el Don - March 18, 2010

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el Donon

sPoRTs: Pitcher R.J. Hively and

the Dons defense allowed five  unearned runs and three errors in  an 11-9 loss to Santa Barbara City  College. SAC is 7-3 on the season.  11 sTYle: Bigger isn’t

always better  when it comes to  baked goods. Snag  a recipe for Red  Velvet cupcakes  sure to please a  sweet palate. 7


liFe: A trip to  Vietnam is only  down the street  for those night  owls craving a  savory fusion of  innovative  Asian cuisine.  8


citation rules anger drivers



Long waits, fewer stalls and increased fees lead to frustration missed classes, tardies By Michelle Wiebach el Don News Editor A buzzing gold Toyota Corolla zooms down the aisle of Lot 6 in search of the perfect parking spot. A spot. Any spot. Eyes darting from left to right, architect major Evelyn Garcia spots the red glow of a truck’s tail lights. She gravitates to the red glow like a bug drifts to light. Zap! No spot. She slams the brakes, hits the steering wheel and exhales in frustration. She’s been circling for more than an hour by now, hunting for that spot. To her right she catches another red glow. This time it’s promising. The space frees up. She’s got it. She pulls the keys out of the

IN DEPTH PART 1: Recovery is a daily struggle for those trying to kick alcohol addiction. By Kathie Espinoza el Don Editor in Chief

Pat doesn’t know what normal is, so he drinks to try to feel that way. He struggles with sobriety every day. This is his third try and he hopes it will work this time. His relationship with alcohol began when the drinking age was still 18 — the same age at which he had his first blackout. Driving home from a party in Wisconsin, he woke up at O’Hare Airport with no recollection of how he ended up there. Even after multiple blackouts, Pat still denied he had a problem. It took five days of being in a motel room, boozing and snorting cocaine, to realize he had a problem. Pat is one of millions of recovering alcoholics in the United States. For them, the story rarely changes — they have thrown away college educations, big time jobs, houses with white picket fences and loving families who try, in vain, to help them into recovery. “I had the home and the family, but I tore it all down. All the times I got sober my life changed completely, but I never changed and that was the problem,” Pat said. There are 14 million alcoholics in the nation. Experts estimate that 32 percent are of college age. Some students see drinking as a reward for a long week of studying or a job well done. “I work really hard all week, I go to school and I have two jobs and I deserve to have fun on the weekends,” said Lindsey Areaga, a SAC student who averages seven or eight drinks on a good Friday night. “I’m not going out every night and getting drunk.” For many college students who drink to relieve stress this leads to a lifelong burden for them and their families and, for some, years of addiction. Young adults often overestimate the drinking habits of their peers and assume their fellow students drink more than they actually do. Some of this can be attributed to aggressive advertising campaigns that often lure the

Please see dRinK, Page 5 Read staff editorial, Page 9

THE START Every day in the U.S. more than 13,000 children and teens take their first drink.

Please see TicKeT, Page 3


THE STAKES Every year 1,400 college students between the ages of 18 to 24 die from alcoholrelated injuries, including car accidents.

American youth who drink before the age of 15 are four times more likely to become alcoholics than young people who do not drink before the age of 21.


The 25.9% of underage drinkers who are alcohol abusers and alcohol dependent drink 47.3% of the alcohol that is consumed by all underage drinkers.

PaRKinG RUles  • Permits are required  at all times unless  parked in visitor  parking only for 30  minutes. • The green zone  indicates 20 minute  parking only. • Motorcycles do  not need a permit if  parked in designated  areas marked in lots.

State enrollment numbers falling SAC losing more students than Community Colleges statewide By Felipa Penaloza el Don Staff Writer For the first time in five years, student enrollment at the California Community Colleges has declined by 1 percent. The 110-college system will lose an estimated 21,000 students for the 2009-10 school year, said California Community Colleges Chancellor Jack Scott. Santa Ana College enrollment dropped from 28,489 in spring 2009 to 23,530 by fall, almost a 20 percent drop in the number of students attending.

The decrease comes as a result of the state budget deficit that has led to cutting a number of available classes in recent years. The 2009-10 school year has seen a 5 percent reduction in course availability statewide with SAC cutting 10 percent of classes every semester, cramming more students in remaining classes and increasing class sizes. “Our classes are now fuller. Some classes that had 20 or 25 students now have 40,” said Vice President

Please see dRoP, Page 4





ReliGion Relics and ReMedies

Shop caters to diverse believers in downtown By Rubi Mora el Don Staff Writer

Blanca ValdiVia el Don

A happy customer laughs at the huge variety of herbs in the store.

