approach, here are some tasty recipes using pumpkins.

Spicy Thai Pumpkin Soup

Pumpkin Cake

Ingredients: 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1 tablespoon butter 1 clove garlic, chopped 4 shallots, chopped 2 small fresh red chili peppers, chopped 1 tablespoon chopped lemon grass 2 1/8 cups vegetarian stock 4 cups peeled and diced pumpkin 1 1/2 cups unsweetened coconut milk 1 bunch fresh basil leaves

Ingredients: 2 cups sugar 1 1/4 cups vegetable oil 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 cups canned pumpkin 4 eggs 2 cups all-purpose flour 3 teaspoons baking powder 2 teaspoons baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt Method: In a medium saucepan, heat oil and butter over low 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon heat. Cook garlic, shallots, chilies, and lemongrass in oil until 1 cup chopped walnuts (optional) fragrant. Stir in stock, coconut milk, and pumpkin; bring to a boil. Cook until pumpkin softens. In a blender, blend the soup in Method: Preheat oven to 350°. Grease and flour a 12x18 inch pan. batches to a smooth or slightly chunky consistency, whatever Sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and cinnamon. Set aside. In a large bowl combine sugar and oil. Blend you prefer. Serve with basil leaves. in vanilla and pumpkin, and then beat in eggs one at a time. Gradually beat in flour mixture. Stir in nuts. Spread batter into Pumpkin Fritters prepared 12x18 inch pan. Bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake Ingredients comes out clean. Allow to cool. Top with your favorite frosting. 1 cup pumpkin puree 1 egg, lightly beaten Pumpkin Chocolate Chips Muffins 1 cup all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking powder Ingredients: 1 teaspoon curry powder 3/4 cup sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1/4 cup vegetable oil 4 cups vegetable oil for frying 2 eggs Method: In a medium bowl, combine pumpkin, egg, flour, 3/4 cup canned pumpkin baking powder, curry powder, and salt. Mix until smooth. Heat 1/4 cup water oil in a deep saucepan to 325°. Drop batter by spoonfuls into hot 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour oil. Fry until golden brown, about two minutes. Remove with a 3/4 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda slotted spoon, and serve immediately. 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon Pumpkin Pie 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg Ingredients: 1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips 1 sugar pumpkin 1 recipe pastry for a 9 inch single crust pie Method: Preheat the oven to 400°. Grease and flour muffin pan 2 eggs or use paper liners. Mix sugar, oil, eggs. Add pumpkin and 1 cup packed light brown sugar water. In separate bowl mix together the baking flour, baking 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour soda, baking powder, spices and salt. Add wet mixture and stir 1/2 teaspoon salt in chocolate chips. Fill muffin cups 2/3 full with batter. Bake in 2 1/2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice preheated oven for 20 to 25 minutes. 1 (12 fluid ounce) can evaporated milk


October 2011


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October 2011

The Chai Table

continued from page 78

against the tactful, established, and shrewd British. Strategist that Gandhi was, he had probably seen it through, as he had been fighting against them while living in South Africa. Well, he was challenged by his own people many times, more than the British for using these soft techniques. He would never give up, though. He had faith in these ethical forces and more importantly they were evidenced at every stage in his practice. It was not easy using these softer ethical weapons as the fight for freedom was tough. It was tougher than the cowardly British General Dyer’s massacre of hundreds of innocent children, women and men in Jalianwala Bagh in Amritsar, Punjab. Gandhi would put a stop to his Satyagraha movement many times when he saw the prevailing weaknesses of violence, hatred and “Duragraha” (opposite of Satyagraha). These weaknesses were many times purposefully provoked by his opposition. He would rather wait than dilute his ethical means. Gandhi just wanted a fair fight while applying the force of truth. In the end, to him, truth was higher than his fight, or outcome of his fight, and as he perceived, truth was higher than even God. Truth was his God. Non-violence was the means of realizing Him. And, as it seemed to Gandhi, when and where truth prevails, there prevails true Godliness.

“Satyameva Jayate” meaning “truth alone triumphs” is a part of the Hindu mantra from the ancient scripture Mundaka Upanishad. Upon India’s independence from Britain, the phrase was adopted as the national motto of India. It is inscribed at the base of the national emblem. The emblem and words “Satyameva Jayate” are also inscribed on one side of all Indian currency. Rahman was asked to offer a great Indian song for the multiartist album. Rahman said in a recent interview, it was l “long dream for me was to take one of the morals of Indian culture which is Satyameva Jayate and make it a song.” Much milking has been done of this mantra for many centuries by politicians or by nations or now by artists like Rahman, rather than leaving it as an example. More so, where in India does he find that truthful moral? Although it is not an easy proposition for any ordinary individual, or for that matter any nation, to leave and lead by this famous mantra. Let’s accept that, for most of us, it is merely more politically correct or poetic, We welcome submissions from readers. If you have an interesting cosmetic, and compelling on an remembrance, essay, experience, travel story, or other short writings Indian currency or the country’s you would like to share with Saathee readers, send us an email with emblem. potential topics and samples. We will review the article get back to However, one man was not ordinary, but was exceptional and you if we can use anything. historic. He showed the world that “Satyameva Jayate” is true; Send query to that truth is tough, testing, and challenging but does triumph in the end. Gandhi was unique when it comes to exploring truth, and of course executing it in every aspect of life, or struggle or fight. He explained little more about his fascination and pursuits of truth in his biography, so aptly titled “My Experiments with Truth.” In this biography he talked about some of his childhood experiences, including one when he disobeyed his teacher who wanted him to copy correct spelling of the world “Kettle” from a fellow student. The teacher wanted all his students to come out with all the words spelled correctly, because an Educational Inspector was visiting his class to examine the teacher’s own teaching record. But to the student Gandhi, such untruthful acts were not appealing. The other crucial one was the play he watched. The play on King Harishchandra – the historical legend who sacrificed all his materials and kingdom just for the sake of his high regards for truth. This character and the play inspired Gandhi greatly, something he talked about later. Gandhi aspired to be King Harishchandra. The seeds were probably planted at the right time, and then later on, he just kept mastering his character around these basic ethical forces - sacrifice, love, truthfulness. He termed his freedom struggle against British as “Satyagraha” – insistence of truth, or truth force; and surely there are other interpretations to it! And not to forget, he learned from Tolstoy and Ruskin about passive resistance and non-violent force, which he blended in with those ethical forces. His ultimate weapon became Satyagraha. Satyagraha did sound complex or even cowardly to many of his contemporaries, maybe even to his adversaries the powerful British. Although it was the only practical yet mighty means


October 2011

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Community Focus Events of Note

Community Reports

SIFAA Fall 2011 Concerts Sifaa, an organization for Carnatic Music lovers in the Triangle Indian-American Elected to UNC Board of Governors and Triad areas of NC presents the following performances. Hari H. Nath (aka Harish Mathur) was Sat, Oct 8, 2011 (6:30pm): Padmasri Kadri Gopalnath recently elected by the NC House of (Saxaphone), Smt. K. A. Kanya Kumari (Violin) Sri. B. Harikumar Representatives to the Board of (Mridangam), and Sri. Rajendra Nakod (Tabla). Venue: Green Governors of the University of North Hope High School, 2500 Carpenter Upchurch Road, Cary, NC Carolina System. He was sworn in to the 27519 position on August 11, 2011. Nath is the Sun, Oct 16, 2011 (4pm): Sikkil Gurucharan (Vocal), Nagai Sriram inaugural Indian-American elected to (Violin) and Tiruvayur Bhakthavatsalam (Mridangam). Venue: one of the most prestigious Boards in NC. The Board sets Senior Citizen Center, Bond Park, 801 High House Rd, Cary, NC policies, programs, budgets and priorities for the 16 public 27513. For further details visit universities and School of Science and Math in North Carolina. “For the next four years, I hope to contribute to the UNC Board Sublime Journey: A sitar and veena Jugalbandi Concert of Governors to the best of my ability and advance our goal of The Indian Performing Arts Assoc of Charlotte (IPAAC) presents promoting excellence in higher education,” Nath said on his a confluence of Hindustani and Carnatic music featuring election. He was founder and CEO of an IT Management jugalbandi with Gaurav Majumdar (sitar), Nirmala Rajasekar consulting firm, TPMC, for 14 years (1987-2001). Since acquisition (veena), Thanjavur K. Murugaboopathi (mridangam), and Vishal of TPMC by a large firm in 2001, Nath has devoted his energies Nagar (table) on Sat, Oct 8, 2011 (6pm) at Tate Hall, CPCC main to community service and political activism in NC. In addition campus, Charlotte. For further details visit or call to NC-INPAC, he serves as a Chairman of the Board of Advisors, 704.364.0984 or 704.846.4423. for the Caring Place Inc, a Cary based nonprofit organization. He has been actively serving Town of Cary, on several Boards and Sanskrit Beginner Workshop Commission since 2003 and has been a member of the Planning Samskrita Bharati is holding a two-day weekend workshop in and Zoning Board for past 5 years. He received his B.E. in Mining Cary, NC to introduce Samskritam to beginners. Learn to speak Engineering from the University of Jodhpur, India and received in Samskritam (Sanskrit) in a fun and easy way. The workshop his M.S. in Industrial Engineering from the University of will take place on Oct 15, 2011 (Saturday) from 9am-5pm and Missouri, Columbia in 1971. Oct 16, 2011(Sunday) from 9am-5pm at 613 Royal Tower Way, Cary NC 27513. The fee is $20. Registration can be found at Noted NC Hindi Poet Selected Among Top Women Writers No prior knowledge of Dr. Sudha Om Dhingra, a noted Hindi poet Samskritam is expected of the participants. It will be helpful if and writer living in Morrisville, NC, and participants can speak an Indian language. This course is editor of Hindi Chetna, the only Hindi interactive and designed such that by the end of the course, quarterly magazine published in North participants will be able to have basic conversations in America, was recently selected by The Sunday Samskritam. Lunch: Participants can bring a packed lunch or can Indian News Magazine, published from Delhi, buy lunch near the venue. For further details: Savitha India, as among the top 111 women Hindi Ravishankar (; 919-387-1316); writers of the 21st Century in the world. The Sunday Indian has Krishna Dhullipalla (; 919-636-5472) or published a special issue highlighting the works of these writers. Jayanthi Rajan (; 704-799-6985). A total of six Hindi women writers from the US were selected for this honor. The magazine also asked Dr. Sudha Om Dhingra to Cary Diwali 2011 write an article for this special issue of the magazine highlighting Hum Sub presents the annual Cary Diwali celebrations on Sat, achievements of all women Hindi writers living outside India. Oct 22, 2011 at Booth Amphitheatre, Regency Park, Cary, NC Ekal RTP Chapter Walk-A-Thon beginning at 11:30am. This year’s theme is “Sanskriti: Culture On Sunday, August 21, 2011 Transcending Borders” and will feature performances including Ekal Vidyalaya - RTP Mayuri, a Russian dance ensemble performing Indian dance. The Chapter, in collaboration event is free. For further details visit with the Professional Indian Association, organized a 5k Aaj Ka Dhamaka 2011 Walk-A-Thon at the North Sangam of UNC Chapel present the annual “Aaj Ka Dhamaka,” Cary Park in Cary, NC. The the southeast’s South Asian intercollegiate dance competition on purpose of the event was to Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at Memorial Hall on the campus of UNC Chapel raise awareness about and Hill. There will also be a special performance by Anoop. All proceeds from the event benefit the Mahatma Gandhi funds for non-formal schools that Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation operates in Indian villages. The participants included 56 adults Fellowship. For details visit


October 2011

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October 2011

and children. People of all ages, from high school students to retired seniors, came out to participate in this event and show their support for Ekal’s mission of providing free education to underprivileged children of India. The event started with a brief introduction to Ekal by the President of Ekal - RTP Chapter, Mrs. Ragini Murarka. After the introduction, the participants were off and away on the Park’s trail. Ekal had setup a water break station at the half-way point and at the turnaround point on trail, where the walkers could hydrate themselves. The turnaround point of the Walk-A-Thon was at a gazebo overlooking a lake so the participants could take in the beautiful scenery before turning back to return to the starting point. When the walkers returned to the starting point, they were treated to homemade bhel-puri and ice cream, served by Ekal - RTP Youth Group volunteers. The goal of the Walk-A-Thon was to allow children living in villages with no formal schools, or formal schools that are too far away for the children to attend regularly, to get an education in their own village, from a teacher from their own village, in their own native language and dialect, and according to a schedule that is convenient for them. The Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation is a charitable trust that initiates, supports, and runs one-teacher schools (popularly known as Ekal Vidyalayas) all over India. For further details on Ekal, visit PIA is an informal group of young (20’s-30’s) Indian professionals and graduate students interested in cultural events, socializing and meeting/making friends with like-minded people around the Triangle area of North Carolina. To find out more about PIA, visit BAPS Walk 2011

The Festival of India Charlotte The 17th annual Festival of India took place at the Knight Theatre in downtown Charlotte on Sept 3-4, 2011. Several thousand folks attended the two-day fest featuring performances, exhibits, vendors, sari demonstrations, henna art, art exhibits, and of course, plenty of food.

The BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir of Charlotte held its 7th Annual Walk-A-Thon “Walk 2011,” on Saturday, September 17, 2011 in D o w n t o w n Charlotte. The proceeds from this event benefitted both BAPS Charities and A Childs Place. BAPS Charities is a Non-Profit International Charity Organization, and A Child’s Place is a Non-Profit organization assisting homeless and underprivileged children in the Charlotte area. For further details on the organizations, visit or

Pratham Gala Charlotte and Raleigh The annual Pratham galas of the Carolinas took place on Sept 16 and Sept 17 in Charlotte and Raleigh respectively. The Charlotte gala raised over $200,000 while the Raleigh gala raised over $150,000. Both galas featured Parag Mehta, Communications Director from the US Dept of labor as the keynote speaker. Indian film actor Rahul Bose was originally scheduled to appear at the galas, but was not able to attend due to schedule conflicts. He delivered an address to the audience via video. The activist actor spoke of his belief in

Sristhi Little Achievers Felicitation Program Sristhi’s conducted its second annual kids talent contest (Little Achievers Felicitation program) on Sept 10, 2011 at the Hindu center in Charlotte. Around 50 entries were performed in categories like Recitation (mantra, poetry, bhajan), Song (including karaoke), On-spot Arts, Essay and Dance. The event was organized by Sristhi cultural group and hosted by Manisha Singh (Co-coordinator & Team-Lafp) . Judges were Illa Joshi (A. S. Art Studio) and Pallavi Prativadi a classical khucipudi dancer who has been active in her profession by performing, teaching and choreographing. The complete list of winners available or on page 91 (E-Nopi advertisement).


