The Beacon October Issue

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Be A Light

GirlDefined Ministry Girls Learn Womanhood, Love and Purity Read about two local women passionate about shining a light on God’s principles on love. Changing 78207 One Life, One Family at a Time

78207 was once known as the poorest area in our nation pg 7 O c tober 2018

Ready for the Biggest Revival Event in 30 Years? Crusade 300 is looking for volunteers to help with this Mega Event pg 10

What Are the Seven Spheres of Society?

SACLF teaches how God wants us to conduct our business today. pg 12

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Reaching the Youth‌ and A Ministry is Birthed

Reaching the Youth with Mark Lugo Ministries pg 15 1

Matthew 5:16 “ Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” King James Version (KJV)

Spread The Light W

elcome to the October edition of the Beacon, San Antonio’s only local monthly Christian publication! God is at work in our city, but it is difficult to see all He is doing through the current media reporting in our community. Enough bad news. We desire to spread the good news of non-profits and businesses that are making a difference in San Antonio so that you, our reader, can celebrate and even connect to these efforts in order to help shape the course of history in San Antonio. We hope you enjoy these articles. Please share this magazine with others. More importantly, as you read, we invite you to match your passion and gifting and join God in all He is doing through these amazing people in and around San Antonio. You will also see community minded businesses that have adopted these non-profit efforts to make this publication possible. We encourage you to thank them and do business with them as companies that care about the causes in our great city. Be A Light. Please visit our website regularly to read more stories and to learn about upcoming Christian events. We invite you to sign up for regular updates and breaking “good news” by becoming an online member of the Beacon. We are committed to making you aware of all God is doing and the people He has called to champion His great causes. God is indeed at work in our city! Join the movement. Are you aware of more non-profits or businesses that are making a difference in our city? Let’s share some light. Email us at

Visit Us Online


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Thank you to our local businesses who’ve sponsored the following Good Stories. STORY MADE

Girl Defined Conference Encouraged Hundreds


Raising girls in an age where anything goes can be challenging. Two sisters respond to God’s call on their lives to turn the tide by equipping teens and young women in God’s ways regarding courtship and romance. Authors of three books, they are fighting a war against Hollywood and the lies about romance, dating and marriage. It seems they are winning!


Frank Dunn Realtor LEGACY

Changing 78207 One Life, One Family at a Time


According to a national documentary, the area in San Antonio located in 78207 was the poster child for poverty and crime. A ministry stands up and is changing this perception one life, one family at a time.

Ready for the Biggest Revival Event in 30 Years?


When a vision so big and so powerful is dropped into your lap, there are only two things you can do. Respond and invite others. Learn about the largest and most unique Crusade since Billy Graham came to our city and how you can take part.

Leaders Working to Transform the City


There is a reason our society is in a downward spiral. Christians are not leading in the seven spheres that shape our culture, leaving a godless vacuum. But there is hope as local leaders are meeting to retake and reshape our society in San Antonio.

Reaching the Youth …and a Ministry is Birthed


When we respond to God’s call to make a difference, He meets us there and miraculous events take place. Read about a local couple that has experienced the redemptive power of the gospel that changes both the spiritual and physical realms of a community and their ongoing efforts to transform the next generation.

October is Pastor Appreciation Month


Read Pastor Luis Molina’s story about God and His intervention in our lives. You don’t have to be an evangelist to share Christ. Our monthly feature encourages you to just share your story with others!

PUBLISHER: The San Antonio Beacon PUBLISHERS: Claude Roberts, Duke Jonietz CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Amy Morgan, Inez Kirchner, Dana Michea Marquez THE BEACON OFFICE:23910 W. IH-10 Suite 13101, San Antonio, Texas 78257 PHONE: (210) 316-8260 ONLINE: PUBLISHED: Monthly (Lord help us!) MISSION STATEMENT: Our mission is to use cause related marketing to promote partnerships between businesses, non-profits, churches and schools by bringing awareness of the “good news” in our community in order to help change our city.

O c tober 2018

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Girl Defined Conference Encouraged Hundreds STORY MADE


Frank Dunn Realtor LEGACY


More than 500 teen girls, some accompanied by mothers, packed the sanctuary of Shearer Hills Baptist Church August 3 and 4, for the third annual GirlDefined Conference. Participants traveled from 30 states and eight countries – Austria to Australia – to attend the inspiring event promoting God’s design for romance, love and purity. GirlDefined Ministries founders Kristen Clark and Bethany Baird discussed how girls can approach their longing for love through the boundaries of God’s design, rather than culture’s destructive model. Discussions covered true love, purposeful relationships and femininity to help girls discover a radically better and refreshingly biblical approach to navigating life and romance. Participants enjoyed an ice cream social, live worship by Crossway Bible Church’s musical team, a concert by