Tucked away in the hipster-infested streets of Santa Ana’s Artists Village, Yerba Mex Botanicals is a shop for the health-obsessed and superstitious alike. Shelves are lined with candles meant to bring good fortune or stave away bad vibes, some as specific as “Lucky Gambler” and some as vague as “Protection Against Harm.” Some, such as “Red Dragon,” serve no apparent purpose. Religious icons around the shop represent different ideologies, and the shop’s founder and owner, Joe Lara, says he doesn’t believe a word of it. A man of many paradoxes, Lara started his business 26 years ago. He sells products he believes in fervently (multivitamins, Tom’s deodorant) along with products he scorns (the aforementioned candles). He is 84 but looks 60, worldly but wary of the World Wide Web, a vegetarian in a

leather jacket. With a Buddha statue and a plaque reading “Shalom” looming in the background, Lara explains, “Jesus Christ is my Lord and savior, and for me that’s enough. I don’t need the organized religion.” He stands firm in rejection of junk food and devotion to daily supplements — he has two crates’ worth for his own use — otherwise Lara keeps an open mind. The number one seller at Yerba Mex is té tranquilo, a calming tea, followed by a treatment for Urinary Tract Infections and kidney failure. “Social problems,” Lara smirks. Lara doesn’t drink, smoke, and says he has never taken a pharmaceutical product in his life. He is aware that most of his customers don’t have the same lifestyle but he doesn’t care. “If you like yourself, you take care of yourself. You don’t want to follow anyone else.” He pauses. Then, in true paradoxical fashion, asks, “Do you follow me?”


News You Can Use LIVE MUSIC

LEADERSHIP    Enrollment is now  open for the Student  Leadership Institute,  which takes place April  23 and 24 from 8 a.m. to  5:30 p.m.     A joint program of SAC  and CSUF, this series  of workshops is available at no cost to all  SAC students. You must  be willing to commit  to attending both days.  Participants will receive  a certificate at an awards  dinner in May.        Applications are available in the Student Life  Office, U121A. -Meg Faulkner



The 10th annual Cesar  E. Chavez holiday celebration will take place  Saturday, March 27, from  11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The  program begins with  a “Si, se puede!” march  from Jerome Center on  Monte Vista Street to the  main stage at 2201 W.  McFadden St. -Lourdes Serrano

Every year math enthusiasts anticipate March 14  to celebrate Pi Day.     In honor of the holiday,  the Discovery Science  Center is hosting “pirelated” activities, including making a “pi puzzle”  and using different sized  balls to calculate pi.     Tickets are $12.95 for  adults and $9.95 for children. Discovery Science  Center is located at 2500  N. Main Street, Santa Ana,  CA 92705. -Felipa Penaloza

Even while music programs in many schools  continue to decline, the  Music Department at this  campus makes an effort  to bring live, free music  to students.     The next performance  takes place Tuesday,  March 9, from 5 to 6:30  p.m. in room C-104. -Lourdes Serrano

THEATRE ARTS    The Theatre Arts  Department presents  its first spring showcase  performance called  “Welcome to our World.”     It will take place at the  Phillips Hall Theatre from  noon to 1:15 p.m. on  Wednesday, March 10.        This is a one-time-only  event, is free for students  and no tickets or reservations are required. -Lourdes Serrano

TAX WORKSHOPS    Santa Ana residents  can now take advantage  of free tax preparation  provided by the city and  nonprofit organizations,  including United Way.      For a listing of  all Community Tax  Preparation Days  throughout Orange  County  and the  locations, visit www.unitedwayoc.org or call  888-434-8248 for assistance in English or 866921-3890 for assistance  in Spanish.  -Lourdes Serrano



The last day to drop a first GR8 Weeks class  with a “W” grade is March 21. Classes may be  dropped online through Web Advisor. Waiting  until after the deadline can result in a failing  grade for the class this semester. -Michelle Wiebach

To see what ASG has to say, you can  search for the words Santa Ana College  Associated Student Government, become  a fan of the Facebook page and getup-to-  date news about SAC events.   -Felipa Penaloza




Ticket: upgraded machines make for easy permit purchases in lots Continued from page 1

Blanca Valdivia el Don

Students feel forced to break parking regulations due to congested lots.

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an independent contractor, hired by the district to process the tickets, said Peter ignition, grabs her bag and runs to class. Hardash, vice chancellor of business and Late again. fiscal services. Parking. It’s a problem. For everyone. By law, the college is limited to using the “I got to class 15 minutes late because fees collected from permits and citations I was looking for parking. I almost got for services, including maintenance and dropped from my class,” she said with an security. But not enough money is collectexasperated look on her face. ed to support the current cost of parking “I would park in the lot closest to 7-elevmaintenance, Hardash said. en but I can’t see the parking spot lines,” Adding to the burden of higher fees, Garcia said. “I don’t want other cars to hit parking citations are now being issued to my car.” drivers who attend any event at SAC, such During tough economic times, parking as a game or theater production, meaning citations hit students particularly hard. that guests need to pay $2 to park on camThe first Monday of citing for parkpus even if it’s only for a couple of hours. ing permits, SAC security officials issued “As long as people park on campus they about 200 tickets, said Safety and Security need a parking permit,” Lt. Wooley said. Advisor Lt. James Wooley. “We wanted to treat everyone equally and Since fall, parking prices have increased, be consistent with parking regulations.” forcing many students to break parking Regulations can be unforgiving. “I park regulations to grab a spot. But what can and leave my car, so I have a spot, then I they do? Now parking permits cost $30. go get a day pass and when I come back That’s more than half of what they were in I have a ticket,” Julian Cardenas, crimi2009. Daily parking permits also went up nal justice major, said. “Sometimes the by 50 percent. machines don’t even work.” If caught, consequences are costly, with Despite the poor state of the 13 colcitations ranging from $20 to $250. lege lots, and the lack of public safety From July 2009 through December 2009, officers patrolling them, the fund from about 2,794 citations were issued district permit sales has contributed to at least the wide. Only about 33 percent of the money purchase of three new permit machines, collected from citations goes to the district. expected to be installed within a few For example, the district receives $7 weeks. The new machines will accept credfrom a standard parking citation of $20. it and debit cards as well as cash, making it The bulk of the fees are then shared by easier for students to get a permit. the state, city and other jurisdictions, and




