August/September 2012 Nugget

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August / September 2012

PAPERLESS OFFICE Inside: Time to Shred? PLUS: 2012-2013 Program







Table of Contents


August/september 2012 Volume 58, Number 7

Features 7

Paperless Office Challenges Garrett Guess, DDS (Reprinted with permission from San Diego County Dental Society)


Stop Making Paper! Larry Emmott, DDS


Stop Making Paper Copies of Digital Radiographs Teresa Pichay (CDA Practice Analyst)


Ten Myths about Paperless Dentistry Linda Piccinni, RDA & Bruce Stephensen, DDS, FAGD

Specials 15

SDDS Upcoming Events— Save the Dates!!


2013 Elections — SDDS Slate of Leadership


2013 Elections — SDDS Foundation Slate of Leadership


License Denial or Suspension for Failure to Pay Taxes (Reprinted with permission from OSHA Review)


SDDS 2012-2013 Calendar of Events — Sign up Today!!


Search Engines and What They Think of Your Websites Garrett Guess, DDS (Reprinted with permission from San Diego County Dental Society)

Regulars 4 5 6 15 13 14 19 19 20 22 27 28-29 30-31 31 32 33 34 35-37 36 38 39 40

President’s Message From the Editor’s Desk Cathy’s Corner Time to Shred? In Memoriam Letter To the Editor Committee Corner Committee Meetings Scheduled Foundation Page Trustee Report Link of the Month YOU: The Dentist… the Employer Vendor Members Vendor Member Spotlights We’re Blowing Your Horn! Volunteer Opportunities Advertiser Index Membership Update Back in Time — Can you identify this SDDS member? Event Highlights Classified Ads SDDS Calendar of Events

The Nugget is a four-time International College of Dentists Journalism Award Winner: Golden Pen (Honorable Mention, 2007) Article or series of articles of interest to the profession

Outstanding Cover (2007) Remarkable cover

Overall Newsletter (2007) Exceptional publication overall

Platinum Pencil (2010) Outstanding use of graphics

PLUS a 20 Award 12

To be An n In Octoobunced er!

* featured on cover • August / September 2012 |


President’s Message Why SDDS is a

Great Component SDDS has been very busy with many accomplishments to our credit this year. We are sticking to our 2012 updated Strategic Plan and have many irons in the fire with exceptional players. This is a short version update! We started off this year making the Access to Care issue in California our primary concern. This came about because of a great divide in understanding the perceived problem and the proposed direction for the solution passed at the November 2011 CDA HOD. A special session of the CDA House of Delegates was called in March and the issues on the table were settled by passing a Substitute Resolution regarding Mid-Level Providers. The entire session was devoted to answering questions and clarifying concerns of delegates. At the end of the day all 32 CDA Components were more unified and, while there were remaining questions to be answered by future research, CDA spoke with one voice. In the recent past, momentum has been building to spread the word to everyone that infants should have their first dental visit at least by their first birthday or whenever their first tooth appears, whichever occurs first (1T1B). Dr. Guy Acheson leads the task force and is now carrying out the accepted plan. All providers in our medical and dental Communities and facilities were targeted and much progress has been made in getting the word out and getting the work done. There is much more to be done to keep the effort on a continuous and perpetual basis. Another very important area of concern, which also falls under Goal 3 of our SDDS Strategic Plan, is the very poor oral health of our geriatric community and what we can do about it. Dr. Viren Patel was appointed Chair of the task force charged with coming up with a plan to best “fix” the problem. The accepted plan is very detailed and Viren has agreed to


By Victor Hawkins, DDS

be the Chair of the workgroup to carry it out. The plan involves contacting geriatric care facilities, teaching best oral health practices where they can be sustained in spite of the high turnover rate of staff members and addressing all the problems that occur in between. Great strides are being made. Drs. Terry Jones and Kim Wallace continue their many years advocating for fluoridation of all drinking water. They both have taken many hours from their respective dental practices to attend County and City Board meetings, water district meetings along with First 5 Sacramento County Commission meetings to name just a few. They both are tireless in their efforts. Considering the cut backs on both state and local funds for such projects, we are making great headway. As a side note, Dr. Jones was recently appointed as the Chair of the First 5 Children’s Dental Task Force. Congratulations Dr. Jones!

Drs. Terry Jones and Kim Wallace continue their many years advocating for fluoridation of all drinking water. Amalgam separators in dental offices is a concern for all of us. Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District is governed by a EPA discharge permit that dictates the quality of water discharged into the Sacramento River. In 2010 SRCSD was charged with reducing the annual mercury load by 65%. Installing amalgam separators in dental offices is the best management practice to accomplish this. SRCSD is looking to the DENTAL COMMUNITY to continue to be GOOD STEWARDS of the ENVIRONMENT and VOLUNTARILY put amalgam separators in

| The Nugget • Sacramento District Dental Society

their offices sooner rather than later. EPA has put its final ruling on hold, but it will have a proposal in 2013 and a final ruling in 2014. Since dental drains have been measured to have more than 400% higher mercury level content than residential areas, you are encouraged to install the separators as soon as possible. SDDS members who practice Best Management Practices will receive a Sacramento Area Sustainable Business Certificate if they fulfill the requirement and apply to the Business and Environment Resources Center. SDDS COMMITTEES are humming along full speed ahead. • CE COMMITTEE, under the leadership of Dr. Jonathan Szymanowski, has all speakers and CE courses nailed down through 2013 including Midwinter 2013 - “A Year of Good...”. Your verbal and online survey participation has been a great help to the committee for getting YOU what YOU want. • ETHICS COMMITTEE, under the leadership of Dr. Volkmar Felahy, has created an “Ethics Corner” for the NUGGET, a “collection of pearls” for us all. • PEER REVIEW COMMITTEE, under the leadership of Drs. Bryan Judd and Brett Peterson, met with all 22 committee members. Three new members were introduced. The number of new cases is down, as reported. • CPR COMMITTEE, under the leadership of Dr. Margaret Delmore, is AHA certified for all instructors and they are up to speed with all of the recent AHA changes to the BLS-CPR protocol. There is much more going on every day at SDDS but the above is an overview of the current focus by the various mentioned commitments. If you have any interest in being involved with SDDS leadership, please speak up! 

From the Editor’s desk Technology:

NO Longer Optional

Today, it rare to find any business that isn’t computerized. Restaurants, bars, nightclubs, bowling alleys, auto-mechanics, health spas, hair salons and Wal-Mart are fully utilizing technology to their advantage. Most of our patients leave their hi-tech work place to visit our offices for treatment; yet, many dental offices are still in the dark ages when it comes to technology. The extent of technology in these offices is sometimes limited to a front desk computer to keep track of accounts. Everything else, including scheduling, charting, X-rays and forms are handwritten and analog. More and more dental schools are now fully digital and paperless. Medicare is mandating electronic medical records for our medical colleagues by 2014. It’s just a matter of time before dentistry will have to comply. I first considered going fully digital when I had a busy practice in San Jose some 15 years ago. After adding up the costs involved, the time required of me, the staff re-training, and the disruption and loss of production involved during the learning curve, I backed off. When I relocated to Roseville some 10 years ago and set-up a scratch practice (against all common sense, by-the-way), it was a perfect opportunity to take full advantage of technology. I invested in digital X-rays, digital panoramic, a wireless digital camera and software capable of handling a paperless, chartless and even front desk-less office. With hardly any patients, I had plenty of time to learn the system. A paperless office has many advantages: instant in-house and remote access to patient

Associate Editor

records and office documents, efficient storage, sorting and retrieving of information, A/R management, appointment control, electronic appointment confirmation, legible documents, reduced need for storage space (100 years of records can be stored in a cell phone sized external HD), practice data available for marketing and trend analysis, simplified communication with other providers, the ability to integrate emerging technology to existing systems (smart-phones, iPads, etc.), ability to print images and charts for insurance billing, ability to email records to other providers and projecting a state-ofthe-art image to patients.

portion of my software and my hardware. In addition, I pay for electronic claims, electronic billing and internet access. Backup of all data is essential. I purchased mirrored hard drives on my server, a weekly external hard drive back-up and a daily portable external hard drive that I take home every night. I am

We live in a fast and furious world today. Staying current with technology is no longer optional.

As a scratch practice, I did not feel I needed a front desk manager and, 10 years later, I am still “front-desk-less.” I can’t find a good reason to have that additional payroll expense when most of the front desk duties are carried out with a few simple clicks of the mouse. Even my billing tasks are now fully automated and with one click of the mouse, my statements are printed, sorted, stuffed and mailed remotely for less than a dollar per statement. Recently, my collections agency installed a software program that integrates with Dentrix in managing delinquent accounts for collections, again with just a click of the mouse.

considering online remote back up (Cloud), but that adds additional costs. Although my computer salesman told me the computers I purchased in 2003 would last forever and carry hundreds of dental offices (haven’t we all heard that before), I am now forced to replace and upgrade my computer hardware every three to five years, just to keep up with Bill Gates! In keeping up with Starbucks, I recently added Wi-Fi (for an additional fee) as a free service to my patients. I’m looking into digital impression systems, Cerec and possibly an electronic kiosk for patient checkins. When will it end?

Of course, paperless is not without its own set of unique problems. The cost of tech support became an important part of my fixed overhead. I pay for three levels of tech support including my software, the image

We live in a fast and furious world today. Staying current with technology is no longer optional. In the words of Thomas Paine, dentists will need to “Lead, Follow, or Get Out Of the Way!” 

November 1, 2012

By Alexander Malick, DMD, FAGD

January 23, 2013

march 13, 2013

april 10, 2013

Plus a Mega Hit coming in June 2013! Stay tuned for more details! • August / September 2012 |


Cathy’s Corner Keeping It

In Perspective

Sacramento District Dental Society Amador • El Dorado • Placer • Sacramento • Yolo


By Cathy B. Levering

SDDS Executive Director

I write this sitting in the airport in Chicago, having just attended the ADA Management Conference. This conference always invigorates me; it is the chance to get together with other executive directors of dental societies, state dental associations and fellow dental foundation executive directors. It is also a chance to find out the latest in organized dentistry, and to glean lots of great ideas to bring back to our dental society. That said, this year was even better than I expected! I had the chance to blow the SDDS horn quite a bit. I introduced our Smiles for Kids project to the new ADA Foundation Executive Director, Mr. Gene Wurth – he had no idea that our project was as big as it was. While ADA sponsors the Gives Kids a Smile Program (it is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year), he was amazed that our SFK is in its 22nd year and that we do as much as we do in one community! (We received our very first grant for SFK from the ADA Foundation in 2003, thanks to Dr. Art Dugoni, the chair of the Foundation at that time.)

President — Victor Hawkins, DDS Immediate Past President — Wai Chan, DDS President Elect / Treasurer — Gary Ackerman, DDS Secretary — Kelly Giannetti, DMD, MS Editor — James Musser, DDS Executive Director — Cathy Levering


Nancy Archibald, DDS Wallace Bellamy, DMD Jennifer Goss, DDS Dan Haberman, DDS, MS Carl Hillendahl, DDS Beverly Kodama, DDS Viren Patel, DDS Kim Wallace, DDS

Board of Directors

Kevin Keating, DDS, MS Robert Gillis, DMD, MS CE: Jonathan Szymanowski, DMD, MMSc CPR: Margaret Delmore, MD, DDS Ethics: Volki Felahy, DDS Foundation: Robert Daby, DDS Leadership Development: Wai Chan, DDS Membership: Lisa Laptalo, DDS Peer Review: Bryan Judd, DDS / Brett Peterson, DDS

In many of the break out meetings, I learned even more of what I already knew - that SDDS is in great shape!

