Architect and Urban designer

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PORTFOLIO 2009 - 2014 Ana Sabrina Martínez

Age T M A G

29 +32-0483-149-187 8 Rue Pasteur, Hussigny-Godbrange, France Female

Architect and Urban designer

MOTIVATION I am applying for collaborating with you as an urbanist and architect. My experience as landscape and urban designer in Bureau Bas Smets, small architectural studio co-founder in Mexico and the completion of my post-graduate Masters in Urbanism and Strategic Planning (MaUSP) in KU Leuven, have uniquely prepared me to understand and solve projects shifting scales and contexts. My personal objective is to develop sustainable projects that consider the social agency as an important part of the design process. I believe that the lessons learned during the fieldwork of my master thesis from the slums in Ecatepec de Morelos, Mexico about sustainability, economy and self-organization, can be a powerful tool to reinterpret the contemporary city and should be taken into consideration when designing urban and architectural projects. Moreover, I consider the landscape as the strongest dialectical element in any territory, as it is the built environment in which we live the one that shape us, and at the same time, it is us who constantly re-shape the environment. I look forward to meeting you. Sincerely, Ana Sabrina Martinez Feria


Professional experience URBAN DESIGN




[19] Crematorium Polderbos Oostende BE

[31] Tour & Taxis BE




[11] Grand Hopital Charleroi BE



[11] Grand Hopital Charleroi BE


[35] reconstruction IT

[40] residential MX


[39] residential MX

[-] Santa Rosa - North Development MX

[41] refurbishment MX

[35] reconstruction IT

Academic work URBAN DESIGN








[45] landscapes of inclusion MX

[59] mapping Taihu CN

[74] our common risk IT


[53] interplaying densities CN

[75] Gran Via Sabadell ES



[63] Gran Via ES

[-] Hercules - La Cañada MX

Professional experience


GRAND HÔPITAL DE CHARLEROI Bureau Bas Smets BBS collaborators Federica De Leidi and Ana Martinez October 2013 - May 2014

Professional experience




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Copyright Bureau Bas Smets 2014

GRAND HÔPITAL DE CHARLEROI Charleroi has a double landscape system surrounding the city. The presence of the Sambre Canal to the south marks the transition from the valley. This valley currently houses many industries in process of reconvention. To the north, the Ravel Houillere lies on the old railway connecting a series of terrils or wastelands, sterile from the coal mines typical in the region. This connector could be interpret as a dry valley or as a post-industrial passage between the artificial mounds. This dual system, active river and dry valley, offers the opportunity to imagine an exemplary landscape, capable of providing a new structure to the territory. The Grand Hôpital de Charleroi will be built on top of Viviers Gilly, one of the terrils along the ravel. Due to the construction of the hospital a series of large exterior programs are required, such as a park, parking for visitors, patios, entries for emergencies and an airstrip for helicopters.The project proposes to concentrate all the equipment on a platform around the building. The park inspired by the Greenwich Peninsula of Michel Desvigne pursues to create a natural/man-made public forest that will provide the inhabitants of Charleroi the largest park in the city until today. The topography design on the park is threefold. First to balance earthworks due to the construction of the hospital, secondly to increase biodiversity and thirdly for the creation of water bodies and temporary pools needed for the protection and preservation of the Jeanne natterjack toad, a local toad in danger of extinction. The parking is projected as an in-between space organized along the main facade with a grid of Metasequoia glyptostroboïdes. This tree has being used for many years for the production of charcoal. By using this species we remind the vocation or identity of the area and reinforce it in a different way. The parking will function as the transition between the park and the building, between nature and built. The patios are areas of relaxation and renovation, not only for its advantages of improving natural lighting and air quality inside of the building, but as planted areas where one can sit and meditate. The Ginkgo bilobas, the oldest tree on the planet is used in this part of the project as a requiem to the survival instinct. Moreover, these patios are organized around a central atrium with a water mirror that reflects the sky and offers a dynamic element for children to play. In this project my main roll was the design of the project in itself following some rules given by Bas Smets and the project leader. I contributed to the design with my urban designer skills, taking the project to another scale. My responsabilities were design of the project, drafting of Autocad drawings, indesign documents, and assisting to meetings with both, the client and the architects of the hospital.