Drop: courses can’t be changed Continued from page 1

“This will affect students who are working full-time and still want to take two or three classes, because they’re not on financial aid and they don’t have fee waivers.” Norman Fujimoto Vice President of Academic Affairs

of Academic Affairs Norman Many students stay longer than Fujimoto. “I would like to give anticipated because of such every student every class that they varying course requirements. need, but the budget has forced us Staffing issues are impeding this to do these cuts in classes because process, causing some transfer stuwhen we cut classes it saves us dents to graduate with up to money in terms of payroll.” 42 unnecessary units. The California Legislative “When courses do not transfer Analyst’s Office recommends profrom a community college to a viding new funding for community four-year institution, students lose colleges through a $14 per unit fee valuable time and taxpayers waste a increase, according to a new report. lot of money,” Scott said. With current fees at $26, SAC To make it even more difficult for students could expect to pay up to students to go to a four-year uni$40 a unit. versity and graduate on time, uni“This will affect students who versities no longer accept mid-year are working full-time and still transfer students. want to take two or three classes, “I had a student come to me and because they’re not on financial he still needed to take one class to aid and they don’t have fee waivers,” transfer, but he did not think he Fujimoto said. would finish and he was worried SAC is still less expensive than a about money,” said Fujimoto. “He four-year institution. did not apply to the university, so “I transferred, so I also go to now he can’t get in for fall 2010 or Cal State Long Beach, but it’s defispring 2010, so he has to wait to nitely still cheaper here even at apply for fall 2011.” $40,” said political science major The California Community Navreet Dhaliwal. Colleges is the largest higher-eduAlthough about 25 percent of cation system in the country with students intend to transfer to a almost 3 million students enrolled. four-year institution, some classes “Moving in the wrong direction that transfer to the California State in terms of educating our populaUniversity system may not transfer tion could be fairly disastrous for to the University of California. our economy,” Scott said. “We must “They’re supposed to be one syslook at the fundamental needs of tem, but in reality they’re different California and the consequences institutions. There is no common we will be faced with if we fail to curriculum,” Fujimoto said meet those needs.”

N A T I o N A l

Monica oRTiZ el Don

Swimmer Sabrina Mercer participates in a protest against cut classes.

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Drink: liquor ads in media part of our daily lives Continued from page 1 college set into the hard partying lifestyle, American Medical Association researchers say. Many alcohol ad campaigns target young adults by promoting sleek, sexy liquor bottles and beautiful people having the time of their life with drinks in hand. In the ‘80s there was the Spuds Mackenzie campaign, the hard partying Budweiser Mascot, and the ‘90s brought the infamous Budweiser frogs. These days, gaudy pirates ask if you have any Captain in you and the ubiquitous Absolut Vodka is available in a rainbow of flavors. Slogans quickly enter the American lexicon along with sensory overload from television, Internet and radio. Children and teens view 20,000 commercials a year, and about 2,000 of those are for beer and wine, according to the Alcohol Policies Project. Alcohol has wedged itself into pop culture and, by default, our daily lives. The alcohol industry spends about $5 billion a year in the United States on advertising and promotion. About 75 percent of those dollars go towards promotional efforts, including sponsorship of community events. Alcohol conglomerates like Anheuser-Busch donate more than $370 million to charitable organizations, including public education and environmental causes. However, the

alcohol industry costs taxpayers more than $180 million in accidents, productivity loss and hospital visits. Alcohol takes its toll on more than just the taxpayer. Friends and family members of alcoholics often visit support groups like AlaTeen or Al-Anon to help cope with the after effects of a loved one’s drinking. “It is incredibly difficult to deal with an alcoholic in the family,” said Martha, an Al-Anon member. “They don’t want your help even though you try to help them. In the end, you blame yourself. These meetings help us better understand that no one can fix the addict besides themselves.” Some people don’t realize they need help until they have bottomed out and can no longer function. “I just couldn’t stand myself anymore,” Pat said. “I had to change that. I had gone to jail, my family had left, none of that mattered to me anymore. You just have to change yourself at some point.” Risky drinking habits first appear in the eighth grade and increase dramatically during the early college years. Underage drinkers generate $10 billion in profits for the alcohol industry. Their alcohol consumption is rarely in moderation; typically, they consume five or more drinks in a single session, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Here at SAC, there are no on-

campus support groups for alcoholics seeking treatment. Although there are many Alcoholics Anonymous groups that meet in local churches and community centers. “There’s sometimes an element of embarrassment to AA meetings. Students don’t want their peers to know that they have a problem,” Health Center Coordinator Arlene Warco said. However, students can be referred through psychological services to find a local support group or be referred to a rehab facility through private insurance. Pat is still on a one-day-at-a-time path to sobriety. He knows that once an addict, he will always be one, and