Willow City Band, breakout sessions and fun with like minded friends. “The reason we think the message of love and romance is so important is who you end up with – who you marry – will change the course of your life,” Bethany said. “Hollywood’s version of love is all about the sparks and the chemistry. In reality, God’s design is nothing like that – it’s about Agape, self-sacrificial love. We want to encourage girls to be intentional with the dating and relationship process – not just going in with eyes half closed – to look for a man with character and a heart for God, because who you date will be who you will marry.” The sisters have written three books in just a little more than four years. Girl Defined was their flagship title, in which the attractive youngadult, blonde sisters share their story of how they walked away from careers in the modeling industry to find a greater purpose honoring God with their lives and work. In 2014, they began GirlDefined Ministries to inspire the next generation. Each felt she had reached a turning point in her life where it was important to make a courageous choice to serve God rather than follow the path of the world. “We wanted to use our lives for something more,” Bethany said. “Our goal has been to help modern girls understand and live out God’s timeless truth for womanhood. In a day and age when girls and women receive so many conflicting messages about their value,

purpose, and identity, they desperately need to know that the only one who can define them is the One who created them,” the sisters post at Last year, they wrote Love Defined, which released May 1, 2018, in response to questions raised by thousands of messages from girls who follow them. “The girls are sharing all these issues and struggles in the areas of romance and love. Every time we’d write a blog on one of those topics, the open rate would skyrocket,” Bethany said. “At the time we wrote the book, Kristen had been married for six years, and I was single.” The sisters were able to bring their different perspectives to the book, which is filled with stories of how they weathered crushes and difficult breakups, while still following God’s game plan. Bethany is putting their advice into action now, as she was recently engaged and planning an October wedding.

As a father and grandfather with a daughter and 5 granddaughters, it is a great joy to support the work of GirlDefined Ministries. God’s plans for romance, courtship and marriage allow the absolute best outcome for any future family! I am honored to partner with this amazing ministry which offers an alternative choice to what movies, TV shows and even our society give to teenagers and young women.

Frank Dunn, Realtor


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Girls Learn e v o L , d o o h n a m o W y t i r u P d n a “

Hollywood’s version of love is all about the sparks and the chemistry. In reality, God’s design is nothing like that. It is easy to feel like they are the only girl who is trying to embrace God’s design for love and romance. We hope girls will take away that they are not in this alone.

– Bethany Baird, GirlDefined Ministry

O c tober 2018

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GirlDefined Ministries founders Kristen Clark and Bethany Baird discussed how girls can approach their longing for love through the boundaries of God’s design, at Girl Defined ’18 held August 3 and 4, at Shearer Hills Baptist Church.

I believe in giving back to our community in order to change lives. Girl Defined is indeed changing lives. Dream with me about this ministry reaching millions in the near future and the difference it would make in building strong marriages and families. I encourage you to join me in seeing this dream become a reality in our community and beyond by supporting Girl Defined Ministries.

Frank Dunn, Realtor

Again, their ministry mirrored life, as Bethany and Kristen sent their third book, Sex, Purity and the Longings of a Girl’s Heart, to the publishers July 1. People have asked Bethany what’s changing now that she’s engaged. “I have been grateful, God has been so good to give us the strength to stick with our boundaries,” Bethany said. “It has been incredible to study God’s design for sex as I have been writing this book – I wish every engaged girl could do that.” The sisters post several compelling blogs and YouTube videos weekly. Popular topics include “5 Wardrobe Hacks for Dressing Modestly,” “Practical Tips for Embracing Purity in a Romantic Relationship,” “6 Guys you Shouldn’t Date, Court or Marry,” and “Why We Gave Up Modeling to Pursue Ministry Instead.” Many of their offerings address the question, “How can we, as Christian girls, glorify God as we navigate THIS… issue where values clash with modern culture.” For example, they suggest keeping a shirt handy to tie around your waist to disguise a rear view that might be showing more than expected. (A useful tip for yoga-pants wearing moms, too!) These “hacks” are presented winsomely and attractively – pleasing teen girls and moms alike. Kristen and Bethany were born and raised in San Antonio, two of eight home schooled siblings who still attend the family’s church – Wayside Chapel. Girl Defined ‘18 was the sisters’ third conference in San Antonio and involved other family members in 6

supportive roles. Sister, Rebekah, handled conference coordinating; 16-year-old Suzanna designed merchandise; Ellissa provided support; and brother, Timothy, videoed. For the first time their mother, Heidi Baird, hosted a breakout session for other mothers. Kristen and her husband, Zack, led a session on “how to know if he’s the one” and Bethany and her finance, Dave, shared the story about their purposeful pursuit of romance. The sisters have spoken locally at Concordia Lutheran and Geneva Schools as well as appearing with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth of Revive Our Hearts and on Family Life Today. They intend to “bloom where they are planted” in San Antonio, continuing to encourage girls through local youth groups, churches and schools. “We hope girls will take away that they are not in this alone,” Bethany said. “It is easy to feel like they are the only girl who is trying to embrace God’s design for love and romance. We want to help them feel encouraged to go out and live this the rest of the year.” For those who missed the conference, content can be found at or follow Kristen and Bethany on social media platforms @GirlDefined. Kristen and Bethany were born and raised in San Antonio. They are available to speak to encourage girls at youth groups, churches and schools. Find them at or follow Kristen and Bethany on social media platforms @GirlDefined.

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Be A Light. Share. Tell others about this awesome ministry. Invite. Ask GirlDefined to speak at your school or church. Give. GirlDefined can use your financial contributions to expand their ministry efforts. Volunteer. Ask them how you can help. Pray. Pray for their new book to reach millions and for protection for them as they share and live out God’s design for womanhood. Kristen and Bethany were born and raised in San Antonio. They are available to speak to encourage girls at youth groups, churches and schools. Find them at or follow Kristen and Bethany on social media platforms @GirlDefined.



