May 2011 Nugget

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May 2011

Service to the Community

Our foundation & beyond Inside:

Your volunteer efforts make a huge difference in our community PLUS: Smiles for Kids 2011 Recap!

don’t miss these upcoming events! general meeting May 10, 2011

Foun dati Nigh on t!

“Oh Baby…” The when, why & how of infant & toddler oral health Presented by: Jeffrey Wood, DDS Course Objectives: • Enhance their appreciation for early oral care • Improve their understanding of the carious process in infants & toddlers • Add techniques to their repertoire to improve the care that they provide for young children. 6:00pm–9:00pm • 2 ceu, Core Sacramento Hilton — Arden West

continuing education May 14, 2011 2nd Annual Right in Your Own Backyard


CE, Co


Presented by: SDDS Members! Course Topics: • SDIs — Friend or Foe? (Dr. Grace Lee) • Understanding Implant Dentistry — Where Do We Go From Here? (Dr. Dean Ahmad) • 3D Imaging (CBCT) & Endodontics: See What You’ve Been Missing (Dr. David Koehn) • Early Orthodontic Treatment: A Diagnostic Challenge (Dr. Jamson Wu) • Prosthodontics (Dr. Herlin Dyal) 8:30am–12:30pm • 4 ceu, Core sacramento Zoo

SDDF Does…

June 2, 2011

Dental Day

at Raley Field

June 9, 2011 (7:05pm)

cpr courses June 25, 2011 — Full Course 8:30am–1:30pm • 5 ceu, Core Sutter general hospital — Cancer Center (buhler building)


See insert for details & to sign up! Renewal Courses: Aug 6 • Nov 12

Table of Contents

THE NUGGET May 2011 Volume 57, Number 5

Features 7

A New Beginning for a Patient in Need Darce Slate, DDS


The Foundation Changes Lives, One Smile at a Time Donald Rollofson, DMD


My Thanks to Helen Hamilton Tina Kruger (Past Helen Hamilton Orthodontic Fund Patient)

Specials 12–15

Smiles for Kids 2011 — photos, statistics and volunteers


RAM Sacramento — photos, statistics, volunteers and testimonials


SDDF Annual Report


Smiles for BIG Kids Update


Foundation Membership

Regulars 4 5 6 22 26 31 31 32–33 33 34 35 36 37 38 38 39 40

President’s Message From the Editor’s Desk Cathy’s Corner Foundation Update YOU: The Dentist… the Employer Committee Corner Committee Meeting Schedule Vendor Members Vendor Member Spotlights We’re Blowing Your Horn! Trustee Report Advertiser Index Membership Update Event Highlights Link of the Month Classified Ads SDDS Calendar of Events

The Nugget is a four-time International College of Dentists Journalism Award Winner: Golden Pen (Honorable Mention, 2007) Article or series of articles of interest to the profession

Outstanding Cover (2007) Remarkable cover

Overall Newsletter (2007) Exceptional publication overall

Platinum Pencil (2010) Outstanding use of graphics

* featured on cover

November May 2011 2007 | 3| 3

President’s Message You

Can Make a Difference You have seen people who do volunteer work locally and overseas. You probably have friends helping with their churches, schools, American Red Cross, Salvation Army, Loaves and Fishes, Scouts, Shriners and various other non-profit organizations. You might even have friends who went to Haiti to do relief work. Our SDDS members have volunteered annually for Smiles for Kids and Smiles for Big Kids. We have members who serve in various committees and leadership positions in our Dental Society, dental schools, CDA and ADA. Some also serve on City Councils, County Advisory Boards or State Boards. Last month, over 200 SDDS members, together with over 200 office staff, dental assistants and dental hygienists volunteered for RAM at Cal Expo. Why do people do that? These words have been used to describe the volunteers’ outward actions and expressions — involvement in kids’ school and extracurricular activities, trying to make a difference, expressing gratefulness to our community, giving back, passing on their philosophy, building up our community, our society and the next generations, etc. I have never heard making money as an answer. Actually, it costs the volunteers money when they do volunteer work. Not only they

do not earn any income, they have to pay for the expenses most of the time. So, they are giving. Do they gain anything in return? For those involved in committees, councils, workgroups, task forces and leadership positions in organized dentistry, they have the satisfaction of improving their leadership skills, developing a network of friends and seeing meaningful policies being developed and implemented. They also see the strategic plans of their dental family moving forward and have the pride of ownership of their organizations. Volunteers in community services mention the inward feeling of peace, the satisfaction of doing the right thing and joy in seeing the growth and development of the next generation. Some mention the camaraderie of a close network of like-minded friends. Some mention obedience to God’s calling. Others see their own maturity as a human being. Our volunteers know they are making a difference. Pierre Fauchard Academy Life Fellow Dr. Barry Turner is 70 years old. He is going to Papua, New Guinea this year. This will be his 22nd overseas trip to do volunteer dentistry. SDDS members Drs. Al Rabe, Paige Jeffs and Mark Abel have gone on numerous trips to Mexico with Flying Samaritans. Dr. Steve

By Wai M. Chan, DDS Leighty has been volunteering for Thousand Smiles, going to Mexico twice a year to repair cleft palates and cleft lips on kids. Dr. Rosemary Wu goes on medical/dental mission trips to Honduras in March every year. Give them a call to find out what they are doing. You may find yourself fascinated and want to join them.

Volunteers in community services mention an inward feeling of peace, the satisfaction of doing the right thing.

If you want to do volunteer work in our local community, serve on committees and task forces in SDDS or CDA, you can call SDDS for more information. Focusing on others, giving back to our community, giving back to humanity is a lifelong process. You will make a difference. Your work will benefit our community for many years to come. You do not have to wait. You can do it right now. 

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4 | The Nugget

Sacramento District Dental Society

From the Editor’s desk The soul of a Giver There could not be a better time than now for this month’s Nugget to hit the press. We are in the middle of a recession, the State and Federal government continue to have budget struggles, people are out of work and the weather has been extreme. Now, more than in many years, people are in desperate need of our services. It also so happens that I write this just days after volunteering at the Remote Area Medical Clinic at Cal Expo where I saw first hand, and was touched by, over 3,500 fellow Sacramentans who were so thankful to be receiving much needed dental care. I started my quest to give back far before I even knew what an impact I could have. At 10 years old, I began volunteering for “Smiles for Kids.” I saw fellow classmates from another light as they were treated, and held their hand

as they had fillings. It was so rewarding that I only missed one or two clinics when I was in college and in dental school. Today, 20 years later, my practice hosts a SFK site, we have

As dentists, we have a unique opportunity to give back to our neighbors in need through philanthropy and volunteerism. treated many children through the Adopt-aKid program, have had a foster child patient receive a Foundation grant for this care, and

By Christy Rollofson, DDS

Associate Editor

donate all crowns we remove to “Crowns for Kids.” As dentists, we have a unique opportunity to give back to our neighbors in need through philanthropy and volunteerism, and I have found it the most fulfilling part of my career so far. Maya Angelou could not have said it better: “I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.” We are also very lucky to be in a Dental Society that has a phenomenal Foundation with many programs to assist the public with their oral healthcare needs. There are numerous “successes” to share from the many programs sponsored by the Foundation. I hope they inspire you, open your heart, and help you realize how much you can do to touch the life of someone in need. 

Have you seen our ad? The 1st Tooth or 1st Birthday campaign is spreading the word throughout Sacramento — Let us know if you spot one! Health History Forms

By Robyn Thomason

Director, CDA Practice Support Center

Q: How often do we need a whole new health history form filled out by our patients? How much of a difference is there between just an update form and a whole new form? A: If a patient has significant changes to their health history form, then it is advisable to have them fill out a new one, even if it has only been 6 months since the last one was filled out. You should have the patient review their health history form before each appointment. Also, have them review and sign that they have reviewed at each exam appointment.( at least yearly) While there is nothing that states when a new one needs to be filled out, I would recommend at the least have a new one filled out every 2-3 years depending on the patient. But remember they need to review it at each visit.

May 2011 | 5

Cathy’s Corner

Sacramento District Dental Society Amador • El Dorado • Placer • Sacramento • Yolo


What a great 10 years!

By Cathy B. Levering

SDDS Executive Director

April Fool’s Day this year marked my 10-year anniversary as Executive Director of SDDS AND SDDF. How quickly the time has flown by. During my interview process (6 different interviews and 16 different people!) some wishes, hopes, dreams, goals and “lofty goals” were discussed for the future direction of both the SDDS and the SDDF. As I reflect on those conversations, I smile inside. I remember my comment that “We could do this,” and thought… “This will be fun!” That was an understatement! Since then, we’ve addressed the concerns and continue to exceed our goals: • our membership market share is now 80%; back then it was 64% • our budget is balanced and is nearly $1 million; back then it was $600,000 • our balance sheet now shows reserves; back then the goal was to have both building and operational reserves • our Nugget publication is a magazine format with advertising options; back then it was a tabloid format • our staff is stable, productive and cohesive; back then it was pretty fluid • our CE programs are successful and well attended; that was one of the goals back then • our Foundation is now a viable, grant receiving, project-oriented program with goals to serve the community, encourage voluntarism and “do good” in the community; Look at our Foundation (SDDF) today: • WE have over 300 dues paying members — $75 per year; are you a member? • WE have a profile in the community as the “go to” resource for dental health, dental needs and dental education • WE have a strong resource for advocacy, volunteers and dental health outreach • WE have members who volunteer in our many program (Smiles for Kids, Smiles for Big Kids, Crowns for Kids, grant programs) Fast forward to this month’s edition of the Nugget. I am so very proud to share the successes of the Foundation: our 2010 Annual Report, the projects, the volunteers (WOW!), the patients helped and, of course, the numbers! So thank you for all you do as members of the Society. And thank you for being part of our Foundation and all that it does. 10 years ago, the people who interviewed me said: “We want to make a big impact on the community. We want to do something. We want to make a difference. And we want our members to want to be part of our wonderful Foundation and its good work. Will you help us do that?” I am proud that I said… “This will be fun!” Congratulations to you all!  6 | The Nugget


Dan Haberman, DDS, MS Carl Hillendahl, DDS Jennifer Goss, DDS Kenneth Moore, DDS Craig Johnson, DDS Viren Patel, DDS Wallace Bellamy, DMD Brian Royse, DDS Kim Wallace, DDS

Board of Directors

Kevin Keating, DDS, MS Donald Rollofson, DMD CE: Jonathan Szymanowski, DMD, MMSc CPR: Margaret Delmore, MD, DDS Dental Health: Dean Ahmad, DDS Ethics: Volki Felahy, DDS Foundation: Robert Daby, DDS Leadership Development: Terrence Jones, DDS Legislative: Mike Payne, DDS, MSD / Gabrielle Rasi, DDS Membership: Lisa Laptalo, DDS Peer Review: Bryan Judd, DDS / Brett Peterson, DDS Dental Careers Workgroup: Robin Berrin, DDS Beverly Kodama, DDS Budget & Finance Advisory: Gary Ackerman, DDS Bylaws Advisory: Adrian Carrington, DDS Fluoridation Advisory: Kim Wallace, DDS Forensics Advisory: George Gould, DDS / Mark Porco, DDS Strategic Planning Advisory: Victor Hawkins, DDS/ Gary Ackerman, DDS Golf Tournament: Damon Szymanowski, DMD SacPAC: Donald Rollofson, DMD SDDF Gala Fundraiser: Wes Yee, DDS Smiles for Kids: Donald Rollofson, DMD

Trustees Committees Standing

Ad hoc Advisory Task Forces Workgroups

Special Events Other

Nugget Editorial Board

SDDS Staff

James Musser, DDS

Cathy Levering


Paul Binon, DDS, MSD Donna Galante, DMD Alexander Malick, DMD James McNerney, DMD Christy Rollofson, DDS Oladimeji Sorunke, BDS Ash Vasanthan, DDS, MS

Executive Director

Della Yee

Program Manager/ Executive Assistant

Melissa Orth

Publications Coordinator

Lisa Murphy

Member Liaison/ Peer Review Coordinator

Erin Castleberry

Member Liaison/ Smiles for Kids Coordinator

Editors Emeritus: William Parker, DMD, MS, PhD • Bevan Richardson, DDS Advertising rates and information are sent upon request. Acceptance of advertising in the Nugget in no way constitutes approval or endorsement by Sacramento District Dental Society of products or services advertised. SDDS reserves the right to reject any advertisement. The Nugget is an opinion and discussion magazine for SDDS membership. Opinions expressed by authors are their own, and not necessarily those of SDDS or the Nugget Editorial Board. SDDS reserves the right to edit all contributions for clarity and length, as well as reject any material submitted. The Nugget is published monthly (except bimonthly in June/July and Aug/Sept) by the SDDS, 915 28th Street, Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 446-1211. Subscriptions are free to SDDS members, $50 per year for CDA/ADA members and $125 per year for nonmembers for postage and handling. Third class postage paid at Sacramento, CA.

Postmaster: Send address changes to SDDS, 915 28th Street, Sacramento, CA 95816.

Sacramento District Dental Society

© 2008 Sacramento District Dental Society


President — Wai Chan, DDS Immediate Past President — Terrence Jones, DDS President Elect — Victor Hawkins, DDS Treasurer — Gary Ackerman, DDS Secretary — Kelly Giannetti, DMD, MS Editor — James Musser, DDS Executive Director — Cathy Levering

A New Beginning

for a patient in need

In 2010, “Brenda” was one of two people I chose to treat. Both of these people’s lives were transformed free of charge. A case like Brenda’s would not have been possible without the help of SDDF and Frontier Dental Lab of El Dorado Hills, CA. Brenda, a 27-year old mother of two, had faced tough times since childhood. As one of nine children growing up in the notorious Del Paso Heights area of Sacramento, her parents could not afford to give her good dental care. After years of neglect due to her inability to pay for critical dental treatment, she resorted to covering her mouth self-consciously when she talked. Her embarrassment impacted her self-confidence and ability to feel comfortable around people.

Her story became even more compelling when she told me about her experiences with employment discrimination. During her numerous job interviews, she would move through rounds of pre-screening tests and interviews only to be turned down time and time again. The message became obvious after a while; her smile was decreasing her chances of being hired. Her smile was not acceptable and made her extremely insecure. It always amazes me when people change various aspects of their lives to adjust to a

DBC Consulting Specializing In Financing Dental Practice Sales & Acquisitions Over 3 Decades of Dental Business & Finance Expertise Purchasing a dental practice or buying into a practice is one of the most important business decisions of your career. You have already invested thousands of dollars and countless years in education preparing for this step. Selecting DBC as part of your acquisition team ensures a smooth transition and is critical to your success, protecting your investment.

Dave Judy Regional Director Practice Transition Consulting

SDDS Member

disfigurement that embarrasses them. For Brenda, she went as far as enrolling in private, online college courses in order to avoid contact with the public. Without programs like “Smiles for BIG Kids” and the giving of Frontier Dental Laboratory, I would have been unable to give Brenda this new opportunity. I was able to give not only hours of my time and over $25,000 worth of dental work, but also a chance for a new beginning to a patient in need. 

Brenda’s Transformation

One of the passions of my practice, PURE Dentistry in Rocklin, is to help people smile without pain or embarrassment. To help fulfill this mission, I perform several smile makeovers a year on people who need a second chance at a better life, but cannot afford it. Connecting with Sacramento District Dental Foundation’s “Smiles for BIG Kids” has been a perfect combination.

