Legacy Project 3.0

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Legacy Project 3.0

Arts Quad


Table of Contents 1.0 Vision 2.0 Audience & Purpose 3.0 The Design 3.1 Overarching Theme 3.2 Celebration Plaza 3.3 The Steps 3.4 Direct Routes 3.5 Other Design Elements 4.0 Future Suggestions 5.0 Costs & Alternatives 6.0 Phasing 7.0 Feedback Process 8.0 Team Building


1.0 Vision Introduction Since the Arts Quad’s construction between 1960-1969, its function has vastly changed. With the exponential growth the university has seen in the past decade, and that which is likely to continue for decades in the future, it is time for public spaces on campus to truly represent Waterloo’s growing international status.

Vision The new Arts Quad will be transformative; embodying the best of Waterloo’s innovative identity by providing an inspiring social space, while increasing the speed, safety, and accessibility for commuting pedestrians. It will be vibrant. It will be modern. It will rejuvenate South Campus.


Figure 1. Aerial view of site 201723

Site Plan

Figure 2: Site plan identifying major design elements


2.0 Audience & Purpose Fourth Co. has incorporated principles of user centric design in its process and has prioritized user needs and desires throughout. We have identified two major categories of users of the space; students and visitors. Students would be the primary users of the space and thus it is this group’s needs that we prioritized. Through our survey of 40 UW students, we found that currently, the predominant function of the space is a commuter zone to access the DP or another academic building. When asked what they would like the function of the new Arts Quad to be, 73% of students responded that they wanted the space to be a social space to relax and meet with friends, and 48% of students wanted it to be a space to host campus events. All this data enabled us to distill two major functions of the space. Firstly, from the site’s current use, it is clear that it is a key commuter zone. Recognizing that this is an important function of the space, the new design will aim to create more direct travel routes between the main destinations on campus. Secondly, understanding the demand for social spaces and recognizing their importance in improving the Waterloo student experience, this site will aim to create several unique social spaces for students of different faculties to gather and interact. This will be established through the creation of tiered steps and a plaza. The secondary users of the space will be the multifarious international visitors that visit campus every year. We identified two major functions of the space for visitors. Firstly, the Arts Quad must serve as a central core that facilitates wayfinding for visitors, and secondly, the space must truly represent the spirit of innovation that Waterloo students embody.

Design Goals: 1. Direct Travel Routes 2. Social Space 3. Wayfinding 4. Waterloo’s Identity


Figure 3. View from central tree area towards Dana Porter Library 201723

3.0 The Design 3.1 Overarching Theme Our design identifies the Dana Porter Library as the most iconic building on campus and thus establishes it as the focal point of our site. We will have several paths radiating from the entrance of the DP that will divide the site into two main sectors; the Celebration Plaza and the Steps. The Celebration Plaza serves as a central gathering space for students, while the steps serve as a casual space for socialization. There are 5 core design elements that we have incorporated in our site that will be touched on throughout our proposal. 1. IDENTITY: A commitment to celebrating UW’s innovative identity and 60 years of its legacy 2. SUSTAINABILITY: The incorporation of sustainability principles in the use of materials on the site. 3. MOVEMENT: An emphasis on accessibility and on enabling the movement of all pedestrians, cyclists, and motorized vehicles through the site. 4. EXISTING CONTENT: Ensuring the seamless integration of the proposed design with the newly constructed South Commons. 5. IMPACT: The creation of a space conducive to a variety of social activities through the use of varied seating and spaces.


