2016 Sacramento District Dental Foundation Annual Report

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Foundation of the Sacramento District Dental Society

By Kevin Keating, DDS, MS

Smiles for BIG Kids® (SFBK) began in 2009 and, recognizing that often the parents’ dental health needs are equally as urgent as their children’s, SFBK focused on the needs of parents of SFK patients and the elderly. Since then, the program has expanded to address the dental needs of underserved adults (including parents of SFK patients). The Foundation has partnered with several local community organizations to identify eligible patients and, each year, member dentists provide much needed care to these individuals in the form of dentures, restorative treatment and specialty treatment. Still in its early stages of development, this project will hopefully be as successful as SFK someday!

2016 STATS: SMILES FOR BIG KIDS 52 Patients completed 28 Patients still in progress 2016 Total $160,000 in service donated by doctors Totals since the beginning of the program

610 patients placed

$1,228,000 in treatment donated Average age of patient 45

The Health of the Heart of Our Society

2013-16 Foundation President

A Retrospective Look Back at the SDDS Foundation Over the Past 15 Years As an incoming Secretary for our Society, one of the many duties was to serve on the Board of the SDDS Foundation. That year the Board had been facing many challenges and one of the significant challenges was the negative effect a recent down-turn in the stock market had upon the Foundation's finances and moderate investments. It was foreseeable that the Foundation would be severely challenged to meet its outreach goals due to financial reasons. Fortunately, Dr. Gordon Harris, a seasoned leader and extremely valued and respected mentor for those serving in leadership roles at SDDS was reappointed to the Foundation Board. He clearly recognized the problem and brought it to the attention of the SDDS leadership. That foresight led to significant restructuring of the Foundation with other, more seasoned leaders serving on the Board. Through the efforts of the subsequent years of hard work by the Foundation Board and staff, the almost catastrophic financial collapse of the Foundation was averted. Through clear strategic understanding of the challenges facing the Foundation and the setting of challenging, but attainable goals, the Foundation has a solid financial footing that assures our community outreach efforts through Smiles for Kids, Smiles for Big Kids, dental health education, outreach, partnerships — we will be able to continue long into the future. From that very challenging time, through the hard work of many volunteer members and staff, our Foundation has grown it's Perpetual Fund to the point that it is now foreseeable that the Foundation can continue its outreach efforts at improving the oral

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health of the communities we serve for many years to come. Despite the successes of the past 15+ years, it is also time to recognize that, as the community of need grows, our Foundation’s needs will grow. We must plan to continue to grow the Perpetual Fund to be able to help fund our future outreach needs and efforts.

Giving from the Heart, both as an individual and as a Dental Society, has given so much more in return than I ever imagined Having been part of the Foundation’s TEAM of volunteers and staff for a great deal of the past 15 years, I am proud of what we have accomplished in terms of our ability to help those in need. Looking back, Giving from the Heart, both as an individual and as a Dental Society has given so much more in return than I ever imagined. For those who are looking to add a measure of value to their lives in a way that is a bit out of their comfort zone, join us through the gift of your time, expertise, or money to help those in our community who have oral health care needs that are not met through other state or federal funded oral health care programs. Join us. It will change your life in ways that truly give more value through the act of giving than I could have ever imagined. 


There is nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer. With it beats the spirit of service, generosity and compassion... and the health and well-being of our community, our country and our world. - Kobi Yamada

In 2005, the Foundation partnered with Star Refining and began Crowns for Kids® (CFK) to benefit Smiles for Kids. In this program, member dentists collect scrap metal from their patients’ dental treatment in CFK jars, the jars are collected and sent to the metal refinery (Star Group), and the refinery sends a check to the Foundation each month.

2016 STATS: SMILES FOR BIG KIDS Participating Doctors Dr. Gary Ackerman Dr. Jose Acosta-Cuevas Dr. Craig Alpha Dr. Dale Alto Dr. Cynthia Belgum Dr. Paul Binon Dr. Rodney Bughao Dr. Matt Campbell Dr. Pamela Caviness Dr. Richard Chang Dr. Kirsten Chang Dr. Darrell Chun Dr. Jefferson Clark Dr. James Coyle Dr. Margaret Delmore Dr. Paul Denzler Dr. Julianne Digiorno Dr. John Fat

Dr. Volki Felahy Dr. Jennifer Finerty Dr. Michael Forde Dr. Reza Fouladi Dr. Edi Guidi Dr. Jagdev Heir Dr. Gregory Heise Dr. Tim Herman Dr. Carl Hillendahl Dr. Bruce Holt Dr. Richard Jackson Dr. Shailesh Jawale Dr. Bryan Judd Dr. David Keating Dr. Ron Larsen Dr. Grace Lee Dr. Donald Liberty Dr. David Miller

Dr. Marjorie Mojica-Jara Dr. Megan Moyneur Dr. Tania Nelson-Chrystal Dr. Kevin O'Neill Dr. Michael Payne Dr. Joshua Perisho Dr. Moji Radi Dr. Bevan Richardson Dr. Donald Rollofson Dr. Jeff Routsong Dr. Brian Royse Dr. Charles Smurthwaite Dr. Cynthia Stuart Dr. Glen Tueller Dr. Chirag Vaid Dr. Mark Young

Danilov Dental Lab Dental Creations KP 28 Laguna Dental Arts

Mad Capper Mike's Dental Laboratory Phillip A. Danz & Associates Professional Dental Lab


2006 $9,351 2007 $15,126 2008 $9,054 2009 $30,645 2010 $26,031 2011 $26,981

Participating Labs Ace Dental Lab Brabant Dental Lab and Professional Dental Lab Carmichael Dental Lab

2012 $34,028 2013 $27,325 2014 $22,450 2015 $20,291

CROWNS FOR KIDS Totals since the beginning of the program We need more doctors and their patients to participate!