Frank Dunn Realtor LEGACY

Frank Dunn has been a top award-winning realtor since 1989. He sells many homes that other Realtors did not sell. He gives all the glory to God. He recognizes his success did not come because he reached his goals, but rather as a result of helping buyers and sellers reach their goals. Please visit his website at to view the many testimonies that prove this point. Frank Dunn, Realtor 210-215-1551 |

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San Antonio Christian Hope Resource Center:

Changing 78207 One Life, One Family at a time DAN A M I C H EA MAR Q UEZ WRIT E R

Within the boundaries of San Antonio, Texas lies one of the poorest areas in the Nation. It was featured as the Westside zip code 78207 fifty years ago in a CBS News Documentary, “Hunger in America.” A San Antonio Express-News editorial (March 2016) later described the area as “half of adults without a high school diploma, 60 percent without jobs, income below the median level and a poverty rate of 42 percent”. O c tober 2018

Generations have passed, and it’s hard to say that life in the 78207-zip code is demonstrably better than when ‘Hunger in America’ was released. But things are changing. Idar, a single mom raising a 14-year-old daughter with serious health issues, was missing countless

work days to take her child to the hospital with crippling epileptic seizures as well as continuing bedside care at home. This resulted in countless job losses bringing in little income, near zero savings and sleepless nights – she was running out of resources and hope.

CHRC collaborates on-site with more than a dozen local organizations to serve those in need, such as the UTHSC School of Nursing,

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Thank you BDI Insurance for making this story possible to share.

Then one cold winter’s day, Idar walked through the doors of the San Antonio Christian Hope Resource Center (CHRC). There she found help from a strong support system and mentorship program. Idar’s life and hope began to be restored – for the dream she wanted to achieve – making a better family life. CHRC is a faith-based social service agency founded in the 1980’s as a benevolence ministry of Oak Hills Church. It was formed and implemented by generous volunteers who wanted to lovingly respond to the needs of the poor. CHRC became a non-profit in 2001. The Center uses evidence-based solutions to address the most troubling social problems of our time. Its programs include: Food Insecurity, Parenting, Education and Training, Community Health, Financial Literacy and Senior Services. These programs are set apart by a mentorship that is designed to provide clients with reliable, long-term support systems. The faith-based environment cares for the spiritual needs of each person and family. “The same day she walked in our doors, Idar went through an evidencebased, stepwise process that all new CHRC clients go through,” Executive Director, Megan Legacy stated. “First, there is a comprehensive need assessment, and then the development of a personalized intervention plan, and finally the plan is set into motion for up to 12 months, under the close supervision of a multidisciplinary team.” Ms. Legacy became the Executive Director in 2012 when someone on the board strongly felt she should apply for the position. Ms. Legacy remembers, “After much prayer, I felt God calling me to the interview and later, to accept the position. This has been a testimony of the power and blessing of listening to God’s Will.” Under Ms. Legacy’s leadership, 500 recurring families are served every month, with a budget that has increased from less than a quarter of a 8

million to over a million in five short years. The majority of clients come from the 78207-zip code. “We serve families in mentoring programs. They come every month. Our programs are not a one-time service. People are deeply engaged. They take classes and receive mentoring on average from six to eighteen months,” Ms. Legacy continues. “We focus on holistically helping our “ We focus on families become holistically sustainable. This is through teaching helping our financial literacy to families all of our clients, helping address become mental health sustainable.” needs, improving health by connecting families with health care, teaching about healthy eating and living, nutrition, etc. Many others are engaged in our job training programs and are focused on obtaining living wage employment. Seniors typically focus on quality of life, which includes financial literacy, health and other aspects, like ensuring they have heating in the winter and cool air in the summer.” When asked about a recent accomplishment for the Christian Hope Resource Center, Ms. Legacy directed attention to the CHRC’s new building sponsored by Mueller’s Helping Hand and the Texas Country Reporter which “every year teams up to find a deserving non-profit organization in Texas to receive a free Mueller building.” (www. Ms. Legacy stated, “I think so often in the world that we live in we usually give to people that are struggling what is left over. We had these buildings a long time (5 portables the Mueller Building replaced), but they were used buildings. And for a long time, a lot of love happened in those buildings and a lot of classes, but they were hand me downs, but this – this is a gift.” With the help of their new building, the Christian Hope Resource Center w w B e a c o n .c o m

A CHRC student fills our a budget worksheet during a financial literacy class.

A young mom and her twin girls have found hope through CHRC’s programs and assistance.

We believe that we have a biblical and corporate responsibility to give back to our community and support great non-profits like CHRC. The love and compassion that the staff of CHRC provides to those that are hurting is incredible to see. There are many in our community that simply need some love, a hand-up and encouragement in their life journey. We are proud to be associated with CHRC as they deliver that and so much more every single day. Thank you CHRC! Keep up the great work you are doing in our city. Our hearts have been touched and we stand arm in arm with you.

Bruce Barnard, President/CEO, BDI Insurance

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Thank you BDI Insurance for making this story possible to share.

A CHRC volunteer coaches a young woman during a job readiness workshop.

can expand forward in their goal to continue helping families find pathways out of poverty. Partnering with more churches and increasing collaborations with like-minded non-profit organizations will also expedite this. Completing the construction of this new education center increases these much-needed services with more nonprofits on site. CHRC desires to connect with the entire body of Christ in San Antonio. In doing so, they will be able to draw from a greater pool of volunteers and sponsors. “There are so many areas in our ministry for churches to plug into. Opportunities to impact youth, seniors, and use skilled volunteers, etc.” Ms. Legacy continued. “This will be able to help more people like Idar.” In Idar’s case, immediate needs for food were met and steps were taken to ensure that she did not miss her rent. Idar enrolled into a CHRC support group and attended crisis management

sessions. She was assigned a mentor and introduced to the Center’s Pastoral Counselor. A year later, Idar has turned a corner and her daughter is doing much better. She has been able to find and keep a full-time job. “More importantly,” Megan Legacy added, “Idar acquired a militant belief in the redemptive power of the Word and has accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior.”

