el Don - May 9, 2011

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el Don

/SANTA ANA COLLEGE / eldononnews.org

THE POLL: Is America safer now that bin Laden is dead? eldonnews.org

MAY 9, 2011 / Vol. 88 / No.10


SAC reacts to the death of Osama bin Laden News 3 • Views 8

Nate Little / CGU Art


el Don /SANTA ANA COLLEGE • MONDAY, MAY 9, 2011/eldonnews.org The Editor’s Desk

el Don /SANTA ANA COLLEGE • MONDAY, MAY 9, 2011/eldonnews.org

As a sports writer,  the thought of not  having a sports program is terrifying.  I may have to find  a new niche to  start writing about.  Sports are a part  of my daily life and  the case may be the  same for others.     It’s a way for students to bond and show  pride in their school.     Without it, college campuses will turn into a  shell of what they once were.     Hopefully, policy makers can find a way to  fix the budget and keep sports alive.  / eric Lomeli / Staff Writer



Style Editor Jessica Ruelas style_eldon@sac.edu

Editor in Chief Blanca Valdivia eldoneditor@sac.edu

News Editor Daniel Hernandez eldonnews@sac.edu


Adviser Prof. C.W. Little Jr. little_charles@sac.edu Business Manager Allene Symons symons_allene@sac.edu



Sports Editor Tim Randall eldonsports@sac.edu

Photo Editor Daniel Hubert dan@danhubert.com Web Editor Josephine Gan ocwebgal@yahoo.com

how to contact us

el Don encourages the expression of all views. Letters should  be no longer than 150 words, signed, and include a contact  phone number, major and e-mailed to eldonviews@sac.edu or  mailed to SAC el Don, 17th at Bristol St., Santa Ana, CA 92706.  el Don reserves the right to refuse advertising and does not  necessarily subscribe to the views of the advertisers. For advertising rates and information, contact Allene Symons: (714) 5645617, fax: (714) 564-0821, or e-mail eldonbusiness@sac.edu

STYLE 11 PoSe/ Evelyn Cortes interprets the conflict of the physical and emotional states of body image in the Dance Department’s spring production The Art of Moving. / daniel Hubert/ el Don

JOB WARS NEWS 5 / High grades and a college degree don’t mean much in  today’s  hyper-competitive  job  market.  Find  out  how  to  level  the  playing fi eld with networking and other skills you can learn from  the SAC Career Center.

THROWING SOLO SPORTS 6 /  There are less than 100 deaf collegiate athletes in the  U.S. and Dons freshman pitcher Thomas Solowynsky is one of them.  While  he’s  struggling  to  crack  the  Dons’  pitching  rotation,  he  has  overcome the challenges of  his condition by living an ordinary life.

el Don /SANTA ANA COLLEGE • MONDAY, MAY 9, 2011/eldonnews.org



newly elected, ready to serve

Daniel Hernandez / el Don


Higher education faces stress test

Daniel Hubert / el Don Community college fees are likely to rise about $10 to $36 per unit, if the budget talks break down and the state is forced to meet its budget deficit by raising education costs. “The UC, CSU and California Community Colleges can get our state headed back in the right direction. But, we cannot do it with continually shrinking budgets,” state Chancellor Jack Scott said. College tuition is inexpensive in California, even with the projected increase. For example, tuition in Texas amounts to about $1,230 for full-time students, per semester compared to about $600 in California. “I believe it’s still pretty cheap considering university prices,” Stephanie Fernandez, a Chaffey College student said. /Diana Quinones

confidence / This flag and sign was seen outside Phillips Hall on Thursday. /Blanca Valdivia / el Don

college students CONSIDER CONSEQUENCES OF Osama bin laden’s death



By Tiffany Johnstone • daniel hernandez/ el Don

till shocked from the wreckage of a hijacked plane crashing into the south tower, then 9-year-old Jesse Martinez watched on TV as another plane slammed into the north tower of the World Trade Center. At that moment, his aunt was on the 85th floor. She did not make it out.

