Rinkl Magazine

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R i nk l



Contributors Lauren Tate

Sacha Eckersley


Production and Digital Editor

As editor-in-chief at Rinkl I am keen to make sure all content of the magazine is relevant, in terms of acknowledging what you, as our valued consumer, wants to see and read. My creativity and persistence to continuously evolve a piece of work has assisted in both the layout and content. I am happy to praise, develop and reject any ideas that the team brings to the table in order to provide you with only the best. Attention to detail in all aspects of the magazine, as well as research behind it, is something I am very particular with within my own and others’ contribution.

At Rinkl I utilize my photography and Photoshop skills as they play a vital part in the creation of our magazine. My role as Production and Digital Editor illustrates that I hold a varied set of skills which are vital to, not only ours, but any publication. I work closely alongside our Art & Design Director, Emily Nicholson, where we share our abilities in graphic-design to execute creative ideas in practical form. I am the voice of reason when it comes to managing the production of layouts and artwork, before being passed on to our Editor to finalise - I hope you enjoy!

Emily Nicholson

Jade Lisle

Art and Design Director

Fashion Specialist

Having always been very creative, my role at Rinkl magazine is to prepare layouts as well as researching the latest in artistic, interior and fashion affairs. My close relationship with colour and composition has enabled me to create a basis of an identifiable style but one that also relates to each individual article. Myself and Sacha Eckersley work closely, finding the balance between content and design and ultimately a style that is unique, just like the Rinkl reader.

My role as Fashion Specialist for Rinkl is a challenging, ambitious and just as much exciting as a job role could possibly be. I excell in creative thinking, to outfit building, to visualising imagery of photoshoots. A keen eye of fashion is essential. Being able to tell which outfit works, or doesn’t quite fit the criteria; or the outfit doesn’t quite suit the model, a fashion specialist must know how to manage difficult situations of such kind. Producing alternate outcomes is key.


the line Issue 1

the line 11 18 31 39 40 44 53 64 71 74 81 86 90 92 103 111 122 130


Editor’s Letter Inspirational People Yes, it’s real... The Bookshelf Melanie Porter Going Places: Croatia Behind Closed Doors Bywarner Taste of Runway J Karen Walker Sloe Down The Morrocan Medina The Sophisticate UFO Lighting Couples that style together Baking What Once Was

Issue 01 Autumn 13 | 14


REditor’s i nLetter kl Ageing is not something we can escape from – yes, we can try to prolong it with products and practice but the process is ultimately inevitable. One question, why should it be a bad thing? As I’m sure you know, in life, we are restricted to certain things because of how old we are, which is quite a shame if I do say so myself. Our motto here at Rinkl is it’s never too late; unless it is for that certain something you were supposed to be at ten minutes ago, then, ok, it’s too late. Welcome to a pass time that will empower you to let your voice be heard and ensure that it is more than ok to push boundaries of society’s expectations. What we want here is for you to simply be you. In your first ever issue of Rinkl, I am confident you will find inspiration in every page from ‘Behind Closed Doors’ where Sacha Eckersley explores the lives of John and Lillian Cowen’s 1960’s love affair (page 53), the interior update which Emily Nicholson has proved why new and upcoming interior designer Jess Thompson has already made her mark (page 90) to ‘The Art of Ageing’ in which Jade Lisle gets a close insight into people’s perception of growing older. While we work hard to refine your next Rinkl, we hope you enjoy spending time reading, and perhaps re-reading, the variety of articles that our fabulous team has produced.

Enjoy your very first Rinkl Until next time

Lauren Tate | Editor in Chief



‘Behind every line is a Rinkl’


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Zip Pouch By Proenza Schouler £315


For tea that needs a home.



Lauren Tate Sacha Eckersley


With great influence brings great power and high status. We bring you four extraordinary women who have well and truly made their mark on the Fashion industry.


iris Iris Apfel

With parents who owned a glass and mirror business and fashion boutique, the only child clearly inherited a sense of creativity from a young age, allowing her to flourish into the iconic style maverick that she is today. Despite how plain sailing her life may seem, before the launch of textile firm Old World Weavers with her husband Carl, Iris worked for trade journal WWD, designer Elinor Johnson and assisted illustrator Robert Goodman. Although her style reflects a ferocity that is almost unimaginable, she remains a grounded woman; even after finding herself with a celebrity status at the humble age of 83, 13 years into her retirement (which, by the way, she happens to think of as deadly). So what is it that sets Iris above anyone else of her generation; or any generation for that matter? She dresses for no one but herself. She is fearless. She pushes boundaries. She shocks. All of which, in a way that is unintentional but still more than admired. The petite silver-haired fashion star demonstrates an effortless style wearing brands from completely disparate roots. She gets a thrill from the hunt of finding a new item to add to her over-imploding wardrobe. You would think a woman of such superiority in the fashion world would have never had to looked to others for inspiration but in fact, Apfel was in admiration of iconic writer and fashion designer Pauline de Rothschild and 1920’s debutante, socialite and art collector Millicent Rogers. These ladies, who she has grown up in awe of, most definitely do not compare to her view on how todays current admired Hollywood actresses dress, ‘They’re styled by people who should go into rehab.’



Word to the wise: it’s never too late. And so Iris Apfel proves to the world. Nonagenarian and muse of New York City, Apfel is a liberating force within the Fashion industry, inspiring women all over the globe.

A vision of beauty always in those thick circular black or red glasses and draped in clothes that can only be described as a formidable form of expression, the business woman, interior designer and understatedly fashion icon now consults lectures about style and other fashion topics at various universities across America. It is hardly surprising that in 2005, the New York MET Museum held an exhibition entitled ‘Rava Avis’, meaning Rare Bird, to showcase an insight into her sensational wardrobe including a variety of pieces from top Paris and New York designers.

R e f | h t t p : / / w w w. l u u k m a g a z i n e . c o m / i t / i r i s - a p f e l - d e b u t t a - s u - y o o x / i r i s - a p f e l /

Apfel’s appeal doesn’t just stem from the visionary that she portrays but also from the idea that it is all put together without the care of reluctancy of fitting in. ‘I think whimsy and fancy are so wonderful. Everything is so grey outside so you might as well have a little fun with what you can.’