B Scott Barnard, BDI Insurance



Be A Light. Share. Get the word out to your Pastor about opportunities for partnership. Give. Become a monthly donor. Volunteer. Contact us to learn about volunteer opportunities. See below for contact info to donate or volunteer. Pray. Pray for us! You can learn more by visiting: About the Author: Dana Michea Marquez enjoys spending time with her two intelligent boys and husband. She is also mom to two dogs, Lola and Easter. Ms. Marquez likes to write about community awareness such as Human Trafficking and other social issues that affect San Antonio. She also has a small marketing and event planning business called New Wavez Vizion. Ms. Marquez currently attends Victory Outreach of San Antonio with her family. Ms. Marquez can be reached at

Changing 78207 One Life, One Family at a time. O c tober 2018

The pain and struggle for many in our city is real and the needs can seem overwhelming. Building a process that delivers practical help and especially hope is no easy task. When you find a non-profit like CHRC, it is easy to be moved to help. The smiles on the faces of the parents and their children (like Idar and her daughter) speak volumes to the big difference CHRC is making in our community. I hope you will join with us in supporting this vital ministry. I have seen firsthand, that together, we really can make a difference.

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“BDI Insurance is heavily involved in and has a heart for our community. It is our honor to give back and to support the efforts of CHRC. We will continue to do our part for those in need”, stated CEO, Bruce Barnard in an interview with Beacon staff. BDI Insurance is your trusted choice for all of your personal and business insurance needs. Serving San Antonio and the surrounding areas since 1911, we are dedicated to you as a person, not a policy. BDI Insurance offers a variety of products and unparalleled advocacy. With offices in Universal City, Seguin, New Braunfels and La Vernia, we stand ready to serve you. BDI Insurance, 830-303-8300,


Ready for one of the biggest Revival Events in San Antonio since the Billy Graham Crusade in 1997? From prophecy, an anointed message, to loss and a mission, San Antonio’s largest revival event in 20 years is born. Crusade 300, which is free and open to the public, will take place October 6 and 7 at the San Antonio Alamodome. Organized by local ministries, this two-day movement of God is expected to draw more than 60,000 attendees. Participants will enjoy sermons from local and international pastors, altar calls, musical performances, BMX acts, and a 5K run/walk (with registration purchase), as well as a variety of additional events appealing to all ages. 10

The MISSION of the event is to

unite all walks of life and lead as many people as possible

to a NEW

OR DEEPER relationship with Jesus Christ.

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The event will represent more than 20 ministries from seven different countries, including Africa, Russia and England. “Our hope is that this revival event spreads across San Antonio, the country and the world,” said Event Director, Michael Jett. The mission of the event is to unite all walks of life and lead as many people as possible to a new or deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. All

When I heard the vision of Crusade 300 from Pastor Jimmy Robles, I was deeply moved in the Spirit. I knew this vision was from God Himself. I decided to dedicate myself fully to this vision. I am all in and sold out. Thousands will be impacted by Crusade 300. It is an honor for me, and for my business, to do everything we possibly can to see revival come to San Antonio.

Luis Estrada, Owner/Managing Member c to b eStorage r 2018 Truck andOTrailer

Thank you to Truck and Trailer Storage for making this story possible to share.

religions, cultures and beliefs are welcome. In addition to believers, the event hopes to draw seekers, those who have no relationship with God or church affiliation, and Christians who have lost their way. “It’s a daily journey and sometimes a daily battle. No one is excluded. We all need rescuing sometimes,” Jett said. The event planning team is made up of pastors and volunteers from around the world and is led by Lead Pastor of Last Chance Ministries, Jimmy Robles. Pastor Jimmy recounts how the circumstances leading him to take on this monumental mission were both myste-

Pastor Jimmy Robles in prayer for the vision.

rious and powerful. A couple of years ago a young man, Luis, received a message from God to find a pastor who would carry out a great mission. Luis approached several pastors, before reaching Jimmy. “I don’t receive words lightly, especially when they say it’s from the Lord. I went into deep prayer,” Robles said. A year later, a woman approached Jimmy and told him he would be part of a great revival. Jimmy called Luis and told him he was ready. In accepting the task, Luis told Jimmy it would come at a great cost. The events that followed, including the tragic loss of Jimmy’s 19-year old daughter and the death of evangelical leader, Billy Graham, led Jimmy to begin organizing what will be the biggest event in San Antonio since Billy Graham’s Crusade in 1997. Now, a year and half in the works, not immune to their fair share of obstacles and hurdles, the team O c tober 2018

