By: Sabr in a Pal m a Au gu st Issu e Vol u m e 4 T-O Distr ict Key Cl u b
PG6- 7
PG8- 9
PG10- 11
DEAR W O LV ES, Fromyour LTG Hello lovelies! I hope you had a great first few weeks of school. Although school is here, try not to forget your Key Club duties! With it being the back to school, I'll tell you newbies and 'returnies' of my summer. During the summer, I do summer swim for the Rowlett Rays and I wake up every morning at around 6ish to go to swim (yeet). I qualified for Regionals and placed first in Backstroke and were the substitutes for 100 Individual Medley and 200 Free. Sadly, genetics was NOT on my side at State and not only was the shortest person in the last three heats but lost and placed 6th with a 1.1 second difference from 2nd. I also went to Rhode Island to give
a 'bye Felicia' as she went of to college at the Naval Academy Preparatory School. Since we were there I was able to meet my "marriage candidate" in New Hampshire. He's really chill and all that good stuff, but I'm not planning on running away into the sunset with him..... Anyways, we all have to kiss summer goodbye since it's now school time! Even though it's school, there's an upside to it: MORE KEY CLUB ACTIVITY!!!!! I know that many of us have been inactive in Key Club over the summer, but now we can get back on the horse and ride off into the sunset with our one true love: Key Club. This is the time to start up Key Club as if it never ended and lure in all those
freshmen fishies into donating their souls to Key Club. Well, at least getting them to be active and joining Key Club by paying their dues!! For example, the above photo is of myself luring in freshmen-with my instrumental sounds- to sign up for Key Club at Fish Camp! Another thing is to make sure you have enough events to overwhelm everyone and their dog. These events can be from start-of-the-year fundraisers to volunteering at nursing homes *cough which is part of the DIVISIONAL PROJECT*. There many other ways to lure in freshmen and through events at them, a great way is to throw food at them to eat. Overall, the best way is to give them love and
affection and drag them to the general meetings. All members are the best members!! If you have any questions, comments, and/ or concerns, contact me with the given information below.
Love, Sabrina Palma p: 972-762-1021
Don't Forget!
- Sign u p for a Cl u b Visit on th e Cal en dar !! - Or der for m s for Fal l Ral l y is du e Septem ber 25th - Fal l Ral l y is wor th it! - Ask m e abou t Key Leader ! - Visit you r l ocal m em or y car e cen ter s an d n u r sin g h om es - Raise m on ey for Al zh eim er 's - Repor ts an d n ewsl etter s du e ever y 5th of th e m on th - In spir e fr esh m en an d don 't for get wh y you 'r e stil l in Key Cl u b! :)
- Gar l an d Labor Day Par adeSeptem ber 7th (even t)
W al k to En d Al zh eim er 'sSeptem ber 26th
(even t)
- Division al Fu n dr aiser - TBA - Division al T-sh ir t Sn eak peek !!
fr on t of sh ir t
WHAT OF THEQUOTE?!? Tak e a sel fie an d post it on you r social m edia an d caption "I am 2C2S W ol f", if you pu t a # 2c2swol fpack you h ave a ch an ce on bein g th e 'ph oto of th e m on th '!!!
As the new school year was approaching, although I still had not started my summer homework, I was more than excited to go volunteer at Fish Camp. The past two years had been amazing, and I had gotten to meet a lot of new people. When I heard that Fish Camp volunteering was only for officers this year, I was really disheartened, but then the opportunity to man the table for Key Club popped up, and I had to do it. August 18th finally came, and I woke up excited and ready to go.The day started slowly; I got to catch up with a few of my friends as we were setting up and waiting for the freshmen. When the fish finally came, the Key Club table went into total recruitment mode. We were promoting Key Club better than any other club -we were competing with the clubs beside us and yes, we were definitely winning. Sabrina got on my shoulders, we had Key Club chants, and overall, it was a blast. Freshmen had the chance to learn about Key Club, what we do, and how we serve the community. They
got the opportunity to sign up for a club that colleges like to see on applications. During this time, I managed to make some new freshmen friends and introduce them to Key Club. We probably recruited over 30 people. Then, it was time for the freshmen to leave for the scavenger hunt. We left the table and wandered around the school aiding and also misleading the freshmen into the Fish Bowl. After we got tired of that, a few of my friends and I caught up with a few of our former teachers, like Dr. Igo, who showed us the staples that ran down his knee. Once that was over, it was PEP RALLY TIME. I was so ready and hyped for the pep rally -I hadn't been to one in so long and had to unleash my school spirit. The pep rally was great and exhilarating, and the day was over. We packed up, got lunch, and went home. Overall, Fish Camp was a great experience filled with fun, laughter, and school spirit. I hope I get to volunteer next year too!
