April 2019
Issue 216
Brush Piles small secret bass fishing havens
Size & Shape the difference between whether you catch anything at all
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Close Combat there are a few elements of importance one must think about when it comes to wading for bass
Motorized kayaks | Attract & trigger bass | Farm dam strategies | My beste hengelmaat | As die hengelgogga byt Basics 4 Beginners | Olifants River Lodge | Industry news | Tournament reports and more...
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SA BASS Magazine
is published monthly (12 issues per annum) by WJ Lindeque cc t/a BB Print (CK99/23366/23)
Office hours:
Our office hours are Monday to Friday, 08:15 to 16:15
Contact numbers:
Office: (065) 849 3264, Alternative: (083) 306 2718 Fax: (086) 234 5026
Postal Address:
SA BASS, PO Box 24938, Gezina, 0031, RSA
Hannes Lindeque - hannes@sabass.com
Assistant editor:
John Badenhorst – editor@sabass.com
Regular contributors:
Roger Donaldson, Philip Kemp, Jay Röhm-Williams, Gary Peter, Gordon Brown
International Columnists:
Bertrand Ngim, Clint Skinner, David Swendseid, Curtis Niedermier, TJ Maglio, Matt Williams, Tyler Brinks, Joe Balog, Anthony Hawkswell
Advertising Manager:
Wilma Lindeque - wilma@sabass.com
Hannes Lindeque - hannes@sabass.com
Digital subscriptions:
Layout and Design:
Storm Deezigns - dee@stormdeezigns.co.za
Distributed by RNA:
Jannie Junius (011) 248 3536
SA BASS “SA BASS magazine – history & achievements” What better way to view the pages of any great story than by having it told by the creator and publisher, Hannes Lindeque himself – A written interview by Jay Röhm-Williams.
FLW “The rise of motorized kayaks”
As the popularity of kayak fishing grows, manufacturers continue to roll out better kayaks made specifically for fishing and accessories that provide kayak anglers with many of the high-tech tools that bass boat anglers enjoy – Matt Ball
About SA BASS magazine:
SA BASS, which is editorially and financially independent, is a monthly magazine catering exclusively for the bass angling community in Southern Africa. SA BASS is distributed country-wide by RNA to outlets, not only in South Africa, but also in Namibia, Swaziland and Botswana. SA BASS is designed as a specialist bass fishing publication and has catered for a well-defined niche market since April 2001. It enjoys the support and endorsement of non-government organisations, but is not affiliated in any way to these bodies or to any other publishing, environmental or political interest group. Our mission is to promote bass angling as a socially acceptable and popular outdoor recreational activity, and in addition, to encourage acceptable angling ethics. As such, SA BASS provides pertinent information on a wide range of subjects. These include providing a platform for informed debate on issues affecting the sport of bass angling, providing information on bass angling strategies and techniques, bass angling waters and opportunities, and also creating awareness of new products. Within this editorial mix, due consideration is given to developing the 02 SA BASS April 2019 | 18th Anniversary Issue
sport among all the country’s people (including the youth), and to the practical conservation of the country’s natural resources. Copyright is expressly reserved and nothing may be reproduced in part or whole without the permission of the publisher. All enquiries regarding editorial correspondence, manuscripts and photographs should be directed to: editor@sabass.com Address contributions to the editor. Manuscripts, photos and artwork will be handled with care, but their safety cannot be guaranteed. Enclose a stamped, self addressed envelope with all editorial submissions. The publisher and editorial staff are not responsible for researching and investigating the accuracy or copy right of the material provided for publication in SA BASS magazine. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this magazine, the publisher does not accept responsibility for omissions or errors or their consequences. Readers are advised to use this information with the understanding that it is at their own risk. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher, the editor, editorial staff or SA BASS Society.
TACTICS “The search for brush piles” The limbs and branches of wood will provide excellent place for baitfish to seek refuge. It’s amazing how the fish find these areas, which hints on the fact that fish are constantly migrating and looking for alternative areas to feed, hide and live – Roger Donaldson
How to use QR-codes 1. Open the QR-code reader/scanner app on your smartphone. Most smartphones models often have an app pre-installed. If not, visit your phone’s app store and download the app. 2. Keep a steady hand while the QR-code is centred on the screen. 3. As soon as it is done scanning, whatever information should present itself for your viewing pleasure.
TACTICS “Attract and trigger” Modern bass lures and baits are highly complicated fish catching tools - most of which are laboratory tested and computer designed. However our grandfathers were just as successful with homemade baits of chunk metal, hand carved wood and chicken feathers – Andrew Court
STRATEGIES “Close bass combat - The strategy of wading - Part 1” There are a few elements of importance one must think about when it comes to wading for bass. In this three part wading series the aspects of new angles, access to deeper water with shorter casts, closer observation points and merging with the thermocline first hand are all advantages we will elaborate on further – Jay Röhm-Williams
SA BASS “FLW Cast-for-Cash bass angling tournaments” SA BASS has been presenting monthly bass angling tournaments since 2001. Today SA BASS is the official licensee to present FLW sanctioned bass tournaments in eight southern Africa regions. Here we answer basic questions. – Hannes Lindeque
STRATEGIES “Farm dam strategies – Part 2” I urge you to make sure you’re at the water and ready to make your first cast before the sun’s rays break the horizon. I’ve readily found that the larger bass are still very active at this time and making hay while the sun is away. – Roger Donaldson
BASICS “As die gogga byt” Dit is nou herfs en baie jagters maak gereed om ietsie te gaan skiet. Vir my is swartbaarhengel net soos jag, maar met ‘n verskil... – Hannes Lindeque
SA BASS “Size and shape of bait matters” Experimenting with different bait sizes is a quick way to learn whether you have selected the bit of choice as the bass should react quite quickly to the lure – provided you are in the right spot naturally. But there is quite a lot more to understanding bait size and shape and an immense amount of work can go into this alone – Bass Spy
>> Cast-for-Cash report >> Small craft tournament results >> 15th Annual Black Bass Fishing World Championship 2019 INDUSTRY NEWS
KLASKAMER “My beste hengelmaat” Ek het besef dat ‘n mens nie verder hoef te kyk as die een wat die naaste aan jou is as dit by die keuse van ‘n hengelmaat kom nie – Philip Kemp
31 34
BASICS “Basics for beginners” Our mission is to promote bass angling as a socially acceptable and popular outdoor recreational activity, and in addition, to encourage acceptable angling ethics. SA BASS magazine helps our readers to catch more and bigger fish – Hannes Lindeque
>> Garmin unveils the MARQ Collection >> FLW enters into Kayak Bass Fishing Tournaments >> International angling news DESTINATION
>> Olifants River Lodge
ON THE COVER “TBC – Gaunteng angler: Danny Creigh-Smith” Image: Hugo vd Walt
SA BASS 03 18th Anniversary Issue | April 2019
has gone digital !! GET YOUR FAVOURITE SA Bass MAGAZINE
Met hierdie verjaarsdaguitgawe is SA BASS al agtien jaar op die winkelrakke. Dit wil sê ‘n totaal van 216 uitgawes het die lig gesien! In hierdie tyd, het SA BASS heelwat vermag tot voordeel van die SuidAfrikaanse swartbaarhengelaars. Lees meer van ons hoogtepunte op bladsy 8. Wanneer ek na die die fotos kyk is dit asof die fotos
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gister geneem is. ‘n Groot en hartlike dank aan al ons lesers, adverteerders, borge, veldwerkers, streekorganiseerders en produksiespan wat gehelp het om hierdie mylpaal te bereik. Sonder almal se ondersteuning sou dit nie maklik wees nie. Verder in hierdie uitgawe het ons ‘n verskeidenheid artikels om lesers te help om die beste van hul herfshengel te maak, want daar is groot en baie visse om nou te vang. Die visse is besig om hulself voor die winter dik te vreet en herfs is die tyd wat lesers langs die water moet wees. (Onthou julle kameras en stuur asseblief vir ons fotos vir ons Readers-goBassing afdeling.) Hierdie voordeel om die buitelug te kan geniet plaas ‘n verantwoordelikheid op elkeen van ons om toe te sien dat ons gedrag by die hengelwaters van so aard is dat dit ‘n onberispelike voorbeeld stel aan nie-hengelaars. Ek is al so moeg om as hengelaar geassosieer te word as ‘n “suiplap”. Mense wat sulke aantuigings opper toon ‘n duidelike gebrek aan kennis en het geen benul van wat ons sport behels nie. Seker een van die grootste aantrekkings van swartbaarhengel is dat elke keer wanneer ons langs die water kom leer ons iets anders. Die enigste konstante faktor is dat ons met wilde diere te doen het wat nie tydskrifte lees nie. Net soos elke uitstappie iets anders en nuut aan ons oplewer, so beleef ons by SA BASS elke jaar iets anders. As dit nie nuwe tegnieke, hengelgerei, hengeloorde en nuwe geleenthede vir ons hengelaars is nie, is dit die verandering in die kwailiteit van ons hengelwaters. Ongelukkig het die watergehalte die afgelope paar jaar drasties agteruit gegaan. Ook het die aanhoudende landswye droogtes verdere druk op ons sport geplaas. Maar op ‘n meer positiewe noot; lees gerus op bladsy 34 van die nuwe verwikkelinge by FLW wat verreikende gevolge, ook vir ons plaaslike hengelaars het. Dit beklemtoon net wat ons onsself ten doel gestel het toe ons die tydskrif begin het, en dit is om swartbaarhengel in al sy fasette aanhoudend te ontwikkel en uit te bou tot voordeel van alle swartbaarentoesiaste. Daar is al baie bereik sedert ons bestaan en kan ek met blymoedigheid sê dat ons nog nie die einde van die pad bereik het nie…. Inteendeel…. Intussen, laat julle lyne sing. Hannes Lindeque, Uitgewer
04 SA BASS April 2019 | 18th Anniversary Issue
To feature in “Readers go Bassing” send your story and pictures to editor@sabass.com All photos published in “Readers-go-Bassing” are for the exclusive use of SA BASS Magazine. Any photos previously published by other magazines will not be considered.
