acccoi brand guidelines

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acccoi brand guidelines



about acccoi


-our brand strategy


-our logo


-our brand symbol


-our colors


-our typography


about acccoi We are collaboration experts that seek to maximize the full potential that partnerships between startups and corporates create. We have been supporting accelerator programs since 2012 with large corporates from various industries. Through our previous experiences from numerous accelerator programs, we recognized a pattern which helped us determine the key factors that lead to a successful startup – corporate collaboration story. This is how the acccoi methodology for structured corporate accelerator programs was established. We, at acccoi, design vehicles for Open Innovation such as Corporate Accelerators and Co-Innovation programs that help corporates boost  competitive performance and succeed in today’s digital environment.


our brand strategy Our brand strategy is the representation of that ambition we want to head to. In order to drive a common conversation with possible customers and our community, we need to ensure that all we say and communicate is aligned to our brand strategy.


This should apply to all our efforts done, digitally and physically, and specially when producing content of any type.


our brand strategy

our logo

our brand symbol

our colors

our typography

OUR TAGLINE Our tagline works as a statement we want everyone to asociate to us, the way we want to be remembered.


This statement should be clear and relevant to everyone, internally and externally. It should become the motor of our efforts to attract new leads as well as why people follow us and become brand advocates. Because knowing who we are and what we strive for are key to be memorable to others.


our brand strategy

our logo

our brand symbol

our colors

our typography

OUR BRAND VOICE Is all about how we talk to our clients and friends, both in person and in writing. If acccoi could be a human, acccoi would have a sophisticated, yet friendly tone in an informative, yet understandable language. As part of acccoi, we also want to share our expertise and learnings to encourage others to be successful.


our brand strategy

our logo



















our brand symbol

our colors

our typography

our logo Our logo is one of our most precious assets. It helps us to differentiate ourselves among other organizations and at the same time give us identity and uniqueness when showing who we are.


Our logo should never be modified or altered in any way, and should be always used according to the standards specified in this guidelines. 2020


our brand strategy

our logo

our brand symbol

our colors

our typography

LOGO LOCK-UP Our new logo remains the combination of two words that embody two important concepts we believe in:

acceleration coinnovation

exclusion area


brand symbol



Added to a more simplified mixture of colors and elements product of our new brand approach that aims to ensure we are more digitally present and at the same time innovatively fresh to the world.

x x



When the acccoi name is written in text and headlines, it should be written with “a� minuscule always.


our brand strategy

our logo

our brand symbol

our colors

our typography


for white and light backgrounds


our brand strategy

for color and dark backgrounds

our logo

our brand symbol

our colors

our typography

LOGO MISUSE 1 Do not use against backgrounds that visually compete with the logo. 2 Do not apply a black logo within colored backgrounds.







3 Do not change the colors inside the “ccc� or recolor in general. 4 Do not alter the composition of the logo. 5 Do not apply filters or effects to the logo or symbol, e.g. drop shadows. 6 Do not use the logo at unusual angles.


our brand strategy

our logo

our brand symbol

our colors

our typography

our brand symbol Our brand symbol help us be easily remembered and assoicated. It help us be present seemlessly in many different contexts and content pieces, just by simply be placed into the design. Our brand symbol is also part of the simplification of our brand, helping us be part of the new digital trends and types of content where our brand pass to be an element into de design and not anymore the main player.


our brand strategy

our logo

our brand symbol

our colors

our typography

our colors Our colors help us add life to the context and to make innovation friendly. In order to keep our brand updated to trends we selected a gradient based on a new aproach to the already characteristic acccoi orange.

acccoi orange HEX E2724D

RGB 226, 114, 77

CMYK 7.4, 67.47, 75.29, 0.33

acccoi red HEX DC6564

RGB 220, 101, 100

CMYK 9.49, 74.29, 56.5, 0.44

Out of this set of tonalities we selected three new colors that are becoming part of our new palette of official colors.

acccoi gradient HEX E62A4E back layer


HEX C476A5 OP: 40% LO: 0%

HEX EAC520 OP: 40% LO: 100%

front layer @ 135ยบ

our brand strategy

our logo

acccoi pink HEX D4587E our brand symbol

RGB 212, 88, 126 our colors

CMYK 13.68, 79.97, 29.71, 0.1 our typography

our typography Our typography is our written voice. It help us to create our own unique visual style, while being clear and consistant acros all our communications. Lato is a sanserif typeface family under the open-​​source “Open Font License” and is our official brand typeface that can be used in all its variations to create a more dynamic and innovative approach when presenting information.


our brand strategy

our logo

Lato Hairline Lato Hairline Italic Lato Thin Lato Thin Italic Lato Light Lato Light Italic Lato Regular Lato Italic Lato Medium

our brand symbol

Lato Medium Italic Lato Semi Bold Lato Semi Bold Italic Lato Bold Lato Bold Italic Lato Heavy Lato Heavy Italic Lato Black Lato Black Italic

our colors

our typography

TYPEFACE IN TEXT We write in minuscle because we believe innovation starts within ourselves. We are aware of the standards of communication and writing, but we don’t see it as a restriction to propose change in how we use our typeface. We use minuscule in every title and text details, in order to accompany in the best way possible our “acccoi” brand which should always start with minuscle “a”. At the same time, we use all caps in every subtitle and in our tagline, in order to create contrast and diversity with our text composition.


our brand strategy

our logo

lorem ipsum

60 pt


36 pt

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

24 pt

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nunc orci, sagittis ut dui ut, ullamcorper tempus velit. In finibus turpis est, vitae semper risus ultricies vel. Sed ut velit ullamcorper, mattis augue quis, molestie massa.

14 pt

title - minuscule - lato black

subtitle or tagline - caps - lato heavy & light

higlight or quote - normal text - lato bold

paragraph - normal text - all lato variations detail text - minuscle - lato light & bold

our brand symbol

our colors

12 pt

our typography

Disclaimer and Copyright This publication by acccoi partners GmbH, Austria, and the content and works published in this paper are governed by copyright laws. Any dublication, processing, distribution or any form of utilisation beyond the scope of copyright law shall require prior written consent of acccoi partners GmbH. Imprint - acccoi partners GmbH, Vienna, 2020. Copyright Š acccoi. All rights reserved. Written by Elisabeth Korshunova & Sabino Alejandro Hernandez Armas Designed by Sabino Alejandro Hernandez Armas

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