“I watched it live when the jets crashed into the smoking building,” Martinez said. A feeling of justice overwhelmed Martinez, now a SAC football player, as he learned Sunday evening that Osama bin Laden, the mastermind of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, was shot and killed in Abbotabad, Pakistan, during a raid conducted by elite special forces, the U.S. Navy Seals. “Justice has been done,” President Obama announced to the world close to midnight Sunday. For the millennial generation born from 1980 to 2000, like Michael Kuzara, the death of bin Laden signifies a sense of closure.

Kuzara woke up on Sept. 11 to face a shouting, confused and scared mother — the chaos of the towers coming down, the images of the planes smashing into buildings. America was under attack. “After that, I took into consideration what happened, and I felt sorry for all the people, so after I graduated high school, my first decision was to join the military,” Kuzara said. The anger over the first successful attack on the U.S. mainland has been avenged, but second year SAC Fire Tech major and Naval seaman Jorge Zuniga says it is not over. “They bombed the twin towers and we went to war with them. We

killed bin Laden. That’s probably what they’re going to do, start another war,” Zuniga said. The decision of the president not to release the photos of bin Laden was announced Wednesday, because “there is no need to spike the football,” President Obama said. The refusal of the Obama administration to release photos of a dead bin Laden might stir controversy among skeptics. “I think it’s really just to help Obama … keep the mind off the economy,” Juan Jaime, a freshman paralegal major, said. Jacob Broaddus, a first year freshman and tight end on the SAC football team, said he questions what will come of bin Laden’s death. “I feel like he’s been out of the picture for so long that I really don’t know that it will make too big of a difference,” Broaddus said. “I feel like it definitely gives a good boost to our troops.”


el Don /SANTA ANA COLLEGE • MONDAY, MAY 9, 2011/eldonnews.org

Sitting in a small cubicle with notes hanging from the wall, her backpack under her desk in the EOPS center, she opened her desk drawer searching for a book she is reading about public speaking. Evelyn Sanchez won the majority of votes in the SAC student government elections this spring, naming her president. The book Speaking to Excel, she hopes, will guide her in the maturation process to realize her leadership qualities. Read the full story at eldonnews.org / Daniel Hernandez


el Don /SANTA ANA COLLEGE • MONDAY, MAY 9, 2011/eldonnews.org



alifornia’s budget crunch is threatening the future of community college athletics. Because of a deficit in the billions of dollars, there is a 30 percent chance sports at community colleges could be eliminated, saving SAC about $1.3 million and potentially saving the state $55 million, said Peter Hardash, vice chancellor of fiscal services and business affairs. “If the state eliminates funding for athletic programs, it is expected that those programs will no longer be available as regular credit instructional offerings,” Hardash said. Talks of eliminating programs have festered since Gov. Jerry Brown signed SB70, raising tuition at community colleges in California to $36 a unit and causing schools to make a five percent reduction in classes and programs next year. SAC does not generate any revenue from any of its sports. The proceeds from the games that charge entrance fees go to pay the lease on the football stadium, which is

owned by the city of Santa Ana, Dean of Athletics Avie Bridges said. “The budget has shrunk every year,” Bridges said. In a period of three years, SAC lost five sports — men’s cross country, track, swimming, golf and women’s tennis. Operational expenses for running the athletic program are divided into two categories: the diversified budget and the supply budget. The diversified budget pays for entry fees, officialting fees, and meals for when teams are on the road, and it has shrunk in the last three years from $112,000 to $72,000. The supply budget pays for team equipment and uniforms and has shrunk from $120,000 to $78,000. “Every meeting we’ve had in the last year has really been talking about … not getting enough money from Sacramento,” Rancho Santiago Community College District Trustee David Chapel said. “But what we haven’t really done is talked about how we can better spend the money we do receive.” Many students use the community college experience to hone their skills and academics before transferring to a