October 2011

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October 2011

Pratham’s work and faith Tirthankar of Jain religion. Hundreds of Jains and members of in what he called a other communities participated in and enjoyed the festivities “transparent organization.” which included a procession (varghodo), and various poojas and rituals. The poojas The entertainment was were conducted by provided by the musical noted Jain vidhikar group Mumbai Masti. For (priest) Narendra further details on Nandu. All meals Pratham’s work visit were cooked and served at site. Volunteers from Jain Center of Greater Charlotte Pratishtha Mahotsav the Jain community The Jain Center of worked for several Greater Charlotte days in preparation (JCGC) is a community of around 80 Charlotte for the opening ceremony and handled the entire responsibility area Jain families. For of managing this successful event. JCGC has already started full many years JCGC has use of the facility. Daily morning and evening prayers and poojas been planning for and are being regularly conducted now, with more activities carried working towards out during weekends. The JCGC has followed very active building a Jinalay religious, social, educational, and cultural programs over the (temple). This dream years, now with the opening of the new Center JCGC intends to finally materialized as the brand new Jain Temple opened its intensify its existing activities as well as offer new services to doors on Monday, September 12, 2011 with a Pratishtha Jains and the larger community. Some of the activities include Mahotsav held from Sept 9-12. The temple, located at 7631 monthly meetings, swadhyay (discourses), children’s classes (pathshala), worship and pooja services, celebration of important Mallard Creek Rd, Jain festivals such as Mahavir Jayanti, Paryushan, and more. The Charlotte, NC 28262, is Jain Center will serve as the beacon of Jain faith for many an 8400 sq. ft. facility generations to come. built on nearly three acres of land. Currently the Center has a large American Tamil Medical Association Annual Convention worship hall, a stage The 7th annual convention of ATMA (American Tamil Medical for cultural programs, Association) was held in Durham, NC, from August 11- 14, 2011. and several multiAbout 100 physicians from various parts of the country attended purpose rooms. Future the convention with their spouse and families. Dr. Mayilvahanan, plans include construction of a kitchen and dining hall and main Vice-Chancellor of MGR Medical University, Porur, Tamil Nadu temple with a shikhar (canopy). The fully built Center will have was the chief guest and gave his key-note address. He offered over 12000 sq. ft. of space. Local Jains and other members of the university’s support to implement joint ventures to promote Indian community continuing education for the medical faculty for physicians in have donated land, Tamil Nadu and health camps for the needy. He invited ATMA money, and physicians’ support and participation. At the convention, Dr. resources over a Kumar Ilangovan and Dr. Kalpana Mandhiram were given the span of 15 years to Outstanding Resident award for their contributions in the field bring this project to of child care and HIV awareness, respectively. Dr. fruition. Due to the Balasubramanian of California was honored with the “Life-time generosity of these Achievement Award” for his outstanding service in the field of donors the Jain Emergency Medicine and for his tireless and selfless work during Center is virtually the Tsunami and Earthquake disasters in India. Continuing debt free at the medical education lectures were delivered by eminent doctors in time of opening. JCGC and its predecessor organization Jain their respective fields. Various activities and seminars were Study Group had been congregating and worshipping at the planned and carried out by the Carolina Team of ATMA to Hindu Center before the opening of Jain Center. The Jain Center engage the spouses and their children. Cultural activities by is the first temple dedicated to the Jain faith in North Carolina. It various artists in is the only temple of its the evenings and kind between Atlanta South Indian food and Washington DC. were the highlight Outside of some of the evening dedicated Jain temples sessions. Dr.T in Florida, Charlotte’s amilarasi Kannan, Jain temple is the only President of ATMA place serving the Jain and Dr. Valarmathi community in North Sundar, Governor, Carolina Chapter planned and executed the and South Carolina, convention with the able help from their teams. ATMA’s main and adjoining areas of nearby states. JCGC celebrated a joyous motto is “service for the needy” and to prove this point a sum of Pratishtha Mahotsav (Idol Installation and Opening Ceremony) over $ 22,000 was raised for various service projects in USA and for four days. Noted scholars and priests were invited to perform Tamil Nadu. For further details on the organization visit the installation of the idol of Bhagvan Parshwanath, the 23rd


October 2011

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October 2011

Gender Selection

Personal Finance

continued from page 34

continued from page 70

He says that the census data and birth registrations have free income—and trigger a 10% penalty if you’re under age shown that while states with large populations, like Bihar and 59½ (unless an exception to the penalty tax is available). Uttar Pradesh, have seen an increase in the child sex ratio, To help you decide whether a Roth conversion is a good idea smaller and more prosperous states — like Delhi, Punjab and for you, you should speak with your tax advisor, plus ask your Haryana — have begun to show signs of improvement. The sex financial advisor to prepare a customized Roth Conversion ratios continue to be distorted in these states, but they are not Analysis for you. The report will show the after-tax future value getting worse. He said families in states showing slight improvements still of an IRA balance, comparing the outcomes of a Traditional IRA or employer-sponsored plan with those of a Roth IRA. You’ll have a strong preference for sons, and face the pressure of also be able to see the wealth planning advantages of wanting a smaller family, but they might have also realized that such uneven sex ratios are unsustainable. “Probably these are “stretching” a Roth IRA over multiple generations. people who have realized they are going to get themselves into a serious mess by overproducing sons,” Guilmoto said. Is a Roth Right for You? Another reason could be that a slow but gradual process of We have touched on some key benefits of converting to a Roth IRA, but for many individuals a Roth conversion may not greater gender equality has had an effect on people’s attitudes be the best strategy. If one or more of the following apply to and views. Such a transition will come to the rest of India when you, it might be best for you to avoid conversion or to only families in other states likewise realize that a distorted sex ratio is unsustainable, and as more women delay marriage, become convert a portion of your retirement account: better educated, have more bargaining power and take up more • You expect that your tax bracket will be the same, or lower, space in society. in retirement. “These women are the forerunners for what’s in store for • You do not have funds available to pay the extra taxes from India,” Guilmoto said. “How long it will take, we don’t know.” the conversion. He says the government should monitor this issue more • You only have a short time frame to take advantage of closely and conduct annual surveys, rather than waiting for the potential tax-free growth before retiring. census. “Once in a while we have census data, and once in a • You have projected income needs equal to or greater than while we start worrying and say, ‘Oh my god, look what the required minimum distributions of the IRA. happened,’” he said. “It would be like if you checked your team report every 10 years.” Get Help Making your Decision To help you understand how a Roth conversion will likely affect your financial scenario, ask a financial advisor to provide a customized Roth Conversion Analysis for you. This report explores your specific situation, factoring in such variables as the amount to be converted, the distribution year, your date of birth and where you are in the retirement planning cycle. Based on this input, the report shows the after-tax future value of an IRA balance, comparing the outcomes of a Traditional IRA with those of a Roth IRA. You’ll also be able to see the wealth planning advantages of “stretching” a Roth IRA over multiple generations. Finally, as with all tax related issues, you should also discuss your situation with your tax advisor.

Accelerating the process In order to more quickly bring back a sex-ratio equilibrium, public health and women’s activists say there needs to be a change in mentality about the role of women in society. The state must also strengthen the monitoring of doctors and regulation of technology. And a social-security system should be created so elderly parents need not rely on sons for support. “Let’s hope that there is political leadership. Let’s hope that there is civil society [pressure]. And that people will wake up,” George said. “It will happen. The question is will it happen in the next 10 years? Will it happen in my lifetime? I don’t know.”

Jason Overdorf contributed to this report from New Delhi. This story was done in collaboration with Round Earth Media, which is a news source that partners with early-career journalists to cover important Article is published for general informational purposes and is not an issues from overlooked parts of the world.

offer or a solicitation to sell or buy any securities or commodities. Any particular investment should be analyzed based on its terms and risks as they relate to your specific circumstances and objectives. Tax laws are complex and subject to change. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, its affiliates and Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Financial Advisors do not provide tax or legal advice. This material was not intended or written to be used for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer. Individuals are urged to consult their personal tax or legal advisors to understand the tax and related consequences of any actions or investments described herein. The appropriateness of a particular strategy will depend on an investor’s individual circumstances and objectives. GP11-00170P-N02/11

continued from page 28

accompanies Dhrupad style of singing. Pakhawaj is a barrelshaped drum with two heads that are made of layers of skin. The heads of Pakhawaj are expanded by leather straps, which run along the sides of the body over small cylindrical wooden blocks that are used for tuning. Some of the notable pakhawaj players include: Arjun Shejwal, Bhavani Shankar, Pratap Patil, Kunal Patil, Durga Lal, and Talib Hussain. Harmonium - The harmonium is a traditional and popular musical instrument of India. The harmonium has a keyboard of over two and one-half octaves and works on a system of bellows. The keyboard is played with the right hand while the left hand is used to operate the bellows. Harmonium is more popular in North India than in the South.

Article provided by Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Arun Aggarwal, CFP, First Vice President- Wealth Management Contact: 919.877.2431,

Hindustani Music


October 2011

Sristhi’s Little Achiever’s Results 2011 Pre School - High School

South Charlotte

704-915-1730 8832 Blakeney Professional Dr. Ste 101 Charlotte NC 28277 e-mail :

North Charlotte

704-264-7057 2315 W.Arbors Drive, Suite 130 Charlotte NC 28262 e-mail :

Group 1 :Ages 3-5 Shashwati S Kadge 1st in arts Rishabh Singh 1st in Dance Srividha Arun 1st in Mantra Reciting Sanaa Z Shah 1st in Poetry Aditi Satish 1st in Singing Group 2 : Ages 6-9 Shreya Mandal 1st in Arts Esha Singaraju 1st in Dance Sanjit Tatavarthy 1st in Mantra Maara Swaminathan Honorary in Mantra Siddharth M Sivaram 1st in Singing Group 3 : Ages 10-13 Shernali Ghosh Dastidar 1st in Arts Sneha 1st in Dance Debarpan Bhowmick 1st in Essay Maina Edula 1st in Singing Yamini Pandrapagada Honorary in singing

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October 2011

Charlotte Gita Study Group Beginners and advanced students of the Gita are welcome. The group meets the second and fourth Sunday of each month from 3 - 5 pm. This course is based on the Home Study Course of the Arsha Vidya Gurukulam, Saylorsburg, PA. Each session starts with a meditation followed by a recorded lecture in English, supplemented by discussion among the group. For further details: Rishi and Shikha Bhatnagar,, 513.518.5300 Shridhar and Kruti Dave,, 704.844.9567 Naras and Beena Eechambadi,

Charlotte Art of Living (Healing with the Breath) Art of Living is dedicated to serving society by strengthening the individual. This is done through self development programs that recharge the body, mind and spirit and allow people to function at their optimum potential. People from all backgrounds and cultural traditions come together in service and celebration. For further details: 704.248.2647

Charlotte Hindu Center Table Tennis The group meets every Monday and Wednesday from 6.30 - 10 pm. New players come after 7.30 pm for orientation. The TT action takes place at the Vihar Hall of Charlotte’s Hindu Center, 7400 City View Drive, Charlotte, NC 28134. All levels and types of play. Free coaching and lessons. For further details: or visit

Association for India’s Development - Charlotte A volunteer movement committed to promoting sustainable, equitable and just-development. AID Charlotte supports grassroots organizations in India and initiates efforts in various interconnected spheres such as education, livelihoods, natural resources, health, women’s empowerment and social justice. For further details: Kiran Uppalapati 704.307.6450; Venkata Ramana Duddu 662.231.2350.

Charlotte Indian Christian Fellowship The group meets the third Saturday of every month at 6:30 PM for Bible Study, Prayer and Fellowship. Everyone is welcome to join the fellowship along with family and friends. For further details: Hema at 704.841.7060

BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir Regularly scheduled activities include a daily Aarti at 6:30 am and 7 pm. Darshan: Mon-Fri 6:30 am-12:30 pm and 4 - 8:30 pm, Sat/Sun 6:30 am-8:30 pm. Gujarati classes are held every Sunday from 3 - 4 pm and “Satsang Sabha” is held every Sunday at 4:30 p.m. The Swaminarayan Temple is located at 4100 Margaret Wallace Rd, Charlotte, NC, 28105. For further details: 704.573.0805 704.573.0820 (fax)

Charlotte Kannada Koota The Charlotte Kannada Koota is an organization that promotes understanding of Karnataka culture and provides a medium for people of Karnataka (Kannadigas) to get together. The activities include social get-togethers, music, and drama. For further details: 704.526.9990 (Appan Patil), 704.281.8732 (Raj Kulgod),

Bethel Christian Fellowship Bethel Christian Fellowship offers services in various Indian languages (i.e. Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, etc.) .Sunday School Time - 11:15 - 11:45 am; Sunday Worship Service time : 11:45 - 1:15 pm. Sunday Service Location: Fort Mill Church of God, Student Life Center Building, 216 Academy Street, Room 102. Fort Mill, South Carolina 29715. Saturday Service Location: Life Builders Church - 730 Oak Dale Rd, Charlotte NC 28216. For further details: 803.792.7223; (Pastor: Rajan Samuel).

