Architecture/ Design Portfolio

This project focuses on how one image can be transformed into multiple different figures. It also focuses on the changes that occur when an image undergoes the transformation of being 2D, to 3D, back to 2D, and again to 3D. All iterations are sole ly based off of the image to the left which consists of simple shapes.
This animation project focuses on the different movements of a computer mouse. Whether that is it sliding across a desk, or clicking a button, each component is highlighted in one coherent image. Researching, dissecting, and imagining the trajec tory are all components that are able to come to gether to create a seamless animation.
This project focuses on the positive and negative spaces of the center of a cube. Using a continuous line that follows the rule “2 lines and only 2 lines must touch the center of each cube face”, a cube is created. This rule must be bent slightly due to the nature of the transformation that occurs when a 2D object becomes 3D.
This project focuses on how a subtle shift in an gles start to produce various spacial consequenc es, whether that be with the walls or the roof. The building is a sequential ratio of 1:2:3. The exterior walls are made of angles of 5 and 10 degrees. This is a seemingly golden equation based on its pro duction of the perfect space for doors and windows. The purpose of this space is to also show off Karsten Födinger’s artwork. Placed in strategic ways, the artwork and architecture of the building are able to compliment eachother, making it feel like one coherent piece and view together as a whole. With large skylights and exterior sup ports, natural light is able to penetrate through and highlight the artworks.
The artwork presented here is by the Ger man sculptor, Karsten Födinger. His interests lie mainly in durability, load bearing capacity, and stabilization of dimensional objects. He investigates architecture at its core con ditions through the art of sculpture. The mediums and environments needed for each project vary because he creates specific de signs based on a conceptual context of each site. Although the mediums vary, he usually uses basic construction materials and earth resources.