January 2011 Nugget

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January 2011

Avoiding embezzlement in your practice Inside:

How can you decrease the chances of embezzlement in your practice? PLUS: Welcome, 2011 Executive Committee & Board of Directors!

Plan your schedule now to maximize CE!

Midwinter At a Glance 8:00am








2 CE

February 3rd


1.5 CE

1.5 CE

2 CE


2 CE

Computer Troubleshooting

1.5 CE

2 CE


2 CE

2 CE




Expo Hall Open


2 CE

February 4th

1 CE

Courage to Coach

1 CE



2.5 CE

Anterior/Posterior Composites

2 CE


Know When to Retire

Insurance Billing Tips

Oral Soft Tissue Diseases

2.5 CE

Aesthetic Success

If You Can’t Beat ‘Em — Tips to Treating Children

1.5 CE


CA Dental Practice Act


Ultimate Hygiene Exam

2 CE


2 CE

Real Issues & Real Solutions

2 CE

Dentrix Users Meeting

Malpractice Liability Coverage

Single Tooth Implants

2 CE

Effective Enrollment / Communication Skills

possible (per person) on Thursday!


2.5 CE

Bone Grafting

Infection Control



3 CE

Know What Patients Want

2 CE

OSHA Refresh

Increase Cash Flow / Internal Controls

EagleSoft Users Meeting

Customer Service Excellence

Enhance Hygiene to Improve Patient Care

2 CE

Reduce Missed Appointments


1–2 CE (3:30–5:30pm)

Expo Hall Open



Practice Transitions for New Grads

Softdent Users Meeting






No CE 2 CE

2.5 CE

2.5 CE

2.5 CE

Fixing Scheduling Mistakes


units Dental Photography

Oral Bony Lesions

Restorative Success

possible (per person) on Friday!

Key: = Core class = 20% class

2 CE

Practice Transitions: What to Know When Selling


CA Dental Practice Act Stannous Fluoride Dentifrice Technology

2 CE


Infection Control

= No CEU = Expo open OR = OSHA renewal course

Evidence-Based Dentistry

LR = licensure renewal course

Table of Contents

THE NUGGET January 2011 Volume 57, Number 1

Features 7

Scammed Anonymous


The Thief on Your Payroll Alexander Malick, DMD, FAGD


Employee Embezzlement: Prevention & Deterrents are Your Best Defense Cary Lemas, CPA (Lemas Accountancy)

Specials 12–13

Welcome, 2011 SDDS Executive Committee & Board of Directors!


Scratch Start vs. Buying a Practice: What They Didn’t Teach You in Dental School Timothy Giroux, DDS (Western Practice Sales — SDDS Vendor Member)


Thefts of Copper Nearly Triple in Sacramento


Court Ruling in Dentist Online Review Case


Dental Benefit Plans: What to Do When a Patient Asks for a Refund Michelle Corbo (Resource Coordinator, CDA Practice Support Center)

Regulars 4 5 6 15 19 20 20 21 24 25 26–27 27 28 30 33 34 35 36

President’s Message From the Editor’s Desk Cathy’s Corner Letter to the Editor Foundation Update YOU: The Dentist… the Employer Link of the Month Being Social Committee Meeting Schedule Committee Corner Vendor Members Vendor Member Spotlights Advertiser Index We’re Blowing Your Horn! Membership Update Event Highlights Classified Ads SDDS Calendar of Events

The Nugget is a four-time International College of Dentists Journalism Award Winner: Golden Pen (Honorable Mention, 2007) Article or series of articles of interest to the profession

Outstanding Cover (2007) Remarkable cover

Overall Newsletter (2007) Exceptional publication overall

Platinum Pencil (2010) Outstanding use of graphics

* featured on cover www.sdds.org

January November 2011 2007 | 3| 3

President’s Message New Year Resolutions

By Wai M. Chan, DDS


•E V









4 | The Nugget



Meet at Ginger’s at 6:30am (1410 E Roseville Pkwy, Roseville) Leave at 7:30am Email if you plan to attend! (sdds@sdds.org)


• UN F G


Sugar Bowl (Tahoe)

Have a happy, healthy and thriving new year. 


January 14, 2011

It does not matter what stage we are in, if we have a plan and keep our focus, we will reach our destination.


SDDS Ski Trip

Community service: After you have allocated proper amount of time for yourself, your family and your career, you may find it fulfilling to give back to your community. Let’s face it; we are part of our community, which deserves an extension of gratefulness.


Self: In this modern world, we are constantly facing stress, challenges, changes and, at times, adversities. To interact with our surroundings, we need to stay physically,

them right and you will reap financial reward and personal satisfaction.


Career: We have to be realistic that we do need money to support our family. That means work. As healthcare professionals, we put in long hours in our education and training to obtain our license to practice. That is just the beginning. To be successful in our profession, we need to have a strategic plan. We need to understand ourselves, our team

Almost all resolutions are centered on betterment of self, family, career and community.


Almost all resolutions are centered on betterment of self, family, career and community. With my limited understanding, here is why I think we have these resolutions.

Family: Our spouse is the one who would stand by us at times of need. Our better half deserves our appreciation, respect and time. We cannot take our life partner for granted. Our family members are the ones who give us joy and satisfaction. Our kids grow up so fast that before we know, they have left the house and we are in an empty nest. As parents, we feel the responsibility to raise and guide our children to become productive members of society. Our parents deserve our recognition not just on Father’s Day and Mother’s Day. We need to make time for our spouses, our kids and our parents.

members and our patients. There is always room for improvement on our technical and people skills. Respect your patients, treat


mentally and spiritually healthy. One will not be able to function properly if body, mind or soul is compromised.


After the exchange of gifts, the holiday parties, the gathering of families and friends, and the big “after-Christmas shopping days,” comes the quiet time between Christmas and the New Year. As creatures of habit, it is common for us to use that time to look into New Year Resolutions. Some of us will look into better diets, joining a health club and exercising more. Some others will think of working less and spending more time with family. Some will think about focusing on their dental practices; redefining their missions and their goals; getting more training for themselves and their staff. They may look into buying a practice, relocating, remodeling or expanding their practices. Some others will plan for community involvement.

Sacramento District Dental Society

From the Editor’s desk Avoiding Embezzlement in your practice

Starting off the new year talking about embezzlement may be a bit of a downer after all the holiday celebrations. However, a good dose of reality is sometimes needed as we begin to look back at our practice numbers for 2010 and set goals for 2011. If you are a dentist reading this article, there is at least a 50% chance that you have been embezzled in your practice. We are not talking low numbers either, on average approximately $100,000 is lost by a dental practice through employee embezzlement. In the majority of cases the amounts stolen are small, but done consistently over a period of time you can end up with a significant loss. I had this experience in my very first associate position as a newly graduated Orthodontist. In sharing this story, I hope you will become more aware of your financial systems and controls in your practice. I was working in New Jersey for a very well known and respected Orthodontist with staff who had been with him a long time. He had recently hired a new office manager when I began working for him. Now that I was out of school and working, my main focus was on patient care and honing my diagnostic and treatment skills. One day, the office manager shared with me a concern that since she had taken over the financial management of the practice, things were not right and she believed someone might be stealing money. She wanted me to

Associate Editor

discuss this with my employer, because she said he did not believe it to be true since his “staff were like family to him.” Yes, it was true; he did treat them like family. They were highly compensated for their positions and at the time it made sense to me since the area was a suburb of New York City and the cost of living was very high. Being burdened with school debt from 10 years of post high school education, I was in awe of his 25-year-old chairside assistant who was driving a brand new BMW. My employer did not listen to me either, but fortunately, the office manager was persistent and decided to set a trap for the embezzler. Without going into great detail here, the embezzler was caught and surprise, surprise — it was the 25 year old chairside assistant with the BMW! Of course there was shock, denial and my employer was heartbroken because she was his most loyal and dedicated employee. When the entire loss was finally tabulated, it was a total of $80,000 over a period of two years. Cases of embezzlement by employees in dental offices are often not prosecuted and, in this case, she was fired without being charged with stealing $80,000. She made it known that she would report to the State Board some “issues” that were present in the office. My employer did not want to have that fight, so he just let her go. Unfortunately, these employees end up in another dentist’s

RAM is coming! Remote Area Medical (RAM) is holding two 4-day clinics in our area in 2011. They are in need of volunteers to help provide free services to children and adults.

By Donna Galante, DMD

office and often repeat the same pattern with their new employer. So why do employees embezzle? There are three reasons often cited for embezzlement activity. First is opportunity. There are weak or no controls in place in the financial department of the practice and it is simply a matter of taking advantage of the situation. Second is motive. The employee may have huge bills to pay, a spouse who just lost a job, or they are living above their means (expensive cars, vacations, jewelry) and look at your practice income as an opportunity to cover their extra expenses. Motive plus opportunity is a formula for embezzlement. Third is that they feel they deserve it. They see your practice as their practice and feel that they deserve the extra money; after all they are working so hard. As in the case above, they feel like a part of the doctor’s family and as a “family member” deserve the extra money. In this issue you will read about two colleagues who have had to deal with embezzlement in their practices and you can learn from their stories what employees do to steal from you. CPA, Cary Lemas will share with you how to set up your financial department so that the opportunity for embezzlement is next to zero. This is the area that you have the most control over. Read Cary’s article and implement those secure protocols in your practice right away to protect your greatest asset, your practice. 

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January 2011 | 5

Cathy’s Corner

Sacramento District Dental Society Amador • El Dorado • Placer • Sacramento • Yolo


Snippets & snapshots

By Cathy B. Levering SDDS Executive Director

As January hits us smack in the face, we have so much to share, so much to offer, and so much for which to be thankful and grateful. There are many ways to be involved in SDDS, and many ways that we can be a benefit to you. By simply being a member of SDDS, you are part of organized dentistry at its best. Organized dentistry is advocating for you, for your practice, for your business. Take advantage of your member benefits, if it is only to read this NUGGET! (My, Dr. Galante has put together an awesome issue!) We sincerely hope that you will take part in something this year, give us a call, or just keep us posted on what’s new with you. Here’s just a short list of the hot items coming soon: • SDDS Study clubs start in January — one, two or several will be starting in January. Would you like to participate? Let me know via email (see my article in the last issue of the Nugget!) • Midwinter Convention — if you haven’t signed up, there is still time… Where else can you get more than 14 CE units in two days, free lunches, free coffee and cheap parking? • Smiles for Kids: Saturday, January 29th — where else can you participate in such a LARGE project for our community? • Vendor members and advertisers — WOW!!! Our vendor members (30 of them!) and advertisers are so helpful to our members. Whether you need tech advice, retirement investment advice, a bank, a loan, legal services, financial advice, dental supplies, a builder, remodeler, human resources advice, job placement services and much more… they support SDDS. When you have a need, please consult with our vendor members and advertisers first! • 1st TOOTH OR 1st BIRTHDAY Campaign – this campaign kicks off on January 1st. We hope to spread the important message to dentists, to the pediatricians, and to the community that infants need to visit the dentist at age one (did you know that some dentists think/thought that it was age three?). Watch this month for all the information and please start educating your patients, your parents and the grandparents who are your patients! Have a great January! 