3.2 Celebration Plaza The Celebration Plaza refers to the central portion of the site that lies in front of the Dana Porter Library. This area will be transformed into a cohesive gathering space for outdoor activities such as orientation week events, club performances, and outdoor markets. There are two major changes we will be making to the existing site in order to achieve this. Firstly, we will be moving the newly built bike rack area that currently lies in the centre to the sides of the site. As seen in figure 4, the bike racks currently obstruct activities taking place in the Quad. Relocating them would enable us to use that central area for a more vital gathering space. Additionally, during our interview with Mark Zuzinjak, he informed us that they had intended for the bike rack area to be temporary and the cost to move them to another location would be minor. Secondly, we will be installing 24 colourful hexagonal seating platforms into this space. These six-sided platforms painted with the six faculty colours will be used to represent the legacy of UW’s six faculties. They both, celebrate the growth of UW from an engineering school to a multifaceted institution of higher education, and also helps create a inclusive spaces that welcomes students from all faculties. These platforms will be primarily located towards the side of the plaza closer to the ML in order to maintain sight lines to the central DP building and leave room for outdoor events. Additionally, these platforms will be arranged in a multitude of configurations in order to facilitate a wide range of individual and group needs. For example, there are singular hexagons for individual work and multiple hexagons for group settings. Lastly, the colourful nature of this seating adds much needed colour to the site in a way that will remain visible through the seasons.

TAGS IDENTITY: Hexagonal Seating EXISTING CONTENT: Retention of Bike Racks IMPACT: Medium Sized Events, Small Groups, Individual Work

Figure 4. Farmers Market hosted in the Arts Quad 201723

Figure 5. View of Celebration Plaza 201723

3.3 The Steps We recognized that the change in elevation of the site proposes a unique design challenge and decided to treat the steps as an opportunity rather than a constraint. Inspired by the way the steps were constructed in the Waterloo Square, we decided to utilize the steps to create seating where students can sit to socialize with their friends and relax.

Reconfiguration of Steps In the new Arts Quad, the nine steps that currently exist will be combined into three deeper steps (Figure 6). This will make the steps significantly deeper and allow for students to use the steps as seating. It must be noted that we are not changing the overall elevation of the site. Each step level will then be landscaped with grass in order to increase the green space on the site. During our initial student survey, several students mentioned a desire for increased green space in the Arts Quad. Understanding the importance of green space as a tool to improve the mental health of students, we decided to value student desires and install grass in the areas between the steps.

Figure 6. Combination of Steps

Next, we will be using the concept of “Active Edges� similar to that used in the South Commons and installing wooden panels on certain sections of the steps. This enables students to use the steps edges as seating and adds to the aesthetic appeal of the site (Figure 7). Finally, we will be changing the profile of the bottom-most set of steps. The northern portion of the bottom set of stairs will be extended outward in order to increase green-space on the site and allow adequate space for the construction of a correctly graded ramp. The southern most portion of the steps will be pulled back in order to better facilitate the movement of vehicular traffic around the tree. This western portion of the site will be kept free for vehicular traffic and the existing accessibility parking will be retained. Thus, this decision both maximizes the utility of the site and enables better vehicular movement. 201723

Figure 7. Edge Seating in the South Commons

Steps profile change & motorized movement

Figure 8. Diagram showing changes made to the profile of the steps. Also displayed are all forms of motorized movement, including vehicular and accessibility movement.


Figure 9. View of the steps 201723

Creation of Stairs and Ramps There will be two ramps on this portion of the site, one on the southern edge and the other in the centre. The existing ramp on the southern edge will be widened such that it is up to code and can be used by accessibility vehicles. The larger ramp in the centre is intended to be used by all; cyclists, pedestrians, and vehicular traffic. The creation of this larger ramp enables both delivery and accessibility vehicles into the site, and allows for a wider range of activities to be conducted in the Celebration Plaza (e.g. food trucks, concerts, etc). Additionally, two sets of stairs will be constructed on either side of the steps to enable pedestrians to move with ease across the site. On both sides of the steps, railings will be installed in order to ensure that our design is safe and adheres to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. These stairs are connected to direct paths that connect to all the destinations on site. Finally, we will be repurposing the stones currently used on the steps area, and utilizing them to pave the ramp (Figure 10). Stones are both expensive and highly durable. Thus, our team decided to preserve these stones and use them in a constructive manner. As a result, we reduce material costs, reduce the input of energy into our site, and provide a durable and aesthetic paving material to our site. TAGS SUSTAINABILITY: Grass, Repurposed Stones MOVEMENT: Pedestrian (stairs), Accessibility (ramps, railings), Motorized access traffic (profile of steps, parking spots, ramps) EXISTING CONTENT: Edge Seating IMPACT: Space to relax/ sit in-between classes


