'Recipes of Hope'-ARCH 508 Research Studio-UW

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Recipes of Hope Generating material systems and tectonics for LIHI community spaces

'Recipes of Hope' Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Design Cook Book Title Table of Contents .................. 1 Introduction ........................... 2 Structure Small Repetitive Units ........... 3 Rigid Frames .......................... 7 Rigid Box ................................. 9 Scaffolding ............................ 12 Mass Timber ..........................15 Tent ....................................... 18 Inflatables ............................. 21 Pneumatics ....................... 21 Sandbags .......................... 24

Skin Small Repetitive Units ............. 27 Massive Insulating ................... 32 Storage Wall ............................. 36 Translucent Plastic sheets ...... 39 Permeable Skins ...................... 42 Operable Rigid Panels ............ 45 Fabric ........................................ 48 Sails ....................................... 52 Multi-Wall ................................. 53 Recipe Generator .................... 56 Example Designs ..................... 57 Moving Forward ...................... 69



Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Introduction We hope that this book can be used to inspire useful designs for the University Tiny House Village and beyond. We have crafted it as a choose-your-own-adventure cookbook. Readily available and affordable design typologies have been listed to present a set of "ingredients". The Recipe Generator is meant as an inspiring, game-like formula for designing useful spaces that are joyful to occupy. A few example designs are provided towards the end. We sincerely hope that this book is empowering and helps meet the architectural needs of Tiny House Villages throughout the region.



Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Small Repetitive Units

Reinforcement: Rebar Linear repetitive unit: Brick Unit to unit connection: Mortar

Images: https://www.archdaily.com/779810/remisenpavillon-wirtharchitekten/568a7b73e58ece62ae000341-remisenpavillon-wirtharchitekten-photo?next_project=no

Structure: Small Repetitive Units


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10



Image: https://www.dwell.com/article/diamond-cabin-jacob-witzling-saraunderwood-a566fbfc Right: https://www.artsy.net/artwork/grant-harderrockies-2011

Concrete Masonry Units (CMUs

Image: https://huckberry.com/journal/posts/cabinland

Images: https://www.dezeen.com/2019/12/21/deoc-arquitectos-disasterrelief-shelter-guatemala/

Linear repetitive unit: Log

Reinforcement: Rebar

Unit to unit connection: Adhesive

Linear repetitive unit: CMU

Reinforcement: Wooden dowel

Unit to unit connection: Mortar

Image: https://huckberry.com/journal/posts/cabinland

Structure: Small Repetitive Units


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Rectangular unit patterns

Variations with Openings


Image: http://www.takepart.com/article/2015/07/30/lego-style-homesmobile-factory/

Image:https://casavogue.globo.com/amp/Arquitetura/Casas/noticia/2014/ 10/casa-reinventa-estetica-vitoriana.html

Image: https://www.itssingular.com/portfolio/i-love-recycled/

Image: https://www.dezeen.com/2016/11/13/pamphilon-architects-houseextension

Image: https://jensen-architects.com/work/meraki-market-parklet/

Image: https://www.architonic.com/en/project/sparchpalettenhaus/5101057

Structure: Small Repetitive Units Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

p5 2021 06.10



Plastic Crates

Left: https://i.pinimg.com/ Right: https://cdn.wonderfuldiy.com

Image: http://www.ecosnippets.com/diy/how-we-built-our-earthship/

Image: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/bd/d0/de/bdd0de98cd1e681a78f7315d4df1 8668.jpg

Tire Retaining Wall Image: https://www.backyardboss.net/retaining-wall-ideas/

Image:https://i.pinimg.com/564x/b1/2f/ee/b12feec5d5cf9ca627d0b6c4181 a49cd.jpg

Structure: Small Repetitive Units- Linear Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

p6 2021 05.10

Rigid Frame

Rigid Frame structures are an ancient design based on linear arrangement structural components. This system can easily be added upon to expand in length or width The simplest version on the market is the basic carport.

