June/July 2012 Nugget

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June / July 2012

California’s Adult Dental Crisis Inside:

How Sacramento area dentists are responding to the need PLUS: 2013 SDDS & Foundation Elections — slate of nominees

Don’t miss these upcoming events!

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Sip, Snack and Shred Brought to you by the SDDS Membership Committee

Friday, September 28th 3:00–6:00pm SDDS Office Cost: $0

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August 24–25

Friday & Saturday

ike fun

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Enjoy frozen margaritas and happy hour snacks as you get that pesky shredding out of your office and off your to-do list! See insert for more info and to RSVP!

DMD program

! Please br ing your assistant your entir s and e staff!

Tons of volunteers needed for this event!

See page 11 for more details.

Info Line (volunteers & patients):

(888) 959-1331

See insert for more info & to sign up

Sign up for all 7 General Meetings at once & save!

$379 for the whole year 2 ceu per class! DMD registration deadline: September 21, 2012

By enrolling in the Dedicated Monthly Dentist (DMD) Program, you can …

Prepay … for all seven monthly General Meetings for 2012–2013 with one payment Easily Register … for meetings with a simple fax-back sent to you each month. Help … with SDDS recruitment! If you are unable to attend a particular meeting and can’t

find a replacement, call SDDS and we’ll arrange for a new member to attend in your place.

Save … more than one meeting is free (including paid parking!) when you sign up for DMD

Table of Contents

THE NUGGET June / July 2012 Volume 58, Number 6

Features 7

Impact of the Elimination of Adult Dental Benefits in Medi-Cal Nicette Short (CDA Staff)


The Story of RAM California Pamela Congdon, CAE, IOM (RAM California President and Volunteer)


Notes from a Volunteer Kathi Webb (SDDS Foundation Board Member)


CDA Cares Free Dental Clinic Comes to Sacramento Cathy Mudge (CDA Foundation Executive Director)

Specials 11

CDA Cares Free Dental Clinics — Volunteers Needed!


SDDS 2013 MidWinter Convention — Save the Date!


SDDS Foundation Swing for Smiles Golf Tournament Highlights


New Rules Coming for Tamper-Resistant Prescription Forms CDA Compass


2013 Elections — SDDS Slate of Leadership


2013 Elections — SDDS Foundation Slate of Leadership


“Didn’t You Speak at the SDDS Meeting?” Nicole Horton (CSUS Pre-Dental Club, Former President)


Sacramento County Water Agency Receives Grant to Fluoridate Drinking Water Diane Margetts (County of Sacramento Department of Water Resources)

The Nugget is a four-time International College of Dentists Journalism Award Winner:

Regulars 4 5 6 17 18 20–21 21 24 24 26–27 27 28 29 30 31–32 32 34 35 36 www.sdds.org

President’s Message From the Editor’s Desk Cathy’s Corner In Memorium Board Report Committee Corner Committee Meetings Scheduled YOU: The Dentist… the Employer Link of the Month Vendor Members Vendor Member Spotlights We’re Blowing Your Horn! Volunteer Opportunities Advertiser Index Membership Update Back in Time — Can you identify this SDDS member? Event Highlights Classified Ads SDDS Calendar of Events * featured

Golden Pen (Honorable Mention, 2007) Article or series of articles of interest to the profession

Outstanding Cover (2007) Remarkable cover

Overall Newsletter (2007) Exceptional publication overall

Platinum Pencil (2010) Outstanding use of graphics

on cover June / July March 2012 2012 | 3| 3

President’s Message Why SDDS is a

Great Component

By Victor Hawkins, DDS

There are 32 dental components that make up the California Dental Association. There are many reasons why we keep and maintain over 80% of all eligible members in our Society. This takes a concentrated effort by all those in leadership, from our staff, the Board of Directors and the many committees that keep our component humming with value for every member! Without perceived value, members do not stay connected. SDDS Leadership is driven to deliver what you tell us you want to keep the value high. Here are some of what makes us great!

speakers, CE courses offered, your interests and days and times you prefer.

Our Society staff receives phone calls daily from members and others asking for help in many areas, such as job placement, practice opportunities, CE classes, patient referrals, how to join committees, and how to participate in our Society activities, just to name a few. All questions receive a caring, in-depth response and our staff always makes you feel glad that you made the phone call. Cathy, Della, Erin, Melissa and Lisa are SUPERB at what they do!

The more you are connected, the more you know, the more you want to be involved!

Your SDDS Board of Directors and your selected Delegates to the CDA House of Delegates are dedicated to representing your best interests in everything they do at all times. After every event, an online survey is requested from all participants to help our leadership go in the right direction to better serve you. These surveys help with choices of food,

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4 | The Nugget

What makes all of this effort worth it for all of us is that it is fun, exciting and gives everyone a good feeling to be involved in the day to day functioning of our Society. The more you are connected, the more you know, the more you want to be involved! Every member of SDDS is welcome and encouraged to select and join any standing committee, activity, task force or SDDS

project that interests you. You are also encouraged to join and get involved in our SDDS charitable arm, our SDDS Foundation. The Foundation serves the community in many ways: Smiles for Kids, Smiles for BIG Kids, and Crowns for Kids, just to name a few. Your opportunity for involvement is virtually limitless and totally dependent upon your level of participation, commitment and desire. If your goal is to become a leader in any aspect of SDDS, CDA or ADA, the place to start is simply participation in SDDS. By being a faithful and dedicated member of a committee, for example, you learn the

protocol, show your willingness to help out and demonstrate your leadership skills. This is how every leader is chosen in our Society. It must be working very well! The proof is in the "pudding," as they say. All of our committees, task forces and projects are functioning very well and our SDDS Board Members and Committee Chairs are helping to develop their replacements as they move through the leadership "ladder." THERE IS ALWAYS ROOM FOR YOU! Our Leadership Development Committee has a list of replacement candidates for all positions and are always working to choose the best one for the job. The final decision for all positions is, of course, the vote by the SDDS membership. In short, I'm trying to let you all know that the SDDS leadership door is open for you. I encourage you to join us and get as involved as you want to. IT IS ALWAYS REWARDING TO GIVE BACK TO OUR WONDERFUL PROFESSION OF DENTISTRY! If you want to know more, all of our job descriptions, bylaws and operations are available on our website. Everything we do at SDDS must follow our mission statement; "It is the mission of the Sacramento District Dental Society to be the recognized source for serving its members and for enhancing the oral health of the community." PLEASE JOIN US IN LEADERSHIP. ď Ž

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From the Editor’s desk Volunteer Efforts

for those who need it most

Around 2:00pm on Thursday, the day before this year’s Remote Area Medical (RAM) expedition at Cal Expo started, RAM founder Stan Brock was out in the parking lot surveying the crowds. There were already over 75 people lined up waiting to get their “golden ticket” to this year’s clinic. It was there that he met Angela, who was waiting with her three-yearold granddaughter. Angela was not there for herself; although only in her mid-forties, she was already in full dentures. Instead, she was waiting for her 26 year old daughter, Becky. Becky lived at home, went to school and was currently at her job at the pizza parlor down the street. Twice in the past month, Becky had been to the Emergency Room due to facial swelling from several abscessed teeth. Although the antibiotics given in the E.R. made the swelling go down, she could not afford the necessary extractions to eliminate the problem. Becky’s story painted a picture that is unfortunately all too common in today’s society. When I was in General Practice Residency in Los Angeles, I first realized the serious problem society faced; there is no place where low-income adults can seek emergency dental care. Many nights when I was on call, I would receive a page to come to the E.R. and see a patient with a toothache or severe facial swelling. Twice in my residency, the swelling was so severe that there was airway

By Christy Rollofson, DDS

Associate Editor

impingement and the patients were intubated. These patients were taken to the O.R. for drainage and extractions. Our hospital was lucky to have a dental division, but many are not as fortunate. This leaves E.R. doctors, who have little to no actual dental training, with the duty of seeing patients with dental infections. While putting together this month’s issue, the New York Times coincidentally released an article discussing the phenomenon of E.R. abuse for dental pain due to the lack

With all these shortcomings, I am pleased to see a trend toward large volunteer dental efforts to treat the peaople who need care the most.

With all these shortcomings, I am pleased to see a trend toward large volunteer dental efforts to treat the people who need care the most. Although not addressing the need for prevention, clinics such as Remote Area Medical and CDA Cares Mission of Mercy increase access to dental services. Here in Sacramento we are lucky enough to have both these missions, and I have been so touched every time I have volunteered. The CDA Cares event will be in Sacramento on August 24 and 25. I hope to see some familiar faces volunteer and help people, such as Becky from RAM, who need our help so badly. 

Call the HR hotline with all your burning Human Resources questions!

of access to dental professionals. The E.R. docs are spending countless hours treating only symptoms with antibiotics and pain medications rather than curing dental disease. As the American Dental Association points out, there is a weakness in how this country provides oral healthcare to the less fortunate, and there needs to be a shift from the surgical approach to prevention. This is especially true since all dental disease is preventable.

SDDS HR Hotline:

1-800-399-5331 


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John M. Cahill Associates 

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June / July 2012 | 5

Cathy’s Corner Care for the Community

Sacramento District Dental Society Amador • El Dorado • Placer • Sacramento • Yolo


By Cathy B. Levering

SDDS Executive Director

The topic of this month’s Nugget is the adult dental crisis. As I write this column, the State is $16 billion in the negative, adult dental services have been eliminated except for the disabled and pregnant moms, and our members still continue to give and give and give in the way of pro bono / free care.

President — Victor Hawkins, DDS Immediate Past President — Wai Chan, DDS President Elect / Treasurer — Gary Ackerman, DDS Secretary — Kelly Giannetti, DMD, MS Editor — James Musser, DDS Executive Director — Cathy Levering


Nancy Archibald, DDS Wallace Bellamy, DMD Jennifer Goss, DDS Dan Haberman, DDS, MS Carl Hillendahl, DDS Beverly Kodama, DDS Viren Patel, DDS Kim Wallace, DDS

Board of Directors

Kevin Keating, DDS, MS Robert Gillis, DMD, MS

A few years back we did a survey and found that most of our SDDS members donate an average of $25,000 per year in pro bono treatment. I would say that number is low. That may be what you do in your office, but how many outreach events to do you do — at your church, in the community, on a mission trip?

CE: Jonathan Szymanowski, DMD, MMSc CPR: Margaret Delmore, MD, DDS Ethics: Volki Felahy, DDS Foundation: Robert Daby, DDS Leadership Development: Wai Chan, DDS Membership: Lisa Laptalo, DDS Peer Review: Bryan Judd, DDS / Brett Peterson, DDS

And why do you do it? Not for the sore back and the sore feet, for sure! Not for the accolades. What I hear from most is that “we just do it because it won’t be done otherwise… and people need the care.”