continues to bear witness to God’s grace. “None of us have ever done this before. Discouragement falls on everyone,” Jett said, “but Christ always finds a way. We have people showing up from all over the world, from stage managers, producers and other experts.” The event was also recently recognized as an official event in San Antonio’s SA300 Tricentennial citywide celebration. Incorporating events like a BMX exhibition, Fortnite gaming tournament, and rock climbing wall, the team is finding new and creative ways to attract the “next generation” of believers and lead them to Christ. “We have not been very effective at reaching them,” said Pastor Gene Loeffler, of targeting a younger audience. “The Church must learn to think outside the box – and needs a relevant vision, if we are going to be successful influencing them.” Help is still needed. The nearly $1 million event is projected to secure nearly 5,000 volunteers. “Everyone thinks you have to be great at praying to volunteer and get involved, but that’s just not the case,” said Jett, indicating only 1,500 volunteers are on board. “We can all be ambassadors.” Volunteer opportunities range from day-of set up, ushers, greeters, to phone outreach, and professional skills like finance and marketing. More than 25 different areas and skills are needed, and can be found at volunteer. To help them in their new life after the event concludes, the team has plans to engage with those who give their lives to Jesus Christ. They also intend to continue a Crusade 300 mobile ministry in Texas and across the country. Jett added, “the more we follow God’s direction, the more he shows us the true needs of this AlamoDome supports Crusade 300

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community and surrounding communities. We are willing vessels of the Lord to reach as many people as we can.” Be A Light. Attend. Invite your friends and neighbors that are on their journey to meet Christ. Get the word out. Please let your pastor know about this dynamic event and see if your church can help. Partnership. Help complete the needed donations by going online at Crusade300. org/give. Volunteer. Use your gifts to make a difference by signing up at volunteer. About the Author: Inez Kirchner is a native of San Antonio, and is passionate about telling stories and helping others find their voice. She has been writing for corporations and non-profits for more than a decade. She enjoys art, world travel and going to the river in New Braunfels, where she lives with her husband and son.

To put on an event of this magnitude must be humbling. To see God do what only He can is an experience I will never forget. The hundreds of volunteers, the total funding needed and a thousand other pieces can be overwhelming. Then God steps in! I encourage business leaders, to join us in shaping the future of our city.

Luis Estrada, Owner/Managing Member Truck and Trailer Storage



Truck and Trailer Storage encourages you to step into this amazing vision. Volunteer or act as a financial partner today. Truck and Trailer Storage (TTS) is your premier fleet storage company offering unmatched carrier and fleet services. TTS provides owner operators and entire fleets with the support they need to stay ahead of today’s industry demands. Truck and Trailer Storage 210-776-7411



San Antonio Christian Leaders Forum Serves God in the Marketplace

Leaders Working to Transform the City in Seven Spheres of Society WRIT TEN IN COLLABORATION WITH INEZ KIR CHNER AND SACLF LEADERSHIP

As Christians, we are called to serve God in many ways beyond attending church services on Sunday, giving our finances or hosting a bible study. The San Antonio Christian Leaders Forum (SACLF), formed by local ministry City Reachers, is working to transform the city in each of seven spheres which impact society. The SACLF calls together Christian leaders working in all fields to advance God’s purpose to transform San Antonio in the marketplace. Whether we realize it or not, the operation of these spheres has a major impact on society. “The SACLF is San Antonio’s expression of how God wants to transform society in and through 12

these spheres.” said City Reachers Executive Director, Natalie Hardy.

So then, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm and steady. Keep busy always in your work for the Lord, since you know that nothing you do in the Lord’s service is ever useless. (1 Corinthians 15:58-GNB) The group was formed by Hardy and City Reachers Founder, Eileen Vincent and is modeled around the Seven Mountains which the SACLF refers to as spheres, representing spheres of society. Independent from and unbeknownst to each other, Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade, and Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth with a Mission had encounters with God around the same time, as did Francis Shaffer. God showed them that there are seven arenas which impact society by the way they function. God spoke to them stating “that if we are to impact any nation for Jesus Christ, w w B e a c o n .c o m

then we would have to affect the seven spheres, or mountains of society that are the pillars of any society.” The seven spheres include arts and enter-

The vision of SACLF is inspiring to our community and we are honored to support their efforts! Retaking ground in each of these seven spheres will no doubt change the course of history in San Antonio. As an entrepreneur, my mind races as I contemplate my role in the sphere I walk in daily. Together, we can invite God’s presence into our city and transform our society for years to come. Please accept my personal invitation to visit the next SACLF forum meeting. Thank you City Reachers! We believe in you and the leadership you supply in shaping our future. Please keep up your great work.

Sarah Douglas, Co-Founder, Bibi’s Sweet Poe O c to b e r 2 0 1 8

Thank you to Bibi’s Sweet Poe for making this story possible to share.

The Business Table at a recent SACLF meeting strategizing about an upcoming exclusive event.

tainment, business, church, education, family, government and media.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for human beings. Remember that the Lord will give you as a reward what he has kept for his people. For Christ is the real Master you serve. (Colossians 3:23-24-GNB)