R e f | h t t p : / / w w w. h u f f i n g t o n p o s t . c o m / m i n h h a - t - p h a m / s u z y - m e n ke s - f a s h i o n - a n t i - i n t e l l e c t u a l i s m _ b _ 2 1 9 2 8 6 6 . h t m l


Suzy Suzy Menkes

An existence of high reputation in the world of Fashion, journalist and fashion critic Suzy Menkes certainly proves her worth for being honoured with a British OBE. Despite not following her intended route in the industry after studying dressmaking at Esmond in one of the four Fashion capitals, Paris, we have not been left in disappointment. Instead we have been graced with words of interest through her successful 25-year journalism career as editor for the International Herald Tribune. Although in her earlier days Menkes made a habit of sneaking into fashion shows, she now holds an indefinite seat at most major shows, where she never fails to exhibit her signature pompadour hairstyle by sweeping her hair upwards, wearing it high over her forehead. Now envisioned as a fashion statement, the reasoning behind her trademark look is simply because she “hated her hair all in her face when she was writing a story.” In the late 1960’s, Menkes’ imaginative ideas led her inside a fashion show where Karl Lagerfeld showcased an unmissable collection for Chloe. Both dressed incognito as cleaners, she and a friend managed to quite easily swan into the private venue, hiding under the stage until the show began. A criminal but admirable trait that proves that she was quite clearly destined for success. She was, quite shockingly however, once refused an invite to a fashion show as a result of a review that she had written on a previous collection which left the designer a little less than displeased. Suzy Menkes is a unique talent and is more than just a name in a long list of journalists. In the entirety of this world, it is very seldom you would find someone that would refuse anything that would be given to them for free, no matter if it carried a designer label or not. This is yet another quality that sets her apart from the rest; she refuses to accept any designer gifting or to even ‘get too cosy’ with designers - a reputable example of the idea that you should never mix business with pleasure. If you hadn’t noticed by now, Suzy Menkes’ outlook on life is very fanciful. Believing you can gain knowledge of a city’s culture through the interpretation of a taxi driver isn’t something you would expect to learn from the ordinary person. “In London, cabbies care about sport, in New York cabbies care how far you’re going, and in Paris they ask you how John Galliano’s doing at Dior.” She is one of few who was head-hunted at a young age by fashion queen Anna Wintour’s father, Charles, to express her views on fashion in the London Evening Standard - a decision that was not favoured at the time by other journalists. Suzy Menkes is one of a kind, a dying breed some may say; it’s rather hard to imagine there will be another being to make such an impact in the fashion or journalism world with such influential views in generations to come.


Ilona Ilona Royce Smithkin

A renaissance; Ilona is a carefree, and high spirited ninety-three year old women with two inch red eyelashes, which she makes herself, the hue of sunset gold.There’s a moment of pause when she walks in to a room, heads turn. She lifts the spirits of everyone around her. An artist, a teacher, a style icon. For some, getting old is a daunting and horrifying fear, for Ilona, it’s an adventure. Growing in to her love for life, Ilona has lived the world over. From Poland to Berlin to finally emigrating to New York she has inspired generations with her warm personality, joie de vivre - an exultation of spirit and sapience inherited from living her life as a work of art.She began a painter, painting a cover for Bobby Short’s album and portraits of Ayn Rand. She believes something good always comes from something bad and uses this in her paintings to create the most perfect picture. Although her paintings were never the force that made her the iconic woman she is today, her creativity and passion did.

“I’m well aware that I’m here for a very limited time. Since I’ve discovered who I am and that I have something to give, perhaps somebody else can benefit from what I have learned.” Her love of colour and creating is nothing but an envy. Whether it’s an umbrella she’s turned into a scarf, or a scarf made into a gown, Ilona will inspire. The amazing thing about Smithkin is that she has so much fun putting everything together, even if it is the most ridiculous of combinations. She enlightens herself above others, an artist that sees each bizarre outfit as a collection of paint on a palette. “Fashion is about being crazy and bold. There is no right or wrong, the more crazy it is, the better” Her monumental background of careers and free willed outlook on life sits her on a pedestal. Taking each opportunity that crosses her path, makes her the woman she is today.




‘Everyday something unexpected happens to our bodies. I fight everyday to get up and out of bed. When I feel a pain somewhere I tell my body, “I’m so nice to you, what do you want from me?” And I tell myself a little story or joke and remind myself of the times when I was in worse pain. ’

Jacquie Jacquie Tajah Murdock The devoted Jacquie Tajah Murdock evokes ‘dancing through life’ with a spring in her step and an opulence of intuition. In a warm, edifying look in to her world, we lust after her enlightened persona and devotion to life. It can take anything from up to three minutes to three seconds to judge someone new. A wrinkle, a smile, their clothing or colour of hair is all perused in a moment – willingly or not. Tracing the footsteps back through Jacquie Murdock’s years, rustling through her admirable archive of life, its distinct her ambitions will forever nurture. Few people can claim a life more exciting than Jacquie, she has an unlocked treasure chest of achievement and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down, even at the elusive age of 82. With her exceptional fashion pedigree it’s a wonder how Jacquie hasn’t always been a part of the fashion world. Looking at her now, noticeably her poise and elegance shines, captures and cultivates in any image you may see and her presence is mercurial. Although not by choice, she spent her younger year’s only yearning at the idea of becoming a model. Being the china doll that walked the couture shows in Paris, Elizabeth Arden, Charles James… Head held high, back stiff straight wearing the highest of heels, having everyone who meant something in industry watch her float down the catwalk. A dream she had on her fingertips, but couldn’t pursue. “From a very young age, I wanted to model [and] to go to Paris. The opportunity was not there at my time for women of colour. I’ve always loved style and fashion” She turned to dance. It’s astonishing that this woman before us has already done so much in her lifetime yet still carries on. At the innocent age of 17 Jacquie began her stage career in a troupe called Norma Miller’s Jazz Dancers, and has been dancing ever since. Her most vivid memories of these times ‘Dancing with some of the greats and being photographed in gowns of all fabrics, shades and hemlines’. By her own admission, not only had she earned her rights on the stage, but has completed 3 degrees, including a masters at NYU. Jacquie accentuates education, it being a big part of staying true to yourself and your style as you mature, and now lectures and performs at the Jazz Museum in Harlem. “It’s all about how you carry yourself. I love being active and I think that’s what keeps you young. Style, it’s the way you present yourself. Some women are afraid to tell their age, but I’ll tell you now, I’m 80 years old” Her opportunity. With years of lustering to become a model behind her, her angel in the form of Ari Seth Cohen helped make those dream become a reality. Ari Seth Cohen in 2012 spotted Jacquie in her neighbourhood and requested a picture for his blog Advanced Style. His blog is for older men and women with eminent person style, so naturally, Jacquie fit perfectly. There’s more to Jacquie than meets the eye, and Cohen saw that. Helping Lanvin cast its A/W campaign he called to ask Jacquie if she would be interested. Immanent thoughts of being that china doll and there was no looking back. Meeting with Alber Elbaz and famed photographer Steven Meisel, Jacquie’s statuesque posture timeless elegance and smouldering features must have excelled. Meet Lanvin’s unlikely new face.