Structure: Rigid Frame Units


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Shed Roof Carport

Pitched Roof Carport

Shed roof carports available from Home Depot are affordable and can be used as additions to other structures. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Integra-12-ft-W-x-8-ft-D-White-Aluminum-Attached-Carport-with-4-Posts-30-lbsRoof-Load-1283006700812/306836365

Specialized Carports

A basic form of Rigid Frame shelter. Readily available and very adaptable.

Specialized metal building companies provide a greater variety of Rigid Frame structures.

https://www.homedepot.com/p/VersaTube-12-ft-W-x-20-ft-D-x-7-ft-H-Steel-Carport-CM012180070S/100659668? MERCH=REC-_-pipsem-_-306836365-_-100659668-_-N


Annotation text style

Basic carports can be combined for linear expansion.

The basic Rigid Frame design has long been used for expandable spaces. Some proven variations are traditional longhouses (linear expansion) and barn structures (lateral expansion).

Shed roof additions increase sheltered space through lateral expansion.

Structure: Rigid Frame Units


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Rigid Boxes



Structure: Rigid Boxes


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Shipping Container

Box Trailer/Truck


Rigid Frame Light Frame

Rigid Base Corrugated Panel

Structure: Rigid Boxes

p 10

Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Shipping Container

Image: https://www.archdaily.com/150914/early-childhood-learningcentre-university-of-melbourne? ad_source=search&ad_medium=search_result_projects

Box Trailer/Truck


Image: https://www.cnn.com/style/gallery/truck-art-projectspain/index.html

Image: http://www.latentdesign.net/fresh-moves

Structure: Rigid Boxes Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

p 11 2021 06.10


linear component: bamboo/steel

joint: lashing/couplers

foot: base plate

Structure: Scaffolding

p 12

Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10


Tubes & Clamps

bamboo / wooden scaffolding joints

couplers for different angels

Structure: Scaffolding

p 13

Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10


Tubes & Clamps

image https://www.1001gardens.org/the-babylon-urban-garden-made-out-of-bamboo/

image www.designboom.com/architecture/estudio-chao-temporary-structure-festival-rio-de-janeiro-brazil-08-09-2019/

https://www.plataformaarquitectura.cl/cl/884170/cra sas-garden-installation-adrian-torres-astaburuaga? ad_medium=gallery



Structure: Scaffolding

p 14

Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Flat Panels

Flat wall panels

Insulated wall panel

Image description. Panel construction for a portable tiny house Image source: Portable House ÁPH80 / Ábaton Arquitectura | ArchDaily

Structure: Flat Panels

p 15

Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) panels Nail Laminated Timber (NLT) panels

Solid Insulated Panels (SIP)

Modular tiny house assembled with CLT panels Image source: 50 Modular Timber Apartments / PPA architectures | ArchDaily

Nail Laminated Timber wall panels Image source: Nail Laminated Timber Panels - NLT | StructureCraft

Composite SIP Wall System Image source: Composite Structural Insulated Panel Wall System (compositepanelbuildingsystems.com)

CLT panels in construction, prefabricated, machine cut perforations. Image source: CLT: What’s All The Excitement About? | The Urbanist

Nail Laminated Timber roof structure Image source: Nail Laminated Timber Panels - NLT | StructureCraft

Solid Insulated Panel Tiny Home Construction Image source: SIPs vs Stick Framing For Tiny Houses - Rocky Mountain Tiny Houses

Structure: Flat Panels

p 16

Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Quonset Hut

Quonset Hut, corrugated metal frame structure Image source: Quonset Huts - Easy to Construct Round Metal Quonset Steel Buildings (steelmasterusa.com)

Paper MDF Honeycomb Panels

Paper logs

Image source: Paper Mdf Cardboard Honeycomb Wall Panel - Buy Honeycomb Wall Panel,Mdf Honeycomb Panel,Paper Honeycomb Panel Product on Alibaba.com

Temporary shelters created with Paper logs by Architect Shigeru Ban Image source: Shigeru Ban Architects | PAPER LOG HOUSE (dma-ny.com)

Annotation text style

Open-ended Quonset Hut, corrugated metal frame structure. Possibilities to substitute carport structures Image source: Quonset Huts - Easy to Construct Round Metal Quonset Steel Buildings (steelmasterusa.com)

