Kroger: Pet Holiday Tips

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why do we love our pets Dr. Alan Beck gives us an inside look at the 5 key reasons behind the strong bond

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It’s a chemical reaction. When we pet our dogs and cats, our bodies release oxytocin, a powerful hormone that decreases blood pressure in humans, making us feel more relaxed. Dogs and other animals experience the relaxing effect of oxytocin through reduced heart rate as well. “It shows that both animals and humans get a physiological reward from being with each other,” says Dr. Beck.

They help us live in the moment. Focusing on our pets through training, play or interacting helps reduce stress. “Just looking at nature causes a relaxation response,” explains Dr. Beck. “Much of our stress comes from thinking about the past or worrying about the future. If you can use each other to help stay in the present, you’ll be less stressed. Socially evolved animals like dogs need this as much as humans.”

Dr. Alan Beck, ScD, is the director of the Center of the Human-Animal Bond at the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, which is devoted to understanding the relationship between people and their companion animals. Dr. Beck is the author of several books on the subject.

We understand each other. Our non-verbal cues influence how our pets feel and think, and vice-versa. For example, “Dogs are the only animals that will follow the gaze of their owners,” says Dr. Beck. “They’ve evolved with us, watching everything we do. They will use all the knowledge they gain to integrate within the ‘pack.’ And they’re using those intuitive behaviors with you, because you’re part of the ‘pack.’”

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