1T1B Medical Outreach: Guy Acheson, DDS Access to Care: Terrence Jones, DDS Amalgam: Wai Chan, DDS / Viren Patel, DDS Dental Careers Workgroup: Robin Berrin, DDS Budget & Finance Advisory: Gary Ackerman, DDS Bylaws Advisory: Wai Chan, DDS Fluoridation Advisory: Kim Wallace, DDS Forensics Advisory: Mark Porco, DDS / George Gould, DDS Geriatric Outreach: Viren Patel, DDS Legislative: Mike Payne, DDS, MSD / Gabrielle Rasi, DDS Strategic Planning Advisory: Gary Ackerman, DDS

Very similarly, the free care that is given to our community’s children is done for the very same reasons. Thank you all for donating nearly $1 million in free care for this year’s Smiles for Kids program! While there is still some money left in the budget for children’s dental services, it continues to be pared down. Over the past three years, I have had the opportunity to help work on “troubleshooting and fixing” Sacramento County’s GMC program. While our initial goal was to eliminate GMC (which has been SDDS’s goal since 1995!), we acquiesced to change it from mandatory (we are the only county in California that is mandatory) to voluntary. We are in the final days of some legislation that will hold the State Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) and the plans more accountable in reporting, monitoring and making sure kids get the access they are entitled to. As you more than likely have read in the news, one of the plans (Community) has been removed from the GMC program for not complying with the performance standards. We have made great strides. SDDS has remained at the table on behalf of our doctors, the providers, those in the trenches… You! Thank you for continuing to provide care, and caring, for our community.

Golf Tournament: Damon Szymanowski, DMD SacPAC: Matt Campbell, Jr., DDS Smiles for Kids: Donald Rollofson, DMD

Trustees Committees Standing

Ad hoc Advisory Task Forces Workgroups

Special Events Other

Nugget Editorial Board

SDDS Staff

James Musser, DDS

Cathy Levering


Paul Binon, DDS, MSD Donna Galante, DMD Alexander Malick, DMD James McNerney, DMD Christy Rollofson, DDS Ash Vasanthan, DDS, MS

Executive Director

Della Yee

Program Manager/ Executive Assistant

Melissa Brown

Publications Coordinator

Lisa Murphy

Member Liaison/ Peer Review Coordinator

Erin Castleberry

Member Liaison/ Smiles for Kids Coordinator

Editors Emeritus: William Parker, DMD, MS, PhD • Bevan Richardson, DDS

PS: See you at CDA Cares at Cal Expo in August! 



You can now sign up and charge online for all SDDS courses!

www.sdds.org/membersmeetingsforums.com 6 | The Nugget

Advertising rates and information are sent upon request. Acceptance of advertising in the Nugget in no way constitutes approval or endorsement by Sacramento District Dental Society of products or services advertised. SDDS reserves the right to reject any advertisement.

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& charge online

look for this button!

The Nugget is an opinion and discussion magazine for SDDS membership. Opinions expressed by authors are their own, and not necessarily those of SDDS or the Nugget Editorial Board. SDDS reserves the right to edit all contributions for clarity and length, as well as reject any material submitted. The Nugget is published monthly (except bimonthly in June/July and Aug/Sept) by the SDDS, 915 28th Street, Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 446-1211. Subscriptions are free to SDDS members, $50 per year for CDA/ADA members and $125 per year for nonmembers for postage and handling. Third class postage paid at Sacramento, CA.

Postmaster: Send address changes to SDDS, 915 28th Street, Sacramento, CA 95816.

Sacramento District Dental Society

Impact of the Elimination of adult dental benefits in Medi-Cal In 2009, California eliminated its DentiCal program, ending non-emergency dental services for adults enrolled in its Medicaid program, Medi-Cal. The Department of Healthcare Services estimated the cut would save approximately $190 million total and $97.5 million from the State’s general fund. Eliminated benefits included basic diagnostic and prevention services, including routine checkups; and eliminated restorative services, including fillings, crowns, root canals and dentures. In the months leading up to the state budget cuts, many advocates expressed concern and hypothesized about the potential impact of this change, but there was little experience about what a major cut like this would mean for Californians. Anecdotal reports on this issue included in a piece from National Public Radio in early 2010, seven months after the elimination of the Denti-Cal program, which highlighted that patients were forgoing routine cleanings and delaying care until the pain was unbearable. While dentists were providing discounts for needed treatment and payment plans, few patients could still afford to pay for care out of pocket. This resulted in more and more patients simply getting their decayed teeth pulled instead of treated. Seniors were seriously affected; one clinician told NPR “nutritional needs of the patients can’t be met if they can’t chew and eat food appropriately.” Medicare does not cover dental care, so poor seniors in California had relied on the DentiCal program for dentures, which were no longer available.

The California HealthCare Foundation (CHCF) was able to conduct a more datadriven analysis and published an issue brief titled “Eliminating Adult Dental benefits in Medi-Cal: An Analysis of Impact” in December 2011, providing the best analysis to date. While the study was limited by the fact that there were only two years of data to analyze, this research provides substantive information on critical initial outcomes and results. As expected, they found that the numbers of adult beneficiaries using dental services decreased across all procedure categories after the cuts were put in place. The study also found that of the 53 counties that had 100 or more providers, all counties lost providers offering services to varying degrees – ranging from -7% to -34%. Some of the counties with the highest rates of decrease in providers were Sacramento at -26%, San Diego at -29% and San Francisco at -31%. The average provider loss was -20%. One interesting caveat to this development was that while the number of providers decreased after the cuts were made, many of the providers who remained saw more patients — most of them children. Use of ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSC) is also an important indicator CHCF examined. ACSCs are defined as those conditions that can be managed effectively on an outpatient basis; therefore, hospital and emergency department admission rates for these services can act as key markers for lack of access for quality primary care. CHCF measured expenditures for dental ACSC in hospital settings as well as dental services provided outside

November 2012 sdds.org/SDDF_Broadway.htm


January 2013

By Nicette Short CDA Staff

a dental office. Their research found that costs in hospital and non-dental settings went up – from $31 million to $36 million, an increase of more than 16%. This reflects that patients were having to get what would otherwise be community-based, early intervention services in more costly hospital settings. One important note included in the CHCF study was that the real health impact of reduced oral health care is for the most part gradual, and so the adverse health impacts from the elimination of dental services on former beneficiaries will not be fully realized for at least a few more years. While it is too early to fully understand the long-term health and budget impacts of this fundamental change, we in the oral health community must stay mindful of the impact of these types of policy changes, as we take on the many state and federal changes to the health care delivery system that are coming our way.  Nicette Short recently joined the Public Policy division of the California Dental Association. She has been a public policy advocate for more than 10 years, focusing on children’s health care policy, effective implementation of health care reform and improving access to high-quality specialty care. Before moving to public policy, she worked as a performance auditor in California and Louisiana, working to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of a variety of state and local governmental entities. Nicette has a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Louisiana State University.

March 2013

April 2013

Plus a Mega Hit coming in June 2013! Stay tuned for more details!

June / July 2012 | 7

The Story of

RAM California Remote Area Medical (RAM) Foundation of California provided its first two free health clinics in Oakland and Sacramento in 2011, making these cities the newest affiliates of the RAM Foundation. After a group of oral surgeons and I volunteered at the RAM clinic at the LA Sports Arena in 2010, we asked Stan Brock, the founder of RAM, if he would bring the clinics to northern California. Mr. Brock agreed to bring his team to northern California for 2011, and so begins the story. The California Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, in partnership with RAM and the TZU Chi Foundation, hosted two free clinics in Northern California in April of 2011. These two clinics, one in Sacramento and one in Oakland, provided over 10,000 services to more than 6,500 people. Due to the overwhelming success of these clinics, RAM USA invited the California team to become an official state affiliate of the Remote Area Medical® Foundation. RAM California was established as an affiliate of Remote Area Medical® and incorporated on September 19, 2011. By becoming an affiliate, we hope to gather enough resources so that RAM California will become entirely self-sufficient. That way we can take care of California communities allowing RAMUSA to host more clinics in other parts of the country. RAMUSA has formed three

By Pamela Congdon, CAE, IOM RAM California President and Volunteer

state affiliates; California, Oklahoma and Kentucky. There is also an affiliate for Canada called RAM Canada. Without the free clinics provided by organizations such as RAM, many families in our communities would have little or no access to medical, vision and dental care. With the current State budget situation, the jobless rate and costs of even minimal healthcare services, the need for this type of event is critical. RAM California wants to assist the people of our state who are affected by this growing problem. Dr. Russ Webb, a CALAOMS and SDDS member, volunteered at the clinic in Los Angeles in 2010 and took the role of Dental Floor Leader for the Oakland 2011 clinic. Dr. Rollofson led the Dental Floor for the 2011 Sacramento Clinic. For 2012, Dr. Webb and Dr. Rollofson teamed up once again to organize and lead the Dental Section of the clinics that were held in Oakland and Sacramento. We were also fortunate to have back Craig Dial and his team from Diagnostic Digital Imaging (DDI), as well as a Panorex Machine donated by Planmeca and Patterson Dental. I have heard so many touching stories from volunteers who work at RAM clinics and the gratefulness expressed by patients who receive their services. The energy and spirit at the clinics is amazing. Although volunteers

have to give up their precious time to assist at these clinics, and although the patients have to wait for hours in line to receive their health care, they do so willingly and keep a positive attitude throughout. The patients are so grateful that there are people who care and this clinic makes them feel that they have not been abandoned. It’s hard to describe how it feels to volunteer at these clinics, but to have a patient thank you for giving back his dignity or for caring enough to bring the clinic to their community is a reward that is indescribable.  Pamela Congdon serves as Executive Director of the California Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (CALAOMS) and also as President and volunteer for Remote Area Medical (RAM) California.