Ref | http://perfecte.md/article/fashion/are-82-de-ani-arata-incredibil-si-face-concurenta-tinerelor-modele-in-noua-campanie-lanvin-foto.html

‘Some women are afraid to tell

their age, but I’ll tell you now, I’m 80 years old’

double page ad

Yes, it’s real no, you can’t touch it 31

This page and previous page: Simon wears Vivienne Westwood suit, Jacket, £860, Trousers, £690, Vivienne Westwood Shirt, £125, Paul Smith tie, £85, Carrera Sunglasses, £110



Simon wears clothes as before

Simon wears Leather Jacket, Simons own, Trousers, as before, Levi’s Denim Shirt, £75, Scotweb Scarf, £59, Dolce & Gobanna Belt, £205


Simon wears Shirt as before


Simon wears clothes as before



Simon wears Shirt as before

Bookshelf The Perfume Collector Lauren Tate Newly-weds should be prepared for any adjustments in their lives, however, for Grace Munroe, one unexpected letter proves she was not prepared for anything. To Munroe, the name Mrs Eva D’Orsey means nothing. Until the morning of the arrival of that letter; that letter that states she has been named as the chief beneficiary in the will of the now deceased Mrs D’Orsey. The now deceased Mrs D’Orsey whom she has never heard of or had contact with before. Overcome with astonishment and curiosity, Munroe begins her search through the streets of Paris into a world of scent to the Left Bank where an abandoned perfume shop provides an explanation, that will pull at your heart strings, as to why she has inherited so much from her mysterious benefactor. The words of bestselling author of ‘Elegance’ and ‘The Debutante’, ‘The Perfume Collector’ should



be a permanent fixture on your very own bookshelf. You can thank me once you’ve read it.


Melanie Po r t e r We discover a new element to interior design and accessorising through the handcrafted innovations of Melanie Porter.

By Emily Nicholson


Knitting and crocheting expert Melanie Porter has recently redirected her focus on to interiors. After ten years of working as head knitwear designer for many fashion brands, Melanie has not only built an empire of bespoke knitted upholstery but has established a trend for the new cosy, British sitting room. With knitting needles as big as cricket bats, Porter has discovered a way to knit thick woollen yarn for the chunkiest knitted pillow sleeves, lamp shades or seat covers you ever saw. She has adapted to a new style of knitting, weaving the needles in and under her armpits whilst sat crossed legged, for a type of knitting that is perfect for decorative accessories of the home. What began with experimentation and a personal revamp of her own furniture has soon become desirable to the public and a dream has been fulfilled. Knitting for a living. Porter was originally renovating junk, antique or discarded furniture frames, each item a bespoke piece with innovative colour, pattern and style. Whilst Porter still makes one offs, she has now been successful enough to develop a commercial collection of knitted and crocheted covers and hoods for any type of furniture for the home. Each handmade, Porter offers a decorative element that has never been accessible before. We habitually buy items for the home with a uniformed look, each slightly differing but with the same style for particular rooms. Porter disregards this and with her decorative cosies, features of the home can be renewed instantaneously but removed just as easily.


Although very tiny, these details add a subtle burst of colour and texture to a blank canvas. Wooden surfaces are plain enough to allow these accessories to be the focal point of a room, meaning a new minimal type of interior design is emerging. Instead of pattern dictating from the walls, the room is juxtaposed with Melanie Porter’s upholstery; a bright, textural focal point. Again this is an approach to interior design that defines the modern home. Once more Melanie Porter has brought out a range of printed knit wallpaper, again a textural approach to design, which focuses on elements other than colour and pattern to find a balance between modern and cosy. Melanie Porter continues to excel with these creative designs and just as Chesterfields, tartans and floral chintz have traditional connotations, I hope Porter redefines the British style. She has set the standard, which big markets such as Habitat, Marks & Spencer and John Lewis have all identified, with Autumn/Winter collections comprising of these knitted favourites. But her originality will never elapse, her bespoke services define her as a craftswoman but once more, as a British craftswoman.


The Art of Ageing By Jade Lisle

No matter what your age, size or shape, surgery is unfortunately an option.

Is plastic surgery the way forward? Tracey Ingleson, aged 45 instantly replies with a “yes”. Ingelson underwent a traumatic surgery which, tragically ended up in having a “tummy tuck” procedure. Fifteen years ago to date, medical reasons were the main aspect of this surgery. After having two children around that time in her life, Ingelson felt insecure, depressed and unpleasant about her “roll of flab” as being horribly described. This procedure when completed made this woman feel more womanly and feminine again. Although this was for medical reasons only on the behalf of her children, when her birth was horrific, Ingelson states she would have had the procedure regardless. It made her feel worthless and upset constantly.

Some people don’t want to age, which is understandable, some people don’t enjoy their stomach or their nose, you name it, and there is always one thing on a person they hate about their self. Have you got the power to do it? Is it something you have ever considered? Moreen Mcduffas, 80, of Castleford states she has never once considered plastic surgery. She believes everyone is beautiful in their own way, so shouldn’t spend money on changing that. You should feel good in the skin you’re given. Although she is certain of her beliefs, MCduffas argues that if she wasn’t happy with how she looked, she would then consider plastic surgery, “just a gentle face lift to get rid of my wrinkles”. “I am proud of my age and I am proud of my wrinkles, they are beautiful because it shows I have lived my life”.

The media outlook today is immense and crazy towards many different attitudes on the different procedures undergoing. Plastic surgery has become more popular, it is more “trendy” with the likes of celebrities in the public eye having it. Many other high fashion individuals have had no issue going under the knife, such as fashion expert, Joan Rivers. Rivers cannot keep that secret quiet. There are so many for and against reasons why people should and shouldn’t have plastic surgery. But why, it’s a matter of choice.

Men and women argue that they will consider plastic surgery if they feel the need, if they felt any kind of depression from the way they look when they look in the mirror. Statements of such kind are unnecessary, feeling good in your own skin, no matter what the age, shape or size is the most challenging, but essential to feeling you, feeling good. In many cases these surgeries do go terribly wrong and are horrific, although on the other hand, if it would make you feel better about yourself, shouldn’t that be up to you? It should be your own strength to take on that decision. Growing old is beautiful, the way you look at any age is always beautiful. You should be proud of your bodies. Sadly, in today’s society, a large percentage of the population does not agree. Do you?

Do you think it is right? There are a ridiculous amount of risks on all these types of optional surgeries and on the ones which aren’t optional. In which cases makes people happier in themselves. The main aspects of consideration of these surgeries are the fact of the inner depth of beauty. Not enjoying what is on the outside. Everyone should though, right?



Going Places

Croatia Rovinj By Emily Nicholson

Photography by Keri McKinley


Sea Have you ever seen a pastel sky? I have. Past eight in the evening, the Istrian sea and sky marbles together for a wishy washy skyline with delicate pulses of colour. Light streams through the clouds, silhouetting the island city of Rovinj. A gulf of the Istrian sea, the skyline consists of poetic, smoky streaks, a sight that often goes unnoticed by the fishermen of this small town. A constantly changing picture, the sky imitates the sea; an animation for the city of Rovinj, an everlasting memory of Croatia. Then the storm comes. Tranquility disturbed. Cracked by lightening but equally as beautiful. Boats jolt, the harbour rocks and the rain pelts but still, the fishermen are undeterred; for them this is weather. For me this is Croatia.



Town The smooth cobbles in the streets are also unaffected by the storm. The narrow passages become a mazed stream, water effortlessly running through the town but in the morning, it’s gone. The old lady is sat outside her house again. Watching. All that remains of the storm is the atmosphere, airing the freshly hung washing upon highly strung lines. Front doors are bold with colour although rusticated upon old wood and all that can be heard is the hourly chime of the bell tower, the distant buzz of a moped, the bartering of the market. A dog plods on past; he looks as old as the town. He knows this town. Carefree and content, he does his daily circuit and as a reward basks in the shade of the leering walls. The Town.