Foundation: beer crates loaded with sandbags; walls: 4mm thick paper tubes; Insulation: waterproof sponge taped with adhesive sandwiched between paper tubes; Cost per one 52 square meter unit is below 2000$

Structure: Flat Panels


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Tents Party Tent (Steel and Fabric)

Structure: Tent


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Steel and Fabric

Steel and Water Tank

Steel and Inflatable Materials

Image Source: https://www.archdaily.com/941879/curl-la-tourelle-head-builds-firstsocially-distanced-tent-for-a-london-primary-school? ad_source=search&ad_medium=search_result_all

Image Source: https://www.archdaily.com/search/all? q=Tricolor%20Trilogy%20Pavilions&ad_source=jv-header

Structure- Tent


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Steel and Alumium

Alumium and Gauze

Image Source: https://www.archdaily.com/477224/endless-cycling-rodrigo-cacerescespedes

Image Source: https://www.archdaily.com/960187/temporary-chapel-alhambrascross-colab-19-plus-sociedad-colombiana-de-arquitectos? ad_source=search&ad_medium=search_result_all

Structure- Tent


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10


Pneumatic: An item of pneumatic (filled with air) equipment.

Structure: Inflatables (Pneumatic) Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

p21 2021 06.10

8m Dome

Inflatable Office Pods

8m Cube


15m Airoof

5m Xpod

Inflatable Walls

Structure: Inflatables (Pneumatic) Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

p22 2021 06.10

Pneumatic Structural System

An inflatable roof on the Olympic Stadium in Montreal, Quebec https://plastics-themag.com/an-inflatable-roof-on-the-olympic-stadium-inmontreal-quebec

Air Domes | Air Supported Soft Domes | Sports Domes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EH2v882MvLI

Structure: Inflatables (Pneumatic) Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

p23 2021 06.10

Sandbags Sandbag: a bag filled with sand used to build a wall as a protection against floods or explosions.

Real example

Structural diagram

Structure: Inflatables- Sandbags Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

p24 2021 06.10

Short Sandbag Circular Structure (with wire for mechanical usage and reinforcing) http://www.archcollege.com/archcollege/2017/09/ 37110.html

Rectangular Sandbag Structure

Axonometric View and Details - Dome structure Long Sandbag Dome Structure

Curved Sandbag Structure http://www.archcollege.com/archcol lege/2017/09/37110.html

Earthbag Structure for Kids https://www.youtube.com/wa tch?v=WMNzoWkXTtc

Structure: Inflatables- Sandbags Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

p25 2021 06.10

Massive insulating enclosure

Arch structure

Long sandbags for residential usage http://www.archcollege.com/archcoll ege/2017/09/37110.html

Structure: Inflatables- Sandbags Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

p26 2021 06.10

Small Repetitive Units


Skin: Small Repetitive Units


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10


Left: https://www.dwell.com/article/this-minimal-japanese-getaway-wasbuilt-for-surfing-1773e89d Right: https://assemblestudio.co.uk/projects/yardhouse


Image: https://en.petersentegl.dk/cover/assembly.aspx

Vertical Siding

Images: photo taken by student

Skin: Small Repetitive Units


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10




Image: https://www.angelusblock.com/returns/product_detail.cfm? display_id=391&return_id=39&pc=1&retDirect&related=205

Skin: Small Repetitive Units Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

p29 2021 06.10



Vertical/Long Siding


Rural Studio Farm Rainwater Management - Rural Studio This team of 3rd-Years was tasked with understanding how the water collected by the storehouse and kitchen extension might be managed and used as the main watering source for the future food forest. Their approach was to localize the water into one depo…

Skin: Small Repetitive Units Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

p30 2021 05.10





Woven "Totora Cube" in Ecuador explores new materials for indigenous architecture We love experiments in vernacular design and sustainable materials, including this fascinating project from Ecuador. Artisans and architects with the Archquid think-act tank teamed up to design and build a colorful, inhabitable cube using Totora, a fibr…

Image: https://www.archdaily.com/951479/beyond-survival-a-safe-spacefor-rohingya-women-and-girls-rizvi-hassan? ad_medium=office_landing&ad_name=article