Figure 10. Stones to be repurposed

Figure 11. New ramp 201723

3.4 Direct Routes Understanding that a major function of the Arts Quad is facilitating the movement of students across campus, we have introduced new, direct, pedestrian paths between the major destinations on the site.

Direct Paths These pedestrian paths were established through two levels of analysis. Firstly, through our interview with Mark from the GSP Group, we found that the new paths had been built in order to maximize visibility across the site. Understanding the importance of maintaining clear sight lines in increasing student safety, we decided to retain and extend the current paths. Secondly, using the above mentioned survey, we conducted our own movement analysis to understand the routes most travelled by students. Having established these major movements and site lines, we overlaid appropriate paths that allow students to move easily between the destinations on site (Figure 12). Additionally, in order to ensure that our design is integrated with the South Commons, we decided to use the same types of pavement tiling as those used in it; Type A: Speckled, Type B: Uni Standard 6x6 Square. An additional benefit of these interlocking tiles is that they slow down the flow of stormwater and allow for its infiltration into the soil underneath. This reduces stormwater runoff and prevents the contamination of adjacent water bodies (Laurel Creek).

Art Walk We will be creating an “Art Walk” on the path emanating from the DP to the AL. This consists of six display panels on either side of the path in which UW student projects from all six faculties will be displayed. The positioning of these panels creates an immersive experience for pedestrians traversing the site and reinforces the DP as the focal point. The artwork in these panels will be changed every three months and could be managed by the library staff through a voluntary submission process. Such initiatives increase student engagement with the site and create a sense of ownership of the site. Through showcasing the most impressive work from each faculty we create a greater sense of unity among the faculties and build pride in UW’s accomplishments. TAGS IDENTITY: Art Walk SUSTAINBILITY: Interlocking Tiles MOVEMENT: Pedestrian (direct routes), Accessibility (DP ramp) EXISTING CONTENT: Pavement Tiling


Pedestrian Movement

Figure 12. Diagram showing pedestrian movements across the site


Figure. 13 Art Walk 201723

3.5 Other Design Elements Wayfinding We will be adding a clear wayfinding sign in front of the DP in order to make the site easier to navigate for visitors. This custom made sign will take the form of a tall rectangular structure that details a campus map, as well as directions to the major destinations on campus. Its central location with ensure that visitors able able to earlier identify and use this sign.

Lighting To make the site safer at night, we will be adding six LED bollards to the key intersections on site. The primary reason for the use of bollards as opposed to the poles currently used on site is their lower cost. Bollards are significantly cheaper to buy and install (since they do not require a forklift). Yet they are effective in way finding and ensuring student safety at night. The decision to use LED lighting was to ensure the lower energy consumption and sustainability of out sight. This will be discussed in greater detail in our life cycle assessment.

Figure 14. Wayfinding sign

We identified that the fixtures in the South Commons were from landscapeforms.ca, a Michigan-based furniture design company and will be using the same vendor to ensure continuity. TAGS SUSTAINABILITY: LED Lighting MOVEMENT: Way-finding Signs EXISTING CONTENT: Lighting Fixtures IMPACT: Safer night navigation

Figure 15. LED bollard


4.0 Future Suggestions The design we have proposed to you so far is successful both in meeting all its user functions and core design requirements. Yet there are several additional elements, if installed, could enhance the usability and aesthetic appeal of our site. Should there be a time in the near or distant future where additional funding becomes available, Fourth Co. would like to see the following initiatives implemented:

Signage The addition of a large “Beyond Ideas” sign in front of the Dana Porter Library would greatly add to the Legacy aspect of our proposed design. Currently, when students visit campus, they tend to take pictures with the Waterloo sign at the tip of South Campus. This installation serves to create another such unique element that is iconic to the Waterloo Campus. Its position in front of the DP would ensure that it is frequently visited and clearly visible from all major social spaces on the site (Celebration Plaza and the Steps). This addition is quoted to cost $10,000. Additionally, it would be beneficial to replace the existing building signs with bigger, more modern signs in order to improve wayfinding and overall style.