Behind Closed

Doors By Sacha Eckersley Stylists|Lauren Tate|Sacha Eckersley|Emily Nicholson Photography|Sacha Eckersley|Emily Nicholson Models|John Cowen|Lillian Cowen


Lillian wears Zara Top, ÂŁ39.99, Puteri Cahaya, price on request, Earrings, Lillians own


John & Lillian No. 2 Maes Teg No one knows what happens behind closed doors, we can only ever interpret what people of the circumstance have told us. The story remains elusive, rumours have been poured into the vacuum; a fairytale fuelled by a daughter’s outlook on what truly went on. An affair. For many years, the facts were murky but the point of agreement from both John and his daughter has allowed us to piece the story together. Fortyseven years ago in the small town of Flint, located on the North side of Wales and shrouded by the green mountains, was the setting for one of the villages most scandalous and public affairs. Ignited by the thought of being in love with the future, we tell John’s story. His name is John; born in Bebington, esteemed River Pilot of the Mersey. Married to Lillian who was born in Babell, North Wales. John met Lillian shortly after the move with his family on 30th September 1966; she was his local milk lady, and his wife’s best friend. One day in the winter, when the snow was deep on the ground, Lillian was unable to get down the steep hill to the small village where John and his family lived, to bring the milk. John managed to get up the hill in his pickup to meet her. At this point John didn’t really know much about Lillian, all he knew was that she enjoyed spending time at their house making Victoria sponge and plum jam with his wife. He’d never really been around to get to know her until now, whenever she was in his home John would always be out in the garden, trimming back the hedges or exploring with his children. John’s always been an outdoorsman. After helping Lillian with her milk this one day, he got to know her a little better and helping her became a regular thing. He used to go round the village in his pickup to collect all the empty milk bottles and take them back to her house. They became good friends who would just sit and chat for hours.

almost eight years before they built up the courage to leave. The day finally came, and they left. No goodbyes, no warning, just gone. Both families left with nothing but a scribbled note. John, the Knight in Shining Armour rescuing his Damsel in Distress rode off into the sunset in his motor caravan. Whilst John’s family stayed home and grieved the loss of a husband and a father he didn’t look back. He never thought of the consequences they’d left behind. John had a daughter, aged only 10 when he ran away. Left to look after and care for her younger brother, day in day out, who could do nothing but sit in a wheelchair, whilst her mother, his wife, turned into a sour bitter woman and would most definitely not accept help.

They settled in another village in North Wales,  Llanbedr, in the Vale of Clwyd. Only minutes away from his own family,  they started new jobs. Lillian bought a village Post Office and became the local postmistress and John remained as a river pilot on the Mersey. Before long, John started to repair his relationships with his children; they held a grudge against him leaving them but not over Lillian. Eventually, in 1989 John and Lillian did what they did best and went away. This time, they got married. They told no one; they were too afraid. Nineteenth December 1989 John and Lillian turned up on his daughter’s front doorstep. They told her they’d gotten married, her reply… Delighted!Since then John has made up for lost time. His daughter had two daughters of her own, and although she loves her kids with all her heart, she followed in her father’s footsteps and leaves for months at a time. It took only 3 months after her second child was born before she had her first breakdown and left her two girls with her dad and Lillian to look after. Speaking to John’s daughter we learn how she remembered her childhood; it’s like something you’d read in a book. To know it took up to until she was at least nineteen years old for anyone to notice the affair is startling. To further discover Their long chats about life lead them both to realise they just it was her boyfriend of the time, who detected it all, was weren’t happy in their marriages and they devised a even more astonishing. She’d thought of her father as silly plan to run away together – never thinking it would an idol. A respectable man with an honourable career, happen, nor realising the both of them were growing known UK-wide for his remarkable service to the navy. any sort of feelings towards each other. In those days John had a lot of whiskers on his face and likes to think;  that that was what attracted Lillian. John, John and Lillian are both retired now; Lillian is with his beard and whiskers was instantly attracted to very busy knitting and is also the Lady President Lillian’s outdoor glow, the complexion of an outdoor of their local Women’s Institute in Trefnant, North workingwoman. After a while they fell in love, wanting Wales, where they remain living, whilst John still nothing more than to finally run away together. They remains pottering in the garden, writing poetry and started saving up money, burying it in plastic bags in the tries to lead the respectable life of a country gentleman! greenhouse a place where no one would find it. It took



Lillian wears clothes as before, Jewellery, all Lillians own


Our Own Front Door I love you, it’s so plain to see, I feel safe and secure, when you are with me, How many years have come and gone, Since you came away, with me;, your John? It was March 1980 as I recall, When we went away, and stunned them all, A ‘Flash in the Pan’, that’s what folk thought, ‘Give them a week, it will come to nought!’ But little did they realize how much you meant to me, After all, what will be, will be, So here we are; 30 odd years on, Time has flown, where has it gone? I’ve had the happiest years of my life for sure, Since we started afresh through ‘Our Own Front Door’ At first it was hard, harder for you than me, When I had to leave you at home, and go to sea, But we are still together; I knew we’d pull through, Because of your love for me, and mine for you, So have a happy birthday Darling and many more, As we start our thirty first year, ‘Through Our Own Front Door!’



John wears Thomas Pink Shirt, £89, Paul Smith Trousers, £110,

Lillian wears Whistles Cashmere Sweater,



The New Neck Ref | http://beauty.popsugar.co.uk/Do-You-Worry-About-Your-Neck-Looking-Old-How-Look-Younger-2375817

By Emily Nicholson

They say hands are a woman’s downfall for her true age but it appears the neck is the new hands. The décolletage of a woman is inviting and sensual. A focal point. But it seems this image has some what become blurred. Many of us take a religious face care regime but we have forgotten about the neck and it’s giving the game away. Writer Nora Ephron once said ‘Our faces are lies and our necks are the truth’ . . . not for long Nora. The latest to hit the high-end beauty market is the neck cream. Surely a woman has enough lotions and potions? It appears not. Growing old gracefully is what we preach but is there any point of the daily routine of face, hand and night creams if the neck is overlooked? At Rinkl we can’t work out if these new creams are taking it just a bit too far but it appears the décolletage of the mature lady has officially become noticeably undesirable. Masks and evening creams have been created for softer, more rejuvenated results and the ‘feminine’ to be restored. The skin of the neck is much thinner than the face meaning it wilts and sags easier but these latest products promise to tighten and tone the skin for a more unsullied look. Most of these creams are preventatives so once the damage is done, there’s little that can be repaired. Sun exposure and smoking are the perfect combination for deep set lines and spotted skin but unlike face creams these new products aim to firm the area, overall replacing elasticity. If you want to invest (and I say invest wisely) in these neck creams, you could be paying up to £120 but there are ways to look after the neck as part of a daily routine. Keeping hydrated is a good tip to maintain a soft look and feel. Additionally, applying sunblock as part of a daily routine will also gradually help, but be sure not to mix with perfume. When a fragrance mixes with SPF, it can lead to purple spots on the neck, an obvious sign of sun damage. These creams may be another fad but if they aren’t, imagine the glow of our granddaughters in years to come. We dress as we feel but the outrageousness of these creams might mean that one day for some, we’ll skin the fit we’re in. Not fit the skin we’re in.