Skin: Small Repetitive Units


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 05.10

Massive Insulating Rammed Earth

Straw Bale

Skin: Massive Insulating


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Rammed Earth

Skin: Massive Insulating


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Straw Bale

Skin: Massive Insulating


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Earth Bag

Skin: Massive Insulating


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 05.10

Storage Wall

Images: https://images.adsttc.com/media/images/602a/d07b/f91c/8158/bf00/00e6 /slideshow/17-B_MM_CL-01.jpg?1613418573

Building unit: Cabinet Building unit: Shelf / Panel Unit-to-unit connection: Screws and metal clasp

Cabinet Wall

Image: https://images.adsttc.com/media/images/56b2/18c6/e58e/cefa/d300/075 5/slideshow/_MG_5692-Modifier.jpg?1454512299

Skin: Storage Wall


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10



Images: https://images.adsttc.com/media/images/602a/d07b/f91c/8158/bf00/00e6 /slideshow/17-B_MM_CL-01.jpg?1613418573

Plywood Panels

Image: https://www.grainger.com/category/material-handling/storageworkspace/lockers?categoryIndex=3

Building unit: Shelf system

Building unit: locker

Unit to unit connection: Screws and metal clasp

Unit to unit connection: Screws and metal clasp

Image: https://i.pinimg.com

Image: https://www.dezeen.com/2014/06/27/flinders-lane-apartmentclare-cousins-architects/

Skin: Storage Wall Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

p37 2021 06.10

Transport Drums

Image: https://www.grainger.com/category/material-handling/storageworkspace/drums-and-drum-handling-equipment


Image: https://www.hayneedle.com


Source: https://www.itssingular.com/portfolio/i-love-recycled/

Source: https://www.itssingular.com/portfolio/i-love-recycled/

Skin: Storage Wall


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Plastic Sheets Plastic sheet: the sheet made of a light strong material that is produced by chemical processes and can be formed into shapes when heated. There are many different types of plastic, used to make different objects and fbrics.

Ghost Barn: The project is clad in impact resistant fiberglass and corrugated steel, consciously reflecting the local agricultural sheds that exist locally, giving the project an ambiguity that allows it to appear simultaneously familiar, yet extraordinary. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/buildings/ghost-barn-invisible-studios-workshop-in-the-woods

Typical farm greenhouse

Skin: Thin Grade Translucent- Plastic Sheets Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

p39 2021 06.10

Best-selling profile shapes (with small percentage of holes shown in images)

Skin: Thin Grade Translucent- Plastic Sheets Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

p40 2021 06.10

Go shopping

Studio Rain revives bath culture https://www.pinterest.com/pin/ 734227545496364426/

Takt Studio shades its workspace with corrugated plastic shutters

Skin: Thin Grade Translucent- Plastic Sheets Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

p41 2021 06.10

Permeable Skins Permeable CLT panelshole punched

Permeable wall skins Slats/louvres/mes hes

Skin: Permeable Skins Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

p42 2021 06.10



Fixed wooden slats as wall elements in a house, Netherlands Image source: Wooden Slat Facades: Rhythm and Translucency | ArchDaily

Fixed wall slat components

Prefabricated Meshes

Operable louvre wall Image source: Other Louvered Applications - FLEXfence Louver System

CNC cut meshes

Operable (open/close) components

Prefabricated fiber cement wall panels Image source: Fiber Cement Cladding Panels in Patio Building from Swisspearl (archdaily.com)

Skin: Permeable Skins Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

p43 2021 06.10


Wooden screen walls and windows in a local school in Columbia Image source: Aula ambiental / Taller Síntesis | Plataforma Arquitectura

Image source: Aula ambiental / Taller Síntesis | Plataforma Arquitectura


Permeable Plastics

Trellis frame structures, pergolas, gazebos Image source: The Victorian Trellis: ForeverRedwood

Permeable, porous plastics facilitating ventilation Image source: Biomimetic plastic skin allows building façade to “breathe” | plasticstoday.com

Free standing or Attached/parasitic trellis units (for plant-growing etc.) Image source: Amazon.com : Zippity Outdoor Products ZP19047 Highland Lattice Privacy Screen, White : Garden & Outdoor

Skin: Permeable Skins Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

p44 2021 06.10

Operable Rigid Panels

Operable Rigid Panels provide both enclosure and passage ways. They can be used to make spaces adaptive and multi-functional. The forms of Operable Rigid Panels can be mundane or highly expressive.