university, but one look at the stands at a top-ranked Dons baseball game indicates that the support the team receives is from family and close friends, Bridges said. “The students that are typically at a community college are students that either academically didn’t have what they needed to immediately transfer to a four-year college or athletically were not seriously being recruited out of high school for a scholarship to play at the next level,” Bridges said. SAC sports began with football in 1916 one year after the school opened. The college added basketball in 1920. Baseball followed in 1924. C.J. Wilson, pitcher for the Texas Rangers; David Buehler, kicker for the Dallas Cowboys; Kris Medlen, pitcher for the Atlanta Braves, and Heath Bell, an All Star relief pitcher for the San Diego Padres, all played for the Dons. “I came here for baseball, so if baseball is cut, I probably wouldn’t be here right now,” freshman infielder Daniel Miranda said. “We’re hoping it’s just a scare tactic,” Bridges said about the politics behind the budget cut talks.

By the numbers


Dons alumni playing professional baseball and football


Number of sports teams that have been suspended


Million SAC saves if state suspends college athletics

el Don /SANTA ANA COLLEGE • MONDAY, MAY 9, 2011/eldonnews.org

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el Don /SANTA ANA COLLEGE • MONDAY, MAY 9, 2011/eldonnews.org




ith the national unemployment rate higher than in recent years, students are finding that the most difficult test comes after graduation. Recent graduates are competing with their classmates, the unemployed, and college graduates of years past. Life after college turns out to be tougher than it once was. “Graduating has opened my eyes to the reality that job opportunities are not guaranteed. Obtaining a bachelor’s degree in my view is not enough anymore,” said Cal State Fullerton senior Rodrigo Ramirez. Of the 500,000 students who will graduate this year, three in every 10 will land a job and the remaining seven will be launched into the pool of unemployed college graduates,

joining those from 2010 and previous years, according to the Commission on Higher Education. So how can a community college student prepare to get ahead of the game? Interning or part-time work are both good ways to gain an advantage when competing with graduates without experience. “Networking is important. You will need good references from former professors and classmates,” said Cal State Fullerton graduate Justin Hernandez. “Every job I have applied for is looking for at least four years of experience.” Many students are unaware of the many opportunities provided at Santa Ana College. The Career/Job Resource Center, located in room L-225, offers access to computerized and hard copy information about careers, training programs, job placement services and workshops. The Center provides paid positions with local jobs that


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IT’S A JOB / Many graduates kick-off their careers with management training programs and entry level positions that often lead to life-long employment. / Gregg Ellman / MCT

are flexible for a student’s hours and a position that goes with their education, explained Sandra Arredondo, an administrative clerk at the Center. “For example, if a student is taking classes to become a teacher we have tutoring and after-school positions available. We try to market as diversely as we can.” The Center also provides software that assists students witth writing a resume, a key step in obtaining employment. “The services are free to

students. There are so many people applying for the same job. We help create a resume that stands out,” Arredondo said. With the help of good references, the Center and a great resume, the hardest decision after graduation just might be which job offer you decide to accept. The Center is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, also Tuesday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Friday 8 a.m. to noon.

el Don /SANTA ANA COLLEGE • MONDAY, MAY 9, 2011/eldonnews.org

Job opportunities are hard to come by and are not guaranteed by a earning a college degree.


el Don /SANTA ANA COLLEGE • MONDAY, MAY 9, 2011/eldonnews.org




David DeRidder / el Don A 12-win April helped the Dons reach the postseason for the first time since 2006. The Dons are the fifth Orange Empire Conference team selected for regional play, seeding them seventh in the first round of the southern California Regionals. Three Dons were selected to the AllOEC teams. Infielder Hannah Dowling made first team and pitchers Shelly Tait and Monica Sepulveda received second team honors. The Dons face visiting, No.10 seed Santa Barbara City College in a bestof-three first round series. / Eric Lomeli

el Don /SANTA ANA COLLEGE • MONDAY, MAY 9, 2011/eldonnews.org




David DeRidder / el Don Thomas Solowynsky felt the nudge of his interpreter. It would be his first opportunity this season to pitch for the Santa Ana College baseball team. Solowynsky jogged out to the mound in a relief appearance with two runners on base. The opposing team and their fans taunted him, not realizing he could not hear a word they said. He wound up and released one pitch and watched as the batter crushed it for a three-run home run. Solowynsky would never play again. Read the full story at eldonnews.org / Tim Randall