Dan Haberman, DDS, MS Carl Hillendahl, DDS Jennifer Goss, DDS Kenneth Moore, DDS Craig Johnson, DDS Viren Patel, DDS Wallace Bellamy, DMD Brian Royse, DDS Kim Wallace, DDS

Board of Directors

Kevin Keating, DDS, MS Donald Rollofson, DMD CE: Jonathan Szymanowski, DMD, MMSc CPR: Margaret Delmore, MD, DDS Dental Health: Dean Ahmad, DDS Ethics: Volki Felahy, DDS Foundation: Robert Daby, DDS Leadership Development: Terrence Jones, DDS Legislative: Mike Payne, DDS, MSD / Gabrielle Rasi, DDS Membership: Lisa Laptalo, DDS Peer Review: Bryan Judd, DDS / Brett Peterson, DDS Dental Careers Workgroup: Robin Berrin, DDS Beverly Kodama, DDS Budget & Finance Advisory: Gary Ackerman, DDS Bylaws Advisory: Adrian Carrington, DDS Fluoridation Advisory: Kim Wallace, DDS Forensics Advisory: George Gould, DDS / Mark Porco, DDS Strategic Planning Advisory: Victor Hawkins, DDS/ Gary Ackerman, DDS Golf Tournament: Damon Szymanowski, DMD SacPAC: Donald Rollofson, DMD SDDF Gala Fundraiser: Wes Yee, DDS Smiles for Kids: Donald Rollofson, DMD

Trustees Committees Standing

Ad hoc Advisory Task Forces Workgroups

Special Events Other

Nugget Editorial Board

SDDS Staff

James Musser, DDS

Cathy Levering


Paul Binon, DDS, MSD Donna Galante, DMD Alexander Malick, DMD James McNerney, DMD Christy Rollofson, DDS Ash Vasanthan, DDS, MS

Executive Director

Della Yee

Program Manager/ Executive Assistant

Melissa Orth

Publications Coordinator

Lisa Murphy

Member Liaison/ Peer Review Coordinator

Erin Castleberry

Member Liaison/ Smiles for Kids Coordinator

Editors Emeritus: William Parker, DMD, MS, PhD • Bevan Richardson, DDS Advertising rates and information are sent upon request. Acceptance of advertising in the Nugget in no way constitutes approval or endorsement by Sacramento District Dental Society of products or services advertised. SDDS reserves the right to reject any advertisement. The Nugget is an opinion and discussion magazine for SDDS membership. Opinions expressed by authors are their own, and not necessarily those of SDDS or the Nugget Editorial Board. SDDS reserves the right to edit all contributions for clarity and length, as well as reject any material submitted. The Nugget is published monthly (except bimonthly in June/July and Aug/Sept) by the SDDS, 915 28th Street, Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 446-1211. Subscriptions are free to SDDS members, $50 per year for CDA/ADA members and $125 per year for nonmembers for postage and handling. Third class postage paid at Sacramento, CA.

Postmaster: Send address changes to SDDS, 915 28th Street, Sacramento, CA 95816.

6 | The Nugget

Sacramento District Dental Society

© 2008 Sacramento District Dental Society

First of the Year

President — Wai Chan, DDS Immediate Past President — Terrence Jones, DDS President Elect — Victor Hawkins, DDS Treasurer — Gary Ackerman, DDS Secretary — Kelly Giannetti, DDS Editor — James Musser, DDS Executive Director — Cathy Levering


Submitted Anonymously

Since, as of this date, this case has not yet been resolved, it is probably best to remain anonymous. If you guess the identity of any of the participants, good for you. As far as I know, there is still extant a bench warrant for her arrest. I keep imagining that she will be stopped for some petty traffic violation and, whoosh, the cops will whisk her off to jail. No news yet, though. I thought I saw her one time, in line behind me, queuing up to fly out of Phoenix. My eye muscles strained painfully, to catch a view of her without actually having to turn my head. I was ready to call 911. Here she is. Come and get her! I was so sure it was she. Rats! It was someone else, it turned out. I keep looking for her now, even though nine years have passed. It was a foul deed she did on us, foul indeed. Here is what happened: With consummate aplomb, she conducted her case presentations in the privacy of the treatment rooms. She brought her own personal receipt book with her. “The Doctor only accepts cash,” she would tell them. Whatever monies she then received behind closed doors went directly into her own purse. For a year and a half, not one patient alerted me to this unbelievably crass, unprofessional business practice, not one. Finally, finally, a patient came forward with a receipt for money she had paid that we believed was still owed. It was a thread that

when pulled, unraveled her entire enterprise. We discovered the duplicate receipt book and tallied the sum. She had stolen more than $17,000. There were fake insurance submissions for every transaction she had purloined.

Since we had no suspicion we were being hoodwinked, there was no incentive for us to go through the forms. So, if an account appeared to be overdue, she had ample documentation. What an accomplishment. All this went on with our business manager only a few paces from her — for a year and a half. “I can’t believe you think I stole money from you!” she said, crocodiling like mad. We called the District Attorney. The gears of justice clanked and turned and the file eventually joined the stack of cases on the Sheriff ’s desk. “Is she in jail yet?” we asked. “Not yet,” they told us. “How about now?” “No, not yet.” We imagined they would gather a swat team and go in, but that wasn’t the way they worked. We still haven’t heard a word. She most likely isn’t even the same lady anymore, anyway. I expect she travels

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under a variety of assumed names. The name we knew her by may not have been her real name in the first place. What could have tipped us off? Well, it might have been a help if any of the patients she scammed had said, “Hey, Doc, what kind of a rip-off operation are you running here, anyway!” But, as I said, none did. What about her hidden pregnancy! So thin was she, that no one suspected she was gravid until about two weeks before her term. Then, she delivered a baby and was back to work in nine days. Other employees have had months of time to collect themselves before returning to work. This one was back after a miraculously short recuperation. It even was, as she said, her first pregnancy. Too easy, too quick. It should have set off an alarm. Unhappily, it did not. And, all the paperwork trail looked legitimate enough. Contact names at the various insurance companies had been noted on the “pending” insurance forms, imaginary though they were. Since we had no suspicion we were being hoodwinked, there was no incentive for us to go through the forms, call the contacts, nor any other action that, in retrospect, might have turned up a clue. Too soon old; too late smart, as the old saying goes. All this in spite of having hard and fast rules regarding the keeping of books. Her day sheets came out right. She was a careful worker. Too bad she wasn’t working for me. 

• Consulting with the Buyer to pre-qualify for the purchase of their practice • Consulting to prepare for a smooth & financially rewarding transition • Financing your dental practice acquisition project

Practice Transition Consulting Dental Practice Acquisitions Loans & Financing

January 2011 | 7

The Thief

On your payroll I, too, had a thief in my practice. Like you, I should have known. She was arrogant and made me feel like I was lucky to have her on my staff. She had her best friend, who worked in a bank, set up an account giving her signature authority on my checks. She would steal small checks, but many of them, and deposit them in her account. When I brought my wife into the practice to activate recall, she noticed that there were some inconsistencies in the charts verses the ledgers. My wife presented this issue and I noticed a problem that needed attention. During this time, there was also a lot of confusion since I was in the process of relocating my practice. One day, when my wife dropped by to do something, she noticed this employee going through checks. When confronted, she immediately placed the checks back and claimed she was making sure checks were received. Later on, when my sister was placed in charge of accounts receivable, we uncovered more inconsistencies, specifically remaining balances on accounts that were already paid by checks. We asked those patients to fax us a copy of the cancelled checks, front and back, and that’s when we noticed a different bank where the deposits took place. She was even confident enough to bring her co-conspirator as a patient in my practice, never collecting her co-pays and taking the liberty to write them off.


S THE 31ST DWINTER E under E pressure, N & EXPO After confronting her and she quit. I alerted the police. They did nothing. I consulted my attorney friend and he suggested not to pursue since the cost was more than what we could recover. He also said that the ex-employee could generate frivolous complaints, such as OSHA violations or employment law matters that could cost the

practice time and money to disprove. So, as hard as it was, I let it go. I would like to think that she will eventually face judgment, either on this earth or in the life to come. I learned several things from this incident: 1. Do a credit check on all new employees... people with bad credit should not be handling money or even be hired. 2. Do background checks for criminal histories. I once hired an individual who was wanted in Texas!

8 | The Nugget

8. Do not assume your good employees will not do this. Statistics show that the least likely employee is the one! 9. Password Protect employee access to potentially risky privileges. A joke is appropriate here: A journalist asked a highly successful business man to what he attributed his success. Businessman: “…to making good decisions”

3. Cross check all deposits and arrange for more than one person to do that, including yourself

Journalist asked how he came to know how to make that good decision?

4. I even went as far as coming in on weekends and just moving things around on my manager’s desk just to let her know I was there, looking. She would ask me, “Doctor, did you come in over the weekend and look for something on my desk?” I would respond, “Yes, and by the way, that is not ‘your’ desk!” This created enough doubt to keep her honest!

Journalist asked, “How did he gain that experience?”

5. Bring in a relative or friend who you can trust to handle and review accounts, if you are not doing it yourself.

Businessman: “Experience”

Businessman: “Bad decisions!” My experience was acquired through ONE of my bad decisions! 

Call the HR hotline with all your burning Human Resources questions!

6. Analyze all adjustments and go through your reports to make sure everything jives. This takes up a lot of time, but it’s worth it. 7. Know and be able to operate every aspect of your office administration. I am always amazed at how many dentists have no clue how to operate their own practice management software. By knowing everything about your office, it keeps employees honest.

31st annual SDDS MidWinter Convention

February 3–4, 2011

By Alexander Malick, DMD, FAGD

SDDS HR Hotline:

1-800-399-5331 Under Under    t the he



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Sacramento District Dental Society

Employee Embezzlement:

Prevention & Deterrents are your best defense

By Cary Lemas, CPA

Lemas Accountancy

It’s shocking to learn that 40–59%1 of all dental offices have been embezzled from by an employee. With the average amount embezzled from a dental office at $104,4852 per incident, it is smart business to protect your practice and in some cases your retirement from the threat of embezzlement.

to hiring employees who handle sensitive data and funds, you should limit your odds of hiring an employee likely to commit embezzlement.