The Little Acorn Cup I found a tiny acorncup one day, what do you think, Instead of being greeny brown it was such a pretty pink. I thought I’d take it home with me and keep it for myself, but just as I was turning round, I spied a tiny elf. He poked about among the grass and looked in every place, all the time, tears rolled down, his darling little face. I’ve lost my hat he said, the sweetest ever seen, I dipped it in the sky, where crimson clouds had been, and just as I was flying home, the wind came swooping round, it blew my little hat off and rolled it to the ground. But then of course what could I do but give the tiny elf, the little acorncup, that I had found myself. He clapped it on his curly head, the grandest little chap, and flew straight up and kissed my nose. Now what do you think of that?






We catch up with byWarner and talk about her new brand and creative rise. By Sacha Eckersley

She prefers to wear white angora, cherry patents and chrome leather.

Imagine you were the kind of women in whose wardrobe hung only couture. From the beginning Warner had an unbeatable advantage, she didn’t so much grow in to fashion, but was rather born in to it. Her Grandfather was the founder of a fashion house in Paris and her mother was the owner of two luxury boutiques in London. Since the age of 5, Danielle had a fascination with scissors and sellotape. She would make paper dresses for her dolls using materials from newspapers to cloth rags, to old shoelaces her father would leave on the side when polishing his Churches. Anything she could get her hands on to cut up and create with, she’d take. She always had an infatuation with design. As she grew older she started to realise how lucky she was to have been born in to such a creative family, and with the help of her Grandfather and his successful Parisian brand, she was able to create her own lines and build her own byWarner empire.


byWarner Over the years byWarner has grown, both as a designer and within herself. She’s managed to notch up extremely impressive fashion credentials and is now known for her sophisticated, classic ideal for young adults. Her creations have walked the lines in Paris, Milan, New York and London but have always missed the scope to connect between luxury and lifestyle.For this Warners new collection she has been out regularly, scouting around London markets such as Portobello and Brick Lane, in order to bring street fashion influences back to her drawing board. Much like previous Saint Laurent designs byWarner is using the high street to influence her work rather than mainstream fashions reworking that set by her and other high-end exclusives. Steering away from her former ‘younger’ patrons, byWarner is now moving forward to create a new and extravagant diffusion line for the elder lady. Being a woman of past monochrome spectaculars she’s vamping up her once luxury blank canvas

“I take it for granted. Fashion is a good thing” by blending haute with street. Using her own mother as inspiration and as a partner for the fresh byWarner ‘eldrflower’ range, she has combined her recognised monochromes with colour pops of lemon, satin blue, pink grapefruit and seaweed greens, building the perfect statement range for her idea of ‘eldrflowers’, The diffusion line also fits a more reasonable price range to that of her couture collections. With her past pieces being ‘slightly’ pricey, it allows those with a lower price range to finally buy in to the brand.Although Danielle is only young herself she knows the woman she’s creating for. The structures, the lengths, the materials, the cotton blends, the buttons, every last detail, all thoroughly examined until impeccable. Her mother’s eye for perfection and understanding of age has helped built the most elegant, beautifully crafted but fanatical collection of lengthened sleeves, cashmere coats, and flattering shapes. Youthful but refined.


All clothes worn by Danielle available at ByWarner.co.uk

‘To evolve is to continue to breathe creatively’ Maison Martin Margiela

From the hills of Goiella, Tuscany

TheEst.Oil of Italy since 1807

Taste of Runway By Emily Nicholson

‘Taste of Runway is a sort of happiness, between an outfit and a recipe’

Taste of Runway is an Italian blog created by Anna Marconi and highlights the relationship between food and fashion. Images are taken straight off the runway and are transformed into its food twin. Fashion runway images are a basis for new inspirational dishes; colour is a main influence, building a dish that completely mirrors an outfit from the latest collections of high end designers. Taking images from the main fashion weeks, hundreds of designers have their collections reincarnated. With a colour focus, food is researched from a design perspective for new flavours, ingredients and composition for designer dishes that reflect the fashion imagery.


The website is compiled of daily posts of the most recent transformations, followed by latest articles and a spotlight section; an open archive of the best features. Each post consists of an analysis of the outfit and explains the relationship between fabrics, shapes and stand out features of the outfit, contrasted with each element of the dish. Additionally a brief recipe is included, mostly for two-four people which is available to download. Quick search tools allow the site visitor to search by a fashion or food focus. By filtering through Season, Recipes, Colour or Designer the site accustoms different audiences for a direct feature search, whether it’s food or fashion that is your main interest. A site that turns food into design, Anna Marconi successfully takes two types of creative for an amalgamation of new design concept and analysis. Two different interests, often shared by the same people have now got a new platform. The latest in fashion design feeds the innovation of modern food, something that won’t be found on the dusty cookbook shelves in your kitchen. These are the new recipes that are not only works of art but edible art that is easily achievable. The site is a variation to the traditional dishes handed down through our ancestors but a site like this sets the standard for a new accessible approach to cooking, an artisan style that perhaps will be the tradition in the future.


‘I am a part of my past, but I look to the future’

Issey Myake

Hide and Sleek

Transform yourself into Summer’s most sought after style goddess with this pair of statement shades. By Lauren Tate It’s a daunting task trying to find the perfect shaped sunglasses to fit your face, as well as having to match the same pair to the majority of your newly purchased summer wardrobe. Fear no more, ladies. These classic wayfarer shaped Tory Burch glasses created in complimenting brown and ivory neutral tones provide the answer to your prayers. The perfect accessory to complete any outfit. To add to the appeal, the shape has been designed to fit all face shapes; something we have all been anticipating, I know.Snap up these beauties before it’s too late and you’re already one less stress away from your Summer wardrobe. Not a bad start for December. Tory Burch, £125, Harrods.



Photography Chris Barcley


Judith wears Dolce & Gabbana Jacket, £385, Topshop Necklace, £22

By Jade Lisle

You always have that one; Sensational dream. Visualise having everything in life you’ve always wanted. Imagine having the world at your feet. From the beginning Barrett had a ambition, one she knew too well but thought she could never fulfil. Being from a council estate in the less finer area of Methley, Castleford, a small town not famously known, she lived with her parents who had a constant struggle for money. Barrett always aimed high and worked hard. She forever did as she was told, and grew in to an respectable, young lady. Being from a place where big dreams seemed impossible Judith never let it stop her, she never lost her determination. At the age of 16 Judith started her first job, working part time in a old market hall. All the money she earned, she saved, all so she could send herself to theatre school. It took 2 years before she could pay for her first few terms at a performing arts college, and she always had worries about how she would continue to pay. It took four years of hard work, and determination but she finally made it. Judith fast became a sensation in Hollywood and had discovered a life beyond a small town with nothing. Her years of hopes and dreams finally became a reality, where’s she’s now starred alongside the likes of Shirley Maclaine. Judith Barrett now has a wealth of experience to share with the world, alongside a lifestyle any young woman could only dream about. Who says you shouldn’t dream big?