2016 $16,500












# new donors












# docs












# repeat donors












# pickups














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Veronica's Story

A Smiles for Kids & Big Kids Patient I’ve been sensitive about my teeth for most of my life. Explaining to classmates, friends, or complete strangers that I was born without a good handful of teeth has always been a point of sensitivity and even irritation for me. Throughout my childhood and into high school and college, I would hear people complain about needing

six months or a year of braces and laugh to myself, wishing that I had the luxury of only needing a few teeth straightened out here and there. Or, even funnier, hearing classmates in high school talk about getting their wisdom teeth taken out of their jaws while I was planning on getting teeth put in mine also got a dry, harsh laugh out of me. Smiling without teeth showing has become natural to me, as has covering my mouth with my hand when I laugh. For the past few years, as my baby teeth have crumbled and been refilled with amalgam again and again, I haven’t been able to bite into food very easily. Apples and carrots need to be cut up into sizes suitable for a toddler in order for me to be able to gnaw on them with my molars. Bagels get torn into tiny sections. Worst of all, pizza has to be cut into little bits with a fork and knife. It’s incredibly inconvenient.

I was always faintly aware as a kid that at some point around my eighteenth birthday I was going to be getting my teeth worked on. As I grew up a bit, I realized that the process wasn’t going to be as fast and easy as it was for those aforementioned peers. I remember asking my dad once how much it would cost to fix my teeth and him saying, half joking, that it would be about as much as an entrylevel sports car model cost. That might have seemed doable at one point, but one day shortly after the housing crash the phone to my dad’s house painting business stopped ringing, and then we were all faced with a different dilemma: how were we going to get me my smile? In early 2013 my pediatric dentist told us about the University of the Pacific’s satellite dental campus in San Francisco, thinking that it might be the best way to get me my smile. They told us rather bluntly that there was nothing they could do with a mouth like mine, which I understand and respect. They sent us to their Stockton campus next, where they took molds to study. Upon returning to Stockton later, we were told the same thing. My case was just a bit too much for them. This time, though, we were given another recommendation: a gentleman by the name of Dr. Binon in Roseville. On our way back to the foothills, we dropped off the plaster molds of my mouth at Dr. Binon’s office. And just like that, though I didn’t know it then, I was on my way to getting my smile. The talented Dr. Binon, prosthodontist, hooked us up with the talented Dr. Worth, orthodontist, and a partnership was forged. A week before graduating high school in June of 2014, I had braces put on, and I couldn’t have been happier. I started Sierra College that fall. Five semesters later, in December of 2016, I had them taken off. As of writing this, I’m in retention from braces in a retainer with bonus temporary false teeth! Soon, I’m

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By Veronica Smith

going to be entering the second stage of my reconstruction. I’m beyond excited. If all goes according to plan, I’ll be done before attending CSU Sacramento in 2018. I can only imagine what it will be like to have a mouth full of neat, straight teeth, all roughly the same size and stage of development. I know I’ll have a new level of self esteem, one that someone like me who didn’t win the genetic lottery in the aesthetics department hasn’t felt. I know that while eating I won’t have to constantly worry my pathetic little baby incisors with my tongue after every bite, checking for chips and crumbles. More than anything, though, I know with absolute certainty that the presence of my teeth tilted and straightened, the gaps filled with finely crafted implants, will fill me with a feeling of absolute and total appreciation for the opportunity I’ve been gifted. My gratitude to the Foundation and everyone involved in my treatment, from the talents of Drs. Binon and Worth and their own teams of assistants

...I know with absolute certainty that the presence of my teeth tilted and straightened, the gaps filled with finely crafted implants, will fill me with a feeling of absolute and total appreciation for the opportunity I’ve been gifted.

to the various labs that have also helped along the way, to the grant writers and donors, is unmatched and will NEVER lessen. All I can say, and all I will ever be able to say, is thank you. Thank you. Thank you! 


Gratitude From a Parent My daughter was approximately five years old when we found out that she lacked nine of her adult teeth. My first reactions were dismay and confusion. Then as the financial ramifications became clear, I became shocked and overwhelmed. It was apparent rather quickly that to make sure that my daughter had a mouth with a full set of beautiful teeth, we were going to need to have a very large sum of money. I very much wanted my daughter to have a smile and struggled with excruciatingly troubled thoughts of not being able to give them to her. My husband was a successful painter. His business

thrived until the economy changed abruptly and then it slowed to almost a complete stop. There were other heart breaking tensions in our lives as well. Eventually, we lost our dream house and were forced to move into a much smaller dwelling. The tension in our lives took a toll on all of us and the likelihood of Veronica having a full set of teeth in her mouth was looking more and more as if it was just not going to happen. Then, through a series of events, we found Dr. Binon. Dr. Binon explained that he would put together a team to volunteer to take care of Veronica’s teeth and in addition, apply to be

By Rennie Smith (Mom of Veronica) accepted to the Smiles for Kids and Smiles for Big Kids programs. to aid in the lab costs. It took me a moment to comprehend what had just been said to me. My daughter was indeed going to have her mouth full of shiny white teeth. Gratitude is not a word than can explain the depth of my appreciation to Dr. Binon, Dr. Worth and the rest of the treatment team. I am equally thankful to the Sacramento District Dental Society & Foundation. 

A Special Patient Helping to Make Her Dreams a Reality My first encounter with Veronica was in January of 2014. She had a very sad look on her face and appeared anxious and ill at ease in this setting. Not your typical teenager, I introduced myself and, when she started to speak, it was readily apparent as to why she was here in my office. She was referred by Dr. Hansen at UOP. It was obvious that she was class II Div. one, with a severe overjet and many missing teeth. After the examination, I painted a broad canvas as to what was involved in treating Veronica’s dental issues. The initial treatment would involve orthodontics after which restoration of the missing permanent teeth would be necessary. You could see the look of overwhelm in her eyes and her parents. Then when the question of anticipated cost arose, it was apparent that this was beyond their means. I offered to seek funding and possibly some treatment help. I asked Dr.