Bottom: Jones Kalarickal Top: Sabrina Palma
KeyCl ubis Love; KeyCl ub is Lifeby: SophiaTran NGHS
Our service t hrough Key Cl ub is l ike st ones t hrown int o t he pool of t ime; t hough t he st ones t hemsel ves may vanish, t heir rippl es encompass t o et ernit y. We, as Key Cl ubbers, l ive t o serve. We al l coul d proudl y say t hat our social l if e is our Key Cl ub l if e wit hout a doubt , f or t here is a sense perpet uit y f rom t he escal at ing t ingl es in oursel ves f rom seeing someone smil e f rom our smil e. We know t hat even by making one person smil e, we coul d change t he worl d. As Muhammad Gandhi once said, ?Be t he change you want t o see in t he worl d". Through t he l if e in Key Cl ub, your paradigm shif t s; you are abl e t o see who t rul y bel ieves in t he right by doing t he right . As high school st udent s, we are t ransit ioning f rom
adol escence t o mat urit y, but t o many it is t remendousl y chal l enging. Key Cl ub al l ows
t hose who st ruggl e t o experience a privil eged and l oved chapt er of t heir st ory by
l iberat ing t heir suf f ering t hrough hel ping st ranger t hrough t heir own suf f ering. Everyone has t heir own devil s, but t he t orment weighs on how t hey can deal wit h t heir own devil s. Through Key Cl ub, we beckon t he devil s t o t he l ight . We cal l upon t heir insecurit ies t o ease so t hat t he devil s coul d sl owl y, but ever so surel y, become angel s and in t urn l oosening t he t ension t hat burdens t heir carrier?s shoul ders. Key Cl ubber?s have t heir own devil s t oo, but more so angel s. We are in a
communit y t hat met amorphoses int o f amil y. I mysel f have never t rul y experienced what f amil y ever was. I never had t he grasp of even an ounce of parent al endearment because I had al ways l ived a privil eged l if e, not a l oved. Through Key Cl ub, I saw t hat it was not just a pret t y bow on my col l ege resumes, but a bow in my paradigm of what l ove f ait hf ul l y is. I know f or a f act t hat it has not just been me who recognizes it eit her. Key Cl ub is a gl obal communit y wit h one heart . We al l know t he joy f rom vol unt eering which has been keyed t o our very essence. We know what it are l ike t o be t he angel s t he devil s are so af raid t o become. There are t hree cat egories of f amil y t hat exist in t his worl d. Those we are born t o, and t hose we l et int o our heart s. Key Cl ub became t he f irst f amil y t o see everyone?s past , present , and f ut ure sel f wit h underst anding. We are born t o Key Cl ub, Key Cl ub is born t o us, and Key Cl ub al ways has a space in our heart s. There is never a missing piece wit hin your conscience because t hat piece becomes Key Cl ub. To t he best of my abil it ies, what I am t rying t o say is? Key Cl ub is l ove; Key Cl ub is t hose who are born t o us, and t hose we l et int o our heart s. Key Cl ub became t he f irst f amil y t o see everyone?s past , present , and f ut ure sel f wit h underst anding. We are born t o Key Cl ub, Key Cl ub is born t o us, and Key Cl ub al ways has a space in our heart s. There is never a missing piece wit hin your conscience because t hat piece becomes Key Cl ub. To t he best of my abil it ies, what I am t rying t o say is? Key Cl ub is l ove; Key Cl ub is everyt hing.
gover n or @ tok eycl u
tr easu r er @ tok eycl u
District Secretary- Crystal Loh
secr etar y@ tok eycl u
editor @ tok eycl u
cl @ tok eycl u
Regional Advisor- Dennis Hogan
@ sabr in a_pal m a4
2015-2016 2C2S TO W OLFPACK KCI .
pal m a.sabr in a4@ gm ail .com
SEATTLE, W A 98101
132 N 232 W
TO Division 2c2s
Ber k n er H S
Ter r el H S
Cr eek view H S
W oodr ow W il son H S
Gar l an d H S
Rock wal l H S
H ebr on H S
R.L. Tu r n er H S
Jesu it Col l ege Pr epar ator y
Rich l an d Col l ege
Nor th Gar l an d H S
Su n set H S