Judith wears Vilshenko Blouse, £350, Whistles Trousers, £115, Jewellery, Judiths own,


Judith wears As before


Warning When I am an old woman, I shall wear purple. With a red hat which doesn’t go, and doesn’t suit me, And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves And satin sandals, and say we’ve no money for butter. I shall sit down on the pavement when I’m tired And gobble up samples in the shops and press alarm bells And runmy stick along the public railings And make up fot the sobriety of my youth. I shall go out in my slippers in the rain And pick up flowers in other people’s gardens And learn to spit. You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat And eat three pounds of sausage a go Or only a bread and pickle for a week And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes. But now we must have clothes that keep us dry And pay our rent and not swear in the street And set a good example for the children. We will have friends to dinner and read the papers. But maybe I ought to practice a little now? So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised When suddenly I am old and start to wear purple.

Jenny Joseph


Karen Walker


“Good things happen when you take yourself out of your safety zone.”

By Lauren Tate


In addition to the main womenswear line, the brand also includes Karen Walker Eyewear, Karen Walker Jewellery, Karen Walker Footwear, Karen Walker Homewear and Karen Walker Paints created for Resene. What’s more, the Karen Walker brand has teamed up in collaborations with several names including Benah, for bags, Beau Coops and BePositive, for footwear and most recently locked down a partnership with Uniqlo, to launch their debut childrenswear collection ‘KW2 By Karen Walker’. With the understanding of the high demand of the brand, Walker has also created a diffusion line ‘Hi there from Karen Walker Homewear’ available both in the US at Athropologie stores and in Australia at Myer stores.



A juxtapositional brand which has a wide range to offer, Karen Walker is a soaring success. The New Zealand born fashion designer, who is credited for originality in her collections, never fails to display her signature love for colour and print as part of New York Fashion Week.

There is a consistency throughout each collection, even from her first runway show in 1998, which portrays a combination of both masculinity and femininity, creating an essence of accessibility to all. Season by season, Walker manages to incorporate various pops of colour within her collections while at the same time keeping each piece subtle enough to be wearable. Her collections are alternative but not uncomfortable.

Miller. Her products are available for purchase in over 200 cities worldwide, covering 30 different countries, throughout stand alone shops, department stores and major leading e-commerce boutiques. The status of Karen Walker is constantly thriving. She has been included as one of 500 people and 118 designers who are currently defining 2013’s global fashion industry, in Business of Fashion’s BoF500. Further to this, the inclusion of Karen Walker in Phaidon’s ‘Sample’ book which presents the 100 most influential designers whom have successfully emerged in the past six years proves the need for the Karen Walker brand in the fashion industry.



Karen Walker has been named as one of New Zealand’s highest profile and most international design talents and in doing so, has gained a ample fan base of some of fashions most elite, including Alexa Chung, Florence Welch and Sienna


Slip It On By Lauren Tate

Its very seldom you come across a woman who is not obsessed with buying either shoes or bags. Both crucial items to set off any outfit and neither of which will end up being too big or too small. To some, they’re just a fixture of everyday life; to others, they’re a source of transformation in that life. Obsession or not, there’s no denying a new pair of shoes won’t instantly change a person’s mood, and what better mood to be in than that when you kick off your work shoes and unite your feet back with their best friend; your slippers. With simplistic detail, you can’t put a price on these royally embellished slipper-style shoes by Tory Burch. Well, you can at £240, but the aftermath, once your foot has found its way inside, is priceless. Confident yet comfortable; a heavenly combination that you now need look no further for.


Sloe Down Gin, the quintessential British drink. Linked with British culture, Gin is a universally enjoyed drink and as most of you know is drunk in a Gin and Tonic or a Martini. In nature, gin is a spirit with a leading flavour of juniper berries, which justify its tangy, crispness and refreshing characteristics. What many people don’t know is that each type of gin has a better-suited fruit to mix with. Many just cut up a lime or a lemon and think its citrus, that’s what’s meant to go with gin, but I tend to be a bit more experimental.A personal favourite is a blend of gin, tonic and a slice of cucumber. It makes the flavour refreshing, less harsh in essence and an easier, more relaxing mix to sip. For this use Hendricks, a duo of infusions: rose petal and cucumber.


anqueray & Tonic

With lemon it insinuates a more sweet floral flavour. If you prefer more bite to your drink – use a lime! It will also fashion a drier tipple and create a citrus oomph. If you’re feeling a bit more experimental, add pink grapefruit. This will intensify an invigorating lusciousness to the drink. Nothing about this fruit will over power the botanical character to the gin.

Gordon’s: the original When it comes to Gordon’s, you can’t go wrong. Famed as the ‘ginniest’ of gins it’s a classic flavour that everyone loves. Infused with corian der seeds, angelica r oot , liquorice, orris root and orange and lemon peel amongst



By Sacha Eckersley



120 botanicals; Gordon’s is in turn the best gin to experiment with. If you fancy an experiment but still like ‘your ways’ then try the G&Tea. Earl grey is a tea blend with a distinguished zest and aroma, originating from oil extracted from the rind of bergamot orange, a fragrant citrus fruit. This together with gin and a garnish of fresh twisted orange peel. Perfect.

Gordon’s, the special gin, is this year collaborating with Temperley London! Now if you’re a gin and fashion fanatic like me, this news will be the highlight of your week, maybe even your month.I’m welcoming Temperley to the gin world with open arms. Her ’10 green bottles’ concept brings a unique and vibrant outlook to the now reinvented classic Gordon’s brand.Each new label is a limited edition, including a signature allusion or design, which is inspired by Alice’s personal collection of vintage clothing, jewellery and her own British heritage.


Ref| www.gordons-gin.co.uk


Moroccan Medina


The exotic of the Middle East prompts clean design for a refreshed space for the home.

By Emily Nicholson

Replacing cosy for souk; Moroccan design is seen with traditional accessories, plush poufs and Arabesque accents. Rich colour is a focus against clean white walls and is counterbalanced with metallic, perforated detailing. Scalloped frames and mirrors are a typical Moroccan shape and a focal point for any room of the house; an alternative for just a hint of Moroccan. For authenticity, high ceilings accommodate for a grand interior of middle-eastern calm. With floating drapes or even layered, patterned curtains; a tall space can be transformed, making full use of its assets. Jacquard patterns fall down with crucial gold detailing, contrasted with deep, warming colour. The cold, foreign walls are a bare canvas for a façade ideal for intricate patterns, indulgently reminiscent of Moroccan tiles. Newly appointed head designer of Waltham Interiors, Jess Thompson extenuates this even further with patterned wall drapings. By redirecting this focus, the current styles we are used to, have been developed even further for a new Moroccan Medina. Accessible for a more commercial market, Thompson has not only introduced new styles but has redefined a disposable way of decorating. By taking a bursting trend such as ‘Moroccan’, cultural patterns are transformed into an eclectic style for a high end finish. The result isn’t permanent like wallpaper, but instead can be changed with every seasonal, top trend. Moroccan colour and pattern combinations are powerful enough to stand alone like a piece of art. Just as woven cushions or upholstery act as statement features of a room, wall hangings offer decorative layering; Moroccan is made cosy, but souk is still there.