Joe Koshellek MCT

that it is all a matter of will power. “There are hot summer days that I sometimes feel the urge, but those urges are fleeting. The longer I stay sober, the more fleeting they become,” Pat said. Pat is one of many alcoholics who have gotten sober and can function as adults. For others the battle is much more difficult. One SAC student recently relapsed after a little over 30 days of sobriety. “I don’t know why I did it. All I know is that I’ve screwed up and I need to get back up again,” the student said. “As hard as it is, I can’t let it beat me because even though it’s the simple solution, I would be throwing away all of this progress I’ve made.”

Drinking is a rite of passage for the typical college student.

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Reimbursement program gives to undergraduates College expenses taken into  consideration for tax returns  By Monica Ortiz el Don Staff Writer Grants, scholarships and student loans aren’t always enough to fuel a college education but there may be an easier way to attain financial assistance: filing your taxes. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, or Stimulus Act, has introduced a new branch of assistance, making the act of doing taxes more rewarding. The Internal Revenue Service added the American Opportunity Credit for college students, formerly known as the Hope and Lifetime Learning Credits Act, to this year’s income tax return. The American Opportunity Credit can offer up to a $2,500 rebate, which is $700 more than the Hope Act offered. Also unlike the Hope Act, the credit allows for you to receive reimbursement for the first four years of college or university instead of the previously offered two years. Using Form 8863, taxpayers could be reimbursed for qualified tuition and



school-related expenses from 2009 and 2010. Books, supplies and equipment are covered; however, computer purchases are only a factor if it was needed for enrollment or attendance at post-secondary institutions. Michelle Evans, a nursing student, didn’t know about the new amendment. “It could definitely help me next year,” said Evans, “FAFSA just pays for my tuition. My job also reimburses me for the classes that I pass, but this could definitely help.” Only undergraduate students who are currently enrolled or have attended school within the past year are eligible to receive the credit. Students must be enrolled in six units or more and credit can be claimed for the individual, a spouse or child attending school with the aforementioned requirements. Any sort of felony charge is an immediate disqualification. Students who make less than $80,000 annually will be granted more than individuals who earn more than that or couples who make more than $160,000 For those with incomes insufficient, it is recommended to still apply. An amount of $1,000 could still be awarded.




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Reviews & other stuff

AN IMPORTANT DATE Fall down the rabbit hole once more in Tim Burton’s surreal rendition of Disney’s Alice in Wonderland. A 19-year-old Alice (Mia Wasikowska) explores her destiny, accompanied by fantastic companions such as the Mad Hatter ( Johnny Depp), White Rabbit, and Cheshire Cat. They battle the Red Queen (Helena Bonham Carter), who has taken over Underland (Wonderland). Alice in Wonderland was released March 5 in Disney Digital 3D and IMAX 3D. - Mike Organistko

Crazy for Cupcakes Learn how to make these trendy treats at home By Monica Ortiz el Don Staff writer Bakeries nationwide are transforming pastries from comforting to couture, making macaroons and cookies the new pink. From coast to coast, cupcakes have become the latest trend among those with a king-sized sweet tooth. Moist mini cakes enveloped by sweet, buttery icing take the concept up a notch from simple party treats. Made popular by celebrities such as Oprah, Barbra Streisand, and Jake Gyllenhaal, Sprinkles has become a mainstay in Hollywood. Their claim to fame has been their red velvet cupcake, a classic comfort from down south. They have become so popular that they now have been turned into vegan and gluten-free versions to please every lifestyle.


Three years after Rise or Die Trying, Massachusetts pop punk virtuosos Four Year Strong are ready to blow up stereos with Enemy of the World, their highlyanticipated third album. Songs like On A Saturday and Find My Way Back remind you of why Four Year Strong has such a wide fanbase — they’re one of the best bands out there. Enemy of the World comes out tomorrow and you’re guaranteed to have it on repeat until they rock the Vans Warped Tour this summer. - Kathie Espinoza

Recently, red velvet has taken the snack world by storm. It made a popular resurgence after the wedding scene in the 1988 film Steel Magnolias where the groom’s cake was an armadillo and when cut into, a bright red cake awaited guests. The cake may be intimidating at first, as the color could be offputting, but the cake itself is astounding. The flavor, along with the history, is shrouded in mystery: a mildly tangy, wondrous mix between vanilla and chocolate with a deep red hue. Before grabbing the car keys and debit card to get your fix, step away from a prepared mix and make your own creation. If kitchen skills were never your forte, don’t worry. This recipe is enough to turn any regular person into a master baker.