Worth to evaluate her case and determine if she would fall under the free, Smiles for Kids ortho program. I also figured that I could talk one of the implant companies into providing the necessary materials to allow her to be treated without changes. She has some health issues which made me want to help her. There was something special about Veronica that made the decision easy.

Technically it is a bit of a challenge. However it can turn into a magnificent after photo and change her life.

Dark blue dots are the abutments – the cream colored teeth designate pontics. There may be an attachment between 8/9 or a full span bridge from 2 to 15

On completion of a couple of years of orthodontic treatment, her dental condition was reevaluated. Dr. Worth did a fabulous job creating the necessary architecture for restoration. A CT scan was then taken and much to my chagrin, there was insufficient bone to place implants. The ridge configuration

By Paul P. Binon, DDS, MSD, FAO was hourglass and the extent and degree of grafting would have been prohibitive. So the treatment plan required a dramatic change. In the maxilla, there will be a 4 unit FPD extending from 4 to 8 on the right and a 5 unit FPD extending from 9 to 13 on the left. A small precision attachment will keep the centrals from splaying. On the lower arch, a cantilever FPD from 19 to 21, replacing 20 and 22. On the left, a double abutment cantilever FPD (28, 29) replacing 27. I am very pleased and appreciative that a very capable laboratory has volunteered to make the necessary restorations. Together as a team, we can make a significant life changing impact on a young girls live. 

The lower arch is less complicated. A 3 unit cantilever bridge from 18 to pontic 20 and the same bridge component from 31 to 29 pontic on the right. The anterior consists of a 7 unit bridge from 21 to 28 with three anterior abutments.


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Foundation of the Sacramento

A charitable 501-C3 organization

District Dental Society

Celebration of Foundation Donors January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016 Grants Smiles for Kids Grants $32,500 Del E. Webb Foundation Sutter Health Sacramento Sierra Region Patterson Foundation

Smiles for Big Kids Grants $150,000 (3 year grant) California Wellness Foundation

Program Contributions Smiles for Kids $12,500

Blue Northern Builders FADE - Foundation for Dental Education Dr. Kelly Giannetti & Dr. Thais Booms Sacramento Region Community Foundation United Concordia In memory of Dr. Gordon Harris Craig Harris Karen Harris Mary Ann Harris

Contributions and Pledges Perpetual Fund Endowment, Annual Pledge Fund $33,525 Dr. Gary Ackerman In honor of Dr. Kevin Keating Dr. Dean Ahmad Dr. Craig Alpha Dr. Nancy Archibald Dr. Laila Baker Dr. Wallace Bellamy Dr. Michael Boyce Dr. Rodney Bughao Dr. Adrian Carrington Dr. Steve Cavagnolo Dr. Wai Ming Chan Dr. Shareen Char-Fat Dr. Scott Churchill Dr. Robert Daby Dr. Kent Daft Dr. Teresa Deguzman Dr. Margaret Delmore Dr. Friz Diaz Dr. Robert Dorian Dr. Gordon Douglass Dr. John Fat Dr. Volkmar Felahy Dr. Debra Finney Dr. Carl Fleischmann

Dr. Kelly Giannetti Dr. Enborg Halle Dr. Dan Harlan Dr. Victor Hawkins Dr. Robert Hays Dr. Jagdev Heir Dr. Gregory Heise Dr. Richard Jackson Dr. David Jolkovsky In honor of Dr. Steve Cavagnolo Dr. Terrence Jones Dr. Bryan Judd Dr. David Keating Dr. Kevin Keating Dr. George Kingsley Dr. Matthew Korn Dr. Lisa Laptalo Dr. Skip Lawrence Dr. Kevin McCurry Dr. James McNerney Dr. Kenneth Moore Dr. Michael O'Brien Dr. Felix Onuegbu Dr. Darcy Owen Dr. Dennis. Peterson Dr. Jerome Pielago Dr. Mark Porco Dr. Bevan Richardson Dr. Don Rollofson Dr. Jeffrey Rosa Roseville Dental Group Dr. Cynthia Russell Dr. Dean Sands Sierra Periodontal Group Dr. Scott Thompson Dr. Kenneth True Dr. Chirag Vaid Dr. Thuy Nga Vu Dr. Tom Wagner Dr. Ernest Watson Dr. Peter Worth Dr. Herbert Yee Dr. Wesley Yee Dr. James Zimmerman

Other Contributions $28,560 Ron Clark Donna Drury-Klein FADE Institute Cathy & Bruce Levering Painted Cork Sacramento District Dental Society Kraig Speckert Payment Exchange University Audiologic Inc

Memorials $3,425

Dr. Beverly Kodama In memory of... Dr. Bob Gillis Dr. Steve Leighty Dr. Gordon Harris

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the mother of Dr. Pam Di Tomasso the step-father of Dr. Nancy Archibald the mother of Dr. Marsha Henry Dr. Wayne Grossman Darlene Skou In memory of... Dr. Bob Gillis Dr. Charles Goodacre In memory of... Dr. Bob Gillis Dr. Wai Chan In memory of... Mrs. Inez Yee Sacramento District Dental Society In memory of... Dr. Bert Gall Dr. Wayne Grossman Mrs. Inez Yee the mother of Mary Lou Gillis Dr. Walter Tweedie

Fundraisers Spirit of Giving/Big Day of Giving Campaigns $4,100 Dr. Nancy Archibald Dr. Michael Boyce Dr. Cameron Cho Dr. Jude Crutchfield Dr. Margaret Delmore Dr. Volkmar Felahy Dr. Debra Finney Dr. Kelly Giannetti Dr. Mitchell Goodis Dr. Carl Hillendahl Dr. Richard Kennedy Dr. Shahryar Khodai Dr. Mark Lai Dr. Dennis Peterson Dr. Don Rollofson Dr. Ronald Rott Dr. Tom Wagner Dr. Dennis Wong