The Sophisticate Photography by Amy Lidgett Model | Vivien Bridson Styling | The Rinkl Team


Vivien wears River Island Dress, ÂŁ45.99,


Vivien wears Dress as before


Vivien wears Dress as before


Vivien wears Topshop Boutique Top, ÂŁ85,


Vivien wears Top as before, Vilshenko Skirt, £640, Whistles Bag, £50, River Island Shoes, £59.99


Vivien wears Michael van der Ham Shirt, £475, Zara Trousers, £50, Whistles Belt, £45, Prada Bag, £1080, Zara Shoes, £69.99, Cos Bangle, £15


Vivien wears Topshop Suit, Jacket

£55, Trousers, £48 Whistles Cami, £45, Zara Shoes, £69.99,


Vivien wears T by Alexander Wang Vest, £76, Vintage Trousers, £48 Whistles Blazer, £70



UFO 103


Lasvit Lighting takes a new direction for 2013 with a collective of suspended shapes. Arik Levy designs cluster lighting with fixtures of elongated bottle inspired shapes while Plechac & Henry Wielgus reveal a crystal saucer collection, inspired by the Bolshi theatre of Moscow.

Arik Levy - Jar Designed to hang in groups of three or seven, Jar is a light fixture that concentrates on shape in relation to RGB colour. Contrasted against each other, the coloured glass is mixed for a projection most suitable for the home or even a bar. Released this summer, the price point is yet to be confirmed.


Jan Plechac & Henry Wielgus A favourite at this year’s Salone del Mobile in Milan, these fixtures take influence from the chandeliers of the Bolshi theatre, Moscow. Each hand blown, every piece is exquisitely shaped with an ulterior ‘unidentified object’ shape.





Couples that style together

stay together

By Lauren Tate Emily Nicholson

Photography | Sacha Eckersley | Models | Roger & Mary Goldthorpe | Stylist | Rinkl Team

Recently celebrating their fifty year anniversary, we talk to stylish couple Roger & Mary Goldthorpe and how their life in design is reflected through their personal style as a couple. Age is only a number and together the Goldthorpes prove that by both still being fashion aware. Roger, head of Goldthorpe Architects talks about his relationship with his wardrobe, work and wife, while fashonista and explorer of design, Mary goes through her evolution of style.

Roger wears Ermanno Screvino Suit Jacket, ÂŁ800, Ralph Lauren Shirt, ÂŁ85, Watch, Rogers own


Mary wears Cos Blazer £95, J Brand Trousers, £200, Whistles Cami, £45, Prada Sunglasses, £160, Aspinal of London Scarf, £79, Jewellery, Mary’s own





How old are you? Sixty-five How old do you feel? Although many people tell me to slow down and think about retiring, I can’t. My mind is still young, my work means I still think creatively and I feel just as young as the day I started, why would I want to stop that? So, your work is a big part of you and your style? Anyone working in a creative field will tell you that style is important. To me professionalism is stylish and a smart dresser makes a good impression, but the truth is I just haven’t changed my style since the sixties. I was a Teddyboy and I’ve just stuck with it and developed my own look. So do you see elements of the Teddyboy style within the younger generation? Of course and I like seeing a young fellow on the street dressing properly, instilling the British style, but I must admit, I like to steal ideas as well. I’ve recently got into wearing brightly coloured socks instead of black, something to mix up the outfit and make me stand out from the crowd. What does Mary think of your dress sense? I think being together so long, Mary just sees it as me. Some might see us as dressing younger for our age but we are so mutual with our style that we just get it. Mary always asks me what looks good and I won’t shy away from the truth like most men, I’ll tell her when something works or doesn’t and she appreciates it. Do you and Mary shop together? On the odd occasion but I don’t have the patience for it. I like to grab something I’ve seen in the window passing to work although Mary is good at finding one-offs at charity and vintage shops and secretly these are my favourite items. I like when she surprises me and I can incorporate them into outfits I already have to create a new look. Do you dress the same out of work? Mostly, perhaps at the weekend I’ll choose to wear a leather jacket instead of a suit or a tweed two-piece when we drive to a country pub but I like slim fit and buttoned up shirts, business or pleasure. Do you have any friends with a similar style? Yes, being in the business I am in I have a built up a wide clientele met some interesting, outgoing people, some of which have become true life friends for myself and Mary. My male friends dress smartly and you can tell they still want to take care of themselves but some of my female work colleagues and clients will go one step further. Brightly coloured thick rimmed glasses, chunky expressive jewellery and layered clashing colours are styles I’m used to seeing on a day to day basis. When you retire from work, will you be retiring from your wardrobe? NEVER! I don’t think you will ever see me in braces and a beige anorak. I’ve come this far so I don’t intend to just stop my style. It makes me who I am and I like that once I have retired, although I may be dressing more casual, I will still have my style that was a big part of my work, something to keep once I have to let work go.

How old are you? Sixty-five, just eight days younger than Rogi. How old do you feel? I feel more like I am in my 40’s. I once read somewhere that the trick is growing up without growing old, and I have stuck by that. I believe that many people, as they get older, tend to give up on the quality of their lives because they begin to question the point of it all. I prefer to acknowledge getting older as a new form of expression; a time to explore into a new realm. So you’re still taking on new ventures, despite your age? Most definitely. It doesn’t have to be drastic but the idea of something new excites me. I think that’s why my life took its route in the creative industry. Would you say that excitement comes across in your personal style? I’d like to think so. I’m always mixing different prints and textures to create a look that’s personal to me. I mostly shop in charity and vintage stores as I feel like these items have a story behind them. Generally, retail stores do not sell anything of particular interest to me. Don’t get me wrong, some of the clothes are not bad to look at, but with charity shop finds, I can buy something that I know will have been styled in a different way to how | will be styling it and that’s what excites me. The price isn’t too bad either! Do you think of your hair as a way to express yourself also? (She takes a quick glance at herself in the mirror opposite, as if to understand the question). Oh, because it’s purple you mean? I suppose it is. It’s been this colour for years now. When I was about 24 I decided to start experimenting with the style and colour of my hair, as the variety in charity shops came to a bit of a standstill. I came across this colour after a few disastrous looks and have stuck with it ever since. I think it suits my skin tone. Not to sound vain but I get quite a few compliments about it! I get the impression you don’t care about what others think of how you style yourself then? Not really. I do take into consideration the opinions of others, particularly Roger’s or my daughter Charlotte’s, but the majority of the time if I like it then what does it matter if everyone else doesn’t? That’s a great trait to have; too many people are doubtful of themselves. What would you say to these people to help them overcome it? I would tell them that you only get one life. I would rather feel regret for the things that I have done over things that I chose not to. In life, you learn through experience and by taking chances, otherwise you’re stuck in a rut and end up never being able to get out of that routine. So, would you say your life is routine-free? Pretty much. I like to keep busy and tend to get bored if I stay in one place or spend too much time doing the same thing. As a painter, I like to draw inspiration from my travels, whether that be going to different cities or even going on a walk to a nearby café. As the tape recorders are turned off and the couple is reunited, embraced by a loving glance to one another, it becomes even more apparent that in the past fifty years neither love nor respect has diminished. It’s true what they say, a couple that styles together, stays together. 119



Both wear clothes as before, Roger wears Levis Jeans, ÂŁ90

As the tape recorders are turned off and the couple is reunited, embraced by a loving glance to one another, it becomes even more apparent that in the past fifty years neither love nor respect has diminished. It’s true what they say, a couple that styles together, stays together.