Four years after establishing themselves in Nashville, Lady Antebellum has gained national recognition by performing at the 2010 Grammy Awards and appearing in a nationally broadcast Target commercial. Their song Need You Now is from their sophomore album by the same name. Despite being labeled country, their song isn’t the same old country twang, having a more melodic and catchy pop feel, making it an easy transition for Taylor Swift fans. -Monica Ortiz



Combine the flour, sugar, salt, baking soda and cocoa powder in a small bowl and set aside. In a large bowl, mix the oil, buttermilk, eggs, vinegar, food coloring and vanilla using a medium speed preferably with a hand mixer to better control the consistency. Set the mixer to low and slowly combine the dry ingredients into the wet. The end result should be a glossy, slightly thick batter. Separate batter evenly into a cupcake tin lined with paper cups, filling about three-quarters of each cup. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean. While the cupcakes cool, prepare the frosting. Cream the butter and cream cheese using medium speed until smooth. Slowly incorporate the powdered sugar until the mixture reaches an ice cream consistency then proceed to add the vanilla. Frost the completely cooled cakes generously, no skimping allowed.

RED VELVET CUPCAKES • 2 ½ cups cake flour • 1 ½ cups vegetable oil • 1 ½ cups granulated sugar • 1 cup low-fat buttermilk • 1 tbsp cocoa powder • 2 eggs, room temperature • 1 tsp baking soda • 1 ounce red food coloring • 1 tsp salt • 1 tsp vanilla extract • 1 tsp white vinegar

FROSTING • 2 sticks unsalted butter • 4 cups powdered sugar • 16 ounces cream cheese • 1 tsp vanilla extract





Health & wellness

Sip an avocado shake in Thang Long’s serene decor with its jade green mosaic and the sound of a flowing fountain. get buzzed Start calling your local Starbucks to request the Trenta drink. If you feel that the 24-ounce Venti drinks just aren’t filling your appetite, then you will enjoy the new 31-ounce Trenta. Currently being tested in Phoenix and Tampa, Fla., the 7-ounce increase is meant to compete with McDonald’s McCafe beverages. The Trenta iced coffee is $3.30 and the iced tea is $2.60. Despite size, the unsweetened versions are less than 5 calories each. - Felipa Penaloza



Hit the sack Tired college students may suffer more than just heavy under-eye bags and puffy lids after 3 hours of sleep. A chronic insomniac, apart from experiencing higher stress and depression levels, may be shrinking certain areas of the brain. Biological Psychology Journal reported the study, finding that the left orbitofrontal cortex of the brain, which deals with pleasure and happiness, is smaller in volume in individuals who don’t get regular sleep. Skip the coffee and get some rest. - Monica Ortiz


A smooth moon dome of rice accompanies broken rice entrees, such as grilled salmon, pork and vegetable beef.

Delicious Pho Sure Little Saigon restaurant merges two cultures creating tasty, exotic meals available even late at night. Story and photos by Mike Organistko el Don Staff writer


Taste the rainbow

Look no further than the color wheel to help you pick your next meal. The coloring of fruits and vegetables helps emphasize beneficial nutrients you need. Red produce contains lycopene, a chemical that helps protect against breast and prostate cancers. Blue and purple are full of antioxidants to help your heart and brain perform to the fullest. To view the full color wheel, visit eatingwell.com. -Allison Lujan

Red wine pairs well with the French-influenced cuisine.

Thang Long, a fusion eatery that emphasizes the French side of Vietnamese cuisine, brings a touch of elegance to Little Saigon. Entrees consist of rice, noodle, and vermicelli plates and noodle soup. Students and those on a budget will rejoice at entree prices ranging from $4.95 to $14.95. The first things you notice are the tall, double vertical doors, vaulted ceilings and lime green walls. Dimmed halogens and mesh sky lighting cast crisscrossed shadows on the walls. An Art Deco design provides subtle curvature throughout the interior. The tranquil sound of water can be heard from the elongated fountain, filled with floating daisies, running through the middle of the restaurant. Other restaurants within the district tend to have congested seating arrangements, maximizing space and sacrificing style. Servers are mostly young Vietnamese men who are welcoming, prompt, and knowledgeable about the menu. The waiter recommended

the most popular dish, which was also his favorite, shaken beef, a French style filet mignon with steamed rice. The cut was diced and seared, and was cooked medium on the inside, resulting in tender succulence. The dish is served with fresh tomatoes and cucumbers on a bed of lettuce, and comes with a lime to squeeze into a bowl of salt and pepper as a tart dip for the filet mignon. For a beverage, he recommended pennywort juice. The lightly sweetened green juice is a healthy Vietnamese specialty and has a strong, grassy taste. Another option is shakes in flavors such as avocado and durian. The restaurant provides several options for the health conscious like spring roll appetizers and lotus seed and longan in light syrup desserts. Smaller-sized dishes can be purchased at a fraction of the cost, such as broken rice with shredded pork, steamed egg and charbroiled beef, another recommended dish. Domestic and imported beer is also served. Thang Long’s sister restaurant, Pho Thang Long, specializes in soup and noodle dishes. Thang Long is located at 9550 Bolsa Ave. 115A in Westminster. For more information or to make reservations call (714) 531-9400. The restaurant is open Monday - Sunday from 9 a.m. to 12 a.m.