1T1B Medical Outreach: Guy Acheson, DDS Access to Care: Terrence Jones, DDS Amalgam: Wai Chan, DDS / Viren Patel, DDS Dental Careers Workgroup: Robin Berrin, DDS Budget & Finance Advisory: Gary Ackerman, DDS Bylaws Advisory: Wai Chan, DDS Fluoridation Advisory: Kim Wallace, DDS Forensics Advisory: Mark Porco, DDS / George Gould, DDS Geriatric Outreach: Viren Patel, DDS Legislative: Mike Payne, DDS, MSD / Gabrielle Rasi, DDS Strategic Planning Advisory: Gary Ackerman, DDS

• we have a strong and growing membership (which is NOT the norm); • we have a strong group of leaders and upcoming members

Golf Tournament: Damon Szymanowski, DMD SacPAC: Matt Campbell, Jr., DDS Smiles for Kids: Donald Rollofson, DMD

interested in being part of leadership;

• our new members are interested in being involved, we engage our retiring members more than most;

• our financial status is sound; we have reserves; • our members seem to be happy! But, just as all the markers point to a “happy camp” here in Sacramento, it gives us great direction to even go further to be the best for our members – and never be complacent with “things are just peachy!” That said, I learned that we will have to start working harder to educate our members about mercury and amalgam. I asked the question regarding the EPA mandates for mercury and amalgam – SDDS has been following all the delays in the expected requirements for amalgam separators. Dr. O’Loughlin told us that the World Health Organization (WHO) will probably have a mandatory requirement within two years (AND who can argue with WHO?). As we are working with the corporate dentistry model and how organized dentistry is a benefit for them, so is ADA. We also hashed out Groupon, excise taxes, Twitter, Yelp, Google + and Yahoo – the room is never quiet when executive directors are within! So… the short story is… “We’re on it for you.” The long story is… “We always have been!” Happy end of the summer! 

Trustees Committees Standing

Ad hoc Advisory Task Forces Workgroups

Special Events Other

Nugget Editorial Board

SDDS Staff

James Musser, DDS

Cathy Levering


Paul Binon, DDS, MSD Donna Galante, DMD Alexander Malick, DMD James McNerney, DMD Christy Rollofson, DDS Ash Vasanthan, DDS, MS

Executive Director

Della Yee

Program Manager/ Executive Assistant

Melissa Brown

Publications Coordinator

Lisa Murphy

Member Liaison/ Peer Review Coordinator

Erin Castleberry

Member Liaison/ Smiles for Kids Coordinator

Editors Emeritus: William Parker, DMD, MS, PhD • Bevan Richardson, DDS Advertising rates and information are sent upon request. Acceptance of advertising in the Nugget in no way constitutes approval or endorsement by Sacramento District Dental Society of products or services advertised. SDDS reserves the right to reject any advertisement. The Nugget is an opinion and discussion magazine for SDDS membership. Opinions expressed by authors are their own, and not necessarily those of SDDS or the Nugget Editorial Board. SDDS reserves the right to edit all contributions for clarity and length, as well as reject any material submitted. The Nugget is published monthly (except bimonthly in June/July and Aug/Sept) by the SDDS, 915 28th Street, Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 446-1211. Subscriptions are free to SDDS members, $50 per year for CDA/ADA members and $125 per year for nonmembers for postage and handling. Third class postage paid at Sacramento, CA.

Postmaster: Send address changes to SDDS, 915 28th Street, Sacramento, CA 95816.


| The Nugget • Sacramento District Dental Society

paperless office


office challenges

Many practice management software programs advertise the ability to transform your practice into a paperless office, yet the task of truly becoming paperless can be challenging, despite some impressive technology available today. Often times becoming a paperless office is not due to the inabilities of practice management software itself or to members of the practice team not having sufficient skills or training to utilize their software to its fullest potential. Instead, one of the greatest challenges in trying to be a paperless office lies with the interaction with patients that might have missed the “technology train,” either due to age, interest or expense. As a fan of technology, and having the ability to create my own software to adapt to the needs of my practice and patients, I still have significant difficulty keeping paper out of the practice when it comes to a treating a wide variety of patients. What can be done about paper that comes into the practice, like medication lists from patients, referral slips, specialist reports, or insurance documents? Managing these types of papers is simple thanks to some of the advanced document scanners available on the market today. One example is the Fujitsu ScanSnap which can scan both sides of a page of paper in full color in about 2 seconds and create a small sized PDF file that can be inserted into a patient’s chart. It is a $500 scanner that permits rapid feeding of the document(s) versus the older flat-bed type

By Garrett Guess, DDS

Reprinted with permission from San Diego County Dental Society

scanners that take up significant desk space and are slow and inefficient to use and usually create very large files that unnecessarily take up significant storage space. I personally utilize this scanner to digitize all papers that patients bring into the office, or for any paper having to do with patients that is received in the mail. By scanning all documents with something like this scanner, I can give patients back the paper they brought or shred papers that are no longer necessary once a PDF is created. While the scanner is relatively expensive compared to other models available, the space savings and quality scans it creates makes it worth the investment. In my case, this particular scanner has been working flawlessly since the day I purchased it, which was about eight years ago. Another challenge in being paperless lies with the elimination of paper forms that patients use for data entry, like new patient registration forms and medical history questionnaires. It would be nice if patients would sit in front of a computer and directly enter in their contact and medical information, but most of my colleagues utilize a paper form that a patient fills out, then that information is transferred by a staff member into the practice management software’s database. Options beyond paper forms involve utilizing webbased forms that patients can fill out ahead of time which saves in-office clerical work but increases information security risks. Other

options involve utilizing newer hardware such as an iPad that the patient receives upon entering the office that has software to guide them through the registration process. Beyond the wow-factor, the old “tried and true” paper and pen still remains the quickest and most recognized method for patients to register and complete various forms encountered in a dental practice. It might take an older patient 30 minutes to fill out the first of several forms even on a well-designed software program on an Apple iPad compared to half the time using pen and paper. The patient’s familiarity with various forms of technology remains a significant hindering factor which might seem surprising in this day and age of inexpensive and easy to use computing devices. In a practice where patients need to thoroughly complete numerous forms, it still seems far more effective to have them fill out the form with all of their mental acuity versus trying to additionally instruct them on how to use a new gadget they may have never seen before. While being on the cutting edge certainly has its appeal, depending on your patient demographics some tasks like patient data gathering can still be best accomplished using a pen and paper. With the technology of the document scanners available, however, these forms can be efficiently digitized to keep your practice heading in a paperless direction. 

In a recent SDDS member survey...

“ Is Your office




Yes, we are 100% paperless



Partially Paperless. In transition!



NO, we still operate with all paper charts and forms • August / September 2012 |


paperless office

Stop Making PAPER!

By Larry Emmott, DDS It is a truth universally acknowledged that in order for a dental office to go paperless, you must stop making paper.

There are five items an office must have to go paperless:

Seems so obvious; yet it is the biggest problem most dental offices face when attempting to make the transition from paper charts to electronic records. They often have all the basic elements in place to create paperless records but are unsure about what to do next. Here is the answer.

network with computers 1 Aincomplete all the treatment rooms and

any other area where charts were viewed such as the doctor’s office

Practice Management 2 Integrated Software Radiography (Other digital 3 Digital diagnostics like photos or the

Once the system to create all the digital information is in place, you simply stop making paper. Everything new is electronic; everything from the past is paper. One of the common mistakes dentists make with electronic charting is that they only go part way. For example: The office may use a paper chart in the treatment room during diagnosis to mark future treatment. Then they take the paper chart to the computer and enter everything again. They will use the computer to create an estimate, insurance forms and schedule. Then they will go back to the paper chart to enter procedure notes, back to the computer to take a payment, back to paper for a prescription, back to the computer for the next appointment then back to paper to check the x-rays.

Florida Probe are nice but not essential to paperless. Digital radiographs are essential.)

Suite for word processing 4 Business and e-mail 5 Scanner

The best way to get Going Paperless Training is to hire a trainer to come to your office. However, do not allow the trainer to set the agenda. If you want to go paperless you need to ask the trainer to teach the dentist and staff how to do the following: Set up CDT Codes with fees, etc. Create extra codes for things like crown delivery or suture removal l Create and set up progress notes l Enter everything on the digital chart you used to enter on the paper chart l Existing restorations, conditions such as decay or fracture, treatment to be done, perio conditions and all the rest l Set up and create prescriptions, lab slips l Scan papers and store them in the record l Import data from other applications l Export data from the chart l Merge data from the chart to a document l Bridge to other data or applications such as photos or radiographs l l

Sometimes we miss the obvious, and “can’t see the forest for the trees.” The “trees” are the individual processes that can be used to create digital information. The forest is the paperless record. If all you see are trees, then you might use an electronic chart for treatment planning but make progress notes on paper. The tendency is to concentrate on individual processes or technologies without integrating the process into the whole. What the office ends up with is a mess. Everything is done at least twice and the paper chart is still needed since no one is ever sure if something is on paper or in the computer. As a result, the computer chart doesn’t save time and money it makes things worse. If you have these items you have everything you need except knowledge. Basic training on using your Practice Management System is not enough. You need to have Going Paperless Training.


Note: Training day is not doctor golf day. The dentist must attend this training session. Examine what you are now storing on paper. Generally the items in the chart fall in one of four categories: personal, financial, treatment or diagnostic. You will need a system to create all

| The Nugget • Sacramento District Dental Society

of these items in a digital format. The leading practice management systems like Dentrix or Eaglesoft are designed to do just that. They will create and store most of the items in the personal financial and treatment categories. To create digital diagnostic information, the practice will need a digital x-ray system, a digital camera with image management software and a digital perio probing and chart system like the Florida Probe or possibly the Dental Rat. The only paper items left are what the rest of the world sends. That is paper from insurance companies, specialists, dental labs, other dentists and finance companies. How the heck can you have a paperless office if the world keeps sending you paper? Simply scan it. When some paper arrives that should be kept in the patient record such as a follow up letter from a specialist, the office administrator opens the letter, puts it on the scanner and within seconds the letter is copied into the patient record. The original paper is then shredded. Scanning is a good solution for now, but it won’t be long before we will be using the Internet for all the bits of paper we are still sending and receiving like referrals, EOBs, and correspondence. Another mistake is to gather digital information, such as photographs, but store it in separate software that is not part of the patient’s digital record. To be most effective, the digital information must be all part of the same record using either a fully integrated system or linking each system using computer bridges. Time and again the dental office has everything in place to go paperless but they still make paper just because that is the way they have always done it. Overcoming the inertia of change is frequently the most difficult task of going paperless, stop making paper. The future is coming and it will be amazing!  Dr. Larry Emmott is the leading authority on dental high tech and one of the most entertaining speakers in dentistry. He is also a writer and consultant. To find out about his high-tech training programs, Technology Guides and other services call 866-500-4985 or visit

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paperless office

Stop Making Paper

Copies of Digital Radiographs Warning: This post may be read as a lecture for some. If your office is making paper copies of digital radiographs of questionable readability--just stop. Rules will go into effect later this year that require health care providers who maintain electronic records to give a patient an electronic copy of his or her record if an electronic format is requested. This is a good time for you and your staff to learn how to create an electronic copy of a digital radiograph and to determine how to securely transmit it. One of the most common questions I hear is, what are the requirements for a dental office to provide copies of radiographs that are of diagnostic quality? The answer is, no specific

law on the quality of radiograph copies exists. It is a dentist’s professional responsibility to provide information that is beneficial for the patient’s future treatment. The CDA Code of Ethics states, “Upon request of a patient or another dental practitioner, dentists shall provide any information in accordance with applicable law that will be beneficial for the future treatment of the patient.” If a patient requests a copy of radiographs, a dental office should make every effort to make copies that can be read by another dentist. In recent months, I have advised dentists who have called complaining about the copies to either discuss the matter directly with the other dentist or to have the patient request an electronic copy of the radiographs.

By Teresa Pichay CDA Practice Analyst

The ADA recently announced the release of guidelines for the secure electronic transmission of digital radiographs and photographs. California does not have a separate standard for transmission of digital images. Dentists should confer with their respective practice management and digital imaging software representatives to learn how to securely duplicate and transmit digital images.  Teresa Pichay is a Practice Analyst at the California Dental Association. She can be reached at or at (916) 554-5990.