SLUGFEST / Infielder Adrian Garcia helped the Dons clinch its fifth OEC Empire Conference title. / David DeRidder / el Don

in a YEAR full of changes, dons maintain status quo



By Eric Lomeli / el Don

ost coaches agree that it’s hard to get a team to gel when they are all new to the program. However, that hasn’t been a problem for the SAC baseball team where 21 of the 37 players are freshmen. While team cohesion is never a guarantee, the Dons’ rookies have mixed well with the veterans and gained each other’s respect. Players agree that team chemistry is strength.

“We grew together well, second baseman Andy Peterson said. Despite all of those freshmen, the Dons won their fifth consecutive Orange Empire Conference title amid a season of milestones and equipment changes, most notably the switch to a new type of bat. It was also the year Head Coach Don Sneddon reached 1,000 wins. “It’s not a surprise that we won the OEC. Coach said ‘we’re going to

win conference, and we are going to state,’” Peterson said. “Skip is the best coach I’ve ever played for. He never takes a day off, won’t let us settle, and is easy to talk to,” pitcher Seth Smith said. But the win at Orange Coast College Pirates carried more importance than a number. “The win separated us from Orange Coast and that’s what the game was about,” Sneddon said.

“It means I’ve been here a long time,” he added. He’s been here 30 years, and we’ll be one of the teams he remembers forever,”slugging outfielder Gary Apelian said. The NCAA changed bat regulations. Composite bats with larger sweet spots, which created more hits and runs, are banned. The switch is evident by the 74 percent drop in home runs. In 2011, the Dons hit 13 home runs compared to a whopping 50 last year. This year’s Dons offense also averaged about two less runs a game, although they are still scoring more runs than opponents are. Despite the power outage, Apelian led the Dons with eight home runs, three more than he hit last season. “There’s a lot more bunting, and pitchers throw inside more often.”

el Don /SANTA ANA COLLEGE • MONDAY, MAY 9, 2011/eldonnews.org


Students react to bin laden’s death

Gary Markstein/ MCT

Remaining vigilant STAFF EDITORIAL

The death of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden does not mean we are living in a safer world.


ur reaction to the death of Osama bin Laden, in some ways, was a sigh

of relief. The man responsible for the most devastating attack on American soil had finally been brought to justice. Now we can sleep soundly, knowing that we are safer. Or are we? We have to consider the possibility that bin Laden’s followers will retaliate. Now that the terrorist hero of the extremists has died, he is going to be viewed by many as a martyr for the cause. While bin Laden’s death is a great accomplishment for the United States and the war on terror, we can’t yet allow ourselves

to think of this as an end game. If we let our guard down for a moment we are leaving ourselves susceptible to attack. It is interesting that the compound where bin Laden had apparently been living for about six years is surrounded by a Pakistani military academy and the homes of high-ranking active and retired military officers. The Pakistani government has supposedly been assisting us for the last several years in our search for bin Laden, while all that time he was living among them. It forces us to ask the question: Who can we trust? There is no better time than now to reexamine our relationships with our allies.

“I’m the kind of person who thinks that when someone attacks your homeland you’re always going to retaliate. You’re not going to let them bother you at all and you’re going to try to fight them off.” —Nadia Lopez, ASG president

“Things are going to change, but there’s always going to be al-Qaida’s members out there. They are still well organized, so they’re going to come back really hard. I think we’re really going to be prepared because Sept. 11 was a really tragic event.” — Michael Kuzara, fire tech major

el Don /SANTA ANA COLLEGE • MONDAY, MAY 9, 2011/eldonnews.org

“I feel like he’s been out of the picture for so long now that I really don’t know that it will make too big of a difference. I mean obviously everyone is happy. It has caused many feelings in the U.S. People feel really happy about it I guess but I personally don’t feel like it makes that big of a difference.” —Jacob Broaddus, business major


el Don /SANTA ANA COLLEGE • MONDAY, MAY 9, 2011/eldonnews.org



what’s next after bin ladeN?