Hire a service3 to perform a background check that includes:

Take the following steps before hiring new employees:

• Credit History

• Careful pre-screening of employees.

Research has found that a surprising percentage of employees are not honest. Joseph T. Wells, chairman of the National Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, said “The notion that most people are immune to the temptation to commit fraud is probably the biggest myth of all about financial crimes.”

• Motor Vehicle History

> Background check and drug testing (if employee will handle prescription drugs)

• Previous Employment Verification

> Required bonding of all employees handling cash, check, credit card processing or patient and accounting information

• Drug Testing, if employee will be handling prescription drugs

Your financial well being and future growth of your practice is dependent on billing, collections, and accounting working in harmony to produce a bottom line that represents the fruit of all of your efforts. This harmony requires that you take the steps necessary to assure that the dentistry you provide will be correctly: • posted to the patient’s account • fees billed • fees collected from the patient/insurance • fees deposited to the proper account by the staff member(s) or bookkeeper. Fraud occurs when opportunity meets up with pressure/need and rationality. Once while in a dental office computer closet, I overheard an employee say to a fellow staff member, “I need a raise; I’m underappreciated and underpaid.” We cannot prevent an employee from justifying embezzlement through having financial needs beyond their paycheck, but we can prevent and minimize opportunity. There are numerous ways to protect your interests, but the first should always be prevention. Prior


• Require signing employment contracts that includes an acknowledgement that embezzlement will be prosecuted vigorously. • Create and maintain an office policy manual. While performing a careful pre-screening of an employee during the hiring process may seem like common sense, there are numerous errors that can be made. Below are the steps to consider to minimize the odds of hiring a dishonest employee: Call former employers and speak with the person in charge of hiring Legally you can’t call previous employer without employee’s permission, but you can request permission during the first interview. Don’t place too much value on references, most of the time they are friends and family and all too often not informative in a hiring decision.

• Credential Verification • Criminal History

• Worker’s Compensation Records

Each new employee should be bonded. Once you’ve weeded out candidates with your initial screening, you can insure your business against a potentially dishonest employee by bonding the new employee. Bonding is essential to any employee handling cash, check, credit card, disbursements or patient information. This would apply to front desk positions and any bookkeepers on staff. There are numerous types of bonds, but the most common is a blanket position bond (it covers any employee in the position). You can cover $100,000 of loss for as little as $300 a year for up to five employees. This should be considered a necessary cost of doing business. Additionally, bonding companies usually require background checks and other due diligence on an employee before writing the bond. continued on page 22

References: 1. Survey by the Wealthy Dentist, 4-26-2007. 2. http://www.dentistryiq.com/index/display/article-display/307026/articles/dentaleconomics/volume-97/issue-9/features/embezzlement-wake-up-call.html 3. Examples include www.premierinfosource.com and www.employeescreen.com.

When does fraud occur? January 2011 | 9


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January 2011 | 11

Gary Ackerman, DDS

2011 SDDS Executive Committee Board of Directors!

Treasurer General Practitioner SDDS Member since 1987

Executive Committee (2010–11) SDDS Board (2005–08) Foundation Board (2010) Delegate (2004–05, 2007–08, 2009–10) Smiles for Kids Committee Involvement: CE* • MidWinter Convention Other Honors & Positions: CDA Board of Managers (past) ADA Delegate (past)

Wai Chan, DDS

Kelly Giannetti, DDS



General Practitioner SDDS Member since 1982

Orthodontist SDDS Member since 1999

Executive Committee (2008–11) SDDS Board (2004–05, 2007) Foundation Board (2008) Delegate (2003–11) • Alternate (2002) Smiles for Kids Committee Involvement: Budget & Finance • CE • GMC Task Force • Legislative MidWinter Convention • Peer Review • Strategic Plan Other Honors & Positions: Asian Dentist of the Year (2006) CA AGD Dentist of the Year (2006) CDA Policy Development Council (past) ADA Alternate Delegate (past)

Victor Hawkins, DDS President-Elect General Practitioner SDDS Member since 1963

Executive Committee (2009–11) SDDS Board (2005–08) Foundation Board (2009–10) Delegate (2007–10) • Alternate (2006) Smiles for Kids Site Host

Executive Committee (2011) SDDS Board (2006–2011) Foundation Board (2000–05) Vice President (2003–04)

Delegate (2008–11) • Alternate (2007–08) Smiles for Kids Committee Involvement: Board Size Task Force • Ethics Leadership Development • Legislative Policy / Guidelines Task Force • Strategic Plan

Terry Jones, DDS immediate past President General Practitioner SDDS Member since 1979

Executive Committee (2007–11) SDDS Board (1988–92 , 2005–06) Foundation Board (2007) Delegate (2006–10) Alternate (1983, 1992–93) Smiles for Kids

Committee Involvement: CPR* • GMC Task Force

Committee Involvement: Awards Task Force • Budget & Finance Communications • Dental Care / Health* Fluoridation • Leadership Development Legislative • SacPAC • Strategic Planning

Other Honors & Positions: CDA Council on Continuing Education (past) CDAF Advisory Board — Northern CA* (past) ADA Alternate Delegate (past)

Other Honors & Positions: CDA Council on Communication* (past) CDAF Audit Committee (past) First 5 Advisory Committee First 5 Fluoridation Advisory Committee

12 | The Nugget

Kevin Keating, DDS, MS Trustee (2008–13) Endodontist SDDS Member since 1981

SDDS Board (1999–2000) Foundation Board (2002, 2006) Delegate (2001–06) Alternate (2007–10) Past President (2005) Executive Committee (2002–06, 2008–11) Smiles for Kids Committee Involvement: Allied Dental Health Professional • Budget & Finance Bylaws • CE* • Ethics • Leadership Development Member Forum* • MidWinter Convention Prophylaxis Task Force • SacPAC Student Mentoring Workgroup UCD Dental Clinic Task Force Other Honors & Positions: CDA Council on Continuing Education (2001) CDA Finance Committee (past) CDA Judicial Council (past)

Don Rollofson, DMD Trustee (2006–11) Orthodontist SDDS Member since 1982

Foundation Board (2004–2010) Delegate (1999–2003) Alternate (2006–11) Past President (2002) Executive Committee (1999–03, 2006–11) Smiles for Kids Site Host Committee Involvement: Budget & Finance • Bylaws* • CE Dental Careers Workgroup • Fluoridation • Forensics GM Meetings* • Leadership Development Member Forum • SacPAC* • SDDF Gala • Smiles for Kids* Other Honors & Positions: CDA Council on Administration (past) CDA Council on Continuing Education (past) CDA Council on Community Health (past) CDA Council on Membership (past) ADA Delegate (past) CDA Foundation Board (past) Completed 2007 California Internation Marathon to benefit sMILES for Kids!

* = Served as Chair or Co-Chair of the Committee

Would you like to serve on an SDDS committee? Visit www.sdds.org for position descriptions and ways to get involved! Sacramento District Dental Society

Wallace Bellamy, DMD

Kenneth Moore, DDS

General Practitioner SDDS Member since 1992

General Practitioner SDDS Member since 1983

SDDS Board (1999–2003, 2011–12) Delegate (2004) Alternate (2001, 2003, 2005) Smiles for Kids Site Host

SDDS Board (2007–11) Foundation Board (2001)* Delegate (2001–02, 2008–09, 2010–11) Alternate (2008)

Committee Involvement: Student Mentoring Workgroup

Committee Involvement: Board Room Usage Task Force • Fluoridation* Leadership Development • Peer Review* Policy / Guidelines Task Force Student Mentoring Workgroup

Jennifer Goss, DDS Periodontist SDDS Member since 2007

SDDS Board (2011–12) Committee Involvement: Fluoridation • Leadership Evaluation Task Force Membership*

Dan Haberman, DDS, MS Orthodontist SDDS Member since 2001

SDDS Board (2009–12) Committee Involvement: Board Room Usage Task Force • Board Size Task Force CE • Membership* • Policy / Guidelines Task Force

Carl Hillendahl, DDS General Practitioner SDDS Member since 2000

SDDS Board (2010–11) Committee Involvement: Board Room Usage Task Force • Ethics* Leadership Evaluation Task Force

Craig Johnson, DDS General Practitioner SDDS Member since 1991

SDDS Board (1996–97, 2008–11) Foundation Board (1998–99) Delegate (2000–01, 2010–11) Alternate (2007) Smiles for Kids Site Host Committee Involvement: Awards Task Force • Board Room Usage Task Force* CE • Dental Health* • Leadership Development Membership* • Peer Review* Policy / Guidelines Task Force • Prophylaxis Task Force www.sdds.org

Other Honors & Positions: CDA Council on Membership (past)

Viren Patel, DDS General Practitioner SDDS Member since 1996

SDDS Board (2009–12) Foundation Board (2001) Delegate (2009–10) Committee Involvement: Dental Health • Leadership Development Leadership Evaluation Task Force* Membership • Nugget Editorial • Peer Review Strategic Plan • Student Mentoring Workgroup

Brian Royse, DDS Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon SDDS Member since 1993


Jim Musser, DDS

Editor in Chief Pediatric Dentist SDDS Member since 1982

Cathy Levering

Executive Director With SDDS since 2001

Thank you, SDDS


interested in becoming an sdds leader? Visit www.sdds.org for position descriptions and ways to get involved! (click the “Leadership” button at the top)

SDDS Board (1999–2000, 2010–11) Committee Involvement: Board Room Usage Task Force • Board Size Task Force Leadership Development • Prophylaxis Task Force UCD Dental Clinic Task Force • Young Dentists*

Kim Wallace, DDS General Practitioner SDDS Member since 1975

SDDS Board (2008–12) Foundation Board (2002–06) Delegate (2003–04, 2006–07, 2010–11) Alternate (1981, 2002, 2005, 2008–09) Smiles for Kids Site Host

Also on the leadership page: • SDDS Strategic Plan • SDDS Bylaws • SDDS Board Meeting Minutes • Current Executive Committee Members • Current Board Members • Current Committee Chairs • Current Delegates • SDDS Staff Members

Committee Involvement: Dental care* / Health • Fluoridation* Leadership Development • Membership Other Honors & Positions: CDA Council on Membership (past)

* = Served as Chair or Co-Chair of the Committee January 2011 | 13

14 | The Nugget

Sacramento District Dental Society

WESTERN PRACTICE SALES John M. Cahill Associates ~NATIONWIDE EXPOSURE~ LOCALLY OWNED By Dentists, For Dentists Tim Giroux, DDS

This is what separates Western Practice Sales from other brokerage firms. As dentists and business professionals in your area, we understand the unique aspects of your dental practice and offer more practical knowledge than any other brokerage firm.