Sacramento District Dental Society presents the 33rd Annual MidWinter Convention & Expo

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good speakers!

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| The Nugget • Sacramento District Dental Society

confirmed speakers as of 7/20/2012


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paperless office

Ten Myths about

paperless dentistry Paperless Dentistry is happening. It is either going to happen to you or you can make it happen for you. You can believe the myths and spend a small fortune on software and gadgets or you can debunk those myths and use some of the easy, free methods suggested here.


“Paperless Dentistry is expensive.” The easiest, most efficient method for achieving paperless dentistry is free! Read the rest of this article to see how.


“It’s illegal.” Quite the contrary, the government is encouraging computerized records. The California Dental Board says the only additional requirement for paperless records is an off-site backup. This is analogous to seat belt laws – you must be kind of crazy not to do it anyway! See item 8 below.


“I need to change practice management software.” If you are using any Windows or Mac management software, most likely you do not need to change. Changing management software, even to an excellent free program like Open Dental, is usually “expensive” in time and hassles. What is required of your current software is a “place” to attach your clinical notes. Virtually all Windows and Mac programs have this. Some older MS-DOS based software may not.

“I will have to scan in all my old patient records.” We think this is an expensive mistake. It is too much work for too little return. We recommend that you slowly phase out your paper charts. You start by putting all your clinical notes in your computer from today forward. You still pull your paper charts when patients come in so you can look up old information. If you are not yet using digital x-rays, you still use your paper charts to store your conventional x-rays. Slowly your need for your old paper charts disappears. Eventually you move them to the basement and ultimately you can shred them. Paperless Dentistry is a process, not an event. This method is less work and free!




“I will need new computers.” If your computers satisfactorily run your current software, you do not have to buy new ones. Paperless Dentistry does not put any additional demands on your computers.


“I will need to learn to type.” Ninety percent of our charting consists of 3-5 keystrokes that “explode” into full sentences or paragraphs. This method uses a feature in MS-Word called “auto-correct” which allows highly customized, accurate and complete progress notes. With a couple more key stokes, these completed, legible, and correctly-spelled notes are pasted into your existing management software. “Hunt and peck” typing works just fine! If you don’t already own a copy of MS-Word, you don’t need to buy one. You can do the same thing with the free MS-Office clone called Open Office. More information and an example of auto-correct explosion charting is available on our website at http://www.paperlessdentistry. com/autocorrect.html


“My staff will hate it.” Once you start actually doing it, your staff will love it. You need to reassure them that they will not have to learn to type because they will be using auto-correct. Their jobs will not only be easier but they will be able to read your progress notes!


“I could lose all my records if my staff doesn’t backup! And backup is so expensive!” The time has long-passed when people should backup data. This task is too important to be jeopardized by human error. It needs to be entirely automatic. Our data is backed up from the server every 10 minutes. Each evening it is also backed up to several other computers in our office and to a free Internet-based service, CrashPlan. This happens every night, unattended and automatically, using another free program, Karen’s Replicator. These two programs also automatically “restore” the data onto the doctor’s home computer. If the office burns to the ground, the data is safe “in the cloud” and on the doctor’s home computer.

| The Nugget • Sacramento District Dental Society

By Linda Piccinini, RDA and Bruce Stephenson, DDS, FAGD

The home computer can become a temporary “server” in a new office location with no loss of time or data. And, of course, it’s all automatic and free! (Patient data should be stored only on encrypted media – including the doctor’s home computer hard drive.)


“It will take too long to chart.” This method of paperless charting is incredibly fast … far faster than pen and paper. In our office, a chairside assistant completes all the charting in the one and a half minutes it takes for a double bite impression to set. By the time the patient leaves the operatory, all the charting is done, the lab slip is completed, the insurance is documented and sent with images and the next appointment is scheduled. On the patient’s way out, the front desk person just has to put down her People Magazine long enough to collect money. Paperless Dentistry is much more efficient than paper-based systems!


“I will have to put computers in all my operatories to be paperless.” You can do all the things we have talked about with only one computer. However, there is no question that you will eventually have computers in each operatory. But remember, this is a process, not an event. It is also not a race. You can smooth the transition by initially using one wirelessly connected notebook moved between ops. Properly installed, modern wireless networks can be secure and work very well. You can find more free articles and information on our non-commercial website at www.; click on the “Free Lunch Counter.” Authors’ Note: The methods discussed present a way but not the only way to become paperless. However, the word “free” appears eleven times in this article. This was not unintentional. Ms. Piccinini is the practice manager and Dr. Stephenson is the managing partner for Nice Teeth Dental, a six doctor small group general practice in San Leandro, CA. They have been paperless since 1994. Ms. Piccinini can be reached at Linda@ or 209-603-9944.

In memoriam PAUL GREEN Paul F. Green, DDS, Col. USAF (Ret.) Found peace on Saturday, December 3, 2011, age 74 years. Dearest husband for 49 years of Gloria (nee Ericksen). Loving dad of Kristin (David) Schalla, Tracy (Eric Fredricksen) Green and the late Joel Green. Proud grandpa of Owen and Lucas. Dear brother of Mary (Dean) Gaffney, Rita (Joe) Bazil, Martha (Bob) Ferrante and the late Beatrice (the late Don) Armando. Also survived by other family and friends.

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Paul graduated in 1962 from the Marquette University School of Dentistry. He proudly served as a dentist for 20 years in the United States Air Force. He served around the country and the world at many different bases, most notably in Germany for 5 years. He was a member of the Alyn W. Butler Post 169, American Legion in Roseville, CA, the Southeast Wisconsin Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America, Knights of Columbus Pere Marquette Council No. 524 and the Bishop Henni Assembly-4th degree Knights of Columbus. A sincere thank you to Dr. Shiva Kumar and the nurses and staff of the 8th floor MRICU at St. Luke’s Medical Center, for your compassion and the loving care you gave Paul and his family. He was a member of SDDS for 23 years. 

YOUR WELL BEING Help is only one step away... We have been helping colleagues cope with alcohol, drug, sexual, gambling, food, spending and other dependencies for many years, offering long-term support and an on-going program of information and education. Our definition of well-being encompasses wholeness and wellness; a returning to centered health in body, mind and spirit. Impairments can jeopardize not only the health of the dental professional but the public safety as well. Dentist Well-Being is nonjudgmental, nonpunitive, completely confidential and sensitive to the fears and denials that can stand in the way of treatment. If you, a colleague or someone on your staff has a problem and/or concern regarding substance abuse or other impairments, please call our private and confidential care line. Your courage may save a life.

SDDS Well-Being Care Line (916) 446-1228

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Member FDIC • August / September 2012 |


Letter to the Editor Sage Advice

You’ll need it someday As I lie here in Mercy Hospital, the most recent recipient of six screws and two titanium rods in my back, I’m reminded of the many articles I’ve previously read about what to do when you become disabled. If you haven’t joined a mutual aid group, please give it serious consideration. Thanks to Jim, Steve, Marcia, Jayson, Wade, George, Les and David for keeping my practice viable. Be sure to review your insurance coverages. What is covered, when does coverage begin and how much will be necessary are all significant points. I was frankly surprised that dental supplies, lab fees, dental repairs are not covered expenses. You have to provide a monthly expenses report to your carrier to justify your monthly coverage. Just gathering the information for bills that are paid annually ( ie. malpractice insurance) and need to be prorated is a major pain. I’m just grateful that I had two weeks to prepare. Finally I’d like to thank Margaret Delmore for her advice and Loche Johnson for his spot-on pre and post op recommendations. 

By Davis Lum, DDS

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| The Nugget • Sacramento District Dental Society

Don’t miss these upcoming events! general meeting september 11, 2012

Sip, Snack and Shred Brought to you by the SDDS Membership Committee

Friday, September 28th 3:00–6:00pm SDDS Office Cost: $0

Sound l

i k e f u n?

Please let us you’re com know ing, using the insert provided.

Enjoy frozen margaritas and happy hour snacks as you get that pesky shredding out of your office and off your to-do list! See insert for more info and to RSVP!

DMD program


MEM BER Nigh t!

predictable anterior aesthetics with implant dentistry


CEU, co re

Presented by: Jeff Brucia, DDS Learning objectives: • Review of the guideline for bridgework vs. implant retained restorations in the aesthetic zone • Review soft tissue concepts for predictable results around implants • Techniques to achieve natural soft tissue contours and transfer to model work for fabrication of definitive restoration 6:00pm–9:00pm • 2 ceu, Core Hilton Sacramento Arden West

See insert for more info & to sign up

Sign up for all 7 General Meetings at once & save!

$379 for the whole year 2 ceu per class! DMD registration deadline: September 21, 2012

By enrolling in the Dedicated Monthly Dentist (DMD) Program, you can …

Prepay … for all seven monthly General Meetings for 2012–2013 with one payment Easily Register … for meetings with a simple fax-back sent to you each month. Help … with SDDS recruitment! If you are unable to attend a particular meeting and can’t

find a replacement, call SDDS and we’ll arrange for a new member to attend in your place.

Save … more than one meeting is free (including paid parking!) when you sign up for DMD • August / September 2012 |


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| The Nugget • Sacramento District Dental Society

* = Served as Chair or Co-Chair of Committee

Gary Ackerman, DDS


General Practitioner • SDDS Member since 1987

Executive Committee (2010–13) • SDDS Board (2005–08) • Foundation Board (2010) Delegate (2004–05, 2007–08, 2009–13) • Smiles for Kids Committee Involvement: Budget & Finance*, CE*, Leadership Development, MidWinter Convention, Strategic Planning* • Other Honors & Positions: CDA Board of Managers, ADA Delegate

Peter Worth, DDS

Board Member

Othodontist • SDDS Member since 1977

SDDS Board (2006–07) Committee Involvement: Membership, Board Size Task Force*

Guy Acheson, DDS

Alternate Delegate (2011) Committee Involvement: 1T1B Task Force*, Access to Care Advisory

Leighty, DDS Kelly Giannetti, DMD, MS President-Elect/Treasurer Steve Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon • SDDS Member since 2008 Orthodontist • SDDS Member since 1999

Executive Committee (2011–13) • SDDS Board (2006–2010) Foundation Board (2000–05, 2011–12) Vice President (2003–04) Delegate (2008–13) • Alternate (2007–08) • Smiles for Kids Committee Involvement: Board Size Task Force, Budget & Finance, Ethics, Leadership Development, Legislative, Policy / Guidelines Task Force, Strategic Plan*

Viren Patel, DDS


General Practitioner • SDDS Member since 1996 SDDS Board (2009–12) • Foundation Board (2001) • Delegate (2009–10) Committee Involvement: Amalgam Advisory, Dental Health, Ethics, Geriatric Work Group, Leadership Development, Leadership Evaluation Task Force*, Membership, Nugget Editorial, Peer Review, Strategic Plan, Student Mentoring Workgroup

Victor Hawkins, DDS

Immediate Past President

General Practitioner • SDDS Member since 1963

Executive Committee (2009–13) • SDDS Board (2005–08) • Foundation Board (2009–10) Delegate (2007–13) • Alternate (2006) • Smiles for Kids Site Host Committee Involvement: CPR* • GMC Task Force • Other Honors & Positions: CDA Council on Continuing Education, CDAF Advisory Board — Northern CA* (past), ADA Alternate Delegate

Dean Ahmad, DDS

Board Member

Periodontist • SDDS Member since 2004

Smiles for Kids Site Host Committee Involvement: CE, CPR, Dental Health*, Ethics, Fluoridation, Forensics Advisory, Geriatric Work Group, Membership

Wallace Bellamy, DMD

Board Member / Delegate

General Practitioner • SDDS Member since 1992

SDDS Board (1999–2003, 2011–12) Delegate (2004) • Alternate (2001, 2003, 2005) • Smiles for Kids Site Host Committee Involvement: Mentor / Mentee Program