Remote Area Medical www.ramusa.org

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Sacramento District Dental Society

Notes from

A Volunteer In March, I was part of the RAM California events in Oakland and Sacramento. This was the second year the RAM events had taken place in these two venues. With the help of hundreds of other volunteers, we were able to treat over 3,000 patients. I cannot express the overwhelming satisfaction I had working side by side with fellow dental professionals during these eight days. It was both exhilarating and exhausting and I can’t wait until next year’s events. I want to share my experiences in volunteering in this wonderful profession and hope to inspire others to participate in future local events like RAM and CDA Cares. My desire to volunteer in our profession of dentistry goes back 30 plus years. I met my husband Russ at UCLA and we spent many weekends during his last year of dental school volunteering side by side at the UCLA Mobile Dental Clinic. I was “bitten by the bug” and have never looked back. The profession of dentistry has provided my family a wonderful life and I feel it is important to give back whenever possible to those who are less fortunate. Now, more than ever, with our state in such a dire financial crisis and dental aid for the needy being virtually non-existent, it is more important to help where we can. It’s wonderful to see organizations like Remote Area Medical, RAM California, America’s Dentists Care Foundation, Missions of Mercy and Tzu Chi stepping up and creating events where dentists, hygienists and dental assistants can volunteer and really make a difference in their own community. Our first CDA Cares, Mission of Mercy project in Sacramento is coming in August. If you haven’t already signed up, please come join us. Of course these events happen once a year and the big question is: where can the uninsured, unemployed, and homeless go when they have a dental emergency? SDDS’s Smile for Kids and Smiles for BIG Kids were created to help meet these demands, and many of our SDDS www.sdds.org

By Kathi Webb

SDDS Foundation Board Member

dentists give all year long to support these two programs. It is a chance for every SDDS dentist to do a small part to help alleviate this crisis. Since the beginning of Smiles for Kids, over $10.7 million of treatment has been done for our local children and their family members. I am proud to be a part of the SDDS Foundation and all it does for our community. Every dollar donated goes to helping our own local dental needs. If you are not a member, please consider joining your SDDS Foundation. Three years ago, I was introduced to an amazing organization called The Gathering Inn, a homeless shelter in Roseville. Partnering with 40 local churches, the Gathering Inn provides a safe environment for the homeless of Placer County and a chance to make healthy changes in their lives through support and counseling. One of the critical needs not being met was dental care. I teamed up with my dear friend Ann Peck, and without any real experience starting a dental clinic, we began working hard to create a facility on the Gathering Inn property. It has been an amazing journey and every time we thought it would not happen, someone or something would give us a much needed boost. I would like to take this moment to thank the SDDS Foundation for believing in our vision and giving us assistance in making our dream happen. We have been working temporarily in a local Roseville dental office one day a month for the last year and, thanks to Dr. Forde, have provided dental care for over 100 patients. I am happy to announce that the clinic is going to be completed and opens this summer. This has been a long process and I have learned so much along the way. I am truly blessed to have met and worked with so many wonderful volunteers throughout this process. After 30 years I am still working side by side Russ, who puts in long hours helping to organize and run the RAM and MOM events, as well as supporting me at the Gathering Inn Dental Clinic. I also have my daughter,

Tiana, and son in law Sean Rockwell working just as hard to give back. I am so proud of my family and friends who volunteer their free time to help others. I know there are many of you in our community donating your time and providing care to our less fortunate citizens. THANK YOU for all you do. There is so much more to be done and if every dental professional could give a little, just think what could be accomplished. If you have not volunteered and are interested in getting involved please check out The Nugget volunteer page that lists local clinics and upcoming events. This is OUR community and there are those who need our help. PLEASE consider getting involved. 

Are you a stylish sipper? Take your SDDS water bottle with you when you travel — we’ll help quench your thirst!

Dr. Wallace was recently spotted with his SDDS water bottle in England! Can you top that? Send us a photo!

June / July 2012 | 9

CDA Cares Free Dental Clinic Comes to Sacramento Ten million Californians experience challenges accessing dental care. The California Dental Association (CDA) Foundation and national partner America’s Dentists Care Foundation, are committed to holding CDA Cares free dental clinics throughout the state to provide dental services and oral health education and counseling to more than 1,500 patients at each event. In addition, CDA Cares comes complete with a dental lab and the ability to provide a limited number of dentures as well as temporary flippers — giving the gift of teeth to many.

understand the importance of maintaining good oral health. Therefore, CDA Cares clinics will provide patient counseling on both oral health literacy and community resources available to meet their ongoing dental needs.

Sacramento will host a two-day clinic on August 24–25, 2012 at Cal Expo. The CDA Foundation held its first event in Modesto on May 18–19, 2012. Next year, two more events will be scheduled in other parts of the state. Dr. Russ and Kathi Webb will be chairing this year’s Sacramento event.

State budget cuts eliminated virtually all adult Denti-Cal benefits in 2009, decimating oral health services for more than three million.

The need for free dental clinics is greater than ever. State budget cuts eliminated virtually all adult Denti-Cal benefits in 2009, decimating oral health services for more than three million poor, disabled and elderly Californians. There are currently no dental programs other than children’s DentiCal and Healthy Families. In this economy, people have lost their jobs and their homes, working people have lost their dental benefits, and others are postponing necessary care as they struggle to meet their obligations. The CDA Foundation knows that dentists throughout California provide millions of dollars in pro bono care all year long, but policymakers — state and local elected officials — don’t know that. In addition to helping people in need of dental care, the Foundation will put an emphasis on bringing elected officials to these events. State officials need to understand the state of oral health care in California, and the lack of state infrastructure and adequate funding for oral health safety net programs. Local elected officials need to understand the importance of community water fluoridation and preserving amalgam as a viable dental material. Patients need to

10 | The Nugget

Sacramento dentists have turned out in great numbers, two years in a row, to support the Remote Access Medical clinics that have been held in Sacramento and Oakland. Patients

wait in line, overnight, sometimes for days, to get the treatment they need, and they are gracious and thankful. We have heard over and over how rewarding our dentists’ work has been. Dental supply companies have rallied with us. Benco and Carestream were premier sponsors for our Modesto event, and Patterson is our premier sponsor for Sacramento. Both events will have three Panorex machines – as far as we know this is the first time this many machines have been donated to any of these events nationwide. And of course, The Dentists Insurance Company (TDIC) is also a prominent sponsor and supporter. Fifty staff members from CDA volunteered for the Modesto event and we expect even more in Sacramento.

By Cathy Mudge

CDA Foundation Executive Director

surgeons, dental hygienists, assistants, lab technicians, nurses and pharmacists. Bring your office staff, dental assistants and hygienists to participate in this wonderful event. Community volunteers are also needed to assist with registration, clinic setup, data entry, escorting patients, translating, and much more. Please register today. The CDA Foundation website provides information on CDA Cares as well as the link to register: www.cdafoundation.org/Give/Volunteer/ CDACaresFreeDentalClinics.aspx Thank you!  Cathy Mudge has been with the California Dental Association (CDA) since 1997. She currently serves in two roles within the organization -- Executive Director of the California Dental Association Foundation (CDAF) and Vice President of Community Affairs for CDA. Community Affairs includes the Communications and Component Relations functions within CDA. During her 15 years with the organization, she has served as Vice President of Public Policy, responsible for CDA’s legislative and regulatory activities and policy development, then as CDA’s Chief Administrative Officer, overseeing Marketing & Communications, IT, Component Relations, Project Management, Administration/ Governance, and Online Services. She has worked in the association arena since 1990 when she joined the California Medical Association. Cathy began her career more than 35 years ago working in the health care, pharmaceutical, and insurance fields, and has served most of her career in executive and senior management positions.

Now we need you to find the time to volunteer. Every patient you see reduces an access barrier, and can change a life.

CDA Cares Sacramento

How you can help

August 24–25, 2012

We need volunteer dental and health professionals including general dentists, oral

Friday & Saturday

Sacramento District Dental Society

Russell Webb, DDS CDA Cares Free Dental Clinics

CDA Cares Chair

On May 18–20, I was privileged to be part of CDA Cares free dental clinic held in Modesto. The CDA Cares clinics are a collaborative effort between CDA, CDA Foundation and the America’s Dentists Care Foundation, the organization that puts on Missions of Mercy (MOM) events. With the help of many dental professionals and hundreds of lay volunteers we were able to offer dental care to 1650 patients. These patients represented a full range of circumstances, from those who had routine dental care until recently for a variety of reasons (mostly from loss of employment and dental benefits) to those who had not seen a dentist for many years. Treatments included the full range as well, from hygiene to restorative procedures to full mouth extractions of non-restorable teeth. Regardless of the treatment received, virtually all the patients I dealt with were very appreciative and freely gave out thank yous, hugs and handshakes. The two 12-hour days were both exhausting, exhilarating and one of the most rewarding experiences I have had in dentistry. I had the opportunity to work with many wonderful volunteers who share the desire to give back to our communities and our profession. We will again be offering a two day CDA Cares event at Cal Expo this summer (August 24th and 25th). Planning has begun and, like all Mission of Mercy events, the success depends on volunteer involvement at all levels from dental professionals and general volunteers. Please join me for two days of very rewarding service to our community. You can register for this event on the CDA Foundation website under CDA Cares.

When: August 24–25 Friday & Saturday

Work shifts: 4 each day morning and afternoon

Volunteers needed: per shift

• 30 hygienists, • 40 general dentists • 100 assistants • 8–10 endodontists • 10 pediatric dentists • 15 oral surgeons • Periodontists Can you do restorative? O/S? Triage? • Prosthodontists • 12 dentists for x-ray • 40 dentists for triage You can be retired or just “not working” and really help here! AND… for those of you who aren’t dentists or licensed auxiliaries, we need volunteers to be: • Runners • Volunteer and routing people • Crowd control • Assistants

Sign up your kids (age 18 and up!) • Sign up your neighbors! Sign up your family! • Sign up your Eagle Scout group! Info Line (volunteers & patients): (888) 959-1331


June / July 2012 | 11

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12 | The Nugget

SDDS Vendor Member Since 2001

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Sacramento District Dental Society

Sacramento District Dental Society presents the 33rd Annual MidWinter Convention & Expo

Thursday & Friday: February 7 & 8, 2013 • Sacramento Convention Center SDDS MidWinter vs. CDA Presents

good team building

Attend midwinter as a staff and leave as a team!

good opportunities

to network, learn & discover new vendors

good value

food included, low travel costs & more!

good ce credits earn up to 14 ce credits in 2 days!

Reg Parking Meals Gas Hotel Toll

SDDS Doctor $320 $16 included $5 $0 $0

CDA Doctor $0 $90 $75 $60 $200 $10

Total $341 $435

SDDS Staff $159 $16 included $5 $0 $0

CDA Staff $20 $90 $75 $60 $200 $10

$180 $455

All SDDS classes are included in registration price

based on two days

SO YOU THINK IT’S “FREE”? In recent surveys, some SDDS members have said they don’t usually attend because there is a charge and CDA Presents is “free”…

good speakers!

confirmed speakers as of 6/5/2012

Peggy Blackburn, RDH • Heidi Christopher, RDH Darren Cox, DDS • Gary Dougan, DDS Debra Englehardt-Nash • Katie Fornelli (CDA) Harold Heymann, DDS • Tim Mickiewicz, DDS Robert Tavelli (USBC) • Patrick Wood, DDS

4 February 7–8, 2013 is our 33rd Annual Midwinter Convention. 4 It’s two days (Thursday and Friday). 4 It’s full of some great CE courses and speakers (people come from all over the country to speak for us). Please consider this: • Lunch, coffee and mini breakfast are included in the price • Parking is cheaper than other cities (except Lodi) • We give away $100 bills in the Expo • Our charge is all inclusive, no add-on course costs • You can get 14–16 units of CE • It’s a great way to network with your peers • Our Expo has all the local vendors ready to talk to you • There is plenty of room for everyone So, if you haven’t attended our MW Convention, please consider it. (Even if you plan to attend ADA and CDA Conventions, we have room for you too!) Please consider bringing your staff members as well. Look for the prospectus in the mail later this summer.

More MidWinter info always available at:



There is plenty of time to plan ahead — February 7th and 8th. It’s all … “goOD!”

June / July 2012 | 13

Hole 11 — Hole in one

Kids Care Dental Group

Hole 11 — Hole in one

Von Housen Automotive Group

Hole 12

Patterson Dental Supply

Hole 13

Komet USA

Hole 13

Hole 1

Ronald T. Blanchette, DDS

Hole 1

Wells Fargo Bank

Hole 2

Mann, Urrutia, Nelson, CPAs

Hole 3

Prosthodontic Dental Group:

Union Bank Jackson, Heise & Alpha Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Dental Management Solutions, Inc. Dentsply North America

Hole 4

Bank of Sacramento

Hole 5

Blue Northern Builders, Inc.