Figure 16. “Beyond Ideas” sign 201723

Seating Next, the site would benefit from the addition of patio tables and chairs at the edges of the site. In particular, these could be installed in the areas of the steps that are not lined with grass. Their placement on the steps helps establish the steps as a social area. These are not very large, and function as space for students to socialize or conduct quick activities. This is quoted to cost $5,600 for four tables, and $8,400 for twelve chairs if imported from landscapeforms.com.

Figure 17. Chipman table and chair

Planters The addition of planters to the hexagonal seating as seen in Figure 17 poses several advantages. Firstly, it provides shade to those sitting on the seating below and adds a vertical element to the site. Secondly, it enables a degree of privacy for those sitting in the area and creates a cozier atmosphere. We would use the plant “Downy Serviceberry� since it is both on the recommended list of the University of Waterloo and also very aesthetically pleasing. This would incur the costs of creating a new mold (to create the hexagonal concrete structure), the cost of the soil substrate, and the cost of buying the plant.

Figure 18. Planters


Wooden Paneling


The wooden paneling of the concrete ring surrounding the large tree would greatly enhance the ability of students to use this as casual seating. This would use the same type of wood as used in the South Commons and Steps, and thus add to the cohesiveness of the site. This modification was quoted to cost $7,500.

Finally, the addition of more lighting such as poles and floor lights would significantly increase the ability of the site to be used during the night. There are several ways in which this could be incorporated including the installation of the floor lights on the steps such as seen in figure 20. They could also be used to light up the way finding sign and art panels.

Figure 19. Wooden paneling around tree to incentivize sitting

Figure 20. Floor lighting to improve safety


Artificial Grass The use of artificial grass as opposed to real grass, while initially more expensive, proposes many benefits in terms of lower maintenance costs and lower environmental impact. Upon installation, the 350 square metres of synthetic grass will cost $24,400. Natural grass installation would cost $5,000. Annually, natural grass would require about $675 for watering, $750 for fertilizer and $9,000 to pay a gardener for maintenance. Synthetic grass does not require regular maintenance, but may have power brushes, approximately $175 every 2-3 years. Thus, are seen in the graph below, past 10 years of its use (artificial grass lasts 20 years), we would be saving significant savings through the utilization of artificial grass. There are also many environmental benefits of synthetic grass including water conservation, no use of chemicals and no pollution from mowing.

Figure 21. Artificial grass and real grass cost comparison over time 201723

5.0 Costs & Alternatives From a glance at the costing table, it is apparent that our proposed design exceeds the budget of the competition. Fourth Co recognizes this is out of the scope of the project, but will yet try to convince you of the necessity of its components. Looking at the costing table we can see that the most expensive element is that of the construction work on the steps. Without this element, our project falls well within our budget. We will first explain you the rational behind the retention of the element, and then propose our design without this element such that it does fit within our budget.