By Darce Slate, DDS

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Have you checked the web? The SDDS website is your source for CE, events, important announcements and more! Check it out at

May 2011 | 7

The Foundation Changes Lives, One smile at a time Mason was eleven years old when we selected him as a Smiles for Kids orthodontic patient in the spring of 2007. He was a typical adolescent, except he presented with a severe Class II malocclusion with a deep palatal bite, 11mm overjet and his maxillary lateral incisors trapped behind his protrusive centrals. His mom, a single parent with a modest job and no insurance, was ecstatic when she got the news that he had been selected to have braces and he wouldn’t be teased in school anymore. Then came the bike accident. Mason endured a hospitalization, two jaw fractures, scores of facial sutures and the loss of teeth #8 and #9. The photos show how we dealt with this turn of events. Photo 1: After 20 months of treatment, the laterals were moved mesially to become centrals and his overjet was corrected. Photo 2: Mason consequently has become a

By Donald Rollofson, DMD

SDDS Member

Foundation grant patient for his restorative needs to make his small laterals appear more like central incisors. Christy Rollofson, DDS ,volunteered to do laser crown lengthening and temporary crowns for healing. Photo 3: With the aid of a Foundation General Dentistry Grant to cover the cost of the lab

Photo 1: Mason before orthodontics

fee, Mason will soon be receiving his new front teeth. Even with just temporaries and still sporting facial scars, Mason is proud of his smile and his mother’s eyes are filled with tears of joy. All of this was made possible through programs of the Sacramento District Dental Foundation. ď Ž

Photo 2: Mason after orthodontics

Thank You, Foundation! Targeting

To Whom it May Concern,


Sporting Sporting Clays Clays Tournament. Tournament. Saturday, Saturday, May May 22, 22, 2010 2010

I am writing this letter in appreciation to Dr. Daby for the dental treatment I received by he and his team of excellent staff over the month of November 2010, and to the Birds Preserve committee who was instrumental in granting the funds toHunting complete the necessary BirdsmeLanding Landing Hunting Preserve dental treatments. Targeting As a U.S. Peace Corps Response Volunteer in Smiles waiting,Features: the dental treatments Targeting Smiles Features: performed by Dr. Daby and his team t were vital in clearing me for service overseas. th 3FDSVJU 4IPPUFST BOE UIF th JT )BMG 1SJDF 3FDSVJU 4IPPUFST BOE UIF My indebtedness to the committee whot chose me as a recipient for the JT )BMG 1SJDF grant, and to t 'SFF *OTUSVDUJPO 5JNF 1SJPS UP UIF 4IPPU all who contributed in making the dental a reality, I would like to extend t 'treatments SFF *OTUSVDUJPO 5JNF 1SJPS UP UIF 4IPPU my deepest thanks and well-wishes. t 3BGnF BOE 4JMFOU "VDUJPO t 3BGnF BOE 4JMFOU "VDUJPO

Were it not for the grant bequeathed me, I would not have been able to finance the dental treatments necessary to be accepted into the U.S. Peace Corps. It is my hope that the grant committee will continue to provide financial help for those in need For Information of dental procedures. For Information

1IPOF 1IPOF Thank you, again, as the grant you provided me and the excellent treatment I received & NBJM EHPSEPOEET!BPM DPN & NBJM EHPSEPOEET!BPM DPN by Dr. Daby and his staff speak bounds of your personal dedication to the health Birds Landing Hunting Preseve & Sporting Clays and betterment of others. Birds Landing Hunting Preseve & Sporting Clays 2099 Collinsville Road 2099 Collinsville Road Sincerely, 3JP 7JTUB $" 3JP 7JTUB $" Sean McCartney 1IPOF 1IPOF General Dentistry Registration Check-in 8 to 9:30 a.m. Grant Recipient Registration Check-in 8 to 9:30 a.m.

8 | The Nugget

Photo 3: Mason in temporaries

& Clays. & Sporting Sporting Clays. Rio Rio Vista, Vista, CA CA 2nd Annual

Targeting Smiles Targeting Smiles

$95Sporting Donation Per Shooter Includes: Clays Tournament. Saturday, May 22, 2010 $95 Donation Per Shooter Includes: Birds Landing Hunting Preserve & Sporting Clays. Rio Vista, CA t 3BOHF 'FF (PVSNFU 4UFBL -VODI Sporting Clays Tournament t 3BOHF 'FF (PVSNFU 4UFBL -VODI $95 Donation Per Shooter Includes: Targeting Smiles Features: t $t PNNFNPSBUJWF 4IPPUFS (JGU #BH t 3BOHF 'FF (PVSNFU 4UFBL -VODI 3FDSVJU 4IPPUFST BOE UIF JT )BMG 1SJDF t $t PNNFNPSBUJWF 4IPPUFS (JGU #BH 'SFF *OTUSVDUJPO 5JNF 1SJPS UP UIF 4IPPU t $PNNFNPSBUJWF 4IPPUFS (JGU #BH t 3BGnF BOE 4JMFOU "VDUJPO t 'VO "XBSET $FSFNPOZ t 'VO "XBSET $FSFNPOZ t 'VO "XBSET $FSFNPOZ Birds Landing Hunting & Sporting

Saturday, May 21, 2011 th

$45 Donation Per Non-Shooter Includes:

t (PVSNFU 4UFBL -VODI Clays (near Rio Vista, CA) Includes: $45 Donation Per Non-Shooter

t 3BGnF BOE 4JMFOU "VDUJPO $45 Donation Per Non-Shooter Includes: $120/individual shooter t (PVSNFU 4UFBL -VODI t (PVSNFU 4UFBL -VODI $50/non-shooter (lunch only) t 3BGnF BOE 4JMFOU "VDUJPO t 3BGnF BOE 4JMFOU "VDUJPO Event information: (510) 604-3323 For Information



Birds Landing Hunting Preseve & Sporting Clays 2099 Collinsville Road 3JP 7JTUB $"



Registration Check-in 8 to 9:30 a.m.


Sacramento District Dental Society

My Thanks

to helen hamilton

I’m writing this article today to bring awareness to the great opportunities I was given by local dentists and organizations who strive to make a difference in the lives of people like me — people who know what it’s like to live without dental care and people who will never take the generosity of others for granted. I hope that

this article reaches the desks of Dr. Ackerman and Dr. Daft, so they know just how much I appreciate everything they have done for me. I am now a college graduate, and I lived my college years with a smile on my face that I could be proud of. That same smile continues now as I make my way through the great job hunt that begins as soon as college ends. I may not know what I want to be when I grow up just yet — believe me, a career in the dental field is heavy on my mind — but I know that wherever I end up, I will have the selfconfidence I never imagined possible. 


However, hope came at the age of 16, when a friend of the family referred me to Dr. Gary Ackerman. Dr. Ackerman definitely had a challenge ahead of him. Many appointments and a whole lot of Novocain later, he had my teeth back on a healthy track. He was also responsible for referring me to the Helen Hamilton Orthodontic Fund.

share similar feelings: nervousness, fear of the pain that will be necessary for progress, and the knowledge that I’m going to have to stick with it for at least a year in order for it to be worth anything. But nothing was going to deter me, and I looked forward to the end result.


As a teenage girl, I strived for three things in high school: good grades, good friends, and good teeth. I’m proud to say I fulfilled two of those goals and, if reading this article is any indication to you, I’m assuming it’s an easy guess which one I was lacking. While most kids my age had gone through their braces phase, I was without dental care for years and assumed I had missed the boat. Let me say, as if not being happy about your smile isn’t bad enough, add to that the feeling that you’re stuck that way forever. Then double it — because teenagers feel everything more dramatically.

By Trina Kruger

Past Helen Hamilton Patient

The Fund, named after the first Executive Director of the Sacramento District Dental Society, was created to help children who could not get the orthodontic care they needed through other means. Dr. Ackerman saw that I fit the bill and, after a preliminary exam, I was accepted into the program and became the new patient of Dr. Kent Daft. He was in charge of getting my teeth back on the straight and narrow. Pun intended. I’ll admit it: I had pre-braces jitters. I guess I could equate them to pre-wedding jitters. Not that I’ve ever been married, but I assume they Whether your practice is expanding, relocating or downsizing, I have the expertise to locate ideal properties based on your criteria and investment goals. My clients benefit from my 30 years of real estate experience, built upon several years as a Surgical Scrub Nurse & Dental Tech in the U.S. Navy. I make it my business to have in-depth knowledge of the local market and regional trends affecting the healthcare sector. I understand the specific real estate needs of medical and dental providers which enables me to deliver unsurpassed healthcare real estate leasing, sales and development services.

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May 2011 | 9

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10 | The Nugget

Sacramento District Dental Society

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May 2011 | 11

Thank you!

Smiles for Kids 2011 January 29, 2011

Our 20th Year!

12 | The Nugget

Sacramento District Dental Society

Smiles for  Kids 2011 statistics 760 total volunteers (388 doctors participated — 29% of our active membership!) FALL 2010 Screenings

SFK Day Treatment Sites

25,796 kids screened

797 kids scheduled for treatment

234 kids referred for GP treatment

89 Doctors did screenings

116 doctors volunteered

92 kids referred to Ortho Program

372 staff and other volunteers worked

140 kids referred to other specialities

488 total volunteers

466 total Adopt-a-Kid cases

33 treatment sites in 36 private offices

183 total doctors volunteered to take Adopt-a-Kid cases

Results: 67% 1’s • 23% 2’s • 10% 3’s 1 = good dental health 2 = care required 3 = urgent care required

Adopt-a-Kid Program

SFK DAY (January 29, 2011)


Total # of kids scheduled...............................................797

Dollar value of pro bono services donated to Adopt-a-Kid Program cases (estimate — NOT FINAL*)........$300,000

Total % of “no shows” ................................................... 21% Total # of “walk-ins”.......................................................... 38 Total # of kids treated.....................................................669 Total % of kids needing additional treatment through the Adopt-a-Kid Program........................................... 70% Total dollar value of pro bono services donated on SFK Day.........................................................$394,751

Dollar value of pro bono services donated to Ortho Program cases (estimate — NOT FINAL*)...... $397,500 Estimated total dollar value of pro bono services donated to 2011 Adopt-a-Kid & Ortho Programs (NOT FINAL*)............................................. $697,500+ *

Final numbers available July 31, 2011

Total dollar value of dental care from all sources (2011): $1,092,251*

Thank you to our generous Smiles for Kids 2011 Grantors & Sponsors

California Endowment Catholic Healthcare West CDA Foundation Henry Schein Dental — Corporate Patterson Dental Supply Star Refining — Crowns for Kids United Concordia Dental

Thank you to the following For their gracious donations: Anthem College — Katherine Marsh, RDA Bel Air — Arden & Eastern CSUS Pre-Dental Club — Project Backpack Dental Management Solutions — Gayle Suarez Donna Galante, DMD Fechter & Company, CPAs GlaxoSmithKline — Laura Gratt & Cassiti Dawson Oral B — Lauren Herman Premier Dental — Nancy Moore Sacramento Regional Community Foundation — Knapp Family #1 Fund Strong & Associates — Jim & Sara Culleton Surewest Foundation

Smiles for Kids®

Save the date for next year! February 4, 2012

May 2011 | 13

Our Cups Runneth Over with Smiles!

Smiles for Kids®

Thanks to all (751 total volunteers!) who volunteered their time to make this year’s Smiles for Kids project a huge success! * Volunteered their office for Smiles for Kids Day SFK Screening Docs

Dean Ahmad, DDS Ashkan Alizadeh, DDS Kimberly Anderson, DDS Todd Andrews, DDS Robin Berrin, DDS Forrest Boozer, DDS Gary Borge, DDS Michael Boyce, DDS Arthur Burbridge, DDS Jayson Chalmers, DDS Christopher Chan, DDS Jonathan Chan, DDS Regina Cheung, DDS Vincent Chiappone, DDS, MSD Rajas Chitre, DDS Stephen Christensen, DMD Brian Crawford, DMD Paul Cripe, DDS Gina Crippen, DDS Robert Daby, DDS Paul Denzler, DDS Lisa Dobak, DDS Mark Douglas, DDS, MSD Richard Driggs, DDS, MS Timothy Durkin, DDS Maria Eloisa Espiritu, DDS Tiffany Favero Holladay, DMD Vivian Fernandez, DDS Kimberly Fong, DDS Melissa Fong, DDS Lora Foster Rode, DDS Kasi Franck, DDS Michael Gade, DDS Jennifer Goldman, DDS Jennifer Goss, DDS A. Scott Grivas, DDS Matthew Gustafsson, DDS Kirk Hanson, DDS Daniel Harlan, DDS Gordon Harris, DDS Russell Hirano, DDS Maryam Hoang, DMD Alice Huang, DDS Ralph Isola, DDS Denise Jabusch, DDS Ray Johansen, DDS Terrence Jones, DDS Mark Kujiraoka, DDS Merlin Lai, DDS Yen Lieu, DMD Thomas Ludlow, DDS Abdon Manaloto, DDS Mahnaz Moussavi, DMD Esmeralda Munoz, DDS Charles Newens, DDS John Noe, DDS George Oatis, DDS Brian Orcutt, DDS Leif Overby, DDS Gregory Owyang, DDS Virenchandra Patel, DDS Hanh Pham, DDS Mark Porco, DDS Richard Portalupi, DDS, MSD Dexter Quiggle, DDS Gabrielle Rasi, DDS Ronald Rasi, DDS Joseph Rawlins, DDS, MS Jorge Rico, DDS Jeffrey Rosa, DDS Ronald Rott, DDS

14 | The Nugget

Jeffrey Routsong, DDS Stephen Saffold, DDS Jeffrey Saladin, DDS Robert Sanders, DDS Dean Sands, DMD Charles Smurthwaite, DDS Stanley Squier, DDS Lee Anne Stigers, DMD Victoria Sullivan, DDS Scott Szotko, DDS Jonathan Szymanowski, DMD,MMSc H. Scott Thompson, DDS Robert Tilly, DDS Amy Thu Tran, DDS Loc Tran, DDS Hoang Truong, DDS Thuy Nga Vu, DDS Judith Vue, DDS Kim Wallace, DDS Dina Wasileski, DMD Cynthia Weideman, DDS Mark Wong, DDS Daniel Woodson, DDS Jamson Wu, DDS, MSD Michelle Yap, DMD H. Wesley Yee, DDS

SFK Day volunteer Docs

Dean Ahmad, DDS* Ashkan Alizadeh, DDS Kreston Anderson, DDS* Ricardo Andrade, DDS Israel Armijo, DMD Ron Ask, DDS* Michael Boyce, DDS* Lydia Cam, DDS* Matthew Campbell, DDS Chris Cantrell, DMD* Erin Carson, DDS* David Cernik, DDS* Christopher Chan, DDS* Nikki Chauhan, DDS* Regina Cheung, DDS Thomas Clements, DDS* Matt Comfort, DDS* G. Curtis Croft, DDS Robert Daby, DDS* Binh Dao, DDS Stella Dariotis, DDS* Elisabeth de Gaust, DDS* Paul Denzler, DDS* Anthony Digiorno, DDS* Julianne Digiorno, DDS* Pamela DiTomasso, DMD* Barry Dunn, DDS David Feder, DDS* Lora Foster Rode, DDS Holley Gonder, DDS* Wayne Grossman, DDS Matthew Gustafsson, DDS* Nicky Hakimi, DDS, MSD* Lauren Hanschu, DDS Victor Hawkins, DDS* Milo Hewitt, DDS Nam Hoang, DDS Chester Hsu, DDS* Alice Huang, DDS* Aaron Irvin, DDS* Denise Jabusch, DDS Craig Johnson, DDS Terrence Jones, DDS Jose Juarez, DDS*