Hole 6

Liberty Dental Plan

Hole 7 — Longest Drive

Burkhart Dental Supply

Hole 8 — Closest to the Pin

Lemas Accountancy Corporation

Hole 9

Drs. Cas, Jonathan & Damon Szymanowski

Hole 9

Hole 14 — Closest to the Pin Hole 15 Hole 15

Drs. Nordlander, Hinton, Dyal & Angel

Hole 16 — Longest Drive

Carestream Dental

Hole 17

Andrews Construction, Inc.

Hole 18

Olson Construction, Inc.


Northwestern Mutual Financial

Adam Miller & Michael Welch, CLU, ChFC

Golf Towel sponsor

Endodontic Associates

Drs. Whitnack, K. Keating, Greene, Bal, Opp & D. Keating

Beer Cart sponsor

Levering Company

First Citizens Bank

Commercial Real Estate

Hole 10

Beer Cart sponsor

North Valley Bank

Bank of the West


3M Unitek Sacramento District Dental Society Accurate Handpiece Repair Ray Ramsey, DDS Blue Northern Builders, Inc. Turkey Creek Golf Course Procter & Gamble Oral Health 14 | The Nugget

Thank you, sponsors!


raised by this year’s tourney for the SDDS Foundation!

Special thanks to Dr. Cas Szymanowski for donating golf at Spyglass Hill Golf Course in Pebble Beach! Sacramento District Dental Society

Contest winners: Closest to the Pin (Hole # 7)

Golf Tournament Committee (2012)

Closest to the Pin (Hole # 8)

Dr. Damon Szymanowski

Sponsor: Burkhart Dental Supply Winner: Chris Macasaet

Sponsor: Lemas Accountancy Corporation Winner: Morgan Davis


Dr. Todd Andrews Dr. Daisuke Bannai Dr. Matthew Comfort Dr. Dennis Peterson Dr. I. Ray Ramsey

Closest to the Pin (Hole # 11) Sponsor: Kids Care Dental Group Winner: Kevin Winton

Closest to the Pin (Hole # 14) Sponsor: Wells Fargo Bank Winner: Rick Baridge

Longest Drive (Hole # 16)

Sponsor: Carestream Dental Winner: Dr. Candy McComb

Thank you for a great tournament!

Putting Contest


First Citizens Bank Voted Most Creative Hole Sponsor


Sponsor: Northwestern Mutual Financial

Adam Miller & Michael Welch, CLU, ChFC

Winner: Marty CAttaneo

1st Place Foursome

Winners: Dr. Russell Jones Marty CAttaneo Dr. Jeff Jones Rick Baridge

Photos (clockwise from top left)

2nd Place Foursome

Winners: Dr. Scott Szotko David Sherlock Wayne Segers Chris Lambert


Drs. Paul Cripe and Sean Rhee kick off a beautiful day on the course!

Dr. George Mayweather, Jeanne Maloney, Susan Merchant and Dr. Jeremy Salvatierra enjoy the sun.

Drs. Kevin Kurio, Shane Panter, Bruce Holt and Dave Pettey try their best to claim the Hole-in-One prize, a brand new Mercedes!

Dr. Damon Szymanowski sets up the perfect shot.

Dr. Steve Longoria swings away!

Debbie Koski lines up her putt.

Jake Correa (son of Dr. Fred Correa) sizes up the green.

Dr. Candy McComb takes the prize for Longest Drive.

Dr. Ray Ramsey wins a cuddly teddy bear in the Foundation raffle.

June / July 2012 | 15

16 | The Nugget

Sacramento District Dental Society

Regulatory Compliance

From the CDA Compass

New Rules Coming for TamperResistant Prescription Forms

Forms must now have:

Tamper-resistant forms used for controlled substance prescriptions must now have the prescriber’s address preprinted on them. Forms without a preprinted address will not be accepted by pharmacies after July 1. New law SB 360 (DeSaulnier) also adds requirements for printers of tamper-resistant forms. The printers must be approved by the state Department of Justice.

patient care. HIPAA and state health information privacy laws are applicable to the use of the information. The Department of Justice may conduct audits of the system and its users, and cite and fine entities for violations of those rules. Any misuse or inappropriate access of patient data can be subject to disciplinary, civil or criminal actions by the Department of Justice and the appropriate licensing agency.

• Must be reported to local law enforcement within three days

Prescribers with Drug Enforcement Administration numbers may apply online for access to the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program at oag.ca.gov/ cures-pdmp.

More information:

Additionally, the law requires the reporting of a theft or loss of tamperresistant prescription forms to local law enforcement no later than three days after the discovery of the loss or theft. Rules also have been established for accessing and using the information in the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, the state’s database of patient controlled-substance history information. Access to the monitoring program can assist prescribers in making better prescribing decisions to cut down on prescription drug abuse. Prescribers may use the information in the monitoring program only for

Printers of tamper-resistant forms must require photo identification from a customer who personally picks up the forms, and only established customers may pick up the forms in person. If mailing the forms to a prescriber, the printer must use certified mail or other means that requires the recipient’s signature, and must send the forms to the prescriber’s address on file with the DEA.

• Prescriber’s address (preprinted)

Lost or stolen forms:

Rules for printers: • Must require photo identification from customer picking up forms • If mailing forms, must use some form of mail that requires a signature; must send to prescriber’s address on file with the DEA

Controlled Substances: Prescribing and Dispensing cdacompass.com/Home-Inner/Article/ tabid/94/topic/Controlled_Substances_ Prescribing_and_Dispensing/Default.aspx. Up-to-date information on applicable state and federal laws is available in an article titled Controlled Substances: Prescribing and Dispensing on cdacompass.com at cdacompass.com/Home-Inner/Article/ tabid/94/topic/Controlled_Substances_ Prescribing_and_Dispensing/Default.aspx. 

In memoriam Edward Ishii, DDS Dr. Edward Ishii passed away at on April 10, of heart complications. He was 87 years old. Dr. Ishii retired last year from the K street office where he had worked for since 1969. Recent patients included grandchildren of first-generation Japanese-Americans whom he treated after they returned from World War II internment. He was a long time member and volunteer at Sacramento Japanese United Methodist Church and a founding member of Sacramento Senators Lions Club. Dr. Ishii missed his high school graduation in 1942 due to his family being sent to a Tule Lake internment camp. He was allowed to leave the camp to earn a dental degree at the University of Minnesota, and was then drafted into the army, serving in the dental corps during the Korean War. Dr. Beverly Kodama remembered Dr. Ishii as her first dentist, noting that her family would drive from rural Yuba City to see him. She recalls also that he was interned at the same camp as her father, and that he was always very kind, thoughtful and supportive. She wonders if his kindness rubbed off on her in a way to influence her toward choosing dentistry as a life long love. Dr. Ishii was pre-deceased by his wife of 52 years, Yuriko. He was a member of SDDS for 63 years. 


June / July 2012 | 17

Board Report

Respectfully Submitted by Kelly Giannetti, DMD, MS


May 1, 2012 Call to order Dr. Hawkins thanked everyone for being at the meeting and open and honest in their opinions. He wanted everyone to feel safe. SECRETARY’S REPORT Dr. Giannetti presented the drop list (nonpayment of 2012 dues people) — we lost 48 members for nonpayment of 2012 dues, but our new member applications are ahead of our projections. Thanks to Access Dental, we have 13 new members this month! TREASURER’S REPORT Dr. Ackerman gave positive treasurer’s report. Our budget projections are right on the mark, through the first quarter. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT Cathy Levering reported on the following: • Corporate Dentistry project: We received an ADA Grant for $6000 which we are using to target for corporate membership research and recruitment. Corporate membership is a focus of both ADA and CDA. Sacramento includes corporate dental offices that are owned locally as well as nationally. A report will be given to the Board in November. • The 2012-2013 Calendar and Program at a Glance, including meetings, programs and events, was handed out. Comments were made that it looks like a great program for the coming year. All program contracts for 2013, including Midwinter 2013, will be completed by May 30th. • The Directory is almost completed and will be printed and mailed in June. • Committee reports, activities, minutes: > First Tooth or First Bday (1T1B): It was M/C the 1T1B Task Force action

plan as submitted by the task force. (Plan includes outreach to all pediatricians and the general pediatric community through the end of December). > Ethics Committee: Dr. Kodama is the liaison to the Ethics Committee. She reported on the projects/ideas they are discussing, including a outreach for information, an ethics survey to members, HR audio on Ethics, suggestion of Ethics presentation in Backyard CE, or other CE, presentation. (Note: Since all programming is completed through 2013, we will investigate further options, beginning with an Ethics Corner in upcoming issues of the Nugget. Currently, the CDA Compass has a blog on ethics and issues regarding such.) UNFINISHED BUSINESS • It was M/C to accept the leadership nominations from Leadership Development Committee. Congratulations to all! (See opposite page for slate of nominees) • GMC Update by Dr. Jones, Cathy and Debra Payne from First 5 Commission. They have been working tirelessly and meeting with Senators and Assemblymen to “fix” the GMC problem for Sacramento County. Unbelievable strides for our members! NEW BUSINESS • Sutter Hospital, Dr. Allan Yee, (through brother Dr. Wes Yee) requested we partner and support a new program to prevent bacterial disease in hospital/hospices. This is a good project to give to Geriatrics Task Force. Dr. Patel was given the project to take to the Task Force. • Radio spots for Dental Health Education: Cathy presented in her report the possible

partnership with Clear Channel. The purpose of the partnership was to advance community education for 1T1B (and other dental educational topics). Clear Channel will be a Vendor Member A as part of the partnership. The message will be “brought to you by SDDS” and then doctors will have the opportunity to participate as a tag at the end of the message. Clear Channel has given a tremendous discount on these spots and all doctors will be invited to participate and share the discounted cost. While it will be limited, the first to respond will be given priority — but it is unlimited and open for growth opportunities. The commercials will contain the educational message and then promote the two doctors as a tag: Sample Message: 1T1B message… brought to you by the Sacramento District Dental Society, “in Gold River, see Dr. XXX, in Roseville, see Dr. XXX.” It was M/C to support the radio promotion / education campaign through Clear Channel and Associates as presented to the Board. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.  Next Board Meeting: September 4, 2012 at 6:00pm

SDDS HR hotline:


Our mission: It is the mission of the Sacramento District Dental Society to be the recognized source for serving its members and for enhancing the oral health of the community. 18 | The Nugget

Sacramento District Dental Society

* = Served as Chair or Co-Chair of Committee

Viren Patel, DDS


General Practitioner • SDDS Member since 1996 SDDS Board (2009–12) • Foundation Board (2001) • Delegate (2009–10) Committee Involvement: Amalgam Advisory, Dental Health, Ethics, Geriatric Work Group, Leadership Development, Leadership Evaluation Task Force*, Membership, Nugget Editorial, Peer Review, Strategic Plan, Student Mentoring Workgroup