DOUBLE We spent last weekend at Witbank Dam staying at a private venue (we saw the Cast-for-Cash boats flying by). On Sunday we went out along the eastern coast line and managed to catch a lot of decent bass. We took one photo I think you will appreciate. I caught a nice bass and after my husband removed the hook we got everything ready to take a quick photo. I got my rod out the way and without realising my watermelon red junior fluke went back into the water next to the boat. While reaching to take the first bass a second one took the fluke and I almost lost my rod. Long story short, I caught the second one as well and managed to take this photo very quickly thereafter. Both fish safely released to scare someone else another day. – Linky Ferreira
CHUFFED I was pleasantly surprised to have landed this monster size bass on February, 29th 2019. My family and I were visiting the in-laws in the KZN Midlands near Howick. I overheard that there are bass in the farm dam so I took my son’s two piece spinning rod and a Mepps Black Fury, an in-line spinner. After about an hour of messing around with “rats and mice” in the shallows, I 06 SA BASS April 2019 | 18th Anniversary Issue
suddenly hooked this bucket mouth. It took me about two hours to get her onboard after she had dragged me around as if I was “dobbertjie”. Finally she gave up and I had the opportunity to take a picture. She was safely released to fight another day. I didn’t have a scale with me so what do you estimate she weighed? Thanks for a great magazine and all the handy tips. – Falando Lixo (Snr)
SPINNER My son, Mark (12 years) caught this 2.76kg big boy over the weekend using a spinner. We were in Whiteriver when he caught this fish on Sunday morning around 08:00. In total he caught three fish which were all released to fight another day. Thanks for a great magazine and all the advice. – Mark Matthee
ALBERT FALLS My son Bryce (15 years) caught this 3.8kg beauty at Albert Falls Dam. He was fishing a deep rocky point in about 8ft of water. He caught it using a Rapala DT10. Thanks for a great magazine – Nolene van der Merwe
BASSING AROUND I had a day out at a local pond and caught these guys. I would appreciate it if you can publish my contribution in the Readers-go-Bassing section, please – Pieter Steytler SA BASS 07 18th Anniversary Issue | April 2019
8 1 YEAR S
Celebrating the onward journey of bass angling publications by SA BASS Magazine >> A written interview with Hannes Lindeque* | by Jay Röhm-Williams ass fishing in South Africa is like the wild west of freshwater sspor sports angling and the passion we bass anglers share closely w resembles that of the open res frontier, endless. Along ffro the way it takes dedicated tth iin individuals working together tto document, advise, guide aand share the worldly kknowledge of this beyond eepic sport and its rapid progression over the years. e su 1 - First is April 200 SSA BASS magazine has done just that and in this birthday issue we look back to where it all began celebrating 18 years of bass angling publications so far. What better way to view the pages of any great story than by having it told by the creator and editor, Hannes Lindeque himself. I asked Hannes if he would be up for sharing some of the publications amazing history with the rest of South Africa and those internationally. Here is what he had to share... Jay: What inspired the creation of an angling magazine solely dedicated to bass fishing in South Africa and even covering abroad? Hannes: I caught my first largemouth bass when I was seven, but only got hooked on bass fishing in 1997. After that big one got away I wanted to learn more about the secret of catching bass and share the information with other bass enthusiasts. Jay: Where and when was the first issue of SA Bass magazine officially printed? 08 SA BASS April 2019 | 18th Anniversary Issue
Hannes: Our first issue was published in April 2001 and was printed by Business Print in Silverton, Pretoria. Jay: How massive has bass angling in South Africa become since then? Hannes: When I started off in bass fishing we only had a limited number of brand names available regarding lures, fishing line, rods, reels and boats. Back then every crankbait was referred to as a “Rapala”. Today we have almost every brand name available in our local stores and every year the equipment just gets better. Due to the internet there isn’t a lure that our local anglers don’t know of. Jay: In what ways has SA Bass magazine been able to assist South African bass anglers over the last 18 years? Hannes: I don’t think that I will ever fully comprehend the impact we had, but I do know for sure that SA BASS has always been the leader in the market. Just look at our track record. We opened up opportunities to local anglers that never existed before. Jay: What are some of the major highlights the magazine has experienced and which has been the most memorable so far? Hannes: We started the “BW Tour” in 2001 which is today known as FLW Cast-for-Cash. Over the years, SA BASS has sent many anglers on fully sponsored trips to compete and represent South Africa on an international level. Our first victory was in April 2005, when Morné de Beer won the tenth Anniversary International Friendship Buddy Draw Bass Tournament in Missouri, USA. Our biggest victory was when Michael Matthee finished ninth overall at the Costa FLW Series Championship on Kentucky Lake and qualified to
compete at the Forrest Wood Cup in August 2018. He made history! Last year Robbie Olivier won the Costa FLW Series Championship International Co-angler Division and South Africa won the International Friendship Tournament for the second year in a row. Recently FLW Zimbabwe and FLW Namibia joined the FLW family and we are looking forward to even bigger things to come. Other highlights were that SA BASS magazine was the first and only angling magazine that presents its own national radio and television programmes. We presented the Emerald One Million Rand Bass Classic and was the first ever bass angling tournament that received dedicated television coverage on SuperSport (DStv). Our Bassin’ Kids Outreach Programme, since 2003, is the first to provide a continuous holiday programme to get children “rather get hooked on fishing than on drugs�. In this regard we have many, many good memories and success stories to share - like the long distance call we received from Liam, now staying in Australia, just to say thank you for the guidance that we have given him in his teenage years. There are more names but not enough space in this issue to mention them all.
Jay: With each continuous successful issue what are some of the possible, exciting, future inspirations for SA Bass magazine? Hannes: We have some great things coming up with the next months, but unfortunately our readers will have to wait and see. I’m, not letting the secrets out LOL. Bass angling in Southern Africa is at an exploding, revolutionary stage not only locally but across international waters worldwide. It has changed freshwater angler’s lives and made dreams into reality, not only with the youth but within all ages and genders. I would like to thank Hannes, Wilma and the SA Bass magazine team for their hard working efforts along with the countless hours invested in continuously bringing South African bass angling to newer and higher heights as well as you the readers for keeping the passion of bass fishing thriving. To end off here is a list recapping some WOW moments from over the years, rods out and safe fishing everyone! *Hannes Lindeque is the founder and publisher of SA BASS magazine since 2001, the tournament director of the SA BASS Cast-for-Cash bass angling tournament trial and FLW Southern Africa.
SA BASS Magazine Milestones 2001
SA BASS 09 18th Anniversary Issue | April 2019
Č? SA BASS runs a ČŠ7DNH PH Č´VKLQJČ‹ FDPSDLJQ, encouraging parents to take their children Č´VKLQJ Č? CAST FOR CASH anglers compete at the FLW Stren Series Tournament on Sam Rayburn. 5HHG DQG :D\QH (DVWPHQ 5HHG Č´QLVKHG nd.
Č? CAST FOR CASH anglers compete at the FLW Stren Series Tournament on Lake of Ozarks. /HRQ 3RWJLHWHU $QGUHZ +XVJHQ $% &URQMČ’H DQG :LOOHP YDQ '\N. Č? SA BASS Bassin’ Kids visit and compete in Namibia. Č? SA BASS is a key role player on behalf of bass anglers and the bass industry in negotiations with the 'HSDUWPHQW RI (QYLURQPHQW $Î?DLUV DQG 7RXULVP regarding regulations of the Biodiversity Act that regulates the presence of bass in the country.
Č? FLW USA entered into an exclusive licensing agreement with SA BASS to sanction FLW Bass Č´VKLQJ 7RXUQDPHQWV LQ 6RXWK $IULFD.
Č? First FLW South African Championship at Emerald River resort and Casino, Vanderbijlpark. Č? FLW anglers participate at the FLW Series Championships on Kentucky Lake, Paris, TN. Michael Matthee, Wayne Louw, Justy Varkevisser and Henry Peterson. Michael won the international pro angler division DQG Č´QLVKHG XQGHU WKH WRS RQ GD\ JRLQJ WKURXJK WR the Forrest Wood Cup in 2018. Henry Peterson and Wayne Louw also won the International friendship Tournament.
Č? )/: 6RXWK $IULFD SUHVHQWV WKH Č´UVW HYHU QDWLRQDO 6PDOO FUDIW &KDPSLRQVKLSV DW %RVNRS Dam, NW. +HQGULN %UDQG -XDQ GX 7RLW %DUHQG %UDQG 9LFXV +RUQ -RKDQ -RXEHUW Č? Michael Matthee competes at the Forrest Wood Cup on Lake Quachita, Hot Springs, AR. Č? Second FLW South Africa Championship at Bivane Dam, KZN. Č? FLW South African anglers participate at the FLW Series Lake Guntersville. Robbie Olivier won the International Co-angler division and South Africa won the international Friendship Tournament.
Č? FLW South Africa expands to FLW Namibia and FLW Zimbabwe.
2002 – Biodiversity Act
2003 – Bassin’ Kids
2005 Lodge bassin’
2005 – MornÊ de Beer
10 SA BASS April 2019 | 18th Anniversary Issue
2006 – FLW Stren Series, Sam Rayburn
2007 – FLW
2007 2007– –FLW Bassin’ Stren Kids Series, in Namibia Lake of the Ozarks
2007 – Bassin’ Kids in Namibia
2017 – First FLW RSA Champions: Mike Matthee & Wayne Louw
2018 – FLW RSA Small Craft Champion
2018 – FLW Cup, Michael Matthee
2018 – Robbie Olivier
SA BASS 11 18th Anniversary Issue | April 2019
s the popularity of kayak fishing grows, manufacturers continue to roll out better kayaks made specifically for fishing and accessories that provide kayak anglers with many of the high-tech tools that bass boat anglers enjoy. One of the most popular accessories is the electric kayak motor, which is one of the best tools to maximize your time on the water and put you closer to the same playing field as the high-dollar bass boats, yet at a fraction of the cost. In kayak tournament fishing, the use of motors is controversial because some anglers believe they unfairly offer competitors an advantage and they contradict the traditional notion that a kayak should be powered by muscles. Still, the advantages are many, and you should consider a motor if you’re serious about hard-core kayak bass fishing. 12 SA BASS April 2019 | 18th Anniversary Issue
Choosing Motors
7 Advantages of Motors 1. RANGE – With a motor, you’ll save energy and find more fish. Before using a motor, my average range for a day of fishing was three to four miles. With the motor it’s not uncommon to cover more than 10 miles in a day. 2. POSITION – One of the biggest challenges with any kayak is maintaining position in wind and current. Without a motor, you’re forced to drop anchor or continually paddle to stay in place. This limits the amount of time spent actually fishing a spot. With a motor you can counter the wind and current easily and spend more time focusing on the fish. 3. UPSTREAM ACCESS – With a motor mounted on my kayak, I can launch on a river or stream, motor upstream, and then float and fish with the current back to my vehicle. This is a big plus to me; the days of having to set up a shuttle with another vehicle at a downstream takeout spot are over. Now I can spend a lot more time exploring rivers that seldom see fishing pressure. 4. HANDS-FREE OPERATION – Paddling a kayak in between casts while working down a long stretch of bank and slinging a crankbait, spinnerbait or topwater lure used to be a labor-intensive distraction. A motor enables me many more opportunities to run and gun. All things considered, the ability to work down a bank with both hands free can really expand the range of techniques that are used. 5. ELECTRONICS – A motor’s consistent search speed and increased range enable a kayak angler to take advantage of modern sonar – including side-viewing sonar and in-boat map making. 6. SAFETY – This is an often-overlooked benefit of having a motor on a kayak. Pairing big water and little boats can pose many hazards, but a motor can get you back to shore quickly, with little physical exertion in an emergency situation. 7. ACCESSIBILITY – A motor can get someone who is injured or has a disability back out on the water, fishing and competing from a kayak. In fact, some clubs that otherwise don’t allow motors will allow disabled anglers to use a motor to make tournaments available to more people.
There are many ways to incorporate a motor on your kayak. DIY is one option. Kayakers pride themselves on their DIY skills, so YouTube is full of great examples of clever homemade or modified big-boat trolling motors that have been adapted for a small boat. However, such homemade options often lack reliability, performance and safety features, and they’re heavy to boot. A model designed and built by a kayak accessory manufacturer is almost always a better choice. Companies such as Torqeedo (torqeedo.com) have put time and research into creating the most efficient, safe and lightweight kayak motors – and battery systems – possible. These modern motors and their lithium batteries offer significant advantages. Kayak manufacturers are also getting on board by offering motor options. For instance, Jackson Kayak (jacksonkayak.com) is currently working on a motor for its popular Coosa FD. When it’s available, the motor will be able to be swapped in for the boat’s pedal-drive system. Wilderness Systems (wildernesssystems.com) and Hobie (hobie.com) also offer motor systems developed by Torqeedo specifically for their kayaks. Here are some other factors to consider when choosing a motor.
Weight and Transport Motors and batteries add weight, but if you choose a premium product you’ll see a big difference. One popular 30-pound-thrust transom-steer motor used by kayak anglers weighs around 17 pounds, and a lead-acid battery to power it varies from 20 to 30 pounds, depending on size. A Torqeedo Ultralight 403 hefts about 16 pounds for the total package, including its lithium battery. This makes a major difference in ease of loading and unloading, and the amount of draft in a loaded kayak. Lithium batteries, such as the one used with the Ultralight, save significant weight, though the tradeoff is a higher price tag.
Installation Motors designed specifically for one kayak model or a series of kayak models are usually simple to SA BASS 13 18th Anniversary Issue | April 2019
install. Some just drop in place in the middle of the boat or on the transom, or require some permanent hardware install. Others made to fit any kayak might require a bit more work or an accessory kit to install on the transom, but are usually still pretty easy to set up. Companies such as YakAttack (yakattack.us), Bassyaks (bassyaks.com) and Kevin Dismuke’s Kayak Motor Mounts (see Facebook) manufacture motor mounting kits to fit just about any kayak on the market. Motor mounts should be designed to be easy to remove for transport, and easy for the user to raise or lower from a seated position, which allows access to very skinny water and prevents damage when beaching the kayak.
Steering Kayak motors usually steer with foot pedals or a hand control. Foot pedals are most convenient for fishing. Some anglers into the DIY scene have even figured out how to rig remote-operated motors on their kayaks.
Registration Kayak registration varies from state to state. In Ohio, where I live, the law requires all kayaks to be registered, but kayaks with motors must display registration numbers on the hull. Be sure to check local regulations if you’re thinking about adding a motor to your rig.
Price You can pay a lot or pay a little, but you generally get what you pay for when it comes to a compact kayak motor. The Torqeedo Ultralight 403, for instance, costs $1,799, but it’s a complete system, is lightweight and is easy to use without any DIY work required to be up and running.