current situation

phase 4

phase 1

phase 5

phase 2

phase 6

phase 3

phase 7




A´ 15


20 10

Masterplan for the Grand Hôpital de Charleroi

m 50

Copyright Bureau Bas Smets 2014




Copyright Bureau Bas Smets 2014


Crematorium PoLDERBoS ooStEnDE Bureau Bas Smets & OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen BBS Collaborators: Mathieu Lucas, Basil Descheemaeker and Ana Martinez March 2014

Professional experience



Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, by Gordon Bunshaft

This competition was designed in collaboration with OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen who designed the building and BUREAU BAS SMETS who designed the landscape. In this project the ceremonial procession and the immediate surroundings play an important role when designing the building. Therefore, the big challenge for the crematorium of the coastal region in the green belt around Ostend is to succeed in addressing the existing context with the necessary serenity and respect. The design is the result of an integration from both, landscape and architecture perfectly working together to create an intimate and soothing space for the ceremonial procession. The proposal, inspired on the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, by Gordon Bunshaft, contemplates linear strips of trees which will be planted along the site and around the crematorium. These rows of trees create a double perspective bringing different degrees of publicness while generating a picturesque landscape, essential qualities in any ceremonial space. The visitor entering the site, cuts through a gradual curve through these lines of trees, slowly arriving to a peaceful surreal area where a number of objects have been placed. The first object that one encounters is a hill shaped as a ziggurat above the forest as an invitation for contemplation. Afterwards, one arrives to the parking placed between the straight lines where the visitors can choose to cross the lake that separates the functions of cremation from the functions of remembrance, in other words, the people that come to the crematorium for the very first time from the people who come back to remember and visit their loved ones. The lake is the representation of the toughness of the situation. In this project, one crosses the lake only for facing death as a moment to say goodbye to our human shape. When the cremation ceremony is over, one can cross back leaving all useless baggage behind gaining peace and a new perspective for life. The lake separates the deceased farewell, from the spreading meadow, the columbarium and the burial site, which are scattered between the rows of trees every time to create intimacy and separated outdoor rooms. In this competition my main contribution was the co-design of the plan, and the drafting of the schemes and sections presented in this document.


forest design on polder structure

crematorium in 5 hectare

recreational route through the polders

commemorative route

crematorium operation circulation

ceremonial route


rabatten as the landscape technique for building on polders


Plan, schaal 1/2000



parking lot




Copyright Bureau Bas Smets 2014


BRUSSELS Tour & taxis Bureau Bas Smets BBS Collaborators: Thomas Willemse and Ana Martinez January 2014

Professional experience



Copyright Bureau Bas Smets 2014

The park for Tour & Taxis is an on-going project of Bureau Bas Smets. This project has three different stages. For the second stage, my main contribution was the co-production of a model 1-1000 with Thomas Willemse and the production of the sections of the park.



RECOSTRUCTION OF PALAZZO CAMPONESCHI Rizzi Proteco Rizzi Collaborators: Andrea Rossetto, Lorenzo Silvieri, Emiliano Forcelli, Ana Martinez June - September 2011

Professional experience



physiognomy of the city and morphology of the place

City and landscape

Palazzo Camponeschi and La Fontana delle 99 Cannelle

The earthquake of 2009 in the region of Abruzzo affected mostly the city of L’ Aquila. Today the city looks like what could only be described as a post-disaster abbandoned area. To restablish the economical activities, some organizations decided to begin with the reconstruction of the most imporant monuments. This exercise was done for a competiotion held by the municipality of L’ aquila during a period of three months summer internship in Venice at the studio Rizzi Proteco. The main activity I performed was the production of three plaster models for explaining the relation and importance of the Palazzo Camponeschi and the city. One 1:500, 1:25,000 and 1:100,000



Academic projects



LANDSCAPES OF INCLUSION and their moving spaces Promotor: Bruno De Meulder Master thesis EMU Programme - KU Leuven November 2012 - June 2013 video-

Academic project





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buildings on piles dike building street market dam - storm runoff collection water viaduct open canals constructed wetlands purified water basin storm and gray water recollection floodable areas lakeside transition woods agroecosystems water centers and communitary gardens vaporeto system vaporeto station teleferic gondola system teleferic gondola station existing metro system El Caracol water park Lake of Texcoco National Park suburban train station Remedios River Grand Canal topography lines every 10 m topography lines every 2.5 m topography lines every 0.5 m old lake of texcoco line