Skin: Operable Rigid Panels


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Pivot: Side

Pivot: Offset

Pivot: Center

Non-Pivot: Slide + Roll

The most basic Operable Rigid Panel is a standard door.

A Rigid Panel can be made more dynamic and serve various functions by offsetting the pivot point.

A central pivot point enables walls to become passageways and create different kinds of usable space.

Non-Pivoting Rigid Panels can create highly variable spaces, suitable for many different uses, with the added benefit of stowing away at the perimeter.

A basic doorway.

A more expressive door that can serve different sizes and functions. (e.g. pedestrians on one side, bicycles or carts on the other side, etc.).

A double doorway or an adaptive wall.

Roll up doorways effectively provide secure enclosure and opening with the added benefit of being very space efficient when in use.

Skin: Operable Rigid Panels


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Top-Pivot: Tilt Up

A tilt up panel can serve a large wall space while providing increased overhead shelter and creating indoor/outdoor space. Can require hydraulics or other substantial structural components.

Multi-Pivot: Horizontal

Provides many of the benefits of a standard tilt up panel with lower structural demands. Offers subsequently less covered outdoor space.

Multi-Pivot: Vertical

Vertically hinged Multi-Pivot panels can serve a large wall space combined with efficient usage of space.

Creative Innovations: Torggler's Kinetic Doors

Torggler's doors are very expressive and provide an efficient usage of space, however can be complicated to construct and install.

Torggler's 'Evolution' door. More space efficient, but also creates shearing hazards. https://www.businessinsider.com/klemens-torgglers-kinectic-door-2014-2

Skin: Operable Rigid Panels


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10


supporting structure: light frame skin: fabric

Skin: Fabric


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10



Chain Link / Metal Mesh

Skin: Fabric


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10



Skin: Fabric


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Chain Link / Metal Mesh

www.archdaily.com www.archdaily.com

A Scaffolding System for a Temporary Facility / Peris+Toral.arquitectes Text description provided by the architects. In response to both the temporality of the facility and the context where is located, Peris+Toral stands up for a detachable and reusable construction that minimizes the trace on the territory: a scaffolding …

Chicken House / Tropical Space Text description provided by the architects. The idea of the Chicken's House comes from the customer request. They are an aged couple who longing to move to the countryside. They want to raise some chickens in the garden so that they can take care of th…


Organic Vegetable Stand - Rural Studio In a field 20 miles northeast of Newbern, this project is a small ground covering structure that facilitated the sale of vegetables for Willie Nell Avery. The tree trunk columns supporting the shed roof are notched at the top on both sides, to allow for…


Scaffold House / Gaurav Roy Choudhury Architects GRCA Text description provided by the architects. The Scaffold House is a lowcost renovation project based in Bangalore, in which the original load bearing building had three apartments has been converted into two duplex houses. The original building was bu…

Skin: Fabric


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Boat Sails (Repurposed)

Sail Shades Image source: How to Make Shade Sails - Sailrite (omo-7.xyz)

Sail Shades Structure typology Image source: www.tensileshadeproducts.com/products.php

Repurposed sails utilized to create shaded outdoor spaces between tiny homes.

Sails overlaid on each other to create long span, overhead shades and awnings

Sails as fence, or privacy screens Image source: (247) Pinterest

Longer sails repurposed to create overhead operable awnings Image source: Amazon.com : E&K Sunrise 3'Wx16'L Beige Retractable Pergola Canopy Shade Cover Slide on Wire Hung Canopy Replacement Shade Cloth Wave Shade Sail Awning for Wood Pergola Trellis Patio Deck : Garden & Outdoor

Skin: Fabric


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Multiwall Skins

Multi Wall- Layer diagram

Polycarbonate: A very strong, clear plastic used, for example, in windows. https://ampelite.co.nz/Thermoclick.php

Multi-wall: Having a wall of several layers.