Gary Ackerman, DDS


General Practitioner • SDDS Member since 1987

Executive Committee (2010–13) • SDDS Board (2005–08) • Foundation Board (2010) Delegate (2004–05, 2007–08, 2009–13) • Smiles for Kids Committee Involvement: Budget & Finance*, CE*, Leadership Development, MidWinter Convention, Strategic Planning* • Other Honors & Positions: CDA Board of Managers, ADA Delegate

Kelly Giannetti, DDS


Orthodontist • SDDS Member since 1999

Executive Committee (2011–13) • SDDS Board (2006–2010) Foundation Board (2000–05, 2011–12) Vice President (2003–04) Delegate (2008–13) • Alternate (2007–08) • Smiles for Kids Committee Involvement: Board Size Task Force, Budget & Finance, Ethics, Leadership Development, Legislative, Policy / Guidelines Task Force, Strategic Plan*

Victor Hawkins, DDS

Immediate Past President

General Practitioner • SDDS Member since 1963

Executive Committee (2009–13) • SDDS Board (2005–08) • Foundation Board (2009–10) Delegate (2007–13) • Alternate (2006) • Smiles for Kids Site Host Committee Involvement: CPR* • GMC Task Force • Other Honors & Positions: CDA Council on Continuing Education, CDAF Advisory Board — Northern CA* (past), ADA Alternate Delegate

Dean Ahmad, DDS

Board Member

Periodontist • SDDS Member since 2004

Smiles for Kids Site Host Committee Involvement: CE, CPR, Dental Health*, Ethics, Fluoridation, Forensics Advisory, Geriatric Work Group, Membership

Wallace Bellamy, DDS

Board Member / Delegate

General Practitioner • SDDS Member since 1992

SDDS Board (1999–2003, 2011–12) Delegate (2004) • Alternate (2001, 2003, 2005) • Smiles for Kids Site Host Committee Involvement: Mentor / Mentee Program

Margaret Delmore, MD, DDS

Board Member

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon • SDDS Member since 1992 Committee Involvement: CPR*

Jennifer Goss, DDS

Board Member

Othodontist • SDDS Member since 1977

SDDS Board (2006–07) Committee Involvement: Membership, Board Size Task Force*

Guy Acheson, DDS


General Practitioner • SDDS Member since 1983 Alternate Delegate (2011) Committee Involvement: 1T1B Task Force*, Access to Care Advisory

Steve Leighty, DDS


Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon • SDDS Member since 2008 Alternate Delegate (2011) Committee Involvement: CE, Peer Review

Kim Wallace, DDS


General Practitioner • SDDS Member since 1975 SDDS Board (2008–12) • Foundation Board (2002–06) • Smiles for Kids Site Host Delegate (2003–04, 2006–07, 2010–11) • Alternate (2002, 2005, 2008–09) Committee Involvement: Dental Care*, Dental Health, Fluoridation Advisory*, Membership • Other Honors & Positions: CDA Council on Membership

Notice of Annual Meeting & Elections SDDS Elections 2006 11, 2006 2012 Elections to be held at General Meeting September 12,


President: Gary Ackerman, DDS President Elect / Treasurer: Kelly Giannetti, DMD, MS Secretary: Viren Patel, DDS Immediate Past President: Victor Hawkins, DDS

Board of Directors

Dean Ahmad, DDS (2013–2014: 1st term) Wallace Bellamy, DDS (2013–2014: 2nd term) Margaret Delmore, MD, DDS (2013–2014: 1st term) Jennifer Goss, DDS (2013–2014: 2nd term) Peter Worth, DDS (2013–2014: 1st term) Existing Board Members continuing 2012–13 term:

Nancy Archibald, DDS • Carl Hillendahl, DDS Beverly Kodama, DDS

Delegates to the CDA House of Delegates (2 year term, 2012–13): Guy Acheson, DDS Wallace Bellamy, DDS (2nd term) Steve Leighty, DDS Viren Patel, DDS Kim Wallace, DDS

Existing Delegates continuing 2011–12 term:

Board Member

Periodontist • SDDS Member since 2007

SDDS Board (2011–12) Committee Involvement: CDA Council on Membership, Fluoridation*, Leadership Development, Leadership Evaluation Task Force, Membership* www.sdds.org

Peter Worth, DDS

Gary Ackerman, DDS • Nancy Archibald, DDS Adrian Carrington, DDS • Wai Chan, DDS Kelly Giannetti, DMD, MS • Victor Hawkins, DDS Beverly Kodama, DDS • Kim Wallace, DDS

Sample Ballot • Sample Ballot

2013 Slate of Leadership

Foundation nominees on next page

June / July 2012 | 19

“Didn’t You Speak

at the SDDS meeting?”

By Nicole Horton

CSUS Pre-Dental Association, Outgoing President UCSF Dental Student

The question hit me like a ton of bricks. “Why, yes… in September!”

Executive Director’s Note:

I was interviewing for a seat at UCSF School of Dentistry. As a former president of the California State University, Sacramento Pre-Dental Association (CSUS PDA), I had been given the opportunity to attend a general meeting to give a small speech about our organization. My interviewer, Dr. Chow, was in attendance that night. Instantly, I felt more comfortable and my confidence grew. I’ll be attending UCSF this fall.

Six years ago we launched one of the best things we’ve done at SDDS — the CSUS Pre-Dental Association and Internship Program.

My own experience with the SDDS has been life-changing. Without this relationship, I would have never had the opportunity to intern for Dr. Gabrielle Rasi. It was in her office that I realized that I wanted to make dentistry my life’s work. She showed me that there is so much more to it than pulling teeth. Dr. Kodama and I met at a general meeting I attended to advertise for the CSUS PDA’s annual Beer and Wine Tasting Charity Fundraiser. Dr. Kodama has spent hours upon hours mentoring me and I am forever indebted to her for her wisdom and generosity. I graduated from CSUS this past May and am now seeing my peers build the same life changing relationships. SDDS is an organization I hold in the highest regard. Where else could a pre-dental student learn about the profession and themselves, build lasting relationships and confidence and gaining hands-on experience before they even apply to dental school? It is needless to say that the impact this organization has on the lives of young, aspiring dentists is tremendous. The kindness with which our PDA has been received by SDDS is heart-warming. It gives me great excitement and pleasure to know that, when I complete dental school and return home to set-up practice, I can one-day return the favor to the next generation of dentists. 

I am proud to say that the first CSUS PreDental Association President, Don McAdams, is now Dr. Don McAdams and is practicing in Arizona. The next President, Jesse Manton, is at UOP Dental School and thriving. The next President, Michelle Bruce, is at Western Dental School and this year’s President, Nicole Horton is off to UCSF! And many of their fellow club members are in dental school as well. Not only do our SDDS members provide these young and energetic people a vision to what lies ahead in the profession of dentistry, but these “kids” have gone over and above just the internship program. Suffice it to say, we are so proud of what this program has become. Dr. Kenney Moore and Dr. Mark Olson laid the groundwork and the curriculum for the program back then – and it is still viable today. Dr. Rob Berrin and Dr. Bev Kodama still serve as the liaisons and “major mentors” of this group. Thank you to those of you who have hosted an intern — and there is room for many more… just let us know.

Annual Elections (continued)

Notice of Annual Meeting &2006 Elections SDDS Elections 11, 2006 2012 Elections to be held at General Meeting September 12,

Foundation Board of Directors

Steve Cavagnolo, DDS (2013–2014: 1st term) Viren Patel, DDS (2013) Bevan Richardson, DDS (2013–2014: 1st term) Eligible for another term (2013–14):

Adrian Carrington, DDS • Matthew Campbell, Jr., DDS Gordon Harris, DDS • Kevin Keating, DDS, MS Kathi Webb, Associate Member Existing Board Members continuing 2012–13 term:

Robert Daby, DDS • Debra Finney, MS, DDS Robert Gillis, DMD, MSD • Victor Hawkins, DDS Wesley Yee, DDS

20 | The Nugget

Sample Ballot

Going back to the CSUS PDA, maybe you’ve heard of us. We’re the ones asking to see your name badges at MidWinter Convention. We donate backpacks on Smiles for Kids Day. Many of the interns you are paired with are also our members. SDDS, for the past several years, has done a great deal of work to help us get our foot in the door.

The students came to us with the thought that they need to see what goes on in the dental office BEFORE they apply for dental school. And they wanted to begin building relationships with dentists, find mentors and have a person who would listen to them and answer the many questions they had about careers in dentistry.

Sacramento District Dental Society

Committee Corner Don’t Forget…

CPR in your office! Did you know that you can have one of the SDDS American Heart Association (AHA) Instructors come to your office and provide the CPR course to you and your staff!? This CPR (BLS for Healthcare Providers) has been updated with the 2010 AHA guidelines. It can be presented in the comfort of your own office, at a convenient time for you and your staff. The best part is that it is only $65 per participant. This is the same fee as the Saturday courses offered throughout the year, but there is no need to travel! Please contact SDDS at (916) 446-1227 or email della@sdds.org to schedule your renewal. Remember, current certification in Basic Life Support (CPR) is a mandatory requirement for licensure by the Dental Board of California. For those of you who would rather participate with your forty closest friends on a Saturday morning at Sutter General Hospital, the SDDS AHA upcoming courses are: August 4, 2012 and November 3, 2012. 

CPR Committee Chair

sdds Committee Meetings (2012): 1st Tooth or 1st Birthday Task Force (6:30pm) Aug 14 Access to Care Task Force (7:30am) Future Meetings TBA Amalgam Task Force (7:30am) Future Meetings TBA Board of Directors (6:00pm) Sept 4 • Nov 6 Continuing Education (6:00pm) Sept 18 • Oct 30

Foundation (SDDF) (6:15pm) July 30 • Nov 29 Geriatric Task Force (6:15pm) July 23 GMC Task Force (3:00pm) Meetings monthly Golf (6:00pm) Future Meetings TBA Mass Disaster / Forensics (6:30pm) Summer 2012 Membership (6:00pm) Sept 26 • Nov 28

CPR (6:00pm) Future Meetings TBA

Nugget Editorial (6:15pm) June 12 • Sept 25

Dental Careers Workgroup Meetings scheduled as needed

Peer Review (6:15pm) Sept 17 • Nov 27

Ethics (6:30pm) Sept 19

Ethics Corner

While performing an endodontic procedure, I broke an instrument in the patient’s tooth. What should I do? What are some of my professional and ethical responsibilities? This issue happens to all of us. It happens to some of the best endodontists out there also. With proper training and practice on hundreds of extracted teeth you can minimize your instrument separation rate. How you handle the situation is what is crucial and can save you a future lawsuit and legal problems. If you are knowledgeable and have the tools needed to either remove the broken instrument or bypass it, go for it. If you cannot remove it but are able to bypass the broken instrument and go to working length with patency and without causing/creating perforation and further damage to tooth, do that but you still need to let the patient know what had happened and you were www.sdds.org

By Margaret Delmore, MD, DDS

Committee meetings and more are available 24/7 on the SDDS website. Visit www.sdds.org and click the “Calendar” button.

going to monitor the tooth. If you do not know how to either remove the broken instrument and/or bypass it, temporize the tooth, explain the situation to your patient and refer him/her right away to your endodontist. Whether you remove, bypass or refer, you do have an ethical obligation to inform the patient of the situation. Section 1F of the CDA Code of Ethics states, “A dentist has the obligation to inform patients of their present oral health status.” This approach will certainly not stop every patient from perhaps taking legal action but it will certainly minimize it. Also make sure you have a solid endodontic consent form that patient has read and issues (risks/benefits/alternative treatment/option to be referred to an endodontist) thoroughly explained to him/her prior to starting the endodontic procedure. Make sure this consent is signed by the patient and note who witnessed the signing. Also note in your charting who assisted you during the procedure. Make sure you are ready to take on an endodontic case and make sure it matches your competency level. AAE’s website has some good recommendations on how to select a tooth that matches your competency level. The rule of thumb is when in doubt refer.  June / July 2012 | 21

You’ve built a practice as exceptional as you are. Now choose the optimum insurance to protect it.