With the limited time that many of us have to actually get out on the water to fish, I believe the motor is the single biggest improvement for maximizing time on the water. Whether you’re a weekend angler or an avid tournament competitor, the kayak motor is a tool that can increase your fishing success. That’s an advantage that I will take anytime I can. 14 SA BASS April 2019 | 18th Anniversary Issue
Take Advantage Of More Time
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Matt Ball is a professional kayak angler from Little Hocking, Ohio. He’s won more than $40,000 in a kayak, and in the last three years has earned 21 top-10 finishes and two wins, including the inaugural Kayak Bass Fishing National Championship on Kentucky Lake in 2016.
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>> SA BASS TACTICS Thickets of bush, tree branches, tree stems and limbs and small trees can all be used to make offshore bru b brush piles, which can ultimately create crea eate ea ate te small sm secret bass fishing havens. havens s.
Use a Texas rig when fishing heavy cover
lthough creative bass fishing enthusiasts have been found to build their secret brush piles in most dams, one dam which was synonymous for these little hidden structures is Albert Falls Dam. They’re relatively small in length and width and ranging in size between a bicycle and a small motor vehicle. Brush piles can also be confused with small flooded bushes, or trees and laydown logs, but they all provide very similar attractive qualities which bass anglers need to be on the lookout for. The limbs and branches of wood will excellent place for baitfish w wi illl provide il p It’s amazing how the to seek see eek ek refuge. re areas, which hints fish h find fin fi nd these th o the on he fact fac act that th hat a fish are constantly migrating looking for m mi grat atin at ingg and in a alternativee areas are to feed, ar hide and d llive. ive. iv ve. e most I’ve spent mos ostt of os o my out hours ou ut on
the water looking for brush piles. Sometimes when the water levels drop they can be spotted more easily as their delicate tips protrude from the water surface – perhaps one or two minute sticks just breaking the surface. You may be idling your boat or walking the banks and notice the kingfisher bird using the small branches as a landing pad, or docking area while they consider their next flight pattern. On your sonar fishfinder these brush piles can be most inconspicuous. You could pass within a metre of the small structure and not notice any change in the sonar reading, yet zigzagging back on your tracks you come across a dark line, raised from the bed of the dam and possibly only 2 to 3m in length. Instantly make note of all these findings while traversing the shoreline. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at just how many exist. Brush piles create an environment
Sunrise on Injaka Dam near Hazyview and a spectacular opportunity to fish this visible brushpile 16 SA BASS April 2019 | 18th Anniversary Issue
>> Roger Donaldson*
while is not dissimilar to that of a fad (fish attracting device) which saltwater fisherman will be acquainted with. Organisms attach themselves to the device and they grow rapidly as the device is normally located closer to the surface and the sunlight. While the organisms grow the schools of fish congregate and they use the opportunity to forage, for a source of shade (depending on its size) and protection against predators. In the spring months the brush piles will also become areas which bass choose to compliment their bedding areas, as the stems and branches of the tree will provide much desired protection. You may ask yourself how these brush piles stay below the surface when we often see timber floating across the dam after a storm for instance. Those floating pieces of timber are often the remanence of old, dry branches which may have been resting alongside the bank. This wood is mostly dry and because of this it is highly buoyant and possibly only after many weeks will it sink, if at all.
The Vaal River often encounters flooding and after heavy rains on the Highveld anglers and skiers will need to be warned of the impending possibility of damaging their boats from impact by floating debris in the form of tree branches, stems, logs and the like. If only I could have magical sight of all these pieces of debris beneath the water – it would be a treasure trove, something I dream of! Although my encounters fishing brush piles have been numerous I remember one specific occasion which stands out. I was fishing with Peter Potgieter under a railway bridge on the Vaal River very near to the Suikerbos River intersection. It was just a week after the recent flooding and wonderful items of timber were now deposited along shallow banks and other odd areas of the dam. However, we found a small willow tree had been eroded from the bank somewhere upstream and had now lodged itself against a pylon of the bridge. Only the very tips of the willow tree leaves could be seen protruding from the
water. Peter and I were quick with a Texas rigged craw and positioned ourselves just alongside the structure so that we could get a bait right into the mix. Be forewarned that you need to be rigged with the correct line around structure like this, because the bass won’t deliver themselves to you on a platter. Peter and I enjoyed two fish each within quick succession from this little gem. We’d spotted a few more similar delights along the river bank and spent the day marking them all on our fishfinder. These would certainly come in handy at our next event which was only a week away! *Roger Donaldson is an experienced journalist and knowledgeable bass angler who has enjoyed many enlightening hours with many of South Africa’s top, competitive bass fishermen. As a competitive angler himself, he also enjoys sharing his expertise with fellow bass fanatics in the hope that they find the same joy in this unique sport.
2 5 Th & 2 6 TH M A Y 2 0 1 9
Individual prize for the biggest bass
Individual prize for 2nd biggest bass Team prize for the biggest bag Team prize for the 2nd biggest bag
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ENTER NTER ONLINE AT www.bivanebass.co.za w.bivanebass.co.za SA BASS 17 18th Anniversary Issue | April 2019
ATTRACT and TRIGGER >> Andrew Court
odern bass lures and baits are highly complicated fish catching tools - most of which are laboratory tested and computer designed. However our grandfathers were just as successful with homemade baits of chunk metal, hand carved wood and chicken feathers. So every lure in one way or another has the ability to make a bass bite, but the physical nature of certain baits seems to make them somewhat better than others. These physical attributes generally have everything to do with size, colour, movement and sound and can be categorised in two basic qualities, namely attracting and triggering. Although a lot of baits will attract a bass, not all of them trigger that instant positive reaction. We’ve often seen bass following a bait but not striking or not even giving it a second look, or when things are good, smashing a bait without even thinking about it. We’ve even come to see that some baits have a reputation for only catching smaller fish while others are renowned for catching lunkers. So even when all baits have
18 SA BASS April 2019 | 18th Anniversary Issue
some form of attracting and triggering qualities, what gives a bait the best of both worlds? Let’s first take a look at the attracting qualities of a bait that draws the attention of a bass. Bright colours: Colours that stand out dramatically from the environment, such as chartreuse or hot pink and orange for example, are definite attention getters and can invoke closer investigation from a bass. Mechanical action: This is the factory or built- in movement of a bait that creates a repetitive, mechanicaltype action when retrieved at a constant speed through the water. Although this constant action is an attention getter it may often not be natural or convincing enough to induce a strike. Size: This is of course relative to the size of the bass, its forage and the water clarity but generally a small, compact bait will induce more strikes from a bass than an over sized
Some of the best baits have long, thin profiles
one. The larger a bait the more of a potential threat it could be too the bass and the more chance a bass has tto identify its flaws, especially in clear water. An oversized versized bait is far easier for a bass to see and aan investigate i vestigate than a smallll one that might go by unnoticed unnoticed. Unnatural noise: ise: These are baits i with built-in rattles raat that create quite a noise when retrieved. Sound d is i gr greatly ck directio magnified under water but does tend to llack direction, so although bass may be attracted to a particular sound, they also need a visual cue to home in on the bait. These are a few factors that definitely attract a bass to investigate more closely but don’t always induce a strike. There has to be something more about our bait that will convince a bass to actually eat it. These are the triggering qualities of a lure. Natural flash and colour: Everything that a bass feeds on has a natural colour and has the ability to blend into the environment by taking on the colours of the surroundings. This would include natural drab greens browns and blacks for bottom creatures, and white, silver and gold for the swimmers. This is why more bass are caught on these natural coloured lures than any other. Larger eyes and subtle touches of flash (glitter), especially in red will often help induce a positive feeding cue to bass. Natural sounds: A bass’ prey will do anything not to draw attention to itself, and this includes being as silent as physically possible. So believe it or not, a lure that moves silently through the water or at least emits a random clicking sound is more likely to be eaten than a bait that emits a great deal of repetitive commotion. Often the simple knocking
Swim Baits & Jerkbaits
4” Hollowbelly Swimbait
RP Bluegill
3” Slick Shad
3.5” Swim Ripper
Sexy Swim Shad
3”- 7” Carrot Stick
4.25”/5.25”/7.5” Quiver Stick
3.75”/4.75”/6”/7” Wild Minnow
Worms 5.5” Tear Tail Worm
5.5” Drop Shot Worm
10” Ribbontail Worm
4.5” Curly Tail Stick
3”/4” Swimming Frog
Suspending jerkbaits are excellent triggering baits
4.5” Big Foot Toad
Trade enquiries only Pieter Bezuidenhout | pieterbez@mweb.co.za
Random action: More and bigger bass are more likely to be caught on baits with an action that is generated by the angler, as opposed to the built- in action of a bait. Natural prey certainly doesn’t behave in a mechanical fashion and plastic worms, tubes and jigs have high triggering qualities for this reason. The movement of these baits is determined by how they come over the substrate and by the angler’s movement of the rod. It’s often better to try and employ a more erratic action to mechanical baits as well to trigger a strike. Speed: This is something which needs to be determined by conditions; fast moving baits however such as cranks and spinnerbaits, can often be fished a lot faster in some situations. This ‘escaping-prey’ scenario can trigger good reaction bites from bass.
In theory it can be said that baits with only attracting qualities will catch far less bass than those with predominant triggering qualities... but then how would a bass know that a bait has only triggering qualities?
The way a bass engulfs a bait can often tell you about the attracting and triggering qualities of your lure
of a jig head on the rocks or the treble hooks rattling on the split rings of a crankbait, is all that is necessary for a bass to hear it, especially in clear water. Long, thin profiles: Most baitfish, eels and worms are by nature elongated and flattish and are probably a lot easier for a bass to handle than a creature that is squat, round and probably has sharp spines. Hence some of the best baits have this profile and bass learn over time to avoid those large squat, chubby morsels.
The constant tail action of a lure is an attention getter 20 SA BASS April 2019 | 18th Anniversary Issue
In reality we would want to try and create a good blend of attracting and triggering qualities regardless of the conditions. This of course is a personal thing and is dictated by our own fishing style and confidence in the baits we use. However it can also probably be said that baits with predominant attracting qualities might catch more but smaller bass, and those with more triggering qualities the bigger ones. Smaller bass, being less experienced, tend to strike at baits that stand out more while bigger bass are more inclined to be cautious, hence the success of jigs and numerous plastics. we are struggling to get a bite, it might Often when w baits are leaning towards the attracting side mean that our bai of things and our presentation might need more triggering qualities. This doe doesn’t mean we have to necessarily change baits, but merely by fishing it differently can turn lookers into strikers. We can turn repetitive mechanical baits like cranks and spinn spinnerbaits into edible morsels by bumping them ooff rocks or stumps, or fish them more erratically to trigger the strike. JJust changing the size of a bait, adding or removi ng sound oor using a more natural colour can turn removing an attractive attraactive bait into i an edible one. Pay close atten attention to why a bass ate your bait and to how w well it ate it, it as this is definitely a positive clue to what’s ggoing on bbeneath the surface. Be prepared to make big or ssmall chang changes if necessary and observe any changes in thee immediate immediat environment that might change the ba ass’ feeding cues. bass’ Using this t attract and trigger concept is an easy and also fun f way of fine tuning your presentation and hopefully hope gets you better results.