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Letter to the Editor: Mutual Aid — For Real For some of us, it’s been a long while since we were in dental school. I met Firas Nassif at Tufts in Boston almost twenty years ago. We have a long history together. I remember, it was on the 8th floor pre-clinical lab where Firas had forgotten his keys on the lab counter. I placed a “lost and found” note on the blackboard and when he came back to claim his keys, that’s when we first met. Firas had completed his dental school training in Syria, and enrolled in the International Studies program for his U.S. license. Over the next few years we became friends but it wasn’t until after we both relocated to California that we became very close friends. Firas lived in Southern CA but would visit Roseville weekly to work in our friend’s dental office. He thoroughly enjoyed life in NorCal and decided to make the move. Firas spent many years working in other dental offices in Davis, Natomas and Roseville and always aspired to have his own practice. It was one summer night a few years back, Firas and I were hanging out in my backyard and with much excitement he told me about this opportunity to purchase a practice in Roseville. It would be costly, but it would allow him to be the owner for a change, and a chance for a better future. Fast forward three years, Firas was voted Style Magazine’s Reader’s Choice Award for Best Dental Office in the Roseville/Rocklin/ Granite Bay Area, two years in a row. Life was good at work and at home. He and his wife, Mimi, just had their third child in September. However, life changed quickly for Firas and his family. In July, he had a physical and received a clean bill of health but a month later, Firas casually mentioned to another friend that something didn’t feel quite right. In September, after his third baby was born, he attributed his lethargy and other symptoms to being a new dad. It was October, that Firas decided to take a blood test and that same day he was admitted to Kaiser. He was diagnosed with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia. It was devastating. Over a month in the hospital and grueling rounds of chemotherapy, Firas is now in remission. Because of the complexities and extreme seriousness of this particular cancer, Firas has been transferred to MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston where he awaits his bone marrow transplant and is receiving another round of chemotherapy. Life has stopped for Firas as he knew it, as his practice is without him, his wife and three kids are without him and all the things we tend to take for granted are now challenges. There will be a tremendous financial burden on his family, as medical and daily living costs continue to mount. As such, a group of us are putting together a benefit dinner auction at Mikuni’s on January 11 from 6:30–9:00pm. If you’d like to attend, please contact Dr. Alan Tan at drtan@tanortho.com. If you are unable to attend, but would like to make a taxdeductible contribution, a fundraising campaign has been established in honor of Firas Nassif through NTAF. NTAF is a nonprofit organization that has been assisting the transplant community for over 26 years. Your contribution will help Firas to offset the financial burden of his uninsured medical costs. Please make checks payable to: NTAF Southwest Bone Marrow Transplant Fund with “In honor of Firas Nassif” in the memo section. Please send you contribution to: NTAF 150 N. Radnor Chester Road, Suite F-120 Radnor, PA 19087. To make a credit card contribution, call 800-642-8399 or visit www.ntafund.org and type Firas Nassif in the “Find a Patient” box on the homepage. We thank you for your support. 


— Dr. Alan Tan January 2011 | 15

better time

Scratch Start vs. Buying a Practice What They Didn’t Teach You in Dental School Most of us graduated from dental school with little or no training in basic business principles. Some of us may have taken a year or two of business classes (as I did) and others may have even graduated with a business degree. Even then, there was usually little practical training on how to evaluate the typical decisions all of us must make at various points in our dental careers. Perhaps our teachers knew that we would be too preoccupied with accumulating enough clinical procedures to graduate, than to attend classes on future possibilities. This is evidenced by the low attendance in some of the non-clinical classes I witnessed during my senior year! However, I feel that most dental schools may be negligent in preparing their students adequately for the real business world we are thrust into. When I graduated from dental school, I followed in the footsteps of a few graduates that migrated to the Phoenix area. In fact, I replaced the associate position that my colleague vacated when he left to start up his own practice from scratch. In turn, I also left after two–three years and did my own scratch-start practice. At the time, I never even considered purchasing an existing practice. Even if I had, I possessed no knowledge on how to properly evaluate my options. This article will provide some basic concepts to help dentists begin to think more like accountants and businessmen. The problem that most of us have is that we assume that just having a DDS after our name will ensure our success. For the most part, this is actually true! For example, I just ventured out, surveyed a new growth neighborhood and selected a highly visible, easily accessible corner to set up my practice. Eventually everything worked out well and my practice became highly successful. However, an astute businessman would have “crunched the numbers” to ensure that he would get the best “return on his investment”. When all things are equal, without extraordinary growth, the economic gains of a practice purchase outpaces the gains 16 | The Nugget

By Timothy Giroux, DDS

Dr. hig Sco per and We exc

Western Practice Sales (SDDS Vendor Member)

of a new scratch start practice. Price, rather than generating cash flow is often the major concern of most buyers. Some buyers will comment that a practice costs too much, without even knowing what the profit of the practice is! Cash flow and return on the investment should be king! The following discussion will be a comparison of cash flow and profit between (a) scratch start practice (two operatory set-up) (b) a moderate practice (three–four operatories) and (c) a large practice (five or more operatories). Several assumptions based on historical data are applied in the flow chart labeled Illustration 1. The industry average loan for a scratch start practice equipped with two operatories is $300,000. The purchase price of existing practices historically falls between 50 to 75 percent of gross receipts. We have used the multiple of 65 percent of gross receipts for the purchase price of the $500,000 practice and the $1,000,000 practice, resulting in a $325,000 purchase price and a $650,000 purchase price, respectively.

Most dental offices usually run at approximately 60 percent overhead expenses so we have used 40 percent as our bottom line cash flow before debt service. A reasonable fixed rate loan in today’s market is about 7.5 percent over seven years which is reflected in the debt service column corresponding to the startup cost or the purchase price of the practice. The net profit (before taxes) is the cash flow minus the debt service. In addition, we will also assume some fairly good start up numbers and good growth for our scratch start practice as compared to the existing practices. Illustration 1 will then reveal the net profit before taxes for each of the seven years the practice is in debt. Also note that we did not make any additional debt service adjustments to reflect additional leasehold expenses and equipment purchases for the scratch start and moderate practices to actually produce the same numbers of the larger practice. It would cost well over $100,000 to build out and equip the scratch start practice from two

Illustration 1: Scratch Start vs. Buying a Practice Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Year 7

Scratch Start — $300k Start Up Practice Collections








Cash Flow








Debt Service
















$500k practice — $400k Purchase Price Collections








Cash Flow








Debt Service
















$1 million practice — $800k Purchase Price Collections








Cash Flow








Debt Service
















Sacramento District Dental Society

Af Un joi Sc ern ref As an

Illustration 2: Profit — After Debt Service 3 Year Total

5 Year Total

7 Year Total

Scratch Start @ $300k




$500k practice @ $400k price




$1 million practice @ $800k price




operatories to six operatories. Therefore, we have given almost every advantage to the scratch start practice. In fact, when I give this presentation to large groups, many dentists in their beginning years of a scratch-start practice will despondently ask if they are supposed to be doing as well as the projections on Illustration 1. Many of you may be quick to point out the flaws in the assumptions of Illustration 1. That is not the point! Adjust the many variables to fit the complexities of your own situation. Perhaps you never want a million dollar practice or you feel that you can turn a thousand patients into two thousand relatively quickly. The point is to take this template and work up your own analysis for your particular situation. Profit After Debt Illustration 2 shows the Total Profits after debt service (before taxes) in this scenario at the three, five and seven-year totals. As you can see, the difference in potential lost income for the scratch start practice is significant and increases year by year until theoretically you reach your full potential in your own practice. Depending on the circumstances, you can see how the decision may cost you over $1 million dollars over several years! We need to touch upon another variable that further solidifies the case for buying an existing practice. The main reason for buying an existing practice is the patient base. Theoretically, the larger the patient base, the larger the gross receipts and the higher practice purchase price. By experience, this has not always been the case and we will discuss this issue in subsequent articles. Many dentists, including highly intelligent and seasoned ones, have a hard time paying “all that money for goodwill”. They may have established large practices from scratch and possess the vital skills and talent to do it again. However, the essential attributes to start a practice from scratch and develop it into a thriving practice are exponentially more beneficial for a practice with a healthy practice base. These attributes may include personality, www.sdds.org

communication and/or managerial skills along with a host of other attributes. Therefore, if you possess the special “people skills” that result in quick growth and success, it is advantageous to be able to apply those skills to an existing patient base. If you do not possess those special skills that result in high growth, you definitely have a better chance for success if you buy an existing patient base. In any event, do not just assume that you are making the best decision. Work out your model based on an honest evaluation of your own circumstances. NETWORK MARKETING Scratch Start Let us examine this principle by using the following example. Many of us are familiar with Network Marketing, which is based on

Illustration 3: Network Marketing Programs Scratch Start Patient Friend Friend

Friend Friend



the concept of “friends telling friends” about a service or product. The premise is that if one friend talks to two people, and those two talk to four, and those four talk to eight, which will result in exponential growth and success. The Dentist in a scratch start practice opens his practice with relatively few patients and depending on marketing strategies, the practice will hopefully grow (See Illustration 3). NETWORK MARKETING Existing Patient Base Using this same application with an existing practice, one can apply the same marketing strategies and techniques to a base of perhaps a thousand or more patients right off the start! (See Illustration 4). Obviously, a network marketing phenomenon in this case would produce very high growth. In reviewing the Profit Analysis, (Illustration 1) we had assumed very small growth for the large practice and that practice still showed the highest return on investment. Just imagine the differences in net profit between the scratch start practice and the practice with the existing patient base that is properly marketed and managed! In short, purchasing an existing practice historically produces quicker growth than a new start up practice. This is not to say that buying an existing practice is a guarantee of success. There are many factors that must be addressed and evaluated in a practice purchase as well as a scratch start practice. In subsequent articles, we will discuss the attributes of dental practices and the importance of proper due diligence based on the needs, expectations, opportunity and personal qualities of the dentist. We will discuss essential issues on transitioning a practice as well as the sale of your practice at retirement. Until then, do what you do best! 

Illustration 4: Network Marketing Programs — Existing Patient Base Patient Base Patient








Friend Friend


Friend Friend







January 2011 | 17



Learn safe and effective sedation dentistry and emergency preparedness skills to improve patient care while increasing the success of your practice. Visit our booth at the SDDS 31 st Annual MidWinter Convention

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18 | The Nugget


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Sacramento district dental society foundation

A charitable 501-C3 organization

Great news for the foundation!

SFK Receives Large Grants for 2011 $25,000


Mercy Catholic Healthcare West

California Dental Association Foundation

Are you a member of the foundation? It’s only $75!

Two ways to join:

DUES CHECK OFF: on your annual dues statement NUGGET INSERT: at the center of this magazine

Get into the…

What you give is what we can do!