TDIC Optimum Anything but ordinary, Optimum is a professional bundle of products that combines TDIC’s singular focus in dentistry, thirty years of experience and generous multipolicy discounts. Creating the ultimate coverage to protect your practice, perfectly. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.

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800.733.0633 tdicsolutions.com Eligible multipolicy discounts apply to Professional Liability, Building and Business Personal Property and Workers’ Compensation.

22 | The Nugget

Sacramento District Dental Society

Sacramento County Water Agency Receives Grant to Fluoridate Drinking Water

By Diane Margetts

County of Sacramento, Department of Water Resources

The First 5 Sacramento Commission awarded the Sacramento County Water Agency an $11 million grant to fluoridate drinking water supplies. Construction to install fluoridation equipment is underway at 32 locations throughout the Water Agency’s service area. The Statewide Fluoridation Act requires public water systems throughout California with more than 10,000 water-service connections to fluoridate their water to promote dental health. Initial testing of the fluoridation system will begin in June. During this test period, suboptimal levels of fluoridated water will be delivered, rotationally, to customer groups for a period of eight days. Before beginning full time fluoridation of the Water Agency’s water systems, Water Agency staff must be able to remotely monitor all the fluoridation facilities using its Supervisory Control Data Acquisition System (SCADA). The SCADA system consists of centralized computers, software and radio communication systems to remotely control, monitor and record the operations of the wells, treatment plants, pump stations and, of course, the fluoridation equipment located at those facilities.


Sacramento County Development Water Agency Fee Area Service Areas

Concurrent with the fluoridation contractor’s work, Water Agency staff is converting remote facilities from the early SCADA system to a new, advanced SCADA system. At the same time, staff is collecting fluoridation information from the sites that are feeding fluoride. Our present schedule indicates the SCADA upgrade to extend approximately three months beyond the fluoride construction work so we are anticipating start-up of the fluoridation facilities to be about November 2012. 

Need more information on Fluoride? Check out the SDDS website: www.sdds.org/Fluoridation.htm www.sdds.org

June / July 2012 | 23


the dentist, the employer

Funky Payday Facts

You are a dentist. You’ve been to school, taken your Boards and settled into practice. End of story? Not quite. Employee evaluations, hiring and firing, labor laws and personnel files are an important part of being an employer. Are you up on the changes that happen nearly EVERY January 1st? In this monthly column, we will offer information pertinent to you, the dentist as the employer.

Test Your Knowledge From California Employers Association (CEA) 1. When are wages due if payday falls on a Sunday or legal holiday and your business is closed?

3. For each workday you fail to provide an employee a meal period/rest break you owe the employee:

a) 48 hours before or after the holiday/Sunday

a) One additional hour of pay at his/her regular rate of pay for both the meal period and the rest break (maximum of 2 hours penalty/day)

b) No later than the next business day c) On the business day preceding the holiday/Sunday

b) One additional hour of pay at his/her regular rate of pay for either the meal period or for the violated rest break policy (maximum of 1 hour penalty/day)

How much do you know about payday laws? 2. How do you pay a nonexempt employee who fails to turn in a time card? a) Wait until you receive an accurate time card and pay the employee on the next payroll

c) One additional hour of pay at his/her regular rate of pay for all violations of meal and break periods (maximum of 3 hours penalty/day) 4. What if my business issues a paycheck that is returned for insufficient funds?

b) Pay all wages that would normally be a) My business can provide the employee with another paycheck without penalty. due for the employees work period and make any deductions for overpayment or b) My business will need to provide the additional payments for overtime on the employee with compensation equal to one next payroll. 4770 Regional Ad Alioto:Layout 1 4/23/12 12:24 PM day Page day’s pay for each the1 wages remain c) Either a or b is fine, it’s up to the employer unpaid, not to exceed 30 days.

c) My business can provide the employee with another paycheck with a one day wage penalty.  Answers: 1:b, 2:b, 3:a, 4:b

linkof the month CDA Cares is August 24 & 25, 2012! Sign up to volunteer at:

www.cdafoundation.org/ Give/Volunteer/ CDACaresFree DentalClinics.aspx

INNOVATION CREATES OPPORTUNITY I'm Lyn Alioto, Clinical Sales Manager for Ivoclar Vivadent. As a resident of Sacramento, I want you to know that I share your same passion for better dentistry. I also want your patients to experience the best possible care imaginable. So, I invite you to give me a call to see how innovation at Ivoclar Vivadent is making a difference.

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24 | The Nugget

Sacramento District Dental Society

Star Group, the premier dental refiner in the United States and across Europe, was the company behind the Crowns for Kids® (CFK® ) program, founded by the Sacramento District Dental Foundation, and now, one of the premier programs of the CDA Foundation. Since 2006, this program has generated more than $100,000 for Smiles for Kids® and dental-health education for kids.

Star Group has part nered with the Sacramento Dist rict Dental Society (SDDS) Foun dation and the CDA Foundation to bring smiles to kids across California through Crowns for Kids®.

Crowns for Kids® offers dentists the chance to improve the oral health of the children in the Sacramento community. Money raised from their donations of gold fillings and crowns helps support oral health projects for underserved children, which focus on preventive care, consumer education, restorative care and fluoridation.

Crowns for Kids® has provided more than a million dollars to fund many critical, oral health initiatives. Star Group is the Dental Refiner of Choice for the Sacramento District Dental Society (SDDS) Foundation.


PROGRAM BASICS: • When Star Group receives the donated gold fillings and crowns from participating dentists, the company processes the donation and sends the cash value directly to the SDDS Foundation. • The SDDS Foundation uses CFK® funds specifically for the Smiles for Kids® program, which has benefitted the children of the Sacramento community through much needed, free dental care.

For more information, contact: SDDS Foundation: 916.446.1227 Star: www.stargroupUS.com • 800.333.9990

June / July 2012 | 25


916.928.1068 www.asimedical.com

Financial Services

Todd Andrews

Shelley Laurel, SVP

916.743.5151 www.andrewsconstructioninc.com



Bank of Sacramento

916.648.2100 www.bankofsacramento.com




Dental Supplies

Burkhart Dental

California Employers Association

Marc Davis • Morgan Davis • Lynda Doyle

Andrew Mallett, Branch Manager

916.772.4192 www.bluenorthernbuilders.com

916.784.8200 www.burkhartdental.com

Kim Parker, Executive VP Mari Bradford, HR Hotline Manager

Blue Northern Builders



Dental Supplies

Crest / Oral B

Lauren Herman • 209.969.6468 Kevin McKittrick • 916.765.9101













DESCO Dental Equipment

4095 Del Mar Ave. #13 Rocklin, CA 95677



916.747.8232 www.descodentalequipment.net


Financial Services

Mann, Urrutia, Nelson, CPAs


916.774.4208 www.muncpas.com









Tekfix Team


26 | The Nugget




916.333.5370 www.fechtercpa.com

Dental Supplies

Henry Schein Dental


916.626.3002 www.henryschein.com


David Olson

Dan Edwards, President

209.366.2486 www.olsonconstructioninc.com





Jim Ryan, Sales Consultant 800.333.9990 www.starrefining.com

866.722.8663 www.pact-one.com

Staffing Services

Resource Staffing Group

Debbie Kemper



916.993.4182 www.resourcestaff.com


The Dentists Insurance Company

Charise Salivar



916.554.4919 www.cda.org

Financial Services

Transition Broker

Lydia Ramirez

Tim Giroux, DDS, President John Noble, MBA

Union Bank

Garrett Gatewood, President 877.291.1099 www.tekfixteam.net


Star Group Global Refining




precious metal refining

Becki Bell, Marketing Director


Fechter & Company


Ursula Klein 916.616.6845


916.988.8583 www.cpa4dentists.net


James Ryan

916.452.6200 www.sacmag.com



Sacramento Magazine


916.576.5650 www.firstus.org

Dental Supplies

800.736.4688 www.pattersondental.com


Craig Fechter, CPA

Dental Supplies

Patterson Dental

Dennis Nelson, CPA, APC

Dennis Nelson, CPA

Olson Construction, Inc.


Financial Services

Chris Nunn 916.367.4540 www.eaglewestgroup.com

Gordon Gerwig, Business Services Manager



Financial Services

Ted Darrow, Client Relations & Marketing

John Urrutia, CPA, Partner Chris Mann, CPA, Partner


First US Community Credit Union


800.399.5331 www.employers.org

Financial Services

Financial Services

Financial Management Associates, Inc.

2011 916.985.9559 • www.fmacentral.com


Tony Vigil, President

Financial Services



Eagle West Group, Inc.

Clear Channel Media & Entertainment

Dave Milner, President • 916.576.2223 Pamela Love, MBA • 916.335.7317

Dental Supplies

The Dental Equipment Specialists

916-624-2800 800-649-6999

Human Resources

916.533.6882 www.unionbank.com

Western Practice Sales



800.641.4179 www.westernpracticesales.com

Sacramento District Dental Society

Vendor Member B

Geary Guy, VP Steve Shupe, VP



Andrews Construction, Inc.

Analgesic Services

Vendor Member A

Medical Gases

Legal Services

Wood & Delgado

Patrick J. Wood, Attorney at Law Jason Wood, Esq.



1.800.499.1474 • 949.553.1474 www.dentalattorneys.com

we love

our SDDS Vendor Members!

Please note that Tilcon Builders and Western Contract have elected not to renew their Vendor Membership at this time. Please remove them from your directory. We appreciate their past support and hope that they will return soon.

vendor member spotlights: Back this year!

New this year!