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CAT’S Hollow Frogs
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Part 2
FARM DAM STRATEGIES Typical sunrise morning on a farm dam in the north of Johannesburg
>> Roger Donaldson*
e discussed a variety of go-to baits to select from for your next farm dam bass fishing experience. Now let’s get into the areas to target and fishing strategy. In the early morning, preferably even before sunrise is my favourite time of the day. I am always surprised to hear how many people don’t get up to experience this time of day. Most of all, if you’re a bass fishing fanatic I urge you to make sure you’re at the water and ready to make your first cast before the sun’s rays break the horizon. I’ve readily found that the larger bass are still very active at this time and making hay while the sun is away. There are many reasons why the pre-dawn hours are such a popular time for fishing. Mostly, this is the time of the day when the light is still dim. Low light levels help the bass to remain easily camouflaged, both from prey and from their predators. The bass will be most likely to chase down your lure and attack at this time, as they will not hesitate to launch into the open. A favourite time of mine in 22 SA BASS April 2019 | 18th Anniversary Issue
the earliest hours of an autumn morning in April at a quarry farm dam hidden from site and just off the Mnandi Road, Johannesburg north. I cast out my Gene Larew floating frog into one foot of water, up in the shallowest flooded grass. Movement on the water surface was non-existent apart from the ripple effect dispersing from my lure which had landed neatly in an open square metre of water between protruding blades of grass. I didn’t even have the opportunity to take a deep breath before a gargantuan swirl immersed my frog. The bass was hungry, powerful, and intentioned. I watched the line make way for deeper water and immediately a reeled up the slack line and set the hook. Fishing right into the midst of this type of grass forced me to select from the reels which I’d spooled with braided line. For the grass I was fishing it only required that I spooled no more than 25lb breaking strain on a baitcaster reel. I also like to apply a rod with reasonable backbone to cater for the additional pressure you need to exert when pulling fish
from cover. So, a medium heavy rod will be the least required and which will compliment your line and fishing environment. Plus, braided line floats so this will lend greatly to the nature of the frog lure I chose. The sun rises surprisingly fast and soon I’m heading back to my car to partially disrobe and block out against the sun. I’m staring at my friend who has now made his way across to a bank of reeds and open banks. It’s difficult to access the water there, as the reeds block your casting ability so he continues making his way around to a grassy knoll. From the advantage of the mound you get cast tactically toward the open water. From here the choice of lures could widen. I also wanted a chance at this opportunity on the small farm dam and so I headed off to intercept and join him. With a Rapala crankbait rigged up on the end of his line my friend cast towards the deeper, middle section of the dam. I decided to dovetail and choose something different to fish with so I had selected a rod
Spinnerbaits can be fished quickly and easily around all types of structure
which suited fishing my soft plastic baits, more specifically for fishing flukes, Senkos and twitch worms. Together with the selected rod I packed an assortment of plastics and a “strategy lure” in a backpack and made off. I’d studied the weather report for the day and realised that as we approach midday a light breeze was going to develop, but until then conditions would be calm. Just this information is incredibly helpful in preparing for a day of bass fishing. Planning what lures to fish when. For example; while there is no wind there will be little need for weighting your bait and a simple weightless presentation of a soft plastic bait will be sufficient for fishing around all areas. I started to realise how glad I was that not too many locals new about the dam we’d found. You also needed to know a few people I guess and the fact that it was a Thursday meant we were the only people there – we had the pond entirely to ourselves. Soft plastic lures are great fun to fish. Around grass and reed you only need to make sure that you’ve sufficiently “pegged” the point of your hook beneath the plastic to prevent against snagging and dragging any blades of grass and vegetation matter. Interestingly, I’ve learned that when your bait is dragging any foreign material around with it the bass are extremely sensitive to biting. Hard to believe, but very true.
Slowly a welcome breeze developed and a ripple ensued across the dam. I really enjoy this time. I find that the fishing improved decidedly. The natural oxygenation invigorating the bass and the ripple providing some sort of cover, enhancing the predator’s ability to hunt. This is the time suited best to fishing a spinnerbait, my “strategy lure”! Your spinnerbait can be fished quickly and easily around all types of structure and there is hardly a time that it will get snagged up. You will also quickly realise that in this picture-perfect situation you will land far more fish than the angler next to you. I’m really not very competitive, but admittedly this was a delightful way for me to end the morning fishing. *Roger Donaldson is an experienced journalist and knowledgeable bass angler who has enjoyed many enlightening hours with many of South Africa’s top, competitive bass fishermen. As a competitive angler himself, he also enjoys sharing his expertise with fellow bass fanatics in the hope that they find the same joy in this unique sport.
SA BASS 11 March 2018
Jy kan dit vir jou hengelmaat ‘n prettige uitstappie maak
Soos ons ouer word verander ons perspektief oor die lewe, gesinne en die tyd wat jy met jou geliefdes deurbring. So het my hengelvriende oor die jare ook maar gekom en gegaan.
My Beste
Reniece se baars is altyd groter as myne en sy maak seker almal weet dit
>> Philip Kemp*
24 SA BASS April 2019 | 18th Anniversary Issue
andat ek kan onthou was vriende maar deel van al my hengelavonture en was dit tog een van my vriende wat my as 12-jarige aan baarshengel voorgestel het. Min het ek toe geweet dat dit later deel sou word van my daaglikse bestaan en dat daar nie ‘n naweek sou verbysluip sonder dat ek ‘n lyn iewers in die water sou hê nie. Hengelvriende is maar soos mens sou sê; soms ook mooiweersvriende. Sommige sou jou net kontak as meeste van sy ander hengelmaats nie kan gaan hengel nie en jy nou maar net volgende, eintlik laaste op sy lys is. Dalk is jy een van die gelukkige hengelaars wat nog altyd ‘n maat kon hê waarmee jy baie goed oor die weg kon kom en wat jou kan aanvaar met al jou “pyne en skete”. Elkeen van ons kan egter op ons eie manier redelik kompleks en anders wees en daarom verg dit ‘n besonderse hengelvriend om by dit verby te kyk en steeds saam met jou die genot van baarshengel te geniet. So moes ek na bykans 20 jaar van baarshengel die antwoord net hier reg onder my neus kom soek. Reniece, my vrou, het maar al die jare in ‘n huis grootgeword waar die passie vir hengel, en meer spesifiek “pap gooi”, deur haar pa en broer gedeel is. Tussen kinders grootmaak en werk deur het sy tog so nou en dan saam met my ‘n baars of twee gaan vang. Toe sy die eerste keer met groot geduld saam met my in die laeveld forel gaan hengel het, en boonop vir die meeste mans gewys het waar Dawid die wortels begrawe het, moes ek eintlik al besef het dat sy ‘n hengelaar met deursettingsvermoë is. En so het ek besef dat ‘n mens nie verder hoef te kyk as die een wat die naaste aan jou is as dit by die keuse van ‘n hengelmaat kom nie. Daar was egter ‘n paar aanpassings en opofferings wat ‘n mens moet maak om die persoon se belangstelling aan te wakker en ‘n liefde vir die sport te kweek:
Kweek ‘n liefde Dit is belangrik om vir die persoon vir wie jy die tegnieke gaan aanleer eerstens die liefde vir hengel aan te kweek. Hoe gemaak om iemand wat nog nie kan hengel nie, die nodige
tegnieke aan te leer en die liefde te kweek? Op enige hengeluitstappie wil die leermeester graag ook hengel en dit is juis die fout wat die hengelaar maak. Jy moet aanvaar dat jy op so ‘n dag self nie te veel gaan hengel nie en eerder sonder ‘n stok in jou hand die student gaan touwys maak. Ek was in die gelukkige posisie dat my vrou alreeds kon ingooi. Oppas om jou toekomstige hengelmaat egter te verveel met al die tegniese aspekte rondom die name van verskillende stroppe, ensovoorts. Daar is reeds soveel om op te konsentreer en die laaste wat die student wil weet is wat ‘n Mojo- of Texas strop is en hoekom baars dan kwansuis op sekere tye op verskillende plekke in die dam sal wees. Glo my, die student wil net weet waar om sy aas te gooi en ‘n baars aan die hoek te kry.
Kies die regte dam Daar is soveel damme waar jy die student kan neem met reuse groot baars. My vrou het juis die jaar ‘n groot baars verloor omdat ek haar nog nie geleer het hoe om die rem op haar katrol te beheer nie. Damme met groot baars het egter nie noodwendig genoeg kleiner baars om jou besig te hou nie. Ek het egter ‘n paar damme waar die baars volop en nie noodwendig groot is nie, gekies op haar eerste hengeluitstappies saam met my. Nodeloos om te sê, ons het hope kleiner baars gevang omrede hulle nie skaam is om te byt nie. Sy het dit so geniet dat sy sommer die volgende naweek weer wou gaan hengel.
touwys... of is dit nou visstokwys, maak. Ek het ook vir Reniece haar eie sak met verskillende tipes aas aangeskaf, en ek moet sê, sy is baie trots daarop.
Gemaklike uitstappie Op geen stadium is dit nodig om die arme student drie-uur in die oggend te laat opstaan omrede dit die beste tyd is om die baars te gaan teiken nie. Dit moet ‘n heerlike rustige uitstappie wees waar jou student nie gejaagd moet voel nie en daarom is dit ook nie nodig om te veel druk op hom/ haar te plaas nie. Om ‘n baars aan die hoek te kry moet dus ook nie hoog op die agenda wees nie. Maak dus seker jy pak genoeg heerlike eetgoed saam met jou hope geduld in. Jy moet maar altyd seker maak die kamera is gepak, juis vir daardie heerlike pret en plesier dae. Daar is soveel herinneringe wat op daardie tydstip vasgevang kan word en is iets wat jy vir ewig kan koester. Hoe egter gemaak as jou hengelmaat die dag beter begin hengel as jy? Die antwoord kon ek nog nie vir myself uitwerk nie... *Philip Kemp is ‘n gesoute swartbaarhengelaar en ‘n gereelde bydraer.
Die regte toerusting So ‘n tydjie gelede het ek heelwat toerusting van Sensation ontvang en so ook ‘n Ceymar spinkatrol met ‘n Ignite stokkie. My vrou het dadelik verlief geraak op die stokkie en ek moet erken dat ek skaars een of twee keer met die stok gehengel het, toe my vrou hom geannekseer het. Dit is belangrik om vir die student ‘n stok te gee waarmee hy maklik vertroud kan raak en daarom is daar nie ‘n makliker stok as juis ‘n koffiemeul (spin) opset nie. Jy kan dalk selfs iewers op ‘n oop stuk veld eers die student gaan SA BASS 25 18th Anniversary Issue | April 2019
The strategy of wading - Part 1 >> Jay Röhm-Williams This is in no way a new concept at all, not by a long cast but if you are a dedicated, bass bank angler or find yourself in a bank angling situation without having considered the idea of wading, then your small world of bassing from the shore just grew a lot more!
Martyn Oosterhuizen showing a successful example of wading
efore you go running off at a sprint down to the dam with this often just plain, simply forgotten tactic that we shall be discussing, there are a few elements of importance one must think about when it comes to wading for bass. For the majority of folks around the globe who have embarked on their own bass angling adventure, bank angling for bass is where it all started. The personal progression from then on is usually at one’s own expense or if deemed fortunate enough by sponsors, donations and funding are given in support of our incredibly explosive, action sport. When it comes to catching bass, each form of approach is always going to present different obstacles to the angler no matter what. In more scenarios than one we will find ourselves with rods in hand, geared and ready at the water’s edge without the advantage of perhaps owning or having some sort of watercraft available. As long as there’s bass to be caught that has never deterred any angler I know and so it is off to the banks we go. Bassing from the shore will never be the same as it is when angling from any watercraft but there is a way you can get almost the best from both worlds.
26 SA BASS April 2019 | 18th Anniversary Issue
In this three part wading series the aspects of new angles, access to deeper water with shorter casts, closer observation points and merging with the thermocline first hand are all advantages we will elaborate on further. I recently had the pleasure of doing some awesome, bass fishing with my friend and Zimbabwe’s own recent, Sport Fishing World Games Bank Angling participant, Martyn Oosterhuizen. We were banking it around some small to medium farm dams in two different locations here in the Eastern Cape and some of the angling called for some closer combat but a lot further out. Wading was the solution and closing that gap between the shallows and the medium to deep water without longer, inaccurate casts produced strike after strike with much bigger fish. There is a certain art to wading and it really does give you a great, close up experience of how bass live and where we find them. That been said let us have a look at some factors involved with serious, bass wading.