Table 1. Total cost of construction 201723

Significance of Steps The construction work on the steps consists of three major components; the combination of three steps into a deeper step, the construction of two sets of stairs, and the change in profile of the last set of steps. The combination of the three steps is essential to enable the steps to be used as seating. The current steps are far too shallow to serve this purpose, and thus without this combination, this function of the steps will be lost. The construction of the two sets of stairs is essential to allow pedestrians to move with ease across the site. Without these stairs, pedestrians would find it difficult to navigate the deeper steps, and pedestrian mobility would be inhibited. Finally, the change in profile of the steps serves two main purposes. Firstly, is increases the area of green space on the site. Currently the space between the steps is narrow and not conducive to activities such as small gatherings and picnics. With this extension, there is increased space, enabling a more effective space for socialization. Next, this extension allows for the creation of a ramp that is only only up to code, but also allows for an essential landing area that making it easy to use by vehicles.Without this extension, such a ramp could still be formed, however it would be steeper and have no landing area. In all, without the reconfiguration of these steps, we would have a site with fewer social spaces and less accessibility. It is for this reason, as the risk of proposing a design out of the scope of this project, that Fourth Co. has decided to propose this design to you.


The Alternative Option However, understanding that a key consideration of the competition is the proposed budget, Fourth Co. would like to present you a cheaper alternative that excludes this element. The rest of our design elements remain, the only change is that we do not change the steps anymore. Below is the site plan of this alternative. We trust the jury to decide what is in the best interests of this site and the students who will use it.

Figure 22. Ideal site plan with step extension

Figure 23. Alternative, cheaper site plan without step extension


6.0 Phasing Phase One 1. Obtain required building permits prior to the start of construction to ensure design adheres to the Ontario Building Code, local Zoning Bylaws, and other Applicable Law. 2. Erect tree preservation fencing around the existing mature tree in front of Modern Languages as well as other trees within a 25-metre radius of construction work. 3. Close off most of the western portion of the site (where the steps currently are). Leave the area where the new ramp is to be constructed and use it space to facilitate all pedestrian, cyclist, and delivery/service automobile traffic and connect the existing elevated section of the quad to the Modern Languages and beyond. 4. Demolish the existing steps and reconstruct them in the manner we have envisioned. First, remove all the stones on the steps and store them for future use. Next, change the profile of the bottom set of stairs by extending the northern portion forward, and destroying the southern portion. Next, lay concrete over the edges of the steps such we can combine the three steps into one deeper step. Finally add wooden paneling (3 long and 6 short) at intervals on the steps. 5. Add the electrical wiring needed for the three bollards in the area. This is done by drilling into the concrete, and inlaying pipes (with wiring) from the bollard to the closest 120V power source. Currently the site uses 900V unsuitable for LED lighting, so new wiring would have to be overlaid. 6. Sod the ares between the steps with soil and landscape it with grass. 7. Next, close off area where our large new ramp is to be built, and build the ramp. This includes the removal and storage of stones currently laid on the steps, the creation of a gradient using concrete, and then using all the stones stored (from all the steps) to pave the ramp. 8. Pave the path parallel to the DP to ensure that students can still access Dana Porter Library as well as Arts Lecture Hall during phase two of construction. This involves the sub excavation of concrete underneath, and overlaying of pavers.


Phase Two 1. Erect Tree Preservation Fencing around the mature trees alongside Dana Porter Library and those alongside Arts Lecture Hall. 2. Close off area were new Celebration Plaza is to be and where the bikes racks are to be reinstalled. 3. Dig up the newly laid asphalt in the centre of the site and move the existing bike racks to more suitable locations along the sides of the site. 4. Create hexagonal concrete molds using wood and use them to make 24 concrete hexagons. Paint this seating with the faculty colours, and install them on the site as seen in our site plan. 5. Pave the remaining two pathways on the site. This involves the sub excavation of concrete, and the overlaying of pavers. 6. Install the six Art Panels and custom made wayfinding sign. 7. Add the electrical wiring needed to introduce three new bollards on this portion of the site. 8. Gather artwork for panels through a university wide call for projects. This will be managed by the library staff, and they will select which projects to display.



Figure 24. Phasing diagram showing phase one and two as well as steps within each phase


7.0 Feedback Process EXPERT CONSULTATION


-Interviewed the head Urban Planner of the South Commons from the GSP Group. -Provided valuable insights into the analysis and intention behind the South Commons.

Information allowed us to ensure our proposed design flows seamlessly from this new space.