The Dental Equipment Specialists

916-624-2800 800-649-6999 DESCO began in the mid-eighties as a service only #13 company. As we 4095 Del Mar Ave. grew, more requests came for us toCA become an equipment resource. Rocklin, 95677 We became multi-line suppliers for all types of dental equipment. www.descodentalequipment.com While we still have our roots in the service and maintenance of all types of dental equipment, in the last 20 years we have expanded our scope of work to include: new equipment sales, office design and construction, relocations and remodels. The equipment we service ranges from handpieces to digital x-ray and everything in between. Being a family owned business allows us the flexibility to personalize our sales and service to your needs. Our integrity and professionalism is what you remember of us and we never forget we are working for you. We look forward to the opportunity to be the source for all of your equipment needs. Products and Services • New equipment sales • Service, repair and maintenance of existing equipment • New office design, construction and TI’s • Office relocations

Tony Vigil, President tony.desco@gmail.com


Clear Channel Media and Entertainment serves 150 cities through 850 owned radio stations, including Sacramento’s KFBK AM/ FM, KSTE-AM, V101.1FM, 93.7JACK-FM and Classic 93.1FM. These stations are also heard on the Internet at iHeartRadio.com, as well as the iHeartRadio mobile application for iPads and smartphones. Products and Services In Sacramento, Clear Channel Media & Entertainment reaches nearly 1 million consumers per week (ages 12+). Our unmatched capabilities & assets allow us to create and deliver innovative, effective, multiplatform marketing solutions for advertisers and strategic partners to reach, activate and engage target audiences like no one else. Benefits, Services, Special Pricing and/or Discounts Extended to SDDS Members With 238 million monthly listeners in the U.S., Clear Channel Media and Entertainment has the largest reach of any radio or television outlet in America. In Sacramento, our multi-platform opportunities for our partners extend across our News & News/Talk properties, our familyfriendly FM music stations, the Total Traffic Network, the iHeartRadio platform, our presence in the community and at entertainment events, and our social media engagement via Facebook & Twitter.

Dave Milner, President, Market Manager (916) 576-2223 • davemilner@clearchannel.com

Pamela Love, MBA

(916) 335-7317 • pamelalove@clearchannel.com www.KFBK.com • www.KSTE.com • www.V101FM.com www/937JACKFM.com • www.Classic931.com www.sdds.org

June / July 2012 | 27

We’re blowing your horn! Congratulations to...


Dr. Neil Loveridge, who was awarded the Outstanding Leadership Award by the International College of Dentists (ICD) in Anaheim on Friday May 4, 2012, at a joint meeting of the ICD and the AGD. (photo #1 at right)

Have some news you’d like to share with the Society? Please send your information (via email, fax or mail) to SDDS for publication in the Nugget!

Dr. Kim Wallace, who has walked over 70 miles through England with his wife Sandy, all the while toting his trusty SDDS water bottle! (photo #2 at right) Dr. Julianne Digiorno, on her son Isaac’s placement in a recent advertisement for Old Navy! Isaac proudly modeled the company’s Raglan Tee, Plaid Pocket Shorts and Solid Heel Flip-Flops. (photo #3 at right) Dr. Craig Alpha and his wife Tina, on the birth of Wyatt Milburn on April 25. He was 7 lbs. 3 oz. and 21 inches. (photo #4 at right) Dr. Christopher Kane, who is deployed for a year in Afghanastan. Thank you, Dr. Kane, for your service!.




Dr. Matt Comfort, on his new office in Roseville. Dr. Keith Boyer, for joining Dr. Gene Gowdey’s practice in El Dorado Hills. Jeff Levering, son of SDDS Executive Director Cathy Levering, who received a personalized World Series Ring for his work as the on-air play-by-play broadcaster for the Springfield Cardinals (AA). (photo #5 at right) Dr. Mark Zablotsky, who returned from his recent trip to Africa with hundreds of wonderful photos. See the whole gallery at www.markzablotsky.smugmug.com. (one of these photos #6 at right) Dr. Jeffrey Light (Colonel), on his retirement from the United States Air Force Reserves as of May 2012. Dr. Light served as a member of the 349th Aerospace Medicine Squadron at Travis Air Force Base for 27 years and was with this unit at the time of his retirement. Dr. Joan Burgren, whose son Robert received his BS degree Summa Cum Laude in Budiness Administration from UC Berkeley. Robert now heads to New York and San Francisco to work as a technology mergers and acquisitions investment banking analyst for Deutsche Bank. (photo #7 at right)


5 6

7 9

Dr. Terry Adair, who completed yet another Ironman Competition (Memorial Hermann Ironman Competition, Houston Texas), with his daughter Kelsey (22 years old). The race consisted of a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike and full 26.2 mile marathon. Dr Adair completed the race in 12 hours, 36 minutes, Kelsey in 12 hours, 47 minutes (2nd place for her age group). (photo #8 at right) Dr. Mitch Goodis, whose office recently had six dental assistants give birth, just in time for Mother’s Day! (photo #9 at right)  28 | The Nugget

Sacramento District Dental Society

Volunteer Opportunities Smiles for Kids

Smiles for Big Kids

Volunteers needed: Doctors to “adopt” patients seen on Smiles for Kids Day (February 4, 2012) for follow-up care.

Volunteers needed: Dentists willing to “adopt” patients for immediate/emergency needs in their office.

Contact info: SDDS office (916.446.1227 • smilesforkids@sdds.org)

To volunteer, Contact: SDDS office (916.446.1227 • sdds@sdds.com)

Hiram Johnson H.S. The Gathering Inn Volunteers needed: Dentists and dental hygienists to volunteer one morning a month or every other month to treat Hiram Johnson High School students.

Volunteers needed: Dentists, dental assistants, hygienists and lab participants for onsite clinic expansion.

Contact info: Dr. Wai Chan (916.267.4816 • wmchan@frontiernet.net)

Contact info: Ann Peck (916.296.4057 • annpeck49@aol.com) Volunteer Coordinator

Willow Dental Clinic

Missions of Mercy (CDA Cares)

Volunteers needed: Dentists and hygienists

DATES: Aug 24–25 (Cal Expo, Sacramento)

Equipment needed: Mobile equipment to loan Volunteers needed: Dentists, dental hygienists, assistants, students, or donate — currently limited to using the mobile lab technicians, office staff, specialists including oral surgeons (+/- 100 equipment and instruments brought in by Dr. Alex Tomaich dentist/day needed), and other community members willing to donate time! and Dr. Dagon Jones To volunteer, Visit: To volunteer, contact: www.cdafoundation.org/Give/Volunteer/CDACaresFreeDentalClinics.aspx) Michael Robins (530.864.8843 • marobbins@ucdavis.edu) This event is sponsored by CDA and CDA Foundation, in partnership with volunteering or donations Missions of Mercy. for Concerned CCMP (Coalition Medical Professionals)

Volunteers needed: General dentists, specialists, assistants and hygienists. Also Needed: Dental labs and supply companies to partner with; home hygiene supplies Contact info: Ed Gilbert (916.925.9379 • ccmp.pa@juno.com) www.sdds.org

Additional information on these volunteer opportunities and much more is available on the SDDS website:

www.sdds.org/Volunteer.htm June / July 2012 | 29

Equipment Ad 3.625x4.875:Layout 1

Advertiser Index


4:33 PM

Page 1

DENTAL SOLUTIONS Dental Equipment + Technology Solutions customized to enhance efficiency and productivity.

Dental Supplies, equipment, Repair Burkhart Dental Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 DESCO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Henry Schein Dental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 26, 30 Ivoclar Vivadent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 RelyAid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Patterson Dental Supply, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Procter & Gamble Distributing Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Education San Joaquin Valley College (SJVC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Financial & Insurance Services Bank of Sacramento . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Dennis Nelson, CPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Eagle West Group, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Fechter & Company, CPAs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Financial Management Associates, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 26 First U.S. Community Credit Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 26 Mann, Urrutia & Nelson, CPAs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 TDIC & TDIC Insurance Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 26 Union Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Human Resources

From the Front Office to the Treatment Room and every touch-point in between, Henry Schein has the solutions you need to connect your businesses.

California Employers Association (CEA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 30

Legal services Wood & Delgado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 33

Medical Gas Services Analgesic Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Office Design & Construction Andrews Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 26 Blue Northern Builders, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 26 Henry Schein Dental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 26, 30 Olson Construction, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Practice Sales, Lease, Management and/or Consulting Henry Schein Dental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 26, 30 TRI Commercial Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Western Practice Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 26

Publications & Media Clear Channel Media & Entertainment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Sacramento Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Staffing services Resource Staffing Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Technology Pact-One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Tekfix Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Utilities Sacramento County Water Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Waste management services Absolute Secured Shredding, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Star Group Dental Refining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 26

30 | The Nugget

Sacramento District Dental Society

Welcome to SDDS’s new members, transfers and applicants.

Important Numbers: SDDS (doctor’s line) . . . . . . . (916) 446-1227 ADA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 621-8099 CDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 736-8702 CDA Contact Center . . (866) CDA-MEMBER (866-232-6362) CDA Practice Resource Ctr . . cdacompass.com TDIC Insurance Solutions . . . (800) 733-0633 Denti-Cal Referral . . . . . . . . . (800) 322-6384 Central Valley Well Being Committee . . . . . (559) 359-5631

New Members Reza Abbaszadeh, DDS General Practitioner 8890 Cal Center Dr Sacramento, CA 95826 (916) 922-5000 Dr. Reza Abbaszadeh graduated from the UOP Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry in 1989 with his DDS. He is the owner and CEO of Access Dental who recently enrolled ALL of their associates in membership with the SDDS, CDA and ADA! Access Dental has four dental offices throughout the greater Sacramento area. Dr. Abbaszadeh lives in Sacramento with his wife, Debra.

New Transfer members:

William Harris, DDS General Practitioner 6965 Douglas Blvd Granite Bay, CA 95746 Dr. William Harris graduated from the University of Alberta, Canada in 1982 with his DDS. He is currently relocating to our area with his wife, Wendy, and will be practicing in Granite Bay with his son and new student member, soon-to-be-Dr. Matthew Harris (who will be graduating dental school this summer)!

Saima Hasnain, DDS Transferred from Alameda County Dental Society General Practitioner 3901 Madison Ave North Highlands, CA 95660 (916) 339-9000 Dr. Saima Hasnain graduated from the Baqai Dental School in Pakistan in 1996 with her DDS. She is currently practicing in North Highlands.

Fun Fact! Dr. Harris will be celebrating his 30 year anniversary of graduating dental school this year. He has five children, three of whom are in dentistry (oldest son Matt in dental school 4th year in OHSU, Brett in 2nd year at UNLV, and daughter Melia is a hygienist and teaches at UCDH). He is a certified instructor for the DNA appliance system and has taught internationally on Epigenetic Orthodontics.

Congratulations to our newly retired dentists!

Keep us updated! Moving? Opening another office? Offering new services? Share your information with the Society! We can only refer you if we know where you are; and we rely on having your current information on file to keep you informed of valuable member events! Give us a call at (916) 446-1227. The more accurate information we have, the better we can serve you!

June/July 2012

Samuel Goby, DMD Richard Michelsen, DDS Philip Quinley, DDS Judson Roberts, DDS Robert Tilly, DDS

Patricia Cardona, DDS Transferred from Santa Clara County Dental Society General Practitioner 3945 Marysville Blvd, Ste 1-2 Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 646-4100 Dr. Patricia Cardona graduated from the University of El Salvador in 1991 with her DDS. She is currently working with Access Dental in Sacramento and lives in Rocklin with her husband, Manuel.