Margaret Delmore, MD, DDS

Board Member

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon • SDDS Member since 1992 Committee Involvement: CPR*

Jennifer Goss, DDS Periodontist • SDDS Member since 2007

SDDS Board (2011–12) Committee Involvement: CDA Council on Membership, Fluoridation*, Leadership Development, Leadership Evaluation Task Force, Membership*


Alternate Delegate (2011) Committee Involvement: CE, Peer Review

Kim Wallace, DDS


General Practitioner • SDDS Member since 1975 SDDS Board (2008–12) • Foundation Board (2002–06) • Smiles for Kids Site Host Delegate (2003–04, 2006–07, 2010–11) • Alternate (2002, 2005, 2008–09) Committee Involvement: Dental Care*, Dental Health, Fluoridation Advisory*, Membership • Other Honors & Positions: CDA Council on Membership

Notice of Annual Meeting & Elections SDDS Elections 2006 11, 2006 2012 Elections to be held at General Meeting September 12,


President: Gary Ackerman, DDS President Elect / Treasurer: Kelly Giannetti, DMD, MS Secretary: Viren Patel, DDS Immediate Past President: Victor Hawkins, DDS

Board of Directors

Dean Ahmad, DDS (2013–2014: 1st term) Wallace Bellamy, DMD (2013–2014: 2nd term) Margaret Delmore, MD, DDS (2013–2014: 1st term) Jennifer Goss, DDS (2013–2014: 2nd term) Peter Worth, DDS (2013–2014: 1st term) Existing Board Members continuing 2012–13 term:

Nancy Archibald, DDS • Carl Hillendahl, DDS Beverly Kodama, DDS

Delegates to the CDA House of Delegates (2 year term, 2012–13): Guy Acheson, DDS Wallace Bellamy, DMD (2nd term) Steve Leighty, DDS Viren Patel, DDS Kim Wallace, DDS

Existing Delegates continuing 2011–12 term:

Board Member


General Practitioner • SDDS Member since 1983

Gary Ackerman, DDS • Nancy Archibald, DDS Adrian Carrington, DDS • Wai Chan, DDS Kelly Giannetti, DMD, MS • Victor Hawkins, DDS Beverly Kodama, DDS

Sample Ballot • Sample Ballot

2013 Slate of Leadership

Foundation nominees on next page • August / September 2012 |


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| The Nugget • Sacramento District Dental Society


Committee Corner Geriatric Oral

Health Committee Individuals with disabilities and frail elders are at great risk for dental diseases. Therefore, the Sacramento District Dental Society formed the Geriatric Oral Health Task Force/ Work Group to develop and implement a community outreach program designed to train care-facility personnel oral health practices for the development of a resident specific Daily Mouth Care Plan. By “Training the Trainer,” our program will provide dental education instructional tools for senior staff care-facility members, allowing them the ability to train their own caregivers oral healthcare practices that will help them better attend to the needs of their patients. Are you interested in being part of this group? If so, please contact the SDDS Office. Training will begin in September. 

By Dr. Viren Patel

Chair of Geriatric Workgroup

sdds Committee Meetings (2012): Ethics (6:30pm) Sept 19

1st Tooth or 1st Birthday Task Force (6:30pm) Aug 14 Access to Care Task Force (7:30am) Future Meetings TBA Amalgam Task Force (7:30am) Future Meetings TBA Board of Directors (6:00pm) Sept 4 • Nov 6 Continuing Education (6:00pm) Sept 18 • Oct 30

Foundation (SDDF) (6:15pm) Nov 29 GMC Task Force (3:00pm) Meetings monthly Golf (6:00pm) Future Meetings TBA Mass Disaster / Forensics (6:30pm) Summer 2012 Membership (6:00pm) Sept 26 • Nov 28

CPR (6:00pm) Future Meetings TBA

Nugget Editorial (6:15pm) Sept 25

Dental Careers Workgroup Meetings scheduled as needed

Peer Review (6:15pm) Sept 17 • Nov 27

Committee meetings and more are available 24/7 on the SDDS website. Visit and click the “Calendar” button.


CORNER One patient has a PPO plan, another has a HMO plan, another is self pay, and yet another has Denti-cal. All the patients have identical pressing dental needs. Do you present the same treatment plan with regard to their existing benefit plan? Insurance plans vary widely and they often do not cover all the options for the patients. Section 1D of our dental code of ethics states that” a dentist has the obligation to fully explain proposed treatment, reasonable alternatives, and the risks of not performing treatment to the patient. The dentist shall explain treatment in a manner that

is accurate, easily understood, and allows patients to be involved in decisions affecting their oral health ” In other words, all patients should be presented with all possible treatment options. It is imperative we do our best to educate the patient to the fullest of our ability on their level. This ensures that the patient is making an educated decision relating to his or her treatment. Patients must fully understand the risks involved in the recommended treatment. It is not for the dentist to decide whether a patients’ can afford one treatment over another. It’s the dentists obligation to get informed consent.  • August / September 2012 |


Sacramento district dental society foundation

A charitable 501-C3 organization

Grants received for 2012! Kaiser Permanente Community Benefit

CDA Foundation




to benefit Smiles for Kids® and 1st Tooth OR 1st Birthday

to benefit Smiles for Kids® and 1st Tooth OR 1st Birthday

to benefit Smiles for BIG Kids® s for smile day kids 013 ,2 feb 2

Our Crowns for Kids gold refining program benefitting the Smiles for Kids® program has really picked up speed, thanks to the doctors who have participated!

Our goal is to reach $150,000 by the end of 2012 - will you help? Please remember that your jar does not need to be full to turn crowns in to the program. We will accept all jars, loose gold, half jars, full jars... even if you have only ONE crown, that will work! If you have a jar that needs to be picked up, please contact Jim Ryan with Star Group for a pick-up – (209) 594-5200.

Thank you to all those who have donated so far this year! Guy Acheson, DDS Gary Ackerman, DDS Mark Arena, DDS Damon Boyd, DDS Capitol Periodontal Group Richard Chang, DDS Garth Collins, DDS James Cope, DDS Margaret Delmore, MD, DDS Pamela DiTomasso, DMD Lisa Dobak, DDS Debra Finney, MS, DDS Kasi Franck, DDS Robert Gillis, DMD, MSD


Mitchell Goodis, DDS Edi Guidi, DDS Laurie Hanschu, DDS Victor Hawkins, DDS Jagdev Heir, DMD, MD Greg Heise, DDS Ryan Higgins, DDS Dick Huang, DDS Richard Kennedy, DDS Laurie LaDow, DDS Matthew Lau, DDS Grace Lee, DMD, MD Steve Leighty, DDS Steve Longoria, DDS

Nancy Luu, DDS Lauren Marr, DDS Luis Mendez, DDS Kenneth Moore, DDS Charles Newens, DDS Michael O’Brien, DDS Viren Patel, DDS Stacey Peters-Nelson, DDS Jean Rabadam, DMD Mojtaba Radi, DDS Christy Rollofson, DDS Sacramento Oral Surgery Howard Shempp, DDS Richard Shipp, DDS

| The Nugget • Sacramento District Dental Society

Melvin & Audrey Shore Stefanie Shore, DDS Jonathan Szymanowski, DMD, MMSc Amy Tran, DDS Carl Trubschenck, DDS Hoang Truong, DDS Steven Tsuchida, DDS Glen Tueller, DDS Kim Wallace, DDS Russell Webb, DDS Ian Wong, DDS

Smiles for Kids® kicks off this month with school screenings beginning in September! We anticipate screening 35,000 kids this Fall throughout our five-county area at an estimated 100 local schools. Please consider volunteering to be a screener for this great program – all you need is one free morning or afternoon to do a screening. If you’d like to be added to our list of volunteer screenings docs, please fill out the volunteer sign-up form included in this month’s issue!

Notice of Annual Meeting & Elections Elections to be held at General Meeting September 11, 2012

Foundation Board of Directors Steve Cavagnolo, DDS (2013–2014: 1st term) Viren Patel, DDS (2013) Bevan Richardson, DDS (2013–2014: 1st term) Eligible for another term (2013–14):

Adrian Carrington, DDS Matthew Campbell, Jr., DDS Gordon Harris, DDS Kevin Keating, DDS, MS Kathi Webb, Associate Member Existing Board Members continuing 2012–13 term:

Robert Daby, DDS Debra Finney, MS, DDS Robert Gillis, DMD, MSD Victor Hawkins, DDS Wesley Yee, DDS

Sample Ballot

Dignity Health Community Benefit



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John M. Cahill Associates 

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Trustee Report June 1-2, 2012

By Robert E. Gillis Jr. DMD, MSD

CDA Board of Trustees Minutes and appointment: The Board approved prior meeting minutes and ratifications to presidential appointments including to the Dental Benefits Research Task Force, The Evaluation Committee and guests to the board. 2011 Audit Results: The Board accepts and filed the 2011 audit of CDA and its subsidiaries as conducted by Crowe Horwath LLP. The report indicates all financial affairs are in order. Affinity Online Services Compliance Management Solutions: The Board approved the CDA contract with Affinity Online Services for the purpose of providing statewide well-being monitoring services. Proposed Discounted Disposable Glove Program: The Board approved that CDA endorse the discounted disposable glove program offered through Pure Life Dental. Children’s Dental Health Project: The Board approved an expenditure of $10,000 from the issues fund to support the Children’s Dental Health Project. CDA Officers Compensation Review: The offices and candidates for Secretary recused themselves from the discussion to vote on annual officers compensation stipends approved by the board. Workforce Study Cost Estimates: The Board amended and approved that CDA participates with Pew Research and/or other entities to share costs associated with a workforce study cost estimate. The study details must be consistent with the direction and definition of the workforce study Resolution 156-2012-SH. 13th District Delegation Chair: The Board approved that the president appoint the chair of the delegation for a term of one


year tenure limited to three consecutive terms, appropriate changes to be made to CDA bylaws of the 13th District Delegation. CDA Foundation Funding Request: The Board approved that CDA urge TDIC Insurance Solutions Board of Directors to contribute $250,000 to the CDA Foundation in 2012. Community Water Fluoridation Coalition Funding: The Board approved that CDA support the campaign for Dental Health’s national community water fluoridation efforts with a $10,000 contribution from a fund to be determined by the finance committee. Collection of Dues for Applicants: The Board approved that the CDA bylaws be amended to reflect that applicant dues be collected by CDA. Campaign Guidelines Clarification: The Board approved that officer candidate presentations be limited to speeches, no visual aids will be permitted. The General Operation Principles of the Board of Trustees will be appropriately amended. Volunteer Removal Consideration Proceedings: Defeated in closed session. Discussions: • Process Review Subcommittee update report received in closed session.

Trustee Sacramento District Dental Society

California Dental Board Report: Alan Felsenfeld, DDS reported on a recredentialing site visit to Universidad De Salle Bajio Dental School in Leon, Mexico. This continues an avenue for dental graduates of this school to apply and take the California Dental Board Licensing Examination. In the past seven years, 12 to 15 graduates have taken and passed the examination. Meeting of CDA Executive Committee with vice-president managers of the departments at Delta Dental of California: Mr. DuBois reported the communication to Delta of the “disrespectful performance” of Delta and lack of communication with member dentists. If changes are not forthcoming CDA will entertain action to replace the board of directors at Delta. Only 13% of Delta plans are premier, year-to-date no new premier plans have been sold. Delta is competing with carriers who office “bundled plans” and discount the dental portion. Delta is a stand- alone provider. Delta PPO/HMO is the new Delta. • Report of CDA CPA: Mr. Spinelli noted that of 191,167 dentists in the U.S., 67.3% are ADA members; of 27,813 California dentists 69% are members of CDA. The number of patient visits to dental offices began to decline in 2005. Most dentists graduating from dental school are waiting up to 10 years to go into private practice. 