By RObert wojtkiewicz / el Don

el Don /SANTA ANA COLLEGE • MONDAY, MAY 9, 2011/eldonnews.org



he death of terrorist leader Osama bin Laden signaled a victory for freedom and affirmed for humankind the basic right to live without fear. Here in America it offered some closure to those who lost loved ones a decade ago in New York’s Twin Towers, the Pentagon and a quiet field in Pennsylvania. The al-Qaida-led attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 spurred a decade-long manhunt for bin Laden during which he consistently eluded capture. The killing of bin Laden provides Americans something tangible — closure. After 9/11 we wanted those responsible to be brought to justice, and by that definition, justice has been served. Al-Qaida, the most feared and powerful terrorist organization on the face of the planet, is without its leader. This is a positive step toward more peaceful societies everywhere. JOY/ People gather at the White House chanting and singing while President Barack Obama announces the death of Osama bin Laden Bin Laden’s death marks a global during a late evening statement to the press May 1/ Olivier Douliery / MCT turning point. Perhaps now, in places like Egypt, Syria, and Tunisia, the era. Cynics, however, will tell us that Getting bin Laden feels good, but dead? Should we fear retaliation from new faces of the Arab and Muslim we are still at risk, and that bin Laden’s that feeling could vanish in an instant al-Qaida or other terrorist groups? world will be those seeking freedom death will only spur further violence. with another terrorist attack. These questions must not be igfrom terror in a society where radical As a nation, we need to fall someNow more than ever we need to nored. Yes, we should celebrate this fundamentalists lose their tyrannical remain vigilant, but in a more globally where between the hopeless cynic and victory. We should cheer for those grasp on power. conscious way. The War on Terror can- the blind optimist and accept the role brave soldiers who found and killed The young people in these countries, bin Laden. We should honor those of cautious observer — our foreign not be won. Terrorism is an ideology, those who have fought to rid their a psychological weapon, and a poison- policy track record notwithstanding. who have dedicated, and lost, their region of radical fundamentalists and We have brought to justice the man ous dogma that you cannot fight or lives in defense of these United States. terrorists like bin Laden, should be the However, our attention must quickly defeat with M-16s and cruise missiles. responsible for the worst attack on ones we look toward when searching domestic soil in our nation’s hisOur “success” in Iraq and Afghaniturn to the future. This is not “Mission for new leaders of the Middle East. tory, as we said we would, and that is Accomplished” by any means, but only stan has proven at least that much. This is a stunning victory for Ameri- a small step toward global security. something of which Americans can be Terror will always be lurking in cans. It has sparked intense pride damn proud. the shadows, but in a world where Now is the time for Americans to and patriotism, and has given us a Osama bin Laden is dead. It is a religious and political ideologies can take a long, hard look at what the sense of community and purpose that decisive victory for America. We have peacefully coexist, its effects are far future holds for the War on Terror. was in desperate need of revival. But every right to celebrate. Nevertheless, less damaging. Clearly, our perception of the Arab even decisive victories can give way this joy is tempered by the reality that So where does bin Laden’s death fit world must change if we are to peaceto complacency. There are still many we are still a nation at war, fighting on into all this? Optimists will argue that fully coexist, and we must do more questions to be answered. What do we to change others’ perceptions of the two fronts in the Middle East. The war with him dead we are safer, and that do now? Are we safer with bin Laden on terror is still very much alive. his death may signify the end of an United States.

el Don /SANTA ANA COLLEGE • MONDAY, MAY 9, 2011/eldonnews.org



A V-neck shows just the right amount of cleavage, giving your body the look of a longer figure.

smAll on toP

Create an illusion by wearing ruffles, frills or fringes.