Covering both shallow and medium to deep water easily
Things to remember:
t As As allw lway a s th he en nvi viron nme m ntt and d haabbit i atts off alll cre r at attur urres u es hav ave ve to to be th thou o ght ght off. At gh A anyy ven enue ue, es e pe peci ciial ally ly are ly reas as likee rese seervves e and d san anct c ua uarri riess wh heeree bas assing sing is al si allo loow weeed d, bee d, een nd diiliige g nttlyy awa w re r of ne nesttin ingg siite tes, s ind ndig diggen nous ou us vveegeeta tati tiion tion o and d of oth ther erss us er usiing th he wa wate terw te rwayys iss a mus u t. t Goi oin ngg craash hiin ng th hroough ugh th ug thee unde unde un d rg rgro rowt wth in wt wth n wai a stt hig igh hw waateer wo w ul ud be car arel eles esss an and d in n som omee ca case ses ev se even en n dan ange g roou uss. t An A ot othe herr po he poin intt to rem mem mbe berr is i thaat wa wad wad diing for or basss is defi efin niite iteelyy a seaassoonaal ta t ct c ic and is ad advi viise sed d too not ot be pr p ac actiiceed du uri ring ng the he spr prin in ng se s asson o outt of re r sp spe peecct fo for ou ur ggrreeeen an and ggoolld den n, sh shim im mme m ri r ngg fri rien e dss whi en h le theey are neest s in ing, b eeding br ng and spa pawn wningg in the wn h sha halllll ow ws. s t When any ny anggle lerr is is wad adin ing, g, a rou o tee of mi mini min nimu mum de mum dest stru ruct cttio ion n haas to be seele lecctted bas ased e pri ed rima mari ma rily ly on wh w at you can a physically see und der erne neat ath h thee waate terr wh hil ilee keeep epin ingg sa safe fety tyy in miind at alll ti time mees.. Gra r veel be beds d , sa ds sand nd dy bo botttoms om ms an and d open sha hallllowss are arre al alll go good od pointts off enttry int ntto th t e wa wate ter. r t An A y chilldr dren en n or yo y ung un ng on ones ess sh hoooul uld neeve ul verr bee lef eft un unat atteend nded ed and are re far saf afer er anggli ling ingg fro r m th he sh shor horre supe su upe perv rvis issed ised e than in th th he waate terr al aloone. t Avo void d wad adin ingg in str trea eams or ri rive veerrss wit ith h sttro rong ngg cur u re rent ntss espe pecially dur urrin ng raaiin ny se seas ason ons aan nd an ny wate waters teers whe here re the re here ree are know ar own too be dang danger erou ouss an nim malls wh whic i h fr freq eque u nt the h area. t Wa Wadi ding ng at ni nigh ghtt is ver eryy un unsa saffe and not adv dvis ised e .
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SA BASS 27 18th Anniversary Issue | April 2019
28 SA BASS April 2019 | 18th Anniversary Issue
enormous selection of structure and heavy cover present in the water offering the chance to hook into some sizable bass possibly lurking below if you can get to them. Remember wading suits are not invincible and can succumb to punctures and tears if not careful. Taking water in to your suit can become very dangerous and problematic quickly. When entering the water we want to move silently and slowly while taking care where we tread... Bass are highly sensitive to any vibrations so the less disturbance the better. Immediately there will be noticeable advantages OPX HBJOFE UIF EFFQFS ZPV XBEF TVDI BT t &TUBCMJTIJOH BO FYBDU XBUFS UFNQFSBUVSF BOE BOZ QPTTJCMF thermocline. t 'JOEJOH BOZ HSBEJFOUT PS TMPQFT JO UIF TIPSF MJOF t #FFO BCMF UP DBTU GSPN OFX BOE EJĂŞFSFOU BOHMFT t (BJOJOH DMPTFS DPWFS GSPN CFIJOE ĂŹPPEFE WFHFUBUJPO t 4IPSUFS DBTUT OFFEFE UP ĂŤTI EFFQFS XBUFS As our wading series continues we will look more in depth into areas to target, successful wading rigs, lure selections and more. The concept of wading for bass is purely about obtaining an entire closer approach. It allows bank anglers some new perspective and increases your chances of catching bigger bass further out while still having the option of stalking UIF TIBMMPX MVOLFST UPP 8IFO ZPV EP ĂŤOE ZPVS SPE CFOU JO BDUJPO NPEF ĂŤHIUJOH BOE MBOEJOH CBTT XIJMF TUBOEJOH in waist high water is going to be unforgettable. Keeping your rod and reel up high is key here while holding that CBTT BXBZ GSPN BOZ UIJDL DPWFS BWBJMBCMF EVSJOH UIF ĂŤHIU * recommend gently guiding any bass back to the shore with a controlled tension on the line until the release is made. This will be easier than trying to balance your rod and the ĂŤTI PVU PG UIF XBUFS UP SFNPWF UIF IPPL XJUI DBSF VOMFTT ZPV IBWF FYQFSJFODF 8F BMM MPWF CBTT ĂŤTIJOH TP JG UIJT JT indeed a tactic that you have not yet tried and reckon is right up your creek then banking for bass just levelled up. Look out for part 2 in the next issue and until then be respectful, mindful and remember to think while wading for giants. Rods out and safe fishing everyone. The author returning from amongst flooded cover
Now that we have familiarised ourselves briefly in the spectrum of precautions let us check out some gear and clothing that will possibly make your time in the water more comfortable allowing a higher yield of bass to be caught. For one, sunscreen and quality sunglasses are important necessities here, especially while in the water under our African sun. A wide brimmed hat or your favourite peak along with a neck scarf will serve you well too so make sure to stay covered. When it comes to clothing there are a couple of options here. Long sleeve shirts, short pants and booties can be worn but ultimately your decision should be based on three main things normally current seasons weather, the terrain of the venue and personal safety. Regardless whether you own a wading suit or not please consider the following before venturing out into the water. t " GVMM CBDLHSPVOE DIFDL PO UIF IFBMUI TUBUVT PG ZPVS selected venues water is important. Water borne diseases are not uncommon in Southern Africa’s “fresh waters� and contracting for example something like bilharzias is fairly easy if exposed to infected or polluted waters. t &YUSFNF DBVUJPO NVTU CF FYFSDJTFE XIFO XBEJOH UP avoid underwater hazards such as submerged fencing, steep drop-offs, sharp debris, deep mud, matted grasses, discarded glass, poisonous snakes and deadly, water residing animals such as crocodiles and hippos. These are no joking matters to literally fall short from. t "OZUIJOH UIBU DPNFT JOUP DPOUBDU XJUI UIF XBUFS XIJMF wading should be rinsed or cleaned thoroughly including equipment, clothing and most of all you. There are even variations of extra items one could acquire in preparation of long hours in the water or braving the winter chills. We will dive in deeper with more gear to assist you while wading in the next series but for now having either a jacket vest with many pockets or a small, practical bag with a waterproof lining is going to be essential. These will make it easier to carry an assortment of lures, items or tools with you in the water that one would usually have right beside them in their tackle boxes. You can also check out your local tackle shops or go online to see what’s available and affordable in the wading department as there is always something for someone. As far as rule of thumb goes it would be wise to ensure the items mentioned below are close on hand during your session. t 'JSTU BJE LJU t -POH OPTF QMJFST t 4DJTTPST t "U MFBTU POF PG FBDI PG UIF GPMMPXJOH MVSFT UPQ XBUFS TPGU plastic, spinnerbait, crankbait and a jig. t &YUSB IPPLT BOE XFJHIUT t 8BUFSQSPPG DBTJOH CBH GPS ZPVS DFMM QIPOF DBNFSB PS any valuables you don’t want to leave in the car. Usually the ideal scenario for employing a wading approach would be when tackling farm dams and large ponds as well as rivers or streams. There is often an
As die
‘n Verskeidenheid stokke en elk het sy eie funksie
ie “ou mense” het altyd gesê mens kan net visvang in maande met ‘n “R” in, maar swartbaarhengel is ‘n aktiwiteit wat dwarsdeur die jaar beoefen kan word. Die geheim lê daarin om die vis se gedrag te ken, wat nie so moeilik is nie, en jou hengel daarby aan te pas. Dit is nou herfs en baie jagters maak gereed om ietsie te gaan skiet. Vir my is swartbaarhengel net soos jag, maar met ‘n verskil. Heeldag word verskillende soorte aas in die water gegooi en omtrent dadelik weer ingebring. Die uitdaging is om ‘n roofvis te soek en hom dan uit te oorlê om aan kunsaas te vreet. Die voordeel is - ek kan die vis vrylaat en hom later weer vang. Maar om hierdie reeks sinvol te maak, moet ons by die begin begin en daarom kyk ons eers na hengelgerei. Net soos ‘n ambagsman bepaalde gereedskap het vir sy nering, is my visstok ‘n gereedskapstuk wat ek gebruik om ‘n sekere werk te doen. Vir elke aanbieding en tegniek wat swartbaarhengelaars gebruik om die vis uit te oorlê, is daar ‘n visstok wat die werk goed kan doen. Ek sê nou nie dat ‘n beginnerhengelaar oorboord moet gaan en ‘n hele arsenaal stokke loop koop wat hier bespreek word nie. Nee, ‘n goeie stok wat oor ‘n breë spektrum tegnieke gebruik kan word, is ‘n medium-swaar-aksie grafietstok. Die lengte sal afhang van die leser se persoonlike lengte. Persoonlik verkies ek ‘n sesvoet-ses, of langer stok. Die handelsnaam van jou keuse sal afhang van wat jou sak pas, maar onthou die spreekwoord “goedkoop koop, is duur koop”. Die prys van stokke wissel van ‘n paar honderd rand tot ‘n paar duisend per stok. Die belangrikste is, die uitgawe moet nie die gesin in ellende dompel nie. Stokke vir swartbaarhengel is beskikbaar in twee tipes; naamlik, “baitcasters” en “spin”-stokke. Elk van hierdie tipes is weer beskikbaar in verskillende lengtes, aksies (buigbaarheid in die stok) en tipe handvatsels. Kortliks; korter stokke is gemaklik wanneer daar naby gehengel word en vanaf klein vaartuie soos opblaasbote, binnebande en kanoes. Met langer stokke kan baie meer akkuraat en verder gegooi word. Die lengte van die stok help ook met die hefboomaksie wat gebruik word wanneer die vis uit die struktuur gebring word, want swartbaars
>> Hannes Lindeque* kruip juis daar weg waar niemand dit waag om te hengel nie. Swartbaars is struikrowers wat in die skaduwee van wegkruiplekke hulle prooi voorlê, hulle vreet en swem dan terug om te wag vir die volgende slagoffer. Vir sulke digte struktuur gebruik ek ‘n sewe-voet-ses, swaar-aksie stok wat gemaak is om met sagte plastiese kunsaaswurms te hengel. ‘n Te “slap” stok gaan stadig reageer wanneer ek vaskap en my net frustreer. Indien die leser dit verkies om met harde plastiese kunsvisse te hengel, sal die ideale stok ‘n medium-swaar aksie hê wat bietjie meer toegee wanneer die vis die aas gryp. ‘n Te stywe stok soos ‘n swaar-aksie stok sal die kunsvis uit die vis se bek skeur nog voordat die vis die aas behoorlik gevat het. Om terug te kom na die medium-swaar aksie stok: Dit is die ideale stok om swaailemme (spinnerbaits) mee te hengel óf wanneer ‘n sagte plastiese kunsaas gewigloos gehengel word. Kleiner “jigs” (nee, dit is nie ‘n loodkop nie) en middelslag harde plastiese kunsvisse kan gemaklik gegooi word. Vir ligte, klein kunsaas is die beste opsie om ‘n “spin”stok te gebruik. Dit is die stokke met die groot ogies waaraan ‘n koffiemeulkatrol geheg word met ligte lyn. Die dikte van die stok se ogies is ‘n goeie aanduiding van die stok se kwaliteit. Goedkoop stokke het dik (onooglike) ogies, terwyl beter kwaliteit stokke fyn sensitiewe ogies het. Die ogies word gevoer met verskeie soort materiale soos silikonkarbied, silikonnitriet, alkonied, aluminium en Torzite wat die beste kwaliteit is. Die handvatsels bestaan gewoonlik uit kurk of neoprene. Beter kwaliteit stokke het Portugese kurk. Volgende maand kyk ons na die tipes katrolle wat gebruik kan word. Wenk: Verwyder die plastiek om ‘n nuwe stok se kurkhandvatsel anders gaan die kurk muf, vrot en afval. Gebruik spiritus om die handvatsel skoon te maak en nuut te laat lyk. *Hannes Lindeque is die stigter en uitgewer van SA BASS sedert 2001, die hooforganiseerder van FLW Suid-Afrika en SA BASS Cast-for-Cash swartbaarhengeltoernooie. SA BASS 29 18th Anniversary Issue | April 2019
How to hook a bass The 3-step drop and hook set: Step-1: When you feel a bass take allure, reel in the slack line. Step-2: Lower your rod tip and point it at the fish. Step-3: Pull back and up sharply to set the hook. Keep the line tight to prevent the fish from getting away by throwing the lure.
How to measure bass According to FLW RSA championship rules, a keeper must be a minimum length of 300mm. How to measure that. t -BZ UIF CBTT PO JUT TJEF XJUI UIF KBXT DMPTFE t (FOUMZ TRVFF[F JUT UBJM MPCFT UPHFUIFS BT ZPV DBO TFF GSPN UIF TLFUDI
The proper way of landing a with an injured jaw, it may be unable to feed and ultimately die. What is the bass Most anglers grip any size bass by the lower lip and hoist them high in the air. It is n problem if it is a small, average size fish but what if it is a bigbellied female? According to some biologists, the lip hold may sprain the jaws of a big fish. If a bass swims away
use of releasing your catch if you didn’t land it properly? The suggested way of landing a big fish is the “lip and belly landing�. Once you lip a big bass into the boat, slip your other hand under hand beneath its fat belly to take the weight of the jaws.