Holiday Party Silent Auction $12,500 Dr. Eddie Alazraki Richard Archibald Dr. Wallace Bellamy Dr. Matt Campbell Dr. Richard Chang Dr. Kent Daft Dr. Margaret Delmore Dr. Kasi Franck Dr. Kelly Giannetti Dr. Gregory Heise Beth Heneger Dr. Carl Hillendahl

Dr. Herbert Hooper Dr. Dan Hopper Dr. Bryan Judd Dr. Beverly Kodama Mastroserio Winery Dr. Aneel Nath Dr. Edward Orgon Dr. Viren Patel Dr. Kim Wallace Dr. Wesley Yee

Broadway Series Supporters $2,800

Dr. Craig Alpha Dr. Roger Ashworth Dr. Michael Barks Dr. Wallace Bellamy Dr. Rob Berrin Dr. Damon Boyd Dr. Matthew Campbell Dr. David Cernik Dr. Jayson Chalmers Dr. Sonney Chong Dr. Tracey Cook Dr. Jerome Daby Dr. Kent Daft Dr. Reynold Donovan Dr. James Everhart Dr. Sindy Fondren Dr. Sandra Fouladi Dr. Donna Galante Dr. Kelly Giannetti Rick Gormley Connie Green Dr. Monika Gugale Sofia Gutierrez Lauren Herman Dr. Ryan Higgins Dr. Brock Hinton Dr. Bruce Holt Dr. Kendall Homer Dr. George Hullin Dr. Michelle Inouye Dr. Elizabeth Johnson Dr. Paul E. Johnson Dr. Daniel Jones Dr. Kevin Keating Dr. Kathy Keikhan Dr. Richard Kennedy Bryant King Dr. Roger Kingston Dr. Beverly Kodama Dr. Steve Lee Bruce & Cathy Levering Dr. Diane Liberty Dr. Theodore Machado Dr. Ken Marti Dr. Jerry Martin Tim & Jenifer McDonald Dr. James Musser Dr. Joel Pederson Dr. Patrick Penney Dr. Dennis Peterson Dr. Jerome Pielago Dr. Prashant Poplai

Mike & Debbie Richey Dr. Gerald Roberts Anne Rogerson Dr. Denton Sato Dr. Stefanie Shore Dr. Richard Talbot Dr. Art Tanimoto Dr. J. Alex Tomaich Dr. Herbert Wanier Dr. Dina Wasileski Joe Wilson Della Yee Dr. H. Wesley Yee

RIP to the TIP $2,200

Steve Bonzell Dr. Damon Boyd Dr. Wai Ming Chan Dr. Reynold Donovan Drs. Dubowski & Lee Tom Evans Dr. Kasi Franck Rodney Hancock Dick Harris KCM Commerical Real Estate Dr. Beverly Kodama Toni Ledford SD Reliance Management Inc T&M Electric Dr. Glen Tueller Tony Vigil, DESCO Virgina City Motor Cross Truman Weston

Golf Tournament $21,000 Hole & Bar Cart Sponsors Ameriprise Financial Bank of the West Blue Northern Builders BPE Law Group, PC Burkhart Dental Supply California Dentist Guild Community 1st Bank Daft and Stamos Orthodontics Integrated Accounting, Dave Sholer DESCO Tony Vigil First Citizens Bank Foundation for Allied Dental Education Greg Heise & Craig Alpha OMS Henry Schein Company KP 28 Dental Laboratory Liberty Dental Plan Mann, Urrutia, Nelson CPAs Olson Construction, Inc. Parc Studio - Interior Design Prosthodontic Dental Group Supply Doc Von Housen Mercedes WF Gormley & Sons



CURRENT ASSETS CHECKING / SAVINGS Charitable Fund (Smith Barney) General Fund (Smith Barney) Helen Hamilton Fund (Vanguard)

















General Fund $223,526 Smiles for Kids $270,888 Smiles for Big Kids $113,361

Operating, program and grants monies

Perpetual Endowment Fund (Vanguard)





























Accounts Payable


- $8,750



Deferred Revenue






- $3,003


























(Other Current Liabilities)

TOTAL LIABILITIES: EQUITY Retained Earnings Net Income


Dr. Craig Alpha Ben Anders Dr. Todd Andrews Ed Bauer Dr. Wallace Bellamy Bob Brewer Capitol Periodontics Tom Chandler Jim Cho Dr. Matt Comfort Dr. Fred Correa Ray Costa Dr. Kent Daft Dentsply Endodontic Associates Dr. Dean Funada Jeff Geiger Rob Giddings Dr. Victor Hawkins Dr. Jag Heir Henry Schein Dr. Ryan Higgins Dr. Carl Hillendahl Dr. Brock Hinton Ivoclar Vivadent Dave Johnson Dr. Paul E. Johnson

KP28 Dental Lab Dr. Jeffrey Kwong Dr. Leland Lee Bruce Levering Dr. Don Liberty Liberty Dental Tom Marx Bob Miller Greg Nahorney Patterson Dental Dr. Dennis Peterson Dr. Paolo Poidmore Hal Porter Victor Sampson Frank Sanchez Nicole Sayers Dr. Richard Shipp Ken Snyder Dr. Charles Stamos Dr. Craig Stevens Dr. Damon Szymanowski Gordon Ulrey John Urrutia Jake Vinz Dr. Kip Whitnack Nelson Wyllie