Layer by Layer... Steal the spotlight in a statement scarf and make this transitional accessory one of your wardrobe staples.

All Proenza Schouler By Lauren Tate


Baking makes perfect By Jade Lisle

Always a simplistic, yet favourite choice. Add some flavour in your hectic life. Shopping trips, Day outs, Fashion shows: Add baking in to your mix of daily activities and you’ve got the perfect lifestyle. Baking may seem like an old fashioned, domestic trait but with modernised methods, eye catching essentials and utterly butterly love, baking is fast become a more popular past time. In the past, women were subjected to a certain role. They were looked at to do the cooking, to do the baking, as if it was their duty. Was this enjoyable to these particular women? A reliable source who grew up in her early twenties in the 1960’s society, Mrs Judith Siddall came to light with the certainty.

Practice is key within baking as many women years ago and in todays society both believe. These typical women have learnt from over the years, from their mother, which will similarly follow on the trend to their own daughters. It is an essential in most cases for women to be able to bake, so they can pass down the skills. Baking then and now makes women feel more powerful and in some cases, needed. Young girls and ladies are now finding themselves being introduced to the ‘woman’s place of cooking’ enjoying mother daughter quality time together. It is an enjoyable task many would agree and shouldn’t be so stereotypical. Baking is not past its time or out of date, it is becoming more popular, with the older generation and now more with the younger generation; it is becoming part of a trend. Why not bake something nice for your other half, once you have done your shopping, or once you have had a busy day being at the office? A way to a mans heart is food. Listen women. Twenty one year old miss Katy Bird stated her mother never let her bake with her when she was a youngster as she was too busy with work or struggling with the children. Now, her and her mother enjoy quality time with each other whilst baking, it calms her stress levels and she believes it is very therapeutic. Cook inspired and baking lover Sophie Land will show you the right way to perfect the ideal cupcake (Just incase you never got taught as a child). Sophie Larrissa explains why she has a real passion for baking, just like pretty much most of the women’s population. Right? “My mother used to bake with me and my sister every Saturday and occasional Wednesdays, it was a huge tradition with all three of us. This is where my need for baking began and the main reason behind how I have gained a successful career in the industry”.



“Yes it isn’t fabulous having a label on us women, being labeled to have to do these feminine activities, which sometimes was not the case. I enjoyed learning to bake and being taught how to cook for myself. It was quite fulfilling to get myself in the kitchen, be the woman of the house, create new recipes and try become the best cook possible. Practice makes perfect. It does not phase me by these labels what are added to domestic women, baking was and still is a passionate and delicate activity to create”.


A ....................................................................... Aspinal of London ................................... .com Alexander Wang ...................................... .com B ....................................................................... ByWarner .........…................................... .co.uk C ....................................................................... Carrera ....…..................... carreraworld.com/gb Cos ........................................... cosstores.com D ....................................................................... Dolce & Gabanna ..................................... .com E ....................................................................... Ermanno Scervino ....…................................. .it F ....................................................................... G ...................................................................... H ....................................................................... I ........................................................................ J ....................................................................... J Brand ................................... jbrandjeans.com K ....................................................................... Karen Walker ..…...................................... .com L ..................................................................... Levis ........................................................ .com M ...................................................................... Michael van der Ham .......... harveynichols.com N ....................................................................... O ...................................................................... P ....................................................................... Paul Smith …........................................... .co.uk Prada ....................................................... .com Proenza Schouler ….................................. .com Puteri Cahaya ................................................... Q ...................................................................... R ....................................................................... Ralph Lauren .......................................... .co.uk Reiss …..................................................... .com River Island …........................................... .com S ....................................................................... Scotweb .................................................. .co.uk Sergio Rossi ….................................... .com/uk T ....................................................................... Thomas Pink ............................................. .com Topshop ................................................... .com Tory Burch ….......................................... .co.uk U ....................................................................... V ....................................................................... Vilshenko …............................................... com Vivienne Westwood ….............................. co.uk W ...................................................................... Whistles ….............................................. .co.uk X ....................................................................... Y ....................................................................... Z ....................................................................... Zara …................................................ .com/uk

“Discipline” I am old and I have had more than my share of good and bad. I’ve had love and sorrow, seen sudden death and been left alone and of love bereft. I thought I would never love again and I thought my life was grief and pain. The edge between life and death was thin, but then I discovered discipline. I learned to smile when I felt sad, I learned to take the good and the bad, I learned to care a great deal more for the world about me than before. I began to forget the “Me” and “I” and joined in life as it rolled by: this may not mean sheer ecstasy but is better by far than “I” and “Me.”


Meryl Gordon

Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.

Mark Twain

What Once Was by Emily Nicholson Sylvia Saville was once an acknowledged artist; a creative mind that was extraordinary for her time. Now, she lives in Huddersfield, a place that doesn’t accommodate her past successes.

underpaid home painting and decorating job. For years she had been able to express herself, vent her creativity. Now she had to follow guidelines and what other people wanted for their home.

I look at the face of a woman with tired eyes and wrinkled skin. Without even talking to Sylvia, her face is one of hard work and an interesting past, and prompts me to ask about a life I couldn’t have imagined. At eighty-six years old, this woman has succumbed to the ‘typical’ lifestyle forced by her age, a life totally different to the one she was heading to in her heyday.

Returning back to her home town of Mirfield, on the outskirts of Huddersfield, her past life was soon just a memory. Distant friends no longer around, she grows old alone with only her pictures in her home as a reminder. Her art was her life, her family but now she is a nobody. With only stories to tell, I see the passion; her eyes focus on me for the first time. Times change along with tastes but Sylvia couldn’t accommodate these changes. Her age stifled her talents, and it is with this that Sylvia gave up.

Once an outgoing, rule breaking artist, Sylvia set the standard for abstract painting and expressive art. Thriving from the energy of London, her art was unique for her time but of course, times change. Soon, a dated and old fashioned style became lost. Sylvia became unknown and reluctantly she was forced to demean her talents to an

With a but still of her, I hope

lovely smile she appreciates my interest, I see sadness. Age has gotten the better but decades on Sylvia has a new fan. she remembers this and smiles again.

Photography | Sacha Eckersley | Model | Silvia Saville



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