Christopher Kane, DDS* Kevin Keating, DDS, MS Sean Khodai, DMD* Beverly Kodama, DDS Merlin Lai, DDS Tyson Lechner, DDS Diane Liberty, DDS Jeff Little, DDS Paul Luczynski, DDS Lexi Lyons, DDS* Ricardo Macasaet, DMD Michelle Masuda, DDS Jenny McCarthy, DDS, MS* Jeff McComb, DDS* Denisse Montalvo, DDS Sydney Moore, DDS Megan Moyneur, DDS* Esmeralda Munoz, DDS* Phong Ngo, DDS Thomas Nguyen, DDS Michael O’Brien, DDS Donald Orme, DDS Greg Owyang, DDS Purvak Parikh, DDS* Viren Patel, DDS Sergio Pereira, DDS* Tracy Pham, DDS Greg Pluckhan, DDS Alan Rabe, DDS Darryl Ragland, DDS Robert Ramirez, DDS Gabrielle Rasi, DDS* Aaron Reeves, DMD* Leon Roda, DDS* Christy Rollofson, DDS* Donald Rollofson, DMD* Nicholas Rotas, DDS Jason Roth, DDS Sean Roth, DDS* Jennifer Ryan, DDS, MS* Maryam Saleh, DDS* Elaheh Samsani, DDS Dean Sands, DMD* Shibani Sehgal, DDS Sahil Sethi, DMD* Stefanie Shore, DDS Dwight Simpson, DDS* Trevor Smith, DDS* Oladimeji Sorunke, DDS* Andrea Sosa, DDS Tate Stimpson, DMD Jeff Sue, DDS* Scott Szotko, DDS* H. Scott Thompson, DDS* Huy Tran, DMD Sang Tran, DDS* Allison Trout, DDS* Hoang Truong, DDS Kelvin Tse, DDS* Ash Vasanthan, DDS, MS* Stuart Wakeman, DDS* Kim Wallace, DDS* Russell Webb, DDS, MS Cindy Weideman, DDS* April Westfall, DMD* Kristy Whiteman, DDS Rae Ann Whitten, DDS* Ken Wong, DDS Mark Wong, DDS* Janice Work, DDS* Magnus Yang, DDS Madhavi Yellamanchili, DDS

SFK day Staff Volunteers

Comel Ahmad, DA Jaclyn Albert, DA Michelle Alexander, RDA Melissa Allen, RDA Bianca Alvardo, RDA Venessa Amparan Deb Andreasen Cindy Armistead, RDA Stacey Arnett, RDA Candi Arnold, RDAEF Michelle Arntson, RDA Mansi Arora, RDH Kate August, DA Rachel August, RDA Ann Augustino, RDH Sharron Austin, DA Jenn Axtell, RDA Starla Babasin, RDA Danielle Badwe, DA Karen Banks, RDA Rose Barbray, RDH Sheryl Basa, DA Jennifer Bassham, RDA Gelton Bayona Sandy Bell, DA Oga Belloso, RDA Lisa Bender, RDH Tiffany Bender, RDA Amber Bentley, RDA Johnae Bermudez, RDH Sarah Bernard, RDA Caitlyn Blake, RDA Deborah Blanchard, RDH Sunday Bogart, RDA MaryAnn Bognacki, RDH Lana Bowie Barbara Bozarth, RDH Korbi Brizendine, RDA Sara Bruno Dee Burke, RDA Nancy Burton, RDH Michelle Cahoon, RDAEF Danielle Cannarozzi Nancy Carney Yolanda Castaneda, DA Erin Castleberry Ryan Cernik Arcelia Cervantes, RDA Sharon Cervantes Sheri Chambers, RDA Alesandra Cheesman, DA Julie Cisneros, RDAEF Daphne Cline, RDH Mary Clouse, RDH Melissa Clute Shelly Coleman, RDH Mary Contreras, OSA Kathy Conyers, RDA Stefani Cooper, RDA Lisa Cornelius, RDAEF Maricar Costanilla, RDA Quchell Cottengim, RDA Chris Crady, RDA Mary Crawley, RDH Erin Crinklaw Tina Crise, RDH DeeDee Crouch, RDH Carmen Cuellar, DA Alicia Cuevas Lori Daby, RDH Star Delap

Snooky Delas Alas, RDAEF Blair DeRosier, RDA Frances Diamonon, RDA Pamela Dietrich Sue Digiorno Karen Dininger Tuy Doan, RDA Nancy Dougherty, RDH Amy Douglas, RDH Natessha Drayton, RDA Beth Drogen, RDA Renee Dupriest, RDH Shelby Duran, DA Alicia Edwards, RDA Tanya Edwards Pam Esfandiary, RDH Jerri Farmer, DA Lori Favis, RDAEF Liana Feoktistova, RDA Alexandria Fishback, RDH Martha Flores Olivia Flores, RDA Rachel Frazier, RDA Rachel Frazier, RDA Kathy Freeman, RDA Ryan Freeman Andrey Gaiduchik Nora Gallicia Ashleigh Garcia, RDA Christina Garcia, DA Jeanette Garcia, DA Jonathan Garcia Roberto Garcia Sandy Garcia Angela Gerould Linda Giannini, DA Stacey Gillgrass-Lalumondier, RDH April Goard, RDH Jill Goard Andrea Gomez, DA Holly Gommeringer Daniel Gonzalez, DA Victoria Good, RDH Jan Goodwater Courtney Graham Trish Grasse, DA Janet Green, RDH Julie Greenhalgh, RDA Sandy Griffiths, RDH Sherry Gunn, RDH Megan Hadley Debra Haggard Laurie Hagler, RDA Jennifer Hall Sarah Hannah Judy Hargis, DA Jayme Harman Val Hauptman, RDA Olivia Hawk Beverlee Hawkins, RDA Annette Haydn-Myer, RDH Monika Henderson Jessica Heriman, RDA Mary Hess, RDA Sara Hoffman, RDA Rea Holman, RDA Sydney Hoskins Anni Houston, RDH Lacee Hudson, RDH Dana Humbert, DA Simi Hunjan Jackie Hyland, RDA

Sacramento District Dental Society

Joel Oliquano, RDA Melissa Orth Brittany Ortiz, DA Mayme O’Toole Suzanne Oyoung, RDH Alaina Pacheco, RDH Kristi Page Brenda Paquin, RDA, RDH Brenda Paquin, RDH Brian Partido, RDH Miranda Paul Rachel Paul, DA Kimberly Paulson, RDA Michelle Paxten, RDH Hollie Peason, DA Myla Pelito, RDA Michele Percevic Chencha Perea Lois Perisho, RDH Beju Perreira Shannon Petrjanos, RDH Hong Phan, RDA Beth Phillips Melissa Pina, RDH Lisa Pinn Jordan Pistorihs, RDA Otilia Portillo Angie Proctor, DA Alyssa Queirolo, RDA Marcella Raper, RDH Anna Redko Kiley Reeve Stephanie Reeve, RDA Alissa Repec, RDA Telia Rifa, RDH Tina Rios, RDH Sara Rippenkroeger, RDA Stephanie Rivas, DA Leann Robinson, DA Rebecca Robison, RDA Annika Robles Beth Robles, RDA Roxanne Roccanova, RDA Emily Rodriguez Janet Rollofson Madelyn Rollofson Corrie Romena, RDA Tabitha Rose Karen Roth, RDH Becky Rust, RDA Joanna Salton Jennifer Sanchez, RDA Teresa Sapp, RDA Angela Schortmann Sara Schultz, RDA Terri Scott, RDH Valerie Scott, RDH Marci Scroggins, RDH Nick Sherrell Natalya Shpak, DA Tanya Shpak, DA Kassia Siakov Emily Sierck Stephanie Sikich, RDA Denny Silva Sandy Silva, RDAEF Shannon Simpson, RDH Shika Singh, RDA Melissa Singleton, RDH Majel Small, RDH Addie Smith Jessica Smith, DA Lisa Smith, RDA Sonja Smith, RDA Sarah Soderborg, RDA Margaret Souza, RDA Kristen Standart, DA Buffie Stenback, RDH Rose Stevens, RDA Judy Stone Cara Strauch, RDA Kym Suarez, DA Riley Sue Paula Swartout, RDA Krista Sypnieski, DA Maribel Tamayo, DA Jhaylane Tapia Elise Tayag, RDA Aurora Tejeda, DA Shauna Texeira, RDA Melissa Thomason, RDA

Ashley Tibbitts Fatima Toste Sonia Toste Jennifer Tracey Hillary Travis Kima Trotter, DA Carly Tse Liz Turanski, RDH Juli Uhler, RDAEF Katie Unwin, RDA Lisa Valencia, RDH Ying Vang, RDA Jalene Vaughn, RDA Beth Waklee, RDA Jamie Wallace, RDA Takako Walters, RDA Brittany Watts Kim Waymire, RDA Amanda Webb, RDA Monique Weber, DA Jamie Wehr-Reyes, RDA Donna Weideman Penny Wells, RDA JoEllen Werner, RDH Nikole Wesley Mari Westerman, RDA Cindy Whipple, RDA Cassandra White Kim Wihl, RDA Julie Williams Marshayn Williams, DA Cassaundra Wilson, RDA Maxie Wilson Nicole Winkler Amanda Wolick, RDA Nikki Womack Jessica Woods, DA Julia Wreden Angela Wright, RDA Hunter Wright Theresa Wright, RDA Bonnie Yarborough, RDA Della Yee Holly Yee Linda Yost, RDH Rosalia Young, RDH Amber Zinser, RDH

Alice Huang, DDS Elizabeth Huynh, DDS Denise Jabusch, DDS Terrence Jones, DDS Daniel Juarros, Jr., DDS Bryan Judd, DDS Shahbod Khodai, DMD K. Steve Kim, DDS Craig Kinzer, DDS Tyson Lechner, DDS Jeffery Little, DDS David Lopes, DDS Ricardo Macasaet, DMD Alister Man, DDS Robert Meaglia, DDS Edward Montalbo, DMD Rhonda Montalbo, DMD Megan Moyneur, DDS Phong Ngo, DDS Minh Nguyen, DDS Thanh-Truc Nguyen, DDS Michael O’Brien, DDS Stanley Ordonez, DDS Gerard Ortner, DDS Deborah Owyang, DDS Lorenzo Padron, DDS Joel Pedersen, DDS Alan Rabe, DDS Gabrielle Rasi, DDS Jorge Rico, DDS Leon Roda, DDS Christy Rollofson, DDS Sean Roth, DDS Dean Sands, DMD Vixiane Sengsouvanh, DDS Dwight Simpson, DDS Oladimeji Sorunke, BDS Cynthia Stuart, DDS Kevin Tran, DDS Allison Trout, DDS Glen Tueller, DDS Lucy Valencia, DDS Stuart Wakeman, DDS Kim Wallace, DDS Kristy Whiteman, DDS H. Wesley Yee, DDS Raj Zanzi, DMD

Adopt-a-kid volunteer Docs

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons


Aneet Bal, DDS A. Rocklin Doms, DDS John Fat, DDS, MS Kathleen Greene, DDS Kevin Keating, DDS, MS Sheri Opp, DDS, MSD Fernando Solano, DDS Loc Tran, DDS Kenneth Whitnack, DDS Clifford Wong, DDS, MSD Marston Wong, DDS, MS Timothy Wong, DDS

General Dentists

Sucheta Amanjee, DDS Kreston Anderson, DDS Ron Ask, DDS Cynthia Belgum, DDS Michael Boyce, DDS Steven Brazis, DDS Lenna Bright, DMD Arthur Burbridge, DDS David Cernik, DDS Andrea Cervantes, DDS Christopher Chan, DDS Darrell Chun, DDS Thomas Clements, DDS Gary Clusserath, DMD Matthew Comfort, DDS Kenneth Curry, DDS Robert Daby, DDS Paul Denzler, DDS Pamela Di Tomasso, DMD Friz Diaz, DDS Julianne Digiorno, DDS, RD Timothy Durkin, DDS Kasi Franck, DDS Elizabeth Harmon, DDS Victor Hawkins, DDS Chester Hsu, DDS

Craig Alpha, DDS Henry Bennett, DDS Vince Castaldo, DMD Nanlin Chiang, DMD, MD Louis Gallia, MD, DMD Jagdev Heir, DMD, MD Gregory Heise, DDS Loche Johnson, DDS Christopher Kane, DDS Grace Lee, DMD, MD Steve Leighty, DDS Donald Liberty, DDS Michael Phelps, DDS Michael Preskar, DDS Nicholas Rotas, DDS Brian Royse, DDS J. Alex Tomaich, DDS, MD Kingsley Wang, DDS Kenneth Wong, DDS


Gregory Adams, DDS, MS Robert Alexander, DDS, MS Crystal Anderson, DMD, MS Steven Anderson, DDS Thais Booms, DDS, MS Brian Crawford, DMD Kent Daft, DDS David Datwyler, DDS Jason Dorminey, DMD Mark Douglas, DDS, MSD Jennifer Drew, DDS, MSD J. Patrick Dunbar, DDS Marc Dunn, DDS Jeffrey Elenberger, DDS Gregory Evrigenis, DDS P. Scott Favero, DMD Patricia Fong, DDS Steven Frank, DDS, MS Donna Galante, DMD Richard Gere, DDS Kelly Giannetti, DMD, MS

Stuart Greenberg, DDS Michael Guess, DDS Daniel Haberman, DDS, MS Mark Holt, DDS, MS Nicole Jane, DDS, MS Douglas Jaul, DDS Darryl Johnson, DDS Yan Kalika, DMD, MS Robert Kelleher, DDS Richard Kilmer, DDS Stephen Kineret, DDS, MS Ming-Fong Kung, DDS, MMSc, MPH Jeffrey Kwong, DDS, MSD Alexis Lyons, DDS David Markham, DDS Brandon Martin, DDS, MS George Mayweather, DDS Dwight Miller, DDS Matthew Molitor, DDS Robert Nisson, DDS Gloria Nollie, DDS John Oshetski, DDS Michael Payne, DDS, MSD Paolo Poidmore, DDS, MSD Richard Portalupi, DDS, MSD Donald Rollofson, DMD Benton Runquist, DDS Matthew Sanders, DDS Bryan Scott, DDS (NSDS Member) Charles Stamos, DDS Sam Stassi, DDS Russell Sutliff, DDS Damon Szymanowski, DMD Richard Talbot, DMD, MS Alan Tan, DMD Binh Tran, DDS, MSD Garri Tsibel, DDS Melvin Walters, DDS Peter Worth, DDS Jamson Wu, DDS, MSD Timothy York, DDS, MS

Pediatric Dentists

Wayne Grossman, DDS Matthew Gustafsson, DDS Richard Keilson, DDS Sydney Moore, DDS Dennis Peterson, DDS Lora Foster Rode, DDS David Seman, DDS, MS Joelle Speed, DDS, MS Victoria Sullivan, DDS Monica Tavallaei, DMD H. Scott Thompson, DDS Cynthia Weideman, DDS Janice Work, DDS


Nicky Hakimi, DDS, MSD Matthew Korn, DDS Jonathan Szymanowski, DMD,MMSc


Michael Forde, DDS, MS

Thank you, volunteers!