Crowns for Kids (for Smiles for Kids) $16,500

Dr. Gary Ackerman Dr. Dean Ahmad Dr. Craig Alpha Dr. Carlos Bonilla Dr. Damon Boyd Capital Periodontal Group Dr. Jerry Castro Dr. Kirsten Chang Dr. Rick Chang Chapa-De Indian Health Auburn Clinic Dr. Garth Collins Dr. Stella Dariotis Dr. Margaret Delmore Dr. Pamela Di Tomasso Dr. Julianne Digiorno Dr. Jeff Dimariano Dr. Shaina Dimariano Dr. Lisa Dobak Dr. Vivian Fernandez Dr. Debra Finney Dr. Kasi Franck Dr. Mitchell Goodis Dr. Edi Guidi Dr. Dan Gustavson

Dr. Laurie Hanschu Dr. Victor Hawkins Dr. Gregory Heise Dr. Ryan Higgins Dr. Dick Huang Dr. Elizabeth Huynh Dr. Richard Kennedy Jr. Dr. Matthew Korn Dr. Laurie LaDow Dr. Don Liberty Dr. Steve Longoria Dr. Luis Mendez Dr. Edward Montalbo Dr. Kenneth Moore Dr. Charles Newens Dr. Peter Ngai Dr. Michael R O'Brien Dr. Siamak Okhovat Dr. Nelson Onuegbu Dr. Viren Patel Dr. James Peters Dr. Stacey Peters-Nelson Dr. Hanh Pham Dr. Richard Phillips Dr. Robert Phillips Dr. Jean Rabadam Dr. Moji Radi Dr. Mai-Ly Ramirez


Dr. Ibtisam Rashid Dr. Hana Rashid Dr. Mark Redford Dr. Jeffrey Rho Dr. Christy Rollofson-Porrino Sacramento Oral Surgery Dr. Purvi Shah Dr. Howard Shempp Dr. Richard Shipp Dr. Hamid Shirazi Dr. Stefanie Shore Dr. Anubama Sri Dr. Jonathan Szymanowski Dr. Damon Szymanowski Dr. Alex Tomaich Dr. Amy Tran Dr. Carl Trubschenck Dr. Hoang Truong Dr. Steven Tsuchida Dr. Glen Tueller Dr. Asvin Vasanthan Dr. Gary Vedenoff Dr. Tatyana Vilderman Dr. Alex Vilderman Dr. Kim Wallace Dr. Wen-Li Wang Dr. Ian Wong

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Foundation of the Sacramento District Dental Society


Dental Student Scholarship Endowed by the Yee Family The dental scholarship was begun in 2014 to assist our new dental students matriculating from CSUS. The Yee Family has a heart for higher education. We are aware of the costs of dental school and want to do our part to help. There are over 15 dentists in our family and we are proud of our profession. This is token of our appreciation to the CSUS Pre Dental Club and our way to pay it forward. When you have an opportunity to help someone, please remember those who mentored, supported, and believed in you. On Behalf of Dr. Herbert and Dr. Wesley Yee, we congratulate all the scholarship winners, in the past and this year (the 2017 winner will be announce at the May General Meeting). 

2016 Paul Dubinetsky Roseman University of Health Sciences, College of Dental Medicine 2015 Soniya Patidar Western University Dental School 2015 Yana Shcherbanyuk Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health (ASDOH) 2014 Svetlana Guevara-Lara UCSF Dental School

Where they are now... Past Recipients Soniya Patidar

Yana (Shcherbanyuk) Gerhardt

Western University of Health Sciences DMD Candidate, Class of 2019

Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health DMD Candidate, Class of 2019

Hello to my SDDS family! I am currently in the last part of my 2nd year of dental school. Time is flying by so fast and I am excited to transition into clinic this summer! I am currently studying for boards and once I am done I will be focusing on the transition from simulation lab to the clinic. It’s been a great experience being in Southern California and at such a wonderful University. Last year I was able to go to ASDA’s Student Lobby Day in Washington D.C. to lobby on Capitol Hill. I have also been a part of the launch of our Virtual Reality Learning Center that has caught attention of institutions across the nation. It was featured on Fortune.com! I feel blessed to have had a wellrounded education and I know that it will translate into me being an even better dentist for my future patients. Thank you all for your loving support, and thank you to the Herb and Inez Yee Family Scholarship that invested in my future.

Relocating to Mesa, AZ was the beginning of a new adventure full with challenges. To overcome some of the financial difficulties, the Yee family scholarship was a tremendous help. The first year of dental school mainly consisted of lectures and multiple weekly exams that very well prepared us for NBDE Part I and Sim lab at the end of the first year. Second year has been a mix of Sim lab, lectures, clinic, public health courses and community dentistry, which is an integral part of ASDOH. Several months ago, more responsibilities added up as my husband and I welcomed into this world our firstborn. As second year is approaching to an end, we are transitioning full time into clinic where we will spend the rest of our time, in addition to the community health clinics rotations in fourth year.I am grateful to be part of ASDOH where I get to learn from professionals who are willing to share their knowledge and experience and shape us not just into clinicians, but into community-minded healthcare providers.

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$ 413,200 14 Kids screened since 1995 16,300

Kids treated since 1991

Kids Served 1,080


in Dental Treatment

Kids received orthodontic treatment since 1996

MATTHEW SANDERS, DDS I think it is extremely rewarding to be able to use my skills to help children in need and give back to my community. I have participated in the Smiles for Kids ortho program since moving to the region in 2010. The program provides pro-bono orthodontic care to children whose families would not be able to receive care due to financial constraints. Having Madison as a patient has been a delight. We have seen great progress in her treatment and we look forward to her final results. She has really matured and shown her commitment to her treatment plan. We are so happy to have her as part of our patient family!

All about Madison Byrd!! Favorite hobbies: Cheerleading and Horse Back Riding Favorite movie: Grease Favorite sport: Basketball. I love playing for my Jr. High School, Ione Jr. High. If you were a superhero, what would your special power would be? Flying Tell us about your family: I have 5 family members. My dad Ron works at his business and loves it. My mom Christy works as a CPS worker and loves it as well and went to school for years to get to where she is. My sister Shelbie lives in Chico and takes care of my nephews and works a lot! I'm really proud of her. My brother Tyler (we call him Bubba) is a firefighter and loves his job as well. What do you want to be when you grow up: A veterinarian Favorite food: Mac & Cheese Least favorite food: Broccoli What do you want to learn in School this year? I want to learn more science.