Charlotte Kriya Yoga Group Charlotte Kriya Yoga Group Promotes Kriya Yoga Meditation practices as taught by lineage of realized masters such as Mahaavatar Baba Ji, Lahri Mahasaya, Sri Yukteshwar Giri, Paramahamsa Yogananda, Hariharananda, and Prajanananada. A sincere seeker who follows the path of Kriya Yoga with love and devotion and a desire for spiritual growth can attain Selfrealization- even in one lifetime. The center hosts two annual initiation programs and a weekly Sunday meditation for initiates. For further details:

Carolina Sanskritk Maharashtra Mandal CSMM promotes Maharashtrian culture and language. Maharashtra mandal is committed to serve Carolina Marathi community with various cultural, social and traditional Marathi programs and events. For further details: Abhay Khanore,, 803.554.1234 Manish Khot,, 215.380.8722 Sangeeta Korde,, 704.421.4279

Charlotte Table Tennis Club Calling all table tennis afficionados. The Charlotte Table Tennis Club is located at 345 Hawthorne Lane, Charlotte, NC 28204 (at the Corner of East 7th St. & Hawthorne Lane near downtown Charlotte, NC). Hoursof operation are Tuesday & Thursday 6-10 pm, Saturday 2-6 pm and Sunday 1-5 pm. For further details:

Carolinas Christian Assembly - Charlotte Everyone is cordially invited to join for Sunday worship, Bible class, Sunday school: Sundays from 9 am - 12 pm. English and various Indian languages are used in the Sunday services. Contact for further details Rev. Dr. K.C. Paul (704.771.1414), Rajan Mathew (704.756.4969), Jose Varughese (704.453.6177), Varughese K. Thomas (803.322.9549).


October 2011

Happy Dashera! Fafda & Jalebi (Oct 7, 8 & 9th)

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Gurdwara Sahib - Charlotte The Sikh Heritage Society strives to unite and enrich the lives of the Sikh & Punjabi communities of Charlotte and surrounding areas. “Gurdwara” address: 1760 Stoney Creek Lane, Charlotte, NC 28262. Regular Program: Every Sunday: 10 – 11am, Asa Di War by Bhai Satnam Singh Jee, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm, Keertan by Children, 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm, Keertan by Bhai Satnam Singh Jee, 1:15 pm - 1:30 pm, Ardaas, followed by Guru Ka Langar. Vaisakhi Gurpurab: For further details: 704.948.7664 (Roshan Attrey),, 704.541.0350 (Sajjan Dhaliwal),, 704.948.8091 (Inderjeet Rajpal),

Charlotte Telangana Association Charlotte Telangana Association is a non-profit organization formed to promote two different aspects —- to promote not only the Telangana cultural activities within greater Charlotte area, but also to bring together all the Telangana people living in the greater Charlotte area and also to discuss, plan, and take action around the development of Telangana focusing both on rural and urban Telangana areas. “CTA” will also actively engage in educating private, public and non-profit organizations about the great resources that Telangana has for business activities, political climate of Telangana reason, and the need for non-profit across Telangana region. For further details: Charlotte Vipassana Meditation Group Vipassana, which means to see things as they really are, is one of India’s most ancient techniques of meditation. It was taught in India more than 2500 years ago as a universal remedy for universal ills. The Charlotte Vipassana Meditation Group holds weekly group sits and monthly all day sits for established students (those who have taken at least one ten day course from S. N. Goenka or one of his assistant teachers). Ten-day courses are also available for all students. There is never a charge for a course. New center now open in Jesup, GA. To apply for a 10day retreat visit For further details: 704.277.5013, 704.563.5440,

Hindu Center of Charlotte The Hindu Center is located at 7400 City View Drive, Charlotte, NC 28212. Temple Phone: 704.535.3440. The library is stocked with books, CDs, DVDs and other materials on varied genre such as religion, culture, history, philosophy, yoga and health. Library info: 704.554.0765. Children’s Religious Oriented Program (C.R.O.P.) is for children Kindergarten through 12th grade to educate them in culture and understand religious practices. A glimpse on understanding The Bhagvad Gita provides children with an opportunity to learn about the GITA with simplicity, ease and in an inclusive discussion format. Information on CROP 704.547.1676 (Chetna Patel) The Senior Citizens Group meets on the 1st Sunday of every month at 4 pm and followed by Satyanarayan Katha at 5 pm. Future trips and activities are in the planning stages. Info on the group: 704.334.2462 (Gobind Bhojwani). The sloka class teaches children above the age of five different Hindu hymns, their meaning and significance. The class meets Sundays at 9:30 am. Info on the class: 704.814.9355 (Lakshmi Muthukrishnan). Info on the Social Welfare Committee: 704.372.1265 (Narain Amar) or 704.948.5609 (Dhinakaran Pillai). The Vedic Havan is held at the vedant hall on second Sunday of every month at 10:30 am to 12:00 pm noon followed by Prasadam. Info: 704.825.9223 (Swadesh Sawhney). The Pranayam classes are held Saturdays from 9:30 - 11 am in the Vivek Hall. Info: 704.649.5374 (Kajal Jain), 704.554.0765 (Manisha Naik), or call 281.304.5597 (Sanjay Vyas) Yoga classes are held Sundays at 9 am. Info: 704.864.8212 Free Table Tennis Open Play & Coaching is available for Members and their families (especially children 10 years and over). The hours are from 6.30pm to 10:00pm every Wednesday in the Vihar Hall. No prior registration is necessary. There are five good tables and can add more as necessary. Free coaching is also available from Srinivas Janardhan (SJ) and three other experienced certified coaches from Charlotte Table Tennis Club (CTTC). For further details visit or contact SJ (, Hemant Amin ( or Chetan Thakke r ( Upcoming Events: Oct 6 - Dussera/Vijyadashmi Celebration from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Oct 9 - Kids’ Garba from 5 – 8 pm. Oct 14 & 15 - Sharad Purnima at Grady Cole Center. For further details:

Classical Music Association of Charlotte (CMAC) CMAC sponsors many classical concerts during the year in Charlotte. Membership forms are available at concerts. Upcoming Events: Sun, Oct 30, 2011: Violin concert featuring Kanyakumari with Patri Satish Kumar on mridangam. The wonderful performance will begin at 3:30pm. For further details: 704.541.3361 (Rama Rachakonda), 704.814.9355 (Lakshmi Muthukrishnan), Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of India (EVFI) was established to help in the overall development of the remote tribal and rural villages in India. Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of USA along with EVFI is committed to the cause of eradicating illiteracy from tribal areas. Education is the key to self-esteem, self-sustenance, economic well being and happiness. Ekal Vidyalya (One School One Teacher in one village) plans to establish 100,000 schools in tribal areas by 2012. This will cover all the villages in tribal areas where there are no schools today. The Carolinas Region of the EVFUSA conducts fund raising and awareness programs in North and South Carolina. For further details: Ekal Charlotte Chapter: Neena Narumanchi / Ekal Columbia: Janak Dalal /


October 2011

Opening in October

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October 2011

America’s Largest Network of Indian Professionals. NetIP Charlotte provides a forum for on-going Career Developmental and Professional Networking activities. It arranges various events and maintains deeper ties with Businesses & the community. It provides various effective ways for Carolinas’ Indian Professionals to connect with other successful professionals. For further details:

Indian Performing Arts Association of Charlotte (IPAAC) IPAAC (Indian Performing Arts Association of Charlotte) promotes classical Hindustani music by inviting well-known regional and national artists from India. Sat Oct 8, 2011 at 6pm at CPCC Central Campus in Tate Hall Sitar and Veena Jugalbandi concert by Gaurav Majumdar and Nirmala Rajasekar. Sitar: Gaurav Majumdar. Veena: Nirmala Rajasekar. Tabla: Vishal Nagar Mringdarm: Thanjavaur K. Murugaboopathi. For further details: Sarla Kumar 704.846.4423 Chaula Jain 704.364.0984

Pratham - Charlotte Area Pratham is India’s largest non-profit organization with grass roots programs in the area of primary education. Pratham has made an impact on the learning levels of several million children through its Read India campaign, which reached 31 million children across India. Pratham has developed an accelerated learning technique which helps children to read & write in two months. With nearly half the children in India who attend schools are not learning to read and write at the required level, Pratham is trying to fill an important gap in the area of primary education. Info: Anju Desai ( or 980-622-0125) and Shubhra Chakraborty ( or 704-942-4798).

Indian Visual Artists Association of Charlotte (IVAAC) IVAAC was founded by artists of Indian origin living in the Charlotte area in their pursuit of a creative outlet, stemming from an urge to express the flow of their innate artistic moods and ideas. The vision is to promote the enigmatic and intriguing Indian culture into meaningful forms of expression that exposes the rich traditions and diversity of one of the most ancient civilizations on earth, in today’s global culture and to create an organization that provides planning and funding required to ensure and support a vibrant Indian art community. For further details: 704.540.8799 (Amit Shah), 704.688.5387 (Kinshuk Agarwal)

Probasi of Charlotte Probasi is the Bengali community based in Charlotte and surrounding areas. The community’s goal is to organize cultural and educational program related to Bengal in the Greater Charlotte area, to increase Bengali cultural awareness, and to provide community service in the area. For further details:

Kiran KIRAN is a multi-cultural, non-religious, community based, South Asian organization. Promoting the self-reliance and empowerment of South Asian women who are in crisis through outreach, peer support, and referrals in a confidential manner. The group spreads awareness of South Asian women’s issues in the community and we cooperate and collaborate with organizations in the USA and elsewhere with similar objectives. Countries in South Asia include Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Though there are differences in language, customs, and religions across these countries, these regions share many basic cultural and historical similarities. KIRAN operates a crisis phone line Monday- Friday from 9:00 am – 9:00 pm. For help or information regarding domestic violence call an advocate. Services offered are confidential and free of charge: • Information in a culture- and context-sensitive manner • Non-judgmental help and support to women who are experiencing oppressive/crisis situations • Emotional support • Referrals to professional and community services regarding legal issues, health care, short-term child care, psychological counseling, and temporary shelter and housing • KIRAN’s services are completely confidential. Translators and crisis counselors do not disclose any information provided by our clients. Info: Crisis Hotline: 1877- NC-KIRAN or 1-877-625-4726

Sahaj Marg Meditation- Charlotte Area Sahaj Marg, which means Simple or Natural path, is a Raj Yoga system of spiritual training based on the heart centered meditation. The unique features of this meditation include transmission of divine energy into the heart of the practitioner and cleaning of deep impressions, thereby regulating the mind. Regular practice of this system of meditation integrates the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of human being. In Charlotte, group meditation is held at the Unity of Charlotte on Sundays and Wednesdays. For further details: Arun and Promila Sehra 704.844.0147 Srikanth Katakam 704.496.4411 / Shree Swaminarayan Satsang Mandal Vadtal On the 1st Saturday of every month, Shree Swaminarayan Satsang Mandal Vadtal has kirtans and bhajans at the Hindu Center of Charlotte at 5 pm. After the bhajans, there is Aarti and Mahaprasad. Also, on the 3rd Sunday of every month, an additional Satsang Sabha is held at sponsor’s house at 3 - 5 pm. For further details: 704.392.4488 - Ramesh Dhanani Shri Rang Avadhut Parivar (Parspar Devo Bhav) Soul devotees of Guru Dattatraya Rang Avadhut and Shri Prem Avadhut meet every Thursday evening in Charlotte, NC from 7 - 8 pm. for recital of Datta-Bavani, singing devotional Dattatraya Bhajans and reading Guru-Lilamrut. Detailed information about

Net IP Charlotte NetIP Charlotte is the only official Carolinas chapter of North


October 2011


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October 2011

Greensboro Cricket Club (GCC) Good news for cricket lovers! There are several teams that play cricket in Greensboro. The goals of GCC are fun, fitness, and friendship. For info on play and location contact below players. For further details: 336.501.3566 (9:00 am - 9:00 pm, S&S) Dev, Greensboro Warriors,; Venky, Triad Tigers,

Charlotte meetings, literature, videos, Nareshwar Ashram and Shri Avadhut’s life is available on request. For further details: Bharat Shah - 704.724.6247 Nagesh Patel - 704.399.7805 SouthPark Cricket Club South Park Cricket Club is based in Charlotte, North Carolina and it has been an active member of the Mid Atlantic Cricket Conference since 2002. The club’s home ground is located at the Reedy Creek Park, 2900 Rocky River Road, Charlotte, NC. For further details: 847.722.9865 (Baseet Ahmed),

Gujarati Cultural Association of Piedmont (GCAP) The Gujarati Cultural Association of Piedmont serves the Asian Indian community through sponsored events, cultural, educational and social programs. GCAP, 127 Landmark Drive, Greensboro, NC 27410 For further details: Narendra Patel: 336.601.1978 (Pres.) Dipak Patel: 919.478.4759 (Vice Pres.)