Mar. 16 2011

More info: www.sdds.org/HolidayGiving.htm

Smiles for Kids® Adopt-a-Kid: If you have not already done so, please consider volunteering to adopt one of our SFK patients starting in Fabruary 2011. Contact SDDS (916.446.1227) for more info.


These grants ensure that Smiles for Kids will continue for years to come! SDDF has been applying for grants for Smiles for Kids since 2003 and, to date, we have received $483,108 for that program, providing toothbrushes for all screened children, dental health education tools, administration of all placements, anesthesia (when needed), clinic supplies as well as much needed supplies for services.

Apr. 20 2011

June 2 2011

January 2011 | 19


You are a dentist. You’ve been to school, taken your Boards and settled into practice. End of story? Not quite. Employee evaluations, hiring and firing, labor laws and personnel files are an important part of being an employer. Are you up on the changes that happen nearly EVERY January 1st?

the dentist, the employer

Let’s Hear It

In this monthly column, we will offer information pertinent to you, the dentist as the employer.

for the men! Male employees value work-life balance just as much as their female colleagues Men are playing a larger role in home responsibilities and are feeling the pressure of balancing work and family demands. Due to the competing pressures from both work and home, men are now becoming more aware of their company’s efforts towards a work/life balance. The results of research conducted by the Kenexa Research Institute evaluating male workers’ opinions of work-life balance, revealed that 21% of men have unfavorable views of their company’s work-life balance support, while 55% favorable views. All male workers studied reported that working in an organization that does not support worklife balance has a significant, unfavorable impact on how they rate their pride in their organization, willingness to recommend it as a place to work and overall job satisfaction. Additionally, those male employees who have unfavorable views of their company’s support for work-life balance state a much higher intention to leave the organization. Not surprisingly, men who do not believe their company supports a work/life balance also have more unfavorable opinions of their company’s

link of the month 20 | The Nugget

management. They are less likely to feel that their manager treats employees fairly, that management shows concern for the well-being

In order to be successful in competing for and retaining talented employees, organizations must be willing to recognize an employee’s need for balance. of team members and they don’t believe that senior management demonstrates employees are important to the success of the company. In order to be successful in competing for and retaining talented employees, organizations must be willing to recognize an employee’s need for balance. CEA can help you create policies that equally support both men and women and give you fresh ideas on updating your company culture. Companies who do a better job of creating a culture with a proven work/life balance often achieve a marketplace advantage!  Source: Kenexa Research Institute (www.kenexa.com)

Need a job? Hiring? Cash into the SDDS Job Bank at:

www.sdds.org/JobBank.htm Stumbled upon a great link? Email it to melissa@sdds.org, to submit it as a possible link of the month!

Copper Thefts in Sacramento

From Mari Bradford (California Employers Association)

Thefts of Copper Nearly Triple in Sacramento December 7, 2010 Thieves in Sacramento have been reported as taking copper pipe, wire and other vital components of air conditioning units and lighting fixtures for their value when recycled. In the City of Sacramento, the number of reported thefts of copper has nearly tripled in the past three months (23 thefts in September through November of 2009, and 63 during the same time period in 2010). Anyone with information about copper thefts in the area is urged to call Crime Alert at (916) 443-4357. 

Looking for your 2011 Directory? Don’t worry, you haven’t missed it! Last year, the print date for the SDDS Membership Directory was adjusted from January to May. This coincides more closely with the membership dues schedule and annual program calendar, and will therefore be a more accurate resource for SDDS members. You can expect to receive your copy of the 2011 Directory during the month of June. Thank you and Happy New Year!

Sacramento District Dental Society

NEW FEATURE! Engage social media marketing to establish branding, build your practice and protect your reputation

Being Social

By Jessica Aguirre

Tekfix (SDDS Vendor Member)

1: Social Media will save you $$ Everyone knows that without networking you have no business. You’ve probably spent hundreds and thousands of dollars on print advertising that your consumer base may or may not look at. Most of the time these print ads, and coupons end up in the trash, and people don’t bother to read them unless they are really in dire need of your service. What are they looking at everyday??? They are online viewing websites, watching You Tube videos, and chatting away with their business colleagues and friends on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Why??? Because they are networking, either looking for services, or advertising their services, these people are reaching millions of people and you may be someone they can connect with. Advertising through social media is FREE on most sites. Advertising your coupons and posting your special offers using social media will save you costs on marketing and printing. 2: Advanced networking opportunities Networking is all about reaching an audience and building relationships. And like all dentists... you just don’t have time to be out networking. Social media links such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn allow you to socialize with people you would never meet through a print ad, or just walking down the street. The more you network online, the more opportunities you have of reaching an untapped audience and untapped resource for your business. Think about this....you receive a call, its 10pm and your patient is in pain, and can’t sleep. You book her first thing, and when she arrives you calm her, relieve the pain, and give her a special discount on her next visit. She goes home, logs online, and tells all her


friends about how she just got VIP treatment at your office. The average user has 50 friends or more in their social media network. Those 50 people, know 50 people each. In just a few minutes, your business has now reached 1,000s of people who never knew about your services, and may be replying asking her questions about you and your services. 3: Set yourself apart and add a personal touch Updating your Social Media sites can easily help set you apart from your competitors. Social Media allows you unlimited access and the ability to express and advertise additional information that you might have overlooked in your website or your brochures. Go on get personal, its ok to talk about what you like, and where your family went for vacation. People are naturally attracted to personality, and often times when you are working with your patients your personality doesn’t always shine through. Let’s face it — most of us are just too busy or too afraid to start up a conversation. That’s ok.... social media can help you to break out of that social cave and allow your clients and others to really get to know the real you. You may find that someone gives you a call because they felt like they really got to know you and not because you were offering the discount of the century. 4: Social Media links help get your business out there Websites are great. And if you’re like most businesses, you probably have one. But what is it doing for you? Is it generating you business, and how is it generating you business? Yes, it may look great and offer a great profile about you and your practice, but how will someone know to find you. Parents often go to their social media sites and ask their friends... who’s your dentist? Who’s your orthodontist? When people are talking about you... others are also reading about you. That’s the power of social media. Ask your patients to check your social media sites out, and add you as a friend, “Like” you, or add a testimonial for you. People love to share their experiences, and every person that walks into your office is another resource for others to connect to you through them as well.

5: Communicating through Social Media builds trust and credibility When you communicate on links such as Facebook, Twitter, etc., it helps other businesses learn from you, and helps you to learn what may or may not be working in their business. Communicating also helps you to learn what others are looking for, what their concerns are! You can answer some questions. Update your profile with educational tips and prevention tips that can be a benefit or resource for your readers. Ultimately, communicating through blogs and other forums helps set you apart from your competition and offers you an opportunity to gain credibility as the expert, and builds trust. And once you’ve gained trust, you can almost guarantee that person will recommend you to everyone they know. 

Court Ruling in dentist online review case

5 Reasons Why Social Media is Important to Your Business!

California’s 6th District Court of Appeal issued an opinion last week that lawsuits arising from reviews of businesses on public forum websites, such as Yelp.com, should be dismissed under California’s anti-SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation) statute. In January of 2009, California dentist Yvonne Wong sued the parents of a patient, alleging that a negative review they posted on Yelp.com defamed her. The post stated that Dr. Wong failed to identify cavities that needed treatment and that she did not inform the patient’s parents of alternatives to the use of amalgam and nitrous oxide. In March of 2009, the Santa Clara County Superior Court overruled a motion to dismiss the suit. The case then went before the California Court of Appeal to determine whether it should be dismissed under the anti-SLAPP law. The 6th District Court of Appeal ordered that all but one of the causes of action against the defendants be dismissed. The court found that because there is “public concern, discussion and controversy about the use of silver amalgam because it contains mercury,” the Yelp posting was protected under the anti-SLAPP statute because it contributed to public discussion regarding amalgam use in dental treatment. One claim of libel against the parent who actually posted the Yelp review was not dismissed by the Court of Appeal. The court ruled that the libel claim could go forward to be heard in court. Dr. Wong’s attorney has indicated that he plans to pursue that option. 

January 2011 | 21

Employee Embezzlement: Prevention… continued from page


Require a signed employee contract A good employment contract clearly lays out the expectations of the new employee as well as agreed compensation \ benefits. When the job expectations are in writing, you minimize any misunderstanding that could result in unnecessary litigation or legal fees. Example lines from an employee contract: • Arrive to work at scheduled time, excessive late arrivals may result in job loss. • Behave in a professional manner at all times, including conversation and attire. • Eating on the job is not permitted and must be done at lunch or break times. • Please do not arrive to work smelling of smoke, alcohol or excessive perfume. • I have read and understand the Office Policy manual _________________signature • Embezzlement and Fraud will be prosecuted to full extent of the law_______ Initials. • Notify doctor of any problems, concerns, or questions.

confusion and the potential of litigation. A complete employee handbook sets in writing your company’s standards, brings new hires up to speed more quickly and increases overall office efficiency and professionalism. Lastly, remember an office policy manual is a living document. Develop a maintenance plan to keep it accurate. Update the policy manual as laws and the organization’s priorities change and schedule regular reviews of the manual to update accordingly. When changes are made, provide updated copies to employees. Your bonded employee is hired and working in your office handling cash, credit cards, checks and patient information. What can you do to prevent him/her from committing embezzlement or billing fraud? Develop strong internal controls Some controls to consider to prevent theft and protect assets4: Receipt of Payment

• Any more expectations that would get the employee ready for their first day.

• Receive all payments at PO Box close to office. Doctor should pickup two–three times per week (or install a locked slot or locked mail box in office).

Create and maintain an office policy manual

• Stamp all deposits “for deposit only” the moment the checks are received.

It is not advisable to list everything for an employee to know in the employee contract, just the essentials to working environment and pay. The rest of the knowledge will come from training and an employee manual puts your entire list of expectations in print. The importance of a clear, concise employee handbook in a small business should not be underestimated. A well-defined employee policy can settle disputes before they start and protect both you and your employees from

• Make copies of all checks deposited and store with deposit slip copy.

5400 Park Dr., Rocklin, CA 22 | The Nugget

Preparation and Delivery of Deposits • Deposits are prepared on preprinted form. • Deposits are made daily; yesterday’s deposit is made today, but dated per day sheet. • Doctor\Courier\Spouse\Bookkeeper takes deposit to bank. • The employee who receives the patient payments and records receipt of payment in dental software is different from the employee who preparse the deposit. This eliminates a large amount of opportunity. Checks and Bill Payment • Only the doctor is authorized to sign checks, and don’t use a signature stamp. • Doctor approves all bills to be paid by handing bill payer checks corresponding to the number authorized bills to be paid. (five bills = five checks from safe) • Lock checks in a safe that is accessible only by doctor. Billing for procedures and adjustments • Doctor and Hygiene record all procedures performed chair side (password protect this function to specific employee).