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Foundation of the Sacramento

A charitable 501-C3 organization

District Dental Society Thank you 2016 Foundation Members January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016 Foundation Members (2016) Dentist Members

Dr. Guy Acheson Dr. Gary Ackerman Dr. Eva Adams Dr. Gregory Adams Dr. Nima Aflatooni Dr. Dean Ahmad Dr. Craig Alpha Dr. Rina Ambaram Dr. Jenny Apekian Dr. Nancy Archibald Dr. Brad Archibald Dr. Sean Avera Dr. Mark Backhus Dr. Laila Baker Dr. Aneet Bal Dr. Daisuke Bannai Dr. Michael Barks Dr. Jill Beams Dr. Richard Behl Dr. Wallace Bellamy Dr. Robin Berrin Dr. Paul Bianchi Dr. Paul Binon Dr. John Birch Dr. Ronald Blanchette Dr. Thais Booms Dr. Gregory Borrowdale Dr. Michael Boyce Dr. Damon Boyd Dr. Colleen Buehler Dr. Rodney Bughao Dr. Robert Burkhard Dr. Matthew Campbell Dr. Adrian Carrington Dr. Erin Carson Dr. Steven Casagrande Dr. Michael Casagrande Dr. Vincenzo Castaldo Dr. Steven Cavagnolo Dr. Thad Champlin Dr. Wai Ming Chan Dr. Richard Chang Dr. Shareen Char-Fat Dr. George Chen Dr. Kevin Chen Dr. Regina Cheung Dr. Cameron Cho Dr. Sonney Chong Dr. Stephen Christensen Dr. Lawrence Chu Dr. Michael Chu Dr. Darrell Chun

Dr. Scott Churchill Dr. Matthew Comfort Dr. Patrick Cook Dr. Christopher Cooper Dr. Benjamin Cope Dr. James Cope Dr. Ben Cope Dr. James Coyle Dr. Lee Crane Dr. Brian Crawford Dr. Paul Cripe Dr. David Crippen Dr. Gina Crippen Dr. Monica Crooks Dr. Jude Crutchfield Dr. Robert Daby Dr. Jerome Daby Dr. Kent Daft Dr. Vincent D'Ascoli Dr. David Datwyler Dr. Jeff Davidson Dr. Martha De Los Rios Dr. Teresa Deguzman Dr. Margaret Delmore Dr. Paul Denzler Dr. Pamela Di Tomasso Dr. Friz Diaz Dr. Thomas DiLallo Dr. Shaina DiMariano Dr. Hung Do Dr. Lisa Dobak Dr. Gordon Douglass Dr. Rachelle Doyle Dr. Kayla Dringenberg Dr. Herlin Dyal Dr. Aly Hassan Elsayed Dr. James Everhart Dr. Kent Farnsworth Dr. John Fat Dr. Kenneth Fat Dr. David Feder Dr. Volkmar Felahy Dr. Carlos Feuillet-Latorre Dr. Debra Finney Dr. Brian Fong Dr. Leslie Fong Dr. Michael Forde Dr. Rikard Forsberg Dr. Lora Foster-Rode Dr. Kasi Franck Dr. Donna Galante Dr. Beatriz Galofre Dr. Calvin Garland Dr. Spencer Gedestad Dr. Douglas Gedestad Dr. Richard Gere

Dr. Kelly Giannetti Dr. Herbert Gibbs Dr. Quincy Gibbs Dr. Mitchell Goodis Dr. Jennifer Goss Dr. Wayne Grossman Dr. Edi Guidi Dr. Dan Haberman Dr. Gregory Hailey Dr. Nicky Hakimi Dr. Lauren Hanschu Dr. Kerry Hanson Dr. Dan Harlan Dr. Elizabeth Harmon Dr. David Hatcher Dr. Victor Hawkins Dr. Robert Hays Dr. Jagdev Heir Dr. Gregory Heise Dr. Marsha Henry Dr. Tim Herman Dr. Steven Higashi Dr. Carl Hillendahl Dr. Brock Hinton Dr. Craig Hollingsworth Dr. Michael Holm Dr. Mark Holt Dr. Wesley Honbo Dr. Herbert Hooper Dr. Stephen Huppert Dr. Elizabeth Huynh Dr. William Iliff Dr. Richard Jackson Dr. Nidhi Jain Dr. Herb Jensen Dr. Elizabeth johnson Dr. Paul Johnson Dr. David Jolkovsky Dr. Terrence Jones Dr. Daniel Jones Dr. Russell Jones Dr. Bryan Judd Dr. Lynn Judd Dr. Robert Katibah Dr. Paul Katz Dr. David Keating Dr. Kevin Keating Dr. Richard Keilson Dr. Sidney Kelly Dr. Richard Kennedy Dr. Neelofar Khan Dr. Peter Kim Dr. David Knepshield Dr. Michael Koch Dr. Beverly Kodama Dr. Greg Kolber

Are you a member of our Foundation? It only costs $75 a year to be a member of our Foundation. Email us at sdds@sdds.org to become a member and make a difference. Thank you for supporting the Foundation!