• California Implication of Oral Health Care: Jennifer Kent from Health Management Associates presented information on the future of government sponsored healthcare in California with a dialogue concerning implication for oral health care. • Updates on Oral Health Literary: Lindsey A. Robinson, DDS presented the Board with activities associated with improving the Oral Health of Californians and the work done by CDA supporting the Ad Council on Oral Health literary nationally.

| The Nugget • Sacramento District Dental Society

SDDS HR hotline:







For more information, contact the Dental Board of California. 




RR Taxpayers.shtml



To view the FTB’s and BOE’s certified lists, go to the following links:



Once it has been determined that an applicant or licensee is on a certified list and notice has been given, the applicant or licensee has 90 days to either satisfy all outstanding tax obligations or enter into a payment installment program with the FTB or BOE. Any applicant or licensee who fails to follow these terms will not be issued an active license.


Enacted by the California Legislature last year, AB 1424 requires the BOE and FTB to each maintain and update a list of the 500 largest tax delinquencies. The lists must include the type, status, and license number of any occupational or professional license held by the person or persons liable for tax payment.


Effective July 1, 2012, the Dental Board of California (DBC) will deny an application for dental licensure and suspend the license/certificate/registration of any applicant or licensee who has outstanding tax obligations due to the California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) or State Board of Equalization (BOE).

It’s easier than you think! The dental technology experts at Pact-One have worked with thousands of clients, integrating state-of-the-art technology and with HITECH/ HIPAA regulations to create secure, paperless, profitable practices. We are here to help you, too. Just give us a call and ask one of our experts about how our chartless and paperless services can help you reach the next level.


Reprinted with permission from OSHA Review


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License Denial or





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916.784.6982 • • August / September 2012 |


september 11

november 1

Predictable Anterior Aesthetics with Implant Dentistry Jeff Brucia, DDS

6:00pm–9:00pm • 2 CEU, core Hilton Sacramento Arden West New Member Night


Document, Discipline and Discharge California Employers Association


• Generation Updates on Restorative Dentistry, Lou Graham, DDS • Battling Biofilm: Leverage the Power



Pay Me or Pay Uncle Sam: Maximize Profits, Minimize Taxes John Urrutia, CPA (Mann, Urrutia, Nelson, CPAs)

Fraud and Embezzlement Craig Fechter, CPA (Fetcher & Co, CPAs)


Dental Forensic Case Files Jim Wood, DDS

october LR

8:30am-3:30pm • 6 CEU, core Hilton Sacramento Arden West The Political Wrangling of Patient Care Dan Walters, Political Columnist

6:00pm–9:00pm • 2 CEU, 20% Hilton Sacramento Arden West

9:00am–1:30pm • 4 CEU, core Crocker Museum — includes museum admission


Licensure Renewal Course: The Dental Board of California requires CPR BLS Renewal (AHA, Red Cross or AGD approved), two hours of Infection Control and two hours of California Dental Practice Act for each license renewal cycle.

Recruitment Night

KEY: 24


= General Membership Meeting •

| The Nugget • Sacramento District Dental Society

CPR Renewal: Basic Life Support (BLS)


8:30am–12:30pm • 4 CEU, core

Wage and HR Traps California Employers Association

3rd Annual Right in Your Own Backyard CE Course: Prostho, Perio, Oral Surgery and Ortho — All for the GP Paul Binon, DDS, MSD Richard Jackson, DDS Cas Szymanowski, DDS Peter Worth, DDS

New Labor Laws for 2013 California Employers Association

Noon-1:00pm • 1 CEU, 20%


Noon–1:00pm • 1 CEU, 20% 16

Practical Methods for Treating Elders in the Community Elisa Chavez, DDS and Christine Miller, RDH

6:00pm–9:00pm • 2 CEU, core Hilton Sacramento Arden West Hygiene Night 17

6:00pm–9:00pm • 2 CEU, core Hilton Sacramento Arden West Staff Night

6:30pm–9:00pm • 2.5 CEU, 20% Hilton Sacramento Arden West



6:30pm–9:00pm • NO CEU

8:30am–3:30pm • 6 CEU, core Double Tree Hotel

Licensure in a Day CA Dental Practice Act, Infection Control, OSHA Refresher Marcella Oster, RDA



8:30am–12:30pm • 4 CEU, core

Sponsored by Dentsply North America


CPR Renewal: Basic Life Support (BLS)

Annual Holiday Party, Foundation Silent Auction & Installation of Officers

6:30pm Del Paso Country Club

6:30pm–9:00pm • 2.5 CEU, core Hilton Sacramento Arden West

of Ultrasonics; Aging Gracefully – Give Them Something to Smile About and Assessing Anesthetic Options for Non Surgical Perio Therapy, Karen Hays, RDH, BS • Six Strategies of Highly Successful Dental Practices, Amy Kirsch



Wow, That is a Temporary Crown! Temporizations Made Easy Wai Chan, DDS and Jim Hillier (Dentsply North America) Sponsored by Dentsply North America

Noon–1:00pm • 1 CEU, 20%






the Year  of Good ... SDDS presents the 33rd Annual SDDS MidWinter Convention and Expo

FEBRUARY 7 & 8, 2013

at the Sacramento Convention Center


= Member Forum (Business Series) •

march 1


Write Your Own Employee Handbook Mari Bradford (California Employers Association)

8:30am–12:30pm • 4 CEU, 20% Course held at CEA office


Associateships, Partnerships, Acquisitions, Oh My! Jason Wood, Esq. (Wood & Delgado)

6:30pm–9:00pm • 2.5 CEU, 20% Hilton Sacramento Arden West


CPR Renewal: Basic Life Support (BLS)



Houston, We Have a Problem­ —IT Security, Data Recovery, HIPAA Compliance Jonathan Szymanowski, DMD,MMSc

8:30am–12:30pm • 4 CEU, core


Lasers in Dentistry– The Art and Science Peter Pang, DDS

Wellness for You & Your Patients: Mind, Body and Emotional Health Stephen Peters, MD

6:00pm–9:00pm • 2 CEU, 20% Hilton Sacramento Arden West Spouse Night




6:00pm-9:00pm • 2 CEU, core Hilton Sacramento Arden West CDA Night


Hiring, Interviewing, Retaining California Employers Association

6:30pm–9:00pm • 2.5 CEU, 20% Hilton Sacramento Arden West


Swing for Smiles Golf Tournament to benefit the SDDS Foundation Empire Ranch Golf Course


Baby Steps: Infant and Preschool Dental Care for the General Practitioner Greg Psaltis, DDS

Noon–1:00pm • 1 CEU, 20%


6:00pm–9:00pm • 2 CEU, core Hilton Sacramento Arden West Foundation Night

Management of Orofacial Pain/ TMD: Evidence vs. Eminence Charles McNeill, DDS, FACD,FICD

5:00pm–9:00pm • 4 CEU, core Double Tree Hotel

Innovate or Hibernate: The Next Step for Your Practice Steve Swafford


CA Dental Practice Act & Infection Control Marcella Oster, RDA

8:30am–12:30pm • 4 CEU, core Hilton Sacramento Arden West

Don’t Forget!

8:30am–1:30pm • 4 CEU, 20% Hilton Sacramento Arden West

Your 2012–13 Program at a Glance details all the info you see here in a convenient pocket-sized format!

program at a glance

For more information on SDDS events, visit:


Fall 2012 3 Spring 201


District Den

tal Societ

june Dental Day at Raley Field RiverCats Game

ntion MidWinter Conve • ings bership Meet General Mem • es Education Cours Continuing • Forums ess Dentists in Busin • es Cours wal Licensure Rene• Courses wal Rene CPR BLS • s Special Event




ndar of events = Continuing Education •

= HR Audio Conference •

= CPR •

= Special Event • August / September 2012 |


You’ve built a practice as exceptional as you are. Now choose the optimum insurance to protect it.

TDIC Optimum Anything but ordinary, Optimum is a professional bundle of products that combines TDIC’s singular focus in dentistry, thirty years of experience and generous multipolicy discounts. Creating the ultimate coverage to protect your practice, perfectly. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.

TDIC Optimum Bundle Professional Liability Building and Business Personal Property Workers’ Compensation Employment Practices Liability

Endorsed by Sacramento District Dental Society

Protecting dentists. It’s all we do. SM

800.733.0633 Eligible multipolicy discounts apply to Professional Liability, Building and Business Personal Property and Workers’ Compensation.

Search Engines and

What they think of your websites As discussed in the previous article, browsing the web for focused content research has changed from going directly to a known website domain name (e.g. to the use of an internet search engine utilizing keywords instead. This trend has changed the way internet websites are designed because the manner in which they are created can have a significant effect on how well a site ranks when a search is performed. have The term “search engine optimization” has become one of the most common sales phrases from web design marketing firms as they tout the ability to design web pages in a way that is more search-engine friendly resulting in a higher search engine ranking. A higher ranked search result means a particular web site link appears as one of the first results listed by a search engine. Since most people look at only the first page of search results, having your web site strategically designed to result in a favorable search engine ranking is currently an important design goal and reason why search engine optimization is the current focus in website design. What does it mean to have your website designed in a way that is search engine optimized? Search engines utilize software programs that are called spiders that constantly obtain and maintain website content and information in a large database. When a content search is performed by a search engine website, the search engine computer program will access their database to look for web pages that contain particular text-based keywords, and using the engine’s algorithms the software program will sort the retrieved data and present it to the user in a formatted web page. It used to be that to be included in search engine results, a webmaster had to directly submit website domain information in to the search engine database for inclusion. But today’s search engines are self sufficient with regards to site discovery, eliminating the need for manual domain submission. To design your website to be effective, so it is automatically included and easily searched, one has to know the search engine algorithms, and these have grown into a very complicated ever-changing process which can almost be likened to a game of cat and mouse. On one hand, the goal of a web page designer when optimizing a web site is to take advantage of the known search engine algorithm routines to produce a high ranking search result. Because the algorithms that search engines utilize are not public knowledge and are constantly changing, designing a website that consistently ranks favorably is a challenging process. When some routines do become understood and web designers start to program websites to manipulate the algorithm routines in their favor, the search engine programmers react by changing how the algorithms work to keep the search engine results fair and accurate. For example, in February of 2011, Google started implementing a punishment process to penalize websites that aggressively manipulate the ranking optimization process.

By Garrett Guess, DDS

Reprinted with permission from San Diego County Dental Society

Some current methods to optimize a website for search engine activity are as follows: (utilize them quickly as the list might already be outdated when this goes to print!): • Keywords are exactly that: words. Plenty of text on the web page is a must, whereas images and fancy videos look neat but do nothing for search engine results. • Utilize specific programming statements (meta-tags) in the web page text that contain appropriate keywords that the search robots look for. • Site popularity or “click-throughs”: the frequency that a search is performed and your site is clicked on in the list of search results affects the results. • Back-links or outside site referencing is very important; this is where other websites contain references with inbound links to your website • Frequently updated web content: frequency of content change is monitored and favorably ranked by comparing cached or stored copies of your web pages over time. While proper web site design using the tips mentioned above is one element to a favorable search engine result, spending money helps too. Most search engines present strategically placed advertisements with the standard search results which unfortunately creates an advertising skew to the effectiveness of the search engines themselves. So if you decide that keeping up with the current algorithms is costing you too much money as you pay your web page designers, it might be easier to purchase advertising space on the search engine web sites themselves. 

link of the

month Stumbled upon a great link? Email it to, to submit it as a possible link of the month! • August / September 2012 |



the dentist, the employer

9 Keys to Strong

employer-employee relationships

You are a dentist. You’ve been to school, taken your Boards and settled into practice. End of story? Not quite. Employee evaluations, hiring and firing, labor laws and personnel files are an important part of being an employer. Are you up on the changes that happen nearly EVERY January 1st? In this monthly column, we will offer information pertinent to you, the dentist as the employer.