Smiles for Kids®

May 2011 | 15

Volunteer names as of April 15, 2011

Corina Jackson, RDA Stacy Jacques Chrystal Jason Jennifer Jedlicka, RDA Ryan Jelicich Sierra Jenkinson, RDA Gail Jennings, RDA Rose Jimenez Cindy Johnson Megan Johnson Beth Jonas, RDH Penny Jones, RDH Christina Joyce, RDA Lindsey Joyce, RDA Tessa Jurickovich, DA Gagandeep Kaur, DA Sue Keating, RDH Amber Keller, RDA Lacie Kennedy, RDA Ayesha Khan, RDA Wendy Khang, DA Diana Kiehl, RDH Katie King Smita Kiran, RDA Jenn Kline, RDH April Klobas, DA Alicia Koenig, RDA Debbie Koski Krishneel Kumar, RDA Bobbi Kurtz, DA Julia Lakhno, RDA Angelica LaMantain Lindsay LaMantain, RDA Michael LaMantain Breanna Lane, DA Brooke Lane, DA Maddie Larot, RDH Shannon Lawrence, RDA Mercedes Lazano, RDA Tyler LeRoy, RDH Cathy Levering Brianna Littlejohn Mardessa Long, RDA Estella Lopez, RDA Mimi Lopez, RDA Teresa Lua, RDAEF Shawna Lucero, DA Monique Lugo Mayra Luna Lauren Maben Clarisse Macasaet Isabel Machado Rosa Machado Veronica Machado Nicole Magalong Melanie Mangahas, DA Katrina Maratita, DA Krys Marcelo, RDA Peter March Janet Marin, RDH Cindy Markee, RDA Katherine Marsh, RDA Marissa Martin, RDA Kasandra McIntosh, DA Keri McKinney, RDA JoAnne McMaster, RDA Jessica McVey, RDH Marianne Meade, RDA Yelena Melnichuck, RDA Adriana Michalak Amy Miller Lori Mix, RDA Miriam Moak, RDA Sharon Moe Lucila Monjaras, RDA Angela Moore, RDAEF Nancy Moore Laura Morales Suzanne Morrsey Heather Moustakas, RDH Rebecca Mudd, RDH Cinthia Murguia Lisa Murphy Jackie Najarro, RDA Erica Naputi, DA Sherin Nath, RDA Carlos Navarrete Cindy Nguyen Thanh Nguyen Stella Norris, RDH Shannon O’Hanlon, RDA

RAM was here! Sacramento, CA (Cal Expo) April 1–4, 2011 Oakland, CA April 9–12, 2011

Remote Area Medical (RAM) held two 4-day clinics in our area in 2011, where hundreds of volunteers helped provide free services to children and adults. It was great to see CALAOMS and SDDS working together on such a worthy project. This sort of thing is way too big for one group or organization to carry off by themselves. Don Rollofson gave a very accurate dental orientation talk at 0600 each day. His words still hang “Prepare to spend some time WAY OUTSIDE your comfort zone today!” How true. But we did it together.

Dear SDDS: On Monday, we ended four days of free treatment for needy folks in the Sacramento area. The patients who attended the event were among the nicest and most grateful in the 26 year history of RAM. The volunteers were simply fantastic. Thanks to the large, compassionate force of dental professionals who volunteered their services at Cal Expo, an all time record number of patients were treated. Out of 3,556 patients that attended the four day event, 2,947 received dental care. Saturday alone hit an incredible alltime one day RAM record of 932 receiving dental services.

My thoughts towards all of you who planned, supported, and worked at RAM is a big thank you for doing what you did, and for believing in a common and very worthy goal. This is another really good example of a professional is and does. My father was a general dentist in Augusta, Kansas and taught me by example from a young age that those of us who receive such a privilege as being a dentist owe it to our community to give away some of our time and talent (and money) to those less fortunate. I didn’t understand it as a child, and to those who aren’t involved, it may not make much sense either. Volunteer work is something that is only appreciated when you’re doing it. Or perhaps afterwards. Here’s to you and to many more cooperative projects in the future. — Steve Leighty, DDS CALOAMS Board of Directors

The membership of the Sacramento District Dental Society who volunteered at the event can be proud of their outstanding community service. They were an inspiration to all. Sincerely, Stan Brock Founder of Remote Area Medical 16 | The Nugget

Sacramento District Dental Society

WOW!! I thought that we could devote an entire issue of the Nugget to the RAM Event. You could ask participants if they were interested in writing articles about their experiences. I’m sure many would. My fifth patient was an eight year old girl named Rosario. Her uncle, an out of work construction worker and her aunt, brought her to the clinic. They had arrived Saturday, the night before, at 11:00 pm and slept on the ground to hold their place in line at the Cal Expo parking lot. No tent, just blankets. She was seated in my chair just after noon on Sunday. Her aunt and uncle looked on. The fatigue was evident in their eyes. She was bilingual but her aunt spoke mostly Spanish. I needed to give her an injection to do a few fillings and then some extractions. She began crying and was very apprehensive as this was her first dental appointment. I assured her that I would try my best to deliver a painless injection. After applying topical anesthetic, asking her to not bite me and then, giving the injections, I paused. Of course, my next question was: “How did I do? Was it OK? She stopped crying, looked up at me with those big brown eyes, said “Don’t worry, I trust you.” and then smiled. We were able to complete two extractions and two fillings. I took some photos. This was a worthwhile event. My wife came along and worked with patient registration. Many of those folks have been out of work for over a year. • Dr. Rollofson was the “cheerleader.” He kept circulating and made sure that all of the dentists had a direction to go. • Dr. Musser was great on the exam row. • I got to speak to Dr. Chester Hsu and share experiences. I was amazed at how organized this group was. Having been on a military deployment and having worked with the Air Transportable Hospital Dental Facility, I will say that this place really had it together. It makes me proud to be a member of SDDS. — Mitchell Goodis, DDS

Dear Sacramento RAM Volunteers, Words cannot express our most sincere appreciation for the efforts that every one of you made to ensure the incredible success of the Cal-Expo event. The statistics are not final, but preliminary numbers show that the Sacramento RAM dental event is, by far, the most successful dental event EVER for RAM, both in numbers of patients served, the quantity of procedures in total and for each patient, and the overall satisfaction of the patients and the RAM staff. Stan is so happy with our effort and impressed with our professionalism; he is unbelievably happy and hopes RAM can return to our area in the future, for sure. He cannot believe what we accomplished, but we knew you could and would do it. This effort would not have been possible without the contribution of DDI Imaging and Craig Dial. If you get a chance to give them a shout out, please do so. They took 775 panos in Sacramento, and each and every one was perfect. This allowed us to treat the whole patient, find many areas of serious pathology, increase the number of procedures provided to each patient, and may have even saved several lives in the process. We were proud to be your leaders and you gave us 100% and more. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. — Don Rollofson, DMD and Russ Webb, DDS I saw Dr. Charles Arita, an oral surgeon from SF and a fraternity brother of mine, pulling teeth Friday without an assistant — all day! He was doing fillings next to me on Saturday. He said he was going to be there in Oakland next weekend. It was fun! My back is still hurting, but it was totally worth it. I would do it again — Thanks! I saw SDDS staff working hard — doing everything from dumping garbage to assisting. It was wonderful! — Larry Chu, DDS RAM on Saturday was a great and rewarding experience, and I had a blast. Patients were very appreciative of the dental care they received. It was nice seeing our fellow SDDS members together in force for this worthy cause. — Chester Hsu, DDS RAM and the dentists, hygienists and auxiliaries who participated were a wonderful example of selfless camaraderie and skills brought together to serve our fellow man (humans). We were all blessed with the opportunity to serve those less fortunate than us. The following day, regardless of achy hands, back and feet, my heart was full and happy. — Dr. David Fong May 2011 | 17

Ram Sacramento

April 1–4, 2011 This four-day free health clinic held in northern California was the 639th “expedition” undertaken by Tennessee-based Remote Area Medical (RAM). Almost everyone is a volunteer, including founding Director of Operations Stan Brock, a pioneer Amazon bush-pilot who resembles a no-nonsense Crocodile Dundee. Thousands of people seeking free health care camped out April 1–4, 2011, to get access to dental/medical/vision treatment from volunteer professional health providers. By 3:00am they would have endured hot sun and cold winds in the parking lot, hoping to be issued a number to be let into the clinic halls at Cal Expo in Sacramento, California. After waiting all night for their number to be called, each sleepy person pointed to either the mouth or the eye, indicating to Stan Brock what hurt most. The teeth won 80% of the time. Saturday alone hit an incredible all-time one day RAM record in its 26 year history by delivering dental services to 932 patients.

Maxillofacial Surgeons. Dozens of members from the Sacramento District Dental Society had passed the word around for volunteers to man the 60 chairs for fillings and extractions. Along side were 30 additional chairs for the dental hygiene team. The immense exhibit hall buzzed along like a scene from Grey’s Anatomy on a wide-screen TV! The close-up viewpoint was peering into a patient’s mouth full of abscessed teeth, root tips exposed to the apex, and infected periodontal tissues last seen in our textbooks. One oral surgeon kept asking me every day to click photos with my camera.

After waiting all night for their number to be called, each sleepy person pointed to either their mouth or eye; they indicated to Stan Brock what hurt most.

Whether managing the pit of the clinic floor or holding the cell phone against the ear of director Stan Brock on a newspaper interview, I was running on adrenalin. I knew that Donald Rollofson DMD, chair of the dental clinic along with Russell Webb DDS, must be searching for me to monitor the endless lines. Hundreds of patients scooted on metal folding chairs toward the next open dental chair. First stop was triage, where the patient’s chief concern may not match up with the diagnosis. Wants versus needs are tough decisions, when the neglect has been years too long. Fillings? Extractions? Cleaning? Patients and screeners had to prioritize as available treatment had limitations. Third molar extractions were simple compared to unsalvageable teeth needing full quadrant/ arch extractions. Dental hygienists often stopped mid-treatment and got a surgical consult, once the removed ledge of calculus revealed only retained root tips. If no abscess or pain… keep going. Otherwise, we could route the patient to a Nomad hand-held X-ray unit or to the DDI Panorex machine. (Thank you Craig Dial, DDI!) We let the patients keep these images, encouraging them to seek a future dental home.

above I could pan both the medical clinic run by Tzu Chi (Buddhist Medical Foundation) on the left with their two mobile dental vans and the dental clinic on the right, hosted by the California Association of Oral and

Each story told below would spell out only a few sentences in the volumes of sad stories. Keep in mind that there was no single profile to fit these patients streaming into the RAM free clinic. Read between the lines, and you will discover that they do share one thing in

Volunteering as the supervisor of the dental hygiene station, I managed the scene from two viewing locations. From the gallery level

18 | The Nugget

By Elizabeth Xiu Wong, RDHAP

Dental Hygienist in Alternative Practice #113

common: their smiles of appreciation as they give thanks to the large, compassionate force of dental professionals who volunteer their services at Cal Expo. 

NATHAN How much pain can one endure before he seeks out treatment? The night before as he posed for a photo, Nathan told me he was looking forward to a dental cleaning. He made a comfortable bed from the bench seat removed from his truck. During treatment, the hygienist had to call over a dentist to help remove the stitches embedded in his lower lip. He was so fearful of being numbed that he chose to have her remove the sutures without anesthesia. It was back in December that a pit bull bit him on the face.

Retired Nurse At the end of the fourth day, I pitched in to finish the last of the lucky patients. Many hundreds of others had been turned away. She was a retired nurse volunteer from the medical triage station. The dentist had just removed a bone chip from the soft tissue around the mesial lingual surface of a lower crown. When I hand scaled to avoid this tender spot, I felt the implanted bridge rocking side-to-side. This discovery made her worry even more about the other quadrant with a second implant waiting for a bridge. She wondered out loud, “How much money would all this cost?” This final profile demonstrates how you can never tell who cannot afford to maintain even the best of dental care.

Sacramento District Dental Society

Patrick There will be countless other stories told by every single volunteer meeting patients on those four days at the mobile RAM free clinic in Sacramento. I give the Medal of Honor to the bravest of the brave: Those who chose to endure waiting in line for a second sleepless night immediately after full arch extractions, to complete the extractions in the remaining arch. For them, they decided that the few sleepless overnight waits paired up with days of post-op pain was a better option than facing a lifetime of failing health. Patrick wrote his appreciation in this text message: Hi..hero…I am in line again..c u in the am. I hope u and those fab people inside know wht unbridled joy they hv given the last 3 days…I hv seen people lv crying..with their head tilting just bit more upward..u guys make it easier 4 people 2 live and feel human again..

Ram Sacramento Over the course of four days, volunteers at Cal Expo were able to accomplish the following:


2,947 dental 3,556 total patients (medical, vision, dental)

Dental Procedures

2,134 extractions 2,643 fillings 820 cleanings RAM was so organized. Volunteers were SO amazing, I am only sorry I did not volunteer for more than one day. It was a pleasure and an honor to serve with such amazing people!! — Leslie Fleuti, RDAEF

82 addl dental exams 4,224 total procedures (extractions, fillings, cleanings, exams)

Service Value

$1,500,000 approximate value of total services provided at RAM Sacramento (medical, dental, vision)

Amazing event - so organized. I had a blast. I definitely will make time to do it again! — Charles Newens, DDS When I saw the first clip about the people lining up outside in the middle of the night, with the TV reporter stating that doctors and dentists (we need a national campaign to change that language to physicians and dentists! — makes me angry every time I hear it) would be providing care, I felt pretty certain that dental care would be at the forefront of services provided. Last evening’s report on the project’s success confirmed that. A great example of the profession doing its part and more. My thanks to the dentists, hygienists and assistants who made it possible, and thanks to you and all your staff for the great effort! — Dale Redig, DDS (former CDA Executive Director)

Special Thank You To: Craig Dial

Diagnostic Digital Imaging

James Ryan

Patterson Dental Supply

Tzu Chi • CALAOMS • RAM May 2011 | 19

From a Patient… Hello Dr. Christy Rollofson,

To RAM, Tzu Chi, Dr. Chen and Dr Cheng, I have just spent two days doing dental triage at the RAM/Tzu Chi event in Sacramento, CA. I have to say that even with my sore back today, that was one of the most organized, fun and rewarding volunteer events I have participated in. It was a pleasure to meet Stan Brock. Drs. Cheng and Chen and my Tzu Chi Triage Team were great! I was so impressed with how everything was organized and how my ‘team’ did everything so well and always with a smile. My job was easy compared to theirs. I have never done triage at that level and volume that we were doing, but the 11 hours seemed to go by very fast. The triage team of Tzu Chi had to remind me to take a break. I also have to give a huge thanks to all of The Sacramento District Dental Society, CALAOMS, California Dental Association and all the volunteers — dentists, hygienists, assistants and staff who volunteered their skills and time. I appreciate the gifts that were given me - the book of Jing Si Aphorisms, the chop sticks and the hanging ornament. I wish I could read Chinese so I knew what it said, but I think I did impress them a little with my small bit of memory of the Chinese I learned in the 6th grade. Thanks again to everyone for all of your service to our community, and I know we made a significant impact for Sacramento — both in treatment performed and community goodwill.

I am the guy who came to Cal Expo on Friday and again on Sunday (April 1 and 3, 2011) at the RAM expo. You went out of your way to get me the dental work I desperately needed. Dr. Leighty both times provided cleaning, x-rays and fillings. I’m missing my front tooth and I am very tanned — remember? Thank you tremendously! I have been out of work for a year and a half and living outside for over a year. You went above and beyond the call of duty — and you have helped me tremendously! I got three teeth extracted by Dr. Steve Leighty — two on Friday and Dr. Christy Rollofson and other one on Sunday. Also on Sunday — RAM volunteers greatly impacted because of you — I got my teeth the lives of people in our cleaned by some Chinese lady community with their service. named Jenny. I got some fillings both on Friday and Sunday and got to keep a really neat x-ray. You are a very nice, kind, thoughtful, hard-working person – and your dad is great too! I wrote Dr. Steve a letter also. Thank you! Thank you! 10,000 times over, thank you! Very very much! p.s. I looked you up on “Google” at the library. :)

Norm and I and our dental dog, “Scruffy” truly enjoyed working with the patients at the RAM event. We were only able to participate Sunday, the full day, since we had patient days at our office on Friday, Saturday and Monday. The RAM patients showered us with appreciation and loved holding Scruffy, who “works” in our office each day... upon request, sitting on patients’ laps, calming their nerves. Kudos to the Tzu Chi organization for providing structure, provisions and personnel. We appreciated being part of a helping community (SDDS) and gratified to meet and see other participants who devoted their time for this effort. Thanks again for your good work. Sincerely,

Thank you for all for your dedication and service.