Editor in Chief Kathie Espinoza eldoneditor@sac.edu News Editor Michelle Wiebach eldonnews@sac.edu Sports Editors Allison Lujan Hugo Pacheco eldonsports@sac.edu Views Editor Amy Ellison eldonviews@sac.edu Photo Editor Blanca Valdivia

amy ellison elDon Business and Advertising Manager Allene Symons eldonbusiness@sac.edu Adviser C. W. Little Jr. little_charles@sac.edu MAILBOX POLICY El Don encourages the expression of all views. Letters should be concise, signed, include a contact phone number and may be e-mailed to the appropriate editor, or mailed to SAC el Don, 17th at Bristol St., Santa Ana, CA 92706. Letters may be edited for length and clarity. Unsigned editorials are the opinion of the editorial board and do not necessarily reflect the views of Santa Ana College. Opinions with a byline are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of el Don or SAC. El Don reserves the right to refuse advertising and does not necessarily subscribe to the views of the advertisers. For advertising rates and information contact Allene Symons (714)564-5617. Fax (714)564-0821. e-mail eldonbusiness@sac.edu


Crossing the line

Alcoholism plagues many people, and hurts more than just the one drinking. There’s nothing wrong with having a few drinks now and then, but if you know you have a problem — get help

A lot of people agree — drinking is fun. You like to unwind with your friends, knock back a couple of Heinekens and get goofy. That’s all right. Everyone is allowed to indulge. Just because you’re in your 20s doesn’t mean you have to get wasted every night. Despite what you have seen in movies and on television, college isn’t a constant happy hour. Because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. Young adults overestimate the drinking habits of people around them. You see the cast of Jersey Shore partying it up at the club, plastic cups in hand. You see people on The Real World, constantly drunk and causing a ruckus. Yes, these people are getting drunk every night, starting fights and crying off their mascara, but is that really the life you want for yourself? You may think you’re fine now, but as humans we are creatures of habit. You fall into a rhythm and you’re stuck with it. That’s where addiction sets in. You become addicted to the lifestyle of constant hangovers and liver damage. Maybe you feel like you have to keep up with friends who like to drink more than you, or they have a higher tolerance for alcohol. We’ve all been there; people are asking why you aren’t drinking more and encouraging you to drink up. Just because you’re there with them doesn’t make you feel obligated to match your fellow party animals drink for drink. Have fun on your own terms. Booze is more often a recipe for disaster than it is a recipe for an all-night party. Nobody likes waking up the morning after a bender with only text messages sent in a drunken stupor to remind them of how wild they got the night before. Alcohol lowers your inhibitions. This increases your likelihood of going home with some less than savory character or even ending up with a tattoo you swore looked awesome when you were seeing double the night before. You have to explain these things to your kids eventually. Have fun explaining that dragon tattoo on your lower back. The fact of the matter is that alcohol abuse destroys lives. Don’t become that old drunk who’s at the bar from 6 a.m. until closing time, knocking back screwdrivers and talking about how he’s been boozing since he was in college. That’s when the problem starts. If you think you have a problem, get help. Yes, it really is that simple. We have psychologists on campus that can help you on your own terms or they can help you find other resources. If you’re embarrassed to admit it, you shouldn’t be. You should be proud that you’ve made the adult decision to seek help. The real embarrassment is admitting you’ve thrown your entire life down the drain because of your love of Captain Morgan.




Shawn ThewMCT

President Barack Obama discussed the pros and cons of his plan at last month’s bipartisan Health Care Summit at the Blair House in Washington, D.C.

Party lines and REPUBLICANS are upset over the DEMOCRATS unwillingness

to embrace their ideology Opinion By Amy Ellison el Don Views Editor Health has no party, nor does it have an agenda. Chuck KennedyMCT The politics of today have strayed from Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, the will of the people, and moved more D-Calif., and Senate Majority Leader towards party battles and ideology. In Harry Reid, D-Nev. the matter of health care, this is nothing more than a fight for who will go down in the history books. President Obama invited Republicans to a Health Care Summit to negotiate a bipartisan bill on health care reform. The GOP accepted the invitation, and immediately began drafting a proposal that they believe represents the wants and needs of the American people with an affordable price tag. I watched the entire six hours of the Health Care Summit on CSPAN, and was sorely disappointed with the way this “bipartisan” meeting went. Republicans came to the table with official budget reports, national polls, and a fiscally responsible health reform proposal. Chuck KennedyMCT Democrats came with sob stories, low House Minority Leader John Boehblows, and no willingness to budge on ner, R- Ohio, calls Summit a charade. their previously proposed health care