Spoke to a variety of individuals including Alex Malcom from Sax Construction, Muzammil Hussain from SimplyLED, and Karen Gervais from the Town of Innisfil in order to gauge the cost of the proposed design.

Research allowed for the distilling of main elements to incorporate into proposed design

-Obtained a detailed construction cost estimate from Alex Malcom from Sax Construction. -Obtained a lighting estimate from Muzammil Hummasin from Simply LED. -Conversations with several product salesmen for quotes on fixtures.

STAGE 1: DESIGN Key Feedback: - budgeting concerns -identification of common theme -consideration of site though the seasons and times of day. -revising the length and organization of proposal

Survey results were used to develop and approach vision and function for the site.

-Conducted a public consultation meeting with 10 UW students. -Gathered information regarding favourite and least liked design elements, satisfaction with design,and suggestions for improvement.

Removal of several elements on site including a Waterloo Sign, Wooden panelling, planters, and a way finding sign.

JUDGES FEEDBACK Incorporated feedback through changes to the design and format of the proposal (significantly more concise)



-Surveyed 40 UW Students from its six faculties. -Survey results helped us understand the current use of the space, major travel routes, and student desires for the future use of the site.

Decided against changing the profile of each set of steps in order to reduce cost of design.



Thorough examination of the Celebration Brief, UW Campus Master Plan, I3 Proposal, and Campus Sustainability Strategy.


STAGE 2: DESIGN Key Feedback: -Clear identification of and emphasis on legacy element of site -More detailed costing and phasing information -Creation of a greater number of visuals and renderings

Addition of new legacy element: Hexagonal seating

STUDENT FEEDBACK Responded to accessibility concerns through the additional of a large ramp into our proposed design.

-Careful consideration of student and community comments on the Legacy Project Display Panels in the Hagey Hall

Figure 25. Feedback and comments from every stage of the Legacy project 201723

Decision to retain elements that students appreciated most: ramp, green space, gathering space.


To our respected Jury, Fourth Co. recognizes that the planning process plays a crucial role in the formulation and success of the design of any public space. In Figure 1 we have outlined the various inputs at every stage of this competition that have led to the creation of the design we have proposed to you today. At each stage, we have gathered and evaluated information from experts, the users of the space (students), and the judges to constantly revise our design and improve it. From conversation and collaboration with experts, we were able to find realistic costing and phasing information critical to this design. From feedback from students, we were able to create a design that truly reflected it’s users needs and desires. Finally, from research and our judges, we were able to gain valuable insights into the weakest elements of our proposal and ways in which we could improve this. It is this engagement of all stakeholders and process of evaluation that makes us confident in the success of our design. Each and every element we have proposed to you today has been thought about extensively. What remains is a combination of elements that we truly believe to be essential to the function and enjoyment of the site. I hope you enjoyed reading our proposal as much as we enjoyed creating it for you. Sincerely, Fourth Co.


8.0 Team Building In completing this project together, the five of us gained a first-hand experience at carrying out our school’s slogan of “Ideas Start Here”. We are accustomed to completing group assignments working with people in our own programs of similar backgrounds. Through this cross-faculty project, we were able to learn from one another’s diverse backgrounds, from environment to engineering to arts. With such a large scale project, it was beneficial to have members knowledgeable about a range of aspects such as design software, project management and sustainability. This allowed us to use each member’s unique skill sets to our advantage. However, we faced challenges in learning how to complete tasks that were unfamiliar to all of us. For example, one of our biggest challenges was cost estimation and figuring out how to fit all of the elements we wanted to incorporate into our budget. No member of our group had previously completed a life cycle assessment. This experience introduced us to new tasks and also helped us hone existing skills, such as the SketchUp software and creating renderings. Taking on these challenges reinforced teamwork as we often collaborated to complete single tasks. Overall, Celebration 2017 provided us with a very real world experience in working with people with diverse expertise, conducting research to acquire new skills and collaborating to practice existing skills.


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