Flora Spalding, Ed.D. for Norm Spalding, DDS

Sincerely, Craig Johnson, DDS


20 | The Nugget

Dental dog “Scruffy” came from Dr. Norm Spalding’s office to sit on patients laps and calm their nerves.

Sacramento District Dental Society




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3DWULFN - :RRG $WWRUQH\ DW /DZ May 2011 | 21

Sponsorship Opportunities for the Smile Sacramento Gala $20,000 Gala Partner Sponsors (4 available at this level)

• Sponsor named in all promotions, invitations, acknowledgements, program title page, all publicity — as “partner” sponsor • 2 tables (10) for the Gala — premier seating • Representative introduced on stage as the title sponsor (named) • SDDS’ and SDDF’s sincere appreciation for your support!

AUCTION NEWS: DO YOU BELIEVE? Do you believe in all the wonderful things that our Sacramento District Dental Foundation provides? If the answer is yes, then we can use your help for our GALA event, SMILE SACRAMENTO, to benefit SDDF on Saturday October 1, 2011. We are asking for help obtaining items for the silent auction. Starting now until the end of June we will be working on getting items for this magical evening. If you have vacation homes, theatre tickets, wines, gift cards, or special contacts, etc…. or simply want to contribute a cash donation, we will create something wonderful! And… if you’d like to help us, we’d love it! Just let us know or send your information to Cathy Levering at SDDS. Thank you in advance for your help! — Nancy Archibald and Beverly Kodama, Silent Auction Co-Chairs

$15,000 Gala Major Sponsors (6 available at this level)

• Sponsor named in all promotions, invitations, acknowledgements, program, all publicity — as “major sponsor” • 1 table (10) for the Gala — premier seating • SDDS’ and SDDF’s sincere appreciation for your support!

$10,000 Gala Sponsors

A gala to benefit Sacramento District Dental Foundation

(10 available at this level)

• Sponsor named in all promotions, acknowledgements, program, — as “sponsor” • 1 table (10) for the Gala • SDDS’ and SDDF’s sincere appreciation for your support!

$5,000 Gala Sponsors • Sponsor named in acknowledgements, program, — as “sponsor” • 1 table (10) for the Gala • SDDS’ and SDDF’s sincere appreciation for your support!

$2500 Sponsors • Sponsor named in acknowledgements, program, — as “sponsor” • 4 tickets for the Gala • SDDS’ and SDDF’s sincere appreciation for your support!

• Silent On-Line Auction • Cocktails, Dinner & Live Auction

$125 per person

• Entertainment & Dancing

Saturday: October 1, 2011 6:30pm • Hyatt Regency Sacramento For more information, contact SDDS at (916) 446-1211.

Thank you, 2011 Donors!

Merlin Lai, DDS Garth Collins, DDS Judith Lane, DDS Jerome Daby, DDS Christy Rollofson, DDS Margaret Delmore, MD, DDS Stephanie Shore, DDS Laurie Hanschu, DDS Hoang Truong, DDS Charles Newens, DDS Steven Tsuchida, DDS

22 | The Nugget

Sacramento District Dental Society

Sacramento district dental society foundation

2010 Annual Report

A charitable 501-C3 organization

A Celebration of 2010 Foundation DONOrs! as of 12/31/10 SDDF MEMBERS (2010) *Renewed for 2011

Dentist Members Gary Ackerman, DDS* Terry Adair, DDS* Eva Adams, DDS* Gregory Adams, DDS, MS* Dean Ahmad, DDS* Craig Alpha, DDS* Christopher Andonian, DDS* Brad Archibald, DDS* Nancy Archibald, DDS* Sean Avera, DDS, MS Daisuke Bannai, DDS* Richard Behl, DDS Wallace Bellamy, DMD* Paul Bianchi, DDS* Paul Binon, DDS, MSD* John Birch, DDS Damon Boyd, DDS* Rodney Bughao, DDS David Burke, DDS* Robert Burkhard, DDS Matthew Campbell, DDS* Adrian Carrington, DDS* Vince Castaldo, DMD Steven Cavagnolo, DDS* Wai Chan, DDS* Shareen Char-Fat, DDS Kevin Chen, DMD, MS Regina Cheung, DDS* Thomas Chin, DDS Sonney Chong, DMD* Stephen Christensen, DMD* Lawrence Chu, DDS* Michael Chu, DDS* Darrell Chun, DDS Matt Comfort, DDS* Patrick Cook, DDS Brian Crawford, DMD Kelly Crider, DDS Paul Cripe, DDS David Crippen, DDS Gina Crippen, DDS John Cutter, DDS Jerome Daby, DDS* Robert Daby, DDS* Kent Daft, DDS* David Datwyler, DDS Lowell Daun, DDS Teresa DeGuzman, DMD Paul Denzler, DDS* Friz Diaz, DDS* Pamela DiTomasso, DDS Hung Do, DDS

Jerome Dobak, DDS* Lisa Dobak, DDS* Gordon Douglass, DDS Jennifer Drew, DDS, MSD* Timothy Durkin, DDS* James Everhart, DDS* R. Kent Farnsworth, DDS* Diana Fat, DDS Kenneth Fat, DDS* David Feder, DDS* Debra Finney, DDS* Stephen Fisher, DDS Thomas Fong, DDS Rikard Forsberg, DDS* Lora Foster Rode, DDS Kenneth Fox, DDS* Kasi Franck, DDS* Douglas Gedestad, DMD* Spencer Gedestad, DMD* Kelly Giannetti, DMD, MS* Herbert Gibbs, DDS Robert Gillis, DMD, MSD* Jennifer Goss, DDS* Lindsay Grady, DDS Wayne Grossman, DDS Edi Guidi, DDS Jerome Gutterman, DDS Dan Haberman, DDS, MS* Gregory Hailey, DDS* Nicky Hakimi, DDS, MSD Harold Hanefield, DDS* Lauren Hanschu, DDS* Kerry Hanson, DDS* Daniel Harlan, DDS* Elizabeth Harmon, DDS* Gordon Harris, DDS* Victor Hawkins, DDS* Jagdev Heir, DMD, MD* Greg Heise, DDS* Steven Higashi, DDS Carl Hillendahl, DDS* Craig Hollingsworth, DDS* Mark Holt, DDS, MS Herbert Hooper, DDS* Chester Hsu, DDS* Edward Ishii, DDS* Craig Johnson, DDS* Daniel Jones, DDS* Terrence Jones, DDS* Lynn Judd, DDS Robert Katibah, DDS* Paul Katz, DDS* Kevin Keating, DDS, MS* Richard Kennedy, DDS* Neelofar Khan, BDS John Kiesselbach, DDS

Steve Kineret, DDS, MS Michael Koch, DDS Robert Koch, DDS* Beverly Kodama, DDS* Matthew Korn, DDS* Kevin Kurio, DDS* Lisa Laptalo, DMD* Lawrence Larsen, DDS* Peter Laurendeau, DDS* Skip Lawrence, DDS* Nam Le, DDS Gordon Lee, DDS Leland Lee, DDS* David Lewis, DMD* Dawn Llorca, DDS Steve Longoria, DDS* L. Neil Loveridge, DDS* Nancy Luu, DDS Donald MacDonald, DMD* William Marble, DDS Kevin McCurry, DDS* Grant McDaniel, DDS David Mercer, DDS Timothy Mickiewicz, DDS* Maria Mier-Bautista, DMD Dwight Miller, DDS, MS* Daniel Miyasaki, DDS* Edward Montalbo, DMD* Rhonda Montalbo, DMD* Jack Moore, DDS* Kathryn Ann Moore, DDS* Kenneth Moore, DDS Sydney Moore, DDS* Megan Moyneur, DDS* James Musser, DDS* Sejin Nam, DDS John Nelson, DDS* Gary Newhouse, DMD* Dan Thu Nguyen, DDS* James Oates, DDS* Kevin O’Neill, DDS, MSD John Oshetski, DDS Leif Overby, DDS Viren Patel, DDS* James Peck, DDS* Joel Pedersen, DDS Wilmonte Penner, DDS Stacey Peters-Nelson, DDS* Dennis Peterson, DDS* Robert Phillips, DDS* Paolo Poidmore, DDS, MSD Philip Quinley, DDS* Moji Radi, DDS* Linda Rafferty, DDS* Darryl Ragland, DDS Gabrielle Rasi, DDS*

Justin Reich, DDS Sean Rhee, DDS* Bevan Richardson, DDS Christy Rollofson, DDS* Donald Rollofson, DMD* Jeffrey Rosa, DDS Martyn Rosa, DDS Nicholas Rotas, DDS* Ronald Rott, DDS Brian Royse, DDS* Adrian Sarchisian, DDS William Schaedler, DDS* Christopher Schiappa, DDS* David Seman, DDS, MS* Purvi Shah, DDS Kathleen Shanel, DDS Howard Shempp, DDS* Richard Shipp, DDS James Silverman, DDS William Sloan, DMD Oladimeji Sorunke, BDS Norman Spalding, DDS* Joelle Speed, DDS* Charles Stamos, DDS* Jeffrey Sue, DDS* Victoria Sullivan, DDS Damon Szymanowski, DMD* Jonathan Szymanowski, DMD, MMSc Richard Talbot, DMD, MS Art Tanimoto, DDS Jun Tanimoto, DDS Larry Templin, DDS* Scott Thompson, DDS* J. Alex Tomaich, DDS, MD* Kevin (Minh) Tran, DDS Kelvin Tse, DDS* Brent Varshawsky, DMD Asvin Vasanthan, DDS, MS Gary Vedenoff, DDS Jeffrey Vernon, DDS Chang Vong, DMD* Tom Wagner, DDS* Kim Wallace, DDS* Wayne Walters, DDS* Glen Warganich-Stiles, DDS* Ernie Watson, DDS* Russell Weaver, DDS* Cynthia Weideman, DDS* Michael Weideman, DDS* Mark White, DDS* Ryan Wilgus, DDS Michael Wilson, DDS* Bingson Wong, DDS* David Wong, DDS Dennis Wong, DDS*

Peter Worth, DDS* Thomas Yamamoto, DDS* H. Wesley Yee, DDS* Associate Members Comel Ahmad* Tina Alpha Irene Campbell* Stephanie Cripe Peggy Daft* LaDonna Drury-Klein, RDA, CDA, BS Lori Forsberg Will Galloway* Kathleen Gedestad Jim Hanschu Mary Ann Harris* Donna Hollingsworth Margaret Jackson Sherri Johnson* Kathy Jones* Marion Jones* Cathy Koch* Leigh Kurio* Cookie Lawrence* Cathy Levering Cheri McCurry* Paige Moyneur* Joyce Oates* Ann Peck* Gayle Peterson* Beverly Phillips Koos Prins, PhD* Janet Rollofson* Elaine Schaedler Catherine Schiappa* Kary Beth Seman Kathleen Sloan Florence Stamos Sherry Sue* Jillian Takeuchi Violetta Terpeluk Karen Walters* Roxanne Weideman* Ruby Yu, MD*


Smiles for Kids Catholic Healthcare West CDA Foundation Cover the Kids — Children’s Health Initiative Ronald McDonald House Charities — N. California Sacramento Region Community Foundation — Knapp Family #1 Fund May 2011 | 23

2010 SDDF Annual Report (continued) Smiles for BIG Kids Teichert Foundation


Kevin McCurry, DDS, in memory of: Calvin Tooker Beverly Kodama, DDS, in memory of: Lois Roccanova Glen Tueller, DDS, in memory of: Richard O’Brien Regi Shorey SDDS, in memory of: Irol Allen, DDS Jed Anderson, DDS Richard Brown, DDS Thomas Casselman, DDS Douglas Coffelt, DDS Phillip Gin, DDS Darlene Hooper Donald Krebs, DDS Richard O’Brien Anatoly Ray, DDS Mary Rosa Alvin Seevers, DDS Regi Shorey Robert Swan, DDS Earle Sylva, DDS


Carol Ferry Kent Grubaugh Gus & Julie Gianulias Victor Hawkins, DDS Steve Heng Stephanie Juskie Christopher Kane, DDS W.G. Kirkpatrick James Landon Karin Le Desiree Lels Richard & Dorothy McGuinn Janice Moreno, DDS Peter Ngai, DMD Jon Neubert Leonard & Kerri Ostrom Hatsumi Park Dennis Peterson, DDS Michael Preskar, DDS Lindsey Robinson, DDS Bob Sims Carol Summerhays, DDS Wachhorst, Leigh & Meinster Russell Webb, DDS


Members Rina Ambaram, DDS Matthew Campbell, DDS Matthew Comfort, DDS Gordon Douglass, DDS Kevin McCurry, DDS Lynn Yamamoto, DMD

HELEN HAMILTON FUND CONTRIBUTIONS Gordon Harris, DDS (Spirit of Giving) Significance Foundation — Douglas Gedestad, DMD

Others Knox, Lemmon & Anapolsky (in kind) Mission Avenue School, Sacramento Magazine (in kind) Sacramento District Dental Society



Bel Air — Arden & Eastern Blue Northern Builders CSUS Pre-Dental Club Dental Management Solutions Dentsply Caulk Fechter & Company Donna Galante, DMD Henry Schein Dental Jeffrey McComb, DDS & Candy McComb, DDS Patterson Dental Supply SS White Burs, Inc. Star Refining Strong & Associates Surewest Foundation UC Davis Pre-Dental Club United Concordia Dental In honor of wedding of Dr. Don & Janet Rollofson: Tina Bobo Wai Chan, DDS Nancy Christopher Paul Cripe, DDS William Dave Daniel Davidson, DMD Patrice Deutsch Thomas DiLallo, DDS Alan Felsenfeld, DDS 24 | The Nugget

Gary Ackerman, DDS Dean Ahmad, DDS Mark Backhus, DDS Capitol Periodontal Group Steve Casagrande, DDS Barbara Castle, DDS Christopher Chan, DDS Richard Chang, DDS George Chen, DDS Garth Collins, DDS James Cope, DDS Randy Davey, DDS Margaret Delmore, MD, DDS Julianne Digiorno, DDS Shaina DiMariano, DDS Pam DiTomasso, DMD Kasi Franck, DDS Robert Gillis, DMD, MSD Mitchell Goodis, DDS Laurie Hanschu, DDS Victor Hawkins, DDS Jagdev Heir, DMD, MD Gregory Heise, DDS Ryan Higgins, DDS Dick Huang, DMD Ralph Isola, DDS Todd Johnson, DDS Richard Kennedy, DDS

Rodney Kihara, DDS Matthew Korn, DDS Merlin Lai, DDS Lawrence Larsen, DDS Grace Lee, DMD, MD Lauren Marr, DDS Luis Mendez, DDS Ken Moore, DDS Khari Nelson, DDS Michael O’Brien, DDS Purvak Parikh, DDS Viren Patel, DDS Stacey Peters-Nelson, DDS Hanh Pham, DDS Mojtaba Radi, DDS Ibtisam Rashid, DDS Christy Rollofson, DDS Jason Roth, DDS Sacramento Oral Surgery Howard Shempp, DDS Stefanie Shore, DDS Visse Storm, DDS Scott Szotko, DDS Jonathan Szymanowski, DMD, MMSc Amy Tran, DDS Carl Trubschenck, DDS Glen Tueller, DDS Yuly Vilderman, DDS Kim Wallace, DDS Ian Wong, DDS H. Wesley Yee, DDS