• Use a proof of cash receipt for cash received5: Employee receiving cash must photocopy all bills received from patient and have the patient sign the copy. Then make two copies — one for the patient and one for the day sheet. The total amount of cash received should be on the document.

• Control adjustments using doctor passwords: set aside time each day to go over all adjustments and write-offs or review and question any suspicious amounts at end of day.

• Keep all signed credit card charges with day sheet.

Segregation of duty is the most important tool to prevent embezzlement.

Medical Building Available For Sale x x x x x

• Do not allow employees to reverse credit card charges6. Instead, the doctor refunds by check.

$99 Per Sq. Ft. 4,592 Sq. Ft. Great Street Visibility 1 Block from Rocklin HS Beautiful Window Line/ Greenbelt

Segregation of duty

Gordon Stevenson Senior Vice President Healthcare Real Estate Specialist TRI Commercial 2250 Douglas Blvd., Suite 200 Roseville, CA 95661 916.677.8150 Tel gstevenson@tricommercial.com

Helping Those That Help Others (30 Years Real Estate Exp.) Sacramento District Dental Society


• Person receiving cash should not be making the deposit.

• Detail of various deposits received for the day (Cash, Check, MC/Visa, Amex)

• Person making the deposit should not be recording into accounting system.

• Summary of Beginning A/R and Ending A/R for the day

• Cross train employees and rotate jobs weekly or every other day.

Patient statements are sent out monthly (Pick a day “First Friday of every month”). Insures patients are aware of their A/R balance and they are more likely to complain about incorrect balances.

• Enforce job rotation and mandatory vacations. Keep Accounting up to date and Related Forms Receive bank and credit card statement at home and bring copies to office. Reconcile bank7 and credit accounts • Review checks and credit card charges

Monthly, perform random audit of patient files, let staff know the audit being performed over weekend. Ask question to authorized employee’s to let them know you are looking at production and related numbers.

• Abnormal amounts

Hire a CPA to review internal controls for weakness.

• Validity of vendors

• Annually analyze production to deposits

• Duplicated vendors

• Review trends in expenses

• Signature line (for checks only)

• Every five years, document your internal controls using a flow chart and narratives

Review merchant statement for:

Employee embezzlement creates a very difficult and stressful situation for dentists. You need to be on your financial toes and watch for classic embezzlement behavior and characteristics in your employees. As an employer, you need to trust your team, while implementing strong internal controls to prevent any new or long-term employee from committing the criminal acts of embezzlement or fraud. 

• Patient names • Unauthorized refunds • Abnormal amounts Review your financial statements for trends in expenses (or have your accountant review trends to be questioned). Day Sheet (Production to Deposit Reconciliation) Day sheet support documentation should include the following reports: • Detail of production by patient for the day • Detail of adjustments by patient for the day (very important) References:


4. Please note this is not all Internal Control items to considered, but should cover most. 5. A proof of cash serves two purposes, 1) Confirmation of Cash Received from Patient, and 2) Employee knows that Patient has a copy of proof of cash and is a deterrent to theft. 6. Numerous thefts have occurred by reverse charges (refunds) to family, friends and employee. Some merchant statements provide little detail.

Dental Motorcycle Ride Ken Sanford, DDS Memorial Ride

March 24–27, 2011 Death Valley National Park

Speaker: Tom Lenhardt, DMD Dental anesthesiologist & CDA Trustee

Cary Lemas, CPA (cary@mrquickbooks.com) is the owner of Lemas Accountancy. Lemas Accountancy works with over 30 dental offices in the Sacramento Valley and has consulted with hundreds of dentists in California over the last 20 years.


3rd Annual CDA

$400/rider includes: CE, Reception, BBQ & Dentists Motorcycle Ride Group Membership

MORE INFO: Ron Mead, DDS (805) 541-3220 slo-oms@charter.net

Targeting Smiles

Sporting Clays Tournament

Saturday, May 21, 2011 Rio Vista, CA • Price TBA Contact CDA Foundation for more info: (916) 554-5951 • www.cdafoundation.org

7. The reconciliation process is best performed by a bookkeeper, accountant or Doctor\spouse.

31st annual SDDS MidWinter Convention

February 3–4, 2011

Targeting Sm Under Under    t the he

oar d w a l e-e-e) … Sporting Clays Tournament. Saturday, M … do wn b y t he C - e (

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Targeting Smiles Features:

January 2011 | 23

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Board of Directors • SDDS • 6:00pm Jan 4 • Mar 1 • May 3 • Sept 6 • Nov 1

CE Committee • SDDS • 6:00pm

Jan 10 • Mar 22 • May 24 • Sept 20 • Nov 29

CPR Committee • SDDS • 6:30pm Jan 19

Dental Health Committee • SDDS • 6:30pm Feb 7 • Mar 21 • May 16 • Sept 12 • Nov 14

Ethics Committee • SDDS • 6:30pm 2011 Meetings TBA

Foundation (SDDF) • SDDS • 6:00pm Jan 24 • Apr 5 • Sept 12 • Nov 17

Golf Committee • SDDS • 6:00pm Jan 25

Leadership Dev. Committee • SDDS • 6:00pm 2011 Meetings TBA

Mass Disaster / Forensics Committee • 6:30pm 2011 Meetings TBA

Membership Committee • SDDS • 6:00pm Jan 18 • Mar 15 • May 17 • Sept 21 • Nov 15

Nugget Editorial Committee • SDDS • 6:15pm Jan 18 • May 17 • Sept 27

SacPAC Committee • SDDS • 6:00pm 2011 Meetings TBA

Committee meetings, CE courses and more available 24/7 on the SDDS website. Visit www.sdds.org and click the “Calendar” button.

24 | The Nugget

Sacramento District Dental Society

Committee Corner

You asked for this! Nugget Survey 2009

Ethics Committee:

By Volkmar Felahy, DDS

ethics & the economy

In a time of great turmoil, nothing relieves stress more than doing the right thing. When we practice ethically, we retain staff and patients longer. I have (and I am sure you have too) talked with patients during the new patient exam and heard stories about how they felt about their previous dentist. I have heard terms such as used cars salesman, greedy and pushy. Patients rate our work not on our technical skill but how we make them feel as they sit in the chair. The patient observes your facial expressions and can feel if there is sincerity on the part of you, your hygienist and assistant. They know if you are looking out for their best interest, even if they

do not understand the technical jargon that has been listed out in front of them in terms of a treatment plan. When we practice ethically, our behavior will transfer to other parts of our lives. Our families see through our actions and what

By Chester Hsu, DDS (Dental Health Committee) Early childhood caries is an infectious disease that can begin when a child’s teeth first arrive, usually around six months of age. Without early intervention, this disease can lead to the need for extensive dental repair, typically before age two. In these cases, costly general anesthesia at the hospital is often required. Thus, every child should have a dental home by age one so that those at risk can be identified, and preventive interventions can begin before invasive dental treatment becomes necessary.

In a time of great turmoil, nothing relieves stress more than doing the right thing.

drives us as individuals. Let’s play a little memory game back to your childhood. Think about when your parents gave you advice do you remember specifically what they said? Most likely the answer is no. Now replace what they “expressed in words” and insert “demonstrated in actions.” I bet you now remember how your parents displayed their personal ethics. Those actions, good or bad, affected your values more than any words could have. When you are at work, always keep in mind how your actions are in line with the highest code of ethics. By always taking the high road we motivate those around us and influence them to act as we do. Your staff and patients will always know that you are solid no matter how dire the economic situation is. By supporting our professional organization, you are demonstrating by your actions that you are choosing to hold to a higher standard and be held accountable. That is a true sign of character and leadership.  y child should visit Ever the

The 1st Tooth OR 1st Birthday campaign kicked off in December 2010!


• Pain and suffering from ECC can lead to problems with eating, speaking and learning. • Dental disease can lead to potentially grave systemic problems, and increased number of hospitalizations and emergency room visits. • Can lead to extensive and costly dental treatment, usually under general anesthesia. • In California, an estimated half a million children miss school each year due to dental problems. • Over 51 million school hours are lost each year due to dental related problems in the US.


1 tooth OR 1st birthday h . ht

6.12 11 •S






Order your kit today! www.sdds.org/1stTooth.htm • (916) 446-1211

• Dental caries is the most common chronic disease of children throughout the world. It is five times more prevalent than childhood asthma, and four times more common than childhood obesity.



50 magnets • 10 Infant Gum Massagers • 10 Toddler Toothbrushes 150 Smart Parents, Smiling Kids Brochures (100 English, 50 Spanish)


Some disturbing facts about early childhood caries:

by… ist

Starter Kit: $100


From the Dental Health Committee…

stT oot

The economy is in the pits. Your office is seeing a decline in revenue because of patients losing their jobs and, along with then, their disposable income. The general attitude today is of necessity and restraint. We are all cutting corners to keep our offices running in the black. The new car or advanced CE units are put on hold right now. We are functioning with the bare minimum; us and the rest of the nation. That said, you still hold on to your not-so-cheap association dues! Why would we keep paying dues when we hear of other dentists, some in our neighborhood, going broke, shortselling their house or filing for bankruptcy? I will answer that. It is because it stands for more than the financial burden it imposes. It is a necessity, much like our mortgage or electricity bill. It says that by supporting my association I will stand for what is right, continue to place my patient first and hold the bar to the highest standard.

2001 Ethics Committee Chair



ric t D

•w e n ta l S o c i e t y

.sd ww

d s.


• The rate of dental caries in children aged two to five is on the rise in the last decade. Help us spread the word to our medical colleagues, who share the same passion for the health and well-being of all children. Help prevent and fight ECC by referring infants to the dentist and establishing a dental home by age one, or as early as possible.

January 2011 | 25

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Henry Schein Dental

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David Olson



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Tekfix Team

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Jim Ryan, Sales Consultant


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800.775.6412 916.431.8046 www.relyaid.com

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Dental Supplies


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Dental Supplies


Sacramento Magazine

916.626.3002 www.henryschein.com

Olson Construction, Inc.

Lucas Rayburn


Straine Consulting

26 | The Nugget

916.724.3980 www.muncpas.com

Resource Staffing Group

Olivia Straine • Kerry Straine


Financial Services

Patterson Dental

916.568.7200 www.straine.com


Financial Services

Practice Management & consulting


916.576.5650 www.firstus.org

Mano Vrapi

916.960.2668 www.resourcestaff.com


916.367.4540 www.eaglewestgroup.com

Mann, Urrutia, Nelson, CPAs

Staffing Services


Chris Nunn

916.624.2800 www.descodentalequipment.com

Liberty Mutual

800.736.4688 www.pattersondental.com

Eagle West Group, Inc.

