Current Situation in Sri Lanka Background Adolescents account for the 3.7 million (19.7%) of Sri Lankan population and more than 91.4 % adolescents complete primary education, 56.2 % receive an education beyond secondary level (Central Bank of Sri Lanka 1999). This contributes to a considerably longer period of dependence on parents and for many, dependence extends beyond adolescence in to youth. On the other hand today’s adolescents have more opportunities to become better informed through a wide variety of communication systems available to them as well as through improved educational opportunities. This leads to high levels of aspirations, different attitudes and value systems. Yet, very few have adequate resources necessary to fulfil these aspirations and to materialize their attitudes and values. The majority has to be dependent on parents for their financial requirements, where some of the parents may not agree with adolescents’ views. In this context, the parent-adolescent relationship becomes an important factor that influences the physical and mental wellbeing of adolescents.
Sexuality The median age at marriage among SriLankan women has been on the increase over the years (1963: 22.1yrs; 2002: 24.6 yrs) (DCS, 2002). As a result, a large number of young people at the peak of their sexuality spend a long period of time out of marriage. Some of them tend to engage in premarital sexual activities exposing themselves to the health and social risks of pregnancy and STDs.
Sexual Behaviour
Rural Sinhalese homes are usually made with sun-baked brick, with tile or hay for the roofing and mostly comprises of an open area that extends into a garden where manioc, banana, coconut, and vegetables are grown. In rural areas, footpaths, cultivation fields, scrub lands, rivers, reservoirs, irrigation channels, forest lands and garden compounds are places where children meet, work and play. Rural children and adolescents have plenty Common adolescent issues include; problems related to of opportunities to meet and play away from the watchful, prying reproductive and sexual health, accidents, and problems related Adolescents who engage in sexual activity outside of marriage eyes of parents or other adults because most villages (except for to mental health (United Nations Family Planning Association face social stigma, family conflict, problems with school and the those created through development projects) are comprised of 1997). Life styles and life skills are considered to be closely associated with many of these problems and have a tremendous potential need for unsafe abortion. Pregnancy, that occurs before dense and overlapping networks of relatives and children tend adolescents are fully developed, can also pose significant risks to have great license to roam. Adolescent children are watched impact on the wellbeing of adolescents. to infants, including birth injuries, lower birth weight and a lower over by parents or guardians, but they are frequently given work, chance of infant survival. such as taking the goats or cattle to grazing lands, guarding the paddy fields from birds and other predators, or fetching water