The purpose of the SACLF is to gather Christian leaders to work together serving the Lord in these seven spheres. We, as co-laborers with Christ, are all called to be God’s ambassadors and have been intentionally placed in a sphere (or industry) to advance His Kingdom. The SACLF encourages Christian leaders to connect with others within their sphere and, “pool their energies, O c tober 2018

resources and anointing, seeking God and working together to bring Him glory and cause His will to be done in our city,” said Hardy. The first official SACLF meeting occurred in 2014, and was met with overwhelming support from local pastors, Christian ministries and business leaders. The desire to find ways of working together in these seven spheres became the primary task. “We thought we were just going to launch the vision, but everyone was ready to get started,” said Hardy. “We’ve been meeting monthly and working ever since.” Eileen Vincent, Founder of City Reachers, was given a vision from God for a Sweeping Move of God in the San Antonio region. That vision, which Hardy lovingly calls a “diagrammatic vision statement,” is a kind of map, showing the complexity and reach of the seven spheres, and the ministry’s strategy for transformation and change. However, Hardy maintained, the map is not exhaustive of all the w w B e a c o n .c o m

transformation possibilities but is always evolving, “Revival is a supernatural move of God. As a result, no one can really map out exactly how God will cause it to happen in any place. Transformation takes place over time as the result of an accumulation of specific acts done in obedience to God’s direction.” Since that first meeting, the group has grown a network of hundreds of local leaders, businesses, churches and other organizations. It has also launched, led and assisted several city-wide initiatives, effecting change within some of the seven spheres. “It’s great to be around Christian business leaders discussing ways to make a meaningful difference in San Antonio,” said Steve Arters, co-founder of digital marketing company, Clearpath. Arters, who is part of the Business Sphere, joined the SACLF two years ago and enjoys connecting with other leaders in his industry, discussing challenges they face and how the group efforts are answers to prayer for the city. 13

Recent Successes Media Sphere: Project One, in collaboration with KSLR radio, is an ongoing campaign focused on enlisting Christian mentors for adults and children in an effort to help decrease poverty, violence, high school dropout rates and more. To take part, you need only be willing to share your time; no special skills or experience is required. For more information: content/all/project-one-home Government Sphere: The SACLF developed a faith-based voter platform to help Christians review issues and evaluate political candidates for the purpose of voting in elections. Education and Family Sphere: Efforts are ongoing and include improving reading levels, helping parents raise highly capable children, teaching life values, and helping children with food insecurities. They have also recruited Christian mentors, made up of ministers and business leaders to mentor public school students. Arts & Entertainment Sphere: The SACLF helped develop and gain sponsorship and publicity for two Christian Worldview Film Guild and Festivals, which is the nation’s largest Christian Film Festival. Hosted Lance Wallnau: An internationally known motivational speaker who speaks into seven mountain issues.

Upcoming SACLF Opportunities Get more information and sign up for the following upcoming opportunities at or by calling 210-558-0755. • Education Sphere: Beginning Sept. 15, the SACLF will host a School Board Training for anyone interested in serving on a school board. Taught by former school board members and administrators, the four-phase program will cover the duties and responsibilities of


serving on a school board, and biblical worldview. • Business Sphere: Sept. 28, the SACLF will host the “Kingdom at Work” workshop with Betenbough Homes, the 7th largest homebuilder in the nation. The workshop will teach how to transition businesses to be kingdom-focused to glorify God, while blessing the employees, the city and business at the same time.

Join the SACLF Interested in joining the SACLF and transforming the city for Christ? Visit to complete an application, and learn more about the mission and guiding principles of the SACLF, as well as the Seven Spheres. There is no cost to be part of the SACLF. “It’s significant to remember we all can make a difference,” said Arters. “If you work there is a sphere that applies to you,” said Hardy. Working together, the group also encourages exploration of other spheres. “In real life, all these spheres impact each other. As a result, the SACLF functions in such a way that no one should feel locked into one particular sphere, but collectively we desire to bring the presence of God into our whole city as we work together for transformation,” said Hardy. You may also learn more by attending a monthly SACLF meeting, which occurs the second Wednesday of every month. More information can be found at, or by calling 210-558-0755.

The creative ideas that surface at the business table will indeed change the “way” we do business, and view the workplace, in San Antonio. Because we believe that businesses’ commission should be to expand the kingdom of God, I challenge every business leader to join SACLF. We are excited to support City Reachers and the spirit-filled activities like the San Antonio Christian Leaders Forum they provide. I appreciate your heart and your boldness. We stand behind your ministry efforts and endorse the SACLF wholeheartedly. Please continue your work to make a difference in our city!

Joel Douglas, Co-Founder, Bibi’s Sweet Poe



Be A Light. Join. Attend a meeting and join with your peers to impact your sphere of influence. Share. Invite your friends and co-workers to attend with you. Donate. City Reachers is a non-profit ministry that operates completely by faith (they do not actively engage in fund raising). Send a donation by going to Pray. Please pray for the leaders and difference makers that are members of the SACLF. About the Author: Inez Kirchner is a native of San Antonio, and is passionate about telling stories and helping others find their voice. She has been writing for corporations and non-profits for more than a decade. She enjoys art, world travel and going to the river in New Braunfels, where she lives with her husband and son.

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We believe businesses should be an extension of the Church in the community. Bibi’s Sweet Poe is the manufacturer of a centuries old Caribbean dessert recipe for sweet potato pudding. Treat your family to a tasty, delicious Caribbean delicacy made solely from the natural ingredients God gave us. Find out more at

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Reaching the Youth One Small Step of Faith… …and A Ministry is Birthed DANA M I C H EA MAR Q UEZ WRITER

Inside the Camino Creek mobile home community, twelve hundred residents went about their daily lives unaware that soon they’d be radically transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Residents, Mark and Veronica Lugo, felt the Lord’s call to do something for their community, but did not know how to start. They approached their Kings Mission Fellowship pastors, Rune and Berta Brannstrom, for guidance. They were challenged to reach out to neighbors first. So that is exactly what they did. “We approached the managers and learned they were Christians and supportive of our ideas. They said they O c tober 2018

had a small budget for whatever outreach we would like to do for Camino Creek.” The management invited the Lugos to use the Community Club House. “We had a tremendous amount of favor with them. They cleaned out the Club House and gave us the keys to start a Bible study.” Mr. Lugo went on to say, “The children were the first to respond, followed by the youth, and finally adults started attending. We began building Be faithful relationships with everyone. Next we held with a little, a Vacation Bible School and then I with sixty kids and will give you twenty teenagers more. signing up! The teens were trained to help Matthew 25:21 the children and even w w B e a c o n .c o m

Mr. W Fireworks is all about family. From the employees that work with us to the community around us, we are passionate about helping to promote memories for families. It was an easy decision for our business to support the efforts of Mark Lugo Ministries since they are reaching our youth and as a result transforming families across our city. Our company stands with MLM in making a real difference in our city. Please prayerfully consider joining us with your support of this amazing ministry! .