Adaptation - Biological adjustment that increases fitness. Algae - Simple plant organisms. Alkalinity - Measure of the amount of acid neutralizing bases.
Alley - An opening between patches of emergent weeds; also the parallel space separating emergent weeds and the shoreline. Amp - Measure of electrical current. Amp hour - Storage capacity measurement of a deep-cycle batter obtained by multiplying the current flow in amps by the hours that it’s produced. Anti-reverse - System that prevents reels from spinning in reverse.
Bass vocabulary: Action - Measure of rod performance that describes the elapsed time between flexion and return to straight configuration; ranges from slow to fast, with slow being the most amount of flexion; also refers to the strength of the rod (light, medium and heavy) with light being a limber rod and heavy a stout rod; also refers to gear of reels. Active fish - Bass that are feeding heavily and striking aggressively. 30 SA BASS April 2019 | 18th Anniversary Issue
Small Craft Championship May 4 & 5, 2019 Mearns Weir Mooi River, KZN
Garmin unveils the MARQ Collection a series of lifestyle inspired connected tool watches, crafted to champion the life you live
armin International, Inc. in celebration of its 30th anniversary, announced the MARQ Collection, a series of connected tool watches of traditional watch manufacturing quality, forged from Garmin’s long-standing heritage in the aviation, automotive, marine, outdoor and sport markets. Garmin has redefined the multisport watch market, and now, it’s created the ultimate connected timepieces, equipped with the modern utility of smart features – MARQ Aviator, MARQ Driver, MARQ Captain, MARQ Expedition and MARQ Athlete – each designed and engineered for those inspired by their passion in flying, racing, sailing, exploring and sports performance. “For the past 30 years, we’ve created products that have fuelled people’s passions,” said Dan Bartel, Garmin Vice President of Global Consumer Sales. “And now, we have reimagined the tool watch with MARQ, a series of extraordinary connected instruments, authentic in every detail, an inspiration for new adventures.” The MARQ Collection uses very select materials, meticulously crafted and designed with the utmost attention to quality that help guarantee performance in the most demanding of environments. It represents an authentic outward expression of its owners’ highest aspirations. Each watch is built from titanium, which is lightweight, yet incredibly strong. Combined with a domed sapphire
crystal for ultimate scratch resistance, this creates the solid core for all MARQ watches. To complement the character of each MARQ watch, an innovative premium strap or bracelet completes the look, allowing owners to match their style with Garmin’s interchangeable QuickFit strap solution. The watches feature an always-on, sunlight-readable display, performance GPS and advanced sensors like wristbased heart rate and wrist-based pulse ox² to track a wide variety of sport activities like running, cycling, swimming, fishing, skiing and more. It also provides premium smartwatch functionality including built-in music storage, Garmin Pay™, smart notifications and advanced activity tracking for everyday use. And for those on extended ventures, the battery life ranges from 12 days in smartwatch mode to 28 hours in GPS Mode and up to 48 hours in UltraTrac mode. With advanced features specific to each model and materials carefully chosen for each category, the MARQ Collection is crafted with precise attention to detail. Each timepiece in the collection is built with the strict dictate of purpose, in both form and function. For additional information on new products, features, pricing and availability regarding Garmin Southern Africa’s (GSA) products and services please contact marketingteam@garmin. co.za or visit www.garmin.co.za
FLW FORREST WOOD CUP August 9 - 11, 2019 Lake Hamilton Hot Springs, AR
FLW Championship August 23 - 25, 2019 Lake Oanob Rehoboth, Namibia
FLW Championship August 23 - 25, 2019 Venue to be announced Zimbabwe
FLW RSA Championship August 29 - 31, 2019 Witbank Dam The Ridge Casino, Witbank, MP
Costa FLW Series Championship Oct. 31 - Nov. 2, 2019 Lake Cumberland Burnside, KY
Secrets of South Africa’s Pro’s – Part 9
Size and shape
of bait matters
A selection of hard baits which worked at the Nandoni Dam tournament that weekend
ou will be stunned to learn that the difference in your bait size could mean the difference between whether you catch anything at all. But how will you know what size and possibly what shape of lure will make the difference? Of course, experimenting with different bait sizes is a quick way to learn whether you have selected the bit of choice as the bass should react quite quickly to the lure – provided you are in the right spot naturally. But there is quite a lot more to understanding bait size and shape and an immense amount of work can go into this alone. I recollect practising for an event on Nandoni Dam in Thohoyandou near Louis Trichardt. It was my first time on the dam and as exciting as this was it was just as daunting. For those 32 SA BASS April 2019 | 18th Anniversary Issue
readers who have not seen the dam I must honestly say you need to get there one day. It provides most things that bass fishermen dream of; vast areas of flooded trees both deep and shallow, bridge pylons, channel edges, bays of lily pads, brush and rocks, open gravel banks, rock piles, ridges and creek channels – have I covered everything? Oh, shale banks, lay-down logs, dropoffs, river inlets, submerged roadways, flooded dilapidated buildings, reed banks, underwater stumps, and sand quarries. Where to begin! So, we headed to the dilapidated buildings as this was something quite unique and interesting. Arriving near the old, broken building was eerie. It’s surrounded by dead, flooded trees whose gnarly old limbs stick out the water and creek
>> Bass Spy* along the side of your boat as you approach. It’s dead quite out on the water apart from a restful local tune delivered by a radio in a hut dwelling in the trees on the bank ahead. It was a Friday and we were allowed to scout the waters before the two days of fishing ahead. I found it particularly difficult to spot any baitfish. Frontal weather had recently passed through and the fish were still hunkering down I guessed. We also weren’t intentioned on hooking too many fish because we needed to save the chances for the competition days. All we wanted to do was understand if fish were feeding in the area and what baits they were relating to. I don’t think I’ve not been successful with a super fluke – ever. So,
this was an easy go-to lure to probe all the structures. Immediately the bites were evident. By only applying very slight pressure you can often pull the bass up to the surface without actually hooking to fish. That’s your chance to get an idea of the bass size. We hadn’t found anything particularly impressive considering what we had heard about Nandoni dam. Nonetheless we quickly moved so we could get a look at the rest of the lake. After doing a fair amount of mapping and Google research we targeted one of the rivers to the dam. Wow, traversing this section was quite an adventure. Beautiful bays of lily pads, vast tracts of flooded timber, rocky banks and submerged brush. Activity here was evident and with a pair of polarised sunglasses you could see the bass moving around the shallows along with species of tilapia. As we moved further into the back of the river the surprising sound of a piano came emanating from deep behind the thicket of bushveld. We
chuckled together, but with great interest in this musical adventure we were on. It was obvious in the shallows sipping between the lily pads were larger tilapia. They would dart away in small schools as the boat got closer to them. It was apparent that the bait here were possibly larger than other dams that we were accustomed to fishing recently. A crocodile lay bathing on a rock just 20 metres from the boat and we couldn’t resist casting toward it. There wasn’t a whole lot of time left in the day and we idled quickly out of the river and toward the road bridge. The river flowing beneath it eventually carved a deep edge in the bank which tapered off into a ridge dotted with laydown logs and remnants of dislodged tree branches. I couldn’t resist my deep diving crankbait. I needed the feel of a bass surging on the end of my line. The DD22 hurtled off toward the shallowest section of the bank and I retrieved until the lure tumbled over
the edge of the drop-off, knocking into the timber on its way through. As sure as a watertight duck the bass bit down on my crankbait and I quickly got the fish to the edge of the boat – naughty! I slipped the fish back in the water quickly and we sped off before we made a scene and headed towards the dam wall. After the long ride to the opposite end of the dam we noticed a large marquee being erected on the bank. Here too it was quiet. We were sitting in deeper water quite far off the bank. Some fellow anglers were dotted around the area may 300m away. Everyone keeping to themselves and trying their best to summon up all the strategy they could. To be continued… *The Bass Spy has fished alongside and been exposed to the secrets and tactics of many competitive bass anglers on waters throughout the continent. This column is dedicated to all fanatical bass enthusiasts looking for the inside track and an edge on their favourite past time.
SA BASS 33 18th Anniversary Issue | April 2019
he two events will be held in conjunction with FLW Tour events – the FLW Tour at Lake Chickamauga and the FLW Cup at Lake Hamilton – on nearby fisheries to offer kayak anglers and tour pros separate fisheries for competition. KBF will manage operation of the two events, and the winners will be recognized on the FLW Tour stage and featured in FLW’s media outlets. “Kayak fishing has become incredibly popular in recent years and continues to grow,� said Dave Washburn, FLW Vice President of Operations. “We are excited to work with KBF as the kayak-fishing community leader to elevate the sport to new highs with tournaments offering over 100 percent payouts through the course of the season and the biggest media platform available to kayak anglers.� The first event, the FLW/KBF Open, will be hosted by Fish Dayton and Fish Lake Chickamauga May 4-5, 2019, on Nickajack Lake. The FLW/KBF Cup will be held Aug. 8-10, 2019, on a lake to be announced in conjunction with the Aug 9-11 FLW Cup on Lake Hamilton.
34 SA BASS April 2019 | 18th Anniversary Issue
“We are excited to partner with FLW WR WDNH FRPSHWLWLYH ND\DN Č´VKLQJ WR WKH QH[W OHYHO DQG RÎ?HU EHWWHU H[SRVXUH WR RXU WRS DQJOHUV DQG WKHLU DFFRPSOLVKPHQWV Č‹ VDLG &KDG +RRYHU .%) 3UHVLGHQW Anglers can register for the FLW/KBF Open at KayakBassFishing.com/flw. Watch for additional details on both KayakBassFishing.com/flw and FLWFishing.com/ kayak. KBF was formed in 2009 to offer kayak anglers the opportunity to compete for hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash and prizes at premier fisheries around the country. Currently in its seventh season for live events, KBF offers more than 25 professional-level bass-fishing tournaments to kayak anglers. For more information on our local small craft tournaments visit our website https://www.flwsa.net/tournaments.
SA BASS 35 18th Anniversary Issue | April 2019
Laboria - GP
Kwa-Zulu Natal
L-t-r: Lesley Montgomery, Frans Swanepoel, Harold Venter, Ian van Rooyen, Hansie van Niekerk
L-t-r: Team Team D & H Engineering, Team Gamakatsu Outdoors 365, Team J&L FishTech, All The Gear No Idea
Venue: Vaal River
Venue: Inanda Dam
Top ten places:
Top ten places:
1: Team Madfin - 5.040kg
1: Team D & H Engineering - 7.005kg
2: Team Mav erick - 4.970kg
2: Team Gamakatsu Outdoors 365 - 5.900kg
3: Team Hit & Run - 3.505kg
3: Team J & L Fishtec - 4.575kg
4: Team Timols* - 3.450kg
4: Team All The Gear, No Idea - 3.960kg
5: Team RS* - 3.335kg
5: Team Mustad Zman - 3.875kg
6: Team Ranger - 3.310kg
6: Team Zman Fishtec - 3.860kg
7: Team Hy dra Pump - 2.900kg
7: Team NP Auto Electrical - 3.825kg
8: Team Good Fellas - 2.775kg
8: Team R & R - 3.760kg
9: Team Knott's Nissan Woodmead - 2.655kg
9: Team Kazmarine - 3.105kg
10: Team GLT Petroleum* - 2.600kg
10: Team Nitro Circus - 2.335kg
For the complete results and next venue: see our website www.flwsouthafrica.com T: 0861-282-282 E: info@alphalaboria.co.za W: www.alphalaboria.co.za Alpha Laboria, inter alia renders the following labour law services: disciplinary codes, grievance procedures, charge sheets, etc. Revision of current documentation and/or drafting of all the required documents form part of our presentation. We also do training, conduct disciplinary hearings, arbitration, union negotiations, handle strikes and more. We are available for advice 24 hours a day and act within 72 hours. Alpha Laboria 258 West Street Pretoria North, South Africa
36 SA BASS April 2019 | 18th Anniversary Issue
Championship 2019 Witbank Dam, 29 - 31 Aug
February Limpopo
Back (l-t-r): Theo van Rensburg, Stefan Badenhorst, Justy Varkevisser Front (l-t-r): Stefan de Beer, Alexis Kuisis, Reed Eastman
7.730kg Venue: Nandoni Dam
Top ten places - day 2: 1: Team Optimax - 7.730kg
2: Team Fear no Fish - 4.640kg 3: Team Beli VC* - 4.315kg 4: Team Beli Farming - 3.485kg 5: Team ABU Riv o - 2.880kg 6: Team BB Mazda - 2.610kg 7: Team Tw ins - 2.550kg 8: Team JV Hidrolies - 2.335kg 9: Team Kamikaze - 2.270kg 10: Team Pure Chaos - 1.985kg
For the complete results and next venue: see our website www.flwsouthafrica.com Catch more, bigger bass, read...