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Ecatepec de Morelos is a mosaic of fragmented realities hosting a multicultural environment. A landscape shaped by religious rituals, social traditions and a strongly rooted collective imaginary. It is an unfinished product mostly sculpted by informal urban practices, spaces in constant evolution (Turner, 1963), nonstop moving areas (B. Jacques, 2001) that use and create the landscape as “a language of perpetual conflict and compromise between what is stablished by the authority and what the vernacular insists upon preferring.” (Jackson 1984:148). It is a territory that demands its own right to the city by reclaiming the streets as a collective democratic element (B. Jacques, 2004) were scenes of [civic] public life and activities of exchange take place. Located in the northern part of what used to be part of the Lake of Texcoco. The majestic 260 km2 lake has been reduced to 17 km2 in 100 years. The dramatically shrinking water surface, the risk of flooding events and obsolete drainage system combined with high risk areas of subsidence obliges us to think about new solutions, visions and strategies when approaching this territory. I propose to recover what should be the most important resource and identity of the area, the water.The three transversal water structures (A,B and C) and the Grand Canal shown the left map, are projected as carrying structures for purified water distribution while serving as storm water runoff and graywater collectors. Both viaducts and open chanals, discharge todays considered wastewater, into the seven urban lakes along the territory. These basins are designed to create large public parks and water filtering infrastructures for processing this element through constructed wetlands and storing it in some of the rehabilitated Lake of Texcoco reservoir for future domestic and agricultural use.



VISION 2150?

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buildings on piles dike building street market dam - storm runoff collection water viaduct open canals constructed wetlands purified water basin storm and gray water recollection floodable areas lakeside transition woods agroecosystems water centers and communitary gardens vaporeto system vaporeto station teleferic gondola system teleferic gondola station existing metro system El Caracol water park Lake of Texcoco National Park suburban train station Remedios River Grand Canal topography lines every 10 m topography lines every 2.5 m topography lines every 0.5 m old lake of texcoco line


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dry season

existing section in floodable and subsidence area

wet season

a A



proposed section in floodable and subsidence area




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structure “a”


structure “b”

structure “c”

proposal of water collection. (mountain system) section A-A’

terraces anti-erosion

water collector

constructed wetlands terraces for water purification

cut fill

water collector

section B-B’

cut and fill tecnique used for dike construction

public baths and gymnasium

terraces anti-erosion camping area


community gardens 0

5 3


camping area public baths and gymnasium tianguis plaza

tree nursery for controling urban growth and erosion community gardens

dike gondola lift system

day-care center chapel


community library filtering wetland terraces terraces for erosion control

public baths 0 10 5 30




existing section

proposed viaduct (structure b)


proposed viaduct (structure b)

proposed viaduct (structure b)


taxi rack

41 0

6 3


0 10 5 30



purified water basin warehouses reconvertion to mixed use public baths and gymnasium

civic center

C’ C

dwellings reconvertion to mixed use

abbandoned rail tracks used for moving market



Interplaying densities vision for taihu 2040 Professor: Kelly Shannon & Viviana d’Auria EMU Programme - KU Leuven Team: Ana Martinez, Calin Lambrache, Dennis Schowers, Ray Qin, Sam Khabir, Tianlu Chou, Yuvi Chauhan, Jonas Knapen February 2012 - June 2012

Academic project




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VISION 2040 new urban tissue rivers open canals constructed wetlands fish ponds floodable areas 0

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parks existing villages productive landscape Ciquizhen City Lian Villa Jin Kuang Villages

Beijing is booming at an unbelievable speed. In thirty years the city has grown up till its 6th ring road, where the Taihu municipality is located. The massive migration from rural to urban metropolis and the opening of the new high speed train station that connects Tianjin with Beijing, creates a strong trend of urbanizing the area. We believe that the challenge is to create a city that allows growing and shrinking. A dynamic, flexible, multifunctional city that rethinks density as a way of regenerating the urban fabric while creating a void occupied by a high-tech productive landscape. As a result, our project focuses on offering three diverse lifestyles - Ciquizhen City, Jin Kuang Villages and the Lian Villa Ciquizhen City is proposed for people wishing to have a healthy and intense outdoor life. The main idea is to create a car-less city were the public realm is completely designed while the private areas can be projected according to the inhabitant´s dreams. In Lian Villa, we have created a sanctuary specially for those who aim to live in balance with nature. We developed a natural-like man-made landscape network that connects the different villas to a series of get-away spaces, designed for their comfort and enjoyment. Moreover, the development gives them the opportunity to produce their own organic food, while living in a first class villa that can be shaped according to their needs. The Jin Kuang Villages are multilayered small/medium enterprise networks, that bring private and public investments to the area providing trading and training facilities along the Xiao Tai Hou River. The project aims to protect the traditional villages, while regenerating the urban tissue. This is archieved by developing new housing typologies that combine work and living units.