From California Employers Association (CEA) Successful organizations work hard to keep their employees engaged, using managers who relate to and understand their team members’ priorities. Assembled below are nine ideas to help keep your employees productive and loyal. As you read each idea, reflect on what your company does to accomplish these goals. See if you can score a nine out of nine! Sense of Purpose – People want to feel Creative Opportunities – Google has 1 Awhat 6 a policy where employees are encouraged they are doing is making a difference to spend 20% of each day being creative in their thinking. Periodic brainstorming sessions among team members can generate great ideas. Employees want to be asked for their thoughts and ideas.

in the success of their employer. Employees get a huge boost in morale anytime one of their ideas is implemented.



Goals to Strive For – Clearly defined goals, reviewed and adjusted at regular intervals are important to employees. Once goals are in place, individuals and teams can put together a plan and to achieve them. More Responsibility – Delegate. Successful employees crave responsibility. Giving an employee a manager’s trust will cause that employee to return that same trust to the manager.

of Autonomy – Employees thrive 4 Feeling on the freedom to work in a way that works for them. Flexible schedules, the ability to work from home, etc., are huge perks in the eyes of employees today.



Attention from Management – Even with independence and control over their work, employees still want guidance and feedback from management to validate their contribution. Just a few minutes a week to talk with an employee about his or her job performance and satisfaction can make all the difference.


Open-Minded Management – When employees get that creative feeing, they want to be heard, and expect management to take their ideas seriously and with enthusiasm. Provide honest feedback and opinions, and be sure to implement good ideas for employees.


Corporate Transparency – Open, honest communication from management will speak volumes to an employee, improving loyalty and employee retention. With no secrets or hidden agendas, employees can concentrate on their jobs and their performance.


Compensation – Employees want to be able to provide for themselves and their families. Money, while not the only factor, is an important motivator for employees to remain with their current employer, and to want to continue to perform well. 

| The Nugget • Sacramento District Dental Society

Source: CEA’s Sister Association Capital Associated Industries


HOTLINE The SDDS HR Hotline–Free to SDDS members has renewed the contract with California Employers Association in order to provide SDDS Members with the unlimited Human Resources

Hotline: 1-800-399-5331. For example, if you have questions on: • What forms are required by law when I hire a new employee? • My employee is chronically late for his shift. How can I manage the situation? • Can my employees work through their lunch as long as I provide the pizza? • Can my employees combine their breaks so they can leave early at the end of the day? This is a FREE service to SDDS Members for 2012. Should you have the need, please take advantage of this SDDS Member Benefit! PLUS Free Webinars: September 26 - Managing the Wage and Hour Compliance Jungle, November 28 - Employee Documentation and Discharge Just let us know ( which one you want to sign up for and we’ll take care of the details.

Employment Law Corner Medical marijuana use Source: CalChamber, HRCalifornia’s HR Library Under state law, an employee who currently uses medical marijuana is not protected under the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA). Now, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals reached a similar conclusion, holding that the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) does not protect current medical marijuana use. James v. City of Costa Mesa, 2012 WL 1815677 (9th Circuit May 21, 2012). A Doctor’s Prescription Doesn’t Matter. The ADA excludes individuals who are currently using illegal drugs from the definition of “disability.” In James, the Ninth Circuit ruled that the definition of “illegality” is linked to federal, not state law. Though state law exempts users of prescription medical marijuana from criminal prosecutions, federal law classifies any marijuana use as “illegal” under the federal Controlled Substances Act. The Ninth Circuit ruled that because federal law does not authorize marijuana use, current users are not entitled to the protection from discrimination under the ADA. Same Result Under the FEHA...In 2008, the California Supreme Court ruled that an employer may refuse to hire or may terminate an

individual who tests positive for marijuana use, even if the individual has a physician’s prescription for the usage. Ross v. RagingWire Telecommunications Inc., 42 Cal. 4th 920 (2008). State law merely exempts medical marijuana users from criminal prosecution. The court found that nothing in the state law was intended to impact employer rights. FEHA does not require employers to accommodate the use of marijuana by waiving their policy for testing for illegal drug use. Best Practices • Testing applicants for illegal drug use is generally permitted. Provide notice and draft clear policies to minimize expectations of privacy. • Make sure that any testing process you use is reliable and takes measures to safeguard privacy. • Random drug testing of employees can constitute an invasion of privacy except in certain safety-sensitive positions. Consult legal counsel if you believe your work environment necessitates random drug testing. 

Star Group, the premier dental refiner in the United States and across Europe, was the company behind the Crowns for Kids® (CFK® ) program, founded by the Sacramento District Dental Foundation, and now, one of the premier programs of the CDA Foundation. Since 2006, this program has generated more than $100,000 for Smiles for Kids® and dental-health education for kids.

Star Group has part nered with the Sacramento Dist rict Dental Society (SDDS) Foun dation and the CDA Foundation to bring smiles to kids across California through Crowns for Kids®.

Crowns for Kids® offers dentists the chance to improve the oral health of the children in the Sacramento community. Money raised from their donations of gold fillings and crowns helps support oral health projects for underserved children, which focus on preventive care, consumer education, restorative care and fluoridation.

Crowns for Kids® has provided more than a million dollars to fund many critical, oral health initiatives. Star Group is the Dental Refiner of Choice for the Sacramento District Dental Society (SDDS) Foundation.

PROGRAM BASICS: • When Star Group receives the donated gold fillings and crowns from participating dentists, the company processes the donation and sends the cash value directly to the SDDS Foundation. • The SDDS Foundation uses CFK® funds specifically for the Smiles for Kids® program, which has benefitted the children of the Sacramento community through much needed, free dental care.

For more information, contact: SDDS Foundation: 916.446.1227 Star: • 800.333.9990 • August / September 2012 |




Todd Andrews

Shelley Laurel, SVP




Bank of Sacramento





Dental Supplies

Burkhart Dental

California Employers Association

Marc Davis • Morgan Davis • Lynda Doyle

Andrew Mallett, Branch Manager

Kim Parker, Executive VP Mari Bradford, HR Hotline Manager

Blue Northern Builders







Dental Supplies


Crest / Oral B

Clear Channel Media & Entertainment


Dave Milner, President • 916.576.2223 Pamela Love, MBA • 916.335.7317


The Dental Equipment Specialists

916-624-2800 800-649-6999 4095 Del Mar Ave. #13 Rocklin, CA 95677








Craig Fechter, CPA




Fechter & Company




First US Community Credit Union





Dental Supplies

Henry Schein Dental




Financial Services


Liberty Dental Plan

Mann, Urrutia, Nelson, CPAs

Melinda Bitney, Network Manager

John Urrutia, CPA, Partner Chris Mann, CPA, Partner

David Olson



888.273.2997 ext. 265






Staffing Services


Dental Supplies

James Ryan

Ursula Klein 916.616.6845






Debbie Kemper

Becki Bell, Marketing Director






Darnise Edwards

Garrett Gatewood, President



Patterson Dental

Sacramento Magazine


Olson Construction, Inc.

Dental Supplies

Resource Staffing Group

The Dentists Insurance Company


Dennis Nelson, CPA

Chris Nunn

Dan Edwards, President


Dennis Nelson, CPA, APC




Financial Services





Tony Vigil, President




Financial Services

Gordon Gerwig, Business Services Manager



Eagle West Group, Inc.

Ted Darrow, Client Relations & Marketing




Financial Services

Dental Supplies

DESCO Dental Equipment

Financial Services



Financial Services


Human Resources

Lauren Herman • 209.969.6468 Kevin McKittrick • 916.765.9101

Financial Management Associates, Inc.


Financial Services

precious metal refining

Star Group Global Refining



| The Nugget • Sacramento District Dental Society



Jim Ryan, Sales Consultant 800.333.9990

Financial Services

Tekfix Team


Union Bank

Lydia Ramirez 916.533.6882



Vendor Member B

Geary Guy, VP Steve Shupe, VP 916.928.1068


Andrews Construction, Inc.

Analgesic Services

Vendor Member A

Medical Gases

Transition Broker

Legal Services

Western Practice Sales

Wood & Delgado

Tim Giroux, DDS, President John Noble, MBA




Patrick J. Wood, Attorney at Law Jason Wood, Esq.



1.800.499.1474 • 949.553.1474

Please note that Tilcon Builders and Western Contract have elected not to renew their Vendor Membership at this time. Please remove them from your directory. We appreciate their past support and hope that they will return soon.

vendor member spotlights:

A full service law firm specializing in all business needs of a dentist with offices located in San Francisco, Temecula and Irvine, CA

Wood & Delgado is a full service law firm of attorneys specializing in representing dentists for over 28 years in such diverse areas as transition consulting, dental practice purchase agreements, dental partnerships agreements, dental MSO’s, space sharing agreements, dental corporations and LLC’s, real estate, Dental Board defense, estate planning and other business transactions which a dentist will face during his or her career. They strive to protect each client from the beginning to the end of their career. With over 4,000 dental clients nationally, their attorneys understand the complexities of the dental profession like no other law firm in the country. Their clients consist of small sole proprietor dental practices to the biggest names in the dental profession and are routinely asked to provide their expert advice at national and state dental conventions, dental societies and dental schools and have written numerous articles that have been published in dental publications such as “Dental Economics, “Journal of California Dental Association,” “Dentaltown Magazine,” “Journal of Colorado Dental Association,” “The New Dentist” and of course, “The Nugget”! If you are looking for highly experienced and qualified attorneys that know the dental industry inside and out, Wood and Delgado is the firm for you. Visit their website at: for testimonials, articles, calendar of events; speaking engagements and CE Seminars. Submit a question or request a FREE consultation on- line today! SPECIAL OFFER TO ALL SDDS MEMBERS ONLY

$1,000 off any Buyer/Seller Transition related services. The Law Offices of Wood and Delgado

LIBERTY Dental Plan (LIBERTY) is a California-based Dental Health Plan specializing in government and commercial sponsored dental programs, and providing services to managed care organizations, state governments, labor unions, large group employers, municipalities, and individuals. LIBERTY is recognized as a specialist in administering dental care for Medicaid, SCHIP, and Medicare beneficiaries. With a proven record of successfully increasing the utilization of quality care for multiple programs, LIBERTY’s benefit plans ensure that a larger portion of premiums are appropriated directly to care. LIBERTY is also an industry leader in the area of Dental Disease Management. A member of The Care Continuum Alliance (, LIBERTY shares their commitment to promote high quality standards for wellness, disease, case management where appropriate, and care coordination programs as well as support services and materials. John Carvelli, Executive Vice President (888) 273-2997 ext. 202 Melinda Bitney, Network Manager (916) 233-5311

New this year!

Phone: (800) 499-1474 • Fax: (800) 511-2138 • August / September 2012 |


We’re blowing your horn! Congratulations to...


Dr. Ryan Wilgus, and his wife Erin, on the birth of Grace Morgan Wilgus on June 13th. She was 7 lbs. 12 oz. and is already a Giants fan! (photo #1 at right) Dr. Paul Binon, who presented an all day course covering all the options of restoring the edentulous mandible and maxilla at Sonora Regional Medical center in June. He also co-presented with Henning Visser MDT on “Implant Supported Full and Partial Dental Arch Copy Milled Zirconia Restorations” at the Pacific Coast Society for Prosthodontics meeting in Victoria, Canada. Copy milling allows the most intricate, accurate and esthetic generation of full arch implant supported prosthesis.

Have some news you’d like to share with the Society? Please send your information (via email, fax or mail) to SDDS for publication in the Nugget!


Dr. Steve Leighty, on purchasing Dr. Ken Messenger’s office located in Roseville. Dr. Ken Messenger passed away in 2011 due to a heart attack. The new office opened on June 1, 2012. Dr. Herb Hooper, on his 50th reunion of UW Dental School. He is pictured with his two beautiful daughters. (photo #2 at right) Dr. Kevin Keating, on one of his Bronzes being accepted into the State Fair Fine Arts Competition. The piece is titled, “On the Rise”. (photo #3 at right) Dr. Stephen Casagrande, for being appointed by California Governor Brown to the Dental Board of California, where he has served since 2006.