Srishti of Charlotte Srishti based in Charlotte, North Carolina, over the past 6+ years has emerged to fulfill the North Carolina community’s need for togetherness and the desire to showcase Bengali culture, heritage, literature, theatre, music and popular arts. Literally, the word Srishti means an act of creation. Though established and coordinated by a group of Bengali families, Srishti welcomes and brings together people of varied cultures, ethnicity, languages, background and nationalities who are interested in East Indian traditions. Members include not only Bengalis but also Indians from other parts of the country and a few foreign nationals too. For further details: Samiksha Bose: 704-321-1964 Santanu Sarkar: 704-541-3451 Rituparna Mukherjee: 704-844-9505

India Association of the Triad The objective of the Association is to promote social, cultural and educational interests of its members, develop understanding between members of the Indian community and other residents of the Triad, and make the latter aware of issues of concern to the Indian community. Hindi Language classes are available. For further details: 336.656.0203 (Dhananjay Kumar) Indo-US Cultural Association of Winston-Salem The Indo-US Cultural Association’s primary mission is to increase awareness of the cultural heritage of India which is tremendously rich in its diversity and history. The Association seeks to reach out to the thriving Indian-American community within the Piedmont and Triad areas to share the vibrant Indian culture and promote cross-cultural understanding. For further details: Manjunath C Shamanna, 336.413.5090

Tamil Catholics of Charlotte Tamil Catholics living in the Charlotte-Greensboro area interested in attending monthly mass in Tamil contact United Cricket Club Forming a team this March of experienced as well as beginners that love cricket. Team will play in the Atlantic League. Practice is every Sunday at Reedy Creek Park (11 to 4pm). Sunday and Monday evenings for ages 15 and up. Join the fun. For further details: 704.905.9127(Captain-Syed) 704.493.7629(Vice Captain-Mohsan)

Life Bliss Foundation The NC Chapter offers workshops, books, CD’s, and DVD’s on spirituality and enlightenment from living enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Many videos are available on YouTube. Satsang in Greensboro is held the first Wednesday of each month. The meeting includes meditation, video discourse, and Q&A. Satsang Location: First Wednesday of the month, 6:30 - 8 pm, Integrative Therapies, 7-E Oak Branch Drive, Greensboro NC 27407. Meditation workshops are taught on a regular basis by the foundation. For further details: 336.644.1111

Greensboro Art of Living (Greensboro) The Art of Living Foundation offers programs to uncover the strength, peace, and joy that lie at the core of every human being. Part I courses are offered regularly in Chapel Hill, Raleigh, Charlotte and now Greensboro. The Part I course covers breathing techniques to eliminate stress & tension; skills for improving relationships at home & at work; practical wisdom to get the most out of life; insight into the laws that govern the mind & emotions; low-impact yoga and the masterpiece of the Art of Living Course is a powerful breathing-based technique called Sudarshan Kriya, or the healing breath. For further details: Nirupama Shankar @ Puja Verma @

Life Mission, USA This ashram has been established to provide helpful benefits for all - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. All these benefits can be achieved through the natural remedies of yoga therapy, ayurveda, naturopathy and diet. 8136 NC Highway 119 South Mebane, NC 27302. Upcoming Programs: Oct 4: Durgashtami (5 - 9 pm) Oct 11: Sharad Purnima (5 - 8 pm) 98

October 2011

and Language. AANC celebrates Assamese festivals and organizes cultural activities like Bihu Dance, music, songs and social get-togethers with essential touch of Assamese culture. Everyone from Assam as well as anyone with any connection to or interest in Assam or Assamese culture is most welcomed. For further details: 919.200.4020

Oct 26: Diwali Annakut/Laxmi Poojan (5 - 8 pm) Weekend of Nov 24: Health Retreat For further details: 336.421.0690 Sri Sathya Sai Baba Center of Greensboro, NC The Center regularly conducting Sai Bhajans, Study Circle, various service activities and SSE class (for students) in Greensboro, NC all Sundays — 9:45 am to 12:15 pm For further details: Swami Rajendran 908-875-6964 Dr. Varatharajah 336-851-9150

Academic Foundation for International Cultural Exchange (AFICE) Interested in exploring the diverse cultures of the world? Become a host family for a high school exchange student! All the students will come from various countries around the world, and all students speak fluent English. They are of high school age (1518) and will attend local high school in their respective communities. Each student will live as member of their American host family, sharing household duties and responsibilities. AFICE is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to bringing cultural gaps by allowing foreign students the opportunity to live as part of an American community. For further details:

Temple of the Holy Name Prabhupada Village is a rural Hare Krishna community situated in the beautiful foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Every Sunday at 3 pm come and enjoy chanting, dancing, feasting and discussing philosophy. The Temple is located at 1283 Prabhupada Rd, Sandy Ridge, NC 27046 For further details: 336.593.9888

Art of Living (Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill) The Art of Living Foundation offers “Art of Living” Course that teaches you practical tools to better handle the stresses of daily life, to unlock their deepest potential and bring fullness to life. In the Art of Living course participants will learn and experience: Breathing techniques that heal and harmonize the body, mind, and spirit, eliminate stress & tension; Skills for handling negative emotions and situations; Practical wisdom for improving work and relationships; Insight into the laws that govern the mind & emotions; Low-impact yoga. The masterpiece of the Art of Living Course is a powerful breathing-based technique called Sudarshan Kriya, or the healing breath. It is immensely powerful and incorporates specific natural rhythms of breath to release stress and purify the entire system by releasing toxins at the deepest cellular level. Ongoing research has shown that the rhythmic breathing technique Sudarshan Kriya, and its accompanying practices (SK&P) can lead to improved physical, mental and emotional health. Info: Phone: 919-275-0443 (Priti Manmode) E-Mail:

Triad Hindu Temple The Triad Hindu Temple is located at 2424 Huffine Mill Rd., Greensboro. Its mission is to serve the Hindu Community and promote Hindu Culture through religious, social and educational activities. Regularly scheduled events include Puja, bhajans, children’s programs, celebration of holidays and community service. For further details:

Triad Nepalese Community Center (TNCC) TNCC is an association of Nepalese and friends living in the Piedmont Triad area of North Carolina. The Piedmont Triad region encompasses the cities of Greensboro, High Point and Winston-Salem, and the surrounding areas. TNCC was established with a view to: Bring together Nepalese residents of this region and their friends to work cohesively toward preserving and promoting Nepalese ethnicity, culture and arts; Promote friendship, cooperation and mutual respect among the Nepalese people and the diverse Triad community; Provide direct and supportive services to the community; Empower community members to achieve skills and confidence in order to contribute to the well being of the Triad community, our newfound home; Collaborate closely with local organizations and agencies to fulfill our mission to address any challenges of our community. For further details:

Association for India’s Development (AID) Duke University Chapter AID’s mission is effect social change in India, by supporting projects with grassroots non-governmental organization in India in the areas of literacy, health care, rural credit, women’s empowerment etc. For further details:

Raleigh AANC - Assamese Association of North Carolina AANC is a Socio Cultural organization with the objective of promoting and providing understanding of Assamese Culture

Balagokulam Gokulam is where Lord Krishna’s magical childhood days were spent. It was here that his divine powers came to light. Every child has that spark of divinity within. Balagokulam is a forum for children (4-15 years age) to discover and manifest that


October 2011


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October 2011

divinity. It will enable Hindu children in the US to appreciate their cultural roots and learn values. This is done through games, yoga, stories, songs, shlokas, arts/crafts, and Seva (selfless service) in the community. Balagokulam sessions are free for all and are held on Saturdays. For further details: (Charlotte region) BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir BAPS Shree Swaminarayan Hindu Mandir invites everyone to the regularly scheduled events: Ravi sabha - every Sunday at 4 6 pm followed by Aarti and Maha Prasad. Mahapuja – every Purnima at 7 pm. Many classes are conducted. Fresh Indian snacks and sweets available at Shayona. 1020 Aviation Parkway, Morrisville, NC 27560. For further details: 919.469.6605 Bengali Association of North Carolina (BANC) BANC seeks to promote Bengali culture, language, music, arts and social activities by offering varieties of programs for members of INDO-American community within North Carolina and adjacent states. The association is organized exclusively for charitable, cultural, social and educational purposes. For further details: 919.461.2386 (Ratan Ray), 919.510.7943 (Swaty Sen), Bharatiya Senior Citizens of North Carolina (BSCNC) BSCNC is a nonprofit organization for senior citizens of Indian origin that are age of 60 years and above. The BSCNC members meet on the second Saturday of each month at Cary Senior Center in Bond Park in Cary NC from 10am to 3pm. The next meeting will be on Sat Oct 8 at which there will be a lecture on Physical Therapy and ``Navratri Dandia Ras’’ and other activities will be celebrated. For further details: Harish Shah 919.387.1629, Mahendra Patel 919.793.6588, Raojibhai Patel 919.866.4391, Mulchand Patel 252.446.7891 Carolina Rajasthani Association Visit the the organization’s website for upcoming events. Sushma Maheshwari - 919-880-8529, Shruti Singhi - 919-412-4819, Chinmaya Mission Chinmaya Mission is a worldwide non-profit organization promoting spiritual growth, started by Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda. The Chinmaya Mission Raleigh Durham (CMRDU) chapter conducts Balavihar classes from 3 year old to youth on Sunday from 10 am to 11:30 am at Reedy Creek Middle School, Cary. The classes are tailored to each age group by special curriculum created by experienced Swamijis and Acharyas exclusively for CM Balavihar. Trained teachers conduct the classes. Curriculum includes learning to chant the Bhagavad-Gita verses, shlokas, singing devotional bhajans, stories from


scriptures, family pujas, meditation, and fun activities like overnight lock-ins, picnics, and competitions. Introduction to Hindi and Sanskrit is also included. This year’s theme being Rama - My Brother, the children will learn to incorporate helpful virtues throughout their life. All festivals are celebrated with families and Prasad. Parents wishing to enroll their children in Balavihar can register through the website. A regular adult study group is conducted for adults on Sunday mornings at Reedy Creek Middle School, as well as other locations in the Triangle are of North Carolina. For further details: Venkat Mandavilli at 919.387.8434 Srinivas Andhavarapu at 919.439.4444 Dada Bhagwan Satsang Don’t miss on the lifetime event of “Gnan Vidhi” which opens up the path to “Moksha” - everyone is encouraged to procure details of the “Gnan Vidhi” at their nearest location. Meanwhile, download some spiritual books and enrich the spiritual foundation. Subscriptions for monthly spiritual magazine “Dadavani” are also available. When in India, don’t miss opportunity to visit Tri Mandir at Adalaj near Ahmedabad. Visit and watch Satsang on Web TV. For children - visit Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation RTP Chapter Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of India (EVFI) was established to help in the overall development of the remote tribal and rural villages in India. Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of USA along with EVFI is committed to the cause of eradicating illiteracy from tribal areas. Education is the key to self-esteem, self-sustenance, economic well being and happiness. Ekal Vidyalya (One School One Teacher in one village) plans to establish 100,000 schools in tribal areas by 2012. This will cover all the villages in tribal areas where there are no schools today. The Raleigh Chapter EVFUSA conducts fund raising and awareness programs in the Triangle. For further details: Ekal/RTP: Geet Bazaar Radio Program Every Sunday morning from 10 am - 12 noon on WKNC 88.1 FM, join hosts Afroz Taj and John Caldwell, for a wide variety of music from India, Pakistan, and other countries and languages of South Asia. Geet Bazaar will also publicize community events free of charge. For further details: 919.851.1119 (Dr. Afroj Taj) GEM - Raleigh Church of God Attend worship services, prayer meetings or Sunday School. For further details: 919.395.6208 (Pastor Thankachan M.) Heritage India Association of North Carolina (HIANC) Heritage India Association of NC aims at providing Indian cultural experience through performing arts, cultural arts, fine arts & crafts of India. Its mission is “to preserve and promote Indian heritage and culture.” During the year, Heritage India October 2011

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October 2011

Association of North Carolina presents several events and also coordinates Indian dances for the main stage performances for the Raleigh International Festival. For further details: Yash Garg at 919-870-5222 or Harsha Shah at 919-362-0520. Email: Hindi Vikas Mandal of NC Hindi Vikas Mandal (HVM), based in the RTP area, promotes study and appreciation of Hindi language and strives to foster Indian culture and traditions through Hindi. HVM has a special focus on the youths for the preservation of Indian Culture and heritage. For further details: Saroj Sharma 919.851.0225 V.P. Tiwari 919.423.0365 Hindu Society of North Carolina - Morrisville, NC The Hindu Society of North Carolina, located at 309 Aviation Parkway, Morrisville, N.C. serves the Indian community in the Triangle area and its vicinity. Temple timings are: Mon. - Fri. 8 11 am and 5 - 9 pm, Sat. - Sun. 8 am - 7 pm. Daily Aarti and Puja is also conducted by the Priest. Other regular religious and cultural programs: Monthly Vedic Havan, Tuesday Hauman Chalisa recitation, Sri Ramakrishna Study Group, Sri Sai Baba Group, Gita Study Group, Devi Puja, Vaishnav Bhajan Group, Akhand Ramayana Recitation, Weekend Language and Spiritual Knowledge Classes, and Sloka classes for Children. Yoga classes are also offered twice a week (Sunday at 8:00 a.m.and Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.) at the Cultural Hall. Priest services are available at your home and / or at the Temple at a nominal charge. For Further Details: Saroj Sharma at 919.654.5224 or 919.851.1225 Arvind Shah 919.434.8021 Hindu Students Council (HSC) - NC State University HSC-NCSU is a chapter of the national organization Hindu Students Council (HSC). HSC-NCSU is a cultural and religious student organization. It aims to provide opportunities to learn about Hindu philosophy, spirituality and cultural heritage through various activities, events and projects and is dedicated to provide “seva” (service) to the community. For further details: 919.676.0298 (Mrinmoyee Sanyal) Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS) The HSS conducts weekly activities to develop character and leadership skills in participants, emphasizing values such as selfdiscipline, self-confidence and a spirit of selfless service (seva) for humanity while maintaining Hindu cultural identity in harmony with the larger society. HSS is inspired by the idea that the whole world is one family. HSS started in 1989 in the United States and currently has over 100 chapters (shakhas) across the country. The Research Triangle Park chapter meets every Saturday. Activities are tailored to include yoga, games, songs, lectures and discussions on Hindu dharma and culture. For further details: - Triangle area - Charlotte region.