Ciquizhen City


C’ A

section A-A’

A’ B


Taihu train station section B-B’

overlooking the productive landscape

section C-C’

second level of public space


2 1

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Lian Villa

B A’ A



Single house

ground floor

first floor

traditional villages with new typologies

Cizumi viewpoint tower

section A-A’

section B-B’


2 1

5 3



Jin Kuang Villages

A A’

B’ Z1 B

fish village

section A-A’ dog village

section B-B’

lotus ponds village


200 100

400 300

m 500

Nomadicscapes Professor: Kelly Shannon & Bruno de Meulder EMU Programme - KU Leuven & PKU China mapping Taihu intensive fieldwork and mapping workshop March 2012

Academic project



NomadicScapes / 游牧景观 How can the permanent temporariness of migrant flows and nomadic spaces lead us to new forms of urban morphologies and dwelling typologies in Taihu´s rapidly changing urban developtment conditions? 怎样才能移民流动和游牧空间的永久临时性导致我们的城市形态和住宅类型学太湖迅速变化的城市新形式?



Gran via, The metropolitan street of Sabadell Professor: Antonio Font and Isabel Castiñeira EMU Programme - UPC Barcelona team: Ana Martinez, Ana Neto, Andrea Voigt, Angelica Salazar, Carmen Boyer, Pau Fuster, Sophia Fernández, Sonia Adamuz,Tomas Castro,Xavier Ribera February 2011 - May 2012

Academic project



Value map public facilities important buildings areas of opportunity commerce empty plots parking lots city doors 0

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The Gran Vía in Sabadell is today mainly used as the main car connection between the City of Barcelona and it´s northern metropolitan area, creating a strong barrier between the downtown (north) and the industrial town (south). The proposal re-thinks the highway as a suburban clamp that reintegrates both sides of the city proposing a new cultural spine with public plugge-in programmes for leisure, heath, education and housing. The project is reinforce by a multimodal mobility network plan, which will allow the down-grading of street and therefore, the decrease the amount of vehicles for creating other types of activities.


mobility strategy



2,5 1



restructuration road hierarchy


line 1 line 2 line 3 line 4 line 5 line 6 line 7 line 8 0

2,5 1



restructuration of bus lines (13 to 8 lines) and waiting time reduction (25 min to 12 min) rising the system capacity (33% to 41%).

eco-bicing parking bike actual bike lane lane Ripoll wild route proposal for new lanes bike-friendly streets proposal 0

2,5 1



Bike strategy implementation


actual situation

actual section

proposed section

Carrer Ramon Llul

Carrer de Barcelona

Calle Rambla


Calle Saint Pau

Calle M. dei Rei

Calle de Sol i Pardis

Calle del C. de Raul

typical boulevard section proposal 1

typical boulevard section proposal 2


Gran Via typical wide section

Gran Via typical narrow section

current situation

current situation

transport: 60% pedestrians: 40%

transport: 70% pedestrians: 30%

option A1 (Rambla)

option A1 (Rambla)

transport: 35% pedestrians: 65%

transport: 70% pedestrians: 30%

option A2

option A2

transport: 40% pedestrians: 60%

transport: 70% pedestrians: 30%

option A3

option A3

transport: 35% pedestrians: 65%

transport: 60% pedestrians: 40%

option B1

option B1

transport: 35% pedestrians: 65%

transport: 55% pedestrians: 45%

typical boulevard section proposal 3

typical promenade section proposal 1

cross street Gran vía - Ctra Prats de Llucanes

Gran vía - C de Caldes

Gran vía - C de les Creus

pedestrian movements Gran vía - Sol i Pardis

Gran vía - Ctra Barcelona

Gran vía - Rambla



Publications IUAV - EMU UPC - EMU Academic projects



The booklet Our Common Risk – Scenarios for the diffused city is published. It collects the results of the fall semester 2011/2012 of the EMU (IUAV University of Venice) produced by the Master students and profes­sors together with Latitude, in the frame of the 5th International Architecture Biennale of Rotterdam (2012)


The booklet La reforma de la Gran Via – Un projecte de futur is published. It collects the results of the spring semester 2011/2012 of the EMU (Universidad Politècnica de Cataluña) produced by the Master students and professors.

Thanks for your consideration For more information, videos, photographs and projects please visit my webpage:!__pm-ingles

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