Gary Ackerman, DDS Craig Alpha, DDS Neil Beeman Florence Chiang, DMD Vincent Chiappone, DDS Jaime Curtis, DDS Jeff Davidson, DDS Fred Dinitz, DDS Timothy Durkin, DDS Donna Galante, DMD Frank Gontarski, DDS Mitch Goodis, DDS Wayne Grossman, DDS Monika Gugale, DDS Michael Holm, DDS Kathy Keikhan, DDS Lisa Laptalo, DMD Grace Lee, DMD, MD Donald MacDonald, DMD Donna McDonald Dwight Miller, DDS Donald Orme, DDS Trish Peterson Jerome Pielago, DDS Gabrielle Rasi, DDS Christy Rollofson, DDS Stefanie Shore, DDS Paul Simon, DDS Edwin Sims, DDS Victoria Sullivan, DDS Tom Wagner, DDS Janice Work, DDS Rosemary Wu, DDS


Gregory Adams, DDS Paul Bianchi, DDS Steven Brown, DDS Scott Churchill, DMD Endodontic Associates

William Gilbert, DDS Robert Gillis, DMD, MSD Gregory Hailey, DDS Gordon Harris, DDS Robert Hays, DDS Bruce Holt, DDS Kevin Keane, DDS Skip Lawrence, DDS Leland Lee, DDS Dwight Miller, DDS, MS James Musser, DDS Dennis Peterson, DDS Robert Phillips, DDS Donald Rollofson, DMD Richard Shipp, DDS J. Alex Tomaich, DDS, MD Kim Wallace, DDS Clifford Wong, DDS


About Time Limousines, LLC Gary Ackerman, DDS Craig Alpha, DDS Wallace Bellamy, DMD Robin Berrin, DDS California Employers Assn. Matthew Campbell, DDS & Irene Campbell Adrian Carrington, DDS & Marsha Henry, DDS Wai Chan, DDS Tom & Christine Collins — Mann Urrutia & Nelson Robert Daby, DDS & Lori Daby, RDH Embassy Suites Palm Desert Fechter & Company, CPAs Kelly Giannetti, DMD, MS & Stephen Giannetti Robert Gillis, DMD, MSD & Mary Lou Gillis Don Hagy, DDS Nicky Hakimi, DDS, MSD, Bradley Townsend, DDS, MS & Ash Vasanthan, DDS, MS Gordon Harris, DDS & Maryann Harris Victor Hawkins, DDS Brock Hinton, DDS Dan Hopper, DDS Hyatt Regency Sacramento Image Orthodontics (Drs. Yan Kalika & Jeffrey Kwong & Rachelle Doyle, Marketing Coordinator) Craig Johnson, DDS & Sherri Johnson Kevin Keating, DDS, MS & Sue Keating Beverly Kodama, DDS & Will Galloway Jeffrey Kwong, DDS, MSD Steve Leighty, DDS Bruce & Cathy Levering Mike Murphy Dennis Peterson, DDS Don Rollofson, DMD & Janet Rollofson Carol Rotas Brian Royse, DDS Sacramento Hilton Arden West Sacramento River Cats Baseball Club

Sacramento SPCA Sacramento-Sierra Academy of General Dentistry Scripps Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (Dr. Louis Gallia) SDDS Staff (Cathy Levering, Della Yee, Melissa Orth, Lisa Murphy, Erin Castleberry) Rosemary Wu, DMD, MS


Sponsors 20/20 Financial Advisers of Sacramento A. P. Thomas Construction, Inc. Adam J. Miller and Michael J. Welch, Financial Advisors — Northwestern Mutual Ameriprise Financial Bank of the West & Small Business Blue Northern Builders, Inc. Burkhart Dental Supply Delta Dental of California Dental Management Solutions DEXIS Digital X-Ray Daft and Stamos Orthodontics Endodontic Associates Dental Group — Drs. Whitnack, Keating, Greene, Bal & Opp IronStone Bank Jackson, Heise & Alpha Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Kids Care Dental Group Kuraray Dental Mann Urrutia Nelson, CPAs Olson Construction, Inc. Patterson Dental Supply PracticeWorks: Kodak Dental Systems Procter & Gamble Oral Healthcare Prosthodontic Dental Group — Drs. Angel, Nordlander, Hinton, Hoffman & Dyal The Levering Company Commercial Real Estate Drs. Cas, Jonathan & Damon Szymanowski Wells Fargo Bank Golfers Ashkan Alizadeh, DDS Craig Alpha, DDS Todd Andrews, DDS Daisuke Bannai, DDS Bob Barker Brad Beck — Bank of America Neil Beeman Wallace Bellamy, DMD Bryan Boerher Gary Borge, DDS Jason Caluza, TDIC Chris Cantrell, DMD Paul Cater, DDS Kevin Chen, DDS Thomas Chin, DDS Jim Cho Joe Cisneros Brett Cochran Eddie Collins Ron Cones Paul Cripe, DDS Kent Daft, DDS Fred Dinitz, DDS Rocky Doms, DDS Sacramento District Dental Society

Mark Ellenberg — Brasseler Mark Endo, DDS Chris Everett Matt Everole Mike Flemming Michael Forde, DDS Brian Fortner Doug Gedestad, DDS Robert Gillis, DMD, MSD Keith Grote, DDS Greg Hailey, DDS Dave Hamilton Greg Heise, DDS Ryan Higgins, DDS, MSD Jim Hiller — Dentsply North America Brock Hinton, DDS Barry Hoffman, DDS Bruce Holt, DDS Dave Hood Jon Hottinger, DDS Ben Huerta Jason Imrie — Dentsply North America Chad Jensen, DDS Herb Jensen, DDS Paul Johnson, DDS Russell Jones, DDS Tyler Jones Chris Kane, DDS Seth Kaplan Cristian Kyle Larry Larsen, DDS Cary Lemas, Lemas Accountancy Bruce Levering — The Levering Company Cathy Levering Donald Liberty, DDS Jim Lorenzon Alan Lue, MD John Maclennan Chris Mann Matt Marks Jeff Martin, DDS Andy Mathews — Henry Schein George Mayweather, DDS John McCarron Jeff McComb, DDS Cheri McCurry Kevin McCurry, DDS Byron Mefford James Meinert, DDS Adam Miller — Northwestern Mutual Kirk Moffett Greg Myers Greg Nahorney, DDS Jack Neubert Becky Newhouse Gary Newhouse, DDS Grant Newhouse Mike Odziak Dave Olson Ron Olson John Pacelli

Shane Panter, DDS Steve Perkins, Henry Schein Dave Pettey, DDS Phil Pineda Paolo Poidmore, DDS, MSD Darryl Ragland, DDS Steve Raymond — 20/20 Financial Advisers of Sacramento Justin Reich, DDS Jud Roberts, DDS Jim Rode Don Rollofson, DMD Jeffrey Rosa, DDS James Ryan — Patterson Dental Supply Steve Saffold, DDS Jeremy Salvatierra, DMD Frank Sanchez — Neo Dental Laboratory Nicole Sayers, Ironstone Bank Jason Scorza, DDS Charles Stamos, DDS Dusty Strike Les Strike Cas Szymanowski, DDS Damon Szymanowski, DMD Jonathan Szymanowski, DMD, MMSc Michael Tai, DDS Ryan Tateyama Pamela Trehub, TDIC John Urrutia — Mann Urrutia Nelson Harry Viani, DDS Mike Ward, DDS Chris Watkins Kip Whitnack, DDS Cliff Wong, DDS Ken Wong, DDS Tim Wong, DDS Nelson Wyllie — Brasseler Doug Yee, DDS Wes Yee, DDS Eddie Ysunza Dan Zendner, DDS James Zimmerman, DDS Raffle Donors A. K. Jewelers Arden Village Car Service Artistic Edge Gift Certificate Blue Northern Builders Dental Management Solutions Integrated Fitness — Free Golf Lesson Jeannie’s Jewelry Creations Jenell’s Skin Patterson Dental Supply Procter & Gamble Oral Health Care R. Douglas Custom Clothier Sacramento Coca Cola Company Sequels Consignment Boutique Suede Salon & Spa Boutique Timilick Golf Course Turkey Creek Golf Course

Thank You! What you give is what we can do!

From Your Foundation President…

By Kent Daft, DDS

SDDF President, 2010

There is nothing more rewarding than reaching out to those who are in need. With that mindset the Sacramento District Dental Foundation continued to expand during 2010. The nationally recognized Smiles for Kids program screened nearly 28,000 children from 82 schools. Free dental services were provided by 431 dentists and 427 auxiliaries and other volunteers and exceeded $1.1million in value. Smiles for Big Kids treated 134 patients gratis at a value in excess of $320,000 with dental labs contributing in excess of $4000 worth of services. During 2010 we registered and trademarked these programs. What an incredible year! Extraordinary volunteerism and financial support are the backbone of this wonderful service to our community. It begins with the SDDS staff and member dentists along with their staffs and many or our supportive member vendors. Thousands of hours are given to organization, facilitation, treatment and fund raising. SDDS staff was able to secure $46,000 in grants and dentists donated $26,000 through the Crowns for Kids program. Membership in the Foundation, at $75 per year, grew to 261 in 2010. Members included dentists, dental spouses, staff, vendors and friends. In addition the Spirit of Giving drive and other financial gifts helped grow the endowment funds. In order to continue to sustain these programs in 2011, the Foundation would like to see the membership exceed 300. If you have yet to join, please sign up now. It’s only $75. If you have already joined, sign up your spouse as an associate member. Encourage your staff, your labs and other vendors to become members. If you have never participated in Smiles for Kids, make the 2011 your year to begin. It will be one of the most rewarding moments of your professional career and a wonderful gift to your community. Finally is the Foundation’s “fun” fundraising gala on October 1st for SDDS members and their guests. This will be a fabulous event under the chairmanship of Dr. Wesley Yee. There will be dinner, a great dance band and auction and is sure to be sold our before the end of summer. 

Current Assets Checking / Savings

Charitable Fund (Smith Barney) General Fund (Smith Barney) Helen Hamilton Fund Perpetual Endowment Fund

$167,437 $235,183 $122,000 $262,179

Total Checking / Savings:


Accounts Receivable:


Prepaid Expenses:


Total Assets:


Liabilities & Equity Liabilities

Deferred Revenue (Other Current Liabilities) Total Liabilities:

$9,730 $9,730 Equity

Retained Earnings Net Income

$708,785 $81,834 Total Equity:


Total Liabilities & Equity:

$800,348 May 2011 | 25


the dentist, the employer

Examining Your Staff

Continuation Education policy

You are a dentist. You’ve been to school, taken your Boards and settled into practice. End of story? Not quite. Employee evaluations, hiring and firing, labor laws and personnel files are an important part of being an employer. Are you up on the changes that happen nearly EVERY January 1st? In this monthly column, we will offer information pertinent to you, the dentist as the employer.

By Mary Byers, CAE Do you view continuing education for your staff as an expense, an investment, a reward, or a combination of all three? How you answer this question will determine, in part, how you approach your internal continuing education policy. (You do have one, don’t you?) I’ll address the concept from the perspective of a smart team leader. To help me, I queried several practitioners regarding their practice policies. All that I queried provide reimbursement for registration, transportation, lodging and meals and most pay for the time spent in class so that staff members do not lose compensation. Obviously, these doctors value continuing education. Their reasons vary: “I feel continuing education inspires and is part of the job.” “We’re committed to continued improvement of patient care and efficiency in the office.” “I have the best staff and want them to grow and extend themselves.” “Continuing education is one of the best investments that can be made in our dental team… and we hope that we can build an atmosphere in which the whole team strives to be the best we can be together.” Though there are many reasons for generosity when it comes to continuing education, smart managers know that competent and current staff members are an asset to any practice. They also understand that it’s less expensive to invest in the team they already have than it is to devote time and money finding, hiring and training new staff members. By picking up the tab for continuing education, you send a strong message to your staff regarding their value to you and the practice. 26 | The Nugget

Though many of the doctors I queried admitted their policies are informal and classes are approved on a case-by-case basis, I was intrigued by one central Illinois practitioner who shared he recently revised his policy. He wrote, “I was finding that the lack of definition in our policy was leading some of my team to request extravagant venues for their continuing education needs. When I had to make the decision to allow them or not, it lead to subtle accusations of favoritism and a slight attitude of entitlement among a few of them. What was intended to build and encourage my team was sometimes having the opposite effect.” Recognizing that current policy wasn’t as effective as it could be, this doctor moved from case-by-case approval to the equivalent of providing an “expense account” for each staff member. Now, each of his team members is allowed $1,000 and each associate doctor is allocated $2,000 annually. Funds may be used for registration, transportation, lodging and meals and each team member has the freedom to choose classes that meet their needs and the venues that suit them. Money not used is not carried over into the next year, providing incentive to attend continuing education annually.

This type of “expense account” policy has transformed this doctor’s office in several ways. First, team members became more frugal once they began spending their “own” allotment. They shopped for more reasonable lodging and means of transportation and became more willing to share a room or carpool. In addition, the doctor no longer feels pressure to encourage or restrict education choices. Team members who were already motivated to educate and improve themselves remain motivated to do so. Those who were less inclined now feel an added value to pursue education, even if it is monetary in nature. Finally, the practice expects to realize a financial savings as a result of being able to accurately predict maximum continuing education costs each year. Though legal requirements may dictate portions of your office’s continuing education policy, it’s best not to let these regulations restrict you. As one practitioner wrote, “I have a very capable, caring, experienced, friendly, courteous and kind staff.” A generous continuing education policy is one way to get — and keep — this kind of staff. 

Going on Vacation?

Remember… SDDS is not your emergency contact! You must be available and render emergency care to patients of record currently under your treatment or make available to such patients through your outgoing voice mail / answering service a list of colleagues who are aware and willing to render care at times when you are not available. Do not use the Sacramento District Dental Society referral service as your “on call” coverage. Failure to provide care can place a dentist in violation of ADA Principles of Ethics and the CDA Code of Ethics.

Sacramento District Dental Society







May 2011 | 27


Smiles for BIGKids ®


letter from a Smiles for BIG Kids patient Dr. Campbell, Trying to find words that express how grateful I am isn’t easy — so, from my heart: Thank you so very much for your generosity of time and gift of a beautiful smile I will cherish for the rest of my life. You and your staff warmly welcomed me and always showed sincere kindness. I never would have believed that an Internet search would lead me to such wonderful people. With sincere appreciation, Vicki P. (referred by United Way)

Grants Received: CDA Foundation (2009) Teichert Foundation (2010) SDDF Charitable Fund

SFBK Partners Alpha Tech Dental Laboratory Artisin Dental Works Brabant’s Dental Lab* CALAOMS Carmichael Dental Lab* Clara’s House Corr Dental Lab Danilov Dental Dental Creations Frontier Dental Lab* Halls Dental Lab* 28 | The Nugget

Joe Rodriguez Dental Lab LaFond Dental Lab Merrill Dental Laboratory Mike’s Dental Laboratory* ParaMount Dental Laboratory* Roseville Dental Lab* Sedgwick Dental Lab Tri-City Dental Laboratories* Victor’s Dental Lab* WEAVE Wellspring Women’s Empowerment

*Dental labs that donated one or more lab case(s), pro bono. The others discounted their fees. Thank you!