Gordon Gerwig, Business Services Manager



Financial Services

First US Community Credit Union

James Ryan



Tony Vigil, President

Financial Services

home/auto/life Insurance

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dental Supplies

Fechter & Company

Craig Fechter, CPA

Crest / Oral B

DESCO Dental Equipment

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Financial Services



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Carestream Dental (Kodak)

Job Placement


Marc Davis • Morgan Davis • Lynda Doyle

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Financial Services

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Analgesic Services



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Financial Services

Leonard Simpson, RFC®, AIF®

Financial Services

Transition Broker

Legal Services

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Tim Giroux, DDS, President John Noble, MBA

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vendor member spotlights:

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Sacramento Magazine 706 56th Street, Suite 210 Sacramento, CA 95819 (916) 452-6200 phone (916) 414-6210 fax www.sacmag.com

we love

our SDDS Vendor Members!


Andrews Construction, Inc. is a commercial builder specializing in dental office construction. It’s service; we are construction professionals running a service organization committed to delivering a quality product to a satisfied customer. It’s satisfaction; our most important goal is to exceed your expectations for your new building, tenant improvement, or office remodel. It’s experience; call Andrews Construction, Inc. to help you have a great experience with your next construction project. Andrews Construction, Inc. is a full service organization providing design and construction services throughout Northern California. An intimate understanding of dental office space requirements and the specialized electrical, plumbing, and mechanical systems is our specialty. Cost-effective and quality construction is achieved through computerized design and management. SDDS members receive a 2% discount, plus up to 1% of the cost of the work will be donated to Smiles for Kids.

Vendor Member A

Vendor Member B

Andrews Construction, Inc. 4100 Wayside Lane, Suite 110 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 483-5150 phone (916) 483-6500 fax www.andrewsconstructioninc.com January 2011 | 27

Advertiser Index Dental Supplies, equipment, Repair

Accurate Handpiece Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Carestream Dental (Kodak) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 DESCO Dental Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Henry Schein Dental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 26 Patterson Dental Supply, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Procter & Gamble Distributing Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 RelyAid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Supply Doc, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 31


DOCS Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Financial & Insurance Services

20/20 Financial Advisors of Sacramento, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Ameriprise Financial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Banc of America Practice Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 29 Dennis Nelson, CPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Fechter & Company, CPAs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 28 Eagle West Group, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 First U.S. Community Credit Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Liberty Mutual Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Mann, Urrutia & Nelson, CPAs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 26 Principal Financial Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 TDIC & TDIC Insurance Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 31 U.S. Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Union Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Human Resources

California Employers Association (CEA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Legal services

Wood & Delgado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 27

Medical Gas Services

Analgesic Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Mark’s Medical Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Office Design & Construction

Andrews Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 26, 27 Blue Northern Builders, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Henry Schein Dental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 26 Olson Construction, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Practice Sales, Lease, Management and/or Consulting

DBC Consulting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Dental Management Solutions, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Henry Schein Dental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 26 Straine Consulting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 TRI Commercial Real Estate (Gordon Stevenson). . . . . . . . . 22 Western Practice Sales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 27


Sacramento Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 27

Staffing services

dentassist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Resource Staffing Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26


Athena Global Media (AGM1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Tekfix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Waste management services

Star Refining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 29

28 | The Nugget

Sacramento District Dental Society

What kind of financing do you need? You’ll find it here — and much more. �

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New office start-ups — get started with up to 100% project financing,* including design, construction, equipment and working capital. Practice sales and purchases — our team of experts can provide the experience and industry knowledge you need for buying and selling. Business debt consolidation**— to improve your cash flow. Office improvement and expansion — remodel, refurbish, or expand. Commercial real estate — choose from a suite of comprehensive real estate loan options to buy, refinance,* or relocate. Equipment financing*— choose from a variety of options and flexible terms tailored to meet your needs. Consulting and Educational loans — from $10,000 to $75,000, which can include up to $10,000 for travel.

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Want to know more? Contact your Practice Specialist today at 1.800.491.3623. Mention Priority Code ADDPH10A. Or visit us online at www.bankofamerica.com/practicesolutions.

Gayle R. Suarez

Roseville, CA

*All programs subject to credit approval and loan amounts are subject to creditworthiness. Some restrictions may apply. Loans greater than $250,000 may be eligible for a 20-year term. **Banc of America Practice Solutions may prohibit use of an account to pay off or pay down another Bank of America account. � Bank of America and Banc of America Practice Solutions are trademarks of Bank of America Corporation. Banc of America Practice Solutions is a subsidiary of Bank of America Corporation. © 2010 Bank of America Corporation

gayles@dmsolutionsinc.com www.dmsolutionsinc.com Nugget_QuarterPg.indd 1

12.10_ad_3.625x4.875_1-BW.indd 1


Practice Development Specialist

10/4/10 4:30:55 PM

12/3/10 10:11 AM

January 2011 | 29

We’re blowing your horn! Congratulations to... Drs. Jeff Sue, Darcy Owen and Jennifer McCarthy, of Weideman Pediatric Dentistry, who recently completed their Board Certification examinations an have joined Dr. Cindy Weideman as Diplomates of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry. (photo below) Dr. Donna Galante for her efforts to raise money for Smiles for Kids. Dr. Galante gave away free mouth guards in her office with a donation to SFK and plans to do it again in January. Thank you, Dr. Galante! Dr. Paul Binon, for his original article on maxillary implant treatment for patients with advanced periodontal disease, published in the December 2010 issue of The Journal of Prosthetic Dentists.

Drs. Darcy Owen, Cindy Weideman, Jeff Sue and Jennifer McCarthy recently became Diplomates of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry.

Dr. Jennifer Goss, for her recent appointment to CDA’s Council on Membership. Dr. Herlin Dyal and her husband Hariraj, on the birth of their new baby girl, Sachi, on November 7th. Sachi was 7 lbs, 8 oz and 19 inches. (photo below) Dr. Kenneth Moore, named 2010 Asian Dentist of the Year by the Sacramento Asian Dental Society. (photos below) Dr. Paige Jeffs, selected as Co-Flying Samaritan of the Year for his efforts as Dental Coordinator for the Mother Lode Chapter of Flying Samaritans International. Along with fellow SDDS member, Dr. Mark Abel, Dr. Jeffs travels to the clinic in San Quintin Valley six times per year, providing dental services to at least 30 patients a day, and sometimes as many as 50 in a day! 

Sachi Dyal, born November 7th to Dr. Herlin and Hariraj Dyal.

Dr. Beverly Kodama

2010 SDDS Distinguished Member

30 | The Nugget

Have some news you’d like to share with the Society? Please send your information (via email, fax or mail) to SDDS for publication in the Nugget!

2010 Asian Dentist of the Year awarded to Dr. Ken Moor (left, with Carmen Moore, RDH). Drs. Jeffrey Kwong and Jagdev Heir (right) were there to celebrate with him!

Dr. Jonathan Szymanowski 2010 President’s Award

(Committee Chair of the Year — CE Committee)

Sacramento District Dental Society

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January 2011 | 31

By Michelle Corbo

Dental Benefit Plans

Resource Coordinator, CDA Practice Support Center

Before issuing a refund:

What to do when a patient asks for a refund

Before refunding any money to a patient, determine how the treatment was paid. Did an insurance carrier pay for all of the treatment or a portion? How much did the patient pay towards the treatment? Once the financial history is reconciled, it is the dental office’s responsibility to refund money to the appropriate parties. If an insurance company paid, then their portion must be refunded to them. A phone call to the carrier’s customer service department or quality review department should provide you with the protocol for refunding the insurance company’s portion of the fee. Generally, when a dental insurance carrier receives a refund from a dentist, the benefit is made available again to the patient. Many patients may request the full refund be sent to them instead of the insurance company. However, since the treatment was paid by the insurance company, the refund must be sent to the appropriate party. Once patients understand the plan renews benefits, they consider the advantage it affords them and see the wisdom in returning the insurance portion directly to the insurance company. 32 | The Nugget

• Determine where payment for the treatment came from

Prior to refunding the patient for services rendered, determine if all efforts have been made to address the patient’s complaint. Make certain you understand what the patient is asking for and determine if the patient made the payment or if an insurance plan did. Clear communication between the dentist and the patient is essential. Do not forget to document objectively and factually, any discussions you have with the patient specific to treatment concerns. It is suggested to contact your liability insurance to address any quality of care concerns.  

Sample form for refunding money to an insurance carrier

After completing treatment on a rather difficult patient, the patient calls to complain about the services. The patient states that they are going to another dentist to have the treatment redone and demands a full refund. Rather than deal with this difficult situation, the dentist refunds the money and gladly sends them to another dentist. Several months later, the dentist receives a notification from the patient’s insurance carrier that the patient has filed a complaint. After reviewing documentation and radiographs, the insurance company agrees the treatment needs to be redone and requests the dentist refund the money back to the insurance company so the benefit will be available again to the patient. How does this happen?

• Make certain you understand the patient’s request

• Check with the plan to determine their refund protocol • Document discussion with the patient • Contact liability insurance if a quality of care issue • Document the refund • Have patient sign refund documentation • Copy patient on any correspondence regarding the refund • Confirm the plan adjustment is made on the next EOB

  

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Sacramento District Dental Society

Welcome to SDDS’s new members, transfers and applicants.

Important Numbers: SDDS (doctor’s line) . . . . . . . (916) 446-1227 ADA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 621-8099 CDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 736-8702 CDA Contact Center . . (866) CDA-MEMBER (866-232-6362) CDA Practice Resource Ctr . . cdacompass.com TDIC Insurance Solutions . . . (800) 733-0633 Denti-Cal Referral . . . . . . . . . (800) 322-6384 Central Valley Well Being Committee . . . . . (559) 359-5631

New Members Bryan Randolph, DDS General Practitioner 1621 Creekside Dr, Ste 101 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 984-6747 Dr. Bryan Randolph graduated from Loma Linda University in 1994 with his DDS. He is currently practicing in Folsom and lives in Placerville. Matthew Sanders, DDS Orthodontist 2865 Sunrise Blvd, Ste 114 Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 (916) 635-5717 Dr. Matthew Sanders graduated from Loma Linda University in 2007 with his DDS and later completed his specialty certification in Orthodontics there in 2010. He is currently practicing in Rancho Cordova with fellow SDDS member, Dr. Bernie Steinberg, and in Placerville with fellow SDDS member, Dr. Joseph Atkinson. Dr. Sanders lives in El Dorado Hills with his wife, Joyce.