SA baars BASS MAGAZINE Since 2001
Polokwane / Pietersburg
VisitVisit www.flwsouthafrica.com www.flwsouthafrica.com for entry for entry forms, forms, dates, dates venues and and venues. results. For general enquiries phone 082-416-5524
SA BASS 37 18th Anniversary Issue | April 2019
North West
Back (l-t-r): Frans Swanepoel, Louis Cooper, Team Rage, Leonard & Dalton Bakkes Front: (l-t-r): Divan Coetzee, Chris Greenland, André & Justin Morison
L-t-r: Giulio Nolli, Greg Schluep, Pieter Khourie, August Lingnau, Tyron Mortimer, Charlton Hewitt
Venue: Bronkhorstspruit Dam
Venue: De Hoop Dam
Top ten places:
Top ten places:
1: Team Graceland Outdoors 2 - 4.730kg
1: Team Secret VC - 10.520kg
2: Team Reel Rebels - 4.115kg
2: Team Khourie - 8.430kg
3: Team Go Fish / Madfin - 4.090kg
3: Team VC Botcon - 7.400kg
4: Team Rage - 3.225kg
4: Team Bass Reapers - 6.680kg
5: Team Sukkelaars - 3.145kg
5: Team Bassw orld 2 - 6.550kg
6: Team TFO - X Factor - 2.540kg
6: Team Bassw orld - 5.710kg
7: Team TBC - 2.445kg
7: Team Ax iom/Mckry stal - 5.250kg
8: Team Yellow Bass Eagle - 2.260kg
8: Team Raptor - 5.120kg
9: Team Six 8 Custom Baits - 2.210kg
9: Teams Greens²* - 4.690kg
10: Team Double Trouble - 2.070kg
10: Team Greens* - 2.450kg
For the complete results and next venue: see our website www.flwsouthafrica.com
For the complete results and next venue: see our website www.flwsouthafrica.com
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38 SA BASS April 2019 | 18th Anniversary Issue
C: 082-416-5524 T: 065-849-3264 F: 086-234-5052 E: info@sabass.com
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For everyone that loves bass fishing! SA BASS is a specialist bass fishing publication catering for a well-defined niche market since April 2001. Our mission is to promote bass angling as a socially acceptable and popular outdoor recreational activity, and in addition, to encourage acceptable angling ethics. Due consideration is given to developing the sport among all the country's people. PO Box 24938 Gezina, Pretoria, 0031
February O.F.S.
February 2019 - Gariep Dam
8.235kg Venue: Garieb Dam
Top two places: 1: Team Nitro - 8.235kg
2: Team Luw ia Projects - 5.350kg
Championship 2019 Witbank Dam, 29 - 31 Aug
Catch more, bigger bass, read...
T: 011-251-9999 E: info@garmin.co.za W: https://garmin.co.za
SA baars BASS MAGAZINE Since 2001
Garmin is the world leader in GPS Satellite Navigation and a global manufacturer of in-car GPS systems, portable navigation devices, handheld GPS units, and GPS products for the marine, aviation, outdoor and fitness sectors . In your car, on your boat, in the air, in the great outdoors or training in the gym - there's not a single area of your life where Garmin isn't welcome. The Mall Offices 11 Cradock Avenue Rosebank, South Africa
VisitVisit www.flwsouthafrica.com www.flwsouthafrica.com for entry for entry forms, forms, dates, dates venues and and venues. results. For general enquiries phone 082-416-5524
SA BASS 39 18th Anniversary Issue | April 2019
Small Craft KZN Small Craft Bass Leaque
T.B.C. - GP
First Place - Henry Herrmann
Back: Danny Creigh-Smith, CJ Matthee, Robert Denny Front: Glen Lees, Christopher Greenland
Venue: Hazelmere Dam
Venue: Bronkhorstspruit Dam
Top ten overall places:
Top five overall places:
1: Henry Herrmann - 146.5cm
1: Christopher Greenland – 4.040kg
2: Juan Pretorius - 112.5cm
2: Glen Lees – 3.20kg
3: Connor Korev aar - 110.5cm
3: Danny Creigh-Smith – 3.120kg
4: Way ne Farmer - 104.5cm
4: CJ Matthee – 2.520kg
5: Allen Stey n - 102.5cm
5: Robert Denny – 2.470kg
6: Nicholas Vincent - 101.5cm 6: Phillip Drey er - 101.5cm 8: Rudi Herrmann - 100cm 9: Bev an Ainslie - 98cm
Small Craft Championship 4 & 5 May 2019
10: Alan Tonkin - 90cm
For dates and next venues: see our website www.flwsouthafrica.com
C: 082-416-5524 T: 065-849-3264 F: 086-234-5052 E: info@sabass.com
T: 065 849 3264 E: hannes@sabass.com W: www.flwsouthfrica.net Fishing League Worldwide (FLW) is the world's largest tournament-fishing organization, providing anglers of all skill levels the opportunity to compete for millions in prize money across various tournament circuits. FLW and their partners conduct 286 bass-fishing tournaments annually around the world, including the United States, Canada, China, Italy, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, South Korea and South Africa. The FLW television show is broadcast to more than 564 million households worldwide, while FLW Bass Fishing magazine delivers cutting-edge tips from top pros.
For everyone that loves bass fishing! SA BASS is a specialist bass fishing publication catering for a well-defined niche market since April 2001. Our mission is to promote bass angling as a socially acceptable and popular outdoor recreational activity, and in addition, to encourage acceptable angling ethics. Due consideration is given to developing the sport among all the country's people.
PO Box 24938 Gezina, Pretoria, 0031
PO Box 24938 Gezina, Pretoria, 0031
40 SA BASS April 2019 | 18th Anniversary Issue
A BASS has been presenting bass angling tournaments since 2001 starting with the BW Tour which was later renamed Cast-for-Cash. Today SA BASS is the official licensee to present FLW sanctioned bass tournaments in southern Africa. Being an international partner of Fishing League Worldwide, has opened up doors to many local anglers to live their dreams and we have the track record to proof it. FLW Cast-for-Cash has monthly bass tournaments in Gauteng, KZN, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, North West and the Orange Free State. Our hierarchy of bass angling money tournaments are open to any participant, irrespective of age, creed, colour or race. To actually grow the sport of bass angling in southern Africa, we provide an open, social tournament to the more competitive anglers who wish to compete against fellow bass enthusiasts. It is NOT required that contestants belong to any club, or organisation. Only when they want to follow their dream to compete on national or international level, then only do they have to be FLW members in good standing. Our tournament rules are intended to further the best interests of bass angling in general and not to benefit any individual or competitor. The emphasis is on team, rather than individual, competition. Therefore, a team consist of maximum two persons on one boat, but a team may however consist of just one person. (All boats have to meet minimum requirements.) We do NOT take any angler’s history into account and provide an equal playing field for all contestants. The best team win! Each team may only use artificial lures and weigh five fish per day. During the qualifying rounds there are no minimum length requirements, but we do have a size limit of 300mm at our local FLW championships. All fish have to be weighed alive and teams are penalised for each dead fish brought to the scales. Teams register for the tournament at the venue and prize giving is on the same day. All our dates and venues are listed on our website, way in advance.
About FLW FLW is the world’s largest tournament-fishing organization, providing anglers of all skill levels the opportunity to compete for millions in prize money in 2019 across various tournament circuits. Headquartered in Benton, Kentucky, with offices in Minneapolis, FLW and their partners conduct 286 bass-fishing tournaments annually around the world, including the United States, Canada, China, Italy, Mexico, Namibia, Portugal, Spain, South Korea, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Just recently FLW has partnered with Kayak Bass Fishing, LLC, (KBF) USA’s foremost organization supporting kayak bass anglers, to hold two kayak bass fishing tournaments in 2019. Please visit our website www.flwsouthafrica.com for more information and to familiarize yourself with our tournament rules.
013 243 9401 082 892 3029 www.olifants-river-lodge.co.za
SA BASS 41 18th Anniversary Issue | April 2019
>> John Badenhorst* | Photos by: Valerie Jacobs Photography
Team South Africa, winners of the 15th Annual Black Bass Fishing Championship
t the beginning of 2017, meetings were held around the world to determine whether the next World Sport Fishing Games would be held in Europe as the previous four tournaments or if it would be moved to a different part of the globe. Nearing the end of that same year, South Africa hosted the 13th Annual Black Bass World Championships with incredible success to the point where hosting the World Games during 2019 would be the honour of South Africa and its angling community. Months of preparation and planning went into this incredible event with angling teams from around the world arriving on our shores to battle it out for gold. On the 9th of February, the official opening ceremony for the games was held at the Sandton Convention Centre with over 1000 anglers representing their respective countries in different disciplines of angling in attendance. After the opening speeches and the formalities were 42 SA BASS April 2019 | 18th Anniversary Issue
concluded, attendees departed via bus, plane and car to different destinations around South Africa to use the time allotted for practice days and the actual tournament. Once again, the bass facet of this tournament was staged at The Emerald Resort and Casino on the Vaal River. Sunday the 10th and Monday the 11th being practice days with the three day tournament running from Wednesday the 12th to Thursday the 14th. This was the 15th Annual Black Bass Fishing World Championships and would run at the same time as the World Sport Fishing Games. In total, 14 teams arrived at the Vaal to compete for that all important gold medal and to be crowned champions. During 2017, we had 13 teams on our shores, while this tournament saw the team from Russia not being able to make it and with two new teams joining the championship in the form of South Korea and Australia. Australia being
A quick discussion of plans for the day ahead
the country competing on this level for their very first time. Last year, with the event having being held in Mexico, Team USA took top honours, while in 2017, South Africa walked away with the gold medal. Early predictions showed South Africa, USA, Italy, Australia and Germany to be strong contenders for this round of the Championship. The first practice day kicked off at 7am after the playing of the South African national anthem. Throughout the day, speculation ran high as to whether the teams would be able to figure out a solid pattern which would help them during the tournament. At the end of the first day of practice, anglers were keeping mum about possible patterns and as no fish were being weighed, some still had a bit of homework to do in the hopes of working out those that dwell in the deep. An early night was had by all as the following day would be the last crucial day of practice for the three day tournament ahead. Practice day two dawned cold and wet with the weather man predicting intermittent showers during the entire day ahead. With the help of organizers, generous breakfasts and strong coffee, all boats were safely out on the water by 07:30. While the anglers worked hard to identify a pattern, the organizing team set into motion to prepare for the next three days and to plan for any emergencies or eventualities that may occur. At the end of the final day of practice, teams joined organizers for dinner in the Kilimanjaro hall and headed off to bed early for the next day. Day one of the tournament had all boats out the gate before 07:30 and then the long wait began as the weigh station would be open in the event that a fish needed to be
FIPSED President Claudio Matteoli and Secretary Barbara Durante
Always delightful and great sportsmanship from Team Croatia
revived or happened to be in distress. For the organizing crew it was a slow day and every time a boat approached, everyone ran to their respective stations only to watch the boat haul past and continue up or down river, obviously to find better pickings. During that first day, only two fish came in during the day and viewers watching on social media had to wait for the weigh in, which would start at 16:30 and broadcast live via social media and a full team posting scores and weights as the fish arrived on Weighmasters.net. On the first day, some anglers came in with smiles while others had some serious homework to do as the five fish bags were eluding them up to this point. One of the most entertaining teams, being Team Croatia managed to catch one weighable fish while one of the team members caught one small bass, a barbel, two crabs and happened to make a cast and the lure connecting with a bird in flight resulting in the demise of the bird. Strong contenders began to emerge as the teams rolled up to the stage and soon it was clear that some teams were on to a winning pattern while others still had loads of work to do for the next two days. The points during this tournament was done on a reverse grand prix system and worked on penalties and being overseen by FIPSED representatives Eric and Pam Humphreys and FIPSED International President Claudio and FIPSED Secretary Barbara. Once again, the weather seemed to have a mind of its own and with a few thundershowers during the day, it was wrapped up for the evening. Results for day one were; 3rd Italy, 2nd Australia and in 1st place, South Africa with Germany coming in 4th and Zambia at 5th position.