Hum Sub Hum Sub is dedicated to sharing the social and cultural traditions of India with the residents of the Research Triangle Park and North Carolina. For further details: 919.367.0461 (Sonali Luniya) 919.851.5959 (Poonam Gupta) Indian American Forum for Political Education (IAFPE) IAFPE, known as the FORUM, is the oldest and largest Indian American organization for political education in the country. This is a non-profit organization with numerous chapters throughout the United States. The North Carolina Chapter is in Raleigh and has just established a new committee for a 2-year term. IAFPE is excited and motivated to educate the community on political issues and help the community with various services. Support is needed from the community and members to help us grow and provide relevant services and informative events. For further details: Nilesh - 919.656.4361 Indian Classical Music & Dance Society (ICMDS) ICMDS is dedicated to the task of promoting Indian classical music and dance in the Triangle area. ICMDS invites the top artists from all over the world to perform in the Triangle area. Upcoming Events: Sun, Oct 23 at 2:30 pm: Carnatic Classical Concert by Vidwan O.S. Thyagarajan (Vocal), Vidwan Mullaivasal G. Chandramouli (Violin), Vidwan Ramesh Srinivasan (Mridangam) Venue: West Cary Middle School, Cary, NC For further details: Indo-American Friendship Foundation Did you know that about 90 percent of rural orphans are female and most of them are abandoned at birth due to their gender? Not one of them gets the opportunity to become a doctor, engineer, or even receive basic education. Because they cannot live in the orphanage when they turn 18, many of them fall victim to different types of exploitation, including sex trade. IAFF has created an orphanage education fund to help qualified orphans to rise as high as they can climb. For further details:  919.362.7653 (Dr. Subhas C. Mohapatra) Indus Foundation Indus Foundation was founded in NC by a group of professionals with the sole purpose of giving back to the community and the country that has helped members achieve success. Every dollar is wisely spent back into the community without any overheads. Current major projects: Indian Cancer Society rehabilitation Center in Mumbai, Mental Healthcare Center for socially rejected Women in Indore, and educational centers in Gurgaon. Adopt an on-going project or launch a new project under specific guidelines. Help build a better tomorrow. For further details: 919.461.0001 (Dr. Vinnie Goel, Chairman) October 2011

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October 2011

International Community Church Th ICC is a worship center for people from India and neighboring countries. The pastor is Joseph B. Jesudason and the church office is located at 1215 Franklin Jones Road, Suite #204, Raleigh, NC 27606. For further details: 919.233.2900 International Hindi Association International Hindi Association (IHA) promotes Hindi language and literature and has chapters all over the United States. The Raleigh Chapter periodically organizes Kavi Sammelans with local and indigenous talents. Open to those interested in listening to poetry or in reciting poetry. For further details: 919.656.5224 (Saroj Sharma) 919.678.9056 (Sudha Om Dhingra) International Swaminarayan Satsang Organization (ISSO) Primary objective of ISSO is “To advance the Sanatan Dharma in accordance with the principles and teachings of Shree Swaminarayan Sampradaya, founded and ordained by Lord Shree Swaminarayan (Shree Sahajanand Swami),” enabling His devotees from both the Nar Narayan Dev Gadi (Ahmedabad) and Laxmi Narayan Dev Gadi (Vadtal) to practice their religious duties in harmony. The Raleigh-Durham chapter organizes a “Satsang Sabha” every two weeks, typically on Friday or Saturday evenings, which includes Kirtan bhakti, Katha, Aarti and Mahaprasad. For further details: 919.363.2356 (Niraj Joshi) Kiran KIRAN is a multi-cultural, non-religious, community based, South Asian organization. Promoting the self-reliance and empowerment of South Asian women who are in crisis through outreach, peer support, and referrals in a confidential manner. The group spreads awareness of South Asian women’s issues in the community and we cooperate and collaborate with organizations in the USA and elsewhere with similar objectives. Countries in South Asia include Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Though there are differences in language, customs, and religions across these countries, these regions share many basic cultural and historical similarities. KIRAN operates a crisis phone line Monday- Friday from 9:00 am – 9:00 pm. For help or information regarding domestic violence call an advocate. Services offered are confidential and free of charge: • Information in a culture- and context-sensitive manner • Non-judgmental help and support to women who are experiencing oppressive/crisis situations • Emotional support • Referrals to professional and community services regarding legal issues, health care, short-term child care, psychological counseling, and temporary shelter and housing • KIRAN’s services are completely confidential. Translators and crisis counselors do not disclose any information provided by our clients. Info:


Crisis Hotline: 1877- NC-KIRAN or 1-877-625-4726 Lakulish Yoga and Health Retreat Lakulish Yoga and Health Retreat is a secluded resort in Caswell County, located at 8136 N.C. Highway 119 South, Mebane, NC 27302. It is a place of natural beauty that stimulates a spirit of detachment and inspires and uplifts visitors. This resort is hallowed by a Yogi, a Sanyasi who ensures that the true practice of Dharm and Yoga flourishes here, offering the North Carolina community and visitors an ongoing program of free Yoga Classes. The classes are offered each Wednesday from 6 - 8 pm, and each Saturday from 11 am - 1 pm. For further details: 336.421.0690 Nuv Yug Nuv Yug is a cultural organization with a mission to promote awareness of Indian cultural arts and heritage. Striving to create synergy among various cultural groups from the South Asian region. For further details: Pakistani American Association The Pakistani-American Association (NCPAA) is a non-political, non-sectarian, cultural and social organization that promotes Pakistani culture to all the communities living in the Triangle Area of North Carolina. Several events are presented during the year. A family dinner is held on the second Friday of every month. For further details: Pratham - Triangle Area Founded as a UNICEF initiative, Pratham is a grass-roots organization that works towards universalizing primary education in India. With a goal of reaching 20 million children, Pratham is one of the largest NGOs in field of literacy movement in India. Pratham continues to evolve, grow and works to meet the continually changing needs of the children it educates. Pratham’s North Carolina chapter actively aims to collaborate with individuals, local organizations and community associations and seeks ideas, volunteers and resources to deliver the vision of “Every Child in School and Learning Well.” For details: Gunvant Bhakta, 919-488-8975; Punit Chhabra, 919-380-9569; Sudha Rathie, 919-481-4451. For further details: Priyadarshini Arts Known for their unique dance drama pieces, is a non-profit, duo sister team, promoting India’s Vedic and modern heritage through the various forms of dance and acting. For further details: Varshana at

October 2011

Professional Indians’ Association [PIA] PIA is a meetup that serves young South Asian professionals in the Triangle Community. The group is made of Indian professionals and grad students interested in cultural events, socializing and meeting/making friends with like-minded people around the Triangle. Monthly events include meeting at bars/restaurants, Bollywood movie nights, potlucks, Indian concerts/performances, outdoor activities, community service and volunteering. This will also be an opportunity to share their thoughts on respective industries, social causes, and politics. For further details:

S. V. Temple of North Carolina S.V. Temple of North Carolina is built on over nine acres of centrally connected triangle area. This grand tribute to Lord Venkateswara and his consorts is designed to exacting standards of shilpa shasthra and features the only shrine in North America to incorporate abodes to Lord Viswaksena and Lord Sudarshana/Lord Narasimha as part of Srinivasa Parivaram. The temple rituals are performed in accordance with Pancharathra Agama Shastra. For further details: 919.468.0040

Raleigh Karaoke Group Raleigh Karaoke Group meets once a month, normally on the first Friday, for the South East Asian community of the entire Triangle area to showcase their talent and lose themselves in the nostalgia through song. The October session will be held on Friday 7 October, from 7:30 to 11:30 PM at Zayka Indian Cuisine in the Brier Creek area – phone (919) 361-5370. Choose from over 15,000 Hindi Film, Non-Film, Ghazals, Punjabi, Kanada, Koli, Konkani, Malayalam, Malayalam Muslim, Marathi, Oriya, and English Songs. Events are free and open to the entire music loving community for singing or listening to your friends. Info: Shafi Parekh at (919) 413-3924, or Email at

Sahaj Marg Meditation - Triangle Area Sahaj Marg translates to “The Natural Path.” It is a natural, simple system of Raja Yoga meditation and spiritual practice that helps one realize the ultimate potential within oneself. Regular spiritual practice under capable guidance enables aspirants to progressively experience the sublime presence of the divine in their daily lives. Sahaj Marg system of meditation is freely offered to seekers worldwide through Shri Ram Chandra Mission. In the Triangle area of North Carolina, group meditations are held on Sundays and Wednesdays. For further details: (919) 303-7447 (Raj Solanki) (919) 493-6180 (Devi Sekar)>,

Raleigh Sai Center Parthi Sai devotees of Triangle area meet every Sunday from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm in the Mini-Hall of Hindu Bhavan in Morrisville. There will be Study circle, Bhajan Practice, Veda Chanting etc. during the 4-5 pm slot depending on the week, followed by bhajans from 5:00 - 6:00. The center carries out several service activities as well. The Human Values Education (SSE) classes for the children of different age group will be from 3:30 - 5:00. All are invited to participate in the Satsangh and service activities. For further details: Ganesh Kumar, President, Raleigh Sai Center at (919) 413 0579 or (919) 833-7523 E-mail Ramakrishna Vedanta Society of North Carolina The Ramakrishna Vedanta Society of NC draws inspiration from the timeless, philosophical wisdom of the Vedanta as practiced and preached in the modern day by Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi and Swami Vivekananda. Perhaps you know a great deal about Practical Vedanta and the message of the harmony of religions and the spiritual oneness of Existence - or perhaps you are just curious and want to learn more. Regardless of background, the organization welcomes participants. For further details: RTP Maharashtra Mandal RTP Maharashtra Mandal promotes Maharashtrian culture and language. Maharashtra mandal is committed to serve RTP community with various cultural, social and traditional Marathi programs and events. For further details: 919.468.8824 (Jayant Yete) 919.757.7300 (Neeraj Shikarkhane)


SAMPIGE - Triangle Kannada Association The Triangle Kannada Association is a cultural association for people residing in the Triangle area from Karnataka, India. Sampige organizes Kannada (the language spoken in the Karnataka area) activities in music, dance and drama as well as socialand community activities. For further details: Share and Care Foundation Carolina Chapter Share and Care Foundation Carolina Chapter is part of Share and Care Foundation based in New Jersey. It is a charitable organization focused their work in Rural India and their main goal is to empower children and women by providing funding to NGOs for their education, vocational training and micro-loans. More than 90 percent of donations reach the empowered people with the least administration and marketing cost. For further details: 919.237.2816 (Manu Patel), 919.481.4618 (Piyush Patel) Sikh Gurdwara of North Carolina The Sikh Gurudwara of North Carolina welcomes visitors of all backgrounds regardless of race, religion, ethnicity or gender. All peoples, regardless of their origin or orientation, are welcome to attend our services and share in the blessings of God. Religious services are held every Saturday evening and Sunday morning, followed by a community meal (langar). In addition to religious services, we offer educational programs for children and young adults. Adults participate in religious discourse during monthly study circles. Members of the Sangat (congregation) regularly October 2011

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October 2011

participate in community service projects in the Triangle area. The Sikh Gurdwara at North Carolina is located at 3214 Banner Street in Durham, NC 27704. For further details: 919.220.9917 South Indian Fine Arts Academy (SIFAA) SIFAA is a non-profit organization that works to arrange and promote concerts and performances in the Triangle and Triad areas, concentrating on Carnatic music for the present. Sat Oct 8 at 6:30pm - Padmasri Kadri Gopalnath (Saxaphone), Smt. K. A. Kanya Kumari (Violin) Sri. B. Harikumar (Mridangam), Sri. Rajendra Nakod (Tabla). Venue: Green Hope High School, 2500 Carpenter Upchurch Road, Cary, NC 27519 Sun Oct 16 at 4pm - Sikkil Gurucharan (Vocal), Nagai Sriram (Violin) & Tiruvayur Bhakthavatsalam (Mridangam). Senior Citizen Ctr, Bond Park, 801 High House Rd, Cary, NC 27513 Sun Nov 12 at 4pm - Gayathri Venkatraghavan (Vocal), Mysore Srikanth (Violin) & Neyveli Skandasubramanian (Mridangam). Venue will be announced soon. For further details: 919.773.1580 Sri Shirdi SaiBaba Mandir NC SSMNC promotes Sai philosophy and facilitates worship and services similar to Shirdi SaiBaba Temple, located in Shirdi-India. This Organization is dedicated to sponsor and support religious, spiritual, cultural, educational and charitable activities in the United States and abroad. Mandir Timings: Monday - Friday 9 10 am, 12 noon - 1pm, 6 - 9 pm. Sat - Sun 9 am - 9pm. Details at or call 919.386.1085. St. Gregorios Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church Holy Qurbana and Sunday school are held in Malayalam/English, led by Reverend Dr. M. K. Thomas at 225 Bashford Road, Raleigh, NC. For further details: 919.461.1773 Tamil Cultural Association of North Carolina (TCA NC) TCA NC is a non-profit organization formed for the purpose of providing youths with exposure to Tamil culture. Everyone is invited to join TCA and become part of a wonderful organization promoting Tamil culture in the Triangle area. For further details: Tamil Sangam of Carolina The Tamil Sangam is an organization that promotes understanding of Tamil culture and provides a medium for people of Tamil culture to get together. The activities include music, drama, lectures, Tamil movies, etc. For further details: (919)-465-1606 - Ravi Shanmugam (President of Tamil Sangam)

Telugu Christian Fellowship of NC (TCFNC) The Telugu Christian Fellowship of North Carolina (TCFNC) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to reach out to Telugu Christians living in North Carolina, to be united and bonded together as a Telugu Christian family of God and encourage and pray for each other. TCFNC provides a place for Telugu Christians for worship, prayer and fellowship. They also provide a forum for kids to grow in the knowledge of the Lord and to equip them to be ambassadors of Jesus Christ. The group organizes, each year, an Annual Telugu Christian Family Conference. For further details: / Phone: 919-43-TCFNC (82362) Triangle Area Telugu Association (TATA) The Triangle Area Telugu Association (TATA) is a non-profit organization (started in 1983) committed to building a vibrant Telugu Community and promoting Telugu culture and language in the Triangle area of North Carolina. For further details: Triangle Bangladesh Society (TBSNC) TBSNC strives to arrange musical programs by artists who have captured the hearts and minds of millions of Bengali-, Urdu- and Hindi-speaking music fans all around the globe. For further details: 919.741.9343 (Ishtiaque Mohiuddin) Triangle Chapter-India Development & Relief Fund (IDRF) IDRF supports volunteer-based, honest and highly experienced non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in India in serving their populations’ critical needs around education, childcare, healthcare, women empowerment and tribal welfare, as well as relief and rehabilitation in times of natural disasters. For further details: Triangle Gujarati Association (TGA) Triangle Gujarati Organization is a non-profit Organization with a mission to promote Gujarati culture in the Triangle area. The goals are to serve the Gujarati community by organizing various events throughout the year and impart Gujarati culture and language on the youth. Upcoming events: Sat Oct 15: Sharad Purnima @ HSNC Main Hall. Sat Nov 5: Diwali For further details: Triangle Indian Youth Organization (TIYO) This organization encourages youths of Indian origin between 12-18 years to develop skills for leadership, to organize teamoriented efforts, understand and participate in community services, understand and develop individual potential. Activities include education, arts, cultural, charity, religious and services. For further details: 919.363.7339 (Latha Pamarthi [Director of TIYO]) 110