Kelley Martinez, Vice President Mr. W. Fireworks


parents joined in to make snacks.” The Lugos had a VBS graduation at the end of the week and all sixty children were honored. Not one dropped out. The ceremony became a family affair with Mark’s mom making the gowns for all sixty children. God was at work. The children were taught to pray and together prayed over Camino Creek, staking out all four corners of the community and claiming it for Christ. Within the first month Mark, Veronica and a handful of volunteers reached over 100 people who made decisions for Christ! “We even held a baptism in the community pool. Over eighty people, mainly families, got baptized,” Mr. Lugo reports. As a result of their efforts, prayers and declarations; physical changes took place at Camino Creek as well. New playground equipment was donated and Home Bible Studies started up. Lasting friendships also developed and the children and the teenagers became more respectful. Drug activity declined. Camino Creek was being transformed. Little did Mark and Veronica know, God was equipping them to lead a ministry that would impact thousands in San Antonio. Mark Lugo Ministries (MLM) was birthed by faith in January 2018 as an official 501c3. It is partnering with churches, ministries, businesses and government in and around San Antonio. These partnerships include: Daily Bread Ministries, Kings Mission Fellowship, Children’s Hunger Fund, The Dream Center, Mr. W Fireworks and local government leadership from District 3. “We believe in collaboration.

Baptizing children in the community pool at Camino Creek.

We go into churches and make difference in the lives of children and ourselves available by showing them teenagers, primarily in disadvantaged how to go into the community and areas. An important goal is to help evangelize. Especially the youth.” young people discover their purpose Mr. Lugo coined the phrase and live out their calling in the power ‘partnership is the best way to of the Holy Spirit. reach the multitudes’. He One example is Alyssa, Train up a child firmly believes that there are just twelve years old when in the way he huge Kingdom resources Mark and Veronica met her available if we just step out in should go; through one of their outreach faith. He says that partneractivities. She was able to even when he ships work because they are attend summer camp on an important biblical princi- is old he will scholarships provided by ple (Ecclesiastes 4:9,10). MLM fundraisers. Alyssa not depart Reflecting on past Camino from it. received Christ at this camp, Creek experiences, MLM is and with her family started Proverbs 22:6. focusing their future efforts attending a local church towards children and teenagwhere she discovered her gift ers. Mark and Veronica both state, for videography. She began taping the “Everything we do is because of youth ministry and later, the adult partnerships.” Their collaborations services and conferences. with various organizations make a Alyssa planned on joining the

Children leading the community in Christmas carols at Christmas toy give-away outreach event.


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Thank you Mr. W Fireworks for making this story possible to share.

military but felt God’s call to reach more people and so went on to attend an Arts Institute for filming and directing. She now shares Christ in her own workplace. “Alyssa was working at Chick-fil-A and there was lady looking to pray. Alyssa sat and boldly prayed with this lady. She invited her to church. The lady brought her entire family to church where they got saved and later baptized!” Alyssa recently “ One seed in returned from one child has orphanage work in become a life Haiti. Alyssa is living out her that has and purpose and serving God. The will impact Lugos observe, hundreds of “One seed in one child has become a people!” life that has and will impact hundreds of people!” After these initial steps of faith, Mark and Veronica felt God’s challenge

to take their ministry to another level through social media. They met with and now credit Jonathan Carrizales (Media Live) for helping them reach over fourteen thousand people for MLM on Face Book alone. The end of 2018 will see additional community outreach. In November, Mark Lugo Ministries will host a community Thanksgiving Dinner for inner-city families on the Southside. The first annual MLM Christmas Outreach will be held in December where their desire is to give out one thousand toys to disadvantaged children and teenagers during the event. They are currently looking for sponsors and volunteers for both outreach efforts. Mark and Veronica Lugo conclude, “Our ministry is sponsored by people that believe in our calling as we live our lives by faith. In continuing to make an eternal difference, our greatest need is time, talent and treasure. We know how to reach the next generation and we want to journey with them as they grow.” From one small faith step of obedience to a thriving ministry, all they need are the resources to do even more for God and for the next generation in San Antonio. Be A Light. Give. Consider acting as a sponsor for MLM upcoming events. Pray about consistent monthly financial support. Donate toys for their Christmas Outreach. Volunteer. People needed in several capacities for their upcoming outreaches. Pray. For Mark, Veronica and their family as they trust and serve God by faith.