Skin: Thin, rigid, translucent 'Multiwalls' Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

p53 2021 06.10

Translucent skins: semi-private Polycarbonate walls were used to create an introverted space that is filled with diffused natural light and biophilic feelings.


Colorful: great for kids http://www.midotrust.com/how-to-install-twin-wall-polycarbonateroofing-sheets/


Protection from weather https://stormbuildingproducts.com/installing-polycarbonate-sheeting/

Public events under structure http://www.amazingpergolas.com/polycarbonate-to-cover-yourpergola/xzfux1t0smnq0qagmqlhuqxm5zf2jg


Skin: Thin, rigid, translucent 'Multiwalls' Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

p54 2021 06.10

Biophilic natural perception https://www.archdaily.com/791802/leff-art-studio-tbdarchitecture-and-designstudio/57901947e58ece9a9c000072-leff-art-studio-tbdarchitecture-and-design-studio-photo

Different types have been developed for the shopper. https://ampelite.co.nz/Thermoclick.php

Skin: Thin, rigid, translucent 'Multiwalls' Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

p55 2021 06.10

Program Activity

*Magic* component

"A place for community connection." smoking area


Food Prep

semi open


green Rabbit space


Pooh Bear




learning, interacting with community members - (grow)

water catchment

Spatial need Infrastructure Recipe (structure + skin)


open space

environmental advocacy

farm market / festival

sharing food / culture with others

sheltered w ventilation

separation/ distance


rain/shade cover, weathering

locked / secure storage

lots of shelving and counter space

contained watering?


Inspiration image /Design/ Sketch / Keywords / Description


structure Stand alone: stickExtension frame, light from skinanother Corrugated structuremetal + metal (Al) stick frame

skin (for the roof) canvas?

storage for equipment (water cans, shovel, gloves, etc.)


catch basin

good circulation

trash can

Location on site




farm structure / compost bin

tool shed

plastic transulcent skin

steel frame

longhouse walls

party tent

open air

sandbag structure for storage


operable opening

panels - flat

permeable skins


permeable skins

roof party tent


rigid box: water-proof

small repeatitive units: for storage


Low Energy

Relax Piglet

Christopher Robin



High Energy


A.A. Milne

good conversation, late nights under string lights


all ages play

slow down Reception

banners and flags = festive

*kids laughing*

to greet and welcome residents and visitors?

seating spaces

Shelter from rain

table and chairs


transparent paneled roof

mesh roof

Play area / kid zone ideas


floor/ground safe material (anti skid, not too abrasive to fall on)

connection to entrance

trash cans?


outdoor large space

small secure bldg storage (office)

benches scaffold


weather protection


Ground Mural

tiny house


trash cans


bike racks

Recipe Generator


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

New table

Location on site

Program Activity

*Magic* component Use our resources to create "community".

growth magic opportunity mutual support play/active connection recharge/relax

Use our resources to create "community".

-growth -magic -opportunity -mutual support

Spatial need Infrastructure Recipe (structure + skin)

Inspiration image /Design/ Sketch / Keywords / Description


-play/active -connection - recharge & relax

tiny house

slow down

awnings connection to entrance

Lobby banners and flags = festive

to greet and welcome residents and visitors?

small secure bldg (office)

bench outdoor large space


bike racks trash cans

Recipe Generator: Example: Lobby


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Bike Racks Tiny houses


Bike storage with translucent materiall

Trash can

Welcoming bench area

Lobby Recipe


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Program Activity

*Magic* component Use our resources to create "community". -growth -magic -opportunity -mutual support

Location on site

Inspiration image /Design/ Sketch / Keywords / Description


-play/active -connection - recharge & relax

"A place for community connection."

smoking area

Spatial need Infrastructure Recipe (structure + skin)



semi open sheltered w ventilation

rain/shade cover, weathering

separation/ distance


trash can

gazebo/ trellis


Stand alone: stick frame, light skin

skin (for the roof) canvas Extension from another structure

Corrugated metal + metal (Al) stick frame

Recipe Generator: Example: Smoking Area


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Repurposed Sails

Waste Bin

Ground Mural

Smoking Area Example


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Program Activity

*Magic* component Use our resources to create Use our "community".