PooCHy BElly

A bottom-half swimsuit with side rings helps hide that extra junk in the trunk.

tiPs By JEssiCA rUElAs / el Don SUMMER HAT From a basketweave with a filigree trim to a floppy hat, keeping your head cool is both smart and fashionable.

UMBRELLAS Getting a tan can be flirty and fun if you have an umbrella to keep you safe from the sun’s rays.

Summer is one of the most  fashionable seasons.     You’ll see big fl ower prints  spring up all over the beach  as well as animal prints from  cheetah to leopard, but you  can never go wrong with a little  black bikini that will never go  out of season.     Adding a necklace or earrings  will boost your bikini eff ect,  giving it a personal style.


1 2 3

Wear at least 30 sPF sunscreen at the beach or for summer outdoor daytime activities. Be careful of the sun from noon to 2:30 p.m. when ultraviolet rays cause most skin damage. if playing or working out in the sun at peak hours be sure to remember your sunglasses.

el Don /SANTA ANA COLLEGE • MONDAY, MAY 9, 2011/eldonnews.org

BiG Booty

A one-piece will cover the midriff at just the right spot, flattering your natural curves.


el Don /SANTA ANA COLLEGE • MONDAY, MAY 9, 2011/eldonnews.org


el Don /SANTA ANA COLLEGE • MONDAY, MAY 9, 2011/eldonnews.org

Got rings? / When the city sleeps sugar hounds head to a donut shop in Anaheim and wait hours for a sweet fix. / David ReRidder/ el Don


Blueberry Nights Long lines of donut addicts wind through a strip mall to buy M&M’s irresistible donuts. By JASON TRUONG / el Don


fter gorging on Buffalo Wings, Ivan Lozano scores two-dozen blueberry donuts. He only needed one, but after waiting in line for two hours, he found a way to cash in on his time. “I made eleven bucks by selling my extra dozen,” said Lozano, who started an impromptu auction house in a parking lot on the outer edges of a commercial strip mall in Anaheim. The donuts cost $8.50 a box, and some lucky donut aficionado avoided a long line. “It’s win-win,” Lozano said, pocketing four crumpled $5 bills. M&M Donuts is a small, literally mom-n-pop shop that compels scores of rabid sugar junkies shaking

with anticipation to feed their appetite for that sweet, sweet blueberry and brave the dark by going on a midnight run. There’s something insidious in the reverse hours kept by the husband and wife team of James and Sandy Ma. M&M opens at 9 p.m. and closes at noon, and yet a long line of cars at the drive-thru and masses of zombies at the door braid their way through the parking lot of the strip mall. A typical wait, if you’re lucky, is about two hours. “I like to come here at night whenever I’m bored. Oh, and of course the donuts,” said Brian Vuong, a senior at La Quinta High School who waited in line with three or four friends by his side. Yes, the donuts, the blueberry flavored one to be exact. The aroma of blueberries bursts in your nostrils and mouth as you bite through the fluffy but crispy crust. It melts, turns velvety smooth and buttery as you chew. The glaze that first hit your senses in the form of hardened syrup is now dissolving along with the rest of the donut. There’s a rush, unwanted at first, addicting after the first swallow. You convince yourself that it’s just sugar and artificial blue food coloring. But it’s out of your control. You’re hooked. James and Sandy Ma have been crafting donuts for about 30 years, and in 2004 they opened M&M Donuts. The shop was buzzing along just fine, making just enough to stay open, when social media sites like Yelp and Facebook spread the word like the rumors of the girl who first contacted an STD in high school. They’re both pioneers. Sandy makes everything fresh and enjoys her work, no matter how many hours of non-stop lines. “I still enjoy it after 30 years,” she said. Recently, the couple decided to spread the customer lines out by making fresh blueberry donuts at 6 a.m., when lines are short to nonexistent. So if you really need a fix, you know when to go.

el Don /SANTA ANA COLLEGE • MONDAY, MAY 9, 2011/eldonnews.org

STYLE REFLECT / (From left to right)

Fidel Beltran, Letty Garcia, Monserratt Alberto, Gabriel Mata, Rocio Cruz, in Sara Arvizu’s Hold Fast

/ Dan Hubert /

Inner Beauty Choreography examines the emotions that fuel the insecurities of imperfection.