Getting anglers out the gate in the morning SA BASS 43 18th Anniversary Issue | April 2019
Team Australia making a first appearance at the tournament
Day two dawned with massive banks of clouds rolling in followed by heavy rains and downpours predicted during the entire day. Once again, anglers were all out the gate by 07:30 and the long wait started until the weigh in at 16:30 with managers being in constant contact with their respective teams. With massive bouts of rain during the day, the weigh in process got off to a good start but due to the wet conditions, challenges soon arose where vehicles and boats got stuck in the mud en route to the weigh station and all hands had to be on deck from the production team and organizers to make sure the event ran smoothly. Teams that managed to figure out a pattern the previous day had been caught off guard as the water level had risen overnight by almost two inches and for some, this was a turning point in the event with conditions now being extra tough out on the water and being constantly wet with rain made it even tougher on the anglers. The final results at the end of the second day were; at 5th position Team Korea, 4th with Italy, 3rd with Germany, 2nd with Australia and sitting in the lead with five points was Team South Africa. The next day would be the telling day and it was an early night for all concerned. Day three greeted anglers with overcast conditions but a promise of slightly better fishing conditions for this final day and just before 07:30, all angers were out on the water to try and capitalize on the slightly better weather conditions although the prediction was for light and intermittent rain during this final day of the championship. Organizers hastily prepared a new path for vehicles and boats to follow to the stage and by midday, all was in readiness for the big moment when anglers would arrive at the scale for the final weigh in. With a huge crowd of spectators arriving for the event and the team from SuperSport covering the event, we went live at 16:30 as the first boats arrived. Day three proved even more difficult than the previous day with a few teams having caught no fish at all. To a cheering crowd, some anglers brought some very respectable bags to the scale. After all the teams had come through the weigh station, it was time to calculate scores and the crowd waited in anticipation. With five points separating the two top teams from the day before, it was a nail biting time for everyone involved. Coming in overall third for the tournament was Team Germany 44 SA BASS April 2019 | 18th Anniversary Issue
Team Germany coming in to the weigh station
with local angler Anton Vogt, coming in one single point behind the winners was Team Australia with Dave Boyack and Julian Smith making up the team, putting Team South Africa at top position and getting the gold medal for their efforts. The biggest bass of the tournament was weighed in by Protea angler and team captain, Justy Varkevisser, at 3.18kg. Justy and Craig Fraser also weighed in the heaviest five fish bag of the tournament with a total weight of 8.81kg. Formalities moved to the official prize giving ceremony and once the participating countries took their seats, the crowning of the new Black Bass Fishing World Champions got underway. For some, this was a very tough tournament and yet even though conditions were not perfect, these top anglers from around the globe all commended South Africa on its beauty, its people and hospitality. After the official closing speech by FIPSED President Claudio Matteoli, anglers socialized and shared a good number of cold ones and cementing new friendships. With fourteen teams competing for gold and many of their members not being able to speak English, language barriers were broken through a common love of bass fishing. We congratulate Team South Africa on winning this event. A massive thanks to all the teams, their managers, sponsors, supporters of bass fishing and the public in general for helping to pull together yet another incredible event. A special mention needs to be made to our local skippers who gave their time, boats and efforts in making this such a huge success. Bass fishing and other aspects of hunting those that dwell in the deep transcends all barriers across culture, race and origin. Truly, this 15th Annual Black Bass Fishing World Championship will go down as a tournament where language barriers were broken through a common love of bass fishing. See you at Lake Murray in November 2020 when the USA will host the 16th Annual Black Bass Fishing World Championships. *John Badenhorst is the assistant editor of SA BASS magazine, the Master of Ceremony for FLW South Africa, radio presenter at Platinum Gold Radio and a keen ultra finesse angler.
We guarantee to save you money
>> Anthony Hawkswell*
New Bass Pro-Cabela’s President
From left: Retiring Jim Hagale, Bass Pro Shops-Cabela’s owner, Johnny Morris, and the new company president, Michael P. McDermott
Bass Pro Shops-Cabela’s, North America’s major outdoor sports retail chain, has appointed a former executive from Lowe’s to serve as its new President, replacing long-time leader, Jim Hagale. Michael P. McDermott, who most recently served as Executive Vice President and Chief Customer Officer at the giant home improvement store, is the new President Omni-Channel Retail at Bass Pro, which purchased competitor Cabela’s in a multi-billion dollar deal in 2017. “The success of Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s is based on exceptional customer service, great products and highly creative marketing. That’s Mike’s wheelhouse,” Bass Pro founder and CEO, Johnny Morris said. “He is a humble
man of great character who will be true to our core values while leading us to new heights in full-spectrum omnichannel to maintain our position of leadership. Mike has earned a reputation of being a good listener and we are truly honoured to have such an experienced, yet downto-earth, customer-focused leader join our company.” In a press release issued yesterday, Morris also thanked the outgoing President, Hagale. “Jim steadfastly served our company, our people and our customers for almost 17 years and made an immeasurable positive impact,” he said. “His wisdom, devotion to customers and love of the outdoors made him an ideal leader for Bass Pro.” Morris noted the key role Hagale played working with the city of Memphis to place a Bass Pro store in the Pyramid sports arena and his oversight of the integration process when Bass Pro and Cabela’s merged. Hagale with remain at Bass Pro Shops-Cabela’s as acting CFO. “It would be impossible for me to thank Jim for everything he has done to help make Bass Pro Shops, Cabela’s and our White River Marine Group what it is today,” Morris said. “He has been a great leader, a tireless worker and, on a personal side, a wonderful friend. We will continue to rely on his counsel and wish him all the best as he transitions to a new life where he has more time to spend with his family, especially his 13 grandchildren.”
DUO International Japanese lure brand DUO International is gearing up for the release of the first lure in its APEX Series following its collaboration with the US bass fishing tournament legend, Aaron Martens. The three-time Bassmaster Angler of the Year has been working alongside Masahiro Adachi, DUO International’s founding CEO and Chief
Designer, on the line-up of baits. The first off the production line will be the VIBE 100. The company’s Martin Bakos told Angling International: “Working with Aaron has truly been an eye-opening experience and has pushed Mr Adachi and the whole R&D team to the limits. It has been an exciting time as this is a true ‘best of both worlds’ collaboration.”
Okuma acquires line specialist Soft Steel USA Okuma has acquired Soft Steel USA, the specialist in Long Range monofilaments and fluorocarbons. Soft Steel, which was introduced into the US in 1992 by Tony Garza, will be added to the already expansive line of Long Range products offered by Okuma. John Bretza, Director of Product Development for Okuma, said his company would also be working with Garza to expand the Soft Steel range. 46 SA BASS April 2019 | 18th Anniversary Issue
“We plan to expand the current line-up of Ultra Mono, Invisible Fluorocarbon and Super HT into the freshwater and saltwater markets all around the country and make Soft Steel USA the go-to brand for fishermen,” he added. Soft Steel, which has gained a reputation for products with a high strength-to-diameter ratio, will be distributed by Okuma Fishing Tackle in Ontario, California.
Highby Outdoors
A group of former Cabela’s employees, including the son of a previous President, have opened a new outdoor business. Highby Outdoors, based in Cabela’s Sidney, Nebraska, home, launched an online retail store, stocking products for fishing, hunting, shooting, camping and optics. Its President is former Cabela’s employee, Matt Highby, son of Dennis Highby, President of Cabela’s from 2003 to 2007 and a member of the board until the retailer was taken over by rival, Bass Pro Shops in September 2017. “We are not just building a business,” said Highby. “We are building a legacy for the great outdoors. We’re a team of long-term experts who share a passion for the outdoors.
Our focus is treating customers like family; like we would like to be treated.” Highby Outdoors was one of two start-up outdoor businesses in Sidney that Bass Pro Shops filed a lawsuit against in September last year, accusing the businesses of misappropriating company information and violating agreements not to compete. Highby Outdoors denied Bass Pro Shops-Cabela’s allegation, claiming it didn’t misuse confidential information and saying non-compete agreements can’t be enforced in Nebraska and were negated by later agreements. A preliminary injunction sought by Bass Pro Shops to prevent the launch of Highby Outdoors was denied.
Shimano Europe and Rapala to end many distribution agreements Exclusive distribution agreements between Shimano Europe and Rapala VMC in Europe and South Africa are to come to an end in 2020. The powerhouse manufacturers announced that they are to set up their own distribution channels in certain countries in the two regions. Following an agreed notice period, Shimano will go its own way with the marketing, sales and distribution of the Shimano, G. Loomis and Power Pro brands. The distribution partnership between Rapala and Shimano remains unchanged in Russia and other East European joint-venture countries. The countries and Rapala VMC companies affected will be: Spain and Portugal (Normark Spain SA), France and Switzerland (Normark France SAS), Denmark (Normark Denmark A/S), Norway and Iceland (Normark Norway AS), Sweden (Normark Scandinavia AB), Finland (Normark Suomi Oy), Estonia (Normark Eesti OU), Lithuania (UAB Normark), Latvia (Normark Latvia SIA) and South Africa (Rapala VMC South Africa Distributors Pty Ltd). *Anthony Hawkswell is the editor of Angling International since 2013
The notice period for Spain, Portugal, France and Switzerland ends on July 1st, 2020, and for all other affected countries on October 1st, 2020. Until then, Rapala will continue to be the exclusive distributor of all Shimano fishing brands in the markets concerned. Shimano will simultaneously hand over the distribution of Rapala brands in Germany, Italy, Turkey, the UK and the Benelux countries. “This move is necessary for Shimano to further strengthen its fishing tackle business in Europe and South Africa,” said Marc van Rooij, President of Shimano Europe B.V. “For each country Shimano is studying future business set-ups so as to serve the retail market with the best conditions, including warranty and repair services.” Jussi Ristimaki, President and CEO of Rapala VMC Corporation, commented: “We have been partners with Shimano for a long period, but the world is changing and it has been agreed by Shimano and Rapala that in these countries referred to above it is better for both countries to control their own destinies and give more focus on their own brands in the largest European markets. “Our partnership with Shimano will continue in the jointly-owned East European distribution companies.” SA BASS 47 18th Anniversary Issue | April 2019
DESTINATIONS As a service to readers Fishing Resorts and Lodges are invited to place their information in this section. Readers who discover other destinations are invited to place the information on this page. Each entry consists of one photo plus no more than 200 words. Om ons lesers ingelig te hou word Hengel-oorde en Lodges uitgenooi om hul inligting in hierdie afdeling te publiseer. Lesers wat nog bestemmings ontdek word uitgenooi om die inligting op hierdie afdeling te plaas. Elke inskrywing beslaan een foto plus nie meer as 200 woorde. Stuur aan: editor@sabass.com.
OLIFANTS RIVER LODGE On the bank of the Olifants River, Olifants River Lodge offers an experience the whole family will cherish. The lodge is ideal for family getaways, team building, conferences, weddings, church groups or just a relaxing time next to the water. The lovely surroundings, sightseeing spots, rich fauna and flora, charming nature, restaurants, accommodation and most of all, the pleasant climatic conditions, all make Olifants River Lodge a most beautiful tourist destination. Accommodation for 220 guests is available as camping, rondavels, cabanas and luxury villas. The facilities and activities to enjoy at the lodge include fully equipped conference centres, swimming pools (cold and heated indoor), table tennis, a pool table, a children’s playground, pedal boats, volleyball, hiking trails, bird watching, fishing, dining, horse riding and a bushveld bar. 48 SA BASS April 2019 | 18th Anniversary Issue
The Olifants River itself winds past the Lodge and provides an ideal setting for sipping sundowners, whilst watching a magical Mpumalanga sunset. For the fisherman there is bass, barbel, carp and yellowfish to catch. The Olifants River Lodge is situated 20km outside Middelburg. Follow the 12km gravel road from the Presidentsrus turn-off to the lodge. GPS: S25.76198° E29.31260° See our readers’ competition in this issue, answer the easy question and stand a chance to win a free two night stay in a 3-bedroom villa at Olifants River Lodge. (Sleeps 6 people and it is self-catering). For more information or bookings, please contact Olifants River Lodge on 013 243 9401 / 2 or 082 892 3029 or e-mail them at info@olifantsriverlodge.co.za
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