Mark Lugo Ministries Website: Facebook: Mark Lugo Ministries Instagram: @marklugomin Twitter: @Marklugomin. Mailing Address: PO Box 1232, Lytle, TX 78052. Phone: 956-398-4655. Email:

The future of our city will one day soon be in the hands of our youth. Children are the greatest gift from God. As a business owner and a mother, I am thankful for Mark Lugo Ministries and the difference they are making in our future leaders. I am honored that Mr. W. Fireworks can help MLM as a partner in shaping and even changing the legacy of our children. We remain steadfast in our commitment to be about helping to shape the future of our community.

Kelley Martinez, Vice President Mr. W. Fireworks



“We feel a responsibility to support efforts like Mark Lugo Ministries that are making a real difference in our community. Our employees are involved in their churches and in many activities that meet needs and serve others. We stand with MLM in their ministry to youth”, said Kelley Martinez, Vice President of Mr. W. Fireworks to Beacon staff. Mr. W. Fireworks is celebrating 50 years with a bang in delivering family memories. Their corporate offices are located just outside San Antonio in Somerset, Texas and they have over 500 locations in San Antonio and across two states. Mr. W. Fireworks remains a family operated business with the third generation being active in their operations and customer satisfaction. Because of their heart for our community, we encourage you to visit Mr. W. for your needs and join them in making a bang in our community. Mr. W. Fireworks 210-622-3112,

Lugo family. They are in this together.

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“Tell Your Story” October is “Pastor Appreciation Month”, the Beacon has a special story of Pastor Louis Molina in this edition. We encourage you to support you’re pastor this month. Send him/her a thank you note, buy them a special gift and/or give them a holy hug! Our pastors pour themselves out for us. Be creative and love on your Pastor this month (and always)!

I left home at about the age of 14 years old. During this time in my life, I got involved in gang violence, drugs and alcohol. I was in and out of jail. During my time in the streets, I met my wife, Debbie. She was also involved in drugs, alcohol and had lost her children to CPS. We both were hooked on heroine and headed in a downward spiral. Life seemed hopeless. In 1985, my wife, Debbie and I walked into Victory Outreach in San Jose, California. Little did we realize that our lives would never be the same again. There, we both gave our lives to the Lord, and Debbie was miraculously delivered from drugs and alcohol at the altar. Before meeting Christ, I never had any goals for my life. After surrendering to the Lord, I started writing things down that I wanted to accomplish. One of those goals was being in full time ministry before reaching the age of thirty. Shortly after setting this goal, I received a call from my Pastor, Ed Morales, about running the Victory Outreach Men’s Home in St. Martin, California. I did not know how to preach or lead Bible studies. It was through the home that the Lord taught me how to minister to addicts, gang members and broken people. In 1997, we got the call to start a Victory Outreach in San Antonio, Texas with Founding Pastor Sonny Arguinzoni’s blessing. A few short years after starting our church and outreach center successfully, I discovered I had Stage 3 Non-Hodgkin’s B-Cell Lymphoma. The Lord was really moving in the Church and I could not understand why He would allow me to get cancer. In 2010, because of the chemo and treatments, I ended up on dialysis and needed a new kidney. I was only on the list for a little over four months. This was the miracle. 18

Pastor Luis Molina

However, in receiving the transplant, there were complications and the doctors did not know if I would make it through the night. At this same time, in California, the Victory Outreach Men’s Conference was going on. My wife made a phone call to one of the pastors. As a result of this call, during the conference, all five-thousand men lifted me up in prayer for healing as I was fighting for my life and the doctors were unsure if I would make it through the night. The next morning, I woke up from that night of terror and recovered fully. The doctors were amazed. They knew it was God. These trials changed my life. The way I ministered and preached also changed. People would come to our church that have been sick and they would receive healing through our testimony and prayer. Initially, I could not understand what good thing could come out of cancer. Now I understand. God was preparing me and now He is using me. Our church is moving forward with its evangelism and street outreaches such as Code Red (reaching prostitutes on the streets). We recently opened the Women’s Victory Home. We have been having street meetings for over twenty years now. God is blessing our efforts. We know our anointing is in the Inner-City of San Antonio. We continue to watch and stand in awe as the Lord does amazing things in our ministry! w w B e a c o n .c o m

Everyone has a story. You don’t have to be an evangelist to share Christ. Just share your story! Want your story to be considered for a future issue of the Beacon? Please share your story with us by emailing



AM 630 The Word, KSLR is pleased to partner with the Beacon in this monthly special section called “Tell Your Story”. AM 630 The Word KSLR is your source for equipping, teaching and inspiring your walk with Christ. Please visit our website at to view our program guide for local and national Christian teaching talk programs. We are here to help listeners expand their relationship with Jesus Christ. We partner with San Antonio churches and ministries to bring quality teaching to listeners in our huge listening area. We can work with your church, ministry or business to expand your reach to this important Christian market. Please visit am630theword. com or contact us to learn more. AM 630 The Word – KSLR 9601 McAllister Freeway, Suite 1200 San Antonio, TX 78216 210-344-8481

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We at The Beacon, are touched by the number of businesses in our community supporting non-profits. These causes are making an eternal difference in the lives of so many in our city. We encourage you to thank and support the businesses represented in this issue of The Beacon. When you do business with them, you too are a difference-maker in our community! Be A Light. For more information on how you can be recognized as a community-minded company please contact us at

Be A Light

Frank Dunn Realtor LEGACY

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Be A Light

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Postal Customer San Antonio, Texas

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Crusade 300: October 6 & 7 Local Ministries Bring the Largest Revival to San Antonio in 20 Years

October 6-7 AlamoDome | A Time for Revival

A city wide effort to lead people to a new and deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.


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