By Elaiza Armas/ el Don

MOTION /(From left) Fidel Tran and Gabriel Mata in Hold Fast / David DeRidder / el Don

GRACE /Kenia Saldana and Berenice Ramirez in Abigail Alvidrez’s 1776 / Dan Hubert / el Don

The Santa Ana College Dance Department spring production The Art of Moving presented an emotional cycle of dances that revealed the self-doubts and body-image issues that concern both men and women. Gabriel Mata’s piece Hidden Layers evoked emotions in the audience as the dancers communicated through body movement the hidden layers in a person’s relationship with their own body. The dance was simple and sharp yet enormously powerful. His piece hit home when it came to displaying self-perceptions, and how people often fail to recognize there is much more to everyone than their appearance. “The dancers were very intense and took it seriously,” said Dance Department Chair Eve Kikawa. “The performances were just beautiful, and it was by far one of the best choreographed student concerts we’ve had.” It was obvious that every ounce of energy the dancers had to give was invested into the show. The choreography and choice of music flowed together beautifully and kept the audience intrigued.

el Don /SANTA ANA COLLEGE • MONDAY, MAY 9, 2011/eldonnews.org

el Don


el Don /SANTA ANA COLLEGE • MONDAY, MAY 9, 2011/eldonnews.org


el Don /SANTA ANA COLLEGE • MONDAY, MAY 9, 2011/eldonnews.org

SPEED / Fast Five the movie has nothing on Action’s Go Kart Track, the perfect place to create your own racecar adventures. / David DeRidder / el Don




riving fast is the ultimate high, but like any other drug, it’s often illegal. Being in control of a powerful machine barreling down an open road is a good way to blow off steam or to test your mental and physical stamina. When video games aren’t enough, two options come to mind. You can take your car to a legitimate race track, or you can go indoor karting. For $20, Pole Position Raceway in Corona offers a fast and competitive karting experience with each race lasting 14 laps.

All you need are closed-toed shoes. The track provides the space, the helmet, and the kart. “Our mechanic used to be our best customer. He came the first day we opened our doors and returned at least once a week after that. We decided to get him a job here,” manager Justin Cocanour said. After opening in Corona in 2005, PPR went on to open another location in Murrieta, two in Nevada, one in Oklahoma, and

their newest location in New York. The electric engine lacks noise and the intoxicating smell of gasoline, but the gutpunching torque that comes instantly and the ability to have a closed, air-conditioned track makes it more enjoyable. Adam’s Motorsports Park in Riverside starts its day as an outdoor go-kart and super moto track, but at 6 p.m. on Tuesdays real cars get the run of the course. For $28, you can take nine laps in your

own car around the narrow course. For drifting enthusiasts, there is also an Adam’s Drift Night on Thursdays, where rubber turns to filthy smoke. It’s not a matter of passing everyone — that’s dangerous for such a small track. Instead, you are racing the clock trying to set the fastest lap. Each lap is less than a mile, but the winding tight turns and relatively long straights take agility, skill and courage. But many times that has led to the destruction of a bumper or even an entire car. You have to trust yourself and know how far you can push it. If you think you can’t go any further, then don’t. Pick safe corners and experiment there with room to go off the side. When your car finally reaches the starting line, you’ll be prepared instead of scared. Take a deep breath, be alert, look ahead and go for it.

FASTTRACK •The faster you’re willing to go, the later you should brake coming into a corner. But know how much you can handle. Biting too much off an S-turn leads to needless destruction. •Before going on a real track, get as much practice as you can with go-karts and video games. This is how pros do it. Plus, it saves you from paying repair bills.

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