Si-Hyun Kim, DDS Transferred from Los Angeles Dental Society General Practitioner 6855 Fair Oaks Blvd, Ste 800 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 487-2603 Dr. Si-Hyun Kim graduated from the Columbia University School of Dentistry in 1999 with his DDS. He is currently practicing in Carmichael. Shelly Milera, DDS Transferred from San Fernando Valley Dental Society General Practitioner 7850 Stockton Blvd, Ste 160 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 689-3310 Dr. Shelly Milera graduated from the University of the East, Philippines in 1996 with her DDS. She is currently practicing in Sacramento and lives in Elk Grove. Ehab Nouged, DDS Transferred from San Joaquin Dental Society General Practitioner 5261 Elkhorn Blvd Sacramento, CA 95842 (916) 344-2362 Dr. Ehab Nouged graduated from the University of Cairo, Egypt in 1995 with his DDS and later completed a residency there in 1996. He is currently practicing in Sacramento and lives in Elk Grove.

More CLIP OUT this handy NEW MEMBER UPDATE and insert it into your DIRECTORY under the “NEW MEMBERS” tab.

total membership (as of 5/29/12): 1,566 total active members: 1,276 total retired members: 205 total Dual members: 2 total affiliate members: 10

total student/ provisional members: 12 total current applicants: 14 total dhp members: 47

total new members for 2012: 35 Dropped For Non-Payment of Dues: 48


June / July 2012 | 31

New Transfer member:

New Provisional member:

John Mahon, DDS Member of Nevada Dental Association Locum Tenens Dr. John Mahon graduated from the Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry in 1975 with his DDS. He is currently doing locum tenens work and lives in Sparks, Nevada.

Gabrielle Kruse, DDS UCSF School of Dentistry, 2006 St Barnabas Hospital — New York, 2012

New Student members: Daniel Barrett, DMD Oregon Health Science University, 2011 Veteran Affairs Northern California Healthcare System, 2012 Matthew Harris Oregon Health Science University, 2012

Back in time… Can you identify this SDDS Member? The first SDDS member to call the SDDS office (916.446.1227) with the correct answer wins $10 off their next General Meeting registration. Only the winner will be notified. Member cannot identify herself.

Watch for the answer in the August/September 2012 Nugget! Answer from May 2012 issue: Dr. Robert Hays

New Applicants: Arvin Aparece, DDS Gaston Arata, DDS Marjoorie Castro, DDS Ru Chen, DDS Christopher Claus, DDS Martha De Los Rios, DDS Beatriz Galofre, DDS Miguel Olvera Guerra, DDS Steve Le, DDS Chris Mayeda, DDS Yvan Quintana, DDS Cherag Sarkari, DDS Eleanor Tanglao, DDS Jenny Victoria, DDS Magnus Yang, DDS

Place this page in the “New Members” section of your 2011–12 SDDS Directory

Member Update From Dr. Craig Johnson… All is good here. I am volunteering in the nursing home and hospital at the VA Hospital here in Sheridan, WY. I help out in Patient Escort — helping patients get to various appointments through the complex. I am now working with the Deputy Attorney General of Wyoming to draft language for a restricted license so I can teach at the school within the job description. We should be able to work this out. All else is great. We sold our house in Fair Oaks — still have our cabin in Tahoe. We are hoping to get to Tahoe for a month or so this summer.

CLIP OUT this handy NEW MEMBER UPDATE and insert it into your DIRECTORY under the “NEW MEMBERS” tab.

Need an associate? Staff? Buying or selling a practice?

Check out the Job Bank at www.sdds.org!

32 | The Nugget

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June / July 2012 | 33

Event Highlights

General Membership Meeting (Foundation Night) • May 8, 2012


2 3 6

4 5


9 34 | The Nugget

8 1. Lori Daby, Dr. Robin Berrin and Dr. Monika Gugale • 2. Dr. Mitch Goodis and his father, Jesse Goodis • 3. Drs. Sydney Moore, Debra Finney and Elaheh Samsani • 4. Annette Haydn-Myer, winner of a Smiles for Kids t-shirt in the trivia contest • 5. Drs. Don and Diane Liberty • 6. Dr. Pam DiTomasso (second from left), with her staff • 7. Dr. Martha De Los Rios (SDDS New Member), with her husband Dr. Carlos Feuillet (SDDS soon-to-be member!) • 8. Smiles for Kids Site Hosts in attendance: Tanya Edwards (Dr. DiTomasso’s office), Dr. Victor Hawkins, Dr. Matthew Comfort, Dr. Christy Rollofson, Dr. Chester Hsu, Dr. Paul Denzler, Dr. Dennis Peterson, Dr. Jan Work, Sunday Bogart (Dr. Cindy Weideman’s office), Dr. Don Rollofson and Dr. Robert Daby • 9. Speaker, Dr. David Rothman

Next General Membership Meeting: September 11, 2012 www.sdds.org/genmeetingCE.htm

Sacramento District Dental Society

sacramento dental complex has two small suites available. One suite is equipped for immediate use. Second suite can be modified with generous tenant improvements. Located in Midtown area. Please call for details. (916) 448-5702. 10-11 dental specialist in el dorado hills, ca with 1400 sq ft office is seeking other dental specialist to share space. Ideal for endo or perio. Contact Business Manager at (916) 757-4858. 02-12 dental suite — 2000 sq ft — Fully furnished with all amenities; dental equipment included. Move-in ready or owner will decorate to suit. Exclusively designed single story dental building located in a professional medical/dental area near Country Club Center. Prime Watt Ave corridor, close to shopping, dining, H-50 and I-80. Private parking lot. Available now. Call (916) 761-5711 for information / appointment. 06/07-12 dental office. 1355 Florin medical-dental building. 850 sf, 3 operatories, $1,200 monthly. Includes all utilities and janitor. Ample parking. (916) 730-4494. 06/07-12

Learn how to place implants in your office or mine. Mentoring you at your own pace and skill level. Incredible practice growth. Text name and address to (916) 952-1459. 04-12

did you know? SDDS member dentists can place classified ads for free! www.sdds.org

Greater Sacramento area Multi-Specialty office looking to fill an associate pediatric dentist position and an oral surgeon position. Fax resume 916-817-4376 or email to smiles4abetterlife@gmail.com. 04-12

experienced board eligible endodontist seeks space-sharing arrangement and/or dental office space in Auburn and/or Grass Valley. Please contact Steve Murphy, DMD — (412) 855-9914 or murphy.steve@hotmail.com. 03-12

My Kid’s Dentist has part time and ownership opportunities for board-certified pediatric dentists in Woodland and Elk Grove. Please call Ed Loonam at (949) 842-7936 or e-mail at looname@pacden.com. 12-11

fill-in / locum tenens — dentistry, hygiene or combination. UCSF Graduate. Weekdays and Saturdays. Sacramento County resident. Able to travel. Over 10 years locum tenens experience. Elizabeth Johnson, RDH, DDS (408) 499-9924. 06/07-12

PT Orthodontist — Too many consults for current doctors to keep up with! Busy Sacramento Pedo Practice (Kids Care Dental Group) seeks local ortho1–2 days a week. Great opportunity for the right doctor to hit a “home run.” Great office, great staff, and great pay! Email dboyes@ kidscaredentalgroup.com. 05-12 general dentist associate placerville f/t. We have a thriving general practice, with long term committed patients and a nice, long term friendly team. The Foothills offer an ideal location, excellent schools and a great place to live. Looking for an experienced, friendly, competent, family-minded professional that wants to contribute and build long-lasting relationships. Replacing associate due to relocation. Send resume to coldspringsdental@yahoo.com, call (530) 622-1221 or fax (530) 626-1947. 06/07-12 established, quality-oriented general dentist — is seeking to expand in-office patient care to include periodontist, endodontist and oral surgeon. Please call (916) 204-6625 for more information. 06/07-C1

dentists serving dentists — Western Practice Sales invites you to visit our website, westernpracticesales. com to view all of our practices for sale and to see why we are the broker of choice throughout Northern California. (800) 641-4179. 03-09

SDDS HR hotline


You can now sign up and charge online for all SDDS courses! www.sdds.org/membersmeetingsforums.com

look for this button!

Sign up

& charge online

Selling your practice? Need an associate? Have office space to lease? Place a classified ad in the Nugget and see the results! SDDS member dentists get one complimentary, professionally related classified ad per year (30 word maximum; additional words are billed at $.50 per word). Rates for non-members are $45 for the first 30 words and $.60 per word after that. Add color to your ad for just $10! For more information on placing a classified ad, please call the SDDS office (916) 446-1227. Deadlines are the first of the month before the issue in which you’d like to run. June / July 2012 | 35


915 28th Street Sacramento, CA 95816 916.446.1211 www.sdds.org


Address service requested

sdds calendar of events June

1 Licensure Renewal Course California Dental Practice Act & Infection Control Marcella Oster, RDA Sacramento Hilton — Arden West 2200 Harvard Street, Sacramento 8:30am–12:30pm 12 Nugget Editorial Committee 6:15pm / SDDS Office 13 SDDF Broadway Series Wicked 8:00pm / Sac Community Center 21 RiverCats Game vs. Fresno Grizzlies 7:05pm / Raley Field

Nearly 400 members & friends in attendance!

July 23 30


Geriatric Work Group 6:15pm / SDDS Office Foundation Board Meeting 6:15pm / SDDS Office


3 4 14 24–25

Executive Committee Meeting 7:00am / Del Paso Country Club CPR BLS Renewal Sutter General Hospital 8:30am–12:30pm ITIB Task Force 6:30pm / SDDS Office CDA Cares Missions of Mercy (MOM) Cal Expo (Sacramento, CA)

3 4 11 13

Labor Day SDDS office closed Board of Directors Meeting 6:00pm / SDDS Office General Membership Meeting Anterior Aesthetics with Implant Dentistry Jeff Brucia, DDS New Member Night Sacramento Hilton — Arden West 2200 Harvard Street, Sacramento 6:00pm Social 7:00pm Dinner & Program Dentists in Business Forum HR Audio Conference Document, Discipline & Discharge Noon–1:00pm

Save the date for the 33rd annual MidWinter Convention Tons of CE & a great time! you won’t want to miss it! February 7–8, 2013 earn


ce units! 6pm: Social & Table Clinics 7pm: Dinner & Program Sacramento Hilton, Arden West (2200 Harvard Street, Sac)

September 11, 2012:

Anterior Aesthetics with Implant Dentistry

Presented by: Jeff Brucia, DDS

Sign up fo DMD prog r the ra save! See m & insert for details .

Learning objectives: • Review of guidelines for bridgework vs. implant retained restorations in the aesthetic zone • Review soft tissue concepts for predictable results around implants • Techniques to achieve natural soft tissue contours and transfer to model work for fabrication of the definitive restoration September General Membership Meeting: New Member Night

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