Thank you to our partners!

Treatment Statistics

A project of Sacramento District Dental Foundation

Total screened: 286 Total referred for treatment: 320 Total called for placement: 189 Placed cases: 158 No-show/Never called Dr/Failed: 25 Treatment in progress: 29 Treatment completed: 129

Demographics (Age)

18–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 60+ Average Age

21 28 35 19 10 42

Smiles for BIG Kids Volunteer Doctors Mark Abel, DDS Gary Ackerman, DDS Craig Alpha, DDS Kreston Anderson, DDS Leo Angel, DDS Darryl Azouz, DDS Aneet Bal, DDS Hossein Bandani, DDS Robin Berrin, DDS Lenna Bright, DDS Steven Brown, DDS Arthur Burbridge, DDS Matthew Campbell, Jr., DDS David Cernik, DDS Jeffrey Chamberlain, DDS Wai Chan, DDS Richard Chang, DDS James Chen, DDS Nanlin Chiang, DMD, MD Terry Chin, DDS Sonney Chong, DDS Darrell Chun, DDS Scott Churchill, DDS Matthew Comfort, DDS Paul Cripe, DDS Amor Cristobal, DDS Mary Cuevas, DDS Shama Currimbhoy, DDS Robert Daby, DDS Elisabeth de Gaust, DDS Margaret Delmore, MD, DDS

Friz Diaz, DDS Herlin Dyal, DDS Nagy Elsemary, DDS Gwendolyn Enriquez, DMD Eloisa Espiritu, DDS James Everhart, DDS John Fat, DDS, MS Kenneth Fat, DDS Michael Favero, DMD Tiffany Favero Holladay, DMD Richard Fife, DDS Debra Finney, DDS Shahnaz Formoli, DDS Robert Gillis, DMD, MSD Arlenita Gomez-Croddy, DDS Kathleen Greene, DDS A. Scott Grivas, DDS Nicky Hakimi, DDS, MSD, PhD Injoo Han, DDS, MSD, PhD Lauren Hanschu, DDS Brian Harris, DDS Jagdev Heir, DMD, MD Carl Hillendahl, DDS Bruce Holt, DDS Dan Hopper, DDS Thomas Indresano, DMD Paige Jeffs, DDS Craig Johnson, DDS Loche Johnson, DDS Francis Joven, DDS Bryan Judd, DDS

Christopher Kane, DDS Kevin Keating, DDS Neelofar Khan, BDS Sam Khoury, DDS George Kingsley, DDS Alexis Kleinman, DDS Mark Kujiraoka, DDS Steve Leighty, DDS Pieter Linssen, DDS Jeffery Little, DDS David Lopes, DDS Kenneth Messenger, DDS Dwight Miller, DDS Kenneth Moore, DDS Kenney Moore, DDS Richard Moorhouse, DDS Michael Mullen, DDS Ferris Nazeri, DMD Sheri Opp, DDS, MSD Brian Orcutt, DDS Steven Penn, DDS Flaviane Petersen, DDS Brett Peterson, DDS Michael Preskar, DDS Michael Ramos, DDS Paul Raskin, DDS Ronald Rasmussen, DDS Sean Rhee, DDS Jorge Rico, DDS Olivia Rodrigues, DDS Donald Rollofson, DMD

Want to help?

Nicholas Rotas, DDS Sean Roth, DDS Brian Royse, DDS Dean Sands, DMD Marissa Serna-Aragoza, DDS Phoenix Sinclair, DDS Darce Slate, DDS Andrea Smith, DDS Charles Smurthwaite, DDS Ojadimeji Sorunke, BDS Brian Steele, DDS Visse Storm, DDS Jason Straw, DDS J. Alex Tomaich, DDS, MD Pedram Towfighi, DDS, MS Loc Tran, DDS Glen Tueller, DDS Gregory Tuttle, DDS Thuy Nga Vu, DDS Judith Vue, DDS Kim Wallace, DDS Joel Whiteman, DDS Anna Whitmire, DMD Kenneth Whitnack, DDS Kelly Wilson, DDS Jerard Wilson, DDS Walter Winfrey, DDS Clifford Wong, DDS Ken Wong, DDS Marston Wong, DDS, MS Agnes Yumiaco, DDS

Call to volunteer! (916) 446-1227 Sacramento District Dental Society

2011 Sacramento District Dental Foundation Members

Is your name on this list?

It should be!

It is the mission of the Sacramento District Dental Foundation (SDDF) to promote the oral and general health of the public by serving as the charitable arm of the SDDS and the dental community. Members of SDDF make an annual voluntary contribution in support of this effort. The individuals below have made this commitment to our Foundation. If you’re not yet among them, it’s not too late! For more information on becoming a Foundation Member, see the insert at the center of this issue, or visit

Jennifer Drew, DDS, MSD Timothy Durkin, DDS James Everhart, DDS R. Kent Farnsworth, DDS JC Fat, DDS, MS Kenneth Fat, DDS David Feder, DDS Debra Finney, DDS Rikard Forsberg, DDS Kenneth Fox, DDS Kasi Franck, DDS Douglas Gedestad, DMD Richard Gere, DDS Kelly Giannetti, DMD, MS Robert Gillis, DMD, MSD Jennifer Goss, DDS Dan Haberman, DDS, MS Gregory Hailey, DDS Harold Hanefield, DDS Lauren Hanschu, DDS Kerry Hanson, DDS Daniel Harlan, DDS Elizabeth Harmon, DDS Gordon Harris, DDS Victor Hawkins, DDS Robert Hays, DDS Jagdev Heir, DMD, MD Greg Heise, DDS Marsha Henry, DDS Carl Hillendahl, DDS Craig Hollingsworth, DDS Herbert Hooper, DDS Chester Hsu, DDS Elizabeth Huynh, DDS Edward Ishii, DDS Craig Johnson, DDS Daniel Jones, DDS Terrence Jones, DDS Christopher Kane, DDS Robert Katibah, DDS Paul Katz, DDS

Kevin Keating, DDS, MS Richard Kennedy, Jr., DDS Robert Koch, DDS Beverly Kodama, DDS Marvin Koh, DDS Matthew Korn, DDS Laski Kung, DDS, MMSc, MPH Kevin Kurio, DDS Lisa Laptalo, DMD Lawrence Larsen, DDS Peter Laurendeau, DDS Skip Lawrence, DDS Grace Lee, DMD, MD Leland Lee, DDS Steven Lee, David Lewis, DMD Steve Longoria, DDS L. Neil Loveridge, DDS Donald MacDonald, DMD Kevin McCurry, DDS Timothy Mickiewicz, DDS Kathryn Ann Moore, DDS Sydney Moore, DDS Megan Moyneur, DDS James Musser, DDS John Nelson, DDS Gary Newhouse, DMD Minh Nguyen, DDS Thanh-Truc Nguyen, DDS James Oates, DDS Michael O’Brien, Gregory Owyang, DDS Viren Patel, DDS James Peck, DDS Stacey Peters-Nelson, DDS Dennis Peterson, DDS Robert Phillips, DDS Michael Quessenberry, DDS Philip Quinley, DDS Moji Radi, DDS Linda Rafferty, DDS

Darryl Ragland, DDS Gabrielle Rasi, DDS Joseph Rawlins, DDS Sean Rhee, DDS Christy Rollofson, DDS Donald Rollofson, DMD Nicholas Rotas, DDS Brian Royse, DDS William Schaedler, DDS Christopher Schiappa, DDS David Seman, DDS, MS Howard Shempp, DDS Stefanie Shore, DDS Dwight Simpson, DDS Walter Skinner, DDS Norman Spalding, DDS Joelle Speed, DDS Charles Stamos, DDS Jeffrey Sue, DDS Damon Szymanowski, DMD Larry Templin, DDS H. Scott Thompson, DDS Robert Tilly, DDS J. Alex Tomaich, DDS, MD Kelvin Tse, DDS Glen Tueller, DDS Chang Vong, DMD Tom Wagner, DDS Kim Wallace, DDS Wayne Walters, DDS Glen Warganich-Stiles, DDS Ernie Watson, DDS Russell Weaver, DDS Cynthia Weideman, DDS Michael Weideman, DDS Mark White, DDS Gregory Wilcox, DDS Michael Wilson, DDS Bingson Wong, DDS Dennis Wong, DDS Kenneth Wong, DDS

Peter Worth, DDS Jamson Wu, DDS, MSD Lynn Yamamoto, DDS Thomas Yamamoto, DDS H. Wesley Yee, DDS Associate Members Comel Ahmad Anne Bianchi Debra Burke Irene Campbell Peggy Daft Barbara Delehanty Fechter & Company Elizabeth Hailey Mary Ann Harris Beverlee Hawkins Donna Hollingsworth Sherri Johnson Kathy Jones Marion Jones Sue Keating, RDH Cathy Koch Leigh Kurio Cookie Lawrence Deborah Lee Joan Lewis Cheri McCurry Paige Moyneur Joyce Oates Ann Peck Gayle Peterson Koos Prins, PhD Julie Rawlins Janet Rollofson Catherine Schiappa Sherry Sue Annette Tomaich Hans Walde Karen Walters Herbert Wanier, III Roxanne Weideman Ruby Yu, MD

2011 Foundation members as of 4/12/11

Dentist Members Gary Ackerman, DDS Terry Adair, DDS Eva Adams, DDS Gregory Adams, DDS, MS Dean Ahmad, DDS Craig Alpha, DDS Christopher Andonian, DDS Todd Andrews, DDS Brad Archibald, DDS Nancy Archibald, DDS Mark Backhus, DDS Daisuke Bannai, DDS Wallace Bellamy, DMD Robin Berrin, DDS Paul Bianchi, DDS Paul Binon, DDS, MSD Michael Boyce, DDS Damon Boyd, DDS David Burke, DDS Matthew Campbell, Jr., DDS Adrian Carrington, DDS Steven Cavagnolo, DDS Wai Chan, DDS Regina Cheung, DDS Sonney Chong, DMD Stephen Christensen, DMD Lawrence Chu, DDS Michael Chu, DDS Matt Comfort, DDS James Cope, DDS James Coyle, DDS Lee Crane, DDS, MPH Jerome Daby, DDS Robert Daby, DDS Kent Daft, DDS James Delehanty, DDS Paul Denzler, DDS Friz Diaz, DDS Jerome Dobak, DDS Lisa Dobak, DDS

May 2011 | 29

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30 | The Nugget

Sacramento District Dental Society

Committee Corner

You asked for this! Nugget Survey 2009

Membership Committee: New, New, New! The Membership Committee has taken the NEW Year by storm! The already-amazing committee welcomed the following NEW committee members in January: Drs. Nima Aflatooni, Ryan Wilgus, Meghan Moyneur, Stephanie Shore, Ike Rahimi, Chris Spain and Carl Hillendahl (liaison to the Board). A NEW format was introduced to the New Member Dinner, held at the Old Spaghetti Factory in Sacramento on April 6th. Small tables facilitated new members getting to know one-another, and Membership Committee members were on-hand to answer questions about SDDS as well as to gain an appreciation of new members’ expectations of the Society! The upcoming and ever-popular River Cats game will have a NEW spin: Game-goers can enjoy $2 beers, special baseball hats, ALL SEATING behind HOME PLATE at Raley Field on June 9th!

Be on the lookout for NEW topics such as Social Media Marketing, associateships, partnerships, legal issues and HR during next year’s Member Forums! All SDDS members (NEW and “not new”) interested in forming a NEW study club are invited to attend SDDS STARTER STUDY CLUB NIGHT the end of May, where information will be shared and new clubs will commence! Lastly, look out for our NEW MEMBER CORNER near the sign-in table in the foyer at all General Membership Meetings. Members who are new to our Society are encouraged to congregate here during the social hour to meet fellow colleagues (both new and seasoned!) with whom they can sit and enjoy a nice dinner and meeting! Be on the lookout for other NEW events brought to you by the Membership Committee! 

New Member Dinner

April 6, 2011 • Old Spaghetti Factory

By Lisa Laptalo, DDS

Membership Committee Chair

2011 sdds Committee Meetings: Board of Directors (SDDS / 6:00pm) May 3 • Sept 6 • Nov 1 CE Committee (SDDS / 6:00pm) Sept 20 • Nov 29 CPR Committee (SDDS / 6:30pm) Future meetings TBA Dental Health Committee (SDDS / 6:30pm) May 16 • Sept 12 • Nov 14 Ethics Committee (SDDS / 6:30pm) Sept 28 • Nov 16 Foundation (SDDF) (SDDS / 6:00pm) Sept 12 • Nov 17 Golf Committee (SDDS / 6:00pm) Completed for 2011 Leadership Dev. Committee (SDDS / 6:00pm) Completed for 2011 Mass Disaster / Forensics Committee (Location TBA / 6:30pm) 2011 Meetings TBA Membership Committee (SDDS / 6:00pm) May 17 • Sept 21 • Nov 15

Clockwise from top left: Drs. Wai Chan, Nathan Adams and Victor Hawkins Drs. Jamson Wu and Chang Vong Drs. Laski Kung, Mandeer Randhawa and Chris Andonian

Nugget Editorial Committee (SDDS / 6:15pm) May 17 • Sept 27 SacPAC Committee (SDDS / 6:00pm) 2011 meetings TBA

May 2011 | 31

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32 | The Nugget

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Vendor Members — their support keeps your dues low! Vendor Members support Sacramento District Dental Society through advertising, special discounts to members, table clinics and exhibitor space at SDDS events. SDDS members are encouraged to support our Vendor Members as OFTEN AS POSSIBLE when looking for products and services. For more information on the Vendor Membership Program, visit

we love

our SDDS Vendor Members!

vendor member spotlights: 20/20 Financial Advisers of Sacramento, LLC

20/20 Financial Advisers of Sacramento, LLC is a Financial Services Firm serving the needs of dentists in the areas of investment strategies, retirement planning, tax strategies, estate planning, insurance, and business continuation programs. In addition, as financial advisers registered with Ameritas Investment Corp. (AIC), we also offer financial planning and investment advisory services. Products & Services • Comprehensive Financial Planning — create a roadmap for your financial future • Retirement Planning — determination of income and capital need • Investment Planning — strategies to help you reach your goals and perform risk-reward analysis • Individual Disability Income Insurance • Group Life and Disability Income Insurance • Business Overhead Disability Income Insurance — pays to keep your practice operational when you can’t work • Deferred Compensations and 401k plans — shelter income from current taxes • Pension/Profit-sharing plans — designed to favor owners and key employees • Salary Continuation Plans — receive tax free income • Buy/Sell Funding — guarantee a buyer for your practice • Alternative Investments — provide diversification in your portfolio Benefits, Services, Special Pricing &/or Discounts Extended to SDDS Members • 15% discount on Business Overhead Disability Income Insurance • 15% discount on comprehensive fee-based financial plan Securities and investment advisory services offered through Ameritas Investment Corp. (“AIC”). Member FINRA/SIPC. AIC and 20/20 Financial Advisers of Sacramento, L.L.C. are not affiliated.