Spatial need


growth magic opportunity mutual support play/active connection recharge/relax

resources Use to our resources create to create "community".

Recipe (structure + skin) Location on site

Inspiration image /Design/ Sketch / Keywords / Description

Illustrate Illustrate


growth magic opportunity mutual support -growth play/active -magic connection recharge/relax -opportunity

-mutual support

-play/active -connection - recharge & relax

learning, interacting with community members - (grow)



open space locked / secure storage

farm structure / compost bin

tool shed greenhouse

farm market / festival

contained watering?

water catchment environmental advocacy

catch basin


plastic transulcent skin

steel frame

open air sandbag structure for storage

operable opening

storage for equipment (water cans, shovel, gloves, etc.)

Recipe Generator: Example: Grow


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10


Shipping Container

Grow Example


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Program Activity

*Magic* component Use our resources to create "community".

growth magic opportunity mutual support play/active connection recharge/relax

Use our resources to create "community".

-growth -magic -opportunity -mutual support

Spatial need Infrastructure Recipe (structure + skin)

Inspiration image /Design/ Sketch / Keywords / Description

Illustrate Illustrate

-play/active -connection - recharge & relax Location on site

learning, interacting with community members - (grow)

Grow Food Prep


open space locked / good secure circulation storage

sharing food and culture with others

farm market / festival

cook tool

shed storage


lots of shelving and contained counter watering? space

water catchment environmental advocacy

farm structure / compost bin

catch basin

longhouse walls


plastic transulcent skin

party tent steel

frame panels - flat

open air

permeable skins

sandbag structure for storage

operable opening

storage for equipment (water cans, shovel, gloves, etc.)

Recipe Generator: Example: Food Prep


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10


Plastic Crates

Food Prep Example


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

New table

Program Activity

*Magic* component Use our resources to create "community".

Spatial need


growth magic opportunity mutual support play/active connection recharge/relax


Inspiration image /Design/ Sketch / Keywords / Description

Location on site

Use our resources to create "community".

-growth -magic -opportunity -mutual support

Recipe (structure + skin)


-play/active -connection - recharge & relax

good conversation, late nights under string lights

Shelter from rain

table and chairs

mesh roof

seating spaces

transparent paneled roof

trash cans?


Recipe Generator: Example: Relax


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Translucent Plastic Sheets


Relax Example


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Program Activity

*Magic* component Use our resources to create "community".

growth magic opportunity mutual support play/active connection recharge/relax

Use our resources to create "community".

-growth -magic -opportunity -mutual support

Spatial need Infrastructur Recipe Inspiration image /Design/ Sketch / Keywords / Description e (structure + skin) Illustrate

-play/active -connection - recharge & relax

Play area / kid zone ideas





all ages play

*kids laughing*

floor/ground safe material (anti skid, not too abrasive to fall on)

Location on site




Repurposed old tyres

weather protection


Ground Mural

Recipe Generator: Example: Gather


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Repurposed boat sails

Polycarbonate sheet (translucent sheet)


Soft flooring material

Gather Example


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Moving Forward Conventional architecture serves as an assembly of raw materials based heavily on specialized design and trade skills. Our hope in creating this book has been to democratize the process, putting the tools for good design and construction directly into the hands of those that need it. With a starting list of "state-of-the-shelf" components the reader should be able to combine and adapt readily available resources to create usable spaces that are greater than the sum of their parts. Please use the Recipe Generator to craft custom solutions to the needs of your own community. Make photo copies and share with your friends or scribble right in the book. Above all... Happy Designing! Moving Forward


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu

2021 06.10

Program Activity

*Magic* component Use our resources to create "community". -growth -magic -opportunity -mutual support

Spatial need Infrastructure Recipe (structure + skin)

Location on site

Inspiration image /Design/ Sketch / Keywords / Description

-play/active -connection - recharge & relax

Recipe Generator


Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu,

2021 06.10

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