GREED reform bill. They made no revisions, and showed up with the same bill that polls show the American people reject. The GOP suggested a fresh start on reforms, and requested the Pelosi bill be thrown out and start from scratch with suggestions from both parties. Instead, Obama accepted only four of the GOP ideas, and the Democrats are planning a reconciliation which would allow them to pass a bill with a simple majority and maneuver around a Republican filibuster. The problem with health care in this country is not that it is unobtainable; it is that it is too expensive. Work out a deal with insurance companies, lower premiums, mandate insurance for those with pre-existing conditions, offer tax cuts to companies who provide coverage to employees, offer affordable health care policies for the unemployed, and lower the deficit at the same time. Problem solved. The GOP plan addresses all of these issues. I agree that we need to find a solution for problems with big insurance companies, but digging our economy into a bigger hole is not the way to do it. Under

the Pelosi bill, taxes will be raised immediately on all Americans—regardless of income—to the tune of $753 billion, and reforms will be delayed by several years. Also, the bill fails to include $210 billion in upcoming Medicare payments to retiring baby boomers in the budget. Passage of the bill will add a 10-13 percent hike in premiums, a tax increase, and cuts to Medicare that will cost trillions and add to the national deficit. Not only that, but our government has proved to be unreliable when it comes to sustaining government funded programs. Just look at our postal system. The Postmaster General recently released a statement saying the post office will no longer deliver mail on Saturdays because they can’t afford it. They are rationing mail service; you don’t think they will ration health care? The Democrats will stop at nothing to pass a bill, no matter what its contents are, whether it is fiscally responsible, or if it is good for the people. They want it and they want it bad. Greed has taken over our health. This won’t change until our representatives put the people before their ideology.




SPORTSLINE People & events

Second baseman Brett Tanos added two hits, one run and an RBI in the Don’s losing effort.

Korzelius named to All-OEC team Women’s basketball forward Jessika Korzelius and center Andrea Hernandez both received All-Orange Empire Conference honors. Korzelius was named First-Team AllOrange Empire Conference. This is her second year being elected to Korzelius an OEC team as she was chosen to the Second-Team as a freshman. Korzelius led the team, averaging 14.5 points and 2.7 rebounds in conference play. Korzelius was also dubbed 2009-10 Santa Ana College Female Scholar Athlete of the Year. Hernandez was named Second-Team All-Orange Empire Conference. This season, Hernandez averaged 12.5 points and 5.5 rebounds in 11 college conference games. The Dons ended their season Feb. 19 with a record of 6-20 overall and 0-12 in the OEC. –Daniel Lujan


Costly errors doom Dons

Five unearned runs are too much to overcome in an 11-9 loss to Santa Barbara Story by Jermaine Ruvalcaba Photos by Blanca Valdivia

Fonseca places first in track Freshman Reyna Fonseca was the lone first-place finisher for the Women’s Track & Field team, winning both the 800 and 1500 meter runs in the Feb. 26 meet against visiting Fullerton College and Golden West Fonseca College. Fellow freshman Cortnee Kleidon led the Dons, placing in five events. She finished second in the high jump, fourth in the shot put, fifth in the javelin throw and sixth in both the discus and hammer throws. Sophomore Maria Ramirez also had a strong day, placing second in the 1300 meter and third in the 1500. Despite their efforts, the Dons’ women lost the dual meet. They were defeated by the Fullerton Hornets 107-32. Golden West also defeated Santa Ana 71-41. The loss drops the Dons’ record to 1-3 for the season. Next, the team heads to Orange Coast College for a dual meet against OCC and Saddleback College. –Hugo Pacheco

Pitcher R.J. Hively was pulled in the fifth inning after allowing seven runs.

Center fielder Gary Apelian led the Dons with four RBIs, adding to his teamleading total of 13.

Dons’ freshman pitcher Sean Slettvet entered the game in the eighth inning with Santa Ana up by one run. After drawing two walks and capitalizing on two Dons’ errors, Santa Barbara took the lead. The Vaqueros held on for the 11-9 win, handing Santa Ana its second consecutive loss on Feb. 26. Slettvet walked Santa Barbara’s Zach Pecyna to lead off the inning. Pecyna reached third on Slettvet’s throwing error during the following at-bat, and then scored on Danny Cavaletto’s sacrifice bunt to tie the game 9-9. A second walk and another fielding error later, two more unearned runs crossed the plate. Although Slettvet didn’t allow any hits, the Vaqueros did enough to capitalize on the young pitcher’s mistakes to go on top. “Disappointed, just completely disappointed that we didn’t do very well,” said Head Coach Don Sneddon. “We got nine runs. That should be enough to win.” Coming from behind became a theme for Santa Ana. The Dons found themselves down early when starting pitcher R.J. Hively gave up three

runs in the first inning. Through five innings, Hively allowed four more runs, putting the Dons in a 7-5 hole. Hively was pulled after allowing five earned runs, seven overall. “R.J. didn’t pitch well today, but he is a good pitcher,” Sneddon said. Santa Ana was able to cobble together some runs thanks to center fielder Gary Apelian’s three-run double in the second inning. The six-foot-four Apelian drove in four runs to give him a team high 13 RBIs. In the sixth inning, catcher Danny Recio’s single through the right side drove in two runs to put the Dons ahead, 9-7. After Slettvet’s bad outing, Santa Ana’s offense sputtered in the final three innings, managing a walk but no hits. The Dons are averaging 8.57 runs per game but have committed a total of 23 errors in seven games this season. In the end, three key errors and five unearned runs gave the Vaqueros their sixth win this season. “I think we got a little too confident. These last two games brought us to reality,” Recio said. The Dons visit Golden West College tomorrow.