October 2011

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October 2011

Triangle Rang Mandal Devotees of Pujya Sri Rang Avdhoot Maharaj meet every Saturday in Cary or Raleigh from 8:30 PM - 10:30 PM to sing devotional Dattatreya Bhajans and Datta-Bavani in a spiritual atmosphere. Special programs organised on Guru Purnima and Rang Jayanti and on the occasion of Pujya Sri Prem Avdhoot Bapji’s annual visit to the US. For further details: Triangle Vegetarian Society (TVS) The mission of TVS is to build a sense of community between current vegetarians and people who are interested in vegetarianism and have a forum for a discussion of issues. Upcoming Events: Sat Oct 22: Joint potluck with the Ethical Humanist Society of the Triangle at Durham Friends Meeting house, 404 Alexander Avenue, Durham, NC, beginning at 7 pm. After the potluck, three TVSers and three members of the Ethical Humanist Society of the Triangle will be on a panel to discuss views of ethics. Sat Nov 5: Vegan Potluck Dinner at the home of Jenny and Guy Finn, 101 Boland Way, Knightdale, NC 27545, at 7 pm. Vegan food only. You’re encouraged to bring hand instruments; the Finns will light a fire and have a drum circle. Call 919.389.7393 or 919.217.5767. Thu Nov 24: Annual Thanksgiving Feast at Café Parizäde - For the 13th year in a row, the Café Parizäde in Durham will be the venue for the Thanksgiving Feast. For further details: Two Cents of Hope (TCH) Two Cents of Hope was started by a group of Indian students at NC State University with the belief in empowering youth via education. The goal is to uplift the weaker sections of the society through education. The foundation lies in the power of cents giving TCH its name. As J. Carney put it, “Little drops of water, little grains of sand, make the mighty ocean, and the pleasant land.” By using coin boxes to collect loose change, the total donations result in a collection that yields considerable amount of money, enough to give education to a poor student - indeed a firm footing for the rest of his or her life. Apart from the coin collection other sources of funding includes fundraising events (Trishna, Crescendo, and Booth in Cary Diwali) and sponsors. In the last three years TCH has funded $21,689, which benefit 77 projects. For further details: Urdu Majlis Urdu Majlis is a literary organization for the promotion of Urdu language and literature and has no political, national or religious affiliations. The group has regularly scheduled monthly meetings in which enthusiasts and scholars of Urdu literature meet to discuss the life and works of a selected literary figure. For further details: 919.851.1119 (Dr. Afroz Taj) 919.596.4792 (Ashraf and Seema Faruqi)


Vaishnav Samaj of Triangle Area The Vaishnav Samaj is a group of like-minded devotees who meet for religious worship and understand Pushti Marg Principles at large. Recently, a sub-chapter of Vallabh Youth Organization (VYO) was formed. Regular Bhajan recitations are held 2nd Sunday of the month from 4-6 pm and Seniors are requested to encourage youngsters to participate in the activities. For further details: Arvindbhai Shah 919.233.7677 Vithalbhai Shah 919.467.4254 Navinbhai Parikh 919.387.8808

Regional Barsana Dham satsang [Greenville, NC] For further details: Madhu Sharma 336.404.7047 email: Cape Fear Cultural Association of India - Wilmington Cape Fear Cultural Association of India is an organization that promotes understanding of Indian culture and promotes a medium for people of Indian culture to get together. For further details: Shashin Patel, President. (910.790.9448) Sanjay Batish, Vice-President. (910.371.9860) Anjali Dashputre, Treasurer. (910.395.6633) Sukhbir Dhillon, Cultural Secretary (910.796.1965) Georgia Indo-American Chamber of Commerce The Georgia Indo-American Chamber of Commerce (GIACC) develops and promotes trade, business, commercial and professional relationships between India and the United States, especially within the state of Georgia. GIACC was formed recognizing the need for promoting bi-lateral activities among South Asian and mainstream communities in the United States and South Asia. For further details: 678.762.7589, 770.840.1925 - Hindu Bhavan of Fayetteville, NC Hindu Bhavan of Fayetteville, NC is a non profit organization. Ceremonies and events take place regularly. Temple: 907 Cedar Creek Road, Fayetteville, NC 28302. Upcoming Events: Oct 6: Vijaya Dashami; Dusshera Oct 26: Diwali For further details: 910.485.4626 910.484.8956 Hindu Society of Eastern NC (Greenville, NC) Sundays Oct 9, 16: Geeta Study 10.30am - 12 noon For further details: B.S. Srivatsa(508.654.0360) or write: October 2011

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October 2011

Sri Somesvara Temple Sri Somesvara Temple is located near Asheville, NC. Temple hours are 8 am - 7:30pm. Regularly scheduled pujas: Subrabhath Aarti - 8 am, Rudrabhishek Nityapuja - 9 am - 12 noon, Pradoshakala puja and mangala aarti - 6 pm - 7:30pm. The temple also hosts special events. Contact the temple: 828.476.4073. It is located at 95 Mount Soma Blvd., Clyde, NC 28721 For details visit:

South Carolina American South Asian Cultural Association of Columbia, SC The American South Asian Cultural Association of Columbia’s fundamental goal is to increase cultural awareness and develop cultural understanding among American Southeast Asian Community in Columbia area. A monthly Lunch meeting will be held on the Second Sunday of every month between 1 to 3pm. There will be $7.00 Per Person charge for Lunch (Kids Ages 6-10 pay half price) at Delhi Palace, 542 Saint Andrew Road, Columbia, 29210. Contact in the evenings: (803) 233-7042 OR (803) 233-3995. Bethel Christian Fellowship Bethel Christian Fellowship offers services in various Indian languages (i.e. Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, etc.) and Sunday Worship services are at 11:30 a.m. Address: Fort Mill Church of God, Student Life Center Building, 216 Academy Street, Room 102. Fort Mill, SC 29715 For further details: 803.792.7223 Pastor Rajan Samuel @ Carolina Buddhist Vihara (Greenville, SC) Regular beginner meditation program conducted by a Buddhist Monk. Activities are held Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings: 6:30 pm (puja), 7 pm (meditation), and 8 pm (“Dhamma” talk or discussion). A “youth program” is also held once a month. For further details: Hindu Society of Greater Spartanburg The daily Aarti is at 7pm, Balvihar classes are conducted from 10:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. on scheduled Sundays, and Satsang is on second Sunday every month from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Temple location: 1130 Fairview Church Rd., Boiling Springs, S.C. 29303. For further details: 864.599.7048 Hindu Temple of South Carolina The Hindu Temple and Cultural Center of South Carolina was established with an objective to fill the need for thousands of Hindus in the State of South Carolina to worship and pray together, perform sacraments and rituals, to observe and celebrate festivals, and to perform and engage in humanitarian and educational activities. For further details: India Assoc. of Greater Charleston (IAGC) The IAGC was founded in Charleston to bring together people who were interested in India and to provide a forum to increase the understanding of the heritage of India in US. For further details: 803.884.0859


International Fellowship Church of Greenville, SC International Fellowship Church offers Sunday worship services and other weekly activities for people of Indian origin. For further details: 864.234.1256 (Pastor Suhas Raiborde) Masjid Noor-UL-Huda The Mosque is located at 517 Winmet Drive, Columbia, S.C. On the first Saturday and third Saturday of every month from 6 PM to 8 PM, Islamic session is held by Hafiz Mohammed Basheer. Quranic Reading classes are conducted daily, and everyone is encouraged to send their children to these sessions. For further details: 803.749.0827 (Dr. Shami) 803.740.5127 (Qari Abdul Khader Multani) 803.754.2632 (Mosque main number) Mrudani School of Performing Arts Mrudani School of Performing Arts is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote the classical arts of India. Mrudani School offers classes in Bharathanatyam (Kalakshetra style) and Kuchipudi in Columbia, Orangeburg, and Charleston, SC. For further details: Monica @ 843.849.7841 Anuradha @ 803.347.3851 Sirigannada Sirigannada, the Kannada Association of South Carolina, a nonprofit organization was created on July 18, 2004 by the interested Kannada speaking people of South Carolina. It is a voluntary organization primarily run by memberships and donations from Kannadigas of the State of South Carolina. For further details: Telugu Association of Greater Greenville, SC Telugu Association of Greater Greenville, SC, serves the Telugu community of the Greenville/Spartanburg area of South Carolina. The group sponsors several events throughout the year. For further details:

Send updates or events for your club, group, organization, or association, for inclusion in the Community News section by the 15th of the month to:

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October 2011

Pop’s Puzzles & Jokes By Kirit Shukla

Note: * denotes abbreviation of the word or phrase Clues Across: 1. The chemical element, Symbol: Cr; Atomic No. 24. 8. “__’s Puzzles and Jokes,” Saathee’s this Feature. 11. A zero reference point from which measurement begins. 12. The largest city in Nebraska . 13. “Mahatma ___ “, The father and freedom fighter of India. 15. To gain a victory. 16. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. (*) 18. A small structure in a public place for the use of public. 20. Offensive Tackle. (*) (Football) 21. United States Department of Agriculture. (*) 23. A person who participates in something, like a drama. 25. Nevada. (*) 26. Right. (*) 28. A member of any seven Indian Pueblos in N. Mexico. 30. A preparation from the dried roots of a tropical madder family plant of S. America, used to induce vomiting. 33. A country North of India. Capital: Kathmandu. 35. With the sails furled & the helm lashed alee. (Nautical expression applied to ships in a storm) 37. Besides; In addition. 38. “__A Path of Life,” Saathee’s Feature for health. 40. “__ Mahal,” A famous mausoleum in Agra, India. 42. A Donkey. 43. To cut off with scissors or shears. 44. A member of Charlotte’s basketball team. 46. Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. (*) 47. A geometric structure spun by a spider. 48. A large mouse, a carrier of contagious diseases. 49. The seventh largest planet in the solar system. 50. Society of Young Magicians. (*)

Clues Down: 1. Saathee is a feature magazine for the South Asian ___ of the Carolinas; “__ News & Events,” Saathee’s main feature. 2. Human Resources. (*) 3. Not flexible; Stiff & hard. 4. Other Government Agency. (*) 5. A semi aquatic carnivore of the weasel family: its thick, soft and valuable fur is used to make fur coat. 6. Bharat; Hindustan. 7. To make slightly wet. 8. The foot of a four-footed animal having claws. 9. A Midwestern state of US (Capital: Columbus). 10. An outer garment worn from waist to ankle; Trousers. 14. The joint bending backwards in the hind leg of a horse. 17. Respondez Sil Vous Plait.(*) (French); Please reply. 19. A peninsula & country in East Asia extending south from north east China and is divided into north and south. 22. Ancient; Old fashioned. 24. Provides a substitute or equivalent for. 27. The nineteenth letter of Greek alphabet. (τ) 29. A large, very swift, reddish South African antelope with a black back and face. 31. A young eagle. 32. Airlines’ designated abbreviation for Charlotte. (*) 34. Missing; Not to be found. 36. Physical or mental exertion; Toil. 39. Office of Chief of Public Affairs. (*) 41. Specific pieces of works done by agreement of pay. 45. Business Week. (*) 46. Oregon. (*) 47. California. (*) (Puzzle solutions are on page 124. NO peeking!)

Hee Hee Customer: “I like this picture. I want to buy it from you.” Painter: “You know, it took me six years for this picture.” Customer: “Did you take six years to make this picture?” Painter: “No. It took me six years to find a customer.” •••••••••••••• Woman “Excuse me. Where is that beautiful young girl who was serving drinks in this party?” Chiki: “Oh, are you looking for a drink?” Woman: “No. I am looking for my husband.” •••••••••••••• Wife: “Dear, I had a dream that you bought a dress for me!” Mafatlal: “But, don’t forget to wear it in your next dream.” 116

October 2011

YOUTH CORNER (Created By Kirit Shukla) (Find & circle the words in the puzzle). (Subject: “Navaratri” )



EZ-BZ TEST YOUR OWN IQ The common letters are “ES” - Fill in the blanks 1. A short literary composition. 2. A clergyman doing religious rites 3. Series of religious celebrations.

ES _ _ _ _ _ _ ES _ _ES_ _ _ _ _ _

4. Eastern Standard Time. (*)

ES _

5. Reputation; Renown.

_ _ ES _ _ _ _

6. A victory, especially land taken in war.

_ _ _ _ _ ES _

7. The son of Isaac & Rebecca. (Bible) 8. To quit job by giving a formal notice. 9. Forces into any kind of service. 10. To put money in a business for a profit. 11. Indispensible.

ES _ _ _ ES _ _ _ _ _ ES _ ES _ _ _ ES _ ES _ _ _ _ _ _ _

12. Any gala celebration; Holiday. 13. Inspired communications.

_ _ ES _ _ _ ES _ _ _ ES

14. The opposite of NO. 15. To judge approximately the value of. 16. The highest mountain in the World. 17. The people living near North pole area.

_ ES ES _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ES _ ES _ _ _ _

18. Having an agreeably pungent taste.

_ ES _ _

19. To institute; To enact permanently.

ES _ _ _ _ _ _ _

20. Any paying customer of a hotel.

_ _ ES _

21. A musician’s stand in an orchestra. 22. Properties; Possessions.

_ ES _ ES _ _ _ ES

23. Surpassing all others; Of the highest degree.

_ ES _

24. To think over and absorb.

_ _ _ ES _

25. A temporary withdrawal from work.

_ _ _ ES _

(Puzzle solutions are on page 124. NO peeking!)

