The market for barcode numbers

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THE MARKET FOR BARCODE NUMBERS Having a barcode number denoting their unique product is now imperative for just about every manufacturer. In fact, creating an identity of your product in the market now implies having a barcode to signify its existence in the market. Moreover, most retailers and even online sellers have now made it mandatory for a product to have a barcode to its name in order for it to land on their shelves for the purposes of final sales. All in all, the entire world of trading in goods is now dependent upon barcodes to manage logistics and identification functions. Most businesses get their barcode numbers directly from the GS1 authority operating in their country, however you may also choose to apply for one through a barcode reseller company. In August 2002 the barcode reseller was born due to a change in barcode legislation that allowed certain individuals and companies to resell "pre-owned but unused and unique" barcode numbers. Resellers often also sell auxiliary barcode services such as ISBN barcodes (for books), ISSN barcodes (for magazines and newspaper) and printed labels in addition to equipment such as specialized barcode printers and scanners. The market therefore has many options for the manufacturer to explore. Finding the best barcode online reseller can be a hard task, considering the fact that the industry is highly technical. You should therefore be very careful when selecting the right reseller to work with so that you get the right services for the amount you are investing in the process. Use the internet to the best of your advantage to find the right name to trust.

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