Surging Owls end men’s post season Dons get their first playoff win in three years before losing to Citrus College in the second round.

The Dons took a 17-point lead late in the game and overcame a 16-3 rally from the Beavers. Woods Santa Ana’s season came to an end scored a team high of 21 points and in a second round playoff game at 11 rebounds. No. 2-ranked Citrus College. Victory “I knew we could get them. To tell seemed within grasp earlier, but the you the truth, I was pretty confident Dons fell 81-65 in the Feb. 27 game. going out there,” Breig said. The Dons jumped out to a quick Three years marks the last time the 11-1 lead but Citrus gained control Dons won a playoff game. late in the first half, closing with “Good season, you know,” said an 18-6 run. The Owls opened the Breig. “Basically our main goal was second half with a 10-2 run, putting get into the playoffs from day one.” the game out of reach for Santa Ana. Playoff hope was gone after a 1-8 All-Orange Empire Conference OEC start. Unexpectedly, the Dons Honorable Mention forward went on a three-game win streak, Thurman Woods was among three including a buzzer-beating win over Dons players to foul out in the game. the fifth-ranked team in the state, “Foul trouble hurt us. Thurman Saddleback College. got in foul trouble, he fouled out I Both Wright and Woods played believe early in the second. He only injured, keeping the Dons from played 12 minutes,” Head Coach getting a sense of team chemistry. David Breig said. “Wendall got a little bit healthier, Woods, Santa Ana’s leading Thurman got healthier, so you know rebounder, is a key player who must they started playing better. They be on the court, Breig said. knew they had to win those last Six-foot-six forward Wendall three games to get in,” Breig said. Wright, who earned First Team AllThe loss to Citrus wraps up the OEC honors, scored 21 points in the season with a 13-15 record for losing effort. Wright was the team’s Santa Ana. The Dons have not had a overall leading scorer, ranking him winning season since ’07. fourth in the conference. Santa Ana also saw the lowest team After finishing OEC play at scoring performance since the ’05 4-8, Santa Ana qualified for the season with an average of 65.9 points California Community College per game. Basketball Playoffs as the No. 18 seed. “The Season went the way we In the first-round game, the Dons wanted; of course, we wanted a few played at No. 15-ranked L.A. Trade more wins. We reached our goal of Tech College winning 63-57. making the playoffs,” Breig said.

By Hugo Pacheco el Don Sports Editor


Six-foot-six forward Wendall Wright (23) led in minutes played, scoring and assists. He was named First-Team All-Orange Empire Conference.

65.9 70.1 1,852 1,971 24

Season Stats Average points per game scored this season

Points per game allowed by the Dons defense

Points scored in 28 games by the Dons

Points scored in 28 Percent of team’s points games by opponents scored by Wright

Dons capitalize on Hawks’ errors Strong play on both sides of the plate leads Santa Ana to a 10-3 win over Santiago Canyon College

DAVID Deridder el Don

Pinch runner Marissa Diaz scored an unearned run in the fifth.

Santa Ana worked to extend their lead to 9-3 in the fifth inning, taking advantage of two errors from Hawks’ third baseman Chelsea Navarette. Santa Ana scored their final run in the sixth inning when right fielder Nicole Mendoza hit a By Allison Lujan double then scored on a single by catcher Sarah el Don Sports Editor Singh. Mendoza and Singh led the Dons with two hits each. For the first time since April 2008, the Dons Dons’ first-year Head Coach Jessica Rapoza has softball team defeated district rival Santiago Cannow been on the winning team for three seasons, yon College 10-3 in a game marred by multiple previously as an assistant coach at SCC. Even errors on Feb. 24. though her time there was so recent, Rapoza Santa Ana totaled six hits and capitalized on six didn’t let her history faze her. errors by Hawks’ defense. “All week I focused on just my team,” said RapoDons’ center fielder Nicole Warnick reached za. “I didn’t want to get side tracked thinking base and scored on errors from Hawks shortstop about other things that take away from our game.” Courtney Aden and pitcher Kayla Nash. The The two teams will face each other again on Dons then scored four runs in the second inning March 19 and April 14. Santa Ana improved to a on two hit batters, two errors and a single from record of 7-7-1 overall and 2-3 in the Orange Emdesignated hitter Melba Valencia. pire Conference. With a win against their rivals, But the Dons ran into some problems of their Rapoza was confident in her team’s ability to keep own in the top of the fourth inning, committing the momentum going. three errors and allowing three runs to score. “We’re figuring out our strengths,” said Rapoza. “Errors are always going to happen. It’s how “We have 18 competitors on this team who can your team picks you up after that matters,” third come off the bench at any time and play hard.” baseman Taylor Martin said. Their next game is Wednesday against Golden Katlyn Harp and the rest of the Santa Ana West College. The Dons are 1-0 versus the Rusdefense held SCC at three runs, retiring all the tlers this season. batters in the last three innings.

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