January 2011

New Transfer Members: Alister Man, DDS Transferred from Northern California Dental Society General Practitioner 7916 Pebble Beach Dr, Ste 208 Citrus Heights, CA 95610 (916) 961-6611 Dr. Alister Man graduated from the University of Kentucky in 2008 with his DDS. He is currently practicing in Citrus Heights after recently purchasing the practice of fellow SDDS member, Dr. Roy Bonk. Andrea Sosa, DDS Transferred from San Francisco Dental Society General Practitioner 8211 Bruceville Rd, Ste 155 Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 525-7635 Dr. Andrea Sosa graduated from the UOP Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry this year, 2010, with her DDS. She is currently practicing in Sacramento with fellow SDDS member, Dr. Chang Vong.

New Applicants: Ricardo Andrade, DDS Garrett Lee, DDS Denisse Montalvo, DDS Shibani Sehgal, DMD Gregory Senter, DDS Jonathan Vongschanphen, DDS

2. 12-month Electronic Dues Payment (EDP) plan

Keep us updated! Moving? Opening another office? Offering new services? Share your information with the Society! We can only refer you if we know where you are; and we rely on having your current information on file to keep you informed of valuable member events! Give us a call at (916) 446-1227. The more accurate information we have, the better we can serve you!


IMPORTANT DATES January 10, 2011 — deadline for 12-month EDP payment plan enrollment online at www.cda.org/renew April 1, 2011 — $100 reinstatement fee applied to anyone who has yet to renew


Go to www.cda.org/renew to renew your 2011 membership online.

CLIP OUT this handy NEW MEMBER UPDATE and insert it into your DIRECTORY under the “NEW MEMBERS” tab.

total membership (as of 12/08/10): 1,569 total active members: 1,307 total retired members: 198 total Dual members: 3 total affiliate members: 13

total student/ provisional members: 0 total current applicants: 6 total dhp members: 42

total new members for 2010: 65 January 2011 | 33

Sacramento District Dental Society

Annual Holiday Party

Silent Auction & installation of officers December 7, 2010 • Del Paso Country Club Thank you, Dr. Oladimeji Sorunke, for contributing to the photos on this page!

The Silent Auction was a big hit! In all, we raised $7,450 Margaret Jackson, Dr. Richard for the Foundation. Thank you! Jackson and Deborah Adair share some holiday cheer.

Past Presidents in attendance: Back row: Drs. Adrian Carrington, Bob Daby, Matt Campbell, Kevin Keating, Bob Gillis, Kevin McCurry, Don Rollofson, Kent Daft, Steve Cavagnolo; Front row: Drs. Gordon Harris, Don Hagy, George Koch and Jerry Dobak

Dr. Terry Jones thanks Dr. Adrian Carrington for his service on the Board of Directors

Drs. Greg Heise and Wesley Yee are proud to be a part of the SDDS family.

34 | The Nugget

Judy Yee, Dr. Don Hagy (Past President) and Lucy Hagy join in the fun!

Outgoing President, Dr. Terry Jones, gives the year in review.

Drs. Ash Vasanthan and Rosemary Wu take part in the festivities.

Dr. Jones receives his gift, which says, “UBUNTU: I am who I am because of you.”

Dr. Gary Ackerman congratulates new Life Members, Drs. Jim Musser and Kent Daft

Gayle and Dr. Dennis Peterson enjoy a night full of Christmas spirit and good company.

Irene Campbell, Sonja Rasmussen Patel and Camira Patel (our pianist for the social hour) were dressed to impress.

Outgoing Foundation Board Members: Drs. Kent Daft, Don Rollofson and Gary Ackerman

Dr. Craig Johnson shows Dr. Kevin McCurry a little holiday love.

2011 Executive Committee and New Board Members (left to right): Drs. Wai Chan, Kelly Giannetti, Wallace Bellamy, Victor Hawkins, Jennifer Goss, Terry Jones and Gary Ackerman (installed by Dr. Bob Daby)

Dr. Wai Chan delivers his address as Incoming President.

Sacramento District Dental Society

dentists serving dentists — Western Practice Sales invites you to visit our website, westernpracticesales. com to view all of our practices for sale and to see why we are the broker of choice throughout Northern California. (800) 641-4179. 03-09 great location on madison ave in carmichael — 40 years established. No MediCal, no capitation. Dr. retiring. Great, loyal patients and staff — will stay. (916) 966-8567 mcdaniel.grant@yahoo.com. 12-10 MEDICAL / DENTAL OFFICE AVAILABLE June 1, 2010. 1436 sq. feet. 7601 Hospital Dr, Suite 204, Sacramento. Call (916) 681-6510 for information. 06/07-10

design your own dental suite offering generous tenant improvements for this 800 sq ft office space. Rent negotiation is available. The suite is in a three story midtown dental complex. (916) 448-5702. 11-10

Stop the Screaming! In-office sedation services by MD anesthesiologist • Pedo/Adults • Medi-Cal Provider • 20 years experience • Call (800) 853-4819 or info@propofolmd.com. 05-07

Dream office shell — nicest / newest in sacramento! Build / design 2,000 sf to suit. Near Watt / El Camino, close to shopping. Great for new / existing practice, general / specialty. Call Dr. Favero (916) 487-9100. 12-10

Locum Tenens — I am an experienced dentist, UOP graduate and I will temporarily maintain and grow your practice if you are ill / maternity leave or on extended vacation. (530) 644-3438. 04-10

free rent — Fully equipped, 4 ops, Dentrix software, Arden area, great for starting new practice. Former location of 35 year practice. Contact Douglas Yee (916) 801-1707. 11-10 operatory space to share with orthodontist or endodontist in general dental office on J Street and 51st Street. Contact Dr. Steven Brazis at (916) 731-5151 to discuss details if interested. 01-C1 suite for lease — in Midtown Sacramento at 30th & P. Ideal for perio, endo or oral surgery. Improvements + allowance for modification. Signage, high visibility, on-site parking and freeway access. In the midst of Sutter’s medical campus expansion. (916) 473-8810. Lic. 01227233. 01-C1

greater sacramento area multi-specialty office looking for an associate pediatric dentist and orthodontist 2–4 days/week. Ideal candidate is a skilled team player looking for long-term commitment. Fax resume to (916) 817-4376. 11-10 Exciting Opportunity for Endodontist — Advanced practice with beautiful, new high tech office in foothills of Jackson, California looking for an endodontist to work one day per week, developing into a full practice with great potential. Please fax resume to (209) 223-2719. 01-10 lOOKING FOR HYGIENIST AND RDA. who is also interested in the front. Very friendly private practice with no PPO or HMO. Someone looking for long term committment. Fax resumé to (916) 362-9761. 01-C1

#1 dentist partner / associate: Experienced GD seeking a long-term, mutually beneficial plan. To discuss possibilities or reserve a meeting, please contact Gayle: (916) 784-6982 or gayles@dmsolutionsinc.com. Temporarily, available for vacations, maternity leave or illness. 01-C1

Have an upcoming presentation? for sale: assistant chairs — Pelton chair with bone cloth, adjustable foot rings. Purchased 2002. $150.00. Marcus with bone cloth, adjustable foot rings. Purchased 1995. $100.00. 12-10 digital pano. Instrumentarium OP100 D. 7 years old in excellent condition! Come see it, still in use. Call Dr. Thomas at (530) 753-4728. $16,000 obo. 01-C1

You asked for this!

New Classified Sections!

Nugget Survey 2009

Contact SDDS at (916) 446-1227 for more information.

The SDDS LCD projector is available for rent!

Three days — $100 Members only please

Call SDDS at (916) 446-1227 for more information or to place a reservation.

Vacation homes • Misc items for sale • Home rentals / sales • Tickets

Selling your practice? Need an associate? Have office space to lease? Place a classified ad in the Nugget and see the results! SDDS member dentists get one complimentary, professionally related classified ad per year (30 word maximum; additional words are billed at $.50 per word). Rates for non-members are $45 for the first 30 words and $.60 per word after that. Add color to your ad for just $10! For more information on placing a classified ad, please call the SDDS office (916) 446-1227. Deadlines are the first of the month before the issue in which you’d like to run.





January 2011 | 35 3‘-8

SDDS member dentists can place classified ads for free! www.sdds.org

Locum Tenens — Loma Linda grad, 1980. Temporary dentist for emergencies, vacations and maternity leaves. (530) 823-0502. 01-C1


915 28th Street Sacramento, CA 95816 916.446.1211 www.sdds.org


Address service requested

You asked for this!

sdds calendar of events January

14 “Fun Times” Social Event Ski Trip — Sugar Bowl 6:30am / leaving from Ginger’s (Roseville)

8 10 11

18 19 24 25 29

4 Board of Directors Meeting 6:00pm / SDDS Office CPR BLS Renewal Sutter General Hospital 8:30am–12:30pm CE Committee 6:00pm / SDDS Office General Membership Meeting Shift Happens — Incorporating New Protocols into Practice Kristy Menage Bernie, RDH, BS, RYT Hygiene Night Sacramento Hilton — Arden West 2200 Harvard Street, Sacramento 6:00pm Social 7:00pm Dinner & Program 13 Member Forum HR Audio Conference 2011 Labor Law Update Noon–1:00pm

Membership Committee 6:00pm / SDDS Office Nugget Editorial Committee 6:15pm / SDDS Office CPR Calibration 6:00pm Foundation Board Meeting 6:00pm / SDDS Office Golf Committee 6:00pm / SDDS Office Smiles for Kids Day

For more calendar info, visit



3–4 31st Annual MidWinter Convention & Expo Sacramento Convention Center 7 Dental Health Committee 6:30pm / SDDS Office 11 Executive Committee Meeting 7:00am / Del Paso Country Club

March 1 4

Board of Directors Meeting 6:00pm / SDDS Office Continuing Education Removable Partial Dentures: Clinical Considerations Alan Carr, DMD, MS Hyatt Regency Sacramento 1209 L Street, Sacramento 6:30pm–8:30pm

Catch a wave at the 31st annual MidWinter Convention Tons of CE & a great time! you won’t want to miss it! February 3–4, 2011 earn


ce units! 6pm: Social & Table Clinics 7pm: Dinner & Program Sacramento Hilton, Arden West (2200 Harvard Street, Sac)

January 11, 2011:

Shift Happens: Incorporating New Protocols Into Practice

Nugget Survey 2009

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Presented by: Kristy Menage Bernie, RDH, BS, RYT

Course Objectives: • Provide rationale for implementing accelerated periodontal instrumentation protocols over traditional quadrant scaling and root planning. • Evaluate current protocols and develop plan of action to incorporate methods to enhance and advance optimal oral health for patients.

January General Membership Meeting: Hygiene Night

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