Dr. Tim Mickiewicz, on his granddaughter’s 1st birthday and having her first visit to the dentist! (photo #4 at right) Dr. Terry Adair, on his wife Deborah’s web series sitcom, Set the Table, the flag ship production of Deborah Adair Productions. The series now has four episodes available for viewing at 

For Sale: 3434 Marconi Ave. Sacramento

• Zoned For Medical/General Office • Great Curb Appeal - Pride of Ownership • New Roof & HVAC Units For Lease: 2233 Park Towne Circle Sacramento

• Dental /Medical Office Building • Great Location near Shopping & Dining • Covered Parking


| The Nugget • Sacramento District Dental Society

4 Gordon Stevenson, Senior VP

Real Estate Healthcare Specialist Medical Office Building Sales/Leasing TRI Commercial 2250 Douglas Blvd., Suite 200 Roseville, CA 95661 916.677.8150 Tel DRE Lic: 01092461

The Gordon Group

Helping Those Who Help Others ♦ 31 Years Real Estate Experience ♦

volunteeropportunities Smiles for Big Kids

Smiles for Kids

Volunteers needed: Dentists willing to “adopt”

Volunteers needed: Doctors to “adopt” patients

To volunteer, Contact:

Contact info:

SDDS office (916.446.1227 •

SDDS office (916.446.1227 •

Hiram Johnson H.S.

The Gathering Inn

Volunteers needed: Dentists and dental hygienists

Volunteers needed: Dentists, dental assistants,

patients for immediate/emergency needs in their office.

to volunteer one morning a month or every other month to treat Hiram Johnson High School students.

Contact info: Dr. Wai Chan (916.267.4816 •

smiles for kids d feb 2, 2ay 013

seen on 2012 Smiles for Kids Day for follow-up care and 2013 Smiles for Kids Day volunteers.

hygienists and lab participants for onsite clinic expansion.

Contact info: Ann Peck (916.296.4057 • Volunteer Coordinator

Willow Dental Clinic

Missions of Mercy (CDA Cares)

Volunteers needed: Dentists and hygienists

DATES: Aug 24–25 (Cal Expo, Sacramento)

Equipment needed: Mobile equipment to loan or

Volunteers needed: Dentists, dental hygienists, assistants,

To volunteer, contact:

To volunteer, Visit:

donate — currently limited to using the mobile equipment and instruments brought in by Dr. Alex Tomaich and Dr. Dagon Jones

students, lab technicians, office staff, specialists including oral surgeons (+/- 100 dentist/day needed), and other community members willing to donate time!

Michael Robbins (530.864.8843 •

Volunteering or donations

This event is sponsored by CDA and CDA Foundation, in partnership with Missions of Mercy.


(Coalition for Concerned Medical Professionals)

Volunteers needed: General dentists, specialists, assistants and hygienists.

Also Needed: Dental labs and supply companies to partner with; home hygiene supplies

volunteers Contact info:

The non-government organization, “Childrens Health & Hope Clinic”, is looking for a retired dentist who might be interested in volunteering his/ her skills in the country of Cambodia for up to 1 to 3 months a year. Part of their service is a Childrens Medical Clinic & mobile clinic where they reach out into remote villages to treat those who have no opertunity or funds for medical care. Any interested party may contact : Garry Harris at (800) 472-6140 or (916) 835-2034 • For more information please visit:

Ed Gilbert (916.925.9379 •

For Additional InformATion: on these volunteer opportunities and much more is available on the SDDS website: • August / September 2012 |


Advertiser Index

We take care of our customers the way you take care of your patients. Don’t settle for less.

Dental Supplies, equipment, Repair Burkhart Dental Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 30 DESCO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Henry Schein Dental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 30 RelyAid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 34 Patterson Dental Supply, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Procter & Gamble Distributing Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

International Manufacturing Group, Inc. Your Local Supplier, specializing in Exam Gloves.

Local. Caring. Commited.


We are here for you.

California Center for Advanced Dental Studies . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Dental Management Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 San Joaquin Valley College (SJVC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Financial & Insurance Services Bank of Sacramento . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 30 Dennis Nelson, CPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Eagle West Group, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Fechter & Company, CPAs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Financial Management Associates, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 First U.S. Community Credit Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Mann, Urrutia & Nelson, CPAs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 TDIC & TDIC Insurance Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 30 Union Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

1.800.775.6412 879 F Street, Suite 120 West Sacramento, CA 95605

Human Resources California Employers Association (CEA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 34

Legal services Wood & Delgado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 31

Medical Gas Services

If you like the

Analgesic Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 30

SDDS HR Hotline,

Office Design & Construction Andrews Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blue Northern Builders, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Henry Schein Dental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Olson Construction, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

11, 30 21, 30 11, 30 16, 30

Practice Sales, Lease, Management and/or Consulting Henry Schein Dental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 30 The Tooth Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 TRI Commercial Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Western Practice Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, 31

Publications & Media Clear Channel Media & Entertainment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 30 Sacramento Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Staffing services

You’ll LOVE a CEA Membership! A full CEA membership allows us to be a bigger part of your team and includes: • • • • • • •

FREE HR Compliance Reviews Representation at Hearings On-site Trainings “Members Only” Website Access Performance Review Software Weekly HR Updates And More...

Resource Staffing Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Technology Pact-One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 30 Tekfix Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Utilities Sacramento County Water Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Waste management services Star Group Dental Refining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29, 30


| The Nugget • Sacramento District Dental Society

Call today for more information on our membership plans!

(800) 399-5331

Welcome to SDDS’s new members, transfers and applicants.

New Members Arvin Aparece, DDS

General Practitioner 5200 Stockton Blvd, Ste 110 Sacramento, CA 95820 (916) 455-6600 Dr. Arvin Aparece graduated from the Universidad De La Salle in Mexico in 2011 with his DDS. He is currently working with Access Dental in Sacramento where he also lives.

Gaston Arata, DDS

Important Numbers: SDDS (doctor’s line) . . . . . . . (916) 446-1227 ADA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 621-8099 CDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 736-8702 CDA Contact Center . . (866) CDA-MEMBER (866-232-6362) CDA Practice Resource Ctr . . TDIC Insurance Solutions . . . (800) 733-0633 Denti-Cal Referral . . . . . . . . . (800) 322-6384 Central Valley Well Being Committee . . . . . (559) 359-5631

General Practitioner 2693 Florin Rd Sacramento, CA 95822 (916) 424-5500 Dr. Gaston Arata graduated from the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia in Peru in 1997 with his DDS. He is currently working with Access Dental in Sacramento and lives in Stockton with his wife, Patricia.

Marjoorie Castro, DDS

General Practitioner 3945 Marysville Blvd, Ste 1-2 Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 646-4100 Dr. Marjoorie Castro graduated from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Columbia in 1989 with her DDS. She is currently working with Access Dental in Sacramento and lives in Rocklin with her husband, Alvaro. FUN FACT: Dr. Castro loves to dance Salsa and enjoys reading dentistry and suspense stories and watching movies with her family.

Ru Chen, DDS

Keep us updated! Moving? Opening another office? Offering new services? Share your information with the Society! We can only refer you if we know where you are; and we rely on having your current information on file to keep you informed of valuable member events! Give us a call at (916) 446-1227. The more accurate information we have, the better we can serve you!

General Practitioner 5200 Stockton Blvd, Ste 110 Sacramento, CA 95820 (916) 455-6600 Dr. Ru Chen graduated from the Shanghai No. 2 Medical University in China in 1985 with her DDS. She is currently working with Access Dental in Sacramento and lives in Folsom with her husband, Henry.

Christopher Claus, DDS

Pediatric Dentist 2041 Bronze Star Dr Woodland, CA 95776 (530) 668-9187 Dr. Christopher Claus graduated from the UCLA School of Dentistry in 2008 with his DDS and later completed

August/ September 2012

his specialty certification in pediatric dentistry at the University of Texas – Houston in 2010. He is currently working in Woodland and lives in Fairfield with his wife, Hang Nguyen. FUN FACT: To make extra money during dental school, Dr. Claus raised New Caldonian Crested Geckos and sold them on the internet.

Martha De Los Rios, DDS

General Practitioner 3945 Marysville Blvd, Ste 1-2 Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 646-4100 Dr. Martha De Los Rios graduated from the Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud in Columbia in 1989 with her DDS. She is currently working with Access Dental in Sacramento and lives in Rocklin with her husband and SDDS new applicant, Dr. Carlos Feuillet-Latorre. FUN FACT: Dr. De Los Rios is a very friendly person who really loves children and enjoys working in pediatric dentistry.

Beatriz Galofre, DDS


lco General Practitioner me back 7141 Fair Oaks Blvd ! Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 488-9700 Dr. Beatriz Galofre graduated from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Columbia in 1992 with her DDS. She is currently working with Access Dental in Carmichael and lives in Roseville with her husband, Mark.

Miguel Guerra Olvera, DDS

General Practitioner 3945 Marysville Blvd, Ste 1-2 Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 646-4100 Dr. Miguel Guerra Olvera graduated from the Universidad De La Salle in Mexico in 2009 with his DDS. He is currently working with Access Dental in Sacramento where he also lives with his wife, Gaby.

Steve Le, DDS

General Practitioner 2693 Florin Rd Sacramento, CA 95822 (916) 424-5500 Dr. Steve Le graduated from the UOP Arthur A. Dugoni in 1997 with his DDS. He is currently working with Access Dental in Sacramento.

More CLIP OUT this handy NEW MEMBER UPDATE and insert it into your DIRECTORY under the “NEW MEMBERS” tab.

total membership (as of 7/17/12): 1,574 total active members: 1,291 total retired members: 205 total Dual members: 2 total affiliate members: 10

total student/ provisional members: 14 total current applicants: 6 total dhp members: 46

total new members for 2012: 47 • August / September 2012 |


New members Chris Mayeda, DDS

Pediatric Dentist 60th Dental Squadron Travis Air Force Base Dr. Chris Mayeda graduated from the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC in 2001 with his DDS, completed a residency with the Air Force in 2002, and later completed his specialty certification in pediatric dentistry at the Children’s Hospital – Ohio in 2008. He is currently on active duty with the US Air Force and is stationed at Travis Air Force Base. Dr. Mayeda lives in Sacramento with his wife and fellow SDDS member, Dr. Lisa Mayeda. FUN FACT: Dr. Mayeda was a “Child TV Star.” No, not really, but he was an extra on the television show, “Our House” starring Shannon Doherty and Wilford Brimley for two episodes back in the late 1980’s.

Sadia Niazi, DDS, MMSc

General Practitioner 11155 International Dr Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 (916) 853-7373 Dr. Sadia Niazi graduated from New York University in 1999 with her DDS and later completed her specialty certification in orthodontics at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine in 2002. She is currently working for Delta Dental of California and lives in Elk Grove with her husband, Zahid. FUN FACT: Dr. Niazi enjoys zumba, power yoga and spin class.

Yvan Quintana, DDS

General Practitioner 5200 Stockton Blvd, Ste 110 Sacramento, CA 95820 (916) 455-6600 Dr. Yvan Quintana graduated from the Universidad De La Salle in Mexico in 2009 with his DDS. He is currently working with Access Dental in Sacramento where he also lives with his wife, Mabel. FUN FACT: Dr. Quintana enjoys playing soccer and hanging out with his friends.

Cherag Sarkari, DDS

General Practitioner 7141 Fair Oaks Blvd Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 488-9700 Dr. Cherag Sarkari graduated from the Karnataka State Dental College & Hospital in India in 1993 with his DDS. He is currently working with Access Dental in Carmichael and lives in Roseville with his wife, Sonali.

Eleanor Tanglao, DDS

General Practitioner 3945 Marysville Blvd, Ste 1-2 Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 646-4100 Dr. Eleanor Tanglao graduated from the UOP Arthur A. Dugoni in 2000 with her DDS. She is currently working with Access Dental in Sacramento and lives in San Francisco.