32 | The Nugget • Sacramento District Dental Society

Dr. Matthew Korn Dr. Kevin Kurio Dr. Laurie LaDow Dr. Lisa Laptalo Dr. Larry Larsen Dr. Harry Lawrence Dr. Leland Lee Dr. Gordon Lee Dr. Grace Lee Dr. Alan Leider Dr. Steve Longoria Dr. David Lopes Dr. Carol Lopez-Shams Dr. L. Neil Loveridge Dr. Donald MacDonald Dr. Prehus Magdangal Dr. Janine Ma-Golding Dr. Abdon Manaloto Dr. William Marble Dr. Greg Maroni Dr. Rick Mathews Dr. Jennifer Mathisen Dr. Warren McWilliams Dr. James Meinert Dr. Tim Mickiewicz Dr. Glen Middleton Dr. David Miller Dr. Dwight Miller Dr. Dan Miyasaki Dr. Michael Miyasaki Dr. Matthew Molitor Dr. Edward Montalbo Dr. Rhonda Montalbo Dr. Jack Moore Dr. Kathryn Ann Moore Dr. Kenneth Moore Dr. Sydney Moore Dr. Megan Moyneur Dr. Steve Murphy Dr. James Musser Dr. Greg Nahorney Dr. Amir Neshat Dr. Daniel Nolan Dr. James Oates Dr. Jack Oates Dr. Michael O'Brien Dr. Kevin O'Dea Dr. Gregory Olsen Dr. Kevin O'Neill Dr. John Oshetski Dr. Stephen Ott Dr. Gregory Owyang Dr. David Park Dr. Viren Patel Dr. Michael Payne Dr. James Peck Dr. Joel Pedersen Dr. Patrick Penney Dr. Josh Perisho Dr. Flaviane Petersen Dr. Stacey Peters-Nelson Dr. Dennis Peterson Dr. Robert Phillips Dr. Paolo Poidmore Dr. Mark Porco Dr. Robert Pretel Dr. Jean Rabadam Dr. Alan Rabe

Dr. Mojtaba Radi Dr. Darryl Ragland Dr. Hana Rashid Dr. Ibtisam Rashid Dr. Ronald Rasi Dr. Gabrielle Rasi Dr. Paul Raskin Dr. Joseph Rawlins Dr. Justin Reich Dr. Sean Rhee Dr. Bevan Richardson Dr. Lindsey Robinson Dr. Leon Roda Dr. Donald Rollofson Dr. Christy Rollofson-Porrino Dr. Jeffrey Rosa Dr. Nicholas Rotas Dr. Sean Roth Dr. Ronald Rott Dr. Brian Royse Dr. Benton Runquist Dr. Navneet Sahota Dr. John Santamaria Dr. Cherag Sarkari Dr. William Schaedler Dr. Christopher Schiappa Dr. Pam Schmidt Dr. Howard Shempp Dr. Richard Shipp Dr. Stephanie Shore Dr. James Silverman Dr. Walter Skinner Dr. William Sloan Dr. Norman Spalding Dr. Joelle Speed Dr. Terri Speed Dr. Charles Stamos Dr. David Steinberg Dr. Visse Storm Dr. Jeffrey Sue Dr. Vickie Sullivan Dr. Damon Szymanowski Dr. Richard Talbot Dr. Art Tanimoto Dr. Larry Templin Dr. R. Bruce Thomas Dr. H. Scott Thompson Dr. Robert Tilly Dr. J. Alex Tomaich Dr. Pedram Towfighi Dr. Leo Townsend Dr. Loc Tran Dr. Kelvin Tse Dr. Glen Tueller Dr. Greg Tuttle Dr. Chirag Vaid Dr. Ashima Vaid Dr. Lucy Valencia Dr. Asvin Vasanthan Dr. Chang Vong Dr. Thomas Wagner Dr. Kim Wallace Dr. Melvin Walters Dr. Wayne Walters Dr. Glen Warganich-Stiles Dr. Ernest Watson Dr. Russell Weaver Dr. Russell Webb

Dr. Cynthia Weideman Dr. Richard Whitaker Dr. Mark White Dr. Gregory Wilcox Dr. Ryan Wilgus Dr. Michael Wilson Dr. Ian Wong Dr. Kenneth Wong Dr. Bingson Wong Dr. Dennis Wong Dr. Timothy Wong Dr. Daniel Woodson Dr. Janice Work Dr. Peter Worth Dr. Jamson Wu Dr. Rosemary Wu Dr. Thomas Yamamoto Dr. Bradley Yee Dr. H. Wesley Yee

Associate Members

Comel Ahmad Irene Campbell Thomas Chandler Peggy Daft Donna Drury-Klein Fechter & Company Leslie Fong Julie Handy Craig Harris Karen Harris Mary Ann Harris Margaret Jackson Marion Jones Kathy Jones Linda Judd Joe Kalinowski Sue Keating Leigh Kurio Cookie Lawrence Deborah Lee Steve Leininger Cathy Levering Ann Peck Gayle Peterson Mary Robbins Kim Stiles Sheri Sue Annette Tomaich Karen Walters Ruby Yu


The gift I have been given goes far beyond simply fixing my smile - it is essentially a second chance to enjoy life, a fresh start. - Melissa Gandy (work done by Dr. Robert Daby)

Sir Enamel fights the Sugar Bugs ...always a crowd pleaser in our elementary schools. - SCUSD School Nurse

Doing Smiles For Kids has created a passion for helping others within our SDDS dental community. - Dr. Pam DiTomasso


www.sdds.org • May 2017

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Foundation of the Sacramento

A charitable 501-C3 organization

District Dental Society

Foundation Grants Exceed $1 Million Mark! The SDDS Foundation began applying for grants in 2003, with the ADA Foundation (chaired by Dr. Art Dugoni) granting our very first grant of $15,000 for our Smiles for Kids program. Now, 14 years later, we have received a total of $1,109,500 in grants and have been blessed to be recognized by some wonderful Foundations and organizations. Their support helps us continue to do the good work our Foundation is known to do! Particularly, we would like to recognize and thank those organizations whose continued support has been an integral part of the success of our programs. Del E. Webb Foundation $45,000 Total granted to the Foundation for both the SFK and the SFBK projects. Last year, the Del E. Webb named SDDS Foundation as one of the “top charities” in the country and has been so very generous giving us grants for both SFK and Smiles for Big Kids (SFBK).

