History of Modern Architecture

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What is modernism? The Pre-Raphalites Bauhaus designs

Le Corbusier - Chandigarh Art Manifesto

The Pre-Raphaelites The Pre Raphalites were a secret society of artists such as painters, writers and poets who were founded in London around the 18th century.

The Pre raphalie art was able to change the way people looked towards life that the Pre Raphalies were trying to diplay. They were able to capture every day manners and movments which was almost photgraphic. The brotherhood was founded by William Holman, Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Everett Millais whom, revolted against the tradtional art. They took their inspiration from religious and historical studies as well as litriture of the time.

Due to the window capturing such realistic features such as textures of skin like wrinkles it was able to set a picture effect to the glass window. The windows in the catherdral are very large and allow the different shapes and tone of lights in when the sun shines in. It gives a surreal atmosphere to the catherdral.

The windows were installed between 1885/1897. The windows. The windows were designed by Edward Burn Jones and made by William Mossis.

The Bauhaus Movment

Darcons Headquater Architect: Arquitectura en Proceso Location: Mexico

Purpose: Headquarters for Darcons (construction company located in Delcias City, Mexico)

The Headquaters embodies the ehtos of Bauhaus through the srtistic desgin of the buidling and the shapes. It is able to make the building look like a sculpture. It follows the typical Bauhaus conventions of the gemoetric shapes and the materials and constuction such as the amount of glass used which also had geometric shaping on the interior.

The various shapes of the building make it diverse compared to other buildings because it stands out as it is out of the normal. The geometric lines outside as well as interior on windows, with the basic colour emphasise the different shapes.

Desginer: Gerrit Rietveld

The singular rectangular part, which is being help up by beams, instantly draws attention as it is unordinary and it adds great shape to the Bauhaus inspired building.

Red and Blue Chair

Location: Rietveld Schroder House - Netherlands

I like the simplistic use of the yellow enahances the bold black parts of the chair making each colour pop indivdually. The way the joints and connections are shown on the chair enhance the shaping

I like the bold the bold colours make the chair stand out as the colour shcme is very basic yet emphsises the chairs qualities.

Purpose: Was designed as part of the houses furniture for Ms Truus who commissioned the designer/architect to desgin a house for her.

The desgin and craftmenship is clear how the Red and Blue chair manifests the Bauhaus ethos such as; the overall desgin where it moves away from trational chair desgins and manifested into something which is original. It links to the Bauhaus

Mit und Gegen

Artist : Waaily Kandinsky

Name of art work: Mit und Gegen (With and against)

Purpose: The artist wanted the art work to look into the inner soul for different alternative prespectives and reasonings. It is evident that Waaily Kadinsky’s inspiration was Bauhaus throughout most of his work. You can see this from the shapes used such as the triangles and squares but also the different colours, which are used. It is experimental compared to other artists of the time and this is because it is a different style of art, which moved away from normal art.

The use of the different shapes used to create on image is very interesting as the individual placing of the shapes is able to give a landscape effect to the artwork.

The abstract art piece is very intense due to the colours and tones used. It is able to intensify the shapes within the art work to be able to make it stand out.

Le Corbusier - Chandigarh

Chandigarh is located in the north of India, it is known for being the first planned city after gaining Independence. Chandigarh’s first prime minister called upon Le Cobusier who was known for his urban architecture to help design the the city for a bright inspiring future. When firstd iscussing the idea of helping with such a large project he dismissed the idea however, was later brought round to the

Chandiharh was designed with stilts and pillars, which is one of Le Corbusiers five points of designing. Support is one of the five points, collumns and pillars are used to support the structure which also allows free planning. This is where the architect was able to place walls where needed and not have to be concered with the weight of the building or materials which is ideal as the building was made out of reinforced concrete which is heavy.

Design a poster to answer the question: What is Modernism? Read chapter 1 from: Wilk, C. 2006, Modernism: designing a new world, 1914-1939, V&A, London (available on Moodle) to help with this task. Before next week….Visit either (or both) the Birmingham City Art Gallery Pre-Raphaelite Collection or St.Phillip’s Cathedral –to see Burne-Jone’s stained glass windows- make sketches , write a short description, including some background history on the Pre-Raphaelites and create a page of this using InDesign for your digital booklet. Remember to use good sources and reference properly using the BCU Harvard system (see Module brief on Moodle).

Modernism refers to the movment of the art in the 18th Century which rejected the traditional arts and tried to move forward and experiment with materials, colours , techniques anddesgins to fit with a modern society. The first time “midernism” was used was regards to the architecture in the 1930’s in New York. This was when a buildings were being built as high rised building and made with materials which didn’t fit tradition such such as using more glass.

Pope Puis X believed that the modernism would lead to atheism and would distrup religion. Which is irony as the windows created by Edward Burn Jones in Birmingham is what creates the surrel atmosphere.

Avant- Garde Manifesto

Avant Garde in refers to introducing or exploring new matters or forms. The term first appeared with regards to a socialist called Henri de Saint-Simon who believed that art would form a new society. There are example of Avant Garde movments such as De Stijl. The point of the Avant Garde is to ensure that the ideas being portrayed by the artwork should be judged on the ideas the artist is trying to show to the form new views on society.

Political situations does influence art including architecture, the war was the way to the production of the block housing which was highly needed to be able to accommodate the high number of people which needed help from the damage of the war. Refugees needed places to stay and the population was beginning to grow because of the “baby boom� during the war time. Due to this is was a an easy and simplistic idea to be able to produce block housing. Art was influenced by political status such as the advertising for women to take on male dominated jobs because the men were fighting in the war. All different types of artwork should be sensitive to the social needs and attitudes, which the society is facing at that time. Grenfell tower disaster has changed people’s views on high-rise building and the design of the buildings because of the social needs which needs to be concentrated for society at this time period. Artists of this society has a moral respomsibilty to respon to the needs of the environemnt and to change the negative effect they could have on the world. This could be regards reducing the carbon footprint when producing the building or making a political status through artwork about the environemtn to creat awareness.

My Manifesto

Using Avant Garde I was able to create art work which I felt related to todays new matters or forms of todays society.

The main part in the middle which is two people pushing pieces togather which do not fit represents different peoples views and how each person tried to push views onto each other on society today regards to how to respond to political sitations such as the Grenfell tower. How that peoples views arent always the same.

http://www.contemporist.com/darcons-headquarters-by-arquitectura-en-proceso/ https://www.ranker.com/list/famous-roy-lichtenstein-paintings/reference https://www.ranker.com/list/famous-roy-lichtenstein-paintings/reference http://www.tate.org.uk/art/art-terms/a/avant-garde


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