Jenny Victoria, DDS

Back in time… Can you identify this SDDS Member?

Place this page in the “New Members” section of your 2012–13 SDDS Directory


co General Practitioner back me 3945 Marysville Blvd, Ste 1-2 ! Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 646-4100 Dr. Jenny Victoria graduated from the University of El Bosque, Bogota in Columbia in 1987 with her DDS. She is currently working with Access Dental in Sacramento where she also lives with her husband, Leon.

Magnus Yang, DDS The first SDDS member to call the SDDS office (916.446.1227) with the correct answer wins $10 off their next General Meeting registration. Only the winner will be notified. Member cannot identify herself.

Watch for the answer in the OCTOBER 2012 Nugget! No Winners last month! The answer was: Dr. Dan Zendner

General Practitioner 2020 J St Sacramento, CA 95811 (916) 341-0575 Dr. Magnus Yang graduated from the UOP Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry in 2009 with his DDS and completed a residency there in 2010. He is the new Dental Director for the Sacramento Native American Health Center in Sacramento and lives in Pacifica. FUN FACT: One of his superhuman abilities is to eat a lot of good food without gaining weight or getting pimples (knock on wood). He enjoys outdoor activities and sports such as softball, baseball, basketball, football, golf, swimming, bowling, driving, running, laser tag, and hiking. One of his talents is finding a good deal.

More CLIP OUT this handy NEW MEMBER UPDATE and insert it into your DIRECTORY under the “NEW MEMBERS” tab.

Need an associate? Staff? Buying or selling a practice? 36

| The Nugget • Sacramento District Dental Society

Place this page in the “New Members” section of your 2012–13 SDDS Directory

New Transfer member:

New Provisional member:

Robert Cheng, DDS

Joshua Perisho, DDS

Transferred from San Joaquin Dental Society General Practitioner 2200 Professional Dr, Ste 210 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 786-6157 Dr. Robert Cheng graduated from the UOP Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry in 2008 with his DDS and later completed a residency there in 2009. He is currently practicing in Roseville and lives in Stockton.

Shane Douglas, DDS

Transferred from San Francisco Dental Society General Practitioner 781 Sterling Pkwy Lincoln, CA 95648 (916) 543-7880 Dr. Shane Douglas graduated from the UCSF School of Dentistry earlier this year with his DDS. He is currently practicing in Lincoln and lives in Rocklin with his wife, Kristen. FUN FACT: Dr. Douglas is the son of fellow SDDS member, Dr. Mark Douglas, an orthodontist in Elk Grove.

Roger Kingston, DDS

Transferred from San Diego County Dental Society Retired – Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon Dr. Roger Kingston graduated from the UCLA School of Dentistry in 1971 with his DDS and later completed his specialty certification in oral and maxillofacial surgery there in 1975. He has since retired from dentistry and relocated to Davis.

UCLA School of Dentistry, 2012

New Applicants: Guillermo Arellano, DMD

Carlos Feuillet-Latorre, DDS John Hansen, DDS Nilesh Keshav, BDS Phuong Nguyen, DMD Said Shaari, DDS

Wel co back me !

Congratulations to our newly retired dentists!

Steven Brown, DDS

FUN FACT: After spending thirty five years practicing OMS in San Diego, Dr. Kingston is enjoying being a Northern Californian again.

Russell Webb, DDS

Transferred from Tri-County Dental Society Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon 9727 Elk Grove Florin Rd, Ste 230 Elk Grove, CA 95624 (916) 686-5160 Dr. Russell Webb graduated from the UCLA School of Dentistry in 1978 with his DDS and later completed his specialty certification in oral and maxillofacial surgery there in 1981. After being an affiliate member with SDDS for the past 7 years, Dr. Webb finally transferred his membership and now practices in Elk Grove and Sacramento with fellow SDDS members, Drs. Loche Johnson and Michael Phelps. Dr. Webb lives in Carmichael with his wife, Kathi. (Dr. Webb is a past president of the CDA.)

CLIP OUT this handy NEW MEMBER UPDATE and insert it into your DIRECTORY under the “NEW MEMBERS” tab.

Check out the Job Bank at! • August / September 2012 |


Event Highlights

Dental Day at Raley Field • June 21, 2012

2 1 6



5 9 7


11 1. Dr. & Mrs. Pat Penney 2. River Cats Display Board Welcoming SDDS! 3. Dr. George Mayweather with staff 4. Dr. Victor Hawkins 5. Dr. Jonathan Szymanowski with his son Paxton 6. SDDS members leading the 7th inning stretch 7. Dr. & Mrs. Kim Wallace 8. Steve Perkins (Henry Schein Dental) & Family 9. Dr. Scott Grivas (second from right, top row), with staff 10. Dr. Eddie Alazraki 11. Drs. Walter & Gary Griffin 12. Dr. Christy Rollofson & Fiancé Dominic Porrino

10 12 38

Next General Membership Meeting: September 11, 2012

| The Nugget • Sacramento District Dental Society

sacramento dental complex has two small suites available. One suite is equipped for immediate use. Second suite can be modified with generous tenant improvements. Located in Midtown area. Please call for details. (916) 448-5702. 10-11 dental specialist in el dorado hills, ca with 1400 sq ft office is seeking other dental specialist to share space. Ideal for endo or perio. Contact Business Manager at (916) 757-4858. 02-12 dental office. 1355 Florin medical-dental building. 850 sf, 3 operatories, $1,200 monthly. Includes all utilities and janitor. Ample parking. (916) 730-4494. 06/07-12 PRESTIGE DENTAL SPACE AVAILABLE to share in desirable Folsom location. 3 fully equipped operatories. Email for more 08/09-C1

Greater Sacramento area Multi-Specialty office looking to fill an associate pediatric dentist position and an oral surgeon position. Fax resume 916-817-4376 or email to 04-12 PT Orthodontist — Too many consults for current doctors to keep up with! Busy Sacramento Pedo Practice (Kids Care Dental Group) seeks local ortho1–2 days a week. Great opportunity for the right doctor to hit a “home run.” Great office, great staff, and great pay! Email dboyes@ 05-12 RDA-SEEKING TEMPORARY EXPERIENCED, FULL TIME RDA FOR MATERNITY LEAVE — Immediate start to end of year. Campus Commons. General Dentist practice. Paperless, Dentrix and Dexis preferred. Fax resume 916-929-0244. 08/09-C1

SPACE-SHARING OPPORTUNITY AVAILABLE in High-End Folsom dental office. 3 fully equiped operatories. Please email for more details 08/09-C1 dental office space available in greenhaven — 1700 square feet, 4 full operatories in 12,000 square foot, single story building. 100% occupied by 5 general dentists’ offices, 1 periodontist, 1 opthalmologist, 1 psychiatrist, 1 psychologist and a fixed prosthetics dental lab. Office was built in 1992. Rent of $2,700 includes all utilities except telephone, including daily janitorial service. Modern dental equipment available at a substantial discount with the signing of a lease. Contact Dr. Maroni: (916) 421-3815. 08/09-C1

SDDS member dentists can place classified ads for free!

fill-in / locum tenens — dentistry, hygiene or combination. UCSF Graduate. Weekdays and Saturdays. Sacramento County resident. Able to travel. Over 10 years locum tenens experience. Elizabeth Johnson, RDH, DDS (408) 499-9924. 06/07-12

Have an upcoming presentation? The SDDS LCD projector is available for rent! (3 days — $100) Members only please Call SDDS at (916) 446-1227 for more information or to place a reservation.

Learn how to place implants in your office or mine. Mentoring you at your own pace and skill level. Incredible practice growth. Text name and address to (916) 952-1459. 04-12



You can now sign up and charge online for all SDDS courses!

DENTAL OFFICE RIGHT ON EAST BIDWELL, FOLSOM, High Visibility, near Mercy Hospital Folsom in Professional MedicalDental Complex. Perfect for Dental Office, 1,450 sq. ft., cold shell/generous TI. Contact Buzz (916) 715-0966. 08/09-C1 LOCATION IS EVERYTHING!! Great 1200 square foot suite on one of the busiest locations in Elk Grove. The Suite offers Three Plumbed Dental operatories, Street signage, Nice reception area, Newer building and plenty of parking. READY FOR YOUR EQUIPMENT!!! CALL ROD LUMAN 916-335-8100. 08/09-C1

experienced board eligible endodontist seeks space-sharing arrangement and/or dental office space in Auburn and/or Grass Valley. Please contact Steve Murphy, DMD — (412) 855-9914 or 03-12 dentists serving dentists — Western Practice Sales invites you to visit our website, westernpracticesales. com to view all of our practices for sale and to see why we are the broker of choice throughout Northern California. (800) 641-4179. 03-09

look for this button! Sign up

& charge online

Selling your practice? Need an associate? Have office space to lease? Place a classified ad in the Nugget and see the results! SDDS member dentists get one complimentary, professionally related classified ad per year (30 word maximum; additional words are billed at $.50 per word). Rates for non-members are $45 for the first 30 words and $.60 per word after that. Add color to your ad for just $10! For more information on placing a classified ad, please call the SDDS office (916) 446-1227. Deadlines are the first of the month before the issue in which you’d like to run. • August / September 2012 |



915 28th Street Sacramento, CA 95816 916.446.1211


Address service requested

sdds calendar of events

September 3 4 10 11

Labor Day SDDS office closed Board of Directors Meeting 6:00pm / SDDS Office SacPAC Committee Meeting 6:00pm / SDDS Office General Membership Meeting Anterior Aesthetics with Implant Dentistry Jeff Brucia, DDS New Member Night Hilton Sacramento Arden West 2200 Harvard Street, Sacramento 6:00pm Social 7:00pm Dinner & Program 13 HR Audio Conference Document, Discipline & Discharge Noon–1:00pm

14 Continuing Education • Generation Updates on Restorative Dentistry, Lou Graham, DDS • Form Follows Function: Busting the Myth of Insert Selection; Current Concepts for Dentin Hypersensitivity – Strategies for Prevention and Treatment, Karen Hays, RDH, BS • Six Strategies of Highly Successful Dental Practices, Amy Kirsch DoubleTree Hotel 2001 Point West Way, Sacramento 8:30am–3:30pm 18 CE Committee Meeting 6:00pm / SDDS Office 20 Dentist in Business Forum Fraud and Embezzlement Craig Fechter, CPA (Fechter & Co, CPAs) Hilton Sacramento Arden West 2200 Harvard Street, Sacramento 6:30pm-9:00pm 25 Nugget Editorial Committee Meeting 6:15pm / SDDS Office

26 Membership Committee Meeting 6:00pm / SDDS Office 28 Sip, Snack and Shred Member Shredding Event 3:00pm / SDDS Office

OCTOBER 5 Licensure Renewal Course Licensure in a Day: CA Dental Practice Act, Infection Control, OSHA Refresher Marcella Oster, RDA Hilton Sacramento Arden West 2200 Harvard Street, Sacramento 8:30am-3:30pm 9

General Membership Meeting The Political Wrangling of Patient Care Dan Walters, Political Columnist Recruitment Night Hilton Sacramento Arden West 2200 Harvard Street, Sacramento 6:00pm Social 7:00pm Dinner & Program

Save the date for the 33rd annual MidWinter Convention Tons of CE & a great time! you won’t want to miss it! February 7–8, 2013 earn


ce units! 6pm: Social & Table Clinics 7pm: Dinner & Program HIlton Sacramento Arden West (2200 Harvard Street, Sac)

September 11, 2012:

Anterior Aesthetics with Implant Dentistry

Presented by: Jeff Brucia, DDS

Sign up fo DMD prog r the ra save! See m & insert for details .

Learning objectives: • Review of guidelines for bridgework vs. implant retained restorations in the aesthetic zone • Review soft tissue concepts for predictable results around implants • Techniques to achieve natural soft tissue contours and transfer to model work for fabrication of the definitive restoration September General Membership Meeting: New Member Night

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