Thank you!

Smiles for BIGKids

Sutter Health / Sac Sierra / Foundation $50,000 Total granted to the Foundation for the SFK project. Sutter has supported our SFK programs, our puppet shows, and other Foundation projects for years. Sacramento Region Community Fund $31,000 This organization has supported us since 2004 and continues to recognize the work we do in our community. Patterson Foundation $23,400 This Foundation supports our Foundation and recognizes the dentists who participate in our programs and projects for the community. With their help, our Foundation is able to provide recognition and support for the doctors who volunteer their time and talents to our programs.

California Wellness $150,000 We also thank and recognize this Foundation, who awarded the SDDS Foundation with the largest grant ever (a 3 year great for SFBK to help pay for lab costs for prosthetics for the adults of our community). With their support, we are continuing to provide much needed prosthetics without our member doctors having to be “out of pocket.” We look forward to the final year of the grant funding – much good has been done. And finally, as seen on the table at the bottom of page 35, our success can’t go without mentioning other organizations and the impact we have done collaboratively: the CDA Foundation, Sierra Health Foundation, and Dignity Health who supported our programs in the past. Particularly, Dignity recognized our programs in the past and granted us a total of $160,000. So, needless to say, we have been so fortunate and blessed… thanks to our doctors who can help us take care of all the patients in need. 

to our Smiles For Kids and Smiles for Big Kids Grantors and Sponsors!

The Del E. Webb Foundation (DEWF) named SDDS and the Foundation an “Exceptional Organization” in 2014. The DEWF Board of Directors went through their records for the past 10 years and found 22 exceptional organizations out of the 1,024 they had dealt with in that time. All these organizations “have at least one grant unanimously approved by all DEWF board members, have outstanding management and leadership commitment, provide consistent excellent service to a great many people and make excellent use of the funds received.”

34 | The Nugget • Sacramento District Dental Society


A few words from some of Our Big Kids Patients ...confident employee I feel like a confident employee now, and that makes a huge difference.

...rewarding and fulfilling...

It is so rewarding and fulfilling to have a job. I feel like I can be someone that my children look up to—like a productive member of society. I feel like a completely different person.

- Patty, treated by Dr. Mark Kujiraoka

- Heather, treated by Dr. Stephanie Shore

so very grateful...

I am so very grateful to The Sacramento District Dental Society for finding a dentist to fix my teeth and give me back my self-esteem and make my smile bigger and brighter than it has ever been. - Evangeline, treated by Dr. Chirag Vaid

...it feels great

I got my tooth problem fixed up today and it feels great. I really appreciate it! -Ramiro, treated by Dr. Paul Denzler



Amount Awarded

ADA Foundation 2014. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . $10,000 2003. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . $15,000 ADA Foundation - Harris Grant 2010. . . . . . . . . . . . 1T1B. . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 California Endowment 2010. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 California Wellness Foundation 2015. . . . . . . . . . . . SFBK. . . . . . . . . . $150,000 CDA Foundation 2011. . . . . . . . . . . . SFBK. . . . . . . . . . . $10,000 2010. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . $10,000 2008. . . . . . . . . . . . SFBK. . . . . . . . . . . $10,000 2007. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . . $9,250 Henry Schein Supplies Grant/CDA Foundation 2014. . . . . . . . . . SFK/SFBK. . . . . . . . . $50,000 2013. . . . . . . . . . SFK/SFBK. . . . . . . . . $50,000 2012. . . . . . . . . . SFK/SFBK. . . . . . . . . $50,000 2010. . . . . . . . . . SFK/SFBK. . . . . . . . . $50,000 2008. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . $50,000 CHW / Dignity Community Grants 2012. . . . . . . . . . . SFK/BK. . . . . . . . . . $50,000 2011. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . $40,000 2010. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 2009. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 2008. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . $20,000 CPS Community Action Network 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500 Del Webb Foundation 2016. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . $20,000 2014. . . . . . . . . . . . SFBK. . . . . . . . . . . $25,000

Year Received


Amount Awarded

Delta Dental 2011. . . . . . . . . . . . SFBK. . . . . . . . . . . $20,000 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . $10,000 First 5 Children's Coalition/ Cover the Kids 2006. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . $22,500 Kaiser Community Benefit 2012. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . $20,000 Patterson Foundation 2016. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . $10,000 2014. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . $13,400 Ronald McDonald House Charities 2014. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500 2009. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . $10,000 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . . $6,667 Rotary Club of Sacramento/ Bids for Kids (BFK) 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . $65,725 Rumsey Community Fund 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500 Sacramento Region Community Foundation/ Give Something Back Fund 2006. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . . $1,054 2005. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . . $1,216 Sacramento Region Community Foundation/ Knapp Fund 2016. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 2015. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 2014. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000 2013. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 2012. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000 2011. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000 2010. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000 2009. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000


Year Received


Amount Awarded

Sacramento Region Community Foundation/ Knapp Fund (continued) 2008. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000 2007. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000 Sacramento Region Community Foundation/ Luchetti Fund 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . . $3,333 Sierra Health Foundation 2008. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . $32,863 2005. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . $122,000 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . $10,000 2003. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . $10,000 Sutter Health Sac Sierra Region (sponsorship, not grant) 2016. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500 2015. . . . . . . . . . . SFK/1T1B. . . . . . . . . . $2,500 2014. . . . . . . . . . . . GALA . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500 2014. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500 2012. . . . . . . . . . . SFK/1T1B. . . . . . . . . $40,000 Teichert Foundation 2009. . . . . . . . . . . . SFBK. . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 United Concordia 2016. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500 2015. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500 2014. . . . . . . . . . . . . SFK. . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500 Wells Fargo 2013. . . . . . . . . . . SFK/BK. . . . . . . . . . . $5,000

TOTAL GRANTS RECEIVED $1,109,500 www.sdds.org • May 2017

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