Kirit Shukla Contact him at


October 2011


continued from page 48

October 2011 Oct. 2 - Mahātmā Gandhi Birthday Oct. 5 - Navarātri ends Oct. 6 - Dusserā/Vijayā Dashami Oct. 7 - Pāshankushā Ekādasi/ Yom Kippur Oct. 10 - Columbus Day (US) Oct. 11 - Sharad Purnimā (Full Moon) Oct. 15 - Karvā Choth/Sankasht Chaturthy Oct. 23 - Ramā Ekādasi/ Wāgh Bāras Oct. 24 - Dhan Teras Oct. 25 - Kāli Chaudash Oct. 26 - Diwāli (No Moon) Oct. 27 - Gujarāti New Year (Vikram Samvat 2068) Oct. 28 - Bhāi Duj Oct. 31 - Lābha Panchami Oct. 31 - Sardār Patel Jayanti Oct. 31 - Halloween November 2011 Nov. 2 - Jalāram Jayanti Nov. 6 - Dev Oothi Nov. 6 - Prabodhini Ekādasi Nov. 6 - Chaturmās ends Nov. 10 - Dev Diwāli Nov. 10 - Tripurāri Purnimā (Full Moon) Nov. 10 - Guru Nānak Jayanti Nov. 10 - Tulsi Vivāh Nov. 11 - Veterans Day Nov. 14 - Nehru Jayanti/ Children Day (India) Nov. 16 - Sabarimala Mandala Kalam begins Nov. 21 - Utpatti Ekādasi Nov. 24 - Thanksgiving Day Nov. 24 - Darsha Amās (No Moon) Nov. 27 - Muharram /Hizri San: 1433 begins. Dec. 2011 - Jan. 2012 Dec. 6 - Gitā Jayanti/Mokshadā Ekādasi/ Tāziā Dec. 10 - Dattātrey Jayanti Dec. 10 - Akshar Purnimā (Full Moon) Dec. 21 - Safalā Ekādasi/ Hanukah Dec. 24 - Darsha Amās (No Moon) Dec. 25 - Christmas Dec. 31 - New Years Eve. (2011 ends) Jan. 1 - New Years Day. (2012 begins) Jan. 14 - Makarsankrānti/Uttarāyan Jan. 26 - Republic Day (India) Jan. 30 - Mahātmā Gāndhi Punyatithi

marketing is as much about bits and bytes as it is about brick and mortar. After putting in place his vendor strategy, Junior Sen next turned his attention to the important question of taxes, balance sheets, profit and loss statements, and cash flow statements. His banker, Numero Uno bank, (a fictitious name), gave him a loan of $15,000, on much better terms than the credit he had using his business credit card. Recently, the fee for credit card transactions had gone down from 42 c/transaction to 12 c per transaction, which was a boon for small businesses. Junior Sen thought about all his businessmen friends, like Anuj, and self-employed people like his preferred cab-driver Ali, who was from Algeria. If they could succeed in being selfemployed, so could he. At the age that he was, 60, he could not see anyone giving him that top executive job that he deserved and wanted. Better to follow in his late Dad’s footsteps and make a go at small business in America. Jai Lakshmiji! Jai Ganeshji!

Dying Languages continued from page 48

rural Indians, broadcasts frequent bulletins in Sanskrit and none in these tribal languages.” Though various studies have shown that children learn better when taught basic concepts in their mother tongue before attempting to master a second language, India prioritizes just 22 out of the 900-odd languages that Devy seeks to catalog, and the state’s promised free and compulsory education is most often available in fewer still. “In the Constitution of India, there is a special schedule of languages, which alone receive official support,” said Devy. “When the schedule was created after independence, it had 14 languages. Now it has 22. All the funds for primary, secondary and higher education can go only to these languages.” Not surprisingly, perhaps, tribal literacy rates lag behind those of the general population, and only about one-fifth of the so-called “Scheduled Tribes” noted by the Indian constitution as historically underprivileged are attending school, according to the latest census. “If we don’t include these languages in our education policy, obviously we are discriminating against them,” said Abbi. “We have a reservation policy [that mandates quotas in jobs and higher education] for the [historically underprivileged] Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. But the reservations are for the tribe, not the language. This is the reason why tribals want to forget their languages.” Meanwhile, the proportion of tribal peoples living below the poverty line, at nearly 50 percent, is also “substantially higher than the national average,” according to the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes. “My aim is not to find which is the language that is spoken by fewer than 5 percent, and how will I revive that language,” said Devy, who founded a university for tribal peoples known as the Adivasi Academy in 1999. “My aim is to see where a sizeable number of people exist, have a speech tradition, a language of their own, but because of the denial of the language in legitimate educational spaces this community is suffering on the developmental scale.” Making sure the world knows that these languages exist is the first step. 118

October 2011

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October 2011

possible. Financial gain and rise in status at workplace may keep you moving and active this month. Plan to spend more time with your family and children. Don’t get into a partnership deal. LIBRA (Sep 23 - Oct 23) You have entered into a very positive time frame of the year, although, you need to plan properly and move slowly. You should be enjoying great progress. Also try to ignore family issues and focus on earning extra income. Your skill and personality may bloom this month. Good health is clearly indicated. Time may fly fast and you may get back to routine life by the end of the month. Avoid travel.

General Predictions for October 2011 ARIES (Mar 20- Apr 20) Tough times may continue this month. You may make numerous mistakes and use your time and energy in wasteful manners. Your friends may not be able to help you due to their own issues. Try to slow down and pass the period without taking any major risks. Also check your diet to avoid health problems. Your in-laws may be able to give you proper advice; however, the last days of the month may bring new hope.

SCORPIO (Oct 23 - Nov 22) You may need to wait till last week of the month to regain your confidence. Your actions during this month may badly affect your reputation. Try to be nice and speak softly this month. Rush for easy and quick money may lead you towards failure. You may not enjoy satisfactory family life, though your spouse may bring good luck for you. Too much stress may bring on high blood pressure or similar health problems.

TAURUS (Apr 20 - May 21) After a negative start the time may turn positive during the second week. New opportunities may make your life very busy and full of success. Time is very good for starting new ventures. Try to overcome fears and make well-planned moves. Avoid unnecessary rush to enjoy quick rewards. Expense for social or religious events is possible this month. Avoid disputing with your spouse.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 - Dec 21) A slowdown in your activities and financial downturn may lead you to frustration. Your luck may not favor you this month. Keep working sincerely and avoid unnecessary expenses. Your family may come forward to support you. Business-related travel may also prove to be fruitful. Your health may deteriorate during last week of the month. Avoid making any major social or financial decisions.

GEMINI (May 21 - Jun 21) You may enjoy rewards of your hard work this month; though don’t expect much from destiny. The beginning of the month could be very hectic, but later on you should feel relaxed and happy. Support from your child may bring success for you. Watch your health but don’t hesitate to crush your enemies using new tactics. Your spiritual activities may take a turn and become more of a social function.

CAPRICORN (Dec 21 - Jan 20) Major dispute with your spouse is possible this month. Try to make positive and sweet comments. Plans to buy a house should be put on hold for now. Financially you may do well, but dispute with partner and healthrelated matters may distract you from enjoying the gain. Most important advice for the month is “focus on your work, make more money and avoid disputes.” Good health is clearly indicated.

CANCER (Jun 21 - Jul 22) It is time to slow down in life. Spending time with siblings and traveling can make you feel relaxed. Be careful, destiny may play a foul game with you. A setback at workplace may disturb your peace of mind. You can count on some kind of miracle during the third week of the month. Time should improve as you reach toward the end of the month. Wise and calculated moves can provide you with best protection.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 - Feb 19) You may enjoy big financial gain after first week of the month; however, major health problem may become a hurdle to your success. You may also earn good name and fame along with income. Your enemies may try to harm you. The time should move very fast and at the end lead you toward a new career. Travel must be avoided. Don’t count on your friends or associates in finding new career.

LEO (Jul 22 - Aug 23) After a very busy first week of the month, life may lose direction and you may lose confidence. Unexpected expenses and financial loss may hit you during the third week of the month. Try to finish all important projects during the second week. Enjoy social gathering this month, but don’t forget to control expenses. It is going to be an eventful month with many major ups and downs, hence move tactfully.

PISCES (Feb 19 - Mar 20) Frustration during first week of the month may lead you to doing something wrong in the middle of the month. You may compromise with your morals and turn towards cheating or things such as smoking or drinking. You can see effects of your mistakes during the last week of the month. Listen to your spouse and stay busy to avoid these problems. Also, avoid staying back to finish your work.

VIRGO (Aug 23 - Sep 23) Beginning of the month could be full of activities and then loneliness may make you feel relaxed. Don’t plan any trips or travel during this month. Your friends may not keep their promises. Dispute with spouse is also

By Jalendu Vaidya Contact: 908-638-6388 / 120

October 2011

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More listings available at our website:

121 October 2011

Classifieds BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: Gas Station with C-Store For Lease: Shelby, NC: 60K inside+30K Gas+other. Mt. Airy, NC: 40Kinside+10 gas+other. Clover, SC: 50K inside+60K Gas+other. Call Mark 336-2440633 (Between 3-7 pm) For quick sale 35 unit Americas Best Value Inn in Jonesville, NC. Avg. 3 yr Gross 200,000. All brick, new roof & recently painted. No punchlist. On I-77. Financing available. Contact Vipul: E-mail: or call 336-526-2616 Business For Sale with Property: Convience/Gas & Liquor Store. Good running business, BP Brand, college next door, owner moving. Serious inquiries only. Call Gordon 864-923-4213 Franchise Motel For Sale: Interstate 95 Best Location Franchise Motel for sale 102 room in NC Price to Sale $995000. Please E Mail VYAS0007@MSN.COM OR Call Between 9 AM TO 11 AM 860-276-9876 Businesses For Sale: Café, restaurants, deli, coin laundry, dry cleaners, and more plus residential listings. Call for the best discounts when you buy or sell. Guaranteed Excellent Service! 704-649-9095. Broker. Retail Card Shop for sale: Excellent business run by same owner for over 20 yrs. Owner is 70 yrs. & ready to retire. Downtown Charlotte, high traffic and visibility high rise bank. MonFri, 7:30am-5:30pm. No evenings or weekends. County South Realty & Business Brokers. 704814-9435 Indian Restaurant For Sale: Well established and profitable in North Charlotte prime location. Serious buyers only. Contact: Convenience Store For Sale in Pinnacle NC: Weekly sales - $7700+ inside / 6300+ Gallon Gasoline & $1100 rent. Very low price. Please call Deepak Patel @ 336-577-6614 Tobacco Store For Sale: Excellent $ and high visibility. North Carolina. Store volume 25K & lotto. Asking price only $75K plus inv. Please call: Jitu 704-743-6719 or 574-540-9428 High Volume Gas Station/Conv Store: On very busy intersection in Augusta, GA for lease. Very populated neighborhood with highway traffic. Call Manpreet 864-554-4846. Call between 9am-5pm. Gas-station/C-store for Sale: Upstate, SC Well established & Very Busy Location Asking 150,000 plus Inventory Branded Gas/ Diesel, Lotto, ATM, EBT, U-Haul Dealership & more. For Inquiry email: Store for lease in Lincolnton NC. Inside store sales $45K,gas $45K,lotto $25K. Please contact for more info 704.219.1992; 704.280.3753; 704.578.4470. Smoothie store for sale in uptown Charlotte, five day business. Great opportunity for owner operater. Call 704-604-2133.

Business Opportunity C-STORE FOR SALE


C-Store/Gas Station/Liquor Store with property and living space for sale in South Carolina. Inside Sales: $68,000 Gas: 20,000 Gallons Lottery Commission: $2,500 PM with much more to do & expand. Owner Retiring. $625,000 + Inventory Please Call Vijay: (908) 510-9125

Marathon C store for sale: 165k+ inventory financing available. Great community. Call today business wont last long. 704-244-9971 Businesses for sale: Two Hair Salons in Cary, $149K, $99K; Coin-operated laundromat / car wash w/RE (Person Co., $650K). 919881-9997

PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT: Town home for Rent: 3 br, 2 bath, 15 minutes from Univ. & downtown, rent $800 include HOA and water. 7668 Petrea Lane, Charlotte, NC Call 704-458-8006 or email FOR RENT: 3br/2.5bath nice and clean townhome in south charlotte ,very close to lightrail, mall and ballantyne,call karen @ 704-6229366 Room for Rent: 3 br/2.5 bath home in Charlottte Area, Not Furnished, Fenced Yard, Must enjoy Dogs. Application fee may apply. Contact or 864-921-3347

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Nanny Needed: Seeking live-in nanny for 1 yr old. Must speak English and drive. Job includes cooking and housework. Great pay and accommodations. 704-277-6089 or Nanny or Baby sitter needed immediately at our home in Charlotte. Full or part time. Please call 201.218.5630. Threading Practitioners Wanted: Full or PartTime. In Charlotte, Raleigh, & Virginia areas. Experience & Good English Skills Needed. Please call 980-322-1110 Baby Sitter Needed: For 9 month old in South Charlotte. Friendly and caring person. Mother at home. Help with house hold work helpful. 806.317.2070 Help Wanted: Need Employee for gas station single or couple. Please call 704-307-6164 Need Nanny: Looking for live-in or live-out nanny to take care of 18 months old baby. Need to speak Gujarati. Light house hold work. Please call at 919-656-2729 or Manager Available: I have 15 years of experience in grocery store, liquor store, gas station, and franchise motel businesses, looking to run or manage a business. Please call 912-548-6074. 122