Leonard Simpson, RFC®, AIF® — Managing Partner • (916) 989-3295 • CA Insurance License # OC53014

Every business day, new challenges arise between employers and employees. If you need assurance that you’re making the right decisions, you need CEA. CEA’s services are dedicated to those business professionals who demand accurate, immediate and cost-effective solutions to human resource and labor relations issues. CEA serves as a full service HR department, without the hassles of having to hire a single person. Thousands of companies and individual business owners in California depend on CEA every day. Products & Services • Free Phone Advice • Free Attorney Advice • Employee Handbooks • Injury & Illness Prevention Programs (IIPP) • Policies & Procedures • Hiring & Recruitment • Labor Commission Hearings • Labor Negotiation • Sexual Harassment Training & Investigations

• • • • • • • • • •

Legislative Updates Discrimination Claims Unemployment Claims Wage & Salary Issues Employee Productivity Workers’ Compensation Leadership Development Discipline & Termination Issues Substance Abuse Strategies Workshops & Seminars

Benefits, Services, Special Pricing &/or Discounts Extended to SDDS Members HR Hotline (FREE to SDDS Members!): Ask HR professionals about employment law, employee issues and other employment related matters. 1-800-399-5331

Kim Parker — Executive VP • (916) 921-1312 •

Mari Bradford — HR Hotline Director • (800) 399-5331 •

May 2011 | 33

We’re blowing your horn! Congratulations to... Dr. Samer Alassaad, for his recent article, “Incomplete Cusp Fractures,” published in the March/April 2011 issue of the Journal of the Academy of General Dentistry. Dr. Paul Binon, for his son Michael’s first place award in the Sacramento Regional Science and Engineering Competition, for his project, “Being Hard Headed Won’t Save You!” on development and testing of head protection for bicyclists. (photo at right) Greta Gerwig, daughter of Gordon Gerwig (First U.S. Community Credit Union, SDDS Vendor Member), for her role as one of the four stars of the new film, Arthur. All volunteers who participated in RAM at Cal Expo, April 1–4! (more information on page 16–20).

Dr. Matt Campbell, and his wife Irene, for being featured on the front page of the Sacramento Bee as long-time Sacramento Kings fans. Dr. Campbell has been the official Kings dentist for 26 years. 

Have some news you’d like to share with the Society? Please send your information (via email, fax or mail) to SDDS for publication in the Nugget!

Left: Michael Binon, son of Dr. Paul and Susan Binon, with his first place science and engineering project Right: Dr. Matt and Irene Campbell honor the Kings

Achieve personal and professional success Buufoe uif BEB 36ui Ofx Efoujtu Dpogfsfodf; Txffu Ipnf Dijdbhp- Tjmwfs Boojwfstbsz The Westin, Chicago River North ¥ June 16-18, 2011

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Visit for information and to register. 34 | The Nugget

Sacramento District Dental Society

Trustee Report

Kevin Keating, DDS, MS Don Rollofson, DMD CDA Trustees

March 12–13, 2011 The CDA Trustees met March 12–13 in Los Angeles following the awesome Leadership Development Seminar. Next year we will have a regional seminar in Sacramento on March 12, 2012 and these events are incredibly well done — mark your calendar. The first half of our Board of Trustees (BOT) agenda was devoted to the annual evaluation of our Executive Director Peter DuBois. In addition, we modified and ratified his MBO's (Management by Objectives) for 2011. We continue to be blessed by an extremely talented ED who has guided CDA through difficult economic times extremely well.

CDA members have been actively supporting the early April RAM clinics.

The Access and Workforce work groups have completed their body of work and we all anticipate their reports for the June BOT meeting. We had a presentation from Jenny Catlove of The Childrens Partnership as well as an overview of the efforts of several large Foundations active on the national access arena. These include the Pew, Kellogg, and Macy Foundations, with multimillion annual spending on the development of DHAT training programs, work to advance mid level providers in five additional states, and extended function hygenists. Among the final items of business was the authorization to pursue a 2012 Mission of Mercy (MOM) possibly in Stockton. CDA members have actively been supporting the early April RAM clinics in Sacramento and Oakland and CDA leadership is hopeful that, once initiated in California, the MOM clinics can be held periodically throughout the State to help bring pro bono dental care to those who truly need it. 

May 2011 | 35

WESTERN PRACTICE SALES John M. Cahill Associates

Advertiser Index


Dental Specialty Referrals

LOCALLY OWNED By Dentists, For Dentists

NeuBite Denture Center (Dr. Paul Raskin) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Dental Laboratories

Elite Aesthetics Dental Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Dental Supplies, equipment, Repair

Accurate Handpiece Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 DESCO Dental Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Henry Schein Dental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 35 Patterson Dental Supply, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Procter & Gamble Distributing Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 RelyAid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Supply Doc, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Financial & Insurance Services

20/20 Financial Advisers of Sacramento, Inc. . . . . . . . . 32, 33 Ameriprise Financial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 38 Banc of America Practice Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Dennis Nelson, CPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 32 Eagle West Group, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Fechter & Company, CPAs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 First U.S. Community Credit Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Mann, Urrutia & Nelson, CPAs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Principal Financial Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 TDIC & TDIC Insurance Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 30 Union Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Tim Giroux, DDS

Testimonials Jon Noble, MBA

Mona Chang, DDS

California Employers Association (CEA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 33

Legal services

Wood & Delgado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, 33

Medical Gas Services

Analgesic Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Andrews Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blue Northern Builders, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Henry Schein Dental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Olson Construction, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

John Cahill, MBA

22, 32 27, 32 32, 35 10, 32

”Your personal dedication to making everything happen was a unique touch”

”It’s great to have you right here in the Sacramento area. You were always available and always full of advice. Thank you”


Practice Sales, Lease, Management and/or Consulting

DBC Consulting (Dave Judy) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Dental Management Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Henry Schein Dental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 35 JoAnne Tanner, MBA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 35 Straine Consulting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 TRI Commercial Real Estate (Gordon Stevenson) . . . . . . . . . 9 Western Practice Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33, 36

“The fact that you are a dentist adds a whole new dimension to your abilities as a broker, one which most other brokers cannot come close to”

”Your experience & knowledge coupled with your kind personal touch I believe makes you the best in the industry!”

Human Resources

Office Design & Construction

This is what separates Western Practice Sales from other brokerage firms. As dentists and business professionals in your area, we understand the unique aspects of your dental practice and offer more practical knowledge than any other brokerage firm.

Dave Judy


Sacramento Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Staffing services

dentassist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 32 Resource Staffing Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32


Tekfix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Waste management services


15% off your first case!

Star Refining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 1911 DOUGLAS BOULEVARD, STE 85-438 • ROSEVILLE, CA 95661

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36 | The Nugget

Sacramento District Dental Society

Welcome to SDDS’s new members, transfers and applicants.

Important Numbers: SDDS (doctor’s line) . . . . . . . (916) 446-1227 ADA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 621-8099 CDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 736-8702 CDA Contact Center . . (866) CDA-MEMBER (866-232-6362) CDA Practice Resource Ctr . . TDIC Insurance Solutions . . . (800) 733-0633 Denti-Cal Referral . . . . . . . . . (800) 322-6384 Central Valley Well Being Committee . . . . . (559) 359-5631

New Members New Transfer Members:

New Applicants:

Wendy Carvajal, DDS Transferred from San Francisco Dental Society General Practitioner Pending Office Address Dr. Wendy Carvajal graduated from the UOP Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry in 2010 with her DDS. She currently lives in Roseville.

Martin Kerzie, DMD

Kirsten Chang, DDS Transferred from San Francisco Dental Society General Practitioner Pending Office Address Dr. Kirsten Chang graduated from the UOP Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry in 2010 with her DDS and is completing a residency at the VA Medical Center — Martinez later this year. She currently lives in Granite Bay. Maryam Seirafi, DDS Transferred from Tri-County Dental Society General Practitioner 7141 Fair Oaks Blvd Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 488-9700 Dr. Maryam Seirafi graduated from Loma Linda University in 2010 with her DDS. She is currently practicing in Carmichael and lives in Sacramento.

Have you moved? Do you have a new photo?

Moving? Opening another office? Offering new services? Share your information with the Society!

The more accurate information we have, the better we can serve you!

The SDDS Annual Membership directory is going to print May 15th

Viviane Winthrop, DDS Transferred from Tri-County Dental Society General Practitioner 4241 Williamsbourgh Dr, Ste 216 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 838-5442 Dr. Viviane Winthrop graduated from the UCSF School of Dentistry in 1997 with her DDS. She is currently practicing in Sacramento and lives in El Dorado Hills.

Keep us updated!

We can only refer you if we know where you are; and we rely on having your current information on file to keep you informed of valuable member events! Give us a call at (916) 446-1227.

May 2011

Call SDDS ASAP (916) 446-1227 CLIP OUT this handy NEW MEMBER UPDATE and insert it into your DIRECTORY under the “NEW MEMBERS” tab.

total membership (as of 4/14/11): 1,568 total active members: 1,311 total retired members: 204 total Dual members: 2 total affiliate members: 12

total student/ provisional members: 3 total current applicants: 1 total dhp members: 35

total new members for 2011: 22 May 2011 | 37

Event highlights April General Membership Meeting

30 minutes can impact your next 30 years

April 12, 2011 — Recruitment Night

Did you know many people today can expect their retirement to last 30 years or more? A good financial plan can help you feel more confident that you won’t outlive your savings in retirement. As an Ameriprise financial advisor, I can help you seamlessly integrate both your practice and personal goals into one easy-tomanage plan to help you put a confident retirement within reach.


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1: Drs. Alan Budenz (speaker), Nima Aflatooni, Vir Pratap Brar (potential member) and Robert Daby share knowledge during the social hour. 2: Drs. Mark Greenmun, Mandeep Randhawa and Ryan Maddox enjoy the sunny evening. 3: Drs. Raj Zanzi and Ash Vasanthan prepare to enter the meeting. 4: Dr. Megan Moyneur (right) brought her mother Lois Parisho, a hygienist, to the meeting — what a family resemblance! 5: New member Dr. Jack Gorman is introduced by Dr. Kelly Giannetti. 6: Dr. Christopher Kanas (right) enjoys dinner with his wife Tami. 6: Dr. Budenz begins his presentation on Local Anesthesia.

link of the month What’s happening with the Foundation? Find out at: 38 | The Nugget


CALL TODAY! 916.784.6982 Free Consultation

DMS supports your practice growth. Powerful results... in changing times and “regardless of insurance”.

Cost-conscious short & long-term services. Sacramento District Dental Society

design your own dental suite offering generous tenant improvements for this 800 sq ft office space. Rent negotiation is available. The suite is in a three story midtown dental complex. (916) 448-5702. 11-10

Stop the Screaming! In-office sedation services by MD anesthesiologist • Pedo/Adults • Medi-Cal Provider • 20 years experience • Call (800) 853-4819 or 05-07

suite for lease — in Midtown Sacramento at 30th & P. Ideal for perio, endo or oral surgery. Improvements + allowance for modification. Signage, high visibility, on-site parking and freeway access. In the midst of Sutter’s medical campus expansion. (916) 473-8810. Lic. 01227233. 02-11

Locum Tenens — I am an experienced dentist, UOP graduate and I will temporarily maintain and grow your practice if you are ill / maternity leave or on extended vacation. (530) 644-3438. 04-10

For lease — 2,255 sf former dental space at 1610 Arden Wy (across from Arden Fair Mall). On-site parking, 6 ops, offices, lab, reception. Hines (916) 923-5600. 04-11

Locum Tenens — Loma Linda grad, 1980. Temporary dentist for emergencies, vacations and maternity leaves. (530) 823-0502. 02-11

dentists serving dentists — Western Practice Sales invites you to visit our website, westernpracticesales. com to view all of our practices for sale and to see why we are the broker of choice throughout Northern California. (800) 641-4179. 03-09

For sale — Santa Cruz General Practice. 30+ years. Fee-for-service, no PPO except Delta. Please contact at 04-11

office space sharing roseville / granite bay. 1250 sf modern facility, digital/paperless, in a prof’l one-story office w/ street signage. Currently used 3 days/week. Ideal for mature, low-volume, high-end practice. 05-11 free rent — Fully equipped, 4 ops, Dentrix software, Arden area, great for starting new practice. Former location of 35 year practice. Contact Douglas Yee (916) 801-1707. 05-11 brand new build-to-suit office. 1500 sq ft. Next to GP, great for specialist. Rent / T.I. negotiable. Located South Sacramento / Elk Grove. (916) 525-3200. 05-C1

SDDS HR Hotline: 1-800-399-5331

one articulated skull. Superb specimen. $2,400. R.L. Bryan (916) 442-2038. 05-C1

Have an upcoming presentation?

The SDDS LCD projector is available for rent! 3 days / $100 • Members only please Call SDDS at (916) 446-1227 for more information or to place a reservation.

You asked for this!

New Classified Sections!

Nugget Survey 2009

Contact SDDS at (916) 446-1227 for more information.

Vacation homes • Misc items for sale • Home rentals / sales • Tickets

Selling your practice? Need an associate? Have office space to lease? Place a classified ad in the Nugget and see the results! SDDS member dentists get one complimentary, professionally related classified ad per year (30 word maximum; additional words are billed at $.50 per word). Rates for non-members are $45 for the first 30 words and $.60 per word after that. Add color to your ad for just $10! For more information on placing a classified ad, please call the SDDS office (916) 446-1227. Deadlines are the first of the month before the issue in which you’d like to run.





May 2011 | 39 3‘-8

SDDS member dentists can place classified ads for free!

looking for a p/t periodontist / oral surgeon for our state-of-the-art general practice in Roseville, Rocklin, Lincoln area. Call (916) 705-0211 05-C1


915 28th Street Sacramento, CA 95816 916.446.1211


Address service requested

sdds calendar of events May

3 Board of Directors Meeting 6:00pm / SDDS Office 4 6 10

Peer Review Calibration 6:30pm / SDDS Office SDDF Golf Tournament 7:00am / Turkey Creek Golf Club General Membership Meeting Oh Baby: The When, Why & How of Infant & Toddler Oral Health Jeffrey Wood, DDS Foundation Night Sacramento Hilton — Arden West 2200 Harvard Street, Sacramento 6:00pm Social 7:00pm Dinner & Program 12 Peer Review Committee 6:30pm For more calendar info, visit

12–15 14 16 17 20

You asked for this! Nugget Survey 2009


CDA Presents Anaheim, CA 2 Continuing Education nd 2 Annual Right in Your Own Backyard SDDS Member Speakers 9 Sacramento Zoo 3930 W Land Park Dr, Sacramento 8:30am–12:30pm Dental Health Committee 6:30pm / SDDS Office 16–18 Membership Committee 6:00pm / SDDS Office 25 Nugget Editorial Committee 6:15pm / SDDS Office Licensure Renewal Course California Dental Practice Act & Infection Control LaDonna Drury-Klein, RDA, CDA, BS Sacramento Hilton — Arden West 14 2200 Harvard Street, Sacramento 8:30am–12:30pm

SDDF Broadway Series Mary Poppins 8:00pm / Sac Community Center RiverCats Game vs. Tacoma Rainiers 7:05pm / Raley Field Peer Review Committee 6:30pm ADA New Dentist Conference Chicago, IL CPR BLS FULL COURSE Sutter General Hospital 8:30am–1:30pm

July Peer Review Committee 6:30pm

Save the date for the 32nd annual MidWinter Convention Tons of CE & a great time! you won’t want to miss it! February 9–10, 2012

DentalOh Baby:Day The When, Why & How earn

May 10, 2011:

2 at Raley Field

of Infant & Toddler Oral Health

ce units!

Presented by: Jeffrey Wood, DDS

Course Objectives:

June 9, 2011 (7:05pm) • Improve their understanding of the carious process in infants & toddlers • Enhance their appreciation for early oral care

6pm: Social & Table Clinics 7pm: Dinner & Program

• Add techniques to their repertoire to improve the care that they provide for young children See insert Sacramento Hilton, Arden West for details & to sign up! (2200 Harvard Street, Sac)

May General Membership Meeting: Foundation Night

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