Help Wanted: C-Store/Gas Station in South Carolina. Single or couple with or without experience. Accommodations provided. Call Ravi 908-510-9125. Looking for a math and science tutor for a 7th grader. Lives in South Charlotte, near Ardrey Kell High School Please call 704-241-5548. Nanny needed: Seeking full-time nanny for 3 month old. Family lives in Ballantyne area of Charlotte. Job includes light housework and cooking. Please call 704-243-5080 Day and/or Night Clerk Needed: For motel in Shelby NC. 45 miles from charlotte. Legal status required. Call Garry Patel @ 704-692-2454 Nanny needed for 5 year old girl. (High Point/Greensboro). 4-5 hours daily. Responsibilities include school pickup and light housework. Contact: 336-8584298/ Hotel Help Needed: Single person front desk computer skills franchise Accommodations provided in Charlotte, NC. E-Mail Help Wanted: Danville VA (One hour from Raleigh) Couple or single for gas station/ Will Train and Great pay. Call for details 704-724-8356 or 704-724-1337. Hotel Management Firm Now Hiring: Various positions available for House keepers, front desk (must speak fluent English), and General Manager/s of franchise hotels. Experience is REQUIRED for all positions. Serious inquiries only. E-mail resumes to 0R call ( 704-649-6833 mf , 9:00 am- 5:00pm) Front desk Supervisor: For Franchise hotel in Raleigh, NC. Good computer skills, strong management skills & good English. Will train. Nikki 919-256-2800. Seeking full-time live out Nanny For 7 month old. Family lives in Ballantyne area of Charlotte. Job includes light housework and cooking. Please call 704.557.6604. Live-in/ Live-out Nanny: Needed to take care of 1 year old baby. House located in Ballantyne area (Zip code 28277) in Charlotte. Please call 972-261-8659 or email Gas Station Help: Looking for full-time or part-time help for a gas station in Mooresville, NC (Lake Norman Area). Experience preferred but not needed. Call 704-222-8998 or leave a message. Software Engineer: Perform Architecting, integrating, design, develop & enterprise systems. Expert in .Net Technologies, web services, SharePoint, Inmagic, SSIS, SSRS, ACORD XML & SQL Server & ORACLE with Unix OS. Req. MS in Comp. Scien. Or Engr. Or related & 1 yr exp. OR Bachelor in Comp. Science or Engr. Or related & 5 yrs of exp. Send resume to: HR, MSYS, Inc., 140 Iowa Ln., Ste 201, Cary, NC 27511. Will involve working in unanticipated locations Help Wanted: Indian Restaurant in Raleigh, NC is looking for a manager and waiter. Please call 586-419-3566. October 2011

Hiring Immediately: Young & Experienced Sales Person. Needed for part/full time position in men’s clothing store. Must speak fluent English and be people friendly. Stores located in Camden, Columbia, & Orangeburg, SC. Good Pay. Contact Mr. Manoj 803-427-1681. Gujarati Speaking Live in/Live out Nanny: Needed in Cary, NC. Cooking and light housework. Excellent accommodations. call (919)244-2457 Vaishnav Cook Needed: for Ambaji Mandir in Tampa-Bay Florida area. Full time position. Please e-mail or call for more details. 630-202-8008 Vaishnav Hindu Priest: Needed for Ambaji Mandir in Tampa-Bay Florida area. Must be familiar with performing Ambaji Aarati. Must be totally vegetarian and should be fluent in Hindi and Gujarati. Full time position. 630-202-8008 Gas Station Help Wanted: Looking for a Couple or single. Full-Time for convenience store / gas station / restaurant near Charlotte, NC. Accommodations Provided! 704-701-9975 Refulgent Technologies Inc.: IT staffing company is currently recruiting Java, .Net, SQL Server and QA candidates. We also do Training & Placement. Please contact Anu:  e-mail: recruiter or 704-405-4238 Sales Person Needed: Part-time and full-time position in men’s suit business. Must be FLUENT IN ENGLISH and provide great customer service. Located in Westgate Mall Spartanburg, SC 29301(#91221). Please call at 864-595-2551. Motel Help: Franchise Motel in Raleigh, NC need Couple for House Keeping, will train, Must be legal, Accommodation Provided. Call 919-208 3513 Motel Help: Franchise Motel in Raleigh, North Carolina need Couple for Front Desk Clerk. Will Train, Must be legal, Accommodation Provided Call 919-208-3513 Part-time Help Needed: For drop off & pick up of child from school in the South Charlotte. Distance is about 14 miles. Good pay plus mileage. Contact 803-804-8530 or 704-835-0529. Part time assistant needed in UNCC area for light office work and errands. Flexible hours. English, computer skills and reliable transportation required. 704-258-4507. Nanny Needed: Looking for Gujarati speaking, live-out/live-in nanny to take care of 5 month old baby in Fort Mill, SC. Job includes light housework and cooking. Please call 704-460-0379. Live In or Live Out Nanny Needed: University area for a 15 month old baby girl. Vegetarian cooking and household work also. Please call 704-248-8865 or email at

MATRIMONIAL: Seeking Hindu Males: For my two cousins in India, both 34, Masters, bright, goodlooking; one is senior MNC professional, other is university lecturer. Contact Seeking A Hindu Indian Female: For a divorced male age 37 for marriage, working in NC on h1b. For info call: 704-957-9005

SERVICES: Priest available for Shri Satyanarayan Katha, Lakshmi Havan, Vastu Puja, wedding, baby shower, engagement and all other types of puja. 704.500.2210 (h) & 704.450.6447 (c). Catering & Tiffin Service: Including Gujarati, Panjabi, Indo-Chinese, South Indian & more. for details call Shyam 919-961-0482. Learn conversational English from an expert. $30 /hour or $40 for one and a half hours. Evenings and weekends only. Chandan Sen (919)834-9227. Computer Consulting: Assistance with software installation, set-up, formatting, backup, troubleshooting and more. Very reasonable rates. 704-619-2358 Priest Available for following services: Shree Satya narayan katha, Shanti hawan, Vastu shanti, Weddings, Baby shower, Bhumi pujan, Mata ki chowki pujan, Funeral, All types of karmakand. Please call Viral Bhatt 704-438-6334. Astrologer With Gold Medals - Jayanti LadContact for Health, Wealth, Relationship, Child, Enemies, Court Cases, Marriage, Job, Business, Vastu Problems, Preparing & Matching Horoscope. Call 919-463-5180 or 919-798-2598 Pari Beauty In Matthews, NC: Threading, Waxing, Facials, Bleaching & Much More! 20 years of experience with Special Deals & Great Service. For Appointment Call: 704-846-7912 Mehandi (Henna): Award winning artist from Jaipur, India specializing in wedding parties (Bride & attendants). Satisfaction guaranteed regarding design, color & price. Please call: Krishna Priya Dasi 919-824-7734 E-Mail: Foreign Accent Modification: Your speech is your "vocal resume." Speak English clearly and with confidence. Individual tutorials with certified speech specialists at Triangle Speech Services. South Indian Priest: Sastriji is an independent priest Call for Pujas, Gruhapravesh, Weddings, Multi-lingual, Vedic traditional priestly services, etc. Call 704-625-7578 or 704231-0751. E-mail:

Nanny Needed: Needed to take care of 1 year old baby. House located in Ballantyne area (Zip code 28277) in Charlotte. Please call 732-586-8490 or email

Experienced bridal make-up artist and IndoChristian dancer (dances to Christian and Bollywood songs). Flexible to travel. Negotiable rates. Please contact me with the above information. I would love to work with you!

Help Wanted: Looking for math teachers and graders for education center located in South Charlotte (Blakeney Area). Please call 704540-2643 for more details.

Software Testing (QA) and Business System Analysis: Training Classes and Placement Assistance in Charlotte. Please Contact Praveena Talluri @ 704-806-8907 for details.


MEHANDI & SAREES: Specialist in Bridal mehandi and henna for all occasions (20 Yrs of experience). We carry designer sarees, 1-2 gram jewelery, Kurtis and accessories. Contact Neena Jain (Trendz) 919-367-0746 or e-mail: Dholi For Hire: Plays the Dhol (drum) for any occasion! Classes Available! Barat, Doli, Graduation, Birthdays, Baby Showers & any other festivity. Affordable rates! Call Arpan Bhandari 704-843-7202 or email: Neeta’s Beauty Parlor: Charlotte area open 7 days a week. Full service. Please call for appointment. 704-968-0270. Gujarati Priest: Devendra Dave Independent priest. Ganesh, Randal, Navratri, Diwali’s Laxmi & Sharda Pujas, Satyanarayan Katha, Weddings, Vastu, Baby Showers, Funeral Seva. Call Daveji 704-780-3563. God Blessings to All. Tuition Available: Experienced Math, Physics, Chemistry tutor for middle, high school, IB, AP courses (including AP Statistics). Cary, Raleigh, Durham area. Call 704-497-2639 Ribald Farms Nursery & Florist: Specializes in Indian wedding reception design and floral arrangements. For more information contact Shawna Turner at 803-328-2266 or Henna artist, specialist in Bridal, Arabic,Traditional and all types of Mehendi for all occasions. Eyebrow Threading Available. Call : 320-322-3341 / 980-333-8560 or e-mail:

Saathee Classifieds: Business ads are $25 & personal ads are $15 up to 25 words. Ask about upgrades to color and box. Submit classifieds on-line at Deadline is the 20th. We accept credit cards and checks. Ads are posted on at no extra charge with paid print listing. Feel free to call us with any questions.

704.527.7570 Fax: 704.527.7590 PO Box 11468, Charlotte, NC 28220

A features magazine for the South Asian Community of the Carolinas

October 2011

Index of advertisers

Music Lessons / live music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114 MyTripFare (Travel agent) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87 Nagpal, Sunil (MetLife Financial Services) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Nationwide Ins. (Maqsood Khan) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 Neeta's Beauty Parlor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103 Oza, Rishi (Immigration Legal Services) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Passage To India - Fine Indian Cuisine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Patel Brothers (Charlotte) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Patel, Champa (Real Estate) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 Patel, Mrugesh (Law Offices) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121 Pathak, Atul (Real Estate) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107 Payal Groceries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Poonam Henna Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Poplai, Deepak (White Insurance) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 Prashant Video Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Premier Petroleum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 & 43 Raj D Batra (Kamera Art Photo & Video) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111 Rajbhog Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 Rajdeep Mandap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113 Rajdeep Video & Photography (Ramesh Panjabi) . . . . . . . . . .36 Rajesh Jyotishi (Shalin Financial Services Inc.) . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Rapid Car Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Ravindra Dave Pandit (Religious Services) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103 Red Rocket Fireworks (C & A Pyro) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Religious Ceremonies (Swaminath Sastrigal) . . . . . . . . . . . . .77 Roop Beauty (Pooja Patel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97 RP Photo & Video (Rashmi Patel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113 Saffron Restaurant and Catering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Shah, Anish (Real Estate) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 & 59 Shah, Kirti (CPA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Shakuntalam Center for art and culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Shining Star Academy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 Shyama Beauty Parlour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Situl Indian Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109 Skynet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111 Sleep Inn (Charlotte) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115 Soni Family Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109 South Charlotte Pediatrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 Spice South . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 Sri Somesvara Temple (Calender of Events) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 Srishti (Durga Puja & Concert) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 Swift Telecom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126 Tandoori Grill & Dream Of Bombay (Columbia SC) . . . . . .101 Thakkar, Beena (Realty) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103 The Blue Taj . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Toyota Of Concord (Rajan Patel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Transportation (Diamond Cab) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68 Travel Universe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99 Travelinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61 Ttravel Guru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Usha Decor (Wedding Planning & Decor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 USPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105 Vyas Travels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Weldone Beauti Parlour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 White Horse Weddings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Wide Screen TV (TV repair and more) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109 Woodlands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Worldwide travels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Yogi Cash & Carry (Indian Food & Spices) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63

A & V Satellites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 A.S. Art Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77 Aaj Ka Dhamaka (UNC-Sangam) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Abacus Math . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Access Realty & Funding (Chandravadan Shah) . . . . . . . . . .61 All Car Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54 Ankusha Travels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97 AP Architecture Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111 Apna Travels (Morrisville) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 Ashwini Kathak Dance Academy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77 Asiana Fusion.Sushi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91 Aura And More... Boutique (Ladies Fashions) . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir (Charlotte) . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Bashyam & Spiro LLP (Immigration Law) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113 Belladev Hair Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89 Bethel Christian Fellowship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 Bharat Bazaar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Bhindi Jewellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Inside Front Cover Bipin & Smita Parekh (Real Estate) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 Blooming Buds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 Bollywood Bites (Restaurant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93 Bombay Grille Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Borrego Springs Bank, N.A. (Ritesh P. Shah) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 British American School of Charlotte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 Brow Bar (henna, hair, make up, threading...) . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 CaroMont Medical Group (Dr. Manu Patel) . . . . . . . . . . . . .101 Cary Photo & Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125 Chai Pani (Restaurant - Ashville, NC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 Challa Law Offices, PLC (Immigration) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71 Charlotte Eye Ear Nose & Throat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72 Chawpaty Food (Catering) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Chiro-Carolina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68 Concha, David - Immigration Attorney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 Copper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Country Inn & Suites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95 County South Realty & Business Brokers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121 Davey Jones Fireworks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Delhi Palace (Columbia, SC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95 Dentist (Dr. Prashant Rao - Cedar Walk Dentistry) . . . . . . .105 Desai Desai Accounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 Desai, Rajarshi (CPA, PLLC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 Dish Network (Viren Mehta) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119 DJ Hangama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 DJ Kenz (Kenz Desai) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 DJ Desi (Amit Vasi) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 DJ Don (David Pandoria) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 DJ Lalit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 DJ Ravi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 Eco-Bidet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 Eid Milan Dinner Party . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Elegant Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115 E-Nopi of Charlotte (Math, Reading & Writing) . . . . . . . . . . .91 Eshaan Jewelers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Fairview Home Mortgage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87 Five Star Car Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72 Flavors Of India (Uptown Charlotte) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Friends Travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Fu Lin Asian Cuisine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 Gandhi International Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Global Mall (Atlanta) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Inside Back Cover Grover Medical Clinic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 H2 Laser & Skin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89 Handyman Services (Rapid Richard) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103 Henna Mehendi Artists (Bhavini Patel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101 Henna's Dulhan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97 Hindu Center Charlotte (Events) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 & 65 Hum Sub (Garba & Cary Diwali) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 iFuturistics Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 India Cash & Carry (Mooresville) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 India Grocers (Charlotte) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 India Town . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Indian Grocery (Columbia, SC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 Indian Supermarket (Columbia, SC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103 IWP Photography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 Jaipur Indian Restaurant (Charlotte) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 K & M Accountant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 K.B. Zaveree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Kaya Designs Boutique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 KD Photographics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 Kenny Mahtani (Movies in Charleston) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 Khandekar, Shobana (Coldwell Banker Realtors) . . . . . . . . . .47 Khanna & Sons Jewelers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Law Office of Rashmi Shah (Immigration) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87 Travels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125 Maharani Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Malani Jewelers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Back Cover Malaya Kitchen (Charlotte) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101 Marriott Executive Park (Charlotte) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97 Mathur, Gitanjali (Allen Tate Realtors) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Monsoon Fine Indian Cuisine (Catering) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47


October 2011


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Happy Diwali!

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